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Trichloroethylene (TCE) is a toxic organic compound, which can adversely affect human health. The chemical is one of the most frequently found contaminants in groundwater in the United States and around the world. A landfill in Maryland contaminated with high levels of TCE decades ago was added to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Priority List (NPL) in 1994. A biowall was installed on the site in 2013 to promote the bioremediation of TCE and subsequently of its degradation products. Six-year monitoring data indicated a steady removal of >99% groundwater TCE at the wall since installation. However, a concurrent buildup of intermediate byproducts was observed downgradient of the wall. An examination of the entire system was necessary to find the reason behind the inefficiency of the biowall. In this study, the background of the site, remediation plan, and installation were assessed. Monitoring data, including the concentration of TCE and its degradation byproducts, and geochemical and physical characteristics were evaluated to understand the conditions and challenges facing decision-makers of this project and possible options to improve biowall efficacy.  相似文献   

Mulch biowalls are proving to be an effective means of generating reducing conditions for the in situ anaerobic reduction of contaminants in groundwater that are amenable to the reduction process. Mulch is an inexpensive and readily available substrate that provides a long‐lasting carbon and electron donor source for the stimulation of the anaerobic reduction process in groundwater. Examples of contaminants that are amenable to the biotic anaerobic reduction process include: chlorinated alkenes and alkanes, explosives, perchlorate, some metals, and petroleum hydrocarbons. The microbial degradation of cellulose fibers (mulch) is arguably the oldest reduction process known and is evident anywhere that plant material, soil, and water are present together. This article presents three case studies discussing three different uses of mulch biowalls to stimulate the anaerobic bioremediation of contaminants in shallow soils and groundwater. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Organic mulch consists of insoluble carbon biopolymers that are enzymatically hydrolyzed during decomposition to release aqueous total organic carbon (TOC). The released TOC is utilized by microorganisms as an electron donor to transform electrophilic contaminants via reductive pathways. Over the last decade, organic mulch permeable reactive barriers (PRBs), or biowalls, have received increased interest as a relatively inexpensive slow‐release electron donor technology for addressing contaminated groundwater. To date, biowalls have been installed to enhance the passive bioremediation of groundwater contaminated with a variety of electrophilic compounds, including chlorinated solvents, explosives, and perchlorate. In addition, several mulch biowall projects are currently under way at several U.S. Department of Defense facilities. However, at the present time, the guidelines available for the design of mulch PRBs are limited to a few case studies published in the technical literature. A biowall design, construction, and operation protocol document is expected to be issued by the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence in 2007. In this publication, three technical considerations that can have a significant impact on the design and performance of mulch PRBs are presented and discussed. These technical considerations are: (1) hydraulic characteristics of the mulch bed; (2) biochemical characteristics of different types of organic amendments used as mulch PRB fill materials; and (3) a transport model that can be used to estimate the required PRB thickness to attain cleanup standards. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A field demonstration of a mulch permeable reactive barrier (PRB), or “biowall,” as an in situ treatment technology for explosives in groundwater is summarized. Organic mulch consists of insoluble carbon biopolymers that are enzymatically hydrolyzed during decomposition to release aqueous total organic carbon (TOC). The released TOC is then available for microorganisms to use as an electron donor to transform electrophilic contaminants via reductive pathways. A 100‐foot‐long and 2‐foot‐thick mulch biowall was installed at the Pueblo Chemical Army Depot in Colorado to treat a shallow groundwater plume containing hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine (RDX). To discourage groundwater flow bypassing around and under the biowall in this highly permeable formation, a hydraulic control was installed and the PRB was keyed into the bedrock. Technology performance was monitored using a monitoring well network to establish the development and extent of the downgradient treatment zone. Performance objectives of the field demonstration were: (1) greater than 90 percent removal of RDX across the PRB and the treatment zone; (2) an RDX concentration of less than 0.55 μg/L in the treatment zone; and (3) cumulative toxic intermediate concentration (nitroso intermediates of RDX, MNX, DNX, and TNX) of less than 20 percent of the upgradient RDX concentration. All performance objectives were met within seven months after installation once the system reached a pseudo‐steady state. By this point, a sustained reducing/treatment zone had been created downgradient of the mulch PRB that showed greater than 93 percent RDX removal, RDX concentrations less than 0.55 μg/L, and no accumulation of toxic intermediates. The mulch biowall implemented during this demonstration was successful at meeting performance objectives while addressing the majority of potential concerns of the technology. