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M. Viitasalo 《Marine Biology》1992,114(3):397-405
Resting eggs of Acartia spp. (presumably A. bifilosa Giesbr.) at densities between 65 and 125 eggs cm-2 were found in sediment off the southern coast of Finland and represent the first observations of dormant calanoid eggs in the Baltic Sea. The highest egg densities were found at sediment depths between 4 and 8 cm. The hatching percentage varied between 0 and 90% in the different sediment layers and at different experimental temperatures (13, 16 and 19°C). Some nauplii emerged from the eggs extracted from sediment layers 9 to 10 cm beneath the surface layer and other nauplii emerged from eggs after 82 d of dark storage at 3°C. Light was not needed to trigger hatching; the nauplii were able to hatch in darkness when the eggs were resuspended in filtered seawater. Indirect evidence suggests that the marked spring peak of Acartia spp. nauplii seen in a monitoring data from the years 1973 to 1984 was derived from benthic eggs and not from spawning. The possible mechanisms for induction of hatching and the adaptive benefits of resting egg production for A. bifilosa are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of different densities of the burrowing deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia affinis on the potential for recruitment of zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Hatching of resting eggs was induced in the laboratory on sliced and resuspended 1-cm depth-sections of sediment cores, collected at six stations in an archipelago area of the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea. The uppermost 5 cm of the sediment was studied. The most common species that hatched was Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda). Individuals from another copepod genus, Acartia, hatched in significant numbers only in the cores from two stations with low amphipod abundance. Cores from stations with high amphipod densities showed a deeper distribution of emerging E. affinis nauplii compared with stations with few amphipods; the oxidised sediment layer was also deeper at high M. affinis densities than at low. Total (0 to 5 cm strata pooled) number of hatched E. affinis nauplii was independent of amphipod density. This indicates that the effect of M. affinis on E. affinis eggs involves deeper burial due to bioturbation, rather than predation. Decreased benthic recruitment of zooplankton at localities with high M. affinis density is suggested, since more deeply positioned eggs are less likely to hatch. When hatching was induced in intact, non-sliced cores from one station, the number of E. affinis nauplii that hatched was on average 43% of the number that hatched in the upper centimetre of the sliced cores from the same station. This fraction (43%), if applied to the other stations, implied a potential for benthic recruitment of up to 80 000 ind m−2 for E. affinis. Due to its high abundance, M. affinis is likely to greatly reduce benthic recruitment of zooplankton in this system. Received: 17 September 1999 / Accepted: 23 February 2000  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated the effect of different densities of the burrowing, deposit-feeding amphipod Monoporeia affinis on the recruitment of zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Intact sediment cores with in situ density and species composition of zooplankton resting eggs and benthic fauna were collected in the northern Bothnian Sea, part of the Baltic Sea. We removed as many M. affinis as possible from the cores and then added different numbers of M. affinis to the cores to generate a range of densities. The cores were exposed to different densities of M. affinis for either 3 or 40 days, after which the hatched zooplankton was registered. One subset of the cores were initially incubated under low temperature (2–3 °C, to prevent hatching) for 37 days (the resting phase), to allow for effects of M. affinis on unhatched resting eggs. These cores were then incubated under higher temperature (13 °C) for 3 days (the hatching phase), to induce hatching and allow for effects on hatching or hatched specimens. In a second subset of cores with the same time and temperature schedule, the M. affinis density was experimentally reduced at the start of the hatching phase, to evaluate the effect of M. affinis during the hatching phase. To a third subset of cores, we immediately initiated the hatching phase, without an experimental resting phase, to evaluate the effects induced during the resting phase. The most common zooplankton species that hatched was Eurytemora affinis (Copepoda), followed by Bosmina longispina maritima (Cladocera). In all cores that were subjected to a resting phase, the numbers of hatched E. affinis were log-linearly negatively related to density of M. affinis. An increase of M. affinis density from 1,000 to 5,000 individuals m−2, normal field densities, reduced the hatching by 60–70%. The negative impact was mainly exerted during the hatching phase, suggesting predation on, burial of or physical injury of hatching nauplii or eggs in a late development stage as likely mechanisms. Also, the number of B. longispina maritima that hatched was reduced by M. affinis during the hatching phase, but no clear relation to density of M. affinis could be identified. The results show that M. affinis can reduce recruitment to zooplankton from benthic resting eggs. Such impact by the benthos on resting stages of zooplankton is therefore a potentially significant link between the benthic and pelagic systems. Received: 10 August 2000 / Accepted: 13 November 2000  相似文献   

