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Modeling the distribution patterns of species is a generally efficient tool to assess their ecological characteristics. In this study, we compared ecological niche factor analysis (ENFA) and maximum entropy (Maxent) techniques to predict the most suitable distribution range of Rana macrocnemis. The Maxent model predicted potential suitable habitats for R. macrocnemis with high success rates (AUC Training data = 0.877 ± 0.039). According to the map constructed, three important variables had high contribution to species presence: temperature (50.4%), land cover (24.6%) and elevation (14.4%) variables. The ENFA results were relatively similar to Maxent jackknife analysis. The results implied that R. macrocnemis prefers grassland and needle leaf deciduous forest with high elevations, and low temperature.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation into the spatial distribution of radionuclides of artificial ((239,240)Pu, (137)Cs) and natural ((210)Pb, (40)K) origins in the upper (0-5 cm) soil layers on the Baltic coastline of Lithuania ( approximately 5 km(2) area). The samples were analysed by gamma ray spectrometry and combined radiochemical procedures. The highest (210)Pb, (239,240)Pu and (137)Cs activity concentrations were determined in the forest samples, whereas (40)K activity was rather homogeneous across the study area. Relatively high (239,240)Pu and (40)K activity concentrations were determined along the surf zone. The (210)Pb and (137)Cs activity concentrations showed a gradual increase from the surf zone to the forest. The average activity concentrations of (239,240)Pu, (137)Cs, (210)Pb and (40)K in the beach and forest samples, respectively, were as follows: 0.32+/-0.08 and 0.74+/-0.14; 50+/-4 and 1190+/-50; 4.7+/-2.0 and 48+/-6; 186+/-15 and 216+/-17 Bq/kg.  相似文献   

Few data are available on the comparative accumulation of metal(loid)s from water and food in estuarine/marine fish. Smooth toadfish (Tetractenos glaber), commonly found in estuaries in south-eastern Australia, were separately exposed to radio-labelled seawater (14kBqL(-1) of (109)Cd and 24kBqL(-1) of (75)Se) and food (ghost shrimps; Trypaea australiensis: 875Bqg(-1)(109)Cd and 1130Bqg(-1)(75)Se) for 25 days (uptake phase), followed by exposure to radionuclide-free water or food for 30 days (loss phase). Toadfish accumulated (109)Cd predominantly from water (85%) and (75)Se predominantly from food (62%), although the latter was lower than expected. For both the water and food exposures, (109)Cd was predominantly located in the gut lining (60-75%) at the end of the uptake phase, suggesting that the gut may be the primary pathway of (109)Cd uptake. This may be attributed to toadfish drinking large volumes of water to maintain osmoregulation. By the end of the loss phase, (109)Cd had predominantly shifted to the excretory organs - the liver (81%) in toadfish exposed to radio-labelled food, and in the liver, gills and kidney (82%) of toadfish exposed to radio-labelled water. In contrast, (75)Se was predominantly located in the excretory organs (gills, kidneys and liver; 66-76%) at the end of the uptake phase, irrespective of the exposure pathway, with minimal change in percentage distribution (76-83%) after the loss phase. This study emphasises the importance of differentiating accumulation pathways to better understand metal(loid) transfer dynamics and subsequent toxicity, in aquatic biota.  相似文献   

