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Radon-222 in Brazil: an outline of indoor and outdoor measurements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study discusses the methodology for measuring and assessing the radon concentration in indoor and outdoor environments. A research study was developed to investigate the long-term behavior of the diurnal and seasonal fluctuations of radon (222)Rn EEC (Equilibrium-Equivalent Concentration) and the influence of temperature and other climatic aspects on this behavior. The study was performed by means of both integrated and instantaneous measurements of radon and its short-lived daughter products for a period of 1 year in an indoor environment in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil (reference environment), with continuous measurement, using a radon monitor with an alpha spectrometry detector.For a single day, a variability of about 50% could be observed in the (222)Rn EEC values measured on a hourly basis, with a maximum occurring early in the morning and a minimum in the afternoon. For the long-term period, seasonality is responsible for a two order of magnitude variability, with a maximum of 50 Bq.m(-3) in winter (dry season) and a minimum of 0.5 Bq.m(-3) in the summer months (wet season), outdoors. A negative correlation with temperature was observed. The conclusions of this experiment led to a survey of radon gas concentration in dwellings in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil, in urban area with nearly 7 million inhabitants, through integrated sampling methods, using a Solid State Nuclear Track Detectors Technique (SSNTD). The study was conducted in different geomorphological locations in town. The radon gas concentration in Rio de Janeiro dwellings ranged from 5 Bq.m(-3) to 200 Bq.m(-3). A good correlation between indoor radon gas concentration and location of dwellings was observed. The seashore areas presented the lowest levels of indoor radon concentration, whereas the highest levels were found close to the mountains.  相似文献   

Radon-222 and carbon dioxide concentrations have been measured during several years at several points in the atmosphere of an underground limestone quarry located at a depth of 18 m in Vincennes, near Paris, France. Both concentrations showed a seasonal cycle. Radon concentration varied from 1200 to 2000 Bq m−3 in summer to about 800-1400 Bq m−3 in winter, indicating winter ventilation rates varying from 0.6 to 2.5 × 10−6 s−1. Carbon dioxide concentration varied from 0.9 to 1.0% in summer, to about 0.1-0.3% in winter. Radon concentration can be corrected for natural ventilation using temperature measurements. The obtained model also accounts for the measured seasonal variation of carbon dioxide. After correction, radon concentrations still exhibit significant temporal variation, mostly associated with the variation of atmospheric pressure, with coupling coefficients varying from −7 to −26 Bq m−3 hPa−1. This variation can be accounted for using a barometric pumping model, coupled with natural ventilation in winter, and including internal mixing as well. After correction, radon concentrations exhibit residual temporal variation, poorly correlated between different points, with standard deviations varying from 3 to 6%. This study shows that temporal variation of radon concentrations in underground cavities can be understood to a satisfactory level of detail using non-linear and time-dependent modelling. It is important to understand the temporal variation of radon concentrations and the limitations in their modelling to monitor the properties of natural or artificial underground settings, and to be able to assess the existence of new processes, for example associated with the preparatory phases of volcanic eruptions or earthquakes.  相似文献   

The concentration activity of radon-222 has been monitored, with some interruptions, from 1997 to 2005 in the end section of a slightly rising, dead-end, 38-m long tunnel located in the Phulchoki hill, near Kathmandu, Nepal. While a high concentration varying from 6 x 10(3) Bq m(-3) to 10 x 10(3) Bq m(-3) is observed from May to September (rainy summer season), the concentration remains at a low level of about 200 Bq m(-3) from October to March (dry winter season). This reduction of radon concentration is associated with natural ventilation of the tunnel, which, contrary to expectations for a rising tunnel, takes place mainly from October to March when the outside air temperature drops below the average tunnel temperature. This interpretation is supported by temperature measurements in the atmosphere of the tunnel, a few meters away from the entrance. The temporal variations of the diurnal amplitude of this temperature indeed follow the ventilation rate deduced from the radon measurements. In the absence of significant ventilation (summer season), the radon exhalation flux at the rock surface into the tunnel atmosphere can be inferred; it exhibits a yearly variation with additional transient reductions associated with heavy rainfall, likely to be due to water infiltration. No effect of atmospheric pressure variations on the radon concentration is observed in this tunnel. This experiment illustrates how small differences in the location and geometry of a tunnel can lead to vastly different behaviours of the radon concentration versus time. This observation has consequences for the estimation of the dose rate and the practicability of radon monitoring for tectonic purposes in underground environments.  相似文献   

