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A numerical simulation of the 26th December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami for the Andaman and Nicobar Islands case study is presented. The simulation approach is based on a fully nonlinear Boussinesq tsunami propagation model and included an accurate computational domain and a robust coseismic source. The simulation is first confronted to available tide gauge and run-up observations. The agreement between observations and the predicted wave heights allowed a reasonable validation of the simulation. As a result a full picture of the tsunami impact is provided over the entire coastal zone of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The processes responsible for coastal vulnerability are discussed.  相似文献   

The taxonomic uniqueness of island populations is often uncertain which hinders effective prioritization for conservation. The Christmas Island shrew (Crocidura attenuata trichura) is the only member of the highly speciose eutherian family Soricidae recorded from Australia. It is currently classified as a subspecies of the Asian gray or long‐tailed shrew (C. attenuata), although it was originally described as a subspecies of the southeast Asian white‐toothed shrew (C. fuliginosa). The Christmas Island shrew is currently listed as endangered and has not been recorded in the wild since 1984–1985, when 2 specimens were collected after an 80‐year absence. We aimed to obtain DNA sequence data for cytochrome b (cytb) from Christmas Island shrew museum specimens to determine their taxonomic affinities and to confirm the identity of the 1980s specimens. The Cytb sequences from 5, 1898 specimens and a 1985 specimen were identical. In addition, the Christmas Island shrew cytb sequence was divergent at the species level from all available Crocidura cytb sequences. Rather than a population of a widespread species, current evidence suggests the Christmas Island shrew is a critically endangered endemic species, C. trichura, and a high priority for conservation. As the decisions typically required to save declining species can be delayed or deferred if the taxonomic status of the population in question is uncertain, it is hoped that the history of the Christmas Island shrew will encourage the clarification of taxonomy to be seen as an important first step in initiating informed and effective conservation action.  相似文献   

The large tsunami, which was generated by an earthquake on 26 December 2004, affected most of the countries around the Indian Ocean. A total of 48 tsunamigenic surface sediments have been collected from various coastal geomorphological features such as beaches, estuaries/creeks and mangrove areas in the Andaman group of islands. These samples were analysed for sediment characteristics such as sediment texture, granulometric studies. The studied tsunamigenic sediments, deposited by the 26 December 2004 tsunami in the Andaman group of islands consist of poorly sorted, coarse sand to medium sands, and are similar to depositional effects of previously reported earthquake-generated tsunami waves. The tsunamigenic sediment consists of a coarse sand layer with abundant reworked shell and other carbonate fragments. The tsunami sediments were mainly composed of boulders of corals and sand which determines the high-energy environment throughout the study area. The variation in Ф mean size, therefore, reveals the differential energy conditions that lead to the deposition of these kinds of sediments in different locations. The tsunamigenic sediments were mainly poorly sorted, moderately well sorted and well sorted during the post-tsunami (2005) and whereas they were mainly moderately well sorted to well sorted during the post-monsoon (2008). The symmetry of the samples varies from strongly fine skewed to strongly very coarse skewed in the post-tsunami (2005) and post-monsoon (2008). The Kurtosis of the tsunami sediments were mainly Platykurtic, Mesokurtic and Lepokurtic during the post-tsunami (2005) and mainly Mesokurtic and Lepokurtic in post-monsoon (2008).  相似文献   