The Proserpina dam was built in Roman times to provide drinking water to Emerita Augusta (today's Mérida in SW Spain). During maintenance work, a sediment core was extracted, offering an excellent opportunity to analyze the historical environmental impacts of the dam and its reservoir over the 2000 years since Roman times. In order to establish an accurate chronology, 14C ages were determined by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). Core samples were assayed for their content in uranium and thorium series isotopes, 40K, and the anthropogenic radionuclides 137Cs, 90Sr, and 239+240Pu. Potassium-40 presented the highest activity level and was not constant with depth. The uranium and thorium series were generally in equilibrium, suggesting there had been no additional input of natural radionuclides. The presence of 137Cs was only found in relation with the global fallout in the early 1960s. Multi-element assays were performed using the PIXE and PIGE techniques. Some variations in the multi-element concentrations were observed with depth, but the sediment core could be considered as clean, and no presumptive anthropogenic pollutants were found. Nevertheless, an unusually high Zn content was detected at depths corresponding to pre-Roman times, due to geological anomalies in the area.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - There are increasing evidences documenting the negative impact of exotic species including mosquitofish, Gambosi affinis, in Iran. Meanwhile, recent climate change in...  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the spatial-ethological structure of social vole (Microtus socialis Pall.) colonies was made on the basis of studies performed in Dagestan (1987–1991) and the southern Kalmyk Republic (1993–1998). Notwithstanding differences in environmental conditions and the extent and forms of anthropogenic impact, the population structure of the species proved to be similar and stable. Irrespective of population density, its core consists of family groups. Specific features of social behavior (aggressiveness toward unfamiliar animals) provide for the protection of home ranges and help to maintain a stable population structure.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to develop a relationship between odour intensity and odour concentration by using data collected from various sensitive areas of the municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill site. A number of well-known psychophysical models (e.g., Weber-Fechner law, Steven's power law, Beidler's and Laffort's models) have been discussed that can successfully relate the perceived intensity with the odour concentration. Respective parameters for each of the models were estimated by the nonlinear Levenburg-Marquardt parameter estimation method. The overall performance of the model was tested statistically against sets of data from the olfactometry analysis. The model based on the Weber-Fechner law was ranked 1 in case of five out of nine samples and it has been found more representative of the less intense odour samples. The model based on Laffort's equation has represented the intensity-concentration relationship better with extremely low uncertainties on both parameters k1 and k2 for comparatively more intense odour samples.  相似文献   

The seedlings of Haloxylon aphyllum from seeds with different genetic characteristics, which were collected in three natural subpopulations along a soil salinity gradient, were investigated. The plants grown under various levels of NaCl (0–300 mM) differed in the shoot length, the relative growth rate (calculated for fresh and dry biomass), as well as ions and proline contents. The heterozygous genotypes of xerohalophytic H. aphyllum have shown significant advantages in their productivity and sustainability under moderate and high salinity.  相似文献   

The tolerance of annelids (11 oligochaete and 13 leech species) to several organophosphate pesticides, polychloropinene, phenol, and copper sulfate was compared in an acute experiment. The dependence of pesticide resistance on specific biological and ecological features of the annelid species and their position in the phylogenetic series is discussed.  相似文献   

Land use and carbon emissions have long been a heated topic in China as well as developing countries. This paper contributes to the study of the related area as to investigate the causal relationship between the land urbanization quality and carbon emissions using panel data from 30 provinces in China over the period of 2004–2013. The empirical results show that: There exists bidirectional causality between land urbanization quality and carbon emissions across the country; land urbanization quality has negative effects on carbon emissions in all areas, with its effects largest in the Central region, followed by the Eastern, and the Western ranked at last; causal relationship exists in all regions, in addition to Eastern China; Central region has the highest potential of energy conservation. These findings provide new insights and valuable information for optimizing land use and urban development in China. In particular, to actively adjust the industrial structure, innovation in science and technology, and separate policy focus can contribute to energy conservation and urban land use.  相似文献   

The fallout radionuclides (FRNs) (137)Cs, (210)Pb(ex) and (7)Be are increasingly being used as a means of obtaining quantitative information on soil erosion and sediment redistribution rates within agricultural landscapes, over a range of different timescales, and they are frequently seen to represent a valuable complement to conventional measurement techniques. The recent development of the (7)Be method has greatly extended the timescale over which FRNs can be used, by permitting assessment of short-term soil erosion linked to individual events and changing soil management practices. This paper aims to review the advantages and limitations of each of the three FRNs and to identify key knowledge gaps linked to their use. In addition, guidelines for selecting the most appropriate FRN and associated approach, in order to deal with a range of spatial and temporal scales and to investigate specific sets of agro-environmental problems, are provided. Key requirements for future work, related to the application of FRNs in soil erosion investigations, are also identified. These include the upscaling of the approach to the catchment scale and a shift from use of the approach as a research tool to a decision support tool.  相似文献   

