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Declines in many native fish populations have led to reassessments of management goals and shifted priorities from consumptive uses to species preservation. As management has shifted, relevant environmental characteristics have evolved from traditional metrics that described local habitat quality to characterizations of habitat size and connectivity. Despite the implications this shift has for how habitats may be prioritized for conservation, it has been rare to assess the relative importance of these habitat components. We used an information-theoretic approach to select the best models from sets of logistic regressions that linked habitat quality, size, and connectivity to the occurrence of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) nests. Spawning distributions were censused annually from 1995 to 2004, and data were complemented with field measurements that described habitat quality in 43 suitable spawning patches across a stream network that drained 1150 km2 in central Idaho. Results indicated that the most plausible models were dominated by measures of habitat size and connectivity, whereas habitat quality was of minor importance. Connectivity was the strongest predictor of nest occurrence, but connectivity interacted with habitat size, which became relatively more important when populations were reduced. Comparison of observed nest distributions to null model predictions confirmed that the habitat size association was driven by a biological mechanism when populations were small, but this association may have been an area-related sampling artifact at higher abundances. The implications for habitat management are that the size and connectivity of existing habitat networks should be maintained whenever possible. In situations where habitat restoration is occurring, expansion of existing areas or creation of new habitats in key areas that increase connectivity may be beneficial. Information about habitat size and connectivity also could be used to strategically prioritize areas for improvement of local habitat quality, with areas not meeting minimum thresholds being deemed inappropriate for pursuit of restoration activities.  相似文献   

Measurement of the quality and quantity of wildlife habitat is a necessity in planning and analyzing water resource projects. A methodology that provides a means of examining the following major components of habitat quality is proposed: (1) the quantity of land uses, (2) the degree of interspersion of land use, aand (3) the stage of land management and vegetative types. The model can be calibrated to a specific region by experienced wildlife biologists and applied by field technicians using aerial photographs and field evaluation of randomly located points. Biologists familiar with a region develop transformation curves relating variables that represent the above three major components to standardizing factors that range from 0 to 1; these transformation curves reflect the sensitivity of wildlife populations to determinants of habitat quality. The methodology also provides the means for biologists to weigh each components as to its relative importance to the wildlife group or species. A weighted geometric mean of the components provides an indication of the overall quality of the habitat. Changes in the habitat components that may occur because of alternative project actions can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the alternatives. The change in the index of habitat quality will indicate the need for mitigation in water resource projects. The system then can be used to identify areas for mitigation and the effects of mitigating measures.  相似文献   

Summary We studied how age, body size and prior residency affected social dominance in the willow tit (Parus montanus) groups. The contribution of each variable was experimentally tested in unisexual two-bird trials, in which the birds were matched for all variables except the one studied. Large birds were dominant over smaller ones (Fig. 1). The effect of body size was more prominent in males than in females. Age had no influence on dominance. Residents became dominant more often than newcomers (Fig. 2). Adulthood or larger body size did not override the advantage of prior residency (Fig. 2). Therefore, the proximate reason for the age-dependent dominance seen in natural willow tit flocks is most likely the prior residency advantage of the adults. Factors connected with fighting ability (body size and age) seem to be less important than the time of establishment of rank, which may reflect the importance of resource value differences between residents and newcomers in this context. The advantage of residency might make it advantageous to be a member of a flock even as a subordinate, rather than being solitary.  相似文献   

Patterns of space use provide key insights into how animals exploit local resources and are linked to both the fitness and distribution of individuals. We studied territory size, mobility, and foraging behavior of young-of-the-year Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in relation to several key environmental factors in Catamaran Brook, New Brunswick, Canada. The 50 study fish were all multiple central-place foragers (i.e., alternated among several sit-and-wait foraging stations) and showed great variability in territory size and the total distance traveled within the territories. Territory size increased with the mean distance traveled between consecutive foraging stations, the number of stations visited, and the mean foraging radius. Fish also varied greatly in how much of the total travel distance was associated with foraging at a station (14.8–91.8%) versus switching among stations (4.6–84.3%). As predicted, fish in slow-flowing waters, where drifting prey were scarce, used larger multiple central-place territories than individuals in faster, more productive waters. Interestingly, however, the most mobile fish did not inhabit slow-running waters as predicted but were found at intermediate (optimal) water current velocities. Hence, our study suggests that among some multiple central-place foragers, increased mobility may not only serve to increase prey encounter rate but may reflect an attempt to patrol territories in favorable habitats. Further studies are needed to determine the generality and the ultimate benefits of multiple central-place space use among stream-dwelling fish and other animals.  相似文献   

