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The Western world is facing a growing proportion of older drivers on our roads as the population ages and, with, it a likely increase in crashes involving seniors. This paper sets out to review what we know about older drivers and what is still unclear and in need of future knowledge and intervention. Issues related to crash epidemiology, licensing, medical fitness-to-drive, the role of new safety technology, and life after the car are briefly reviewed with the aim of identifying key areas for future research and action. A list of priority topics is included to help address this burgeoning safety area.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the extent to which older drivers can be considered responsible for their crashes, to identify key factors in those crashes for which older drivers have been judged responsible, and to assess the extent to which older drivers' extra crash responsibility contributes to the road toll. Insurance claims from the State of Tasmania, Australia, for 1998-2002 were linked with police records for crashes involving drivers aged either 41-55 years or 65 years or older. Insurance and police data sets contained independent judgments of crash responsibility. There was a high level of agreement between the two sets of judgments, with older drivers judged around 1.5 times more likely to be responsible for their crashes than middle-aged drivers and, conversely, older drivers were around 0.6 as likely to be absolved from crash responsibility. It was concluded that older drivers' additional crash responsibility while valuable in explaining "what went wrong," currently makes only a small contribution to the overall road toll.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: At some point during their illness, drivers with dementia pose a public safety risk. METHOD: To address the issue of determining driving competence in drivers with dementia, the authors reviewed 11 studies. RESULTS: When comparing different driving assessments, the authors found that while road tests, simulators, and neuropsychological tests are important, each has limitations. CONCLUSION: Neuropsychological tests that highlighted visual spatial skills, attention, and reaction time provided the most meaningful correlations with driving performance. Furthermore, the authors recommend that patients with MMSE scores of 24 or less have a driving evaluation, and that driving evaluations be repeated at six month intervals or more frequently if a noticeable decline is observed. IMPACT: Because many older adults with dementia continue to drive, competence must be addressed.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study aims to assess whether the Driving Decisions Workbook, a self-assessment instrument for older drivers, increased self-awareness and general knowledge. This study also assessed perceptions regarding its usefulness, particularly as a tool for facilitating discussions within families of older drivers. A secondary purpose of the study was to determine if problems identified by drivers in the workbook related to problems they had with actual driving. DESIGN AND METHODS: The Driving Decisions Workbook was administered along with a questionnaire and a road test. A convenience sample of 99 licensed drivers aged 65 and above was used. RESULTS: After completing the workbook, about three fourths of the participants reported being more aware of changes that could affect driving. Fourteen percent reported that they had discovered a change in themselves of which they had not been previously aware. All respondents found the workbook to be at least a little useful and thought the workbook could help facilitate family discussions. Workbook responses were positively correlated with overall road test scores. Significant correlations were also noted between the road test and a majority of workbook subsection responses. IMPLICATIONS: This study indicates that the workbook may be a useful first-tier assessment instrument and educational tool for the older driver. It may encourage an older driver to drive more safely and/or to seek clinical assessment, and help in facilitating discussions about driving within their families.  相似文献   



To evaluate CarFit, an educational program designed to promote optimal alignment of driver with vehicle.


A driving activity survey was sent to 727 randomly selected participants living in retirement communities. Drivers (n = 195) were assigned randomly to CarFit intervention (n = 83, M age = 78.1) or Comparison (n = 112, M age = 79.6) groups. After 6 months, participants completed a post-test of driving activity and CarFit recommendations.


Nonconsenting drivers were older and participated in fewer driving activities. CarFit participation was moderate (71%) with 86% of the participants receiving recommendations. 60% followed the recommendations at the 6-month re-evaluation). The CarFit (67.6%) and Comparison (59.3%) groups reported at least one type of self-regulation of driving activity at baseline. There was no significant change in the driving behaviors at the six-month follow-up.


CarFit was able to detect addressable opportunities that may contribute to the safety of older drivers.

Impact on industry

CarFit recommendations may need stronger reinforcement in order to be enacted by a participant.  相似文献   

This is the sixth in a series of reviews of research on graduated driver licensing (GDL) published in the Journal of Safety Research, the present review covering the period mid-2012 through 2016. In the two decades since GDL programs began to be introduced on a widespread basis in the United States, a vast amount of research has been published. The current review discusses recent research and the present state of knowledge on the following topics: characteristics of the novice driver population; effects of GDL on crashes for ages 16–19; the learner and intermediate periods; night and passenger restrictions; cellphone laws; GDL for older novices; enforcement of GDL rules; and programs attempting to influence GDL compliance and safe driving practices in general. GDL stands out as a successful policy for reducing teen driver crashes and is worth building on to extend its benefits. Strengthening existing GDL programs has the most potential for producing further crash reductions.  相似文献   



The purpose of this research was to examine the impact of age and health on patterns of driving and self-regulation among older adults who still drive.


