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采用生物行为传感器获取青鳉鱼的行为数据时,青鳉鱼个体差异会导致采集到的原始电信号在时空特性下完全不同。重要的行为特征往往被隐藏在原始信号中,传统的信号处理方法无法实时而有效地提取到这些特征。针对这个问题,观察并记录了暴露实验前后青鳉鱼的行为变化,提出了一种可以高效表征行为特征的直方图统计算法。实验结果表明,该方法能够准确对应人眼观测到的暴露实验前后鱼的行为变化趋势,同时也为后续异常行为识别提供一定的支持和参考。  相似文献   

本研究采用生物行为传感器监测青鳉鱼重金属铜暴露下的行为数据,分析不同暴露浓度(20、10、5、1和0.1 TU)下青鳉鱼的行为响应。20、10、5、1和0.1 TU的暴露浓度下青鳉鱼对重金属污染的行为反应模式符合环境胁迫阈值模型,且不同浓度梯度重金属对青鳉鱼产生不同的行为毒性效应。通过本研究,利用重金属作用下青鳉鱼的行为变化来研究重金属环境胁迫导致的生物行为响应机制,从而得到重金属暴露下生物行为的实时变化过程和趋势,可对水环境生态系统质量进行综合评价。  相似文献   

氰戊菊酯和氯化镉暴露下日本青鳉的行为反应差异   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以天然河流中的日本青鳉(Oryzias latipes)行为变化规律为基础,采用水质安全在线生物预警系统(BEWs-1.1)对氰戊菊酯和氯化镉暴露下日本青鳉的行为反应进行了探讨.结果表明:1)在源水中,日本青鳉行为反应具有明显规律性,并表现出生物钟现象;2)氰戊菊酯和氯化镉连续暴露和间断暴露中,日本青鳉行为反应与污染物浓度和暴露时间均直接相关,并表现出相似的行为变化规律性,行为变化均符合生物行为的环境胁迫阈模型;3)高浓度(10mg·L-1)氯化镉间断暴露下的日本青鳉行为强度变化与低浓度(2mg·L-1)连续暴露下的行为强度变化差别不明显,而高浓度(10mg·L-1)氰戊菊酯间断暴露下的日本青鳉行为强度变化与低浓度(2mg·L-1)连续暴露时具有明显差异,高浓度暴露时产生了明显的行为毒性效应;4)器官损伤性污染物(如镉)引起的行为毒性效应在重新加入源水后可以得到部分恢复,而神经损伤性污染物(如氰戊菊酯)不可恢复,污染物不同的作用机理会影响水生生物的行为反应.  相似文献   

为了解水体铜(Cu(Ⅱ))在日本青鳉(Oryzias latipes)脑、鳃、肝脏、性腺和肌肉组织中的累积特征,以及Cu(Ⅱ)对肝脏组织结构的影响,本文采用生态学单因子梯度实验,进行20 d的日本青鳉毒性暴露试验。结果显示,日本青鳉各个组织对Cu(Ⅱ)的累积量随着浓度的升高而增多,但不同组织对Cu(Ⅱ)的累积量有较大的差异,铜累积量由大到小依次为:肝脏脑鳃性腺肌肉。铜暴露后的日本青鳉肝细胞出现肿大、大小不一、排列混乱,静脉扩张淤血,部分肝细胞固缩和坏疽等现象。肝脏是日本青鳉蓄积铜的主要器官之一,实验发现高浓度的Cu(Ⅱ)对肝脏组织结构造成了明显的损伤,进而严重影响日本青鳉的存活率。  相似文献   

采用生物行为传感器监测青鳉鱼在重金属铜暴露下的行为数据,分析不同暴露浓度(20、10、5、1和0.1 TU)下青鳉鱼的行为响应。20、10、5、1和0.1 TU的暴露浓度下青鳉鱼对重金属污染的行为反应模式符合环境胁迫阈值模型,且不同浓度梯度重金属对青鳉鱼产生不同的行为毒性效应。利用重金属作用下青鳉鱼的行为变化来研究重金属环境胁迫导致的生物行为响应机制,从而得到重金属暴露下生物行为的实时变化过程和趋势,可对水环境生态系统质量进行综合评价。  相似文献   

溶解性有机碳的主要组成对青鳉鱼铜急性毒性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为揭示溶解性有机碳(DOC)的组成对生物配体模型(BLM)预测铜的生物毒性准确性的影响,研究了不同浓度黄腐酸(FA)、腐殖酸(HA)和两者不同浓度比例混合物影响铜对青鳉急性毒性。结果表明:在相同水质条件下,黄腐酸或腐殖酸浓度增加时,铜对青鳉的LC50均增加;两者共存时,当腐殖酸质量百分比从10%增至90%时,铜对青鳉的LC50也增加。当天然水中DOC的组成不确定时,可假设HA和FA的组成比例为1∶1,此时BLM预测铜对青鳉的LC50的偏差最小。  相似文献   

