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Atmospheric contamination by heavy metal(loid)–enriched particulate matter (metal-PM) is highly topical these days because of its high persistence, toxic nature, and health risks. Globally, foliar uptake of metal(loid)s occurs for vegetables/crops grown in the vicinity of industrial or urban areas with a metal-PM-contaminated atmosphere. The current study evaluated the foliar uptake of arsenic (As), accumulation of As in different plant organs, its toxicity (in terms of ROS generation, chlorophyll degradation, and lipid peroxidation), and its defensive mechanism (antioxidant enzymes) in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) after foliar application of As in the form of nanoparticles (As-NPs). The As-NPs were prepared using a chemical method. Results indicate that spinach can absorb As via foliar pathways (0.50 to 0.73 mg/kg in leaves) and can translocate it towards root tissues (0.35 to 0.68 mg/kg). However, health risk assessment parameters showed that the As level in the edible parts of spinach was below the critical limit (hazard quotient <?1). Despite low tissue level, As-NP exposure caused phytotoxicity in terms of a decrease in plant dry biomass (up to 84%) and pigment contents (up to 38%). Furthermore, several-fold higher activities of antioxidant enzymes were observed under metal stress than control. However, no significant variation was observed in the level of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which can be its possible transformation to other forms of reactive oxygen species (ROS). It is proposed that As can be absorbed by spinach via foliar pathway and then disturbs the plant metabolism. Therefore, air quality needs to be considered and monitored continuously for the human health risk assessment and quality of vegetables cultivated on polluted soils (roadside and industrial vicinity).



为阐明福州市主要蔬菜基地种植的蔬菜中砷积累特征与食用风险水平,对研究区域内蔬菜和对应土壤中砷含量进行了分析检测,采用Monte-Carlo 模型法对蔬菜中砷引起的健康风险进行了评价,并探讨了蔬菜和土壤砷含量之间的相关性及不同品种、不同类别蔬菜之间积累砷的差异。结果表明:研究区内菜地土壤没有明显的砷超标,砷含量均未超出国家土壤二级标准(30 mg·kg-1);研究区内蔬菜安全状态很好,不存在明显的健康风险;蔬菜中砷与其对应土壤中砷之间无显著相关性;不同类别的蔬菜之间对于砷的累积存在差异性,蔬菜中砷的富集系数顺序为叶菜类 > 根茎类 > 瓜果类,其中茼蒿的富集系数最大,豌豆和辣椒的最小。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Lithium (Li) exploitation for industrial and domestic use is resulting in a buildup of the element in various environmental components that results in...  相似文献   