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In June and July 2001, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) installed a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) to treat a groundwater plume of chlorinated solvents migrating from an electronics manufacturer in Needham, Massachusetts, toward the Town of Wellesley's Rosemary Valley wellfield. The primary contaminant of concern at the site is trichloroethene (TCE), which at the time had a maximum average concentration of approximately 300 micrograms per liter directly upgradient of the PRB. The PRB is composed of a mix of granular zero‐valent iron (ZVI) filings and sand with a pure‐iron thickness design along its length between 0.5 and 1.7 feet. The PRB was designed to intercept the entire overburden plume; a previous study had indicated that the contaminant flux in the bedrock was negligible. Groundwater samples have been collected from monitoring wells upgradient and downgradient of the PRB on a quarterly basis since installation of the PRB. Inorganic parameters, such as oxidation/reduction potential, dissolved oxygen, and pH, are also measured to determine stabilization during the sampling process. Review of the analytical data indicates that the PRB is significantly reducing TCE concentrations along its length. However, in two discrete locations, TCE concentrations show little decrease in the downgradient monitoring wells, particularly in the deep overburden. Data available for review include the organic and inorganic analytical data, slug test results from nearby bedrock and overburden wells, and upgradient and downgradient groundwater‐level information. These data aid in refining the conceptual site model for the PRB, evaluating its performance, and provide clues as to the reasons for the PRB's underperformance in certain locations. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A first‐of‐its‐kind wetland restoration project was completed in October 2000 to treat trichloroethene‐(TCE‐)impacted groundwater from a former manufacturing facility prior to discharge into a highly valued recreational surface water body in the upper Midwest. This article summarizes the design, construction, operation, and effectiveness of the restored wetland. The groundwater‐surface water discharge zone at the site was restored as a wetland to improve the natural degradation of TCE and subsequent degradation by‐products. For the past 11 years, the treatment wetland performance was evaluated by monitoring the wetland vegetation, wetland hydraulics, and water chemistry. Water quality data have been used to assess the wetland geochemistry, TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐product concentrations within the wetland, and the surface water quality immediately downgradient of the wetland. The treatment wetland has been performing according to design, with TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐products not exceeding surface water criteria. The monitoring results show that TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐products are entering the treatment wetland via natural hydraulic gradients and that the geochemistry of the wetland supports both reductive dechlorination (anaerobic degradation) and cometabolic degradation (aerobic degradation) of TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐products: cis‐ and trans‐1,2‐dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study considered alternative configurations of passive wells equipped with filter cartridges for removing contaminated groundwater. The wells fully penetrated a simulated unconfined aquifer. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity distributions were considered. An initial configuration comprised wells along the downgradient perimeter of a contaminant plume, spaced 0.5 m in the direction transverse to regional groundwater flow. Additional wells near the downgradient tip of the plume prevented off‐site contamination. Alternative configurations had the same number of wells, but some included wells along higher (interior) concentration contours to facilitate quicker removal of the contaminant plume. Results suggest that downgradient configurations generally outperform alternatives, although repositioning a few outer wells near the contaminant source may be effective in some cases. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Groundwater remediation alternatives were simulated for homogeneous and heterogeneous aquifers with a numerical mass transport model. Low‐energy alternatives involved an injection–extraction well pair positioned along a downgradient linear transect. This transect was located 5 m from the contaminant plume and oriented perpendicular to the regional hydraulic gradient. Through numerous trials, for one homogeneous and three heterogeneous settings, the model identified an optimal spacing and minimum pumping rate for a well pair: (1) centered on the downgradient tip of the plume (best centered), and (2) anywhere along the downgradient transect (best overall). Results suggest that low‐energy well pairs are an effective means for containing and removing some contaminant plumes, and best‐performing configurations are generally not centered on the downgradient tip of the initial contaminant plume. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), and 1,1,1‐trichloroethane (1,1,1‐TCA), often found as commingled contaminants of concern (COCs) in groundwater, can degrade via a variety of biotic and abiotic reductive pathways. In situ remediation of a groundwater contaminant source area containing commingled 1,1,1‐TCA, PCE, and TCE was conducted using a combined remedy/treatment train approach. The first step was to create geochemically reducing conditions in the source area to degrade the CVOCs to lesser chlorinated CVOCs (i.e., 1,1‐dichloroethane [1,1‐DCA], 1,1‐dichlorethene [1,1‐DCE], cis‐1,2‐dichoroethene [cis‐1,2‐DCE], and vinyl chloride [VC]) via enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD). Carbon substrates were injected to create microbial‐induced geochemically reducing conditions. An abiotic reductant (zero‐valent iron [ZVI]) was also used to further degrade the CVOCs, minimizing the generation of 1,1‐DCE and VC, and co‐precipitate temporarily mobilized metals. An in situ aerobic zone was created downgradient of the treatment zone through the injection of oxygen. Remaining CVOC degradation products and temporarily mobilized metals (e.g., iron and manganese) resulting from the geochemically reducing conditions were then allowed to migrate through the aerobic zone. Within the aerobic zone, the lesser chlorinated CVOCs were oxidized and the solubilized metals were precipitated out of solution. The injection of a combination of carbon substrates and ZVI into the groundwater system at the site studied herein resulted in the generation of a geochemically reducing subsurface treatment zone that has lasted for more than 4.5 years. Mass concentrations of total CVOCs were degraded within the treatment zone, with near complete transformation of chlorinated ethenes and a more than 90 percent reduction of CVOC mass concentrations. Production of VC and 1,1‐DCE has been minimized through the combined effects of abiotic and biological processes. CVOC concentrations have declined over time and temporarily mobilized metals are precipitating out of the dissolved phase. Precipitation of the dissolved metals was mitigated using the in situ oxygenation system, also resulting in a return to aerobic conditions in downgradient groundwater. Chloroethane (CA) is the dominant CVOC degradation product within the treatment zone and downgradient of the treatment zone, and it is expected to continue to aerobically degrade over time. CA did not accumulate within and near the aerobic oxygenation zone. The expectations for the remediation system are: (1) the concentrations of CVOCs (primarily in the form of CA) will continue to degrade; (2) total organic carbon concentrations will continue to decline to pre‐remediation levels; and, (3) the groundwater geochemistry will experience an overall trend of transitioning from reducing back to pre‐remediation mildly oxidizing conditions within and downgradient of the treatment zone.  相似文献   

Isotope applications are gaining acceptance for use in surface water and groundwater investigations, complementing traditional geochemistry and physical hydrology techniques. Recent developments in analytical methodologies and in the understanding of isotope dynamics now allow the use of isotopes to investigate sources and fate of common groundwater contaminants such as chlorinated solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons. Contaminants with unique isotopic signatures may facilitate the determination of contaminant sources in complex plumes. Degradation of chlorinated solvents and some petroleum hydrocarbons impart unique isotopic signatures on both the original contaminant and the degradation product or products that provide verification of degradation. Use of a Rayleigh‐type model may allow determination of degradation extent. Coupled with models of contaminant fate and transport, degradation extent may be useful for determining degradation rates. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Groundwater below an operating manufacturing facility in Portland, Oregon, was impacted by chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), with concentrations indicative of a dense, nonaqueous‐phase liquid (DNAPL) release. The downgradient plume stretched under the adjacent Willamette River, intersecting zones of legacy impacts from a former manufactured gas plant (MGP). An evaluation of source‐area and downgradient plume treatment remedies identified in situ bioremediation as most likely to be effective for the CVOC plume, while leaving the legacy impacts for other responsible parties. With multiple commercially available products to choose from, the team developed and implemented a bench test to identify the most appropriate technology, which was further evaluated in a field pilot study. The results of the testing demonstrated conclusively that bioremediation enhanced by in situ chemical reduction (ISCR) using EHC® and KB‐1® was most appropriate for this site, providing outstanding results. The following describes the implementation and results of the tests. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A new in situ remediation concept termed a Horizontal Reactive Media Treatment Well (HRX Well®) is presented that utilizes a horizontal well filled with reactive media to passively treat contaminated groundwater in situ. The approach involves the use of a large‐diameter directionally drilled horizontal well filled with solid reactive media installed parallel to the direction of groundwater flow. The engineered contrast in hydraulic conductivity between the high in‐well reactive media and the ambient aquifer hydraulic conductivity results in the passive capture, treatment, and discharge back to the aquifer of proportionally large volumes of groundwater. Capture and treatment widths of up to tens of feet can be achieved for many aquifer settings, and reductions in downgradient concentrations and contaminant mass flux are nearly immediate. Many different types of solid‐phase reactive treatment media are already available (zero valent iron, granular activated carbon, biodegradable particulate organic matter, slow‐release oxidants, ion exchange resins, zeolite, apatite, etc.). Therefore, this concept could be used to address a wide range of contaminants. Laboratory and pilot‐scale test results and numerical flow and transport model simulations are presented that validate the concept. The HRX Well can access contaminants not accessible by conventional vertical drilling and requires no aboveground treatment or footprint and requires limited ongoing maintenance. A focused feasibility evaluation and alternatives analysis highlights the potential cost and sustainability advantages of the HRX Well compared to groundwater extraction and treatment systems or funnel and gate permeable reactive barrier technologies for long‐term plume treatment. This paper also presents considerations for design and implementation for a planned upcoming field installation.  相似文献   

Old and unlined landfill sites pose a risk to groundwater and surface water resources. While landfill leachate plumes in sandy aquifers have been studied, landfills in clay till settings and their impact on receiving water bodies are not well understood. In addition, methods for quantitatively linking soil and groundwater contamination to surface water pollution are required. This paper presents a method which provides an estimate of the contaminant mass discharge, using a combination of a historical investigation and contaminant mass balance approach. The method works at the screening level and could be part of a risk assessment. The study site was Risby Landfill, an old unlined landfill located in a clay till setting on central Zealand, Denmark. The contaminant mass discharge was determined for three common leachate indicators: chloride, dissolved organic carbon and ammonium. For instance, the mass discharge of chloride from the landfill was 9.4 ton/year and the mass discharge of chloride to the deep limestone aquifer was 1.4 ton/year. This resulted in elevated concentrations of leachate indicators (chloride, dissolved organic carbon and ammonium) in the groundwater. The mass discharge of chloride to the small Risby Stream down gradient of the landfill was approximately 31 kg/year. The contaminant mass balance method worked well for chloride and dissolved organic carbon, but the uncertainties were elevated for ammonium due to substantial spatial variability in the source composition and attenuation processes in the underlying clay till.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory microcosm experiments and a field pilot test were performed to evaluate the potential for in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) of aromatic hydrocarbons and methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), a common oxygenate additive in gasoline, in saline, high temperature (more than 30 °C) groundwater. Groundwater samples from a site in Saudi Arabia were amended in the laboratory portion of the study with the chemical oxidants, sodium persulfate (Na2S2O8) and sodium percarbonate (Na2(CO3)2), to evaluate the changes in select hydrocarbon and MTBE concentrations with time. Almost complete degradation of the aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene and trimethylbenzenes (TMBs), was found in the groundwater sample amended with persulfate, whereas the percarbonate‐amended sample showed little to no degradation of the target hydrocarbon compounds in the laboratory. Isotopic analyses of the persulfate‐amended samples suggested that C‐isotope fractionation for xylenes occurred after approximately 30 percent reduction in concentration with a decline of about 1 percent in the δ13C values of xylenes. Based on the laboratory results, pilot‐scale testing at the Saudi Arabian field site was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical oxidation using nonactivated persulfate on a high temperature, saline petroleum hydrocarbon plume. Approximately 1,750 kg of Na2S2O8 was delivered to the subsurface using a series of injection wells over three injection events. Results obtained from the pilot test indicated that all the target compounds decreased with removal percentages varying between 86 percent for naphthalene and more than 99 percent for the MTBE and TMBs. The benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene compounds decreased to 98 percent on