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论地质灾害防治对策及其系统决策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
徐卫亚  孙广忠 《灾害学》1992,7(3):19-24
本文在讨论地质灾害基本属性的基础上,提出了地质灾害防治的基本对策,并基于多目标决策特点,构造了三类地质灾害防治决策最优化模型。  相似文献   

地质灾害专题地图编制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕卫  宫辉力 《灾害学》1993,8(3):75-78
地质灾害专题制图是地质灾害系统研究成果的高层次综合。本文论述了地质灾害制图的目的、原则、特点、表示内容与方法,为规划决策提供地质灾害背景图件。  相似文献   

钟以章  陈爱萍 《灾害学》1991,6(1):46-50
本文系统介绍了辽宁的地震、泥石流、滑坡和塌陷等地质灾害,并对城市地质灾害作了专门的论述。归结起来,辽宁的地质灾害有分布面广、类型多、灾害频繁和破环性大等特点。  相似文献   

胡连英 《灾害学》1991,6(2):60-64
本文论述了本世纪以来,地质灾害防治现状:1.无预报、无预防;2.有预报而无预防;3.有预报、有预防方案而没有实施;4.有预报、有预防方案并组织实施。最后,提出减轻地质灾害8条对策。  相似文献   

基坑开挖地质灾害分析及智能监测系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着地下空间的广泛、深入利用,深基坑工程应运而生,它解决了许多技术难题,使得一幢幢高楼能拔地而起。但基坑工程的开挖也会带来很多危险,产生许多地质灾害,围绕这个问题进行了分析。研究认为,进行智能监测是防治有关灾害的良策。  相似文献   

分析了发生在鲁豫交界区的地面塌陷、地裂缝等地质灾害现象的时空分布特征,对其成因类型进行了研究,认为灾害的发生主要取决于当地的水文地质条件及人为活动,此外还就灾害防御问题提出几点建议。  相似文献   

湖北省地质灾害的特点、机制及其减灾对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
湖北省地质灾害具有“灾害种类多、灾情重、时空分布不匀且有逐年加重的趋势”。本文根据对岩石圈系统、大气圈系统与人类社会圈系统的研究,针对防灾减灾,指出应加强三个方面的工作:①多种灾害并案研究、并案治理;②科学规划、重点研究,分阶段治理;③利用新技术、新手段,建设“群测群防”监测、预报信息化网络。  相似文献   

陕西商南县的地质灾害及其成因   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
阐述了商南县地质灾害的类型、分布及发育特征,总结了商南县地质灾害的成因,并提出了一些防治设想。  相似文献   

为促进地质灾害防治规划编制的规范化,增强规划的科学性、实用性,提高规划编制效率,减少工作盲目性。阐述了相关基本术语,提出了地质灾害防治规划编制的基本要求,探讨了防治规划编制的准备工作,明确了规划的基本内容,包括指导思想、基本原则、目标任务、规划项目、进度安排、环境评价、效益评估、经费估算、保障措施以及成果要求、规划评审和发布实施等,可以作为各级公共管理机构、技术支撑单位或工程企业开展地质灾害防治规划编制的工作指南。  相似文献   

基于GPRS技术的地质灾害无线遥测系统   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
将通用分组无线业务(GPRS)技术应用于地质灾害监测系统,可实现监测数据的无线传输和Internet的无线接入,因而实现地质灾害监测数据互联网共享和预警、救灾指挥联网.详细介绍了在三峡工程万州库区运行的基于GPRS技术的地质灾害无线遥测台网的体系结构、功能实现以及运行效果.该系统的建成与可靠运行使三峡库区地质灾害的监测预警系统走向数字化、自动化、网络化.  相似文献   

This paper explores linkages between food security and crisis in different contexts, outlining the policy and institutional conditions needed to manage food security during a crisis and to rebuild the resilience of food systems in periods of relative peace. The paper reviews experiences over the past decade of countries in protracted crisis and draws lessons for national and international policy. It assesses the different alternatives on offer in fragile countries to address, for example, the disruption of institutional mechanisms and the decreasing level of support offered by international donors with respect to longer-term expectations. It proposes a Twin Track Approach to enhance food security resilience through specific policies for protracted crises that link immediate hunger relief interventions with a long-term strategy for sustainable growth. Finally, the article analyses policy options and the implications for both short- and longer-term responses vis-à-vis the three dimensions of food security: availability; access; and stability.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(3):249-265
This paper discusses insights from post-tsunami early warning system (EWS) development in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia by analysing selected elements of resilience, based on the Coastal Community Resilience (CCR) framework, and by distinguishing between the cognitive, normative and procedural dimensions of EWSs. The findings indicate that (1) recent calls to develop participatory and people-centred EWSs as promoted by the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005—2015 have not been sufficiently translated into action in the implementation of national policies and strategies for early warning; (2) policy and guidance places significantly more emphasis on the procedural compared to the normative and cognitive dimensions of EWSs; (3) practitioners engaged in early warning and disaster risk reduction operate in contexts shaped by multiple stakeholder agendas and face considerable challenges in negotiating diverse needs and priorities; and (4) few platforms currently exist that enable stakeholders to coordinate and reconcile agendas, negotiate joint targets, share knowledge and critically reflect on lessons learnt, and to improve the integration of early warning with other priorities such as livelihoods improvement, natural resource management and community development.  相似文献   