Moore BD  Lawler IR  Wallis IR  Beale CM  Foley WJ 《Ecology》2010,91(11):3165-3176
Ecologists trying to understand the value of habitat to animals must first describe the value of resources contained in the habitat to animals and, second, they must describe spatial variation in resource quality at a resolution relevant to individual animal foraging. We addressed these issues in a study of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) in a Eucalyptus woodland. We measured beneficial and deterrent chemical characteristics as well as the palatability of trees using a near-infrared spectroscopic model based on direct feeding experiments. Tree use by koalas was influenced by tree size and foliar quality but was also context-dependent: trees were more likely to be visited if they were surrounded by small, unpalatable trees or by large, palatable trees. Spatial autocorrelation analysis and several mapping approaches demonstrated that foliar quality is spatially structured in the woodland at a scale relevant to foraging decisions by koalas and that the spatial structure is an important component of habitat quality.  相似文献   

Stocking Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. in the Meuse river system is unsuccessful, since hardly any adults return upstream. To investigate problems during seaward migration, individual salmon smolts were tracked in the Dutch part of the river Meuse, using the Nedap Trail® system. The study included a comparison for two seasons, one with high (2010) and one with low (2011) discharge conditions. Cultivated smolts (Loire-Allier strain, n = 100 per year) were implanted with telemetry tags and released in the tributary Roer in March, at the beginning of the natural smolt run. The study area was split into four river sections each characterized by different conditions: tributary Roer, main river Meuse extensively dammed, main river Meuse free flowing and the estuary. Mortalities differed considerably between sections. In the free flowing river Meuse the mortalities were relatively low (10 and 25 %). Mortalities were high in the tributary (44 and 45 %), the dammed river (46 and 49 %) and in the estuary (89 and 90 %). Only 2 and 3 % of the smolts escaped into the North Sea. Results are discussed in relation to environmental factors light and discharge and the presence of man-made obstacles: weirs, hydropower plants and a sea lock. A lack of current and delays at man-made obstacles result in disorientation of fish, a higher risk of predation and disturbance of the smolt run timing. Mortality causes must decrease for sustaining a salmon population in the Meuse.  相似文献   

Australian salmon,Arripis trutta, collected from the east coast of Tasmania, Australia, in 1987, were weighed and measured and their otoliths marked by immersing fish in an oxytetracycline hydrochloride/seawater solution before placement in constant-temperature aquaria. Individual somatic and otolith growth rates were determined for input into mass balance models. Mass balance models were used to determine the oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of otolith material produced during captivity. There was a significant relationship between 18O measured in the otolith aragonite and ambient temperature (r 2 = 0.77). The linear relationship between these data, where 18O = 6.69 – 0.326 (T, °C), was not significantly different from a relationship indicative of equilibrium deposition of oxygen isotopes in aragonite. Otolith carbon was significantly depleted in13C relative to equilibrium deposition, with depletions >6.0 at all temperatures. There was no relationship between 13C and temperature. It was estimated that >30% of the otolith carbon was from metabolically derived sources. Significant differences in otolith carbon isotopes among wild juvenile Australian salmon were hypothesised to be attributable to differences in diet. Levels of variability for both oxygen and carbon isotopes in laboratory-maintained and wild fish were similar to that found by other researchers for foraminifera and these results highlight the importance of large sample sizes when estimating environmental temperatures from oxygen isotopes measured in fish otoliths.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of deep-water gorgonian corals were investigated along 52 transects at 183–498 m depth in the Northeast Channel, between Georges Bank and Browns Bank in the northwest Atlantic, using a remotely operated vehicle and a towed video-camera system. Three species (Paragorgia arborea, Primnoa resedaeformis, and Acanthogorgia armata) were observed. Primnoa occurred on 35 transects below 196 m depth, with highest local abundance in stands of 104 colonies per 100 m2. Paragorgia was present on 21 transects deeper than 235 m, with highest local abundance of 49 colonies per 100 m2. Acanthogorgia was observed at only four transects between 231 m and 364 m, with a local maximum abundance of 199 colonies per 100 m2. The maximum abundance averaged for whole transects was 19.2 and 6.2 colonies per 100 m2 for Primnoa and Paragorgia, respectively. The corals were more common in the outer part of the channel along the shelf break and slope than on the shelf in the inner part. All three species showed a patchy distribution with no signs of competitive exclusion at any spatial scale. Transects with high abundance of corals were characterised by depths greater than 400 m, maximum temperatures less than 9.2°C, and a relatively high percentage coverage of cobble and boulder (more than 19% and 6%, respectively). High temperatures probably control the upper depth limit of the corals, and Primnoa seems to tolerate slightly higher temperatures than Paragorgia. Abundance of both species was negatively correlated with average temperature and positively with cobbles. Together, temperature, percentage cobble and salinity accounted for 38% of the variance of Primnoa. The comparable figure for Paragorgia was 15%. The observed distribution indicated that the abundance of coral is controlled by additional factors such as larger-scaled topographic features governing the current regimes and thus also the supply of food and larvae.Communicated by R. J. Thompson, St. Johns  相似文献   

