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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The feasibility and performance of Jicama peroxidase (JP) immobilized Buckypaper/polyvinyl alcohol (BP/PVA) membrane for methylene blue (MB) dye...  相似文献   

Cheng T  Barnett MO  Roden EE  Zhuang J 《Chemosphere》2007,68(7):1218-1223
The migration of uranium(VI) in subsurface environments is strongly influenced by its adsorption/desorption reactions at the solid/solution interface. Phosphate is often present in subsurface systems and was shown to significantly affect U(VI) adsorption in previous batch experiments. In this study, column experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of phosphate on U(VI) adsorption and transport under flow conditions. The adsorption of U(VI) and phosphate was very low on pure quartz sand with negligible effects on U(VI) and phosphate transport. However, U(VI) and phosphate transport was retarded in a column packed with goethite-coated sand. The presence of phosphate, either as a co-solute with U(VI) or pre-adsorbed, greatly increased U(VI) adsorption and retardation. U(VI) and phosphate adsorption in our column experiments were rate-limited, and the adsorption of U(VI) and phosphate was not reversible, with kinetic limitations more pronounced for desorption than for adsorption. This study demonstrated the importance of phosphate in controlling U(VI) mobility in subsurface environments and helped illustrate some phenomena potentially applicable to U(VI) adsorption and transport in natural systems, especially where U(VI) adsorption is rate-limited.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The removal of arsenite [As(III)] from drinking water was investigated in a column at flow rates of 2.0 and 5.0 mL/min (up-flow direction)...  相似文献   

Jézéquel K  Perrin J  Lebeau T 《Chemosphere》2005,59(9):1323-1331
In order to reduce the cadmium potentially available for plants, soil bioaugmentation was performed by using a Bacillus sp. In a pot experimentation, sterilized and non-sterilized soils were inoculated using free or immobilized cells entrapped in alginate beads. This test was carried out with different inoculum sizes (2 x 10(10) and 2 x 10(11)CFU kg(-1) dw of soil) and alginate bead compositions (10 and 15 g of both alginate and CaCl(2) l(-1)). Then, the soil pots were incubated at 20 degrees C and the soil humidity was kept at a level of 20%. After 3 weeks of a batch incubation, the potentially phytoavailable Cd was reduced up to a factor of 14. The bioaugmentation resulted in the soil colonization by Bacillus sp. thanks to an increase of the cell concentration up to 1.8 log units. However, in comparison to the cells being inoculated in a free mode, the immobilization of the cells did not significantly improve the survival of the cells in the soil. Although the resulting effect not being highly pronounced, the potentially phytoavailable Cd correlated with the cell concentration in a surprisingly positive way. What is more, the Bacillus concentrations in the soil were positively correlated with the inoculum, too.  相似文献   

The effects of nonlinear sorption and competition with major cations present in the soil solution on radioactive strontium transport in an eolian sand were examined. Three laboratory techniques were used to identify and quantify the chemical and hydrodynamic processes involved in strontium transport: batch experiments, stirred flow-through reactor experiments and saturated laboratory columns. The major goal was to compare the results obtained under static and dynamic conditions and to describe in a deterministic manner the predominant processes involved in radioactive strontium transport in such systems. Experiments under dynamic conditions, namely flow-through reactor and column experiments, were in very good agreement even though the solid/liquid ratio was very different. The experimental data obtained from the flow-through reactor study pointed to a nonlinear, instantaneous and reversible sorption process. Miscible displacement experiments were conducted to demonstrate the competition between stable and radioactive strontium and to quantify its effect on the 85Sr retardation factor. The results were modeled using the PHREEQC computer code. A suitable cation-exchange model was used to describe the solute/soil reaction. The model successfully described the results of the entire set of miscible displacement experiments using the same set of parameter values for the reaction calculations. The column study revealed that the stable Sr aqueous concentration was the most sensitive variable of the model, and that the initial state of the sand/solution system had also to be controlled to explain and describe the measured retardation factor of radioactive strontium. From these observations, propositions can be made to explain the discrepancies observed between some data obtained from static (batches) and dynamic (reactor and column) experiments. Desorbed antecedent species (stable Sr) are removed from the column or reactor in the flow system but continue to compete for sorption sites in the batch system. Batch experiments are simple and fast, and provide a very useful means of multiplying data. However, interpretation becomes difficult when different species compete for sorption sites in the soil/solution system. A combination of batches, flow-through reactor and column experiments, coupled with hydrogeochemical modeling, would seem to offer a very powerful tool for identifying and quantifying the predominant processes on a cubic decimeter scale (dm3) and for providing a range of radioactive strontium retardation factor as a function of the geochemistry of the soil/solution system.  相似文献   

