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低碳美学下的新桃源憧憬和中国实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俞孔坚 《绿叶》2010,(8):42-47
中国的城市设计。景观和建筑艺术在“小脚美学”的指导下,塑造出了令人啼笑皆非的所谓风格.也让我们的建筑和城市艺术终于迷失了方向。我们的城市设计、景观和建筑需要走向新美学——大脚的美学,追求健康的生态过程之美、丰产之美。这种新田园城市是生态文明的标志.不是乌托邦.而是新美学下的生存艺术。  相似文献   

欧阳江河 《绿叶》2008,(7):11-17
中国小传统的特点是知识分子、市民百姓都有一定艺术修养。中国古代书法往往反映时代的精神,晋朝尚韵,唐朝尚法,宋朝尚意。由于多种书法资源的滋养,中国现代书法呈现尚趣的风格。现代书法既是创作方式,又是生活方式,同时也是体验消费时代精神、体验无限创造力的方式。书法市场是把双刃剑,过于市场化,书法的道和禅宗的意义将会瓦解。随着零书写时代的到来,人类从不会写字到拥有丰富的书法艺术的过程也将结束。  相似文献   

左煜烇 《绿叶》2012,(1):101-107
环境危机已经成为中国不能承受之重,并且早已燃起了中间阶级的无明业火。然而,各种偏执、激动和极端的批判无助于问题的解决,对传统或西方的生态景观的浪漫想象亦不能代替理性的分析。也正因如此,对于环境问题的著作,我更喜欢阅读社会科学风格的著作,而对各种所谓悲天悯人的诗人式随想一向敬而远之。  相似文献   

正传统乡村文化是中华传统文化的重要组成部分,在当前中国工业化和城市化进程中,乡村文化正逐渐消失。本文以中小学为平台,进行了顶层设计及创新应用中国乡村记忆特色的研究。当前,我国关于乡村记忆实施比较多的是传统村落的保护、旅游项目的开发、档案馆与民俗博物馆的建设、民俗文化与工艺传承人的认定等,这些研究多侧重于文艺小说与散文的创作、乡村记忆个案的研究与分析等,主要是从物质、文学层面展开实施与研究。如何通过影响国人尤其是我们后代人的教育开展乡村记忆建设,目前的研  相似文献   

蔡竞 《四川环境》2002,21(2):86-88
本文简述了中国传统文化尤其是古代哲学中有关可持续发展的朴素思想和治国主张,并指出其共同构成了人类可持续发展思想与战略的理论体系。同时,简要说明了中国古代可持续发展思想对推进我国区域可持续发展尤其是城市化进程的三方面重要启示。  相似文献   

丁静 《环境教育》2008,(10):45-45
菊花,别名菊华、秋菊、九华、黄花、帝女花等,是中国传统名花。菊,亦作“鞠”,以身姿为低头鞠躬之式,故有此名。因开花于秋季,故又称“秋菊”。  相似文献   

中国传统文化的生态观,是古代人们处理人与自然关系的基本态度与理性思考,是传统文化丰富内容中的重要组成部分。1.自然本体意识。中国传统文化在审视思考人与自然关系时,给予自然以十分重要的地位。以至将其作为人与自然关系的本体。因而,自然界存在及其规律的客观性相对于人类的能动性要重要得多。2.生态伦理意识。从自然生态的本体意识出发,很容易萌生出对自然界及其存在的爱惜观念。儒道两家都从不同角度论证了自然界及其存在的价值意义,对人类活动做出了道德限定。从这个意义上说,这种生态伦理意识可称得上最早的生态伦理学。…  相似文献   

一个城市的景观风格是该城市有形和无形环境的综合体现,是城市自然空间环境、城市文化内涵、民风民俗、建筑、古迹等城市构成要素的总和。从旅游发展的角度,通过对青神县城优越的地理区位、优美的山水城市空间环境、独特深厚的文化底蕴等优势条件的分析,提出其县城景观风格定位为“山水园林城市”的设想,并围绕突出“山、水、城、文化”等城市特色景观构成要素提出开发策略。  相似文献   