Total metal concentrations (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Fe, and Mn) and their distribution in different chemical forms (speciation) were determined in sediments from the Adriatic Sea in order to evaluate contamination and mobility of metals. The study was carried out on marine sediments collected in two areas of the Adriatic Sea differently influenced by Po river waters. Metal distribution in the study area depends prevalently on water circulation and on organic matter distribution. Among metal levels, significant correlations between copper and zinc and between lead and nickel were found, suggesting common and specific sources. As regards metal speciation, the distribution of different chemical forms changes with the metal. The prevailing zinc phases, for example mobile forms, and sulphide together are greater than 50% of total metal. Nickel is mainly present in sediments as sulphide, and the preferential association of copper with organic matter is evident. Lead and manganese are preferentially found as mobile forms (more of 30% for lead, 40% or more for manganese).  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the development and hatching of resting eggs of the Ponto-Caspian Cercopagis pengoi was studied experimentally in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Morphological changes were monitored as the development of the resting eggs proceeded. Sexual reproduction of the C. pengoi population in the Gulf of Finland was evaluated by combining the data from hatching experiments and resting egg abundances in the sediment. Development time of resting eggs was dependent on temperature: increase in the temperature shortened the time needed until hatching. Hatching success was also dependent on incubation temperature. Almost sixfold increase in hatching success was detected when temperature increased two degrees above the storage temperature. Average resting egg abundances varied between 0.16 and 0.49 eggs cm−3 in the 0–6 cm sediment layer.  相似文献   

During the end of the phytoplankton spring bloom, about 100 water samples were taken at 23 stations in the Baltic Sea. The samples were analyzed for particulate Cu, Fe, Zn, Cd, and Pb by atomic absorption as well as for chlorophyll and seston. Further subsamples were counted with an inverted microscope, and phytoplankton carbon content was calculated. The hydrographical-biological state of the Baltic Sea during spring is described. Two different water masses could be differentiated and these were separated by the halocline. The concentrations of particulate metals are in accordance with those published by other authors. No significant differences could be calculated between mean values of particulate metal concentrations in the two water bodies. Correlations between particulate metal concentrations and chlorophyll, seston, phytoplankton carbon and cell-count were calculated for both photic layer and deeper waters. Significant correlations were found only in the photic layer. The importance of standing crop for metal accumulation in seston is discussed.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea is, like the Mediterranean, a marginal sea, which with the Black Sea, were marine environments contaminated from the Chernobyl accident.

Radiocaesium and plutonium isotopes were studied in water, sediment and macroalgae in the Baltic Sea since 1982. the inventory of 137Cs in the Baltic increased from 0.65 PBq to 5.85 PBq following the Chernobyl accident. the corresponding increase for 239 + 240Pu was less significant and yielded 1.5 TBq to a total value of 16.5 TBq.

For plutonium, 98% is trapped in the sediment and the net-exchange of this element through the Baltic straits is very small (1 GBq/year), while for radiocaesium, 45% is in the water phase and there is a net-loss of 60 000 GBq annually into the adjacent water (Kattegatt).  相似文献   

The vertical structure of bioluminescence potential (BPOT) and flash density (FD) were measured on five cruises to the northern Sargasso Sea in 1987 and 1988. Depth-integrated (0 to 150 m) BPOT did not vary seasonally, remaining within the range 9 to 15 × 1015 photons m–2 in all months sampled. Conversely, depth-integrated FD was significantly higher (> 2 × 105 flashes m–2) during winter (November and March) than during summer (< 9 × 104 flashes m–2 in May and August). The vertical patterns of BPOT and FD were well correlated within a single profile, more highly so in summer than in winter. Despite intracruise variability in the vertical pattern of BPOT and FD, there were clear summer-winter differences in the vertical distribution of BPOT and FD. During winter, BPOT and FD were maximal and relatively uniform throughout the surface mixed layer; for example in November they declined sharply within the thermocline at 130 to 150 m. During summer, BPOT and FD were greatest (12 to 25 × 1013 photons m–3 and 600 to 1 200 flashes m–3, respectively) at subsurface depths. Commonly in summer, the upper depth limit of high BPOT and FD occurred at the base of the surface mixed layer (10 to 40 m) and the lower depth limit was located at the base of the subsurface fluorescence maximum (usually at 100 to 120 m).  相似文献   

