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N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) is a carcinogenic by-product of chlorination that is frequently found in municipal wastewater effluent. NDMA is miscible in water and negligibly adsorbed to soil, and therefore may pose a threat to ground water when treated wastewater is used for landscape irrigation. A field study was performed in the summer months under arid Southern California weather conditions to evaluate the leaching potential of NDMA in turfgrass soils during wastewater irrigation. Wastewater was used to irrigate multiple turfgrass plots at 110 to 160% evapotranspiration rate for about 4 mo, and leachate was continuously collected and analyzed for NDMA. The treated wastewater contained relatively high levels of NDMA (114-1820 ng L(-1); mean 930 ng L(-1)). NDMA was detected infrequently in the leachate regardless of the soil type or irrigation schedule. At a method detection limit of 2 ng L(-1), NDMA was only detected in 9 out of 400 leachate samples and when it was detected, the NDMA concentration was less than 5 ng L(-1). NDMA was relatively persistent in the turfgrass soils during laboratory incubation, indicating that mechanisms other than biotransformation, likely volatilization and/or plant uptake, contributed to the rapid dissipation. Under conditions typical of turfgrass irrigation with wastewater effluent it is unlikely that NDMA will contaminate ground water.  相似文献   

N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a potential carcinogen, was commonly found in treated wastewater as a by-product of chlorination. As treated water is increasingly used for landscape irrigation, there is an imperative need to understand the leaching risk for NDMA in landscape soils. In this study, adsorption and incubation experiments were conducted using landscape soils planted with turfgrass, ground cover, and trees. Adsorption of NDMA was negligibly weak (K(d) < 1) in all soils, indicating that NDMA has a high potential for moving with percolating water in these soils. Degradation of NDMA occurred at different rates among these soils. At 21 degrees C, the half-life (t(1/2)) of NDMA was 4.1 d for the ground cover soil, 5.6 d for the turfgrass soil, and 22.5 d for the tree soil. The persistence was substantially prolonged after autoclaving or when incubated at 10 degrees C. The rate of degradation was not significantly affected by the initial NDMA concentration or addition of organic and inorganic nutrient sources. The relative persistence was inversely correlated with soil organic matter content, soil microbial biomass, and soil dehydrogenase activity, suggesting the importance of microorganisms in NDMA degradation in these soils. These results suggest that the behavior of NDMA depends closely on the vegetation cover in a landscape system, and prolonged persistence and increased leaching may be expected in soils with sparse vegetation due to low organic matter content and limited microbial activity.  相似文献   

An important beneficial reuse of treated wastewater (recycled water) in arid and semiarid regions is landscape irrigation. However, the environmental fate, especially groundwater contamination potential, of trace contaminants such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) is a significant concern that can hinder the acceptance and adoption of such reuses. In this study, we irrigated mature turfgrass plots with nonspiked tertiary treated wastewater for over 6 mo at 100 or 130% of the reference evapotranspiration rate (ETo) and collected leachate water at the 90-cm depth on a weekly basis. In the recycled water, all 14 target PPCPs were consistently found, and the mean levels of atenolol, gemfibrozil, meprobamate, carbamazepine, and sulfamethoxazole were above 100 ng L. However, only five compounds were detected in the leachate at trace levels. Trimethoprim and primidone were frequently found, whereas the detection of sulfamethoxazole, meprobamate and carbamazepine was less frequent (<50%). When detected, the overall mean concentration in the leachate was 10.2 ng L for trimethoprim, 7.1 ng L for primidone, and 2.9 to 12.4 ng L for carbamazepine, sulfamethoxazole, and meprobamate. The majority of the target PPCPs were completely removed. Given that the irrigation rates were higher than normal, this study clearly demonstrated the efficacy of turfgrass systems in attenuating PPCPs during recycled water irrigation. However, it is also apparent that some PPCPs are more susceptible to leaching than others, and these PPCPs thus merit further research attention.  相似文献   

陈晶  张超杰  徐斌  周琪 《四川环境》2009,28(1):50-53
二甲基亚硝胺(NDMA)是强致癌物质亚硝胺中的一种,由于其近年来在水环境中的高检出率引起了人们的广泛关注。由于NDMA特殊的物化性质,对该物质的去除有相当的难度。本文简要介绍了NDMA的形成机理,阐述了NDMA的各种降解技术,并展望了今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