城镇化对进城农民环保行为影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,伴随中国经济的迅速增长和工业化进程提速,我国城镇化速度明显加快,之前较多的研究关注了城镇化对于我国资源和环境的压力,而较少有研究者从城镇化影响进城人口环保行为的微观视角来探讨城镇化对于降低环境压力的正向效应。采用中国社会综合调查2013年数据,本研究通过比较进城农民和留守农民环保行为的差异验证了城镇化对进城农民环保行为的影响,考虑到由选择性误差引起的内生性问题,本研究采用倾向值匹配的方法对内生性问题进行了修正,结果支持城镇化对进城农民环保行为的改善效应。另外,本研究发现进城农民和留守农民在私人领域的环保行为参与程度差距较大,而在公共领域环保行为参与程度差距较小。最后本研究提出了两个城镇化影响进城农民环保行为的中间机制并进行了初步验证:一是农村户籍居民进城后通过媒体接触,与城市居民互动获得更多环境知识进而改善自身环保行为,二是农民通过改善了环境关注水平,环境重要性认知等环境态度进而改善自身环保行为。本研究认为城镇化对于进城农民环保行为的正向影响对于降低城市环境压力有着积极的作用,因此公共决策部门应继续利用城市载体对规模人群的辐射效应,并不断通过政府引导、媒体宣传和社会参与来提升公众环保意识,营造出全民保护环境的城市社会环境进而不断改善公众环保行为。另外,针对进城农民在公共领域环保行为参与率较低的现状,城市政府既要不断提升进城农民的城市融入水平以改善进城农民对融入城市的环境关心水平,也应不断健全公共领域环保行为的参与机制以保障其参与渠道畅通。  相似文献   

The production and discharge of liquid radioactive wastes as excreta from patients undergoing Nuclear Medicine Diagnostic (NMD) in a hospital were studied. Instantaneous and accumulated activity, discharged from the hospital to the sewage system, has been estimated keeping in mind radionuclide decay. This study would enable estimation of the environmental impact due to NMD procedures. Annual accumulated activities of 2.2GBq ((131)I), 1.847GBq ((99m)Tc), 0.743GBq ((123)I), 0.337GBq ((67)Ga), 0.169GBq ((111)In) and 0.033GBq ((201)Tl) result from our model when applied to a European hospital. A comparison is made with calculations by other authors that do not consider the radionuclide decay and who overestimate by two orders of magnitude. Doses to critical people as sewage treatment workers are also significantly reduced. So, our results stress the importance of including the decay in the calculations.  相似文献   

Partitioning of metals in sediments from the Odiel River (Spain)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Odiel River runs through an area known as the Iberian pyrite belt in the province of Huelva in the southwestern corner of the Iberian Peninsula. Its waters are acidic and contain large amounts of heavy metals from erosion and mining activity. In addition, the Odiel River estuary is one of the most industrialized areas in southern Spain and, consequently, receives the discharge of industrial and urban waste. Seventeen sediment samples from the Odiel and its main tributaries were analyzed for this study. The chemical partitioning of metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Fe, Ni, Cr and Co) in each sample was determined in four fractions (acid-soluble, reducible, oxidizable and residual). The total content of each of the metals was also determined. The results showed high concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd, undoubtedly as a result of contamination from the mining and industrial activity mentioned above. However, the concentrations of the other metals analyzed were low since there are no sources of pollution by them in the Odiel River. Based on the chemical distribution of metals, we found that Cd, Zn and Cu are the most mobile metals (i.e., metals that can pass easily into the water under changing environmental conditions). Cd is the metal that showed the highest percentages in the acid-soluble fraction (the most labile) and the lowest in the residual fraction. However, Pb, Fe, Cr and Ni are present in the greatest percentages in the residual fraction, which implies that these metals are strongly linked to the sediments.  相似文献   

The results of gradient analysis of band pine forests in the Minusinsk Depression are presented. Methods of DCA ordination and correlation analysis have been used to reveal specific features of phytocenotic diversity formation in forest communities growing in azonal habitats of this steppe depression and to test zonal and typological forest units for ecological integrity. The role of directly acting zonal and compensatory ecological factors and specific relationships between types of forest communities and ecological-topographic conditions in the main forms of relief are considered.  相似文献   