Radon-222 exhalation from the ground surface depends upon a number of variables such as the 226Ra activity concentration and its distribution in soil grains; soil grain size; soil porosity, temperature and moisture; atmospheric pressure, rainfall and temperature. In this study, 222Rn exhalation flux density measurements within and around the Ranger uranium mine in northern Australia were performed to investigate the effect of these variables within a tropical region. Measurements were taken at the waste rock dumps, ore stockpiles, mine pits, and at sites where effluent water with elevated 226Ra concentration has been spray irrigated over land, as well as at sites outside the mine. The sites selected represented a variety of geomorphic regions ranging from uranium-bearing rocks to ambient soils. Generally, wet season rains reduced 222Rn exhalation but at a few sites the onset of rains caused a step rise in exhalation flux densities. The results show that parameters such as 226Ra activity concentration, soil grain size and soil porosity have a marked effect on 222Rn flux densities. For similar geomorphic sites, 226Ra activity concentration is a dominant factor, but soil grain size and porosity also influence 222Rn exhalation. Surfaces with vegetation showed higher exhalation flux densities than their barren counterparts, perhaps because the associated root structure increases soil porosity and moisture retention. Repeated measurements over one year at eight sites enabled an analysis of precipitation and soil moisture effects on 222Rn exhalation. Soil moisture depth profiles varied both between seasons and at different times during the wet season, indicating that factors such as duration, intensity and time between precipitation events can influence 222Rn flux densities considerably.  相似文献   

Radon gas emanating from underground can spread to adjoining closed areas. It can concentrate and reach levels which represent a risk to people's health. It is well known that radon presence in most areas depends mainly on the area's geological features. Indoor radon concentrations further depend on the type of structure, construction materials and the technology used for the building. Therefore, indoor radon monitoring is of primary importance for deciding whether remedial measures are to be adopted for reducing harmful concentrations. This approach has been tried by measuring radon concentration in an experimental building situated in Milan (Italy). This building situated in a geological area that is considered at low radon risk. The results were obtained after analysing radon concentration in indoor rooms, crawl spaces, soil gas and in the atmosphere outside and by measuring before and after adoption of remedial measures. The study shows that improper building design can give rise to higher indoor radon accumulation even in an area of poor radon exhalation. Furthermore, the results enable quantification of the effectiveness of the remedial measures.  相似文献   

Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), which includes fresh groundwater and recycled seawater, has been recognized as a widespread phenomenon that can provide important chemical elements to the ocean. Several studies have demonstrated that SGD may approach or even exceed freshwater sources in supplying nutrients to coastal zones. This work reports preliminary results of a study carried out in a series of small embayments of Ubatuba, S?o Paulo State, Brazil, covering latitudes between 23 degrees 26'S and 23 degrees 46'S and longitudes between 45 degrees 02'W and 45 degrees 11'W. The main aims of this research were to set up an analytical method to assess 222Rn and 226Ra activities in seawater samples and to apply the excess 222Rn inventories obtained to estimate SGD. Measurements made during the summer of 2001 included 222Rn and 226Ra in seawater, 226Ra in sediment, seawater and sediment physical properties, nutrients and seepage rates. A continuous 222Rn monitor was also used to determine in situ collection of data to study short-term changes at one location. All methods indicated significant inflow of subsurface fluids at rates in excess of several cm per day.  相似文献   

In this article, the attempt is made to address regime interaction in environmental governance by emphasising human livelihood action as a causal factor in this interaction. The paper elucidates how governing human behaviour on environmental resources is a process of interaction between different environmental governance regimes. With a qualitative case study of sand winning in the Dormaa Municipality and Dormaa East district in midwestern Ghana, the article shows strategic ways landowners and sand vendors pursue and legitimise their livelihood, and in the process bring about interaction between a tax regime on sand winning and the customary property rights regime of the area. It notes therefore that regime interaction is not only caused by differences in the structure of institutions, but also through the ways humans act to pursue their livelihoods. Based on this, the paper highlights the need for consciousness towards livelihoods of people and how such livelihoods are pursued as important contexts within which regimes function and interact. In this way, environmental governance can be more responsive to the well-being of people.  相似文献   

A low background station for the measurement of low level radioactivity is under development in Northern Italy. The rock cover is about 300 m water equivalent. We report and discuss measurements of radon concentration in air and of gamma, muon and neutron fluxes performed in the neighborhood of the station site. We present and apply a simple analytical model capable to disentangle the contribution to the measured gamma activities due to 222Rn in air from the one due to 238U and its daughters in the rocks.  相似文献   

Radon-222 was measured in groundwater sources of Extremadura (Spain), analyzing 350 samples from private and public springs, wells, and spas by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) and gamma spectrometry. The (222)Rn activity concentrations ranged from 0.24 to 1168BqL(-1). The statistical analysis showed a log-normal distribution with a mean of (111+/-7)BqL(-1) and a median of (36+/-3)BqL(-1). A hydrogeological study revealed correlations between the activity concentration and the aquifer material's characteristics. A map of (222)Rn in groundwater was elaborated and compared with the natural gamma radiation map for this region. About 35% of the samples showed (222)Rn activity concentrations above the Euratom recommended limit of 100BqL(-1). Three uranium series radionuclides ((238)U, (234)U, and (226)Ra) were also assayed by alpha-particle spectrometry, estimating the annual effective dose due to the presence of these natural radionuclides in drinking water.  相似文献   