The leaching of surface-applied herbicides, such as dicamba (2methoxy-3,6-dichlorobenzoic acid), to ground water is an environmental concern. Seasonal changes in soil temperature and water content, affecting infiltration and biodegradation, may control leaching. The objectives of this study were to (i) investigate the leaching of dicamba applied to turfgrass, (ii) measure the degradation rate of dicamba in soil and thatch in the laboratory under simulated field conditions, and (iii) test the ability of the model EXPRES (containing LEACHM) to simulate the field transport and degradation processes. Four field lysimeters, packed with sandy loam soil and topped with Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) sod, were monitored after receiving three applications (May, September, November) of dicamba. Concentrations of dicamba greater than 1 mg L(-1) were detected in soil water. Although drying of the soil during the summer prevented deep transport, greater leaching occurred in late autumn due to increased infiltration. From the batch experiment, the degradation rate for dicamba in thatch was 5.9 to 8.4 times greater than for soil, with a calculated half-life as low as 5.5 d. Computer modeling indicated that the soil and climatic conditions would influence the effectiveness of greater degradation in thatch for reducing dicamba leaching. In general, EXPRES predictions were similar to observed concentration profiles, though peak dicamba concentrations at the 10-cm depth tended to be higher than predicted in May and November. Differences between predictions and observations are probably a result of minor inaccuracies in the water-flow simulation and the model's inability to modify degradation rates with changing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilizers are used to maintain optimum turfgrass quality, but off-site movement of this primary nutrient can affect water quality. We conducted a 4-yr study (1998-2001) designed to measure nitrate N runoff from turfgrass, gathering data to be used in the model. The process-based Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) was used to predict nitrate associated with runoff from turfgrass. The measurements were made on 12 sloped (5%), 25-m2 plots of 'Tifway' bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.], managed as golf course fair-ways and exposed to natural and simulated rainfall. Surface runoff volume and nitrate N loads were monitored after applying simulated rainfall at an average intensity of 27.4 mm h(-1). The irrigation occurred (25 or 50 mm) 4 through 168 h after treatment with various rates of N fertilizers for 1998-2001. RZWQM adequately simulated water runoff volumes (<19%; nonsignificant, paired t test) in the first three (normal or wet) years, but overpredicted (70%) in the fourth, dry year. RZWQM overpredicted nitrate N loads by a factor of 1.3 for the first three years (nonsignificant), and by a factor of almost 6 for the fourth year (highly significant). These overpredictions occurred when the runoff volumes and N loads were very small. The research has shown that refinements to RZWQM are needed for turfgrass management applications.  相似文献   

Regulatory mandates have increased demand for best management practices (BMPs) that will reduce nutrient loading on watersheds impaired by excess manure P and N. Export of manure P and N in turfgrass sod harvests is one BMP under consideration. This study quantified amounts and percentages of P and N removed in a sod harvest for different rates of manure and inorganic P and N. Six treatments comprised an unfertilized control, two manure rates with and without supplemental inorganic N, and inorganic P and N only. The treatments were applied to 'Tifway' bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davey), '609' buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.], and 'Reveille' bluegrass (Poa arachnifera Torr. x P. pratensis L.) under field conditions. Comparisons among treatments revealed small variations of P and N content in clippings and the plant component of sod, but large variations in the soil component of sod for each turf species. In addition, 2 to 10 times more P and 1.3 to 5 times more N was removed in soil than in plant components of sod for the two manure rates with and without added inorganic N. Percentages of applied P and N in harvested sod were similar for the two manure rates with and without added N for each species, but differed among turf species for each P (46 to 77%) and N (36 to 47%). The large amounts and percentages of manure P and N removed by sod harvest support the feasibility of this BMP in efforts to reduce nutrient loads on watersheds.  相似文献   

