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Tropospheric ozone occurs at phytotoxic levels in the northeastern and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. Quantifying possible regional-scale impacts of ambient ozone onforest tree species is difficult and is confounded by other factors, such as moisture and light, which influence the uptake of ozone by plants. Biomonitoring provides an approach to document direct foliar injury irrespective of direct measure ofozone uptake. We used bioindicator and field plot data from theUSDA Forest Service to identify tree species likely to exhibit regional-scale ozone impacts. Approximately 24% of sampled sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), 15% of sampled loblollypine (Pinus taeda), and 12% of sampled black cherry (Prunus serotina) trees were in the highest risk category. Sweetgum and loblolly pine trees were at risk on the coastal plain of Maryland, Virginia and Delaware. Black cherry trees were at riskon the Allegheny Plateau (Pennsylvania), in the Allegheny Mountains (Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Maryland) as well ascoastal plain areas of Maryland and Virginia. Our findings indicate a need for more in-depth study of actual impacts on growth and reproduction of these three species.  相似文献   

The analysis of three years of 8-h CO concentration values registered in a deep street canyon downtown shows high frequency of values that exceed WHO health protection guidelines. An inverse relationship between opposing percentiles of the distributions of CO concentrations and mean wind speed could be found. Data also showed a variation of mean CO values with prevailing wind direction. The averaged concentration value obtained when the sampler probe is on the leeward side is lower than the obtained when it is on the windward wall. A preliminary explanation of this feature may be related to the advection of polluted air from a high traffic density area nearby.  相似文献   

从欧盟空气质量监测政策和监测网络建设现状两个方面描述了欧盟空气质量监测发展现状。分析了我国空气污染现状和空气质量监测体系中存在的问题,并借鉴欧盟的经验,提出了加大政策支持和财政保障力度、逐步健全空气质量监测网络体系、加强空气质量监测技术研究、完善空气质量监测数据库、开展能力建设、提高公众参与度等加强我国空气质量监测体系建设的建议。  相似文献   

概述了济南市环境空气质量的主要问题,讨论了“九五”期间济南市环境空气监测技术发展目标和方案。  相似文献   

简述了现场监测质量监督的重要性;明确了做好现场监测质量监督的前提条件;并从现场监测人员业务水平状况、现场监测准备、现场监测仪器日常管理、现场监测工作、数据、报告审核等5个环节详细论述了如何加强质量监督,提高现场监测的质量和效率.  相似文献   

南京青奥会空气质量监测保障的经验与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从空气质量保障目标、监测网络、预测预报、信息发布、科研课题等角度,对比分析了南京青奥会、北京奥运会、上海世博会、广州亚运会等4大赛事/活动的空气质量监测保障体系,总结了南京青奥会在空气流动监测车布设、空气质量专家会商与信息发布等方面的经验得失,并提出了改善建议。  相似文献   

Ozone biomonitoring is a detection and monitoring techniquethat involves documenting ozone-induced visible injury toknown ozone-sensitive species under conditions of ambientexposure. The USDA Forest Service administers a long-term,nationwide ozone biomonitoring program to address public andscientific concerns about ozone impacts on forest health. Asystematic grid is used as the basis for biomonitoring sitelocations. At each site, trained field crews evaluate amaximum of thirty plants of up to six species and record the amount and severity of leaf-injury on individualplants. Injury from ozone was found more often on biomonitoring sites in the eastern Unites States than in theinterior or west-coast areas. Further results from thenortheast reveal that in any year, there is a higherpercentage of ozone-injured plants with more severe symptomsin areas with relatively high ozone concentrations than inareas with relatively low ozone. In very dry years (e.g.,1999) the percentage of injured plants and injury severityestimates are both sharply reduced even though ambient ozoneexposures are high. These findings demonstrate thatbiomonitoring data provide meaningful evidence of when highozone concentrations during the growing season have biologicalsignificance. Any assessment of ozone stress in the forestenvironment must include both biomonitoring (i.e., plantresponse) and air quality data to be complete.  相似文献   