Nowadays, it is necessary to understand and identify the reactions governing the fate of heavy metals introduced into the environment with low complexing organic compounds, particularly when they are transferred through soils in urban areas. In this work the concomitant influence of pH and acetate on the fate of zinc on siliceous sand was studied in batch and non-saturated column experiments. Total zinc concentrations varied between 2 and 20 mg/l, and total acetate concentrations were fixed at 22, 72, 132, and 223 mM to obtain solution pHs of 4, 5, 6 and 7, respectively. Natural sand (diameter, 0.3-2 mm), mainly constituted of silica, was used. In batch adsorption experiments, zinc adsorption is insignificant at pH 4, low and linear at pH 5, and increasingly nonlinear, of the Langmuir type, at pH 6 and 7 indicating near-saturation conditions of surface sites at these high pH values. In column experiments, Zn retardation increases and the maximum outlet concentration of Zn decreases with rising pH and acetate concentrations. Previous column tracer experiments revealed the occurrence of regionalized water transport in the column. Modeling these data was based on a non-electrostatic approach. Batch and column data modeling was based on the PHREEQC code that allows concomitant resolution of chemical speciation and regionalized water transport. The speciation calculation indicates that the ZnAcetate+ species is the dominant Zn species in the solutions used. Batch experimental curves are correctly modeled assuming the formation of the three surface species triple bond SiOZn+, triple bond SiOH-Zn Acetate+ and triple bond SiO-Zn(Acetate)2-. The column data could be adequately modeled assuming a two-region water transport and the formation of the same three species with the same thermodynamic constants determined in the batch experiments. The hypothesis of the modeling leads to a slight overestimation of the quantities of zinc eluted (10%) at pH 6 and 7, mostly in the desorption phase. These results show that the methodology used facilitates the correct modeling of both batch and transport experiments and formulation of the hypothesis on the interactions between the low reactive sand and a complex solution.  相似文献   

The migration behavior of U(IV) and U(VI) in the presence of humic acid was studied in a quartz sand system. Laboratory column experiments were performed using humic acid, U(VI) in humic acid absence, U(IV) and U(VI) in humic acid presence, and for comparison a conservative tracer. In experiments using humic acid, both redox species of U migrate nearly as fast as the conservative tracer. Humic acid accelerates the U(VI) breakthrough compared to the humic acid-free system. There are strong indications for a similar effect on the U(IV) transport. At the same time, a part of U(IV) and U(VI) associated with the humic acid is immobilized in the quartz sand due to humic colloid filtration thus producing a delaying effect. Tailing at a low concentration level was observed upon tracer elution. The experimental breakthrough curves were described by reactive transport modeling using equations for equilibrium and kinetic reactions. The present study demonstrates that humic acids can play an important role in the migration of actinides. As natural organic matter is ubiquitous in aquifer systems, the humic colloid-borne transport of actinides is of high relevance in performance assessment.  相似文献   

A fixed-bed study was carried out by using cells of Pseudomonas aeruginosa immobilized in polyacrylamide gel as a biosorbent for the removal of lanthanide (La, Eu, Yb) ions from aqueous solutions. The effects of superficial liquid velocity based on empty column, particle size, influent concentration and bed depth on the lanthanum breakthrough curves were investigated. Immobilized biomass effectively removed lanthanum from a 6 mM solution with a maximum adsorption capacity of 342 micromolg(-1) (+/-10%) corresponding closely to that observed in earlier batch studies with free bacterial cells. The Bohart and Adams sorption model was employed to determine characteristic parameters useful for process design. Results indicated that the immobilized cells of P. aeruginosa enable removal of lanthanum, europium and ytterbium ions from aqueous effluents with significant and similar maximum adsorption capacities. Experiments with a mixed cation solution showed that the sequence of preferential biosorption was Eu3+ > or = Yb3+ > La3+. Around 96+/-4% of the bound lanthanum was desorbed from the column and concentrated by eluting with a 0.1 M EDTA solution. The feasibility of regenerating and reusing the biomass through three adsorption/desorption cycles was suggested. Neural networks were used to model breakthrough curves performed in the dynamic process. The ability of this statistical tool to predict the breakthrough times was discussed.  相似文献   