average. Examination of the microbial population upgradient and downgradient of the ISCO reactive zone suggested that a bacteria population was present following the ISCO injections with sulfate‐reducing bacteria (SRB) being the dominant bacteria present. Measurements of inorganic parameters during injection and postinjection indicated that the pH of the groundwater remained neutral following injections, whereas the oxidation–reduction potential remained anaerobic throughout the injection zone with time. Nitrate concentrations decreased within the injection zone, suggesting that the nitrate may have been consumed by denitrification reactions, whereas sulfate concentrations increased as expected within the reactive zone, suggesting that the persulfate produced sulfate. Overall, the injection of the oxidant persulfate was shown to be an effective approach to treat dissolved aromatic and associated hydrocarbons within the groundwater. In addition, the generation of sulfate as a byproduct was an added benefit, as the sulfate could be utilized by SRBs present within the subsurface to further biodegrade any remaining hydrocarbons. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A series of laboratory microcosm experiments and a field pilot test were performed to evaluate the potential for aerobic biodegradation of aromatic hydrocarbons and methyl tert‐butyl ether (MtBE; a common oxygenate additive in gasoline) in saline, high temperature (>30° C) groundwater. Aquifer, sediment, and groundwater samples from two sites, one in Canada and another in Saudi Arabia, were incubated for 106 days to evaluate the changes in select hydrocarbon and MtBE concentrations and microbial community structure. Almost complete biodegradation of the aromatic hydrocarbons was found in the Saudi Arabian microcosm samples whereas the Canadian microcosm samples showed no significant biodegradation during the laboratory testing. MtBE degradation was not observed in either set of microcosms. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analyses showed that, while the Canadian microorganisms were the most diverse, they showed little response during incubation. The microbial communities for the Saudi Arabian sample contained significant numbers of microorganisms capable of hydrocarbon degradation which increased during incubation. Based on the laboratory results, pilot‐scale testing at the Saudi Arabian field site was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of enhanced aerobic biodegradation on a high temperature, saline petroleum hydrocarbon plume. Dissolved oxygen was delivered to the subsurface using a series of oxygen diffusion emitters installed perpendicular to groundwater flow, which created a reactive zone. Results obtained from the seven‐month field trial indicated that all the target compounds decreased with removal percentages varying between 33 percent for the trimethylbenzenes to greater than 80 percent for the BTEX compounds. MtBE decreased 40 percent on average whereas naphthalene was reduced 85 percent on average. Examination of the microbial population upgradient and downgradient of the emitter reactive zone suggested that the bacteria population went from an anaerobic, sulfate‐reducing dominated population to one dominated by a heterotrophic aerobic bacteria dominant population. These studies illustrate that field aerobic biodegradation may exceed expectations derived from simple laboratory microcosm experiments. Also, high salinity and elevated groundwater temperature do not appear to inhibit in situ aerobic biorestoration. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Enhanced anaerobic dechlorination is being conducted to remediate a 50‐acre groundwater area impacted with chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs). The plume, which is over 3,000 feet (ft) long, initially contained tetrachloroethene and breakdown products at concentrations of 2 to 3 milligrams per liter. The site's high groundwater flow velocity (greater than 1,000 ft per year) was incorporated into the design to help with amendment distribution. Bioaugmentation was conducted using a mixed culture containing Dehalococcoides ethenogenes. There is evidence that it has migrated to distances exceeding 600 ft. The major benefit of the high groundwater flow velocity is greater areal coverage by the remediation system, but the downside is the difficulty in delivering sufficient donor to create the required anaerobic conditions. Overall performance has been excellent with total CVOC reductions and conversion to ethene of 98 percent within a 25‐acre area downgradient of the treatment transect that has operated the longest. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A chlorinated volatile organic compound (cVOC) source area approximately 25 by 100 ft in a heavily industrialized urban area was characterized with groundwater tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations up to 9,180 μg/L. This is approximately 6 percent of PCE's aqueous solubility, indicative of the presence of residual dense, nonaqueous phase liquid. The resulting dissolved‐phase plume migrated off‐site. Biotic and abiotic dechlorination using a combination of a food‐grade organic carbon‐based electron donor and zero‐valent iron suspended in a food‐grade emulsifying agent reduced the source area PCE concentrations by 98 percent within 27 weeks, with minimal downgradient migration of daughter products dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. Combining biological dechlorination with iron‐based chemical dechlorination is synergistic, enhancing treatment aggressiveness, balancing pH, and optimizing degradation of both DNAPL and dissolved‐phase cVOCs. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates a remedial approach for completing the remediation of an aquifer contaminated with 1,1,2‐trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon‐113) and 1,1,1‐trichloroethane (TCA). In 1987, approximately 13,000 pounds of Freon‐113 were spilled from a tank at an industrial facility located in the state of New York. The groundwater remediation program consisted of an extraction system coupled with airstripping followed by natural attenuation of residual contaminants. In the first phase, five recovery wells and an airstripping tower were operational from April 1993 to August 1999. During this time period over 10,000 pounds of CFC‐13 and 200 pounds of TCA were removed from the groundwater and the contaminant concentrations decreased by several orders of magnitude. However, the efficiency of the remediation system to recover residual Freon and/or TCA reduced significantly. This was evidenced by: (1) low levels (< 10 ppb) of Freon and TCA captured in the extraction wells and (2) a slight increase of Freon and/or TCA in off‐site monitoring wells. A detailed study was conducted to evaluate the alternative for the second‐phase remediation. Results of a two‐year groundwater monitoring program indicated the contaminant plume to be stable with no significant increase or decrease in contaminant concentrations. Monitored geochemical parameters suggest that biodegradation does not influence the fate and transport of these contaminants, but other mechanisms of natural attenuation (primarily sorption and dilution) appear to control the fate and transport of these contaminants. The contaminants appear to be bound to the soil matrix (silty and clay units) with limited desorption as indicated by the solid phase analyses of contaminant concentrations. Results of fate and transport modeling indicated that contaminant concentrations would not exceed the action levels in the wells that showed a slight increase in contaminant concentrations and in the downgradient wells (sentinel) during the modeled timeframe of 30 years. This feasibility study for natural attenuation led to the termination of the extraction system and a transaction of the property, resulting in a significant financial benefit for the original site owner. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Groundwater contamination is the major environmental risk related to landfilling of wastes. In order to evaluate the migration of leachate from uncontrolled dumps and to establish efficient groundwater monitoring systems at sanitary landfills, basic information about the behaviour of pollutants in soil-groundwater systems is needed. A series of saturated laboratory soil columns loaded with acid phase leachate under anaerobic CO2-saturated conditions were studied in terms of solute breakthrough curves and final pollutant soil profiles. The four soils studied exhibited significantly different capacities for attenuating leachate pollutants. In general, ammonia, sodium and boron were attenuated only by adsorption and organic matter by a combination of adsorption and degradation. Dissolved solids, specific conductivity, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and manganese were, besides adsorption, subject to precipitation-dissolution processes. For iron and manganese the latter process was in combination with redox processes. Zinc and cadmium were extensively attenuated probably due to a combination of adsorption and sulphide precipitation. With a few exceptions, chloride, dissolved solids, specific conductivity, organic matter (COD) and sodium are the most mobile constituents of the leachate exhibiting migration velocities of 80–100% of the water flow velocity.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills worldwide are experiencing the consequences of conventional landfilling techniques, whereby anaerobic conditions are created within the landfilled waste. Under anaerobic conditions within a landfill site slow stabilization of the waste mass occurs, producing methane, (an explosive 'green house' gas) and leachate (which can pollute groundwater) over long periods of time. As a potential solution, it was demonstrated that the aerobic degradation of MSW within a landfill can significantly increase the rate of waste decomposition and settlement, decrease the methane production and leachate leaving the system, and potentially increase the operational life of the site. Readily integrated into the existing landfill infrastructure, this approach can safely and cost-effectively convert a MSW landfill from anaerobic to aerobic degradation processes, thereby effectively composting much of the organic portions (one of the potentially polluting elements in a conventional landfill site) of the waste. This paper summarizes the successful results of two separate aerobic landfill projects located in Georgia (USA) and discusses the potential economic and environmental impacts to worldwide solid waste management practices.  相似文献   

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