目前在城市空气质量自动监测系统中,多数使用美国进口仪器由于我国规定的空气质量标准状态与美国规定不同,带来了两国在空气质量监测结果表达上的差异,这种差异表现在污染物浓度的两种表示方法的换算上。对此问题及相关的仪器校准方法进行了讨论,提出了解决方法。  相似文献   

简述了当前大气环境污染演变趋势特征及面临的挑战,分析了环境监测预警在法制建设方面的薄弱环节。提出,要以《江苏省大气污染防治条例》实行为契机,强化政府环境监测的职能;赋予监测数据应有的法律属性;强化环境的全要素监测;建立以环境质量为目标导向的监测管理制度;严厉打击数据弄虚作假;加快监测信息全公开。  相似文献   

欧盟黑碳监测现状及我国开展黑碳监测的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了欧盟关于黑碳概念的定义及黑碳的来源和危害,着重从政策、技术、实践3个层面分析了欧盟黑碳监测的发展现状。借鉴欧盟的先进发展经验,对我国开展黑碳监测的必要性进行了分析,并提出了相关的发展建议。  相似文献   

为判断环境空气污染的程度,提出一种考虑道路扬尘特性的环境空气质量在线监测方法。通过前端数据监测模块采集大气环境数据,基于光全散射法监测道路扬尘的质量浓度和密度;通过监测通信模块将监测结果传送至云服务器;云服务器利用基于极限学习机神经网络的预测模型,采用自适应粒子群优化算法,获取最佳的环境空气质量在线监测结果。结果表明,该方法学习速率的取值为0.5时,能够完成颗粒物浓度和密度的准确检测,且解释方差<2%,同时能够监测扬尘颗粒的扩散时间,确定适合活动的区域。  相似文献   

淄博化工园区大气有机污染应急监测与管理对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对工业聚集区内多种恶臭混杂的情况,以淄博化工园区为例,研究了大气有机污染突发事件中有机物的应急监测方法,并提出了治理对策。利用便携式气相色谱-质谱联用仪,对重点企业事先监测,掌握各企业特征污染物,作为应急监测查找污染源头的依据;现场分析受污染空气中的化合物组成及浓度,通过查询、比对各企业特征污染物,确认责任排污企业。提出了末端监测处罚治理与对重点污染企业推行清洁生产相结合,应急监测与有机污染物在线监测相结合,建立企业污染源特征组分数据库,加强企业无组织排放监测与监管等治理大气有机污染的建议。  相似文献   

Acadia National Park was one of the 14 sites included in the Park Research and Intensive Monitoring of Ecosystems network (PRIMENet). For eight years the EPA monitored ultraviolet (UV) radiation at this site, with the National Park Service (NPS) sponsoring a total climate and air monitoring station. Under the auspices of PRIMENet, research projects were initiated that investigated the effects of UV on amphibians, determined watershed mass balances, and developed a model of deposition along an elevational gradient. The monitoring data and research results have been used by park management to protect vegetation and water resources from ozone and deposition. These data are now being used to develop a “vital signs” monitoring program under the NPS’ Inventory and Monitoring Program. These data sets have been used in regional, national and international programs to protect human health and resources from air pollution. Public outreach has been accomplished through web site resources and via the Schoodic Education and Research Center.  相似文献   

上海市环境空气质量监测体系规划设计   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
简述了上海市环境空气质量监测的历史和现状,指出了环境空气质量监测发展需求,构建了上海市空气质量监测系统规划框架;提出应构建上海市环境综合信息和公共数据平台,建设发展地基遥感探空、空基和天基遥感反演技术,建立长三角区域大气复合污染监测体系。  相似文献   

