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That segment of the community I would say is just in general pretty disenfranchised. We found that if you want participation you have to go to them. I mean there are days when you just need to go knock on the door.

Brownfields developer in a poor urban neighbourhood

This article considers the role that champions play as advocates for socioeconomically disadvantaged community member involvement in environmental management decision-making. Six case studies of brownfields redevelopment projects located in poor urban neighbourhoods are examined. Analysis of these case studies reveals how champion behaviour, which has typically been studied only in the context of technological innovation, is enacted in public participation efforts in the service of environmental justice. The study finds that champions who emerge in these settings lead the development and implementation of non-standard public participation process innovations.  相似文献   

Brownfields that are reused for the generation of renewable energy are called brightfields. This rapidly emerging idea advocates the combination sustainable site reuse and the generation of electricity from renewables. While programmes like the RE-Powering America's Land Initiative herald its benefits, academia knows but little of its barriers and challenges. This study aims to examine the technical/environmental, regulator/financial/institutional, and social barriers to this type of development, along with measures that may address them. The barriers and measures were predominately identified via a qualitative and quantitative survey sent to brightfield developers (experts), along with a review of case studies and the emerging brightfield literature. The study found that environmental/technical barriers only differ from ‘conventional’ renewable energy projects (e.g. on Greenfields) in the event of site contamination. The latter then is what makes brightfields unique and is the source for a myriad of challenges concerning risk and liability, which cause financial problems and investment hesitance. However, evidence conjectures that there is less contextual public opposition to brightfields compared to conventional renewable energy.  相似文献   

Brownfields are potentially contaminated sites that often present economic development opportunities that require financing. State environmental voluntary clean-up programmes (VCPs) offer closure letters as a way for developers to obtain assurance that their clean-up was completed properly and is 'bankable'. However, there is still fear among lenders about the potential for these closed remediated sites to be reopened and therefore negatively affect the value of the real estate as collateral. While it is believed to be an infrequent act, there has been no comprehensive study of reopeners, and therefore of the effectiveness of VCPs available. This study seeks to quantify the incidence of reopeners in the USA through a systematic inventory of VCP administrators. The authors initially find that among the 46 states with VCPs, only 12 cases were reopened out of 11 497 closed environmental cases, a reopener rate of between 0.1% and 0.2%. However, reopener rates may increase with more vigorous enforcement and over the passage of time. This information means that brownfield deals can go forward with confidence, and that the risk of reopeners can now be quantified, allowing cheaper insurance and more assurance that negative outcomes can be avoided.  相似文献   

Brownfields programmes provide environmental justice to distressed communities by applying private sector remediation and real estate expertise to abandoned and contaminated properties. This study examines how brownfields developers and community support organisations operating in socio-economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods work to increase awareness of projects in the community, build trust between stakeholders and create mechanisms for community members to participate in brownfields decision making. Analysis of case study data from brownfields sites in four US cities shows that developers and non-governmental organisations can play important roles in fashioning redevelopment outcomes which benefit both developers and communities. When standard required outreach efforts are combined with non-traditional community involvement mechanisms, the result is often long-term support for redevelopment projects.  相似文献   

Brownfields have been the subject of intense interest across the United States. This paper attempts to look at some of the conceptual goal-oriented aspects of brownfields through the lens of risk to determine if it could serve as another way of exploring property use and community value. As such the paper is focused not on developing a theoretical framework to apply risk assessment techniques but rather on exploration of concepts. The context of brownfields is examined from several viewpoints: urban policy, federal/state government, city, property owner, redeveloper, community and individual. It is not a complete story but each viewpoint adds another dimension to the portrait of overall risk, which is composed of economic, environmental, social, health and political aspects.  相似文献   