The economic devastation resulting from recent natural disasters has spawned intense interest in programmes that promote regional resilience. The economic impacts of Hurricane Ike (September 2008) endured long beyond the storm's landfall, compounded by a national recession. This study analyses the pattern of post‐Ike industrial growth in eight coastal counties of Texas, United States, and identifies sources of resilience and potential drivers of recovery. The results indicate that post‐disaster growth patterns differ from established growth patterns. Levels of resilience vary across industrial sectors, and service sectors tend to lead a recovery. The resilience of the hotel and restaurant sector, for instance, suggests that the presence of relief workers might immunise certain sectors against a post‐disaster economic downturn. Besides the sectors that are generally resilient, each county has its own distinct sectors that, depending on the extent of the damage suffered, tend to perform strongly after a disaster, owing to the characteristics of the respective county's economy.  相似文献   

从自然、社会和经济三个维度遴选了12个指标,构建地震灾害恢复力的综合评价指标体系,综合运用熵权法与模糊逻辑等方法,评价西南四省(四川、云南、贵州、重庆)的地震灾害恢复力,并分析其时空变化特征及主要影响因素.结果表明:2006-2016年,西南四省大部分地区地震灾害恢复力呈提升趋势,且恢复力水平总体随城市级别的增大而增大...  相似文献   

讨论了赋予建筑物以智能结构系统的必然性与可行性,并结合仿生学的研究,探讨了建筑物智能结构系统的结构组成。通过介绍一些技术上相对比较成熟的智能材料,诸如光导纤维、碳纤维混凝土等传感和驱动材料,为建筑物智能结构系统的建立,提供了物质材料上的支持。通过对生命现象的模仿,本文将建筑物智能结构系统细分为以下几个部分:神经系统式的传感、神经网络式的分析思维、肌肉组织式的驱动、自愈合、有机材料以及多种智能材料的集成。此外,本文还指出,将仿生学同建筑材料与结构的发展相结合,建立建筑物智能结构系统,不仅为建筑物提供更加有效的安全保障,还为人类与自然和谐共处提供了一个发展方向。  相似文献   

结合防屈曲支撑拟静力实验的研究成果,用ABAQUS有限元软件模拟一栋建筑的地震反应。比较原设计结构与减少梁柱面积但安装有防屈曲支撑的减缩结构这2种方案下的地震响应,使两者的层间位移角相近并满足规范要求,进而做经济性对比。结果表明,防屈曲支撑可以有效地减小结构地震响应,并且先于梁柱破坏,保护主体结构安全;安装防屈曲支撑的结构在满足设计要求的同时,还可以节省建筑成本,缩短施工工期。  相似文献   

我国自然灾害种类多、影响范围大,各类灾害风险交织叠加,防灾减灾工作面临严峻挑战,同时也对“十四五”期间综合防灾减灾规划编制提出了更高要求。韧性是一种应对风险的科学理念,运用韧性理念指导防灾减灾规划编制有助于发挥规划在防灾减灾工作中的引领作用,全面提高防灾减灾工作治理体系与治理能力。在对韧性概念理念与内涵进行了深入分析的基础上,该文将“城市安全五维体系”运用于防灾减灾领域并对防灾减灾工作内容进行了重构,通过五维体系视角回顾上两版国家层面综合防灾减灾规划,总结了综合防灾减灾规划趋势,系统梳理了综合防灾减灾规划编制背景,基于韧性理念提出了“十四五”综合防灾减灾规划编制建议。  相似文献   

The adoption of a Climate Disaster Resilience Index in Chennai,India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Results derived from the Climate Disaster Resilience Index (CDRI)—consisting of five dimensions (economic, institutional, natural, physical, and social), 25 parameters, and 125 variables—reflect the abilities of people and institutions to respond to potential climate‐related disasters in Chennai, India. The findings of this assessment, applied in the 10 administrative zones of the city, reveal that communities living in the northern and older parts of Chennai have lower overall resilience as compared to the flourishing areas (vis‐à‐vis economic growth and population) along the urban fringes. The higher resilience of communities along the urban fringes suggests that urbanisation may not necessarily lead to a deterioration of basic urban services, such as electricity, housing, and water. This indication is confirmed by a strong statistical correlation between physical resilience and population growth in Chennai. The identification of the resilience of different urban areas of Chennai has the potential to support future planning decisions on the city's scheduled expansion.  相似文献   

在城市抗风防灾研究中,采用GIS技术已成为一种必要的手段,但现有结构风灾经济损失模型参数多,不易采集,造成建立GIS数据库具有一定的困难。因此,简化模型,降低数据采集难度的工作量是十分必要的,本文采用样本计算,制成表格供查询使用,在保证计算精度的前提下,使参数由12个减为2个,大大降低了数据采集和GIS数据库建立的难度。  相似文献   

张磊 《灾害学》2021,(2):159-165,175
韧性理论引入灾害风险管理领域,为世界防灾减灾实践提供了新理念,并在国内外韧性城市社区建设中得到广泛应用,但针对乡村地区,尤其是高脆弱性的贫困村韧性社区建设的研究还较为鲜见.该文以韧性理论为基础,结合乡村振兴战略规划,通过对贫困村社会生态系统特征的分析,探讨了新时期我国贫困村灾后恢复重建与灾害风险管理发展方向及特点.研究...  相似文献   

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