This analysis presents the results of a nationwide survey of drivers who are 50 + (N = 3,824, 53.11% response rate), focusing on questions about the impact of their self-reported health on attitudes toward and self-regulation of driving.


The data indicate that as age increases, so too does reported self-regulation of driving, increasing sharply among those ages 70 and older. The data also indicate that respondent's reported confidence in driving and their enjoyment of driving decline as they age. Health status bears a significant relationship with all three of these variables, positively related to confidence in driving skills and to enjoyment in driving, but negatively related to self-regulation reports. As self-reported health declines, respondent's report engages in greater voluntary restrictions of their driving.


All too often, the driving decision is linked primarily to chronological age. Analysis done here indicates that age alone is not the best indicator of self-regulation and how older adults change their driving behaviors.


This research presents the results of a nationwide survey of 50+ drivers and their self-reported driving, self-regulation behaviors, and health status. Strong support was found for the argument that chronological age is not an adequate measure of self-regulating behaviors and driver safety among those 50+. In particular, it was found that a person's health status and the interaction between age and health are essential considerations in the decisions around self-regulation and driving. People tend to self-regulate more with age, but the effect becomes much more pronounced as health status declines.

Impact on industry

In the coming years, if older adults can't get to where they want to go and continue to be viable consumers in our national fabric, all industries will eventually suffer. Transportation is a key component to the nation's social contract with older individuals and their families.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Given the public safety risk posed by violation and crash repeaters and the substantial costs for state driver improvement programs, it is important that their effectiveness be scientifically demonstrated and that intervention programs are based on sound research findings. METHOD: Crash and traffic violation standardized effect sizes (d) representing 106 individual interventions were coded from 35 methodologically sound studies and analyzed using meta-analysis. RESULTS: Driver improvement intervention in general was associated with small but significant reductions in both crashes (dw = 0.03) and violations (dw = 0.06). Significant effects were found on both measures for warning letters, group meetings, individual hearings, and license suspense/revocation. Of the driver improvement interventions studied, license suspension/revocation was by far the most effective treatment for both crashes and violations (dw = 0.11 and 0.19). Since one of the objectives of license suspension/revocation is to eliminate driving for the period of suspension, it is possible that much or all of the effect is due to reduced exposure and/or more careful driving during the suspension interval. Results were mixed for other types of interventions, although distributing educational or informational material was not associated with any reductions. Interventions associated with violation reduction tended to also be associated with crash reduction, although the relationship was not very strong (r = .30). DISCUSSION: Although interpretation of the effect size estimates was complicated by almost ubiquitous heterogeneity, the results do suggest an overall positive impact of driver improvement interventions in general. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The results support the continued use of driver improvement interventions, chiefly warning letters, group meetings, individual hearings, and especially license suspension/revocation. The results also suggest that court-triggered traffic violator programs are less effective than interventions triggered by drivers license agencies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Seventeen states enacted graduated driver licensing (GDL) programs that were implemented from 1996 through 1999 and for which evaluations are of interest. METHODS: We received evaluation results reported for six states for which data were available. Summarizing results is difficult in other than the most global terms because of differences in pre-GDL programs, differences in GDL programs, and differences in evaluation methodology. RESULTS: All states identified some crash reduction among teen drivers following GDL implementation. This positive effect was observed across different geographic regions, and with different GDL programs. Simple counts are down-fewer teens are experiencing crashes and becoming injured. After calculating crash rates to adjust for changes over time in populations or licensed drivers, reductions generally were still found. Population-adjusted risks of injury/fatal crash involvement of 16-year-old drivers in Florida and Michigan were reduced by 11% and 24%, respectively. Population-adjusted risks of any crash involvement of 16-year-old drivers in Michigan and North Carolina were reduced by 25% and 27%, respectively. Reductions in night (restricted hours) crash risk were impressive in Florida, Michigan, and North Carolina. A comparison state design was only possible in the Florida evaluation, and results showed greater crash reductions under GDL. Change-point analyses of Michigan's crash data trends over time provided additional support of GDL's effectiveness in reducing crashes. DISCUSSION: Taken as a whole, and including the preliminary findings from California, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, these reports demonstrate the early effectiveness of GDL in reducing the crash risk of teen drivers. The impact of these studies and others to come will guide future research, practice, and policy.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2005,43(1):11-27
The potential contribution of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to traffic safety policies is currently unknown. In this article we first investigate how different ADAS might contribute to public goals on road traffic safety, based on accident statistics in the Netherlands. Next, the societal costs of ADAS implementation are qualitatively assessed. Intelligent speed adaptation (ISA) appears to be one of the most promising devices in terms of cost-effectiveness, as compared to other ADAS applications. Finally, the acceptance among potential ISA users is explored based on a survey among potential ISA users. The study points out that although the advantages of ISA are recognised by car drivers, their willingness to purchase and use ISA is strictly conditioned by the costs and functionality of the system.  相似文献   