The theoretical basis for using measurements of metal uptake by the technique of diffusive gradients in thinfilms (DGT) to mimic processes in soils that affect uptake of metals by plants is examined. The uptake of metals by plants and DGT were compared conceptually and quantitatively by using the classic Barber model of plant uptake and the DIFS (DGT-induced fluxes in soils) model of uptake by DGT. For most metals and plants considered, uptake fluxes were similar to those induced by DGT using the most common gel layer thicknesses of 0.2 to 2 mm. Consequently DGT perturbs the chemical equilibrium of metals in the soil solution and between soil solution and solid phase, to a similar extent to plants, and therefore induces a similar balance in supply by diffusion and by release from the solid phase. DIFS was used to show that desorption kinetics, which are not considered by the plant uptake model, are likely important for uptake when the capacity of the soil solid phase is large. Model calculations showed that mass flow into a plant root would only contribute appreciably to the total flux of metal under circumstances when the solid phase reservoir of metal was very low. Generally, however, DGT is likely to emulate supply processes from the soil that govern uptake of metal by plants. Exceptions are likely to be found in poorly buffered soils (typically sandy and/or low pH), and at very high concentrations of metals in soil solution, such that the soil solution concentration at the plant root interface is higher than the Michaelis-Menten constant (Km).  相似文献   

Brownfields are abandoned, idled, or underused sites whose reuse necessitates some sort of intervention. These sites are largely urban and are frequently contaminated. Brownfield management options can be associated with three types of environmental consequences: those resulting from changes in the site’s environmental quality (primary impacts); those resulting from the actual intervention stage (secondary impacts); and, if the vocation of the site changes, those resulting from effects on regional land use (tertiary impacts). Different stakeholders and decision-making contexts will place a different importance on each of these types of impacts. This article proposes a framework for comparing brownfield management options in regard to these three types of environmental impacts and for interpreting these results from different perspectives. The assessment framework is based on consequential life cycle assessment (LCA), which is shown to provide environmental information on the three types of impacts. The results for a case study are presented, where a “rehabilitation” option allowing residential redevelopment is compared to an “exposure minimization” option not resulting in the site being reused. Calculated primary and tertiary impacts are favorable to the rehabilitation option, whereas secondary impacts are favorable to the exposure minimization option. A ternary diagram presents the favorable option for different stereotypical perspectives. Tertiary impacts are much greater than secondary impacts, and consequently all perspectives that consider tertiary impacts favor rehabilitation. The perspective that considers primary and secondary impacts receives conflicting information. The ternary diagram, showing results for all perspectives, could possibly be useful for consensus-building among stakeholders.  相似文献   

A study prepared by FAO on the irrigation potential of sub-Saharan Africa is compared with the results of a similar study by the World Bank. The FAO study estimates that there are approximately 33 million hectares potentially suitable for irrigation. The World Bank study indicates that the actual number may be closer to 20 million. Reasons are offered to explain the difference in the conclusions of the two studies. This paper also examines the cost of developing irrigation in the sub-Sahara as well as the food-producing potential from irrigation. Costs are found to be in line with irrigation schemes of similar size in other regions. Nevertheless, because much of the irrigation potential is located in only six countries, irrigation does not appear to be a viable means of agricultural development in the sub-Sahara.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analyses for the preferential flow model MACRO were carried out using one-at-a-time and Monte Carlo sampling approaches. Four different scenarios were generated by simulating leaching to depth of two hypothetical pesticides in a sandy loam and a more structured clay loam soil. Sensitivity of the model was assessed using the predictions for accumulated water percolated at a 1-m depth and accumulated pesticide losses in percolation. Results for simulated percolation were similar for the two soils. Predictions of water volumes percolated were found to be only marginally affected by changes in input parameters and the most influential parameter was the water content defining the boundary between micropores and macropores in this dual-porosity model. In contrast, predictions of pesticide losses were found to be dependent on the scenarios considered and to be significantly affected by variations in input parameters. In most scenarios, predictions for pesticide losses by MACRO were most influenced by parameters related to sorption and degradation. Under specific circumstances, pesticide losses can be largely affected by changes in hydrological properties of the soil. Since parameters were varied within ranges that approximated their uncertainty, a first-step assessment of uncertainty for the predictions of pesticide losses was possible. Large uncertainties in the predictions were reported, although these are likely to have been overestimated by considering a large number of input parameters in the exercise. It appears desirable that a probabilistic framework accounting for uncertainty is integrated into the estimation of pesticide exposure for regulatory purposes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study explores the applicability of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for predicting salt build‐up in the crop root zone. ANN models were developed with salinity data from field lysimeters subirrigated with brackish water. Different ANN architectures were explored by varying the number of processing elements (PEs) (from 1 to 30) for replicate data from a 0.4 m water table, 0.8 m water table, and both 0.4 and 0.8 m water table lysimeters. Different ANN models were developed by using individual replicate treatment values as well as the mean value for each treatment. For replicate data, the models with twenty, seven, and six PEs were found to be the best for the water tables at 0.4 m, 0.8 m and both water tables combined, respectively. The correlation coefficients between observed salinity and ANN predicted salinity of the test data with these models were 0.89, 0.91, and 0.89, respectively. The performance of the ANNs developed using mean salinity values of the replicates was found to be similar to those with replicate data. Not only was there agreement between observed and ANN predicted salinity values, the results clearly indicated the potential use of ANN models for predicting salt build‐up in soil profile at a specific site.  相似文献   

