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A total of 26.1 Mg of residual waste from 3129 households in 12 Danish municipalities was analysed and revealed that 89.6 kg of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), 11 kg of batteries, 2.2 kg of toners and 16 kg of cables had been wrongfully discarded. This corresponds to a Danish household discarding 29 g of WEEE (7 items per year), 4 g of batteries (9 batteries per year), 1 g of toners and 7 g of unidentifiable cables on average per week, constituting 0.34% (w/w), 0.04% (w/w), 0.01% (w/w) and 0.09% (w/w), respectively, of residual waste. The study also found that misplaced WEEE and batteries in the residual waste constituted 16% and 39%, respectively, of what is being collected properly through the dedicated special waste collection schemes. This shows that a large amount of batteries are being discarded with the residual waste, whereas WEEE seems to be collected relatively successfully through the dedicated special waste collection schemes. Characterisation of the misplaced batteries showed that 20% (w/w) of the discarded batteries were discarded as part of WEEE (built-in). Primarily alkaline batteries, carbon zinc batteries and alkaline button cell batteries were found to be discarded with the residual household waste. Characterisation of WEEE showed that primarily small WEEE (WEEE directive categories 2, 5a, 6, 7 and 9) and light sources (WEEE directive category 5b) were misplaced. Electric tooth brushes, watches, clocks, headphones, flashlights, bicycle lights, and cables were items most frequently found. It is recommended that these findings are taken into account when designing new or improving existing special waste collection schemes. Improving the collection of WEEE is also recommended as one way to also improve the collection of batteries due to the large fraction of batteries found as built-in. The findings in this study were comparable to other western European studies, suggesting that the recommendations made in this study could apply to other western European countries as well.  相似文献   

餐厨废弃物管理探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
污染环境和威胁人们健康的地沟油问题亟待解决,餐厨废弃物的管理被广泛关注。介绍了餐厨废弃物不当处理的危害,对典型城市经验进行了分析总结,并就餐厨废弃物的管理提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Local level waste authorities and their officials directly interact and serve the people on behalf of higher governments. Given the influential positions they have on the quality of life of the citizens, these local waste authorities deserve more attention from researchers. This study throws light on the factors related to local waste management and administrators that have caused waste management failures in three mainland Chinese cities. Based on a survey conducted in 2002-2003, it was found that waste administrators in these cities are not professionally competent in their jobs and they are also not confident in using economic instruments to address waste management issues in their cities. These local waste authorities are generally under-funded, and funding politics has to some extent eroded the incentives to carry out the instructions of higher waste authorities. The community at large also does not respect local waste management work. The residents frequently litter, are unobservant of waste collection times and are unwilling to pay for waste collection service. All of these are handicapping environmentally sound waste management.  相似文献   

This paper examines the feasibility of introducing food waste disposers as a waste minimization option within urban waste management schemes, taking the Greater Beirut Area (GBA) as a case study. For this purpose, the operational and economic impacts of food disposers on the solid waste and wastewater streams are assessed. The integration of food waste disposers can reduce the total solid waste to be managed by 12 to 43% under market penetration ranging between 25 and 75%, respectively. While the increase in domestic water consumption (for food grinding) and corresponding increase in wastewater flow rates are relatively insignificant, wastewater loadings increased by 17 to 62% (BOD) and 1.9 to 7.1% (SS). The net economic benefit of introducing food disposers into the waste and wastewater management systems constitutes 7.2 to 44.0% of the existing solid waste management cost under the various scenarios examined. Concerns about increased sludge generation persist and its potential environmental and economic implications may differ with location and therefore area-specific characteristics must be taken into consideration when contemplating the adoption of a strategy to integrate food waste disposers in the waste-wastewater management system.  相似文献   

In the European Union (EU), waste management is almost totally regulated by EU directives, which supply a framework for national regulations. The main target in view of sustainability is the prevention of direct disposal of reactive waste in landfills. The tools to comply with these principles are recycling and material recovery as well as waste incineration with energy recovery for final inertization. The adaptation of the principles laid down in EU directives is an ongoing process. A number of countries have already enacted respective national regulations and their realization shows that recycling and incineration are not in competition but are both essential parts of integrated waste management systems. In the EU, the amount of residual waste available for energy recovery can supply approximately 1% of the primary energy demand. About 50% of the energy inventory of municipal solid waste (MSW) in most EU countries is of biogenic origin, and MSW is to the same extent to be looked upon as regenerative fuel. Hence part of the CO2 released from waste incineration is climate neutral. In the EU, this share could produce savings of the order of 1% of annual CO2 emissions if energy from MSW replaced that derived from fossil fuel.  相似文献   