Background Previous studies of older drivers have found that there are discrepancies between their retrospective self-reports of collisions and the official jurisdictional record. Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine how older drivers self-report collisions in comparison to what was recorded in their official driver abstract as well as insurance claims, in a prospective study. Methods Participants (n = 125, age ≥ 70 years) in this study were part of the University of Manitoba site of the Candrive longitudinal study of older drivers. During the operation of the Manitoba site (2009 to 2013), participants were periodically asked to report on any collisions (at-fault or not) in which they were involved, while they were enrolled in the study. In addition, driver records (abstracts and insurance claims) from the provincial licensing agency and public insurer (Manitoba Pubic Insurance; MPI) were provided annually. Results In total there were 101 separate instances of collisions (regardless of at-fault status), whether self-reported, or recorded by MPI. There were 20 at-fault collisions that were recorded on the driver abstract. Eighteen of these collisions were self-reported by participants. In total, our participants were involved in 70 insurance claims (42 at-fault) — 61 of these were self-reported to study staff. In addition, there were 31 collisions that were self-reported to study staff, that were not reported to MPI. Conclusions In this prospective study, older drivers were diligent in reporting collisions in which they were involved. While some collisions were not reported that ultimately became a claim or part of their driver abstract, the biggest discrepancy was in the collisions that were reported to study staff but that were not reported to authorities.  相似文献   

大型钢铁企业使用外协吊车司机是减员增效的一个有效措施,也是人力资源改革的一种新的尝试。自2006年6月以来,武钢硅钢片厂为解决生产压力大、技改扩建生产人员紧缺之矛盾采取了用辅助单位——兴达公司培养的外协吊车司机置换本厂吊车司机,将本厂吊车司机全部补充到生产作业线当操作工的做法。为确保此项人事改革工作的顺利进行,硅钢片厂全体干部、职工顶着巨大的安全生产压力,采取了有效的对策措施,强化外协吊车司机安全监督管理,突出严、细、实,取得了一定的收益。  相似文献   

Statistical control is widely used in correlational studies with the intent of providing more accurate estimates of relationships among variables, more conservative tests of hypotheses, or ruling out alternative explanations for empirical findings. However, the use of control variables can produce uninterpretable parameter estimates, erroneous inferences, irreplicable results, and other barriers to scientific progress. As a result, methodologists have provided a great deal of advice regarding the use of statistical control, to the point that researchers might have difficulties sifting through and prioritizing the available suggestions. We integrate and condense this literature into a set of 10 essential recommendations that are generally applicable and which, if followed, would substantially enhance the quality of published organizational research. We provide explanations, qualifications, and examples following each recommendation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe New Zealand GDL includes a time-discount at the restricted license stage, for attendance at an approved driver education course. This is despite international evidence showing that earlier licensure associated with a time-discount can increase risk for newly licensed drivers.ObjectiveTo examine participation in driver education courses and especially those that qualify for a time-discount; compare the profiles of course participants with non-participants; examine reasons for participation; and examine the association between a time-discount and traffic offenses once fully licensed.MethodThis study was based on the New Zealand Drivers Study (NZDS), a prospective cohort study of newly licensed drivers. Data on driver education courses were obtained at the full license interview (n = 1763), driver license and traffic offense data from the NZ Driver Licence Registry, and other data at the NZDS interviews.Results94% had heard of and 49% (n = 868) participated in a defensive driving course (DDC). No other course had more than 1% participation. Compared with the others, the DDC group were young, non-Māori, and from an area of relatively low deprivation. Through GDL, the DDC group were relatively more compliant with the conditions, and less likely to crash or receive a traffic offense notice. The groups did not differ on personality, alcohol and drug use. The reason most (85%) attended a DDC was to get their full license sooner; 86% (n = 748) received a time-discount. The time-discount group were 40% more likely to receive a traffic offense notice on their full license; this reduced to 10% after controlling for other factors.Conclusion and practical implicationsThe results of this study, when viewed in conjunction with other NZ crash evidence, indicate that a time-discount should not be given for completing a DDC or Street Talk course.  相似文献   


