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流域水质监测是流域水环境改善与污染防治的重要前提,为流域水环境管理提供了必要的技术支撑。目前环保、水利、流域管理等众多部门均承担了一定范围内的流域水质监测工作,但由于监测方法、取样断面等方面的差异,各监测机构的数据往往存在较大差异,不利于流域水质现状评价、预警预报和水环境的综合管理。本文以长江流域的跨省界断面为研究对象,对构建流域水质综合监测体系进行初探研究,对于确保流域水质安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The water waste discharge permits allocation among great river basins in national level is the firs step of national wide water waste management strategy and a key point of total mass control as well. The challenge is coming from the conflict between equality and efficiency. In this research, a new allocation method based on the conception of information entropy and maximum entropy method is introduced into the basin level wastewater permits allocation. Four indexes are chosen to compose a multi-criterion system in information entropy method (IEM) including, GDP, population, water environmental capacity and water resource quantity. The allocation of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in national basin level among the seven great river basins in China is illustrated as a case study.  相似文献   

湖泊水环境预测及污染的综合治理措施   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
湖泊水环境污染问题是世界性的环境问题,本文根据湖泊水的特点及水污染的现状,主要论述了湖泊水体的污染评价方法,及水环境预测方法在湖泊水体治理中的重要作用,并综合分析了富营养化的湖泊水治理措施。  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts that influence water quality is critical to the development of best management practices at the large watershed scale. This study describes the spatiotemporal variation in surface water quality and identifies their main impact in the Haihe River basin, China. Multivariate statistical techniques are applied to analyze the similarities among the sampling sites and to identify the main pollution sources in surface water. Results show that: (1) the basin can be clustered into two regions, water quality being better in the mountainous vs. plain regions; (2) water quality improves due to implementation of a strict state policy on environmental pollution control, prodded by the hosting of the Olympic games in the cities of Beijing and Tianjin; and (3) agricultural and residential land uses as well as livestock‐breeding are the main sources affecting water quality in the mountainous regions, whereas rural waste discharge — including domestic waste sewage, human and animal feces, and solid waste — significantly influences water quality in the plain regions. The waste discharge of industrial factories may be a significant source of water pollution in the plain regions. Results indicate that the environmental management from pollution sinks and sources, long‐lasting legal framework, and adequate economic incentives should be improved to optimize the large‐scale watershed management under the background of the rapid development of countries like China.  相似文献   

以流域为单元进行水资源综合规划和管理是实现水环境改善的重要途径。本文以太湖流域第二大省界湖泊—淀山湖为例,在综合分析流域水环境质量基础上,利用GIS 分析工具划分流域治理片区并制定分区管控策略。根据流域所含骨干河流流向、骨干河流与淀山湖交汇特点、上中下游不同河段及镇域行政边界,将淀山湖流域分为吴淞江流域、千灯浦- 淀山湖流域、昆南湖荡流域、元荡湖荡流域、太浦河流域五大片区138 个子评价单元。通过水环境容量与压力两类空间叠加分析,构建形成污染重点减排区、污染综合治理区、产业绿色化提升区、生态环境保育区等四个类型区域,并提出差异化的产业准入和环境治理措施。本研究不仅为以流域为治理单元的水环境治理规划提供了较为可行的技术体系,而且为太湖流域水环境综合整治思路创新提供了可借鉴的案例。  相似文献   

创新水源型流域污染系统控制科技支撑战略,对我国流域水环境综合治理与管理具有前瞻意义.文章从引导科技支撑发展方向,发展多维流域认知系统,创立流域系统控制知识,创新水源流域环境技术,建立流域水环境经济学与完善流域环境管理体系六个方面构建了水源流域污染系统控制的科技支撑战略体系;从制定水源型流域环境区划、水源型流域安全发展规划、水源型流域环境保护规划与水源型流域保护工程规划四个方面提出了水源型流域污染系统控制科技支撑的战略行动;从转变治理方向、改变治理目标与调整控制范围、优化监控指标等方面提出了水源型流域污染系统控制科技支撑的战略建议.  相似文献   

Eutrophication of Lake Waters in China: Cost, Causes, and Control   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Lake water eutrophication has become one of the most important factors impeding sustainable economic development in China. Knowledge of the current status of lake water eutrophicatoin and determination of its mechanism are prerequisites to devising a sound solution to the problem. Based on reviewing the literature, this paper elaborates on the evolutional process and current state of shallow inland lake water eutrophication in China. The mechanism of lake water eutrophication is explored from nutrient sources. In light of the identified mechanism strategies are proposed to control and tackle lake water eutrophication. This review reveals that water eutrophication in most lakes was initiated in the 1980s when the national economy underwent rapid development. At present, the problem of water eutrophication is still serious, with frequent occurrence of damaging algal blooms, which have disrupted the normal supply of drinking water in shore cities. Each destructive bloom caused a direct economic loss valued at billions of yuan. Nonpoint pollution sources, namely, waste discharge from agricultural fields and nutrients released from floor deposits, are identified as the two major sources of nitrogen and phosphorus. Therefore, all control and rehabilitation measures of lake water eutrophication should target these nutrient sources. Biological measures are recommended to rehabilitate eutrophied lake waters and restore the lake ecosystem in order to bring the problem under control.  相似文献   