This article discusses a process for finding insights that will allow federal agencies and environmental professionals to more effectively manage contaminated sites. The process is built around what Etzioni (1968) called mixed‐scanning, that is, perpetually doing both comprehensive and detailed analyses and periodically re‐scanning for new circumstances that change the decision‐making environment. The article offers a checklist of 127 items, which is one part of the multiple‐stage scanning process. The checklist includes questions about technology; public, worker, and ecological health; economic cost and benefits; social impacts; and legal issues. While developed for a DOE high‐level radioactive waste application, the decision‐making framework and specific questions can be used for other large‐scale remediation and management projects. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The reduction and stabilization of biodegradable waste were studied using three operational stages in an aerobic stabilization system. The system used for mechanical/biological treatment utilized two-shaft screws in multiple box reactors. In the first operational stage, 50-kg batches of biodegradable waste were charged in each of the three reactors, with peat moss used as a bulking agent. Analysis revealed that peat moss can be used at this initial stage, based on the observed increase in temperature and carbon dioxide levels. The second stage of operation involved adding 100 kg/day of biodegradable waste to the first reactor. It was confirmed that a continuous reaction is possible by the addition of more waste. In the third stage of operation, 20 kg/day of the 100 kg/day of biodegradable waste feed was replaced with material fed back from the third reactor. At this stage, final product was also removed from the third reactor. The temperature was not controlled, and up to 8%–9% carbon dioxide was formed, enabling normal activation of decomposition. This three-stage operational test confirmed the expected decomposition of organic matter and biodegradable materials. The rate of mass reduction calculated for the final product compared with the input amount was 94.3%, which confirmed that this system would be a useful means for the reduction and stabilization of biodegradable waste. This study also measured the water content of the material in the reactors: the water content decreased as the reaction progressed. This indicated that the activation of microorganisms did not occur sufficiently in the second and third reactors. Future studies of methods to control the internal water content of each reactor should improve the decomposition efficiency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review the types of models that are currently being used in the area of municipal waste management and to highlight some major shortcomings of these models. Most of the municipal waste models identified in the literature are decision support models and for the purposes of this research, are divided into three categories-those based on cost benefit analysis, those based on life cycle assessment and those based on multicriteria decision making. Shortcomings of current waste management models include that they are concerned with refinements of the evaluation steps (e.g. stage four of AHP or the improvement of weight allocations in ELECTRE) rather than addressing the decision making process itself. In addition, while many models recognise that for a waste management model to be sustainable, it must consider environmental, economic and social aspects, no model examined considered all three aspects together in the application of the model.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The European Union emphasises the need to sever the link between economic growth, resource consumption and waste production and has set targets to...  相似文献   

英国制定了包装管理法规,提出了国家回收目标和公司回收目标。英国包装废物的总体回收率和再生利用率逐年提高,通过良好的环保理念、宣传措施、经济措施和建立回收体系,实现提高全社会参与包装废物回收和利用的水平。  相似文献   

We give an overview of the management systems of household hazardous waste (HHW) in Japan and discuss the management systems and their risks. To get basic information, we conducted a survey of consumers to discover their behavior and awareness of HHW items throughout the entire life cycle, which is made up of the purchase, use, and disposal of a product. The results showed that many people hold end-of-life batteries, fluorescent lamps, empty spray cans, and others in their houses after use. Also, the results showed that a lot of such waste items were discarded in waste streams different from those stipulated by local governments. In particular, many people do not remove NiCd batteries inside products such as shavers or cordless phones before discarding. On the other hand, people’s knowledge of and concern regarding the risks, collection, and recycling of HHW were high. When information about the risks was specifically presented in the questionnaire, people tended to show a more positive intention to participate in a collection and recycling system compared to those who were not presented with such information. Our studies on NiCd batteries and fluorescent lamps showed that it is important to collect and recycle HHW to control the domestic and international flows of cadmium and mercury.  相似文献   

青岛市废有机溶剂现状分析与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查分析青岛市废有机溶剂产生现状、污染特性、处置流向及回收利用的概况。结合青岛市产业结构特点,遵循"资源化、减量化、无害化"处置原则,提出废有机溶剂管理的对策和建议。研究结果对危险废物的有效管理和促进循环经济发展具有指导意义。  相似文献   

“地沟油”的不当处理不仅影响城市水环境,而且威胁着人们的身体健康。餐厨废弃油脂的管理已经成为广受关注的食品安全的重大问题。介绍了餐厨废弃油脂处理管理的重要意义,并对上海的管理实践和经验进行了分析总结,提出了对餐厨废弃油脂回收处理管理和资源化利用的若干建议。  相似文献   

自2006年青岛市工业产业结构调整以来,城市经济快速发展与人民生活水平日益提高,商品消费量不断增加,由此导致工业危险废物的产生量与排放量加速增长,且废物种类繁多、性质复杂、产生源数量分布广泛,管理难度大,因而带来了极大的环境安全隐患.在调查和分析2005-2007年青岛市工业危险废物产生现状的基础上,指出:(1)产生量最大危险废物类别为无机氰化物、无机氟化物、含铬废物和染料涂料等4大类;(2)产生量大小排序依次为平度市、莱西市和李沧区.同时,在分析废物产生特性和污染特性的基础上,提出青岛市在工业危险废物管理过程中存在的问题已成为青岛绿色经济发展的严重壁垒.针对工业经济发展规划和废物产生特征,提出了相关的管理对策和建议,对青岛市工业危险废物的有效管理和促进循环经济的发展具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

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