Depth-stratified samples, collected during a period where the water column was vertically mixed (March 2000) and a period of thermal stratification (September 2000), were analyzed in order to investigate the horizontal and vertical distribution patterns and composition of mesozooplankton, especially copepod species assemblages, in a pelagic (Ionian Sea) and a coastal area (Patraikos Gulf) of the eastern Mediterranean. Total mesozooplankton abundance and biomass were significantly lower in the highly oligotrophic offshore waters of the Ionian Sea when compared to the semi-enclosed Patraikos Gulf during both seasons. Small-sized copepods dominated the mesozooplankton community. An ‘offshore’ and a ‘coastal’ copepod assemblage were defined in the surface layer (0–50 m) only during March when differences in environmental conditions (i.e., temperature, salinity and fluorescence) were strong between the two areas. Copepod vertical community structure in offshore waters differed between sampling months. In March one assemblage (0–200 m) was mainly identified, while in September three distinct assemblages (0–50, 50–100 and 100–200 m) were observed, related to different vertical distribution patterns of the various copepod species. A pronounced seasonal change of the dominant copepods was evident in the surface layer, where strong differences in hydrological properties were observed from March to September. Below this layer, the copepod community was relatively stable showing decreasing seasonal differences with increasing depth.  相似文献   

The species abundance, vertical distribution and diurnal vertical migration of cyclopoid copepods was analyzed in the central Red Sea in October–November 1980. Samples were taken to a depth of 450 m with a multiple opening — closing plankton net with 0.1-mm mesh-size. Selected important species were allocated to five different groups according to their depth distributions during daytime. The greatest number of species (9) was found in the lower epipelagic zone (40 to 100 m), below the strong seasonal thermocline. The lowest number of species (1) occurred in the upper part of the upper mesopelagic zone (100 to 250 m), which is characterized by a strong dissolved oxygen gradient. Five species had a bimodal vertical distribution, with dual peak abundances in the epipelagic and upper mesopelagic zones. Distinct differences in distribution patterns were noted between sexes and/or developmental stages. The vertical range of diurnally migrating species was small, usually less than 50 to 100 m. Characteristic diurnal changes in the vertical succession of dominant species occur within the epipelagic zone (0 to 100 m). Species-specific vertical distribution patterns are compared with published data from other areas. A conspicuous difference in the proportion of carcasses was noted between species: small species (<0.5 mm in length) had a much higher proportion of carcasses, usually between 20 and 40% of the total standing stock, than larger ones (<5%). The potential causes of this phenomenon, which may be due to (1) methodological bias, (2) a lower sinking velocity of small carcasses, or (3) a higher mortality rate of small species, are discussed.  相似文献   

W. Scheibel 《Marine Biology》1974,28(3):165-168
From July, 1972 to February, 1973, meiofauna samples were taken from submerged platforms. Substrates were gravel, fine sand, and clayey mud. The individual samples consisted of 20 cm2 100 cm3. A diver collected the samples by hand. Some days after submersion of the platforms, colonization by meiofauna began. The submerged substrates were colonized almost exclusively by nematodes and harpacticoids; gastrotrichs were never present. In general, the harpacticoid fauna can be classified into two groups: the first, confined to the mesopsammon, did not colonize the platforms; the second, not limited to the interstitial habitat, did colonize. Two harpacticoid species, Ameira parvula and Danielssenia typica, were markedly dominant. The main migration route to the submerged platform was up the securing lines.Contribution no. 35 from the Sonderforschungsbereich 95, Kiel.  相似文献   

T. Onbé 《Marine Biology》1985,87(1):83-88
Seasonal fluctuations in the abundance of resting eggs of four species of marine cladocerans, Penilia avirostris Dana, Podon polyphemoides (Leuckart), Evadne tergestina Claus and Evadne nordmanni Lovén, were investigated in association with their planktonic populations in the central part of the Inland Sea of Japan for a period of over two years. Most numerous were the eggs of P. avirostris, followed by those of the species in the aforementioned order. There was a marked seasonal fluctuation in the number of eggs that was closely correlated with the occurrence of the planktonic population for each species. The egg-number was highest just before the planktonic population disappeared from the water column, and gradually decreased thereafter until a minimum value was reached shortly before the new planktonic population appeared in the next season. The pattern of fluctuation in number was found to be very similar among all four species, indicating strongly that the cladoceran populations in this warm temperate sea may persist either as plankton in warmer seasons or as benthic resting eggs in colder seasons. The possible causes of the decrease in egg density in bottom sediments are discussed.  相似文献   