Objective: When 2 vehicles of different sizes collide, the occupants of the smaller vehicle are more likely to be injured than the occupants of the larger vehicle. The larger vehicle is both more protective of its own occupants and more aggressive toward occupants of the other vehicle. However, larger, heavier vehicles tend to be designed in ways that amplify their incompatibility with smaller, lighter vehicles (by having a higher ride height, for example). A 2012 study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) concluded that fatalities caused by design incompatibility have decreased in recent years. The current study was conducted to update the 2012 IIHS analysis and to explore trends in vehicle incompatibility over time.

Methods: Analyses examined deaths in crashes involving 1- to 4-year-old passenger vehicles from 1989 to 2016 collected from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS). Trends in driver risk were examined by comparing driver death rates per million registered vehicle years across vehicle type and size. Trends in aggressivity were examined by comparing partner driver death rates across vehicle type and size.

Results: Cars and SUVs have continued their trend toward reduced incompatibility. In 1989–1992, SUVs were 132% more likely to kill the driver in a partner car compared with when a car crashed with another car. By 2013–2016, this value had dropped to 28%. Pickups and cars remain just as incompatible in 2013–2016 as they were in 1989–1992, however (159% vs. 158%). Remaining pickup incompatibility may be largely due to excess curb weight rather than to shape or design features, because light pickups were just 23% more likely to kill the driver in a partner car compared with when a car crashed with another car.

Conclusions: The trend toward reduced fleet incompatibility has continued in the latest crash data, particularly for cars and SUVs. Although pickup–car incompatibility has also decreased over time, pickups remain disproportionately aggressive toward other vehicles, possibly due to their greater average curb weight. Reducing the weight of some of the heaviest vehicles and making crash avoidance technology fitment more widespread may be promising means to reduce remaining fleet incompatibility. Identifying the source of remaining incompatibility will be important for safety improvements going forward.  相似文献   

Introduction: Few studies have investigated what guidance occurs during the Learner phase of driving, particularly during formal lessons. The objective of this research was threefold: (a) investigate functional and higher-order driving instruction (HO-DI) in formal Learner lessons, (b) explore teaching approaches within the context of a theoretical framework, and (c) investigate variation in these three elements of instruction as a function of Learner driving experience. The theoretical framework developed to guide this research integrated the constructivist Goals for Driver Education and self-determination theory. Method: Professional instruction was explored through naturalistic observation; 15 instructors provided GoPro recordings of 110 driving lessons with Learners aged 16–19 years (n = 96) at varying levels of experience: Early (<20 logbook hours), Mid (21–70 h), and Late (71–>100 h). Results: Employing a previously-developed coding taxonomy, instructor guidance opportunities were identified as 15% HO-DI, 73% functional instruction, and 12% untaken or missed HO-DI. Functional instruction peaked in the Mid Phase, while HO-DI was prominent in the Early phase suggesting missed opportunities in the later phases when use of silence peaked. Some elements of self-determination theory’s needs-supportive model were readily identified in teaching approaches, such as feedback. Conclusions: An understanding of functional and HO-DI, including teaching strategies, was established within the context of an integrated theoretical framework, with different trajectories across Learner experience identified. Teaching strategies reflected constructivism and self-determination theory providing theoretical support for these frameworks to be applied in future driver training studies. Continued research efforts are needed to understand how best to balance functional and HO-DI to maximize young novice drivers’ learning prior to independent driving, particularly during the late Learner period. Practical Applications: Naturalistic observation of current HO-DI and teaching approaches supports the feasibility of integrating recommended improvements arising from the theoretical framework within current practice, with practical implications for improvements to industry training.  相似文献   

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