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Transport and retardation of non-sorbing tritiated water and chloride and slightly sorbing sodium was studied in Syyry area SY-KR7 mica gneiss, in altered porous tonalite and in fresh tonalite. Experiments were performed using dynamic fracture and crushed rock column methods. Static batch method for sodium was introduced to compare retardation values from static and dynamic experiments. The 14C-PMMA method was used to study the pore structure of matrices. The pore aperture distribution was evaluated from Hg-porosimetry determinations and the surface areas were determined using the B.E.T. method. The flow characteristics and transport behavior of tracers were interpreted using a numerical compartment model for dispersion. The effect of matrix diffusion was calculated using an analytical solution to the advection-matrix diffusion problem in which surface retardation was taken into account. Radionuclide transport behavior in rock fractures was explained on the basis of rock structure.  相似文献   

Matrix diffusion is an important mechanism for solute transport in fractured rock. We recently conducted a literature survey on the effective matrix diffusion coefficient, Dme, a key parameter for describing matrix diffusion processes at the field scale. Forty field tracer tests at 15 fractured geologic sites were surveyed and selected for the study, based on data availability and quality. Field-scale Dme values were calculated, either directly using data reported in the literature, or by reanalyzing the corresponding field tracer tests. The reanalysis was conducted for the selected tracer tests using analytic or semi-analytic solutions for tracer transport in linear, radial, or interwell flow fields. Surveyed data show that the scale factor of the effective matrix diffusion coefficient (defined as the ratio of Dme to the lab-scale matrix diffusion coefficient, Dm, of the same tracer) is generally larger than one, indicating that the effective matrix diffusion coefficient in the field is comparatively larger than the matrix diffusion coefficient at the rock-core scale. This larger value can be attributed to the many mass-transfer processes at different scales in naturally heterogeneous, fractured rock systems.Furthermore, we observed a moderate, on average trend toward systematic increase in the scale factor with observation scale. This trend suggests that the effective matrix diffusion coefficient is likely to be statistically scale-dependent. The scale-factor value ranges from 0.5 to 884 for observation scales from 5 to 2000 m. At a given scale, the scale factor varies by two orders of magnitude, reflecting the influence of differing degrees of fractured rock heterogeneity at different geologic sites. In addition, the surveyed data indicate that field-scale longitudinal dispersivity generally increases with observation scale, which is consistent with previous studies. The scale-dependent field-scale matrix diffusion coefficient (and dispersivity) may have significant implications for assessing long-term, large-scale radionuclide and contaminant transport events in fractured rock, both for nuclear waste disposal and contaminant remediation.  相似文献   

Lo IM  Tsang DC  Yip TC  Wang F  Zhang W 《Chemosphere》2011,83(1):7-13
Chelating agents have been widely studied for extracting heavy metals from contaminated soils, and the effectiveness of EDDS ([S,S]-ethylene-diamine-disuccinic acid) has aroused extensive attention because of its biodegradability in the natural environment. However, in the course of EDDS-flushing, metal exchange of newly extracted metal-EDDS complexes with other sorbed metals and mineral cations may result in metal re-adsorption on the soil surfaces. Therefore, this study investigated the relative significance of metal exchange under different travel distances of chelant complexes, characteristics of soil contamination, and solution pH in the column experiments. As a result of metal exchange, the elution of Zn and Pb was retarded and the cumulative extraction was lower than those of Ni and Cu, especially over a longer travel distance. Compared with the field-contaminated soils, the effects of metal exchange were even more substantial in the artificially contaminated soil because of a greater amount of extractable metals and a larger proportion of weakly bound fractions. By contrast, metal exchange was insignificant at pH 8, probably due to less adsorption of metal-EDDS complexes. These findings highlight the conditions under which metal exchange of metal-EDDS complexes and the resulting impacts are more significant during EDDS-flushing.  相似文献   