The extent of the nocturnal vertical migration of Mysis mixta Lilljeborg varied between early July and late October (of 1985 and 1986) in a coastal area of the Baltic Sea. Migration was more restricted in early July and late October. Seasonal changes in surface light levels and transparency were sufficient to explain the observed differences. Mysids avoided light levels above 10-4 lux throughout the study period. Smaller juveniles migrated higher up than larger juveniles and adults. A two-layered distribution with part of the population close to the bottom was observed at night. Zooplankton were more abundant in water layers above the main concentration of mysids. M. mixta fed on phytoplankton, detritus, copepods, cladocerans, rotifers and tintinnids. Diel changes in gut fluorescence indicated a higher intake of phytoplankton at night, but levels were low compared to primarily herbivorous zooplankton. Comparisons of stomach contents of mysids caught at the bottom in the evening and in the water column at night showed a higher ingestion of zooplankton at night and of detritus during the day. Mysids caught at the bottom at night had an intermediate diet. Copepods and cladocerans constituted between 90 and 100% of ingested material by weight in all mysid groups.  相似文献   

Submarine sedimentary substrates have been exposed in a new-style special arrangement for benthic colonization. The experiment has been running for 2 years and is planned to continue as a long-term test for several more years, with the purpose of studying independently both the effects of hydrographic and biotic factors as well as those of substrate type. This is accomplished by 3 floating platforms. Each carries 3 open containers filled with clayey mud, sand, and gravel (70 cm diameter, 25 cm deep). The platforms are anchored close together at 11, 15 and 19 m water depths. Their distances from the sea floor vary between 5.5 and 2.0 m. The sediments were obtained from sand pits on land. Substrate samples are continuously taken by divers. Hydrographic data are available by direct measurements from a ship and automatic sensors. The characteristic sources of error of the experiment seem to exert no decisive influence on the benthic production data.  相似文献   

Acartia and Paracartia species, often known to co-occur, can exhibit complex life cycles, including the production of resting eggs. Studying and understanding their population dynamics is hindered by the inability to identify eggs and early developmental stages using morphological techniques. We have developed a simple molecular technique to distinguish between the three species of the Acartiidae family (Acartia clausi, A. discaudata and Paracartia grani) that co-occur in the Thau lagoon (43°25′N; 03°40′E) in southern France. Direct amplification of a partial region of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene by polymerase chain reaction and subsequent restriction fragment length polymorphism results in a unique restriction profile for each species. The technique is capable of determining the identity of individual eggs, including resting eggs retrieved from sediment samples, illustrating its application in facilitating population dynamic studies of this ubiquitous and important member of the zooplankton community.  相似文献   

Low densities of harbour porpoises in winter (November–March) and high densities in summer (April–October) were found in the Sound, connecting the Baltic Sea and Kattegat. Due to their high energy requirements, it is hypothesized that the density of harbour porpoises is related to local prey abundance. This was tested by examining the stomach content of 53 harbour porpoises collected between 1987 and 2010 in the Sound (high season, 34 porpoises; low season, 19 porpoises). A total of 1,442 individual fish specimens from thirteen species were identified. Twelve of these were present in the high–porpoise density season and seven in the low-density season. The distribution of occurrence and the distribution of number of fish species were different between seasons, indicating a shift in prey intake between seasons. Furthermore, during the high-density season, the mean and total prey weight per stomach as well as the prey species diversity was higher. However, no difference was found in the number of prey species between the two seasons, indicating a higher quality of prey in the high-density season. Atlantic cod was found to be the main prey species in terms of weight in the high-density season while Atlantic herring and Atlantic cod were equally important during the low-density season. Prey availability and predictability are suggested as the main drivers for harbour porpoise distribution, and this could be caused by the formation of frontal zones in spring in the northern part of the Sound, leading to prey concentrations in predictable areas.  相似文献   