In an extensive environmental study, field samples, including soil, water, rice, vegetable, fish, human hair and urine, were collected at an abandoned tungsten mine in Shantou City, southern China. Results showed that arsenic (As) concentration in agricultural soils ranged from 3.5 to 935 mg kg−1 with the mean value of 129 mg kg−1. In addition, As concentration reached up to 325 μg L−1 in the groundwater, and the maximum As concentration in local food were 1.09, 2.38 and 0.60 mg kg−1 for brown rice, vegetable and fish samples, respectively, suggesting the local water resource and food have been severely contaminated with As. Health impact monitoring data revealed that As concentrations in hair and urine samples were up to 2.92 mg kg−1 and 164 μg L−1, respectively, indicating a potential health risk among the local residents. Effective measurements should be implemented to protect the local community from the As contamination in the environment.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent of arsenic (As) contamination in five common species of freshwater fish (northern snakehead [Channa argus], mandrarin fish [Siniperca chuatsi], largemouth bass [Lepomis macrochirous], bighead carp [Aristichthys nobilis] and grass carp [Ctenopharyngodon idellus]) and their associated fish pond sediments collected from 18 freshwater fish ponds around the Pearl River Delta (PRD). The total As concentrations detected in fish muscle and sediment in freshwater ponds around the PRD were 0.05–3.01 mg?kg?1 wet weight (w. wt) and 8.41–22.76 mg?kg?1 dry weight (d. wt), respectively. In addition, the As content was positively correlated (p?<?0.05) to total organic carbon (TOC) contents in sediments. Biota sediment accumulation factor (BSAF) showed that omnivorous fish and zooplankton accumulated higher concentrations of heavy metals from the sediment than carnivorous fish. In addition, feeding habits of fish also influence As accumulation in different fish species. In this study, two typical food chains of the aquaculture ponds were selected for investigation: (1) omnivorous food chain (zooplankton, grass carp and bighead carp) and (2) predatory food chain (zooplankton, mud carp and mandarin fish). Significant linear relationships were obtained between log As and δ 15N. The slope of the regression (?0.066 and ?0.078) of the log transformed As concentrations and δ 15N values, as biomagnifications power, indicated there was no magnification or diminution of As from lower trophic levels (zooplankton) to fish in the aquaculture ponds. Consumption of largemouth bass, northern snakehead and bighead carp might impose health risks of Hong Kong residents consuming these fish to the local population, due to the fact that its cancer risk (CR) value exceeded the upper limit of the acceptable risk levels (10?4) stipulated by the USEPA.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to assess the potential of several industrial wastes to immobilise metals in two polluted soils deriving from an old Pb/Zn mine. Two different approaches were used to assess the performance of different amendments: a chemical one, using extraction by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and a biological one, using Lupinus albus as a bio-indicator. Four amendments were used: inorganic sugar production waste (named ‘sugar foam’, SF), sludge from a drinking water treatment sludge (DWS), organic waste from olive mill waste (OMW) and paper mill sludge (PMS). Amendment to soil ratios ranged from 0.1 to 0.3 (w/w). All the amendments were capable of significantly decreasing (p?<?0.05) EDTA-extractable Pb, Zn and Cu concentrations in the two soils used, with decreases in ranges 21–100, 25–100 and 2–100 % for Pb, Zn and Cu, respectively. The amendments tested were also effective in reducing the bioavailability of Pb and Zn for L. albus, which gave rise to a decrease in shoot metal accumulation by the lupine plants compared to that found in the control soil. That decrease reached up to 5.6 and 2.8 times for Pb and Zn, respectively, being statistically significant in most cases. Moreover, application of the OMW, DWS and SF amendments led to higher average values of plant biomass (up to 71 %) than those obtained in the control soil. The results obtained showed the technology put forward to be a viable means of remediating mine soils as it led to a decrease in the availability and toxicity of metals and, thus, facilitated the growth of a vegetation layer.  相似文献   


Pakistan is an agricultural country and due to the shortage of clean water, most of the irrigated area (32,500 ha) of Pakistan was supplied with wastewater (0.876?×?109 m3/year). Concentrations of heavy metals in radish (Raphanus sativus) and turnip (Brassica rapa) taken from vegetable fields in Sargodha, Pakistan, were measured. Untreated wastewater was used persistently for a long time to irrigate these vegetable fields. A control site was selected that had a history of fresh groundwater irrigation. Mean metal concentrations were found for irrigation water, soil, and vegetables. In irrigation water, concentrations of Mo and Pb at three sites and Se at sites II and III were higher than the recommended limits. In vegetables, concentrations of Mo and Pb were above the maximum permissible limits. High bioconcentration factor was observed for Zn (12.61 in R. sativus and 11.72 in B. rapa) at site I and high pollution load index was found for Pb (3.89 in R. sativus and 3.87 in B. rapa) at site II. The differences in metal concentrations found in samples depended upon different soil nature and assimilation capacities of vegetables at different sites which in turn depended upon different environmental cues. The entrance of metal and metalloids to human body may happen through different pathways; however, the food chain is the chief route through which metals are transferred from vegetables to individuals. Health risk index observed for metals, (Mo, As, Ni, Cu, and Pb) higher than 1 indicated high risk through consumption of these vegetables at three sites.