The pattern and characteristics of diving in 14 female northern rockhopper penguins, Eudyptes chrysocome moseleyi, were studied at Amsterdam Island (37°50′S; 77°31′E) during the guard stage, using electronic time–depth recorders. Twenty-nine foraging trips (27 daily foraging trips and two longer trips including one night) with a total of 16 572 dives of ≥3 m were recorded. Females typically left the colony at dawn and returned in the late afternoon, spending an average of 12 h at sea, during which they performed ∼550 dives. They were essentially inshore foragers (mean estimated foraging range 6 km), and mainly preyed upon the pelagic euphausiid Thysanoessa gregaria, fishes and squid being only minor components of the diet. Mean dive depth, dive duration, and post-dive intervals were 18.4 m (max. depth 109 m), 57 s (max. dive duration 168 s), and 21 s (37% of dive duration), respectively. Descent and ascent rates averaged 1.2 and 1.0 ms−1 and were, together with dive duration, significantly correlated with dive depth. Birds spent 18% of their total diving time in dives reaching 15 to 20 m, and the mean maximum diving efficiency (bottom time:dive cycle duration) occurred for dives reaching 15 to 35 m. The most remarkable feature of diving behaviour in northern rockhopper penguins was the high percentage of time spent diving during daily foraging trips (on average, 69% of their time at sea); this was mainly due to a high dive frequency (∼44 dives per hour), which explained the high total vertical distance travelled during one trip (18 km on average). Diving activity at night was greatly reduced, suggesting that, as other penguins, E. chrysocome moseleyi are essentially diurnal, and locate prey using visual cues. Received: 9 December 1998 / Accepted: 3 March 1999  相似文献   

In spite of the great ecological importance of euphausiids in large areas of the sea, very little is known about their early developmental stages. During the 40th and 41st cruises of RV Vityaz (USSR) in the western part of the Indian Ocean, new information was obtained on the development of 2 species common in that area: Euphausia diomedeae and Slylocheiron carinatum. In E. diomedeae, the time between fertilization and hatching of the nauplius amounts to about 16 h; the metanauplius stage lasts 2 days, the calyptopis stage I also 2 days, and the calyptopis stage III up to 4 days, at water temperatures ranging from 22° to 26°C. The developmental stages of both species are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Distribution of marine cladocerans in the Indian Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cladocera of the Indian Ocean have been studied, on the basis of samples collected during the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE). Out of a total of 1927 samples, 552 contained Cladocera. Although the distribution of this group is mainly coastal, one species, Evadne tergestina, has been found in oceanic waters also, where it may establish seasonal populations. Evadne spinifera was recorded off the Australian and South African coasts in the southern hemisphere, and in the Northeastern part of the Arabian Sea coastal waters in the northern hemisphere. Podon polyphemoides was reported from a single station in South African waters. Penilia avirostris was found in coastal waters throughout the Indian Ocean. Short-term distribution patterns of E. tergestina and P. avirostris are discussed. The possible value of this group as food for pelagic fishes has been indicated. This work makes clear that adequate sampling in space and time is required along the Continental Shelf of the Indian Ocean in order to obtain more comprehensive information on this group.Visiting Scientist at Indian Ocean Biological Centre, Cochin, India under UNESCO contract SC/2077/70-20579.  相似文献   

The structure of plankton communities of the Indian Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Species diversity and trophic structure of plankton communities have been considered as most important biological features. The Fisher () and Simpson () indices and the information index H=- pi log2 pi (Margalef) were used for evaluation of species diversity. The indices have been calculated within the group of filter feeders by numbers ( and H) and biomass ( and H) of the species; the best results were obtained in the latter case. The index H=- pi log2 pi is proposed for the quantitative evaluation of trophic structure, where a portion of an individual trophic group is taken as pi. The plankton material was collected by the R.V. Vityaz in the northern Indian Ocean in January through February, 1960. Analysis of characteristics of zooplankton distribution, species and trophic diversity in connection with characteristics of the water regime resulted in the definition of 3 types of the plankton communities: (a) those in intensive divergence zones; (b) those in poor divergence zones; (c) those in regions with stable water stratification or with feebly marked convergence, distiguished by different values of biomass, species diversity, and trophic group ratios.  相似文献   