Seafloor habitats throughout the world's oceans are being homogenized by physical disturbance. Even though seafloor sediments are commonly considered to be simple and unstructured ecosystems, the negative impacts of habitat homogenization are widespread because resident organisms create much of their habitat's structure. We combine the insight gained from remote sensing of seafloor habitats with recently developed analytical techniques to estimate species richness and assess the potential for change with habitat homogenization. Using habitat-dependent species-area relationships we show that realistic scenarios of habitat homogenization predict biodiversity losses when biogenic habitats in soft sediments are homogenized. We develop a simple model that highlights the degree to which the reductions in the number of species and functional diversity are related to the distribution across habitats of habitat-specific and generalist species. Our results suggest that, by using habitat-dependent species-area relationships, we can better predict variation in biodiversity across seafloor landscapes and contribute to improved management and conservation.  相似文献   

Smith JA  Reitsma LR  Marra PP 《Ecology》2010,91(10):2874-2882
Identifying the determinants of habitat quality for a species is essential for understanding how populations are limited and regulated. Spatiotemporal variation in moisture and its influence on food availability may drive patterns of habitat occupancy and demographic outcomes. Nonbreeding migratory birds in the neotropics occupy a range of habitat types that vary with respect to moisture. Using carbon isotopes and a satellite-derived measure of habitat moisture, we identified a moisture gradient across home ranges of radio-tracked Northern Waterthrush (Seiurus noveboracensis). We used this gradient to classify habitat types and to examine whether habitat moisture correlates with overwinter mass change and spring departure schedules of Northern Waterthrush over the late-winter dry season in the tropics. The two independent indicators of moisture revealed similar gradients that were directly proportional to body mass change as the dry season progressed. Birds occupying drier habitats declined in body mass over the study period, while those occupying wetter habitats increased in body mass. Regardless of habitat, birds lost an average of 7.6% of their mass at night, and mass recovery during the day trended lower in dry compared with wet habitats. This suggests that daily incremental shortfalls in mass recovery can lead to considerable season-long declines in body mass. These patterns resulted in consequences for the premigratory period, with birds occupying drier habitats having a delayed rate of fat deposition compared with those in wet habitats. Taken together with the finding that males, which are significantly larger than females, are also in better condition than females regardless of habitat suggests that high-quality habitats may be limited and that there may be competition for them. The habitat-linked variation in performance we observed suggests that habitat limitation could impact individual and population-level processes both during and in subsequent periods of the annual cycle. The linkage between moisture and habitat quality for a migratory bird indicates that the availability of high-quality habitats is dynamic due to variation in precipitation among seasons and years. Understanding this link is critical for ascertaining the impact of future climate change, particularly in the Caribbean basin, where a much drier future is predicted.  相似文献   