The spreading of concentration fronts in dynamic column experiments conducted with a porous, aggregated soil is analyzed by means of a previously documented transport model (DFPSDM) that accounts for longitudinal dispersion, external mass transfer in the boundary layer surrounding the aggregate particles, and diffusion in the intra-aggregate pores. The data are drawn from a previous report on the transport of tritiated water, chloride, and calcium ion in a column filled with Ione soil having an average aggregate particle diameter of 0.34 cm, at pore water velocities from 3 to 143 cm/h. The parameters for dispersion, external mass transfer, and internal diffusion were predicted for the experimental conditions by means of generalized correlations, independent of the column data. The predicted degree of solute front-spreading agreed well with the experimental observations. Consistent with the aggregate porosity of 45%, the tortuosity factor for internal pore diffusion was approximately equal to 2. Quantitative criteria for the spreading influence of the three mechanisms are evaluated with respect to the column data. Hydrodynamic dispersion is thought to have governed the front shape in the experiments at low velocity, and internal pore diffusion is believed to have dominated at high velocity; the external mass transfer resistance played a minor role under all conditions. A transport model such as DFPSDM is useful for interpreting column data with regard to the mechanisms controlling concentration front dynamics, but care must be exercised to avoid confounding the effects of the relevant processes.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight bacterial and Br transport experiments were performed in the field to determine the effects of physical and chemical heterogeneity of the aquifer sediment. The experiments were performed using groundwater from two field locations to examine the effects of groundwater chemistry on transport. Groundwater was extracted from multilevel samplers and pumped through 7-cm-long columns of intact sediment or repacked sieved and coated or uncoated sediment from the underlying aquifer. Two bacterial strains, Comamonas sp. DA001 and Paenibacillus polymyxa FER-02, were injected along with Br into the influent end of columns to examine the effect of cell morphology and cell surface properties on bacterial transport. The effects of column sediment grain size and mineral coatings coupled with groundwater geochemistry were also investigated. Significant irreversible attachment of DA001 was observed in the Fe oxyhydroxide-coated columns, but only in the suboxic groundwater where the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were ca. 1 ppm. In the oxic groundwater where DOC was ca. 8 ppm, little attachment of DA001 to the Fe oxyhydroxide-coated columns was observed. This indicates that DOC can significantly reduce bacterial attachment due electrostatic interactions. The larger and more negatively charged FER-02 displayed increasing attachment with decreasing grain size regardless of DOC concentration, and modeling of FER-02 attachment revealed that the presence of Fe and Al coatings on the sediment also promoted attachment. Finally, the presence of Al coatings and Al containing minerals appeared to significantly retard the Br tracer regardless of the concentration of DOC. These findings suggest that DOC in shallow oxic groundwater aquifers can significantly enhance the transport of bacteria by reducing attachment to Fe, Mn and Al oxyhydroxides. This effect appears to be profound for weakly and strongly charged hydrophilic bacteria and may contribute to differences in observations between laboratory experiments versus field-scale investigations particularly if the groundwater pH remains subneutral and Fe oxyhydroxide phases exist. These observation validate the novel approach taken in the experiments outlined here of performing laboratory-scale experiments on site to facilitate the use of fresh groundwater and thus be more representative of in situ groundwater conditions.  相似文献   

The theoretical basis for matrix diffusion in fractured rocks and the methodology for the determination of diffusion coefficients in the laboratory are well established. One significant problem, however, remains in that it is difficult to quantify the degree of sample disturbance affecting the geometrical, geophysical and hydraulic properties of the rock matrix. A new technique, with in situ rock impregnation with resin, for examining the diffusion-accessible rock matrix has been developed and successfully adopted to the rock matrix behind a water-conducting fracture in host crystalline rocks at Nagra's Grimsel Test Site in Switzerland and JNC's Kamaishi In Situ Test Site in Japan. In line with the results of a large number of natural analogue and laboratory studies, the existence of an in situ interconnected pore network was substantiated. Matrix porosities determined on the laboratory samples from both the sites are 1.5-3 times higher than in situ values, irrespective of the technique applied. On the Grimsel granodiorite matrix, matrix porosity existing in situ and artefacts of stress release and physical disturbance, induced by sampling and sample preparation, were clearly distinguished, allowing in situ porosity to be quantified. Laboratory work with conventional techniques tends to overestimate the porosity of the rock matrix, hence leading to an overestimation of in situ matrix diffusion. The implications of these differences to a repository performance assessment are assessed with a couple of examples from existing assessments, and recommendations for future approaches to the examination of in situ matrix porosity are made.  相似文献   