Problems exist in the United States' effort to achieve energy self-sufficiency. Increasing coal production to assure energy self-sufficiency is a prime problem for the rest of the century and beyond. The use of diesels in underground coal mines has been suggested as a mining method to aid in this needed, increased production. Many questions exist about the effects on humans in such environments. NIOSH Division of Respiratory Disease Studies has undertaken a research effort to characterize the environments of existing diesel coal mines. The results of one of the studies will be presented. Preliminary assessments of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, C1-C5 aldehydes and organic acids, aliphatic hydrocarbons, sulfates, total and respirable dust, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are presented. Nitrogen dioxide and total aldehydes are suggested as possible species to quantify diesel exposure.  相似文献   

These investigations present qualitative and quantitative assessments of the 222Rn contributing potential of the technologically modified sources, e.g. mine exhausts and tailings piles, arising due to the mining and processing of uraniferous minerals at Jaduguda, India. The overall geometric mean of the 222Rn flux from low-grade uranium (U) mill tailings being 1.19 Bq m-2 s-1, requisite attenuation of 37.8% to the recommended limit of 0.74 Bq m-2 s-1 can be attained by a typical clay coverage of 20 cm. Theoretically, feasible options for selection of overburden materials for stabilisation of the tailings piles are examined. Extrapolation studies with a turbulent diffusion model yield an atmospheric dispersion pattern of 222Rn in reasonable correspondence with the prevailing concentrations, especially for locations beyond a 4 km radius. The overall 222Rn contribution of the U complex to the ambient air is the same as that contributed by the adjoining land mass of 2.75 km radius in this mineralised terrain.  相似文献   

Concentrations of airborne radon ranging from 0.05 to 135 pCi/L were found in houses in Maine. Tracketch cups were placed in five positions for 100 houses to determine integrated average radon concentrations over the period October 1980–May 1981. To investigate the association between elevated radon concentrations in well water and the indoor airborne radon concentrations, the radon in the water supplies of these houses was measured by liquid scintillation. Monitors of airborne radon, recording in intervals of 10 min for periods of 5–7 days, were used for dynamic studies in 18 houses, determining the component of airborne radon associated with major water uses, such as showers, laundry, and dishwashing, which liberate radon in bursts. House residents kept logs noting the time of major water uses. For some of the houses, ventilation rates ranging from 0.3 to 2 air changes per hour were determined by analysis of the dynamic data. The component of airborne radon associated with water sources was found to vary inversely with ventilation rate and directly with waterborne radon concentration, with 0.8 ± 0.2 pCi Rn/L air per nCi Rn/L water at a ventilation rate of 1.0 air change per hour. The data are pertinent to a study which has revealed significant correlations between county averages, from the National Cancer Institute, or age-adjusted cancer mortality rates in Maine and average values of radon concentrations in water for the counties.  相似文献   

The air quality in a newly built preschool was investigated in a longitudinal study. Typical air contaminants emanating from building materials were determined, their variation over time (0–18 months) was measured, and the influence of the ventilation system (81%–91% recirculation of return air) on contaminant concentrations was studied. Volatile organic compounds were sampled by adsorption on porous polymer, analysed by a GC/FID system, and identified by MS. A spatial build-up in concentration (ppb or μg/m3 levels) is evident for all the organic compounds, as well as for CO2, from the outdoor air, through the ventilation system, and through the rooms to the exhaust air. The longitudinal comparison over time shows that all the organic compounds decline in concentration mainly within the first 6 months of occupancy: 1-butanol 4–14 times, toluene and pentanal + hexanal 2–4 times, while formaldehyde remained at a constant low level of 90 ppb (110 μg/m3). It is difficult to believe that the problems of poor air quality in 100 preschools in Stockholm are caused by the organic compounds alone unless interactions occur. A preschool building needs to be gassed off during the first 6 months after its construction with no recirculation of return air allowed (outdoor air rate approx 4–5 ach). During at least 1–2 additional years, it is desired that the recirculation rate of return air is restricted, perhaps to 50%.  相似文献   