<正>本文从三级课程视角,提炼出生态文明教育在基础教育国家课程、地方课程和校本课程中的课程状态,展望生态文明教育在中国基础教育阶段课程中未来生长空间。生态文明是我党和中国人民在马克思主义生态学理念、中国传统文化和国外生态研究基础上长期探索的智慧结晶[1]。在中国,  相似文献   

公司简介 中国电子系统工程第三建设公司是新中国成立后从事国家重点工程建设很早的施工队伍,现隶属于信息产业部中国电子系统工程总公司。公司集设计、设备制造、建筑安装为一体,是国家一级资质的施工企业。一九九九年公司通过了ISO9002:1994质量管理体系认证。  相似文献   

吴林彦  李坚  朱繁 《四川环境》2012,(5):134-136
我国城市生活垃圾处理塑料分选技术尚处于起步阶段,设备分选效率低是目前影响该技术应用的核心问题.另外能耗偏大也是影响其广泛应用的重要原因。本文以流体力学基本原理为基础,将传统直筒立式风选设备改为折线形,应用流体模拟软件FLUENT对其结构进行了模拟优化设计。  相似文献   

论城市创新的生态思维--推动城市可持续发展的新思维   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城市化是人类生产和生活方式转型的必然结果,由于城市建设过程中依照的是传统思维模式,导致各大城市均不同程度存在一定的城市病。因此要加强可持续发展生态思维的观念,以期推动我国城市生态化与可持续城市建设工作的开展。  相似文献   

Economic and financial aspects of mine closure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Today, mine reclamation is a key component to a successful mine plan. Most of the industrialized nations have recognized the need to make mining activities relatively environmentally friendly, if they want to continue to benefit from the economic gains from mineral resource development. Countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and South Africa are leaders in the field and have implemented relatively sophisticated legislation to ensure environmentally correct mine closure. These countries rely on a combination of strict control strategies and economic penalties to ensure compliance. Yet, from the firm's perspective, reclamation activities are counterproductive as they cut into profits. In order to attract economic development and earn much needed economic capital, most of the rest of the world, particularly the developing countries, lack effective mine closure legislation. The traditional command and control type of legislation that is sometimes used is either vague and therefore avoided, or not enforced appropriately, resulting in an undesirable level of environmental degradation. With the use of case studies from Brazil, this article shows that direct controls are effective in some instances and not in others. It proposes that economic and financial tools may be more effective than the traditional direct controls in getting firms to comply with environmental standards, particularly in developing countries where environmental compliance is more difficult to achieve. It explains the use of performance bonding as one type of economic incentive that has proven to be an effective environmental policy in mine planning and closure. The authors additionally push beyond the typical style of performance bonds to introduce a flexible bonding and insurance system that allows governments to maintain strict environmental standards but limits firms financial exposure during the mining process. Such a system learns from the successes of the industrialized countries that use performance bonding and is sensitive to the needs of developing nations to attract investment yet maintain environmental integrity.  相似文献   

The sustainability implications of bioenergy development strategies are large and complex. Unlike conventional agriculture, bioenergy production provides an opportunity to design systems for improving eco-environmental services. Different places have different goals and solutions for bioenergy development, but they all should adhere to the sustainability requirements of the environment, economy, and society. This article serves as a brief overview of China’s bioenergy development and as an introduction to this special issue on the impacts of bioenergy development in China. The eleven articles in this special issue present a range of perspectives and scenario analyses on bioenergy production and its impacts as well as potential barriers to its development. Five general themes are covered: status and goals, biomass resources, energy plants, environmental impacts, and economic and social impacts. The potential for bioenergy production in China is huge, particularly in the central north and northwest. China plans to develop a bioenergy capacity of 30GW by 2020. However, realization of this goal will require breakthroughs in bioenergy landscape design, energy plant biotechnology, legislation, incentive policy, and conversion facilities. Our analyses suggest that (1) the linkage between bioenergy, environment, and economy are often circular rather than linear in nature; (2) sustainability is a core concept in bioenergy design and the ultimate goal of bioenergy development; and (3) each bioenergy development scheme must be region-specific and designed to solve local environmental and agricultural problems.  相似文献   