Sorption of 137Cs, 90Sr, 154Eu and 141Ce by magnetite has been studied at varying pH (4 to 11) in the presence and absence of humic acid. The sorption studies have also been carried out at varying ionic strength (0.01 to 0.2 M NaClO4) and humic acid concentration (2 to 20 mg/L). Percentage sorption of 137Cs and 90Sr was found to be pH dependent, with the sorption increasing with increasing pH of the suspension. At any pH, the percentage sorption of 90Sr was higher than that of 137Cs. The results have been explained in terms of the electrostatic interaction between the positively charged metal ions and the surface charge of the magnetite which becomes increasingly negative with increasing pH. On the other hand, 154Eu and 141Ce were found to be strongly sorbed by the magnetite at all pH values, with the sorption being independent of pH. The strong sorption of trivalent and tetravalent metal ions suggests the role of complexation reactions during sorption, apart from the electrostatic interactions. However, in the case of 141Ce surface precipitation of Ce(III) formed by reduction of Ce(IV) in the presence of magnetite cannot be ruled out. Presence of humic acid (2 mg/L) was found to have negligible effect on sorption of all metal ions.  相似文献   

The interactions between cement and a clayey host-rock of an underground repository for intermediate-level radioactive waste are studied with the reactive transport code HYTEC for supporting performance assessment. Care is taken in using relevant time scales (100,000 years) and dimensions. Based on a literature review, three hypotheses are considered with respect to the mineralogical composition of the claystone and the neo-formed phases. In the long term, the pH is buffered for all hypotheses and important mineral transformations occur both in cement and the host-rock. The destruction of the primary minerals is localized close to the cement/claystone interface and is characterized by the precipitation of secondary phases with retention properties (illite, zeolite). However, beyond the zone of intense mineral transformations, the pore water chemistry is also disturbed over a dozen meters due to an attenuated but continuous flux of hydroxyl, potassium and calcium ions. Four interdependent mechanisms control the profile in the whole system: diffusion of the alkaline plume, mineralogical buffering, ion exchange and clogging of the pore space at the cement/claystone interface. The migration of a selected group of radionuclides (Cs, Ra, Tc and U) is explicitly integrated in the simulations of the strongly coupled system. Theoretical profiles of distribution coefficient (Kd) and solubility limit values are derived from the simulations, and their sensitivity with respect to the system evolution is estimated.  相似文献   

An understanding of particle migration in fractured rock, required to assess the potential for colloid-facilitated transport of radionuclides, can best be evaluated when the results of laboratory experiments are demonstrated in the field. Field-scale migration experiments with silica colloids were carried out at AECL's Underground Research Laboratory (URL), located in southern Manitoba, to develop the methodology for large-scale migration experiments and to determine whether colloid transport is possible over distances up to 17 m. In addition, these experiments were designed to evaluate the effects of flow rate and flow path geometry, and to determine whether colloid tracers could be used to provide additional information on subsurface transport to that provided by conservative tracers alone. The colloid migration studies were carried out as part of AECL's Transport Properties in Highly Fractured Rock Experiment, the objective of which was to develop and demonstrate methods for evaluating the solute transport characteristics of zones of highly fractured rock. The experiments were carried out within fracture zone 2 as two-well recirculating, two-well non-recirculating, and convergent flow tests, using injection rates of 5 and 10 1 min−1. Silica colloids with a 20 nm size were used because they are potentially mobile due to their stability, small size and negative surface charge. The shapes of elution profiles for colloids and conservative tracers were similar, demonstrating that colloids can migrate over distances of 17 m. The local region of drawdown towards the URL shaft affected colloid migration and, to a lesser extent, conservative tracer migration within the flow field established by the two-well tracer tests. These results indicate that stable colloids, with sizes as small as 20 nm, have different migration properties from dissolved conservative tracers. - 1997 Atomic Energy of Canada.  相似文献   

In fractured rocks with a porous rock matrix such as granites, radionuclides will flow with the water in the fracture network. The nuclides will diffuse in and out the rock matrix where they can sorb and be considerably retarded compared to the water velocity. A water parcel entering the network will mix and split at the fracture intersections and parts of the original parcel will traverse a multitude of different fractures. The flowrates, velocities, sizes and apertures of the fractures can vary widely. Normally one must solve the transport equations for every fracture and use the effluent concentration as inlet condition to the next fracture and so on. It is shown that under some weakly simplified conditions it suffices to determine one single parameter group containing information on the flow wetted surface that a water parcel contacts along the entire path. It is also shown how this can be obtained. Then, solving the transport equations only once for time and location along the path gives the concentration and nuclide flux of every nuclide in the chain everywhere along a path. The same solution actually is valid for every path in the network. This dramatically reduces the computation effort. The same approach can be used for models based on streamtubes.  相似文献   