To resolve biogeographic limits and patterns on the east coast of Africa, the presence/absence and quantitative biomass data were collected from 55 shallow subtidal reefs along 4,800 km of coastline (5.2°–31.1°S). Multivariate analysis of distributions, trophic structure and biomass revealed two distinct marine provinces, the Tropical Indo-West Pacific and Subtropical Natal, with a transitional overlap (of ca. 120 km) located between Leven Point and Kosi Mouth on north-east South Africa. This region of overlap was one of three bioregions revealed by post hoc analyses. Biomass was unexpectedly highest in the tropics. ‘Auto-heterotrophs’ (species with autotrophic symbionts such as corals and clams), deposit feeders and grazers contributed significantly more biomass to the Tropical Indo-West Pacific Bioregion, whereas filter feeders dominated the Subtropical Natal Bioregion. ‘Auto-heterotrophs’ declined with latitude while filter feeders increased; soft corals made a defining contribution in the overlap bioregion. Possible underlying causes of these patterns include productivity, nutrient levels, riverine input, light penetration and temperature.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic conditions are important factors for planktonic algae growth, through introducing two parameters which express the optimal velocity and the velocity range for planktonic algae growth, a new velocity factor was put forward for the formula of growth rate. Therefore, the two-dimensional unsteady ecological dynamic model for algae growth was established to analyze the effects of hydrodynamic conditions on algae growth in Chongqing Reach of Jialing River in China. The temporal and spatial distribution of Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration was simulated numerically for various water levels, under climate conditions in period of high frequency for algae blooms of Three Gorges Reservoir and nutrition status at present in the research reach. The corresponding locations and areas of likely algae blooms were analyzed and forecasted. The results showed that about 0.04 m s−1 was the optimal velocity for algae growth, and the occurrence of algae blooms in large scale is almost impossible because of relatively high water flow velocity for Jialing River.  相似文献   

When sightings of seabirds in the Indian Ocean are analyzed in conjunction with oceanographic data, the distributions of certain species and higher taxa show significant correlation with the temperature and salinity of the surface waters. Closely related species occur preferentially over different types of surface water. Characteristic associations of species were also found corresponding to surface water-types. Seabirds are not exempted by their mobility from the constraints of the marine environment.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of lanternfish Benthosema pterotum (Alcock) from the north Arabian Sea, Mozambique and the Bay of Bengal was studied. Samples were collected on cruises carried out by R.V. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen during the period 1978 to 1983. A wide variety of zooplankton organisms were identified in the diet of B. pterotum with crustanceans dominating the diet. Copepods constituted ca. 40 to 90% of the diet. Dry weight analyses of the stomach contents from the Gulf of Oman in February 1983 showed copepods to be 35 to 55% in weight (average in samples). Ontogenetic differences were observed in the diet. Prey size increased as the fish length increased, but the largest fish did not exclude the smaller prey organisms from their diet. Regional variation in diet was also shown in B. pterotum. The degree of filling and the state of digestion of stomach contents revealed that this species feeds intensively at night in the epipelagic layer. All copepods indentified were epipelagic species, providing additional evidence of diurnal pattern in the feeding chronology of B. pterotum. Identification of copepods from the Gulf of Oman in February 1983, revealed that herbivorous species dominated in biomass. Quantitative analyses show that B. pterotum probably have a daily food intake of ca. 4.5% of the body weight.  相似文献   

Samples of Benthosema pterotum (Alcock) were obtained from the Arabian Sea (1976, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984), off Mozambique (1978) and from the Bay of Bengal (1979). The sexual maturity stages are described. For females, the size of the largest oocytes was found to be most useful for size of the largest oocytes was found to be most useful for assessing maturity. Mature and spawning fish were found in all seasons. Samples from November 1983 differed from all others in having very few mature females. A few apparently spent fish were observed in July to August 1979 and November 1983. Some females mature at 25 mm and males at 20 mm, whereas others can still be immature at 45 and 40 mm, respectively. Of the total number of stations, four had significantly more males than females, twelve significantly more females, and forty-seven displayed no difference in the sex ratios. The vertical migration of the mature and spawning fish did not differ significantly from that of other individuals. Batch fecundity ranged from ca. 200 to 3 000 eggs fish ranging from 27 to 52 mm, relative fecundity from ca. 2 000 to 7 000 eggs g-1 maternal dry weight. There are indications that B. pterotum spawns only once, but no firm conclusions could be drawn.  相似文献   