Application of organic chemicals to a newly irrigated sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) area located in the semiarid western part of Reunion Island has prompted local regulatory agencies to determine their potential to contaminate ground water resources. For that purpose, simple indices known as the ground water ubiquity score (Gustafson index, GUS), the retardation factor (RF), the attenuation factor (AF), and the log-transformed attenuation factor (AFT) were employed to assess the potential leaching of five herbicides in two soil types. The herbicides were alachlor [2-chloro-2',6'-diethyl-N-(methoxy-methy) acetanilide], atrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-(isopropylamino)-1,3,5-triazine], diuron [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea], 2,4-D [(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) acetic-acid], and triclopyr [((3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridyl)oxy) acetic-acid]. The soil types were Vertic (BV) and Andepts (BA) Inceptisols, which are present throughout the Saint-Gilles study area on Reunion Island. To calculate the indices, herbicide sorption (K(oc)) and dissipation (half-life, DT50) properties were determined from controlled batch experiments. Water fluxes below the root zone were estimated by a capacity-based model driven by a rainfall frequency analysis performed on a 13-yr data series. The results show a lower risk of herbicide leaching than in temperate regions due to the tropical conditions of the study area. Higher temperatures and the presence of highly adsorbent soils may explain smaller DT50 and higher K(oc) values than those reported in literature concerning temperate environments. Based on the RF values, only 2,4-D and triclopyr appear mobile in the BV soil, with all the other herbicides being classified from moderately to very immobile in both soils. The AFT values indicate that the potential leaching of the five herbicides can be considered as unlikely, except during the cyclonic period (about 40 d/yr) when there is a 2.5% probability of recharge rates equal to or higher than 50 mm/d. In that case, atrazine in both soils, 2,4-D and triclopyr in the BV soil, and diuron and alachlor in the BA soil present a high risk of potential contamination of ground water resources.  相似文献   

饮用水含氮消毒副产物NDMA控制技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
N-亚硝基二甲胺(NDMA)作为一种新发现的饮用水消毒副产物,由于其具有高致癌风险,已逐渐成为水环境化学研究领域的一个热点。本文介绍了饮用水含氮消毒副产物NDMA的相关背景,分析了光降解、生物降解、臭氧氧化、高级氧化技术、吸附法、反渗透膜法及金属催化等各种NDMA去除工艺,探讨了各种工艺的特点以及对NDMA的去除性能。  相似文献   

To detect effects of Cu pollution, the Cu tolerance of soil bacterial communities extracted from several vineyards located in NW Spain was measured. Bacterial community tolerance was estimated by means of the thymidine (TdR) and leucine (Leu) incorporation techniques using either IC(50) values (the log of the metal concentration that reduced incorporation to 50%) or the percentage of activity at one specific Cu concentration (10(-6) mol L(-1)). The tolerance measurements by the TdR incorporation technique were similar to those obtained by the Leu incorporation method, indicating that the two methods were equivalent in terms of suitability for detecting the toxicity of Cu to soil bacterial communities. The two tolerance indices considered (IC50 values and percentage of activity) were closely correlated (r = 0.975, P < 0.001), showing that both were equally good in measuring Cu tolerance of the bacterial community. An increased bacterial community tolerance to Cu, indicating a pollution effect, was observed in vineyard soils with more than 100 mg Cu kg(-1) soil. Thus, the long-term use of Cu in vineyards has a toxic effect on the soil bacterial community, resulting in an increased tolerance. An effect of increased levels of Cu could not be detected when measuring bacterial community activity, pointing to the increased sensitivity to detect toxicity in field studies using tolerance measurements.  相似文献   