Mechanistic model calculations for the migration of Cs, Ra, Am and Pb in compacted bentonite have been carried out to evaluate sensitivities with respect to different parameter variations. A surface chemical speciation/electric double layer model is used to calculate: (i) porewater composition and radionuclide speciation in solution and at the bentonite surface, yielding the distribution of mobile and sorbed species and (ii) interaction of diffusing species with negatively charged pore walls to obtain diffusion parameters. The basic scenario considers the interaction of compacted bentonite with a fresh-type groundwater; variations include the presence of bentonite impurities and saline groundwater. It is shown that these scenarios result in significant variations of porewater composition that affect migration via three mechanisms that can partly compensate each other: (1) effects on sorption through radionuclide complexation in solution, and competition of major cations for surface sites; (2) changes in radionuclide solution speciation leading to different diffusing species under different conditions; (3) effects on diffusion through changes in the electric double layer properties of the clay pores as a function of ionic strength.  相似文献   

The fate of selected pesticides (bentazone, isoproturon, DNOC, MCPP, dichlorprop and 2,4-D) and a metabolite (2,6-dichlorobenzamide (BAM)) was investigated under aerobic conditions in column experiments using aquifer material and low concentrations of pesticides (approximately 25 microg/l). A solute transport model accounting for kinetic sorption and degradation was used to estimate sorption and degradation parameters. Isoproturon and DNOC were significantly retarded by sorption, whereas the retardation of the phenoxy acids (MCPP, 2,4-D and dichlorprop), BAM and bentazone was very low. After lag periods of 16-33 days for the phenoxy acids and 80 days for DNOC, these pesticides were degraded quickly with 0.-order rate constants of 1.3-2.6 microg/l/day. None of the most probable degradation products were detected.  相似文献   

A mathematical model describing the dissolution of nuclear glass directly disposed in clay combines a first-order dissolution rate law with the diffusion of dissolved silica in clay. According to this model, the main parameters describing the long-term dissolution of the glass are ηR, the product of the diffusion accessible porosity η and the retardation factor R, and the apparent diffusion coefficient Dapp of dissolved silica in clay.For determining the migration parameters needed for long-term predictions, four Through-Diffusion (T-D) experiments and one percolation test have been performed on undisturbed clay cores. In the Through-Diffusion experiments, the concentration decrease after injection of 32Si (radioactive labelled silica) was measured in the inlet compartment. At the end of the T-D experiments, the clay cores were cut in thin slices and the activity of labelled silica in each slice was determined. The measured activity profiles for these four clay cores are well reproducible.Since no labelled silica could be detected in the outlet compartments, the Through-Diffusion experiments are fitted by two In-Diffusion models: one model assuming linear and reversible sorption equilibrium and a second model taking into account sorption kinetics. Although the kinetic model provides better fits, due to the sufficiently long duration of the experiments, both models give approximately similar values for the fit parameters. The single percolation test leads to an apparent diffusion coefficient value about two to three times lower than those of the Through-Diffusion tests.Therefore, dissolved silica appears to be strongly retarded in Boom Clay. A retardation factor R between 100 and 300 was determined. The corresponding in situ distribution coefficient Kd is in the range 25–75 cm3 g−1. The apparent diffusion coefficient of dissolved silica in Boom Clay is estimated between 2×10−13 and 7×10−13 m2 s−1. The pore diffusion coefficient is in the range from 6×10−11 to 1×10−10 m2 s−1.  相似文献   