Yackulic CB  Reid J  Davis R  Hines JE  Nichols JD  Forsman E 《Ecology》2012,93(8):1953-1966
In this paper, we modify dynamic occupancy models developed for detection-nondetection data to allow for the dependence of local vital rates on neighborhood occupancy, where neighborhood is defined very flexibly. Such dependence of occupancy dynamics on the status of a relevant neighborhood is pervasive, yet frequently ignored. Our framework permits joint inference about the importance of neighborhood effects and habitat covariates in determining colonization and extinction rates. Our specific motivation is the recent expansion of the Barred Owl (Strix varia) in western Oregon, USA, over the period 1990-2010. Because the focal period was one of dramatic range expansion and local population increase, the use of models that incorporate regional occupancy (sources of colonists) as determinants of dynamic rate parameters is especially appropriate. We began our analysis of 21 years of Barred Owl presence/nondetection data in the Tyee Density Study Area (TDSA) by testing a suite of six models that varied only in the covariates included in the modeling of detection probability. We then tested whether models that used regional occupancy as a covariate for colonization and extinction outperformed models with constant or year-specific colonization or extinction rates. Finally we tested whether habitat covariates improved the AIC of our models, focusing on which habitat covariates performed best, and whether the signs of habitat effects are consistent with a priori hypotheses. We conclude that all covariates used to model detection probability lead to improved AIC, that regional occupancy influences colonization and extinction rates, and that habitat plays an important role in determining extinction and colonization rates. As occupancy increases from low levels toward equilibrium, colonization increases and extinction decreases, presumably because there are more and more dispersing juveniles. While both rates are affected, colonization increases more than extinction decreases. Colonization is higher and extinction is lower in survey polygons with more riparian forest. The effects of riparian forest on extinction rates are greater than on colonization rates. Model results have implications for management of the invading Barred Owl, both through habitat alteration and removal.  相似文献   

Growth rate is a life-history trait often linked to various fitness components, including survival, age of first reproduction, and fecundity. Here we present an analysis of growth-rate variability in a wild population of savannah baboons (Papio cynocephalus). We found that relative juvenile size was a stable individual trait during the juvenile period: individuals generally remained consistently large-for-age or small-for-age throughout development. Resource availability, which varied greatly in the study population (between completely wild-foraging and partially food-enhanced social groups), had major effects on growth. Sexual maturity was accelerated for animals in the food-enhanced foraging condition, and the extent and ontogeny of sexual dimorphism differed with resource availability. Maternal characteristics also had significant effects on growth. Under both foraging conditions, females of high dominance rank and multiparous females had relatively large-for-age juveniles. Large relative juvenile size predicted earlier age of sexual maturation for both males and females in the wild-feeding condition. This confirmed that maternal effects were pervasive and contributed to differences among individuals in fitness components.Communicated by J. Setchell  相似文献   

Fishery scientists and managers are investigating the feasibility of enhancing annual recruitment to the northern Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) stock complex off Labrador and northeastern Newfoundland through the release of farmed fish back into the sea. Release of newly matured fish and adults with farm-advanced fecundity would increase the spawning biomass. Enhancement efforts might be measurably successful in major bays that are year-round habitats for cod. To determine if farmed cod would remain and spawn in Trinity Bay, 14 fish with surgically implanted transmitters were released in November 1992. Sonic tracking confirmed that farmed cod released on the western side of Trinity Bay overwintered within the bay, and integrated with wild cod approaching spawning condition in April 1993. Blood plasma antifreeze levels confirmed that these wild cod had overwintered inshore in subzero waters. A spawning aggregation was found in July 1993, providing evidence that northern cod reproduce in Newfoundland bays. These findings suggest that it may be possible to increase the number of cod spawning inshore through the release of farmed fish.  相似文献   

Laiolo P  Tella JL 《Ecology》2006,87(5):1203-1214
Landscape structure may affect individual dispersal abilities, thus influencing the genotypic and phenotypic composition of populations. We analyzed the interplay among landscape, behavior, and evolutionary processes by correlating habitat patchiness to the variability in vocalizations of Dupont's Lark Chersophilus duponti, one of the most habitat-selective and rare European songbirds. We tape-recorded males throughout the species distribution in Spain, analyzed the spatial patterns of territorial call variation at different scales (individuals, populations, and broad geographic areas), and related acoustic variability to patterns of isolation by geographic distance and by landscape unsuitability (calculated by building a predictive model of habitat suitability). The differentiation of spectro-temporal call features resulted from both isolation by distance and isolation by landscape unsuitability mechanisms. Landscape connectivity was often a better determinant of call differentiation than simple straight-line distance between individuals, providing the first evidence that call transmission can be limited by the presence and distribution of patches of adequate habitat, which likely mediates bird dispersal. Landscape patchiness resulted in a reduction of acoustic diversity (repertoire size) within populations, and a parallel increase in differentiation among populations. Landscape bioacoustics can represent a promising tool for estimating population structure, although the study of animal communication cannot be viewed as an alternative, but a source of complementary information to genetics, given that it provides evidence of male-male transmission and social and cultural phenomena that are currently undetectable from molecular data.  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of cross-habitat resource subsidies have been a feature of food web ecology over the past decade. To date, most studies have focused on demonstrating the magnitude of a subsidy or documenting its effect in the recipient habitat. Ecologists have yet to develop a satisfactory framework for predicting the magnitude of these effects. We used 115 data sets from 32 studies to compare consumer responses to resource subsidies across recipient habitat type, trophic level, and functional group. Changes in consumer density or biomass in response to subsidies were inconsistent across habitats, trophic, and functional groups. Responses in stream cobble bar and coastline habitats were larger than in other habitats. Contrary to expectation, the magnitude of consumer response was not affected by recipient habitat productivity or the ratio of productivity between donor and recipient habitats. However, consumer response was significantly related to the ratio of subsidy resources to equivalent resources in the recipient habitat. Broad contrasts in productivity are modified by subsidy type, vector, and the physical and biotic characteristics of both donor and recipient habitats. For this reason, the ratio of subsidy to equivalent resources is a more useful tool for predicting the possible effect of a subsidy than coarser contrasts of in situ productivity. The commonness of subsidy effects suggests that many ecosystems need to be studied as open systems.  相似文献   