Chromium has become an important soil contaminant at many sites, and facilitating in situ reduction of toxic Cr(VI) to nontoxic Cr(III) is becoming an attractive remediation strategy. Acceleration of Cr(VI) reduction in soils by addition of organic carbon was tested in columns pretreated with solutions containing 1000 and 10 000 mg L(-1) Cr(VI) to evaluate potential in situ remediation of highly contaminated soils. Solutions containing 0,800, or 4000 mg L(-1) organic carbon in the form of tryptic soy broth or lactate were diffused into the Cr(VI)-contaminated soils. Changes in Cr oxidation state were monitored through periodic micro-XANES analyses of soil columns. Effective first-order reduction rate constants ranged from 1.4 x 10(-8) to 1.5 x 10(-7) s(-1), with higher values obtained for lower levels of initial Cr(VI) and higher levels of organic carbon. Comparisons with sterile soils showed that microbially dependent processes were largely responsible for Cr(VI) reduction, except in the soils initially exposed to 10 000 mg L(-1) Cr(VI) solutions that receive little (800 mg L(-1)) or no organic carbon. However, the microbial populations (< or = 2.1 x 10(5) g(-1)) in the viable soils are probably too low for direct enzymatic Cr(VI) reduction to be important. Thus, synergistic effects sustained in whole soil systems may have accounted for most of the observed reduction. These results show that acceleration of in situ Cr(VI) reduction with addition of organic carbon is possible in even heavily contaminated soils and suggest that microbially dependent reduction pathways can be dominant.  相似文献   

The effect of the dosing vehicle (e.g., dough) on the ability of an in vitro gastrointestinal (IVG) method to predict relative bioavailable Pb associated with soil ingestion was evaluated. Bioaccessible Pb determined by the IVG method was compared with relative bioavailable Pb measured from dosing trials using juvenile swine for 18 contaminated soils ranging from 1270 to 14200 mg Pb kg(-1). Bioaccessible Pb was measured in the IVG gastric extraction (GE) and intestinal extraction (IE) solutions. Mean bioaccessible Pb values were 32.2% for GE without dough, 23.0% for GE with dough, 1.06% for IE without dough, and 0.56% for IE with dough. It is possible that phytic acid associated with the dough addition decreased bioaccessible Pb. In vivo relative bioavailable Pb ranges for different swine tissues were 1 to 87% for blood, 0 to 110% for liver, 1 to 124% for kidney, and 0.04 to 94% for bone. Strong linear relationships between IVG GE Pb with dough (r > 0.76, P < 0.0002), IVG IE Pb with dough (r > 0.56, P < 0.015), and IVG GE Pb without dough (r > 0.81, P < 0.0001) and in vivo bioavailable Pb as estimated with blood, kidney, liver, and bone were found. Inexpensive in vitro methods may be useful in providing an estimate of the variability in relative bioavailable Pb at a single study site. The IVG method can be used to estimate relative bioavailable Pb, As, and Cd in contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Stochastical analysis was performed to assess the effect of soil spatial variability and heterogeneity on the recovery of denser-than-water nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) during the process of surfactant-enhanced remediation. UTCHEM, a three-dimensional, multicomponent, multiphase, compositional model, was used to simulate water flow and chemical transport processes in heterogeneous soils. Soil spatial variability and heterogeneity were accounted for by considering the soil permeability as a spatial random variable and a geostatistical method was used to generate random distributions of the permeability. The randomly generated permeability fields were incorporated into UTCHEM to simulate DNAPL transport in heterogeneous media and stochastical analysis was conducted based on the simulated results. From the analysis, an exponential relationship between average DNAPL recovery and soil heterogeneity (defined as the standard deviation of log of permeability) was established with a coefficient of determination (r2) of 0.991, which indicated that DNAPL recovery decreased exponentially with increasing soil heterogeneity. Temporal and spatial distributions of relative saturations in the water phase, DNAPL, and microemulsion in heterogeneous soils were compared with those in homogeneous soils and related to soil heterogeneity. Cleanup time and uncertainty to determine DNAPL distributions in heterogeneous soils were also quantified. The study would provide useful information to design strategies for the characterization and remediation of nonaqueous phase liquid-contaminated soils with spatial variability and heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Surface soil (0-5 cm) samples from 43 sampling sites covering the entire urban territory of Bursa, an industrialized city in Turkey, were collected in each season and analyzed for 83 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The mean concentration of total PCBs (Σ83 PCBs) among all sites over the four seasons was 2121.51 pg/g dry weight (dw), with a range of 207.61-5461.95 pg/g dw. Total PCB concentrations in the soil samples collected near an industrial region were the highest in all seasons. In general, PCB patterns were dominated by low-chlorinated homologue groups (≤ 5 Cl groups at a 79% level). The predominant homologue group found in Bursa city soils was the penta-CBs (29.1%) followed by the tetra-CBs (25.5%) and tri-CBs (17.6%). A total of seven dioxin-like PCB congeners (CB-77, 81, 105, 114, 118, 123, and 126) were found in every sampling location and their mean total concentration for all locations and seasons was 259.27 pg/g dw, with a range of 7.02-1581.13 pg/g dw. A significant relationship (r = 0.77, p < 0.01) was found between the concentrations of dioxin-like PCBs and the seasonal average sum of PCB concentrations. A correlation between light congeners (相似文献   