Understanding pollutant sorption, bioremediation of these pollutants, and their interactions with humic substances requires knowledge of molecular-level processes. New developments with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments and labeled compounds have improved the overall understanding of these mechanisms. The advancements made with two-dimensional NMR show great promise, as structural information and hydrogen-carbon bond connectivity can be discerned. This communication presents the application of improved two-dimensional NMR methods, the double quantum filtered (DQF) correlation spectroscopy (COSY) and echo/anti-echo heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) experiments, for use in structural studies of humic substances. Both experiments were found to produce significant improvements over the conventional COSY and heteronuclear multiple quantum coherence (HMQC) experiments that have been previously employed in similar studies. The more sensitive echo/anti-echo HSQC experiment produced more cross-peaks with higher resolution when compared with the HMQC spectra. The DQF-COSY significantly suppressed the diagonal signals and allowed numerous signals previously hidden in the standard COSY experiment to be observed. These improvements will aid current characterization strategies of humic substances from soils, sediments, and water and their subsequent reactions with pollutants and microorganisms.  相似文献   

Improved techniques for measuring and monitoring the state of biodiversity are required for reporting on national obligations to international and regional conservation institutions. Measuring the extent of grazing-related degradation in semi-arid ecosystems has proved difficult. Here we present an accurate and cost-effective method for doing this, and apply it in a South African semi-arid region that forms part of a globally significant biodiversity hotspot. We grouped structurally and functionally similar vegetation units, which were expert-mapped at the 1:50,000 scale, into four habitat types, and developed habitat-specific degradation models. We quantified degradation into three categories, using differences between dry and wet season values of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for the three succulent karoo habitats, and the difference between maximum and mean NDVI values for the subtropical thicket habitat. Field evaluation revealed an accuracy of 86%. Overall, degradation was high: 24% of the study area was modeled as severely degraded, and only 9% as intact. Levels of degradation were highest for bottomland habitats that were most exposed to grazing impacts. In sharp contrast to our methods, a widely used, broad-scale and snapshot assessment of land cover in South Africa was only 33% accurate, and it considerably underestimated the extent of severely degraded habitat in the study area. While our approach requires a multidisciplinary team, and in particular expert knowledge on the characteristics and spatial delimitation of vegetation types, it is repeatable, rapid, and relatively inexpensive. Consequently, it holds great promise for monitoring and evaluation programs in semi-arid ecosystems, in Africa, and beyond.  相似文献   