A biokinetic model is presented that simulates the uptake and release of (99)Tc by the European lobster (Homarus gammarus). This organism is of significant radioecological interest since lobsters, in contrast to most other organisms, have a high affinity for (99)Tc. The model is designed to represent annually averaged (99)Tc concentrations in lobsters from the Cumbrian coast, where significant levels of (99)Tc have been released under authorisation by the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at BNFL Sellafield.This paper describes the construction of the model, how it was calibrated using data from published literature, and preliminary results indicating that model output agrees well with the available monitoring data. Given that this model successfully combines laboratory and field data, this research could potentially make a significant contribution to the field, as, to date, it has been difficult to predict and explain concentrations of (99)Tc in lobsters.  相似文献   

The results of three-year studies on Collembola communities in spruce-fir forests along the gradient of pollution with emissions from the Middle Ural Copper Smelter (Revda, Sverdlovsk oblast) are presented. They show that the species and ecological structure of these communities change abruptly in the impact zone (1 km from the source of emissions), compared to the background zone (30 km from the source), which involves a decrease in the abundance and diversity of Collembola. Their total abundance and species richness in the zone of intermediate disturbance (7 and 4 km) are considerably higher than in the background zone, and the species structure of communities is characterized by superdominance. Four species groups differing in sensitivity to pollution are distinguished. Preference for zones with different pollution levels in closely related species is regarded as a case of ecological vicariation.  相似文献   

Four fish species were collected: brown trout, grouper, spotted tail bass, and black crappie. Fish samples were thawed and dissected. The pieces of edible muscle and liver tissues were digested in a reagent-grade nitric acid, in a constant temperature shaking-water bath at 58°C. Thirteen inorganic elements were determined by flame atomic absorption.The significant findings of this report are that inorganic elements, mercury, iron, copper, zinc, chromium, and nickel with the exception of magnesium show elevated levels in the livers than in the muscles of all the four fish species. It seems magnesium concentration levels were consistantly higher in the muscles than in the livers of all four fish species. It is found that calculations of muscle-liver ratios indicate that ratios in the range of 0.5 are preliminary indicative of environmental static conditions, whereas ratios in the range of more than one are indicative of environmental improvement.  相似文献   

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a class of compounds with unique chemical properties that have been shown useful in a wide variety of applications because they provide materials with reduced surface tension and exceptional non-stick properties. PFASs are commonly found in impregnation materials, coatings of papers and textiles, fire-fighting foams, pesticides, and cleaning agents. The potential for human exposure to PFASs is high because of their widespread distribution. The aim of this study was to investigate levels of PFASs in men and women from Sweden and to assess the influence of gender and parity among women. Levels of 13 PFASs were determined in plasma samples collected during 2001–2004 from 1016 (507 women) 70 year-old participants from the population-based Prospective Study of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS). The PFASs studied were nine perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs), four perfluorinated sulfonic acids (PFSAs) and perfluorooctane sulfonamide (PFOSA). In addition, structural isomers of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) were determined in a subset of 398 individuals. The detection rates were high and the majority of the studied compounds were detected in more than 75% of the participants. Levels of the selected analytes were found to be similar to other studies of non-occupationally exposed populations. Gender differences were observed in levels of PFHpA which was higher in men, while PFHxS was higher in women. Parity among women was shown to have a minor effect on PFAS concentrations and we found primi- and multiparous women to have slightly lower levels of PFUnDA when compared to nulliparous women.  相似文献   

Changes in the dynamic density of herpetobiont arachnids and the ratio of spider life forms have been studied in southern taiga forests transformed under the impact of emissions from a copper smelter. Along the pollution gradient, the dynamic density of spiders decreases; web-spinning spiders are replaced by ambush spiders, since the abundance of families Lycosidae and Gnaphosidae increases while that of the family Linyphiidae decreases; and spatial variation in the abundance of arachnids increases. One harvestmen family (Nemastomatidae) completely disappears near the copper smelter.  相似文献   

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