Leakage of saline-alkaline tank waste solutions often creates a serious environmental contamination problem. To better understand the mechanisms controlling the fate of such waste solutions in the Hanford vadose zone, we simulated reactive transport in columns designed to represent local site conditions. The Pitzer ion interaction module was used, with principal geochemical processes considered in the simulation including quartz dissolution, precipitation of brucite, calcite, and portlandite, multi-component cation exchange, and aqueous complexation reactions. Good matches were observed between the simulated and measured column data at ambient temperature ( approximately 21 degrees C). Relatively good agreement was also obtained at high temperature ( approximately 70 degrees C). The decrease of pH at the plume front is examined through formation of secondary mineral phases and/or quartz dissolution. Substantial formation of secondary mineral phases resulting from multi-component cation exchange suggests that these phases are responsible for a decrease in pH within the plume front. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was conducted with respect to cation exchange capacity, selectivity coefficient, mineral assemblage, temperature, and ionic strength. This study could serve as a useful guide to subsequent experimental work, to thermodynamic models developed for the concentrated solutions at high ionic strength and to other types of waste plume studies.  相似文献   

When a solute transport process is viewed as a dynamic system with input and output, a system identification technique can be used to study it from input-output data. According to the design of excitation signals in the system identification approach, the commonly used rectangular pulse as input signal for column experiments is not optimum because it does not simultaneously meet the requirements for exciting the studied transport process, i.e., possessing frequency components with high enough amplitude and wide enough passband. In this article, stepped sine signals were proposed to replace the rectangular pulse because their amplitude and passband can be independently chosen. The stepped sine signals of concentration were generated by a High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and used as the input for the column experiments to identify parameters of the convection-dispersion equation (CDE) and mobile-immobile model (MIM). In order to test the effect of noise on the identification of transport process, numerical experiments were carried out to identify the CDE under white noise when the input was designed as stepped sine functions and rectangular pulse. The results of the numerical experiments showed that the input signal of a sine function was more robust and accurate in process identification than that of a rectangular pulse.  相似文献   

To determine the mobility of colloids (0.001–0.45 μm) and suspended particles (> 0.45 μm) in granite fractures, laboratory particle-migration and conservative tracer studies have been carried out in a natural fracture within a large granite block, with overall dimensions of 83×90×60 cm. Flow fields within this horizontal fracture were controlled through a set of 9 boreholes drilled orthogonally to the fracture. Laboratory experiments were performed using a range of average water velocities which contained values low enough to closely approximate the natural flow velocities of < 2 m yr−1 in plutonic rocks of the Canadian Shield. The particles used had diameters between 0.02 and 22 μm, and included latex spheres, glass spheres and colloidal silica. Migration experiments were carried out with a filtered groundwater, ionic strength of 0.01 mol kg−1, obtained from a granite fracture within the Whiteshell Research Area of Manitoba. Flushing experiments showed that suspended particles as large as 40 μm could be mobilized from the fracture surface. The mobility of suspended particles was significantly less than that of colloids. However, within the size range of colloids used in these studies (0.022–0.090 μm), colloid size did not affect colloid migration. Although, in general, colloids eluted ahead of the conservative tracer, colloid mobility was significantly reduced when the average groundwater velocity dropped below between 32 and 240 m yr−1. Colloid transport was found to be very sensitive to flow path and flow direction.  相似文献   

A mathematical model describing the dissolution of nuclear glass directly disposed in clay combines a first-order dissolution rate law with the diffusion of dissolved silica in clay. According to this model, the main parameters describing the long-term dissolution of the glass are etaR, the product of the diffusion accessible porosity eta and the retardation factor R, and the apparent diffusion coefficient D(app) of dissolved silica in clay. For determining the migration parameters needed for long-term predictions, four Through-Diffusion (T-D) experiments and one percolation test have been performed on undisturbed clay cores. In the Through-Diffusion experiments, the concentration decrease after injection of 32Si (radioactive labelled silica) was measured in the inlet compartment. At the end of the T-D experiments, the clay cores were cut in thin slices and the activity of labelled silica in each slice was determined. The measured activity profiles for these four clay cores are well reproducible. Since no labelled silica could be detected in the outlet compartments, the Through-Diffusion experiments are fitted by two In-Diffusion models: one model assuming linear and reversible sorption equilibrium and a second model taking into account sorption kinetics. Although the kinetic model provides better fits, due to the sufficiently long duration of the experiments, both models give approximately similar values for the fit parameters. The single percolation test leads to an apparent diffusion coefficient value about two to three times lower than those of the Through-Diffusion tests. Therefore, dissolved silica appears to be strongly retarded in Boom Clay. A retardation factor R between 100 and 300 was determined. The corresponding in situ distribution coefficient K(d) is in the range 25-75 cm(3) g(-1). The apparent diffusion coefficient of dissolved silica in Boom Clay is estimated between 2 x 10(-13) and 7 x 10(-13) m(2) s(-1). The pore diffusion coefficient is in the range from 6 x 10(-11) to 1 x 10(-10) m(2) s(-1).  相似文献   

