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This overview summarises the present knowledge on major sources of pollution, which are of concern for the Mediterranean Sea. Eutrophication, red tides, organic loads, hydrocarbon spills, heavy metal contamination and their biological effects are described on the light of the ecological characteristics of the Mediterranean. In particular special attention is paid to the "new pollution" processes; i.e. , the introduction of novel substances with biological activity that might have synergetic effects with "classical pollutants". Different compartments and marine ecosystems are considered and compared. The degree of anthropogenic impact and its apparent trends are discussed. Possible monitoring plans and remedial actions for a sustainable management of coastal zones subjected to increasing pollution are also suggested.  相似文献   

Although evidence-based approaches have become commonplace for determining the success of conservation measures for the management of threatened taxa, there are no standard metrics for assessing progress in research or management. We developed 5 metrics to meet this need for threatened taxa and to quantify the need for further action and effective alleviation of threats. These metrics (research need, research achievement, management need, management achievement, and percent threat reduction) can be aggregated to examine trends for an individual taxon or for threats across multiple taxa. We tested the utility of these metrics by applying them to Australian threatened birds, which appears to be the first time that progress in research and management of threats has been assessed for all threatened taxa in a faunal group at a continental scale. Some research has been conducted on nearly three-quarters of known threats to taxa, and there is a clear understanding of how to alleviate nearly half of the threats with the highest impact. Some management has been attempted on nearly half the threats. Management outcomes ranged from successful trials to complete mitigation of the threat, including for one-third of high-impact threats. Progress in both research and management tended to be greater for taxa that were monitored or occurred on oceanic islands. Predation by cats had the highest potential threat score. However, there has been some success reducing the impact of cat predation, so climate change (particularly drought), now poses the greatest threat to Australian threatened birds. Our results demonstrate the potential for the proposed metrics to encapsulate the major trends in research and management of both threats and threatened taxa and provide a basis for international comparisons of evidence-based conservation science.  相似文献   

Australia has an extensive coastline extending over 60,000 km through diverse tropical and temperate environments. Indigenous archaeological sites are found along this coastline from the time of earliest settlement at least 50,000 years ago. However, Pleistocene sites are rare owing largely to the destructive impacts of sea-level change associated with the end of the last ice age around 10,000 years ago. After this sites are more numerous but there is variability around the coastline due to the impact of a range of both natural and human factors. Here we focus on six key issues impacting on the development and conservation of coastal archaeological deposits: sea-levels, climate change, cyclones, storms, tsunamis and contemporary human impacts. A number of examples of these impacts are discussed from across Australia. Managing and monitoring of sites has been limited in Australia and geoindicators are discussed as a means of developing a long-term measurement of continuing impacts.  相似文献   

This study emphasizes on identification of source and accessing the spatial variation of dissolved heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the rivers of Sundarban Biosphere Reserve India, the UNESCO world heritage site. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance), PCA (Principal Component Analysis) as well as FA (Factor Analysis) are used for assessing the significant difference in means of metals concentration among the sites and understanding the sources of these pollutants. Three principal components with cumulative variance of 32, 55, and 73 %, show that Pb, Ni and Cd are closely associated with each other indicating an anthropogenic origin of these metals. Heavy metal evaluation index (HEI) values indicate that areas close to densely populated sites are affected by elevated metals concentration due to anthropogenic activities. The ratio between the concentration of Cd, Ni and Pb in sites and the maximum respective permissible limit for these metals for conserved habitat is Log10 normalized to understand the threats of these pollutants over the distributaries of Sundarbans. Pb pollution is prevalent in the areas that rely on the fossil fuel-operated boats, for transport, whereas higher Cd concentration is found in the areas dependent on rechargeable batteries to meet their energy demand. So these anthropogenic activities and mal-practices may be responsible for the heavy metal pollution in this region. The study concludes that gradual increase in metal pollution in river water due to anthropogenic activities, particularly Pb and Cd, could have a negative impact on the conserved flora and fauna of this ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Protocol in the Mediterranean means the coastal zone can be better protected and problems can be targeted in a coordinated manner. This research developed a model to improve Integrated Coastal Management (ICM) implementation in the region. The methodology collected data from Mediterranean coastal zone experts via semi-structured interviews and a review of Mediterranean Coastal Foundation ICM Conferences in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Results identified issues and recommended solutions at various points in the policy process and these were used to propose a model for the implementation of ICM. Research demonstrated the need for non symbolic engagement with science especially during the ex-ante, interim and ex-post reports of implementation. Improved and considered horizontal governance and capacity building was highlighted as crucial. Findings also emphasised the importance of legislatively supported bottom-up policy implementation for the Mediterranean to help develop local coastal management ownership. Finally, the particular complexity of coastal policy in an administratively and culturally diverse region was identified as the main difficulty for successful implementation of coastal policies.  相似文献   