染织排水对日本青鳉幼鱼和胚胎的毒性效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用日本青鳉幼鱼及胚胎暴露评估染织排水的毒性效应.4个测试水样采自染织工厂排水口.96 h急性毒性试验表明:1和2号水样对幼鱼急性毒性效应不明显,3和4号水样对幼鱼具有急性毒性效应,毒性单位分别为0.47、0.53、9.93和1.68TUa,1和2号水样为微毒,3号水样为中毒,4号水样为低毒.14 d胚胎幼鱼慢性毒性试...  相似文献   

物理化学方法对镉的监测忽略了其生物可利用性,生物监测可以有效地弥补这种不足。本研究测试了日本青鳉(Ory-zias latipes)胚胎和卵黄期仔鱼对镉的敏感性。结果表明:日本青鳉胚胎和卵黄期仔鱼的蛋白含量对镉表现出较高的敏感性,卵黄期仔鱼的蛋白含量在4μg·L-1的氯化镉暴露后就出现显著降低;氯化镉对卵黄期仔鱼脊柱畸形的EC50低于国家地表水环境质量标准规定的Ⅱ类水标准;脊柱畸形率与镉浓度之间存在的线性关系,可为定量监测镉污染提供理论依据;脊柱畸形可以在48h之内被4μg·L-1的氯化镉极显著地诱导,因此这种潜在的生物监测模型很有希望应用到水环境污染的快速预警中。通过对国内主要水体中镉污染水平的分析发现,卵黄期仔鱼的蛋白含量变化和脊柱畸形率对部分水体的镉污染可以实现生物监测。因此,利用日本青鳉胚胎和卵黄期仔鱼对低水平镉污染的高度敏感性,能够建立起1种简易廉价并且有效的水环境中低水平镉污染的生物监测模型。  相似文献   

鱼类金属硫蛋白(metallothionein,MT)mRNA作为生物标志物已越来越多地应用到水环境重金属污染的监测中,然而重金属胁迫下鱼类MT mRNA表达是否具有性别差异性特征目前尚无相关报道。以海洋模式鱼类—黑点青鳉(Oryzias melastigma)为实验鱼类,首次克隆了其MT基因全长c DNA序列,分析了黑点青鳉MT基因和氨基酸序列特征,然后进一步研究了水体中镉暴露后雌、雄性黑点青鳉肝脏中MT mRNA表达的差异性。结果显示,黑点青鳉MT基因c DNA全长为385 bp,编码60个氨基酸,预测编码的多肽分子量为5 990 Da,含有脊椎动物MT基因特征性序列结构cys-x-cys、cys-x-x-cys和cys-x-cys-cys。镉胁迫下雌、雄性黑点青鳉肝脏MT mRNA表达结果显示,在0.8,4.0和8.0μg·L-1环境浓度的镉暴露1~7 d条件下,与对照组相比,雄性黑点青鳉在所有的不同暴露浓度和不同暴露时间的实验组中肝脏MT mRNA几乎均被显著性诱导表达;而雌性黑点青鳉只在较高暴露浓度和较长暴露时间的实验组中才被显著性诱导表达,并且MT mRNA的表达水平比雄性低得多。上述研究结果表明,在相同的镉胁迫条件下,雄性黑点青鳉肝脏MT mRNA的表达比雌性更敏感;以黑点青鳉MT mRNA作为生物标志物监测海洋环境重金属污染生物效应状况时,应选择更敏感的雄性黑点青鳉作为监测鱼类。利用生物标志物监测水环境污染物生物效应时,监测动物的性别差异是一个应当考虑的重要因素。  相似文献   

饮用水生产中投加高锰酸钾可能引起高锰酸钾及其副产物二价锰的毒性效应.利用日本青鳉的胚胎-幼鱼发育阶段评价了以高锰酸钾为预氧化剂的饮用水生产工艺安全性.结果表明,高锰酸钾对日本青鳉的LC50-96h为1.48mg·L-1.慢性暴露中,对孵化时间影响的最低可观察效应浓度(LOEC30d)为0.1mg·L-1;暴露于0.4mg·L-1的高锰酸钾对30d后日本青鳉的体长、体重、累计死亡率均有显著影响,但对孵化率率无显著影响.氯化锰(Mn2+)对日本青鳉的LC50-96h为550mg·L-1,对体重影响的LOEC30d为3.2mg·L-1.当高锰酸钾的使用浓度在0.5~1.5mg·L-1之间,其在滤后水中的高锰酸钾残余浓度低于检出限,而降解中间体产物Mn2+浓度小于0.5mg·L-1,均低于本文报道的LOECs数值.  相似文献   