Large-scale column experiments were undertaken to evaluate the potential of in situ polymer mats to deliver oxygen into groundwater to induce biodegradation of the pesticides atrazine, terbutryn and fenamiphos contaminating groundwater in Perth, Western Australia. The polymer mats, composed of woven silicone (dimethylsiloxane) tubes and purged with air, were installed in 2-m-long flow-through soil columns. The polymer mats proved efficient in delivering dissolved oxygen to anaerobic groundwater. Dissolved oxygen concentrations increased from <0.2 mg l(-1) to approximately 4 mg l(-1). Degradation rates of atrazine in oxygenated groundwater were relatively high with a zero-order rate of 240-380 microg l(-1) or a first-order half-life of 0.35 days. Amendment with an additional carbon source showed no significant improvement in biodegradation rates, suggesting that organic carbon was not limiting biodegradation. Atrazine degradation rates estimated in the column experiments were similar to rates determined in laboratory culture experiments, using pure cultures of atrazine-mineralising bacteria. No significant degradation of terbutryn or fenamiphos was observed under the experimental conditions within the time frames of the study. Results from these experiments indicate that remediation of atrazine in a contaminated aquifer may be achievable by delivery of oxygen using an in situ polymer mat system.  相似文献   

Diffusion anisotropy is a critical property in predicting migration of substances in sedimentary formations with very low permeability. The diffusion anisotropy of sedimentary rocks has been evaluated mainly from laboratory diffusion experiments, in which the directional diffusivities are separately estimated by through-diffusion experiments using different rock samples, or concurrently by in-diffusion experiments in which only the tracer profile in a rock block is measured. To estimate the diffusion anisotropy from a single rock sample, this study proposes an axisymmetric diffusion test, in which tracer diffuses between a cylindrical rock sample and a surrounding solution reservoir. The tracer diffusion between the sample and reservoir can be monitored from the reservoir tracer concentrations, and the tracer profile could also be obtained after dismantling the sample. Semi-analytical solutions are derived for tracer concentrations in both the reservoir and sample, accounting for an anisotropic diffusion tensor of rank two as well as the dilution effects from sampling and replacement of reservoir solution. The transient and steady-state analyses were examined experimentally and numerically for different experimental configurations, but without the need for tracer profiling. These experimental configurations are tested for in- and out-diffusion experiments using Koetoi and Wakkanai mudstones and Shirahama sandstone, and are scrutinized by a numerical approach to identify favorable conditions for parameter estimation. The analysis reveals the difficulty in estimating diffusion anisotropy; test configurations are proposed for enhanced identifiability of diffusion anisotropy. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the axisymmetric diffusion test is efficient in obtaining the sorption parameter from both steady-state and transient data, and in determining the effective diffusion coefficient if isotropic diffusion is assumed. Moreover, measuring reservoir concentrations in an axisymmetric diffusion experiment coupled with tracer profiling may be a promising approach to estimate of diffusion anisotropy of sedimentary rocks.  相似文献   

The humic colloid borne Am(III) transport was investigated in column experiments for Gorleben groundwater/sand systems. It was found that the interaction of Am with humic colloids is kinetically controlled, which strongly influences the migration behavior of Am(III). These kinetic effects have to be taken into account for transport/speciation modeling. The kinetically controlled availability model (KICAM) was developed to describe actinide sorption and transport in laboratory batch and column experiments. Application of the KICAM requires a chemical transport/speciation code, which simultaneously models both kinetically controlled processes and equilibrium reactions. Therefore, the code K1D was developed as a flexible research code that allows the inclusion of kinetic data in addition to transport features and chemical equilibrium. This paper presents the verification of K1D and its application to model column experiments investigating unimpeded humic colloid borne Am migration. Parmeters for reactive transport simulations were determined for a Gorleben groundwater system of high humic colloid concentration (GoHy 2227). A single set of parameters was used to model a series of column experiments. Model results correspond well to experimental data for the unretarded humic borne Am breakthrough.  相似文献   

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