Traditional water harvesting systems are multi-functional in nature and provide a variety of ecosystem services that contribute to the overall wellbeing of local people. This study aims to identify and analyze the factors influencing the variations in the level of awareness across households residing around three selected traditional water bodies in the Indian state of West Bengal. Ordinary least square (OLS) regression models have been used to identify and analyze the determinants of household perception on ecosystem services from tank water bodies. Results show that while a majority of households have strong perceptions on the provisioning and cultural ecosystem services of the tanks, the household perceptions on regulating and supporting services of the tank is found to be relatively weak. Households belonging to lower caste and poor are likely to be more dependent on ecosystem services from tanks than upper caste and rich households, and hence they have better perceptions of provisioning ecosystem services. Households’ awareness about provisioning ecosystem services is negatively related to their level of education and wealth. It is observed that household awareness about regulating and supporting ecosystem services is positively associated with the level of education of the households, ownership of tube well and private tanks. While it is essential to consider household perception on all the ecosystem services for sustainable use and management of traditional water harvesting systems, incorporating the local norms, customs and preferences in policy design are critical for achieving effective conservation outcomes.  相似文献   

Silicon carbide (SiC) heating elements (siliconits) are widely used at high-temperature fields. The raw materials, manufacture process and application fields of siliconits are all related to heavy energy consumption and pollutions, and bring high environmental loads. The resources consumption and pollution emissions in siliconit manufacture process were quantificationally estimated by input/output method. Difference between two traditional techniques to produce siliconits in China was also compared and analyzed. The results show that siliconit manufacture processes consume large quantities of resources because the furnace is open to environment and too much thermal-protection materials are used. For the thick-end technique is more complicated and the thick-end siliconits have a bigger size and mass, there are more resources and energy consumptions and pollution emissions for thick-end process than that for equal-diameter process. Some suggestions were introduced to improve the traditional techniques and a new process was designed. It is the most important that the open furnace should be replaced by close vacuum furnace. Sintering and siliconizing process can be combined into one high-temperature process. As results of process simplification and vacuum sintering, resources and energy consumption and wastes emission can be decreased remarkably.  相似文献   

随着农民的生活质量水平的日益显著提高,农村公共环境质量问题也引起了全社会普遍关注,但是农村传统的生产生活方式和落后的环保基础设施,导致农村环境形势仍然十分严峻。本文介绍了我国的农村环境保护政策法规和成都市乡镇环境保护机构建设现状,剖析了其存在的主要问题,最后提出了乡镇环保机构模式、运行机制和相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines changes in the provision of water services, and in particular drinking water supply, in two Member States of the European Union, Britain England and Wales and France, by considering the impact of the twin processes of water service privatization and the Europeanization of environmental regulatory regimes. The paper demonstrates that in two nations with very different water service traditions, the articulation of these processes has led to profound shifts not only in management style but also in the perception of drinking water supply as a service to consumers. The British and French models are compared as are their responses to these twin processes. It is argued that while the British model has proved more responsive to the exigencies of European Union environmentalstandards,this has been at the expense of public confidence. In France, the existence of a well established traditional management style is, potentially, under greater long term threat from the growth of private water companies and the increasing importance of European legislation.  相似文献   

生态校园建设现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态校园建设的类型主要有:景观园林设计型、生态技术型、教育管理型.通过在校园内建立生态环境体系,使校园内有限的资源得到循环、合理、科学的使用,提高学校生态环境质量.  相似文献   

This research examined differences between the features of ‘high’ and ‘popular’ style residential architecture and between responses to those styles by architects and non-architects. Forty slides (20 of each style) were scored in terms of physical properties. They were also rated by 20 architects and 20 non-architects. The research identified distinct physical features of each style. ‘High’ style residential architecture had fewer materials, more concrete, simpler forms, more white, and off-center entrances. They were judged as more complex, novel, and exciting. ‘Popular’ style residential architecture was characterized by use of more building materials, horizontal orientation, hip roofs, framed windows, centered entrances, and warm colors. Architects and non-architects differed in how they characterized and evaluated the two kinds of buildings, Architects rated the ‘high’ buildings as more clear, coherent pleasant, relaxing, and meaningful. Models of preference revealed that both groups favored novelty and coherence (or clarity), but the non-architects favored simplicity and ‘popular’ attributes, while the architects favored complexity and ‘high’ attributes.  相似文献   

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