An international inter-laboratory research program investigated the effectiveness of in situ remediation of soils contaminated by cadmium, lead and zinc, measuring changes in soil and soil solution chemistry, plants and soil microbiota. A common soil, from mine wastes in Jasper County MO, was used. The soil was pH 5.9, had low organic matter (1.2 g kg(-1) C) and total Cd, Pb, and Zn concentrations of 92, 5022, and 18 532 mg kg(-1), respectively. Amendments included lime, phosphorus (P), red mud (RM), cyclonic ashes (CA), biosolids (BIO), and water treatment residuals (WTR). Both soil solution and NH4NO3 extractable metals were decreased by all treatments. Phytotoxicity of metals was reduced, with plants grown in P treatments having the highest yields and lowest metal concentration (0.5, 7.2 and 406 mg kg(-1) Cd, Pb, and Zn). Response of soil micro-organisms was similar to plant responses. Phosphorus addition reduced the physiologically based extraction test Pb from 84% of total Pb extracted in the untreated soil to 34.1%.  相似文献   

Ruditapes philippinarum, a species native from the Indo-Pacific region, was introduced in Europe at the beginning of the 1970s for culture purposes, leading to a massive decrease of the native species Ruditapes decussatus and a high increase of R. philippinarum yields in Europe. Bivalves can accumulate high amounts of metals and thus easily reach concentrations that are toxic not only to themselves but also to consumers. Since differences in the accumulation of pollutants may exist between bivalve species, different health risks may be overcome. For this reason, the level of metals in seafood raises public health concerns, and international organisations like European Food Safety Authority, United States Food and Drug Administration, and Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) set maximum levels (MLs), above which edible seafood cannot be marketed. In order to evaluate the risk associated with the consumption of R. philippinarum and R. decussatus, both clam species were collected in the same site in Ria de Aveiro and the concentration of eight elements determined in organisms before and after a 48-h depuration period. Results evidence that even at low contaminated areas, the MLs for some elements can easily be achieved. The concentrations of As were above the reference values for FSANZ, and the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) is exceeded for As when more than 0.5 kg of R. decussatus and 0.9 kg of R. philippinarum clam flesh is consumed, in 1 week, by an adult (70 kg). When comparing with other systems worldwide, consumers of depurated clams from this coastal system have a similar or lower risk of exceeding the PTWI for Cd, As, Pb, and Hg. The recently introduced clam, R. philippinarum, accumulates lower amounts of the most health-threatening elements (less than 71 % of Cd, 40 % of As, and 20 % of Hg) than the native R. decussatus, except for Pb. R. philippinarum also reduces more the element burden when subjected to depuration than R. decussatus. Moreover, R. philippinarum allocates a lower proportion of the accumulated elements in the soluble fraction, where they are readily available. Thus, it is safer to consume R. philippinarum than R. decussatus, except when clams come from areas heavily polluted by Pb.  相似文献   

This study determined concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine compound (OC) pesticides in the milk samples of women from the general population in four locations of Indonesia. The most prevalent residues of OCs were DDTs, PCBs and hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), whereas other OCs such as chlordane compounds (CHLs), tris(4-chlorophenyl)methane and hexachlorobenzene were lower. The levels of OCs varied between locations and individuals, with DDTs higher in suburban and rural areas than urban localities, may be due to the differences in food habits and sources between the individuals and locations. Data from Purwakarta site indicated continuing DDT exposure, which may confirm recent usage of DDT in Indonesia. A positive correlation was observed between concentration of OCs in human milk and age of mothers, primiparas women having higher OCs than multiparas, suggesting these parameters play an important role influencing the OC burdens in lactating women. Some individuals accumulated DDTs and HCHs in breast milk close to or even higher than the TDI (tolerable daily intake) guidelines proposed by Health Canada.  相似文献   