Sea surface colour data, derived from the Coastal Zone Colour Scanner (CZCS) archive, have been used to assess the space/time variability of coastal plumes and run-off in the Mediterranean Sea. A time series of 2645 scenes, collected by the CZCS from 1979 to 1985, was processed to apply sensor calibration algorithms, correct for atmospheric contamination, and derive chlorophyll-like pigment concentration. Individual images, remapped on a 1-km2 pixel grid, were generated for each available day, and then mean values calculated pixel by pixel to form monthly, seasonal and annual composites. The results obtained must be taken with caution, due to the CZCS limitations in the quantitative assessment of bio-optical pigments when high concentrations of dissolved organics or suspended sediments are present, e.g. along littorals or within plumes. Marked differences appear in the distribution of water constituents between coastal zones and open sea, northern and southern near-coastal areas, western and eastern sub-basins. The oligotrophic character of the basin contrasts with areas of high concentration related to river plumes—Ebro (Ebre), Po, Rhone, Nile—, coastal run-off patterns, and persistent mesoscale features (e.g. coastal filaments and eddies). Seasonal variability appears to be high, with higher concentrations occurring over most of the basin in the cold season, when climatic conditions are favourable to coastal run-off and vertical mixing. Atmospheric forcing (wind and rainfall over continental margins) could play an important role in establishing the observed space/time distribution of water constituents. The impact of continental interactions (fluvial and coastal run-off), or that of exchanges between coastal zone and open sea, could have paramount influence on the biogeochemical fluxes in the entire basin.  相似文献   

The atmospheric chemical composition is affected by the interaction mechanisms among gases and particulate matter through a wide range of chemical reactions that can occur with the aid of particulate matter (e.g. particles act as reacting or absorbing surfaces) or be influenced by the presence of particulate matter in the atmosphere (photochemical reactions). Physical and chemical processes are also bonded in an interactive way that often leads to the influence of the radiation budget, cloud physics and the warming or cooling of the lower atmospheric levels. The Euro-Mediterranean region is a key-sensitive area due to the unique climatic and air quality characteristics associated with the regional climatic patterns, geomorphology (land and water contrast) and coexistence of pollutants from different origin. Focusing on this region, the gas-aerosol interactions are studied using state-of-the-art atmospheric and chemical transport modeling tools following the necessary development in the chemical transport model CAMx. Sensitivity and large-scale simulations have shown significant responses of the modeling system to the inclusion of natural species emissions, the direct shading effect of dust particles on photochemical processes and the formation of new types of aerosols through heterogeneous uptake of gases on dust particles. Including such interactions in the chemical transport model often led to the improvement of the model performance compared with available measurements in the region.  相似文献   