Baltic salmons were caught from two Latvian rivers during the spawning seasons of 2010 and 2011 for the determination of seventeen 2,3,7,8-chlorine-substituted dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and 12 dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). A partially automated clean-up procedure was used for sample preparation, followed by capillary gas chromatography hyphenated to high-resolution mass spectrometry. The concentrations of PCDD/F&;PCB-TEQ ranged from 6.6 to 18.2?ng?kg?1 fresh weight and this confirms the previous reports of relatively high concentrations of PCDD/Fs, and especially of dioxin-like PCBs in Baltic wild salmon, in most samples exceeding maximum recommended levels (MRLs) in toxicity equivalency quotients (PCDD/F-PCB-TEQ) of the World Health Organization (WHO 1998) according to EC COMMISSION REGULATION No 1881/2006. The results suggest that high consumption of Baltic wild salmon could entail the risk of exceeding the TDI for adults and teenagers. Extra care must be taken when Baltic wild salmon is included in childrens's diet to avoid exceedance of the recommended TDI of 4?pg?kg?1 body weight for this group.  相似文献   

Coastal development and engineering projects preclude ecosystem processes that provide habitat for beach nesting birds. Management for coastal species may depend on actions that attempt to restore important habitat features and mitigate disturbance effects. However, species response to restoration or other management actions may be difficult to predict or measure. At Jones Beach State Park, on Long Island, New York, a 0.49 ha restoration project provided moist substrate foraging habitat for breeding Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) from 2002 to 2005. We examined whether foraging habitat restoration affected Piping Plover breeding population size, productivity, and fledgling production within 300 m of the restoration site. We found a positive relationship between habitat restoration and the number of fledglings produced per year. However, foraging habitat restoration did not significantly increase the number of Plover pairs breeding at Jones Beach. Our ability to evaluate restoration effects on Plovers depended on: 1) use of multiple performance criteria; 2) a design that allowed comparison of pre- and post-restoration data; and 3) a spatial control that allowed comparison of similar areas that were near and far from the restoration site. Despite the small size of the restoration project, there were measurable benefits to Plovers, indicating that foraging habitat restoration may be an effective tool for species recovery.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of conspecific abundance and habitat quality of leks on the territorial behaviour of males in an exploded lekking species, the Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax). The hypothesis that males more intensely defend territories with higher conspecific abundance and better habitat quality was evaluated experimentally analysing the agonistic response of experimental males to male decoys placed on their displaying areas. Decoy experiments showed that the intensity of display territory defence by little bustard males is density dependent. The time experimental males took to return to their display sites after decoy placement decreased with abundance of both males and females. The strength of their final response was positively associated to local male and female abundance in the vicinity of their display sites. Habitat quality also influenced males’ display territory defence since the intensity of male response increased with the degree of natural vegetation cover. Habitat quality was particularly relevant in explaining variation of experimental males’ snort call rate, which decreased with the degree in plough cover and increased with the number of fields in the lekking area. Snort call rate decreased with the level of male aggregation and was lowest in males exhibiting the strongest aggressive response to decoys. These results add new evidence for the density dependence of species’ breeding territorial behaviour, supporting density-dependent models of lek formation and reinforcing the role of resources defence in exploded lek mating systems.  相似文献   

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