The global change currently observed is deemed to generate accelerated coastal erosion and an increase in frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Populated tropical island coasts are particularly vulnerable. Awareness of this vulnerability has prompted recourse to the construction of operational observatories on the coastal dynamics of several French tropical islands, including Mayotte. The aims of this initiative are to characterise the coastal morphology of tropical islands and to monitor their rhythms and mechanisms of evolution, adaptation and resilience in the face of extreme climate and wave events (cyclones, storms, surges, strong swells…). Based on this, appropriate defence and/or adaptation strategies can be developed and implemented. Mayotte Island is a fine example of the implementation and utility of such an observatory. The island, in the southwest Indian Ocean, is characterised by a highly diversified coral reef-lagoon complex comprising pocket beaches and mangroves subject to increasing pressure from strong island demographic growth. The operational observatory set up on the island incorporates a Geographical Information System (GIS) based on a network sourced by various field measurements and observations conducted on the coastal forms on the basis of a predefined protocol and methodology. Field experiments include hydrodynamic measurements, topographic surveys, and observations, and these are coupled with the analysis of aerial photographs and regional meteorological data in order to gain a better understanding of the coastal morphology and of the evolution of the reef-lagoon complex. The results fed into the observatory and analysed through the GIS provide interactive maps of the coastal landforms and their evolution and dynamics over various timescales. Within a local framework of strong socio-economic and demographic pressures, and a more global context of environmental change, this observatory should lead to a better understanding and prediction of the morphodynamics of the coast of Mayotte, while providing data to the public at large, to researchers, and to stakeholders involved in decision-making in the face of the major and rapid environmental and socio-economic changes liable to affect the fragile reef-mangrove systems and pocket beaches.  相似文献   

Nerita undata, N. plicata, N. polita, N. albicilla and N. textilis are common intertidal gastropods on Aldabra Atoll. Each species prefers a different level on the shore and/or different degrees of exposure to wave action. Patterns of zonation, population size-frequency structure and biomass are given. N. undata exhibits 2 distinct ecophenotypes. Normal types occur on expsed to moderately sheltered shores but are replaced by type B in extremely sheltered conditions. Differences in shell morphology and population structure are also noted. Foraging by all species was confined to hours of darkness, generally at low tide. Activity of N. polita was induced slightly on overcast days. N. undata and N. textilis are cryptically coloured and often visible during the day. N. plicata is conspicuous, but is protected by a strong shell. N. polita and N. albicilla are often brightly and variably coloured, but both are concealed during daylight. No Nerita were found infected with trematodes, suggesting that the degree of infection was extremely low. Habitats of the Aldabran Nerita are compared with 3 species on Barbados, West Indies.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of copepods, fecal pellets and the fecal pellet production of copepods were measured at seven stations across the Southern Indian Ocean from productive areas off South Africa to oligotrophic waters off Northern Australia during October/November 2006. We quantified export of copepod fecal pellet from surface waters and how much was retained. Furthermore, the potential impact of Oncaea spp. and harpacticoid copepods on fecal pellets degradation was evaluated and found to be regional substantial. The highest copepod abundance and fecal pellet production was found in the western nutrient-rich stations close to South Africa and the lowest at the central oligotrophic stations. The in situ copepod fecal pellet production varied between 1 and 1,000 μg C m−3 day−1. At all stations, the retention of fecal pellets in the upper 400 m of the water column was more than 99% and the vertical export of fecal pellets was low (<0.02 mg m−2 day−1).  相似文献   