农业非点源污染的环境影响及防治对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非点源污染负荷在水环境污染中所占比例日益增大,而农业生产活动又是最大的非点源污染.由于没有固定的污染源,控制非点源污染要比控制点源污染困难得多.扼要介绍了我国农业非点源污染的现状,分析了农业非点源污染的各种影响因素,讨论了农业非点源污染对水环境的影响,并针对目前农业非点源污染存在的问题,提出了污染防治对策和管理措施.  相似文献   

城镇化的快速发展使秦皇岛市在城镇化推进过程中出现了水资源匮乏、大气污染加剧、固体废弃物逐年增加等问题,其他环境安全问题也随之不断凸显。因此,提出秦皇岛市城镇化建设与环境协调发展的对策:加强水源保护;加强PM10和PM25的源头控制;加大投入,做好城市生活垃圾处理;坚持生态学发展理念。  相似文献   

京津冀协同发展的生态环境保护战略研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
随着中共中央在2014年将京津冀协同发展上升为国家战略,京津冀区域再次成为我国北方重要的经济增长极。然而,京津冀地区当前环境形势仍十分严峻,是全国水资源最短缺,大气污染、水污染最严重的区域,生态环境是京津冀协同发展需要尽快补齐的突出短板。本文深刻分析了京津冀区域当前大气、水、生态三个领域存在的突出问题以及内在的体制机制不协调。在此基础上,明确了解决京津冀生态环保总体思路,并分别从环境功能区划、生态保护红线、大气联防联控、跨界水环境治理、环境监管联动以及体制政策创新等方面提出针对性解决措施,为国家开展京津冀生态环境协同治理提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

浅谈我国土壤问题特征及国外土壤环境管理经验借鉴   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
随着我国社会经济的发展,土壤污染问题逐渐显露。而且我国土壤环境问题及污染防治工作在相当长时间内没有得到应有的重视,土壤污染问题逐渐暴露。加强土壤环境管理是我国土壤环境保护的一项基础性工作,具有十分重要的意义。本文研究分析我国与国外土壤环境问题的差异,总结美国、荷兰、日本三个国家土壤环境管理的经验及其借鉴意义,综合考虑我国发展国情、土壤环境问题特征及土壤环境管理基础,确定我国土壤环境管理要依靠"行政推动和法律监管相结合",提出一个涵盖土壤环境法律法规、标准、技术和装备能力建设(监测、监管、监理、风险管控)、人员队伍建设的适应我国土壤环境问题特征的综合环境管理体系。  相似文献   

梁子湖流域水环境功能区划及水质现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“水是生命之源,生产之本。”近几十年来,由于人类活动对自然界的影响越来越大,水环境的污染问题也越来越突出,其造成的危害和影响越来越受到人们的关注。水资源总量是有限的,因此合理的规划开发利用水资源显得尤为重要。本文针对梁子湖流域存在的水环境水质恶化的问题,依据其水环境功能区划,通过对水质现状的监测,利用透明度、DO、BOD、COD、NH3-N、TP六个指标作为梁子湖水质研究的主要水质指标,并对监测结果进行分析,依据其检测结果进行流域控制单元的划分,同时加强水质管理,从而达到优化梁子湖流域水环境区划功能的目的,并对做好水资源保护工作有着重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   

2019年是《中华人民共和国土壤污染防治法》实施的第一年,2020年我国迎来了《土壤污染防治行动计划》的大考,“十三五”期间我国土壤环境修复产业市场规模接近6900亿元,下达中央土壤污染防治专项资金259.13亿元,主要用于示范性农田和工业场地修复、全国土壤环境调查以及土壤污染防治先行区建设等,资金整体落实情况较好。土壤环境修复产业是支撑我国土壤污染防治目标指标和各项任务完成的重要支撑和物质保障,产业发展状况和水平直接决定了目标和任务的完成水平。本文基于土壤环境修复政策指南和招投标数据库,从政策、市场、队伍、项目、模式、问题、展望等方面系统分析了2019年我国土壤环境修复咨询服务业发展状况、水平与特点,提出了修复咨询服务业发展中存在的主要问题,对未来发展趋势进行了预测分析,以期为全面了解我国土壤环境修复咨询服务市场、开展土壤环境管理和社会投资提供参考。  相似文献   