Urban ecosystems are rapidly expanding and their effects on atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) inventories are unknown. Our objectives were to: (i) measure the magnitude, seasonal patterns, and annual emissions of N2O in turfgrass; (ii) evaluate effects of fertilization with a high and low rate of urea N; and (iii) evaluate effects of urea and ammonium sulfate on N2O emissions in turfgrass. Nitrogen fertilizers were applied to turfgrass: (i) urea, high rate (UH; 250 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)); (ii) urea, low rate (UL; 50 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)); and (iii) ammonium sulfate, high rate (AS; 250 kg N ha(-1) y(-1)); high N rates were applied in five split applications. Soil fluxes of N2O were measured weekly for 1 yr using static surface chambers and analyzing N2O by gas chromatography. Fluxes of N2O ranged from -22 microg N2O-N m(-2) h(-1) during winter to 407 microg N2O-N m(-2) h(-1) after fall fertilization. Nitrogen fertilization increased N2O emissions by up to 15 times within 3 d, although the amount of increase differed after each fertilization. Increases were greater when significant precipitation occurred within 3 d after fertilization. Cumulative annual emissions of N2O-N were 1.65 kg ha(-1) in UH, 1.60 kg ha(-1) in AS, and 1.01 kg ha(-1) in UL. Thus, annual N2O emissions increased 63% in turfgrass fertilized at the high compared with the low rate of urea, but no significant effects were observed between the two fertilizer types. Results suggest that N fertilization rates may be managed to mitigate N2O emissions in turfgrass ecosystems.  相似文献   

N,N'-dibutylurea (DBU) is a breakdown product of benomyl [methyl 1-(butylcarbamoyl)-2-benzimidazole carbamate], the active ingredient in Benlate fungicides, and has been proposed to cause crop damage after the use of Benlate 50 DF fungicide (DuPont, Wilmington, DE). Our research focused on DBU persistence after application into soil. We assessed DBU persistence on direct application of DBU (carbonyl-(14)C) at two concentrations (0.08 and 0.8 microg DBU kg(-1)) to seven soils and two potting mixes in soil microcosms incubated at various combinations of soil water potential (-0.03 or -0.1 MPa) and temperature (23, 33, 44 degrees C). For two soils at a subset of treatment variables we assessed DBU persistence in the presence of Benlate DF and SP fungicide formulations. Parent compounds, metabolites, and (14)CO(2) were tracked using chromatographic analysis with radioassay and UV detection, liquid scintillation counting, and post-extraction oxidation of the soil. DBU degradation was primarily microbial and for most soil-treatment combinations, half-lives were less than 2 wk. DBU degradation was retarded at the lower soil water potential and enhanced at 33 degrees C. In the presence of the formulation, DBU degradation was slower for one soil type. The longest half-life observed in any case was less than 7 wk; therefore, long-term persistence of DBU applied to soils through a Benlate application is very unlikely.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the environmental fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is restricted to few climatic regions of the world almost excluding the Taiga. Our objectives were to (i) separate anthropogenic from background contributions to PAH concentrations and (ii) determine temporal trends in PAH concentrations during the last century including the change in distribution of PAHs in interior and exterior portions of aggregates in soils of the Moscow region. Along a southeast-bound transect from Moscow (windward in winter) and at a background location northeast of Moscow (leeward in winter), seven topsoil samples were collected in 1910-1954 and 35 in 1998-2003. We fractionated the soils in interior and exterior portions of aggregates > 10 mm and remaining soil without aggregates. The sum of 21 PAHs (sigma21PAHs) concentrations in recent bulk soil ranged from 59 to 1350 ng g(-1). The concentrations of all PAHs were lower outside than in Moscow. The range of the concentrations of the sigma21PAHs in archived soil samples (159-1280 ng g(-1)) was similar as in recent soils. In most recent and archived samples, naphthalene and phenanthrene, were most abundant. The concentrations of low-molecular-weight PAHs decreased during the last century at most sites; those of high-molecular-weight compounds increased. The sigma21PAHs concentrations were accumulated in the exterior of aggregates (109%) and depleted in the interior (95%) relative to the concentration in bulk soil (defined as 100%), which was similar to that in the soil without aggregates (99%). The differences between aggregate interior and exterior did not change during the last century. The dominance of naphthalene and phenanthrene is typical of remote regions. The urban influence on PAH concentrations in the last century was small.  相似文献   