研究了氯化镉、灭多威和硝基苯对孵化以后7d左右日本青鳉(Oryzias latipes)行为毒性。结果表明,在不同污染物中,随暴露浓度的增加,第1尾日本青鳉产生行为抑制的时间逐渐缩短,并且半数行为抑制时间(time ofhalf behavior inhibition,THBI,Y)随暴露浓度(X)呈现幂指数关系Y=aXb,其中20相似文献   

Summary. The Na+, K+-ATPase of the Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is insensitive to the inhibition by cardiac glycosides due to an amino acid replacement: histidine instead of asparagine at position 122 of the α-subunit representing the ouabain binding site. By PCR amplification of the DNA sequence of this site, a PCR product of 270 bp was obtained from DNA extracted from Danainae species (Danaus plexippus, D. chrysippus, D. gillipus, D. philene, D. genutia, Tirumala hamata, Euploea spp., Parantica weiskei, P. melusine), Sphingidae (Daphnis nerii) and mimics of milkweed butterflies (Hypolimnas missipus, Limenitis archippus and L. arthemis, Nymphalidae). Analysis of the nucleotide sequences revealed that the single point mutation in the ouabain binding domain (AAC-Asn for CAC-His) was present only in Danaus plexippus, but not in the other species investigated. Since these milkweed butterflies also store cardenolides, other structural modifications of the Na+, K+-ATPase may have occurred or other strategies of cardenolide tolerance have been developed. Received 15 May 2000; accepted 29 June 2000  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA), the plastic monomer and plasticizer with well-known endocrine-disrupting chemical properties, is widely present in the aquatic environment, but little is known regarding hepatic toxicity in fish. This study assessed the effects of chronic exposure to BPA on the antioxidant defense system of Japanese medaka liver. Fish were exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of BPA (0.1, 1, 10, 100, or 1000?µg?L?1) for 60 days. Antioxidant parameters were determined and compared with controls. The results showed that the activities of catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase, and the content of reduced glutathione were all induced at 10?µg?L?1 BPA after 60 days. Further, hepatic CAT was sensitive to BPA at 1?µg?L?1 concentration. In conclusion, CAT may serve as a potential early biomarker of BPA exposure in aquatic environment.  相似文献   

Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) has been widely used for the evaluation of the toxicity of endocrine active chemicals (EACs) and other chemicals as well as for monitoring the adverse effects of effluent discharges in relation to sexual development and function. It is useful for these evaluations for many reasons including the following: 1) it has a short life cycle facilitating studies extending over long phases of development and over multigenerations, 2) it is easy to rear, 3) male and female phenotypes can easily be distinguished on the basis of secondary sex characteristics, and 4) a genetic marker (DMY) is available for identifying the true genotypic sex. Several biomarkers have been found to be useful for identifying the effects of exposure to estrogenic and androgenic chemicals in medaka and they include increased levels of hepatic vitellogenin (VTG) and testis-ova induction in males for exposure to estrogenic chemicals, and decreased levels of hepatic VTG in females and an altered morphology of dorsal and anal fins and formation of papillae for androgenic chemicals. In this paper, we present a critical analysis of the use of medaka as a test species for studies of endocrine disruption and report on the use of sex-related genetic markers and alterations in gonadal development, including the induction of testis-ova formation, for assessing the disruptive effects of EACs. In this paper, we focus on some of the more recent studies and findings.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of environmental hypercapnia on hemato-immunological parameters and the activities of respiratory enzymes such as carbonic anhydrase (CA) and Na+, K+-ATPase were investigated in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) tissues (gill, liver and kidney). Batches of 12 fish were exposed to 4.5 mg L?1 (control) and 14 mg L?1 CO2. No mortalities occurred during the 14 days of the experimental period. Red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), and hematocrit (Ht) levels, and innate immune parameters such as nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT), lysozyme, and myeloperoxidase activities, and the melano-macrophage frequency were negatively affected by elevated CO2 levels. Patterns of change in CA activity differed among the gill, liver, and kidney. Compared with the activities of CA in the control group, the CA enzyme was significantly stimulated at day 7 in the gill tissue, whereas it was stimulated at day 14 of the experiment in the liver tissue of fish exposed to 14 mg L?1 CO2 (P < 0.05). In contrast to the pattern of CA enzyme activities, the Na+, K+-ATPase enzymes were stimulated significantly in the liver after day 7 but inhibited in the kidney and gill (P < 0.05). These results suggest that a subchronic exposure to hypercapnia of rainbow trout tissues may lead to adaptive changes in the respiratory enzymes and negatively affects hemato-immunological parameters.  相似文献   

近岸海域重金属污染不容乐观,作为“一种潜在的海洋模式鱼种”黑点青鳉(marine medaka,Oryzias maelastigma)对不同重金属胁迫的响应水平却鲜有报道.为探究并比较海水鱼种黑点青鳉早期生活阶段对Cd2+、Hg2+、Cr6 +和pb2 +等不同重金属胁迫的响应,在实验室通过半静态方式,对黑点青鳉受精...  相似文献   

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