Simazine, [2-chloro, 4,6-bis(ethylamino)-1,3,5-s-triazine], a common herbicide found in surface and ground water has been ozonized in continuous flow mode. Typical operating variables in ozonation processes have been investigated. Thus, the ozone dose fed to the system exerted a positive effect, while the gas flow rate did not influence the efficiency of the process provided ozone mass flow rate was kept constant. Increasing the pH led to a higher extension of the free radical degradation of simazine and, therefore, to a higher efficiency of the process. Also, addition of free radical promoters, i.e. hydrogen peroxide, did result in a significant improvement of the simazine removal rate. A first approach to process economy showed the system ozone/hydrogen peroxide as the most advantageous in terms of electrical energy requirements.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) are widely distributed in urban wastewaters and can be removed to some extent by constructed wetlands (CWs). The medium-term (3-5 years) behaviour of these systems regarding PPCP removal is still unknown. Seven mesocosm-scale (1 m2) CWs of different configurations were operated outdoors for 39 months under the same conditions to assess their PPCP removal ability and temporal evolution. CWs differed in some design parameters, namely plant presence, species chosen (Typha angustifolia vs Phragmites australis), flow configuration and presence/absence of gravel bed (floating macrophytes surface flow, FM-SF; free-water surface flow, FW-SF; free-water subsurface flow, FW-SSF; or conventional horizontal subsurface flow, SSF). PPCP efficiencies decreased throughout time and performance differences among CWs disappeared with the systems aging. This could be due to a homogenization process in the systems caused by detrimental factors like saturation, clogging and shading. Winter efficiencies were lower than summer ones for salicylic acid, caffeine, methyl dihydrojasmonate, galaxolide and tonalide, and seasonal biological activities seem key factors to explain this fact. Maximal removal efficiencies were achieved in an unplanted-FW-SSF for ketoprofen (47-81%), naproxen (58-81%) and salicylic acid (76-98%); in an unplanted-SSF for caffeine (65-99%); in a Phragmites-FM-SF for ibuprofen (49-96%) and diclofenac (16-68%); in a Typha-FM-SF for carbamazepine (35-71%); and in a Typha-FW-SSF for methyl dihydrojasmonate (71-96%), galaxolide (67-82%) and tonalide (55-74%). Photodegradation could be involved in ketoprofen, naproxen, ibuprofen and diclofenac removal. Carbamazepine and diclofenac were moderately removed by the most efficient CWs studied. Carbamazepine might be eliminated by vegetal uptake.  相似文献   

In the last years, a lot of emerging contaminants, such as, endocrine disruptors compounds (EDCs), pharmaceuticals, and personal care products (PPCPs) have been detected in wastewater. Because of their toxicity and possible adverse effects on the environment and humans, their release from urban wastewater treatment plants (UWWTPs) effluents should be minimized, particularly when a wastewater reuse for crops irrigation is expected. Many processes have been investigated for advanced treatment of UWWTP effluents as well as for emerging contaminant degradation; among these, adsorption process was successfully used to remove EDCs and PPCPs from wastewater. This article shortly reviews EDCs and PPCPs removal from UWWTP effluents by adsorption process using conventional and non-conventional adsorbents. The fate of EDCs and PPCPs in UWWTPs and the implications for agricultural wastewater reuse has been addressed too. In spite of the adsorption process looking to be a valuable alternative to other advanced technologies for the removal of emerging contaminants from wastewater, some gaps still remain to evaluate the actual feasibility at full scale. However, according to a few studies available in scientific literature on the use of both powdered activated carbon and granular activated carbon at full scale, adsorption process by activated carbon is a promising, potentially effective, and economically feasible solution for producing safe wastewater for agricultural reuse.  相似文献   