Environmental planners and managers may want to do their work without political interference, using rational and objective knowledge only. They may also want to serve the common good, be accountable and encourage public participation. This paper explores the tensions between the two approaches and argues that a great deal of politics goes into the very definition and selection of what is considered rational and objective. Too often policy‐makers claim to rely exclusively on objective scientific or economic knowledge, while ignoring other forms of knowledge which may be as essential for the solution or management of the problem. Difficult choices have to be made, and it may well be the political scientist, sociologist or psychologist who can help. Expertise has its own interest in the policy process—it is mainly concerned with perpetuating itself and the search for more knowledge. To be effective as well as rational, environmental managers need to be aware of a broad range of useful knowledge, as well as suspicious of claims that promise too much. They need to be in open communication with society, and this may well require institutional reform.  相似文献   

Cumulative effects assessment (CEA) in Canada is in dire straits. Despite a huge amount of talk and a flurry of developmental activity associated with CEA concepts, it has not lived up to its glowing promise of helping to achieve sustainability of diverse valued ecosystem components. This article aims to articulate that failure, to examine it in terms of six major problems with CEA, and to propose solutions. The six problem areas include (1) application of CEA in project-level environmental impact assessments (EIAs), (2) an EIA focus on project approval instead of environmental sustainability, (3) a general lack of understanding of ecologic impact thresholds, (4) separation of cumulative effects from project-specific impacts, (5) weak interpretations of cumulative effects by practitioners and analysts, and (6) inappropriate handling of potential future developments. We advocate improvements not only within the purview of project-specific EIAs, but also mainly in the domain of region-scale CEAs and regional environmental effects frameworks (or perhaps land use planning). Only then will the CEA begin to approach the promise of securing sustainability of valued ecosystem components.  相似文献   

The social-ecological system (SES) approach to natural resource management holds enormous promise towards achieving sustainability. Despite this promise, social-ecological interactions are complex and elusive; they require simplification to guide effective application of the SES approach. The complex, adaptive and place-specific nature of human-environment interactions impedes determination of state and trends in SES parameters of interest to managers and policy makers. Based on a rigorously developed systemic theoretical model, this paper integrates field observations, interviews, surveys, and latent variable modeling to illustrate the development of simplified and easily interpretable indicators of the state of, and trends in, relevant SES processes. Social-agricultural interactions in the Logone floodplain, in the Lake Chad basin, served as case study. This approach is found to generate simplified determinants of the state of SESs, easily communicable across the array of stakeholders common in human-environment interactions. The approach proves to be useful for monitoring SESs, guiding interventions, and assessing the effectiveness of interventions. It incorporates real time responses to biophysical change in understanding coarse scale processes within which finer scales are embedded. This paper emphasizes the importance of merging quantitative and qualitative methods for effective monitoring and assessment of SESs.  相似文献   

The recreational-use value of hiking in the Bellenden Ker National Park, Australia has been estimated using a zonal travel cost model. Multiple destination visitors have been accounted for by converting visitors’ own ordinal ranking of the various sites visited to numerical weights, using an expected-value approach. The value of hiking and camping in this national park was found to be $AUS 250,825 per year, or $AUS 144,45 per visitor per year, which is similar to findings from other studies valuing recreational benefits. The management of the park can use these estimates when considering the introduction of a system of user pays fees. In addition, they might be important when decisions need to be made about the allocation of resources for maintenance or upgrade of tracks and facilities.  相似文献   