Arsenic concentrations were determined in livers of 226 individuals representing 16 different marine mammal species to elucidate its accumulation with age, sex, and feeding habits. Arsenic concentrations varied widely among species and individuals, and ranged from < 0.10 to 7.68 micrograms g-1 dry weight. Marine mammals feeding on cephalopods and crustaceans contained higher arsenic concentrations than those feeding on fishes. No significant gender difference in arsenic concentration was found for almost all the species. Also, no apparent trend with age (or body length) in arsenic accumulation was found for most of the species. It was noted that two seal species, Baikal seal and Caspian seal, from landlocked water environments, contained lower arsenic concentrations than the marine species. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive study of arsenic accumulation in a wide range of marine mammal species.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Transport of P from agricultural land contributes to the eutrophication of surface waters. Soil amendment is considered one of the best management practices (BMPs) to reduce P loss from sandy soils. Laboratory column leaching experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of different soil amendments in reducing P leaching from a typical sandy soil in Florida. Methods The tested amendments were CaCl2, CaCO3, Al(OH)3, cellulose, and mill mud, and applied at the rate of 15 g/kg for a single amendment and each 7.5 g/kg if two amendments were combined. Leaching was conducted every four days for 32 days, 250 mL of deionized water being leached for each column per leaching event. Leachates were collected from each leaching event and analyzed for reactive P, PO4-P, and macro and micro-elements. Results and Discussion Except for the soils amended with CaCl2, or CaCl2+CaCO3, reactive P and PO4-P leaching losses mainly occurred in the first three leaching events. Phosphorus leaching from the soils amended with CaCl2 or CaCl2+CaCO3 was less but more persistent than that of other amendments. Reactive Pleaching loss was reduced by 36.0% and 40.4% for the amendments of CaCl2, and CaCl2+CaCO3, respectively, as compared with chemical fertilizer alone, and the corresponding values for PO4-P were 70.8% and 71.9%. The concentrations of K, Mg, Cu, and Fe in leachate were also decreased by CaCl2 or CaCl2+CaCO3 amendment. Among the seven amendments, CaCl2, CaCO3, or their combination were most effective in reducing P leaching from the sandy soil, followed by cellulose and Al(OH)3, the effects of mill mud and mill mud + Al(OH)3 were marginal. Conclusions These results indicate that the use of CaCl2, CaCO3, or their combination can significantly reduce P leaching from sandy soil, and should be considered in the development of BMPs for the sandy soil regions. Recommendations and Outlook Most agricultural soils in south Florida are very sandy with minimal holding capacities for moisture and nutrients. Repeated application of fertilizer is necessary to sustain desired yield of crops on these soils. However, eutrophication of fresh water systems in this area has been increasingly concerned by the public. Losses of P from agricultural fields by means of leaching and surface runoff are suspected as one of the important non-point contamination sources. The benefits and effectiveness of soil amendment in reducing P losses from cropping production systems while sustaining desired crop yield need to be demonstrated. Calcium chloride, CaCO3, or their combination significantly reduce Pleaching from sandy soil, and should be considered in the development of BMPs for the sandy soil regions.  相似文献   

Wei CY  Chen TB 《Chemosphere》2006,63(6):1048-1053
In an area near an arsenic mine in Hunan Province of south China, soils were often found with elevated arsenic levels. A field survey was conducted to determine arsenic accumulation in 8 Cretan brake ferns (Pteris cretica) and 16 Chinese brake ferns (Pteris vittata) growing on these soils. Three factors were evaluated: arsenic concentration in above ground parts (fronds), arsenic bioaccumulation factor (BF; ratio of arsenic in fronds to soil) and arsenic translocation factor (TF; ratio of arsenic in fronds to roots). Arsenic concentrations in the fronds of Chinese brake fern were 3-704 mg kg-1, the BFs were 0.06-7.43 and the TFs were 0.17-3.98, while those in Cretan brake fern were 149-694 mg kg-1, 1.34-6.62 and 1.00-2.61, respectively. Our survey showed that both ferns were capable of arsenic accumulation under field conditions. With most of the arsenic being accumulated in the fronds, these ferns have potential for use in phytoremediation of arsenic contaminated soils.  相似文献   



Ceratophyllum demersum L. is a widespread submerged macrophyte in aquatic environments.


Simulation experiments were conducted in the laboratory to investigate arsenic (As) accumulation, speciation, and efflux of C. demersum exposed to arsenate and arsenite solutions.