This research examines how the Kandozi indigenous group governs access to fish and timber for sale and evaluates their perceptions of sustainability of those natural resources. The Kandozi occupy a biodiverse tropical forest in the northern Peruvian Amazon with lakes and seasonally flooded areas. Qualitative methods and a comparative examination of access to resources were used to explore current processes that shape access and the people’s perceptions of their benefit from natural resources. Results indicated that environmental heterogeneity, kinship, land tenure, the legal framework, and knowledge all shaped access with some differences due to the dissimilar natures of fish and timber. This research concludes that the sustainability of this and similar systems are dependent upon the moment at which the analysis is done, because of the changing needs of people over time, in addition to changes in external factors and the natural variations that occur in the resources used. The range of relations and interactions among different processes that shape access, and the historically contingent characteristic of access and its evolution over time, help better understand the complexity of a given social-ecological system.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of radon concentration measurements in the drinking water from the municipal water supply system and private wells located in the north-eastern part of Poland. The measurements were carried out on 643 samples using a liquid scintillation method. The mean value was found to be 5262 Bq m-3 with a maximum of 38347 Bq m-3. The samples were obtained from different water-bearing levels, i.e. surface water, deep borehole water and well water and have respective mean values of 3398, 5178 and 6155 Bq m-3. In 57 water samples, a guideline maximum level of 11,000 Bq m-3 was found to be exceeded. The observed radon concentration in water can contribute to a 2% increase in indoor radon concentration.  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum board is a popular construction material used for housing panels in Korea. Phosphogypsum often contains (226)Ra which decays into (222)Rn through an alpha transformation. (222)Rn emanated from the (226)Ra-bearing phosphogypsum board has drawn the public concern due to its potential radiological impacts to indoor occupants. The emanation rate of (222)Rn from the board is estimated in this paper. A mathematical model of the emanation rate of (222)Rn from the board is presented and validated through a series of experiments. The back diffusion effect due to accumulation of (222)Rn-laden air was incorporated in the model and found to have a strong impact on the (222)Rn emanation characteristics.  相似文献   

The Syabru-Bensi hydrothermal zone, Langtang region (Nepal), is characterized by high radon-222 and CO2 discharge. Seasonal variations of gas fluxes were studied on a reference transect in a newly discovered gas discharge zone. Radon-222 and CO2 fluxes were measured with the accumulation chamber technique, coupled with the scintillation flask method for radon. In the reference transect, fluxes reach exceptional mean values, as high as 8700 ± 1500 g m−2 d−1 for CO2 and 3400 ± 100 × 10−3 Bq m−2 s−1 for radon. Gases fluxes were measured in September 2007 during the monsoon and during the dry winter season, in December 2007 to January 2008 and in December 2008 to January 2009. Contrary to expectations, radon and its carrier gas fluxes were similar during both seasons. The integrated flux along this transect was approximately the same for radon, with a small increase of 11 ± 4% during the wet season, whereas it was reduced by 38 ± 5% during the monsoon for CO2. In order to account for the persistence of the high gas emissions during monsoon, watering experiments have been performed at selected radon measurement points. After watering, radon flux decreased within 5 min by a factor of 2–7 depending on the point. Subsequently, it returned to its original value, firstly, by an initial partial recovery within 3–4 h, followed by a slow relaxation, lasting around 10 h and possibly superimposed by diurnal variations. Monsoon, in this part of the Himalayas, proceeds generally by brutal rainfall events separated by two- or three-day lapses. Thus, the recovery ability shown in the watering experiments accounts for the observed long-term persistence of gas discharge. This persistence is an important asset for long-term monitoring, for example to study possible temporal variations associated with stress accumulation and release.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the short- and long-term effects of radon ((222)Rn) released from water on the progeny exposure in a thermal spa. For the purposes of this work, the Polichnitos spa was used as a case study. The bathroom was supplied with water containing 110-210 kBq m(-3) of (222)Rn. The (222)Rn concentration in air and the short-lived (222)Rn progenies in attached and unattached form were monitored into the bathroom and the surrounding premises. The equilibrium factor (F-factor) and the unattached fraction were estimated. The results of this study show that water flow during bath filling is by far the dominant mechanism by which (222)Rn is released in the air of the bathroom. The progeny exposure was correlated linearly with the (222)Rn concentration in the entering water. The annual effective dose received by a worker was found to be below the lower limit value of 3 mSv recommended by ICRP 65. The dose limit was exceeded only for water containing more than 300 kBq m(-3).  相似文献   

From 2003-2004, using solid state nuclear detectors, a survey of the air radon level in 234 underground buildings in 23 cities of China was carried out during spring as well as summer and winter. The annual radon concentrations in these underground buildings range from 14.9 to 2482 Bq m(-3), with an overall mean value of 247 Bqm(-3). When radon concentrations are averaged according to cities, Fuzhou and Baotou have the relatively higher radon levels, which are 714 and 705 Bqm(-3), respectively. Guangzhou and Shanghai have the relatively lower radon levels with 71.1 and 72.6 Bqm(-3). The annual effective dose by exposure to radon received by people working in these cities is concluded to be 1.6 mSv. The geological formation, coating level, decorating materials and ventilation situation all affect the radon concentration in underground buildings. The radon level in underground buildings has the lowest value in winter and the highest value in summer.  相似文献   

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