Groundwater from a shallow freshwater lens on St. George Island, a barrier island located in the Panhandle of Florida, eventually discharges into Apalachicola Bay or the Gulf of Mexico. Nutrient concentrations in groundwaters were monitored downfield from three onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS) on the island. Estimates of natural groundwater nutrient concentrations were obtained from an adjacent uninhabited island. Silicate, which was significantly higher in the imported drinking water relative to the surficial aquifer on St. George Island (12.2+/-1.9 mg Si l(-1) and 2.9+/-0.2 mg Si l(-1), respectively), was used as a natural conservative tracer. Our observations showed that nitrogen concentrations were attenuated to a greater extent than that of phosphorus relative to the conservative tracer. At the current setback distance (23 m), both nitrogen and phosphate concentrations are still elevated above natural levels by as much as 2 and 7 times, respectively. Increasing the setback distance to 50 m and raising the drainfields 1 m above the ground surface could reduce nutrient levels to natural concentrations (1.1+/-0.1 mg N l(-1), 0.20+/-0.02 mg P l(-1)).  相似文献   

The stability of Mn oxides, and the potential for mobilization of associated trace metals, were assessed by simulating the onset of microbially-mediated reducing conditions in a continuous-flow column experiment. The column had previously been used for an in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) experiment in which trichloroethylene was reacted with permanganate in the presence of aqueous trace metals, which produced Mn oxyhydroxides (MnO(x)) that sequestered the trace metals and coated the column sand. The column influent solution represented the incursion of ambient groundwater containing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) into an ISCO treatment zone. The influx of DOC-containing groundwater initiated a series of cation-exchange, surface-complexation and reductive-dissolution reactions that controlled the release of aqueous metals from the system. Peak concentrations in the effluent occurred in the order Na, Mo, Cr, Zn, K, Mn, Fe, Pb, Mg, Ni, Cu and Ca. Manganese release from the column was controlled by a combination of cation exchange, reductive dissolution and precipitation of rhodochrosite. The trend in Fe concentrations was similar to that of Mn, and also resulted from a combination of reductive dissolution and cation exchange. Cation exchange and/or surface-complexation were the primary mechanisms controlling Cu, Ni, Mo and Pb release to solution, while Zn and Cr concentrations did not display coherent trends. Although metal release from the treatment zone was evident in the data, concentrations of trace metals remained below 0.05 mg L(-1) with the exception of Mo which reached concentrations on the order of 1 mg L(-1). The establishment of anaerobic conditions in ISCO-treated aquifers may result in a prolonged flux of aqueous Mn(II), but with the exception of MoO(4)(2-), it is unlikely that trace metals sequestered with MnO(x) during ISCO will be released to the groundwater in elevated concentrations.  相似文献   

A comparison of dissipation of chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, and profenofos in a Malaysian agricultural soil between the field experiment and simulation by the PERSIST model was studied. A plot of sweet pea (Pisum sativum) from a farm in the Cameron Highlands was selected for the field experiment. The plot was treated with chlorothalonil, chlorpyrifos, and profenofos. Core soil collection was conducted according to the sampling schedule. Residues of the three pesticides were analyzed in the laboratory. Simulations of the three pesticides' persistency were also conducted using a computer-run software PERSIST. Generally, predicted data obtained using PERSIST were found to be high for the three pesticides except for one field measurement of chlorpyrifos. The predicted data for profenofos, which is the most mobile of the three pesticides tested, was not well matched with the observed data compared to chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Small-scale agriculture (SA) is regarded as unsustainability because of its low benefit. To protect traditional agricultural landscapes like terraces...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The main objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of irradiation by Gamma rays and Electron Beam (E-Beam) on naturally occurring...  相似文献   



The degradation and mineralization of two triketone (TRK) herbicides, including sulcotrione and mesotrione, by the electro-Fenton process (electro-Fenton using Pt anode (EF-Pt), electro-Fenton with BDD anode (EF-BDD) and anodic oxidation with BDD anode) were investigated in acidic aqueous medium.


The reactivity of both herbicides toward hydroxyl radicals was found to depend on the electron-withdrawing effect of the aromatic chlorine or nitro substituents. The degradation of sulcotrione and mesotrione obeyed apparent first-order reaction kinetics, and their absolute rate constants with hydroxyl radicals at pH?3.0 were determined by the competitive kinetics method.