Six ponds of age 3 were selected 45 km north from Suzhou in the Tailake region, and research conducted on nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in P. vannanmei (Penaeus vannanme) ponds and M. nipponense (Macrobrachium nipponense) hatchery ponds under normal management. Two treatments each had three replications. The results confirmed that feed was the major path of nitrogen and phosphorus input, each accounted for 61.24% (193.81 kg ha(-1)) and 81.08% (45.20 kg ha(-1)) of the total nitrogen and phosphorus input for P. vannanme ponds; the values for M. nipponense ponds were 43.93% (86.31 kg ha(-1)) and 57.67% (14.61 kg ha(-1)), respectively. Water pumped into ponds contributed on average 83.57 kg ha(-1) nitrogen and 8.48 kg ha(-1) phosphorus for P. vannanmei ponds, and 87.48 kg ha(-1) nitrogen and 7.00 kg ha(-1) phosphorus for M. nipponense hatchery ponds. Shrimp harvest recovered 102.81 kg ha(-1) nitrogen (32.94% of the total nitrogen input) and 7.94 kg ha(-1) phosphorus (14.23% of the total phosphorus input) for P. vannanme ponds; and 43.94 kg ha(-1) nitrogen and 4.46 kg ha(-1) phosphorus for M. nipponense hatchery ponds. The sum of nitrogen losses through volatilization, denitrification and sedimentation was 173.62 and 122.39 kg ha(-1), 54.86% and 62.29% of the total nitrogen input for P. vannanme ponds and M. nipponense hatchery ponds, respectively. Sediment accumulated 41.46 and 14.63 kg ha(-1) phosphorus, 74.37% and 64.85% of the total phosphorus input for P. vannanm ponds and M. nipponense hatchery ponds. Draining and seeping caused 40.06 kg ha(-1) nitrogen (12.66% of total nitrogen input) and 6.36 kg ha(-1) phosphorus (11.40% of total phosphorus input) loss to the surrounding water from P. vannanme ponds in 114 days; 30.14 kg ha(-1) nitrogen (15.34% of the total input) and 4.45 kg ha(-1) phosphorus (17.57% of the total input) to channel water from M. nipponense hatchery ponds in 87 days, respectively. Countermeasures for sustainable pond management include improving feeds and feeding, sediment treatments, machine aerating, chemicals with no pollution, and integrated fish-shrimp cultivation. Management of water resources for pond and methods to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus loading into surrounding water from drainage are elucidated.  相似文献   

Management of Kruger National Park (KNP) has recently made considerable progress in developing new policies to address biodiversity conservation and management challenges. These include tourism, water provision and elephant management policies. This study examines the integration of these three policies with regard to biodiversity conservation and management. Findings indicate that in their current fragmented form, the three policies actually undermine opportunities for effective biodiversity conservation and management in the KNP. This can be reversed by adopting a new management approach based on an environmental matrix organizational framework. Such a framework provides a mechanism for integrated policymaking and implementation and for improving biodiversity conservation and management in the KNP. The study concludes that an integrated approach is necessary due to the interlinkages between policies that affect biodiversity conservation at the KNP.  相似文献   

Wildlife conservation and management (WCM) practices have been historically drawn from a wide variety of academic fields, yet practitioners have been slow to engage with emerging conversations about animals as complex beings, whose individuality and sociality influence their relationships with humans. We propose an explicit acknowledgement of wild, nonhuman animals as active participants in WCM. We examined 190 studies of WCM interventions and outcomes to highlight 3 common assumptions that underpin many present approaches to WCM: animal behaviors are rigid and homogeneous; wildlife exhibit idealized wild behavior and prefer pristine habitats; and human–wildlife relationships are of marginal or secondary importance relative to nonhuman interactions. We found that these management interventions insufficiently considered animal learning, decision-making, individuality, sociality, and relationships with humans and led to unanticipated detrimental outcomes. To address these shortcomings, we synthesized theoretical advances in animal behavioral sciences, animal geographies, and animal legal theory that may help conservation professionals reconceptualize animals and their relationships with humans. Based on advances in these fields, we constructed the concept of animal agency, which we define as the ability of animals to actively influence conservation and management outcomes through their adaptive, context-specific, and complex behaviors that are predicated on their sentience, individuality, lived experiences, cognition, sociality, and cultures in ways that shape and reshape shared human–wildlife cultures, spaces, and histories. Conservation practices, such as compassionate conservation, convivial conservation, and ecological justice, incorporate facets of animal agency. Animal agency can be incorporated in conservation problem-solving by assessing the ways in which agency contributes to species’ survival and by encouraging more adaptive and collaborative decision-making among human and nonhuman stakeholders.  相似文献   