The genetic structure of Patagonian toothfish populations in the Atlantic and western Indian Ocean Sectors of the Southern Ocean (SO) were analysed using partial sequences of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene and seven microsatellite loci. Both haplotype frequency data (F ST>0.906, P<0.01) and microsatellite genotype frequency data (F ST=0.0141–0.0338, P<0.05) indicated that populations of toothfish from around the Falkland Islands were genetically distinct from those at South Georgia (eastern Atlantic Sector SO), around Bouvet Island (western Atlantic Sector SO) and the Ob Seamount (western Indian Ocean Sector of the SO). Genetic differentiation between these populations is thought to result from hydrographic isolation, as the sites are separated by two, full-depth, ocean-fronts and topographic isolation, as samples are separated by deep water. The South Georgia, Bouvet and Ob Seamount samples were characterised by an identical haplotype. However, microsatellite genotype frequencies showed genetic differentiation between South Georgia samples and those obtained from around Bouvet Island and nearby seamounts (F ST=0.0037, P<0.05). These areas are separated by large geographic distance and water in excess of 3,000 m deep, below the distributional range of toothfish (<2,200 m). No significant genetic differentiation was detected between samples around Bouvet Island and the Ob Seamount although comparisons may have been influenced by low sample size. These localities are linked by topographic features, including both ridges and seamounts, that may act as oceanic “stepping stones” for migration between these populations. As for other species of deep-sea fish, Patagonian toothfish populations are genetically structured at the regional and sub-regional scales.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported that earthworm invasions alter native communities and impact nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. We developed a simulation model to evaluate the potential impacts of earthworm invasions on carbon dynamics, taking into consideration earthworm feeding strategies and priming effects on the microorganisms through their casting activities. Responses of carbon stocks (forest litter, soil organic matter, microbial biomass and earthworm populations) and carbon fluxes (litter decomposition, earthworm consumption, and microbial respiration) were used to evaluate an earthworm invasion of a forest ecosystem. Data from a northern temperate forest (Arnot Forest, New York) were adapted for model calibration and evaluation. Simulation results suggest that the impact and outcome of earthworm invasions are affected by pre-invasion resource availability (litter and soil organic matter), invasive earthworm assemblages (particularly feeding strategy), and invasion history (associated with earthworm population dynamics). The abovementioned factors may also determine invasion progress of earthworm species. The accuracy of the model could be improved by the addition of environmental modules (e.g., soil water regimes), precise parameters accounting for individual species attributes under different environmental conditions (e.g. utilization ability of different types of food resources), as well as earthworm population dynamics (size and structure) and interactions with predators and other invasive/indigenous species during the invasion progress. Such an earthworm invasion model could provide valuable evaluation of the complicated responses of carbon dynamics to earthworm invasions in a range of forest ecosystems, particularly under global change scenarios.  相似文献   

The routes of five satellite-tracked loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), subjected to an experimental translocation away from their usual migratory routes, have been analysed in relation to the concurrent oceanographic conditions. Remote sensing data on sea surface temperature and height anomalies, as well as trajectories of surface drifters were used, to get simultaneous information on the currents encountered by the turtles during their long-range oceanic movements. Turtles mostly turned out to move in the same direction as the main currents, and their routes were often influenced by circulation features they encountered. A comparison between turtle ground speeds with that of drifters shows that in several instances, the turtles did not drift passively with the currents but contributed actively to the overall movement. Two turtles embarked on an oceanic crossing, probably induced by seasonal changes in surface temperatures, a crossing that was largely determined by the main currents existing in the area.  相似文献   

Eighteen species of Candaciidae have been identified from collections made at 339 stations in the Indian Ocean. Most species are zonally distributed; however, on the eastern and western sides of the Indian Ocean, species ranges are extended north or south by boundary currents. Factor analysis was used to cluster phenotypically similar species based on 130 characters taken from the maxilla (a feeding appendage), the first swimming foot, and the fifth foot (a secondary sexual structure). Four morphological clusters were extracted. Clusterings based on separate factor analyses limited to characters from feeding or from sexually adapted appendages are in substantial agreement with the clusters based on composite morphology. Two geographically recurrent groups of species were also identified, one from equatorial waters, one from the central gyre. Each recurrent group is composed of species exceptionally different in body size and belonging to different morphological clusters. Niches of the species are compared using Hutchinson's multidimensional hypervolume as a model. An attempt is made to describe the niche of each species in terms of environmental variables measured at stations where the species was abundant. Environmental variables (dimensions) included in this study are space, time, temperature, food, oxygen and salinity. Mean niche adaptations of most of the species are separable from congeners along at least one niche dimension. It is proposed that community relationships among the Candaciidae developed to prevent both gamete loss and to avoid trophic competition. It is postulated that newly evolving species underwent contemporaneous displacement of both secondary sexual and trophic characters as a condition for sympatry, or diverged in their physiological adaptations to escape sympatric interference.Contribution No. 3686 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. This research was supported by NSF Grants GB 27405 and GA 43126 and is based on a doctoral dissertation submitted to the Curriculum in Marine Sciences of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  相似文献   

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