Plant shoots showed a significant accumulation of As with a maximum of 862 and 963???g?As?g?1 dry weight after 4?days of exposure to 10???M arsenate and arsenite, respectively. Regardless of whether arsenate or arsenite was supplied to the plants, arsenite was the predominant species in plant shoots. Furthermore, a dramatically higher influx rate of arsenate compared with arsenite was observed in C. demersum exposed to As solutions without the addition of phosphate (P). Arsenate uptake was considerably inhibited by P in this study, suggesting that arsenate is taken up by C. demersum via the phosphate transporters. However, arsenite uptake was unaffected by P and markedly reduced in the presence of glycerol and antimonite (Sb), indicating arsenite shares the aquaporin transport pathway. In addition, C. demersum rapidly reduces arsenate to arsenite in the shoot of the plant and extrudes most of them (>60?%) to the external solutions. The efflux of arsenite was much higher than that of arsenate; the former is supposed to be both active and passive processes, and the latter through passive leakage.


C. demersum is a strong As accumulator and an interesting model plant to study As uptake and metabolism due to the lack of a root-to-shoot translocation barrier.  相似文献   

Gao S  Ryu J  Tanji KK  Herbel MJ 《Chemosphere》2007,67(5):862-871
To sustain agricultural productivity, evaporation basins (or ponds) have been widely used for the disposal of agricultural drainage in areas requiring subsurface drainage in the San Joaquin Valley of California, USA. The drainage water contains elevated concentration of trace elements including selenium (Se) and arsenic (As). Unlike Se, little information is available about As, a potentially high risk element. The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical behavior of As and acquire data for better understanding of biogeochemical processes and conditions affecting As fate in evaporation ponds. The study site was a 726 ha evaporation basin facility (containing 10 cells with water flowing in series) in the hydrologically closed Tulare Basin of California. We examined water chemistry, As concentration and speciation along the water flow path between cells as well as within the cells. Arsenic concentrations in the water increased linearly with Cl(-), a conservative ion from evapoconcentration. Reduced As species as arsenite [As(III)] and organic arsenic (org-As) also increased with increases in Cl(-) and salinity. Water samples with elevated EC (i.e., towards the end of flow path) had high dissolved organic matter, low dissolved oxygen, and elevated sulfide concentrations, indicating the development of reducing conditions. We hypothesize that such changes could facilitate the reduction of arsenate [As(V)] to As(III) and org-As. Elevated As in sediment profiles indicate a solid phase sink mechanism, but not significant enough to remove and reduce As concentrations in the water columns. These findings help us better define the processes that affect As in drainage facilities and contribute to our understanding of how As behaves in other regions of the world that have similar climatic and hydrogeochemical conditions.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of three amendments (a biosolid compost, a sugar beet lime, and a combination of leonardite plus sugar beet lime) on trace element stabilisation and spontaneous revegetation of a trace element contaminated soil. Soil properties were analysed before and after amendment application. Spontaneous vegetation growing on the experimental plot was studied by three surveys in terms of number of taxa colonising, percentage vegetation cover and plant biomass. Macronutrients and trace element concentrations of the five most frequent species were analysed. The results showed a positive effect of the amendments both on soil chemical properties and vegetation. All amendments increased soil pH and TOC content and reduced CaCl(2)-soluble-trace element concentrations. Colonisation by wild plants was enhanced in all amended treatments. The nutritional status of the five species studied was improved in some cases, while a general reduction in trace element concentrations of the aboveground parts was observed in all treated plots. The results obtained show that natural assisted remediation has potential for success on a field scale reducing trace element entry in the food chain.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the present study, occurrence of arsenic (As) and lead (Pb) is reported in rural and urban household dust (floor and AC filter dust) of the Kingdom...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Wastewater application for irrigation is a traditional and economic tool in developing nations. Yet prolonged use of wastewater for agricultural...  相似文献   

Human breast milk samples (n = 33) from primipara and multipara mothers from Payatas a waste dump site, and Malate a reference site in the Phillipines were collected in 2004 and analyzed for eight organohalogen compounds, viz., PCBs, DDTs, CHLs, HCHs, HCB, TCPMe, PBDEs and HBCDs. DDTs and PCBs were predominant in all the samples. Overall mean concentrations of PBDEs found in our study were higher (7.5 ng/g lipid wt.) than those reported for Japan and many other Asian countries. Primipara mothers had significantly higher levels of DDTs, CHLs and HCHs than multipara mothers, but not PBDEs and HBCDs. A few individuals accumulated CHLs close to or even higher than the tolerable daily intake guidelines proposed by Health Canada.  相似文献   

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