In recent years, improvements in point-source depuration technologies have highlighted the problems regarding agricultural nonpoint (diffuse) sources, and this issue has become highly relevant from the environmental point of view. The considerable extension of the areas responsible for this kind of pollution, together with the scarcity of funds available to local managers, make minimizing the impacts of nonpoint sources on a whole basin a virtually impossible task. This article presents the results of a study intended to pinpoint those agricultural areas, within a basin, that contribute most to water pollution, so that operations aimed at preventing and/or reducing this kind of pollution can be focused on them. With this aim, an innovative approach is presented that integrates a field-scale management model, a simple regression model, and a geographic information system (GIS). The Lake Vico basin, where recent studies highlighted a considerable increase in the trophic state, mainly caused by phosphorus (P) compounds deriving principally from the intensive cultivation of hazelnut trees in the lake basin, was chosen as the study site. Using the management model Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems (GLEAMS), the consequences, in terms of sediment yield and phosphorus export, of hazelnut tree cultivation were estimated on different areas of the basin with and without the application of a best management practice (BMP) that consists of growing meadow under the trees. The GLEAMS results were successively extended to basin scale thanks to the application of a purposely designed regression model and of a GIS. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows: The effectiveness of the above-mentioned BMP is always greater for erosion reduction than for particulate P reduction, whatever the slope value considered; moreover, the effectiveness with reference to both particulate P and sediment yield production decreases as the slope increases. The proposed approach, being completely distributed, represents a considerable step ahead compared to the semidistributed or lumped approaches, which are traditionally employed in research into tools to support the decision-making process for land-use planning aimed at water pollution control.  相似文献   

我国环境治理体系正在不断趋于完善,而有效的污染源环境监管体系是国家环境治理体系的基础和核心。本文从污染源环境监管体制、政策制度、实施运行机制以及监管能力保障等方面,系统梳理了党的十八大以来污染源环境监管体系建设主要改革举措和总体进展,分析了深化改革仍然存在的主要问题、原因和挑战。立足于进一步加强相关政策措施系统性、集成性,切实提高污染源环境监管的权威性、有效性和透明性,本文初步提出了污染源环境监管与服务体系建设的思路框架,并针对当前污染源环境监管存在的问题,从运行机制模式、监管保障体系、守法引导服务等方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

快速城市化和工业化给我国带来了大量的场地污染问题,污染场地修复和风险管控成为国土资源可持续利用的重要领域,创新土壤污染防治经济政策,充分发挥市场调节作用是土壤污染防治的内在要求,是破解土壤生态环境问题、推进土壤污染防治管理转型的重要支撑。本文从经济政策的体系、投融资模式与机制等方面展开,对美国、德国、荷兰等发达国家的污染场地风险管控环境经济政策进行了梳理分析,总结其可借鉴的成功经验;介绍了我国污染场地风险管控环境经济政策实施现状,最终从完善调控体系、明晰权责归属、拓宽资金来源、规范资金运营、丰富投融资模式、探索费用效益分析机制等方面提出我国污染场地风险管控环境经济政策体系的改进建议。  相似文献   

本文通过梳理我国污染源监管的历史沿革和日益严峻的环境污染问题,理清我国现阶段在污染源整个生命周期的不同阶段由不同环境部门主导的污染源监管模式和在此模式下形成的数出多源的数据库基本情况。从时间、空间、参与者三个角度分析该模式的缺点,针对环境统计、排污申报、排污收费等多个污染源数据库进行分析比较,列表找出各自数据的特点。通过分析指出我国污染源管理存在的不足,主要体现在污染源信息管理碎片化、多元化,数据互通性差,难以实现交换和共享,导致环境部门数据可靠性不高,信息公开不全面,社会公信力缺失。究其根本原因是我国目前缺乏一整套统一的、紧密衔接的污染源协同监管模式以及顺畅的污染源全过程管理数据流程。文章从实行排污许可证一证式管理制度、污染源企业报告制度、信息公开制度、加强违法处罚力度和完善企业环境信用等方面提出政策建议。  相似文献   

随着我国铜冶炼(原生铜和再生铜)行业对含铜二次资源需求量的增加,集废旧资源回收、拆解和分选、二次资源出售、铜再生利用于一体的产业链逐渐发展壮大起来。然而高能耗、高污染、低质量、低产出的特点在再生铜行业依然存在,环境监管政策和标准也不健全不完善。随着人们对美丽生态环境诉求的增加,必须加强有色金属行业的环境管理。本文对再生铜行业发展和环境管理做了一些思考,特别是对再生铜行业环境管理存在的问题进行了分析,并针对问题提出了几点政策性建议,以期为我国再生铜产业的环境友好发展和环境监管提供借鉴。  相似文献   

城市公园湖泊水体保护和水污染治理越来越受到人们的重视。公园内水体往往补充水源不足,自净能力脆弱,当受到污染,湖水会变黑发臭,破坏公园美景。深圳市东湖公园人工湖污染治理过程中结合了水利防洪、环境保护、园林绿化等措施进行综合治理,通过截污、清淤、补充水、湖泊堤岸及拦水橡胶坝的恢复等措施,使湖泊水质得到彻底改善。合理的设计使人工湖具有滞洪防洪功能,还可对公园内地下水起到调节和补充作用,清澈的湖水又使人工湖成为公园内秀丽的景点。该项目为城市公园湖泊污染综合治理进行了一次探索和实践。  相似文献   

随着我国水产养殖业的迅速发展,水产养殖环境问题日益突出。针对我国水产养殖业在行政管理、法律法规制度和养殖户管理等方面存在的环境管理问题,结合国际水产养殖业环境管理经验,本文从制定水产养殖环境管理专门法规、实施水产养殖排污许可证制度、加强环境友好养殖技术集成创新和推广生态健康养殖模式等方面提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

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