A best management practice (BMP) for exporting manure phosphorus (P) in turfgrass sod from the North Bosque River (NBR) watershed in central Texas was assessed using a geographic information system (GIS). The NBR watershed has a mandate to reduce the total annual P load to the NBR by 50% as a result of total maximum daily load regulation. Since dairy waste applications to fields are identified as the major nonpoint source of P to the river, innovative BMPs, such as export of manure P in turfgrass, will be needed to achieve the 50% reduction. However, methods are needed to evaluate the feasibility of these innovative management practices prior to their implementation. A geospatial database of suitable turfgrass production sites was developed for Erath County using GIS. Erath County largely encompasses the upper portion of the NBR watershed. Information from field experiments, production practices, and ground-truthing was used to search, analyze, and verify a geospatial database developed from national and regional sources. The integration and analyses of large databases supports the search by turf producers for sites suitable for turfgrass sod production in Erath County. In addition, GIS enables researchers and regulators to estimate manure P exports and reduced P loading due to implementation of the manure export BMP on a county scale. Under optimal conditions 198,000 kg manure P yr(-1) could be used and 114,840 kg manure P yr(-1) exported from the NBR watershed through implementation of a system using dairy manure to produce turfgrass sod. This is the equivalent of the manure P applied from 10,032 dairy cows yr(-1) and exported from 5808 dairy cows yr(-1). Application of GIS to large-scale planning and decision-making transcends traditional field-scale applications in precision agriculture.  相似文献   

The disposal of manure on agricultural land has caused water quality concerns in many rural watersheds, sometimes requiring state environmental agencies to conduct total maximum daily load (TMDL) assessments of stream nutrients, such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). A best management practice (BMP) has been developed in response to a TMDL that mandates a 50% reduction of annual P load to the North Bosque River (NBR) in central Texas. This BMP exports composted dairy manure P through turfgrass sod from the NBR watershed to urban watersheds. The manure-grown sod releases P slowly and would not require additional P fertilizer for up to 20 years in the receiving watershed. This would eliminate P application to the sod and improve the water quality of urban streams. The soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) was used to model a typical suburban watershed that would receive the sod grown with composted dairy manure to assess water quality changes due to this BMP. The SWAT model was calibrated to simulate historical flow and estimated sediment and nutrient loading to Mary's Creek near Fort Worth, Texas. The total P stream loading to Mary's Creek was lower when manure-grown sod was transplanted instead of sod grown with inorganic fertilizers. Flow, sediment and total N yield were the same for both cases at the watershed outlet. The SWAT simulations indicated that the turfgrass BMP can be used effectively to import manure P into an urban watershed and reduce in-stream P levels when compared to sod grown with inorganic fertilizers.  相似文献   

Summary Seasonal rainerosivity is important in the structure and dynamics of Mediterranean ecosystems. The present paper contributes to the quantitative assessment of RUSLE's monthly erosion index in a data-scarce Mediterranean region. Therefore, a regionalized relationship for estimating monthly erosion index (EI30-month) from only three rainfall parameters has been obtained. Knowledge of the seasonal and annual distribution of erosivity index, permit soil and water conservationists to make improved designs for erosion control, water harvesting or small hydraulic structures. Although a few long data sets were used in the analysis, validation with established monthly erosivity index values from other Italian locations, suggest that the model presented (r2 = 0.973) is robust. It is recommended to monthly erosivity estimates when experimental data-scarce rainfall become available.  相似文献   

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