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Rebecca L. Greenbaum Julena M. Bonner Mary B. Mawritz Marcus M. Butts Mickey B. Smith 《组织行为杂志》2020,41(6):503-517
We examine bottom-line mentality (BLM) at the group level and examine the effect of group BLM on group psychological safety and subsequent group creativity. We draw on goal shielding theory to suggest that groups high in BLM narrowly focus on bottom-line outcomes, which encourages them to eliminate distracting considerations from their work processes. Because the group's high BLM encapsulates goal shielding, these groups are deficient in fostering psychological safety as an important interpersonal process that facilitates group creativity. We also couple goal shielding theory with arguments related to situational strength to examine group BLM agreement (i.e., the standard deviation of the mean of group BLM) as a first stage moderator. We contend that high-BLM agreement (vs. low agreement) strengthens the goal shielding effect of group BLM, which is reflected by a stronger detrimental effect on group psychological safety that then reduces group creativity. We found support for our theoretical model using multisource, multiwave field data from a diverse sample of workgroups and their supervisors. We discuss the theoretical implications of our research and provide practical suggestions for limiting the deleterious consequences of group BLMs in the workplace. 相似文献
1985年7月,在北京大学法律学系经济法专业毕业典礼上,已故的我国著名法学家张国华教授对我们说过:"作为最高学府法律专业的学生,如果你们一生能够参与制定一部国家法律,就没有辜负国家和北大对你们的培养!"多少年来,这句毕业寄语一直萦绕心头,言犹在耳.只有去思考,去实践,去奋斗,才能领悟到它的深邃、艰辛和厚重.有人说,人生苦短.20年,只是历史长河中的一瞬,却是人生中的几分之一.与我一起毕业的同窗学友,如今大都相继离法而去,但我至今无怨无悔.一个人可以失去地位、金钱和享乐,但不能失去追求.只要能够顺应时代、融入社会,做一点想做而力所能及的事情,就是十分难得和幸运的. 相似文献
为达到企业安全经济效益最大化的目标,运用系统动力学的方法对企业安全经济效益系统进行建模,并对其中的安全教育经济效益子系统进行仿真模拟。实验结果表明:改变系统中的影响因素,安全教育经济效益并没有立即发生变化,而存在一段“延迟阶段”。同时也证明了安全培训人员能力在安全教育经济效益系统中具有最大的影响效果。 相似文献
3月 12日 ,江泽民总书记在《国内动态清样》刊登的《萍乡一爆竹作坊爆炸死亡 33人》信息上作了重要指示后 ,全国各省、区、市都立即召开了常委会或组织副省级以上干部学习 ,研究落实批示精神的具体意见和工作。 4月 7日 ,全国加强安全生产、防范安全事故电视电话会议后 ,各地结合实际 ,对进一步贯彻落实江总书记重要批示精神进行了全面部署 ,安全生产大检查普遍展开。1 加强安全生产 ,防范事故发生 ,就是讲政治的具体体现 各级领导对江总书记批示中“不能允许只要有钱赚 ,就可以危及人民生命安全”的教诲深有感触。江西省上栗县一些因“… 相似文献
随着企业现代化程度的提高,对职工的安全生产素质要求越来越高,只有高素质的职工才会保证企业安全生产的顺利进行,要提高职工的安全素质,关键在于教育,而在市场经济条件下,职工安全教育情况如何呢?对此笔者走访调查了当地一些企业,发现大多数企业的教育方式仍然采用传统的灌输方式,此举虽然对于职工尽快系统学习安全知识来说是十分必要的,但对于职工日常的安全教育来说是不太实用的,因此笔者建议企业在职工的日常安全生产教育中可采用自我教育的方式,让职工自己教育自己,通过自我学习、相互学习,从而达到相互教育的目的. 相似文献
武钢是中央直管的国有重要骨干企业集团,是我国重要的板材生产基地.现有直属二级单位60余家,涉及矿山开采、钢铁冶炼、危险化学品生产经营、工业及民用建筑、生产检修、运输、能源供应等众多行业,生产现场复杂,危险因素较多,为保证安全生产,安全培训工作显得尤为重要. 相似文献
2008年11月17-20日,以“安全发展、关系民生”为主题的第四届“中国国际安全生产论坛”在北京举行,该届论坛由国家安全监管总局和国际劳工组织共同主办,主题涉及政府监管和企业主体安全责任落实与互动机制,企业安全生产与社会责任。重大危险源的风险管理与预警预防机制, 相似文献
浅谈目前企业安全管理现状 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
安全管理作为我国可持续发展战略的一个重要组成部分,它既体现了对社会生产力的保护,更强调了对劳动者的保护,这是一个谋求发展的永恒话题。当前,随着改革的不断深化,企业也由原单一计划经济直接向市场经济转轨。在这一脱胎换骨的变改中,企业为了自身的生存和发展,采取了一系列与之相适应的挖潜增效、下岗分流、机构合并等行之有效的内部改制,其目的就是为了更好地迎接市场经济的挑战。但是,在企业实行的一系列改制过程中,由于种种主客观因素的缘故,加之配套措施不能尽快到位,也给安全管理工作带来了不同程度的影响。在市场经济条件下,一个企业生产经营的好坏,产品在市场上占有份额的高低,最终取决于经营管理水平和科学技术含量。 相似文献
企业安全生产管理的范围和服务的对象是企业生产现场的职工和班组的安全作业.因此,企业安全管理人员只有多深入生产现场,才能摸清企业的安全生产状况和职工的思想动态、操作技能,发现不安全因素,提出有效整改措施、纠正"4违"行为,从而取得指导、促进企业安全生产的发言权和主动权.笔者根据20多年的安全生产管理经验认为,企业安全生产管理人员在生产作业现场进行安全检查时,应注意坚持做到、做好"3有、3看、3记、3教"工作. 相似文献
IntroductionBike share has emerged as a rapidly growing mode of transport in over 800 cities globally, up from just a handful in the 1990s. Some analysts had forecast a rise in the number of bicycle crashes after the introduction of bike share, but empirical research on bike share safety is rare. The goal of this study is to examine the impact of bike share programs on cycling safety.MethodsThe paper has two substudies. Study 1 was a secondary analysis of longitudinal hospital injury data from the Graves et al. (2014) study. It compared cycling safety in cities that introduced bike share programs with cities that did not. Study 2 combined ridership data with crash data of selected North American and European cities to compare bike share users to other cyclists.ResultsStudy 1 indicated that the introduction of a bike share system was associated with a reduction in cycling injury risk. Study 2 found that bike share users were less likely than other cyclists to sustain fatal or severe injuries.ConclusionsOn a per kilometer basis, bike share is associated with decreased risk of both fatal and non-fatal bicycle crashes when compared to private bike riding.Practical ApplicationsThe results of this study suggest that concerns of decreased levels of cycling safety are unjustified and should not prevent decision makers from introducing public bike share schemes, especially if combined with other safety measures like traffic calming. 相似文献
《Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》2000,13(3-5):201-208
Over recent years, the idea has emerged within the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), as well as within the standardisation system of the European Union, that it may be beneficial to harmonise design concepts for electrical equipment for areas containing combustible dusts, with those for areas containing combustible gases and vapours. The harmonisation idea has been encouraged by the European Union “ATEX 100a” Directive, which suffers from insufficient differentiation between combustible dusts, combustible mists, and combustible gases/vapours. This deficiency probably originates from focusing on the extensive similarity of combustible dust clouds, mist clouds and gas/vapour clouds when it comes to ignition and burning properties. However, these similarities are of little significance unless there is an explosible cloud in the first place. And this is where dusts, mists and gases/vapours differ substantially, as discussed in detail in the present paper. It is suggested, therefore, that the idea of extensive harmonisation of design concepts for dusts with those established for gases/vapours be put aside (e.g. IEC Committee draft standards for “Ex i” and “Ex p” for dusts, as well as a proposal for a new “Ex m” dust standard). Instead, the safe design of electrical equipment for areas containing combustible dusts should mainly be based on two simple concepts, use of enclosures that keep the dust out to the required extent, and measures that keep the temperature of any surface in contact with dust clouds or layers sufficiently low to effectively prevent ignition. This is in full accordance with the current philosophy in European standardisation as expressed clearly in EN 50281-1-1 and -2: “The ignition protection is based on the limitation of the maximum surface temperature of the enclosure, and on the restriction of dust ingress into the enclosure by the use of “dust tight” or “dust protected” enclosures”. The same philosophy has been prevailing in USA for quite some time. It is indeed to be hoped that Europe will also maintain this sensible approach, and revise the “ATEX 100a” directive accordingly. 相似文献
曹毓芳 《中国安全生产科学技术》2005,1(4):111-112
煤矿瓦斯、煤尘、火灾、是矿井发生伤害严重的危害因素,而煤矿通风对防治煤矿瓦斯、煤尘、火灾起着本质的作用.煤矿通风评价首先要做好影响煤矿通风的基础资料.煤矿测风数据是煤矿通风评价的重要依据,测风数据应包括各用风地点的风量,可能漏风的区域,低风速区域的风量数据,通过分析数据判断影响发生瓦斯、煤尘、火灾危险的因素.分析煤矿通风系统对各用风点风量的影响因素,以及对漏风、低风速区域的影响因素.对自然风压影响的因素作业评价.根据上述内容分析作出对应的结论和针对性措施. 相似文献
“三工”的使用给林业安全生产管理带来一定的难度,文中分析了、三工”人员的,特点论述了作好“三工”人员安全教育、提高其安全素质的对策 。 相似文献
Williams AF 《Journal of Safety Research》2003,34(5):491-494
Problem: To assess how drivers view dangers on the highway, what motivates them to drive safely, how they say they reduce their crash and injury risk, and how they rate their own driving skills. Results: Most drivers rated their skills as better than average. The biggest motivating factor for safe driving was concern for safety of others in their vehicle, followed by negative outcomes such as being in a crash, increased insurance costs, and fines. The greatest threats to their safety were thought to be other drivers' actions that increase crash risk such as alcohol impairment or running red lights. In terms of reducing crashes and injuries, drivers tended to focus on actions they could take such as driving defensively or using seat belts. There was less recognition of the role of vehicles and vehicle features in crash or injury prevention. Impact on research, practice, and policy: Knowing how drivers view themselves and others, their concerns, and their motivations and techniques for staying out of trouble on the roads provides insight into the difficulty of changing driving practices. 相似文献