Results and discussion

The hydroxylation absolute rate constant (k abs) values of both TRK herbicides ranged from 8.20?×?108 (sulcotrione) to 1.01?×?109 (mesotrione) L?mol?1?s?1, whereas those of the TRK main cyclic or aromatic by-products, namely cyclohexane 1,3-dione , (2-chloro-4-methylsulphonyl) benzoic acid and 4-(methylsulphonyl)-2-nitrobenzoic acid, comprised between 5.90?×?108 and 3.29?×?109?L?mol?1?s?1. The efficiency of mineralization of aqueous solutions of both TRK herbicides was evaluated in terms of total organic carbon removal. Mineralization yields of about 97?C98% were reached in optimal conditions for a 6-h electro-Fenton treatment time.


The mineralization process steps involved the oxidative opening of the aromatic or cyclic TRK by-products, leading to the formation of short-chain carboxylic acids, and, then, of carbon dioxide and inorganic ions.  相似文献   

农户是农业面源污染排放的主体,农户对农业面源污染认知与其环境友好型生产行为对农业面源污染防治具有重要影响。对江西省袁河流域263个农户进行问卷调查,考察了农户对农业面源污染的认知和及其施肥行为,采用双变量Probit模型对农户的农业面源污染认知与环境友好型生产行为的差异性进行检验。结果表明,农户对农业面源污染的认知程度较低,大部分农户在农业生产中并未考虑化肥施用行为对环境的影响。农户受教育程度、从事农业生产年限、农业收入在家庭收入中的比例等因素解释了农业面源污染认知与环境友好型生产行为的差异性。加强农业环境保护宣传和农业技术培训、促进土地的规模经营、实现规模化集约化管理,是加快环境友好型农业发展,从源头控制农业面源污染的重要举措。  相似文献   

A grid-based, bottom-up method has been proposed by combining a vehicle emission model and a travel demand model to develop a high-resolution vehicular emission inventory for Chinese cities. Beijing is used as a case study in which the focus is on fuel consumption and emissions from hot-stabilized activities of light-duty gasoline vehicles (LGVs) in 2005. The total quantity of emissions, emission intensity, and spatial distribution of emissions at 1- by 1-km resolution are presented and compared with results from other inventory methods commonly used in China. The results show that the total daily fuel consumption and vehicular emissions of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and oxides of nitrogen from LGVs in the Beijing urban area in 2005 were 1.95 x 10(7) L, 4.28 x 10(4) t, 1.97 x 10(3) t, 0.28 x 10(3) t, and 0.14 x 10(3) t, respectively. Vehicular fuel consumption and emissions show spatial variations that are consistent with the traffic characteristics. The grid-based inventory developed in this study reflects the influence of traffic conditions on vehicle emissions at the microscale and may be applied to evaluate the effectiveness of traffic-related measures on emission control in China.  相似文献   

The effects of the herbicide PROPYZAMIDE are studied in laboratory and field conditions. The modifications involved are characterized by measurement of 14C-glucose mineralization and radioactivity incorporation into the soil fractions. In laboratory conditions, temperature and moisture are kept stable and the experiment is performed during less than 24 hours. In these conditions, Kerb 50 (commercial formulation of propyzamide) and the emulsifier (material used in propyzamide formulation) exert little effect on 14CO2 evolution. In field conditions, propyzamide andKerb 50 are applied once at two different doses: at field rate (1,5 kg/ha) and twentyfold this rate. Essays are duplicated. The herbicide (propyzamide in Celanol and Kerb 50) and the emulsifiers alone (Celanol and the material used in propyzamide formulation) are applied on the soil surface (application date: 3.02.81). Two weeks later and then every month during four months, samples are taken to the depth of about 5 cm (Propyzamide migrates very slowly in the first centimeters of the soil). The characterization experiment is performed on 10 g soil samples by 14C-glucose incubation at 28 degrees C during two hours. 14CO2 evolved is measured after incubation and acidification with HCl. Then radioactivity distribution in the soil is counted after chemical fractionation of soil. This distribution is about 10-16.5% as 14CO2, 22-37% in the acid-soluble fraction, 10-25% in the alkali-soluble fraction and 15-45% in the human fraction (measured as 14CO2 evolved after combustion). This distribution is little modified by the herbicides or the emulsifiers but its evolution is significantly related to environmental conditions (temperature). Nevertheless a few modifications are observed. They can be due to the herbicide propyzamide itself but the emulsifiers and the degradation products of propyzamide can also influence the measurement (After forty days in the soil, 70-95% of the starting active ingredient have disappeared). They can also be a result of the initial effects of the products (modification of the microflora and of the environment).  相似文献   

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