T. Næss 《Marine Biology》1991,110(2):261-266
Abundance and distribution of calanoid resting eggs in sediment were examined in 1988–1989 in an enclosed marine basin (Svartatjønn; western Norway). The basin undergoes rotenone treatment and draining every winter. Egg densities were highest in autumn, when up to 2 × 106 eggs m–2 were found, and lowest in summer. Egg densities were also highest in the deeper parts of the basin and in the upper 1 cm of sediment. Hatching was initiated in late January by pumping warmer deep water from the outside area into the basin. Evidence is given for resting-egg formation inEurytemora affinis Poppe, 1880 andAcartia clausi Gurney, 1931 (present phenotype reclassified asA. teclae by Bradford 1976: N. Z. Jl mar. Freshwat. Res. 10: 159–202). Seasonal differences in inhibition of hatching, together with the longevity and tolerance of these eggs, strongly suggest that they are diapause eggs.  相似文献   

The vertical and spatial concentration trends of biogenic silica (BSi) were investigated in a variety of sediment types from the Gulf of Riga. These trends were compared with the concentration of organic carbon to examine how variations in the mass sedimentation and the dissolution rate of BSi versus bacterially mediated oxidation of organic matter affect the distribution of BSi in different environments. The effects of important physical and biogeochemical factors on the distribution of BSi have also been examined.

The concentration of BSi in the surface sediment at accumulation bottoms ranges between 0.8–1.5 mmol/g with an average concentration of 1.1 mmol/g. This is about two times the concentration that has been reported in similar sediments in the open Baltic proper. Much lower concentrations were measured in erosion and transitional areas; on average around 0.2 and 0.6 mmol/g, respectively.

A comparison between recent sedimentation rate measurements (210Pb) and concentrations of BSi within different accumulation bottoms suggests an approximate inverse relationship with each other. The importance of variation in the sedimentation rate on the surface BSi concentration is supported by the fact that higher Corg/BSi ratios are found in periphery accumulation zones close to transition areas (larger supply of carbon rich allochthonous material that dilutes settled amounts of BSi) than at accumulation bottoms in the central part of the Gulf. The Corg/BSi ratio in the sediment is always lower than in living siliceous algae which shows that the microbial degradation of organic carbon is always greater than the inorganic dissolution of BSi, irrespective of the assemblage of silica and non‐silica species.

The general vertical concentration pattern at accumulation sites showed a decreased concentration with increased depth down to 2–6 cm below seafloor where the concentration gradually equalizes. The concentration in the equalizing zone is on average about 20% lower than in the uppermost centimeter. This implies that the main part of the BSi entering the accumulation bottoms is permanently buried and that a great amount of silica already has been released during halmyrolysis. The spatial and vertical BSi trends at sites in transitional and erosional areas reflects prevailing sedimentation conditions with a low concentration in sections with a dominance of sand and gravel (no deposition of fine material) and a higher concentration in the sections containing stiff glacial clay (former accumulation area).

The average annual burial amount of BSi in the Gulf has been estimated to be around 50 000 tons of which most is buried in accumulation bottoms outside the central muddy part of the Gulf. The buried amount is about 60% of the annual river load of silica.  相似文献   

In spring 2004 and 2005 we performed two sets of experiments with Baltic sprat (Sprattus sprattus balticus Schneider) eggs and larvae from the Bornholm Basin simulating ten different temperature scenarios. The goal of the present study was to analyse and parameterise temperature effects on the duration of developmental stages, on the timing of important ontogenetic transitions, growth during the yolk sac phase as well as on the survival success of eggs and early larval stages. Egg development and hatching showed exponential temperature dependence. No hatching was observed above 14.7°C and hatching success was significantly reduced below 3.4°C. Time to eye pigmentation, as a proxy for mouth gape opening, decreased with increasing temperatures from 17 days post hatch at 3.4°C to 7 days at 13°C whereas the larval yolk sac phase was shortened from 20 to 10 days at 3.8 and 10°C respectively. Maximum survival duration of non-fed larvae was 25 days at 6.8°C. Comparing the experimental results of Baltic sprat with existing information on sprat from the English Channel and North Sea differences were detected in egg development rate, thermal adaptation and in yolk sac depletion rate (YSDR). Sprat eggs from the English Channel showed significantly faster development and the potential to develop at temperatures higher than 14.7°C. North Sea sprat larvae were found to have a lower YSDR compared to larvae from the Baltic Sea. In light of the predictions for global warming, Baltic sprat stocks could experience improved conditions for egg development and survival.  相似文献   

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