Mercury emissions from forest fires in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea have been estimated on the basis of satellite observations for the year 2006. The assessment has been done by means of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) products (MOD12Q1, MOD14A2, MOD15A2, MOD44B). Estimates show that wild fires have burnt 310,268 ha in the Region, affecting by 45% the Mixed Forest and by 37% the Evergreen Needleleaf Forest and the Evergreen Broadleaf Forest. The amount of biomass burned was about 66,000 Mg for the Evergreen Needleleaf Forest, 72,000 Mg for the Evergreen Broadleaf Forest and 196,000 Mg for the Mixed Forest. The total amount of mercury released to the atmosphere in the Mediterranean countries accounted for 4.3 Mg year−1 with Italy, France, Austria, Bulgaria, Algeria, Spain and Croatia being the most contributing countries with annual emission ranging from 330 to 970 kg year−1. The maximum release of Gaseous Elemental Mercury (GEM) and particulate mercury (Hg(p)) in the region occurred in July with 1,218 kg. The uncertainty of our estimates is comparable with that associated to current assessments of mercury emissions from major industrial sources.  相似文献   

Bumblebees have economical importance in most of wild and cultivated plants. They can be abundant in suitable habitats and have a broad flower choice. Bombus terrestris was collected at intervals during 2002 and 2003 from various flora and ecosystems of east Mediterranean region of Turkey. In this study, plants visited by Bombus terrestris, seasonal activities, distribution and altitudes were determined. Bombus terrestris have boon seen throughout Turkey in a wide range of habitats from sea level to 1560 m altitude within all the major native vegetation types. Prevalence of queens, workers and males of Bombus terrestris differed due to altitude. More frequently observed at 0-600 m, declining above 600 m in relation to general climate requirements.  相似文献   

Management of coastal dunes on developed coasts could effectively take advantage of comprehensive and multitemporal georeferenced data collection, which offers the possibility to relate dune data with the natural and cultural characteristics of the beach and hinterland. The recent implementation of a coastal management geodatabase for the Veneto region provides the opportunity for improving knowledge on coastal dunes on developed littoral as well as a basis for appropriate future coastal planning in the study area. The geodatabase gathers data concerning different physical, evolutionary and human aspects of the coastal zone, with a special focus on coastal dunes. Established foredunes, human-altered dunes and relict dunes are irregularly distributed along 59 km, 38% of the entire coastal length. Their distribution and characteristics are the result of favourable natural conditions as well as long-lasting tourism exploitation (evaluated through an index of Land Use Pressure) and fragmentary and diversified uses of beaches (evaluated through an index of Tourism Pressure on the beach). At the same time, beach/dune nourishment intervention allowed the presence of artificial or sand fenced dunes along 17 km of coast. High dune elevation up to 8–10 m is promoted by the onshore exposition of the beach to dominant wind (from ENE), by stable-to-slowly negative sedimentary budget or by the re-activation of high relict foredunes in the case of shoreline retreat associated with strong negative budget. Present sedimentary budget (evaluated through the code ASPE – Accretion, Stable, Precarious, Erosive) is the tool used for dividing coasts in sedimentary compartments or cells. Past and present sedimentary budget and different human responses to erosive cases (hard and soft interventions) give the foredunes different means to form, grow, survive and evolve over time. The assessment of Human Impact and Active Management Practices on the dunes allows a first evaluation of the Management Effectiveness, which shows strong shortcomings for 81% of the dunes. The great variability of beach usage, human impact and management practises on the different dune stretches highlight the lack of effective and systematic management actions being correctly scheduled and performed.  相似文献   