近岸海域水质自动监测质量保证和质量控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据实际工作经验,阐述了近岸海域水质自动监测系统运行过程中的质量保证与质量控制措施,包括建立规章制度、实验室条件、设备维护和校准、数据检查和审核、记录等方面的要求,通过实例介绍了设备维护和校准周期的确定、设备维护效果的影响和数据有效性的判别等,为近岸海域连续自动监测系统的有效管理提供依据。  相似文献   

上海市工业区大气污染预警监测信息平台研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据上海市工业区大气污染排放特征,在构建大气特征污染监控网络的基础上,搭建了工业区大气污染预警监测信息平台,并研究了适用于大气特征污染自动站的通信传输规范,确保数据联网和应用。平台设置了大气质量监控、大气数据管理、污染源一厂一档、大气质量分析评价、污染源溯源分析、应急监测数据管理、智能移动终端查询等7个子系统,可为上海市工业区大气污染预警和管控提供实时监测数据。  相似文献   

EDU (ethylenediurea) and non-EDU-treated bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) L. cv. Lit) were exposed to ambient air at four rural sites in the Netherlands during the growing seasonsof 1994 through 1996 to investigate the responses to ambient ozone. Ozone-induced foliar injury was observed each year anddifferences in injury between sites depended on year. On average,injury amounted to 27% in 1994, to 8% in 1995 and to 1% in 1996. Injury increased with increasing ozone exposure (AOT40) and the estimated AOT40 value corresponding with 5% injury wascirca 3650 nl l-1 h ozone. The highest ozone levels accumulated at each site for five consecutive days before injuryexceeded the proposed short-term critical level for injury development. EDU reduced injury and its protective effect was positively related to the injury intensity in non-EDU-treatedplants. Yield of green marketable pods (intermediate harvest) andmature pods (final harvest) was generally reduced in non-EDU-treated plants compared to EDU-treated plants and differences inyield reduction between harvests varied between years. The yield of mature pods was reduced in 1994 and 1996 while the yield ofgreen pods was reduced in 1995 by ozone only. Since yield reduction was not correlated with AOT40, the EDU method was notvalid to determine an ozone exposure-yield reponse relationshipfor bean.  相似文献   

针对目前交界断面水质监测与空气自动监测站质量管理工作中存在的质控难点,介绍了江苏省的解决办法。通过统一技术细节、联合监测及强化监测人员持证上岗自认定考核等手段,解决了交界断面水质监测技术纠纷;通过设立省级质管站、进行可信度评估等措施,强化空气自动监测站的质量管理。  相似文献   

Evaluating the impacts of point source discharges on fish species in estuarine environments can be challenging because of a paucity of resident species. We evaluated the biology of rock gunnel (Pholis gunnellus) at three relatively uncontaminated sites in the Bay of Fundy, along the Atlantic coast of Canada. Rock gunnel are seasonally resident (April to November) in tide pools, but little was known about their life history in Atlantic Canada or their potential for use for monitoring environmental quality. Fish were collected between April and November, and ranged from 2.46 g--15.2~g in weight and 97 mm-170 mm in length, with a maximum age of 7 years. Both males and females were similar in size, and both reached sexual maturity at a size of 5.5 g. Organ weights and condition indices of fish were stable from spring when they returned from offshore (April to May) until late summer (August to September), but fall fish (October to November) had slightly larger gonads, livers and condition indices. Rock gunnel may be a useful indicator to provide insight into local impacts of point sources over a short time period. However, they do not provide adequate information on reproductive development and performance since they are not exposed to onshore contaminants during the periods of gonadal development that have most commonly found to be sensitive to anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   

建立了烟尘、烟气监测全程序质量监督体系,确定了监督检查工作需要控制的环节,并细化了各环节需要重点关注的内容。以层次分析法等关键技术为基础,通过赋予监测全过程各环节不同的指标权重,建立了统一化、标准化的综合评价模式。研究将评价体系分为2个层次,一级指标3个,二级指标19个,并确定了每个指标的测评内容及计算方法。将该体系应用于6家监测机构的质量监督工作,证明其实用性和适用性良好。  相似文献   

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