Concentrations of phosphorus (P) in runoff from agricultural catchments in southern Australia are high and well above national and international limits. Phosphorus was found to exit two subcatchments of 3.6 and 4.2 ha in the Adelaide hills via both overland flow and interflow. The subcatchments had texture-contrast soils with high inputs of superphosphate and were openly grazed by cattle all year. Interflow at the boundary of the B and C soil horizons accounted for as much as half the total water flow that was measured (overland flow, A-B interflow, and B-C interflow). The average flow-weighted concentration of total P within overland flow was as high as 0.25 mg L(-1), and 0.05 mg L(-1) in B-C interflow. In most years P loss was in the dissolved (<0.45 microm) form. In some years, interflow was the major pathway for P loss off these catchments. The B-C interflow cannot be discounted when searching for management options to reduce P loss from texture-contrast soils to waterways. Preliminary laboratory experiments showed promise that gypsum could modify agricultural soils and reduce the concentrations of P (and dissolved organic C) in runoff before it enters public water supply reservoirs. In this study, gypsum, applied at a rate of 15 Mg ha(-1) to the 4.2-ha subcatchment, substantially modified the soil chemistry, and thereby soil structure. The size and stability of structural aggregates increased markedly and this change affected not only the A but also the upper B horizons, to a profile depth of approximately 50 cm. However, the impact of these physicochemical changes on P concentrations in runoff was not marked. Average profile P concentrations were only slightly lower in the runoff from the subcatchment following treatment. The high subsoil macroporosity of the gypsum-treated subcatchment caused an increase in the proportion of runoff by interflow.  相似文献   

This research has met the following four objectives within the broader research topic of characterizing and quantifying success in brownfield revitalization: (1) to define 40 total indicators that define and determine the success of brownfield redevelopments in four categories: environment-health, finance, livability, and social-economic; (2) to use these indicators to develop a partially automated tool that stakeholders in brownfield redevelopment may use to more easily assess and communicate success (or failures) in these projects; (3) to integrate "green" building as an important aspect of successful brownfield redevelopments; and (4) to develop this tool within the framework of a specific multi-attribute decision method (MADM), the analytical hierarchical process (AHP). Future research should include the operationalization and application of this tool to specific sites. Currently, no such indicator framework or automated tool is known to exist or be in use. Indicators were chosen because of their ability to reduce data into comprehensible measurements and to systematically measure success in a standardized fashion. Appropriate indicators were selected based on (1) interviews with prominent private developers and national leaders in brownfield redevelopment, (2) a review of the relevant literature, (3) objective hierarchies created in this project, and (4) the ability for each indicator to serve goals in more than one of the four categories described above. These were combined to form the Sustainable Brownfields Redevelopment (SBR) Tool. A survey was conducted to serve as a preliminary assessment and proposed methodology for judging the validity of the SBR Tool. Professionals in the academic, private, and public sector were asked to provide an evaluation of the management tool and a weighting of the relative importance of each indicator and each of the four categories listed previously. Experts rated the tool at 7.68 out of 10 suggesting that this framework will be useful in evaluating these redevelopments upon completion and in formulating initial site plans and building design.  相似文献   

During the dry season in Korea, rivers become more vulnerable to contamination by biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and nitrogen. It is hypothesized that the natural characteristics of the streams in Korea allow the contaminated water to be treated at the tributaries. Down-stream river water quality in Korea may be improved by spraying the contaminated stream water from the tributaries over the surrounding floodplains. The consequent water filtration through the soil could remove the contaminants through aerobic and denitrifying reactions. In this study, the kinetics parameters of the denitrifying reaction in floodplain filtration were determined using contaminated stream water. For the electron donor the Monod kinetics was used, while the competitive Michaelis-Menten model was employed for the electron acceptors. The parameters to the competitive Michaelis-Menten model were found using continuous denitrifying reactions, instead of the batch reactions employed in previous studies, to match the conditions needed to apply the competitive Michaelis-Menten kinetics. From the result, it was found that continuous reactions as well as batch reactions could be used to determine the affinity coefficients in denitrification. The results of this study also showed that the affinity coefficient of NO2, using continuous reactions, was similar to that of other studies in the literature found via batch reactions, whereas the affinity coefficient of N2O was much larger than that acquired with batch reactions. The parameters obtained in this study will be used in future work to simulate the contaminant behaviors during floodplain filtration using a mathematical model.  相似文献   

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