Graham W. Prescott  William J. Sutherland  Daniel Aguirre  Matthew Baird  Vicky Bowman  Jake Brunner  Grant M. Connette  Martin Cosier  David Dapice  Jose Don T. De Alban  Alex Diment  Julia Fogerite  Jefferson Fox  Win Hlaing  Saw Htun  Jack Hurd  Katherine LaJeunesse Connette  Felicia Lasmana  Cheng Ling Lim  Antony Lynam  Aye Chan Maung  Benjamin McCarron  John F. McCarthy  William J. McShea  Frank Momberg  Myat Su Mon  Than Myint  Robert Oberndorf  Thaung Naing Oo  Jacob Phelps  Madhu Rao  Dietrich Schmidt‐Vogt  Hugh Speechly  Oliver Springate‐Baginski  Robert Steinmetz  Kirk Talbott  Maung Maung Than  Tint Lwin Thaung  Salai Cung Lian Thawng  Kyaw Min Thein  Shwe Thein  Robert Tizard  Tony Whitten  Guy Williams  Trevor Wilson  Kevin Woods  Alan D. Ziegler  Michal Zrust  Edward L. Webb 《Conservation biology》2017,31(6):1257-1270
Political and economic transitions have had substantial impacts on forest conservation. Where transitions are underway or anticipated, historical precedent and methods for systematically assessing future trends should be used to anticipate likely threats to forest conservation and design appropriate and prescient policy measures to counteract them. Myanmar is transitioning from an authoritarian, centralized state with a highly regulated economy to a more decentralized and economically liberal democracy and is working to end a long‐running civil war. With these transitions in mind, we used a horizon‐scanning approach to assess the 40 emerging issues most affecting Myanmar's forests, including internal conflict, land‐tenure insecurity, large‐scale agricultural development, demise of state timber enterprises, shortfalls in government revenue and capacity, and opening of new deforestation frontiers with new roads, mines, and hydroelectric dams. Averting these threats will require, for example, overhauling governance models, building capacity, improving infrastructure‐ and energy‐project planning, and reforming land‐tenure and environmental‐protection laws. Although challenges to conservation in Myanmar are daunting, the political transition offers an opportunity for conservationists and researchers to help shape a future that enhances Myanmar's social, economic, and environmental potential while learning and applying lessons from other countries. Our approach and results are relevant to other countries undergoing similar transitions.  相似文献   

Wastewater agricultural reuse has two main aspects. It is capable of preventing the discharge of wastewater treatment plant effluents in receiving waters and it is also a way to increase water resources. The controlled agricultural reuse has not been developed until now, either in Languedoc or in Catalonia, but is expected a quick development due to several circumstances: the growing awareness of water resources scarcity, the concern for sanitary hazards in bathing places, the WHO guidelines and the development of tertiary cost‐effective treatment methods. In the coastal areas, the growing demand on water resources is putting heavy pressure on some big water users, as golf courses and landscape irrigations, potential users of reclaimed wastewater.  相似文献   

Conserving coral reefs is critical for maintaining marine biodiversity, protecting coastlines, and supporting livelihoods in many coastal communities. Climate change threatens coral reefs globally, but researchers have identified a portfolio of coral reefs (bioclimatic units [BCUs]) that are relatively less exposed to climate impacts and strongly connected to other coral reef systems. These reefs provide a proactive opportunity to secure a long-term future for coral reefs under climate change. To help guide local management efforts, we quantified marine cumulative human impact (CHI) from climate, marine, and land pressures (2013 and from 2008 to 2013) in BCUs and across countries tasked with BCU management. Additionally, we created a management index based on common management measures and policies for each pressure source (climate, marine, and land) to identify a country's intent and commitment to effectively manage these pressures. Twenty-two countries (79%) had increases in CHI from 2008 to 2013. Climate change pressures had the highest proportional contribution to CHI across all reefs and in all but one country (Singapore), but 18 BCUs (35%) and nine countries containing BCUs (32%) had relatively high land and marine impacts. There was a significant positive relationship between climate impact and the climate management index across countries (R2 = 0.43, p = 0.02), potentially signifying that countries with greater climate impacts are more committed to managing them. However, this trend was driven by climate management intent in Fiji and Bangladesh. Our results can be used to guide future fine-scale analyses, national policies, and local management decisions, and our management indices reveal areas where management components can be improved. Cost-effectively managing local pressures (e.g., fishing and nutrients) in BCUs is essential for building a climate-ready future that benefits coral reefs and people.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of designing a surveillance system to detect a broad range of invasive species across a heterogeneous sampling frame. We present a model to detect a range of invertebrate invasives whilst addressing the challenges of multiple data sources, stratifying for differential risk, managing labour costs and providing sufficient power of detection. We determine the number of detection devices required and their allocation across the landscape within limiting resource constraints. The resulting plan will lead to reduced financial and ecological costs and an optimal surveillance system.  相似文献   

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