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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The urge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon dioxide, is a global problem, not only in spatial terms but also in terms of the...  相似文献   

Although the effect of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on the oxidation of dissolved sulfur dioxide by oxygen has been the subject of many investigations, this is the first study which examines the effect of a large number of precisely 16 hydroxy compounds. The kinetics both in the absence and the presence of VOCs was defined by rate laws (A and B): A $$ \hbox{-} \mathrm{d}\left[\mathrm{S}\left(\mathrm{IV}\right)\right]/\mathrm{dt}={R}_o={k}_o\left[\mathrm{S}\left(\mathrm{IV}\right)\right] $$ B $$ \hbox{-} \mathrm{d}\left[\mathrm{S}\left(\mathrm{IV}\right)\right]/\mathrm{dt}={R}_i={k}_i\left[\mathrm{S}\left(\mathrm{IV}\right)\right] $$ where R o and k o are the initial rate and first-order rate constant, respectively, in the absence of VOCs, R i , and k i are the initial rate and the first-order rate constant, respectively, in the presence of VOCs, and [S(IV)] is the concentration of dissolved sulfur dioxide, sulfur(IV). The nature of the dependence of k i on the concentration of inhibitor, [Inh], was defined by Eq. (C). C $$ {k}_i={k}_0/\left(1+B\left[\mathrm{Inh}\right]\right) $$ where B is an empirical inhibition parameter. The values of B have been determined from the plots of 1/k i versus [Inh]. Among aliphatic and aromatic hydroxy compounds studied, t-butyl alcohol and pinacol were without any inhibition effect due to the absence of secondary or tertiary hydrogen. The values of inhibition parameter, B, were related to k inh , the rate constant for the reaction of SO4 ? radical with the inhibitor, by Eq. (D). D $$ B=\left(9\pm 2\right)\times 1{0}^{-4}\times {k}_{inh} $$ Equation (D) may be used to calculate the values of either of B or k inh provided that the other is known. The extent of inhibition depends on the value of the composite term, B[Inh]. However, in accordance with Eq. (C), the extent of inhibition would be sizeable and measurable when B[Inh]?>?0.1 and oxidation of S(IV) would be almost completely stopped when B[Inh]?≥?10. B[Inh] value can be used as a guide whether the reaction step: SO4 ??+?organics? \( \overset{k_{inh}}{\to } \) ?SO4 2??+?non-chain products: should be included in the multiphase models or not.  相似文献   

Although airborne pollutants in urban buses have been studied in many cities globally, long-distance buses running mainly on highways have not been addressed in this regard. This study investigates the levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and particulate matter (PM) in the long-distance buses in Taiwan. Analytical results indicate that pollutants levels in long-distance buses are generally lower than those in urban buses. This finding is attributable to the driving speed and patterns of long-distance buses, as well as the meteorological and geographical features of the highway surroundings. The levels of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) found in bus cabins exceed the proposed indoor VOC guidelines for aromatic compounds, and are likely attributable to the interior trim in the cabins. The overall average CO level is 2.3 ppm, with higher average level on local streets (2.9 ppm) than on highways (2.2 ppm). The average CO2 level is 1493 ppm, which is higher than the guideline for non-industrial occupied settings. The average PM level in this study is lower than those in urban buses and IAQ guidelines set by Taiwan EPA. However, the average PM10 and PM2.5 is higher than the level set by WHO. Besides the probable causes mentioned above, fewer passenger movements and less particle re-suspension from bus floor might also cause the lower PM levels. Measurements of particle size distribution reveal that more than 75% of particles are in submicron and smaller sizes. These particles may come from the infiltration from the outdoor air. This study concludes that air exchange rates in long-distance buses should be increased in order to reduce CO2 levels. Future research on long-distance buses should focus on the emission of VOCs from brand new buses, and the sources of submicron particles in bus cabins.  相似文献   

Understanding oxygen release by plants is important to the design of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment. Lab-scale systems planted with Phragmites australis were studied to evaluate the amount of oxygen release by plants using electrode techniques and oxygen consumption model. Oxygen release rate (0.14 g O2/m2/day) measured using electrode techniques was much lower than that (3.94–25.20 gO2/m2/day) calculated using the oxygen consumption model. The results revealed that oxygen release by plants was significantly influenced by the oxygen demand for the degradation of pollutants, and the oxygen release rate increased with the rising of the concentration of degradable materials in the solution. The summary of the methods in qualifying oxygen release by wetland plants demonstrated that variations existed among different measuring methods and even in the same measuring approach. The results would be helpful for understanding the contribution of plants in constructed wetlands toward actual wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

利用微生物电合成系统(microbial electrosynthesis system,MES)还原CO2合成有附加值的有机物是环境领域的热门研究方向。使用微生物电合成系统,驯化富集具有电化学活性的阴极功能微生物,通过调整阴极的大小,评价其对CO2还原的影响。设定阴极电势-0.8 V (vs Ag/AgCl),保持阳极面积为32 cm2,调整阴极面积大小。在64 cm2的阴极面积下,MES可以获得最大的有机物产量和最佳性能,电流密度可达到2.03 A·m-2,乙酸、丁酸的最大积累量分别为262.04 mg·L-1和87.63 mg·L-1,总库伦效率达到91%。扫描电镜SEM分析表明,阴极碳毡上菌体数量较多,多为杆状菌和球菌。高通量菌群分析表明,Clostridium、Butyribacterium和Geobacter是MES阴极生物膜上的优势菌属,其丰度分别占总菌群的48.13%、7.8%和8.2%。在保证较小阳极面积的同时,适当增大阴极面积,确实可以提高MES还原CO2合成有机物的产量及提升系统的库伦效率。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The concern of environmental degradation, poverty, and income inequality remains a priority in achieving sustainable development goals. Countries are...  相似文献   

Ryba SA  Burgess RM 《Chemosphere》2002,48(1):139-147
The elemental composition of marine sediment provides useful information for the study of environmental processes including biogeochemical cycling and contaminant partitioning. It is common practice to acidify marine sediment samples to remove carbonate before measuring the concentrations of organic carbon (C). To date, however the effects of acidification on the concentrations of hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S) and oxygen (O) in marine sediments have not been explicitly addressed. Acidification may contaminate or alter the sediment samples and create experimental artifacts affecting the validity of resulting H/C, C/N and O/C ratios. The objective of this study was to quantify how various preparation techniques affect the measured concentrations of C, H, N, S and O in marine sediments. Effects of four different pretreatments: unacidified (whole), acidification by HCl vapor, acidification by direct addition of HCl, and combustion were evaluated using five marine sediments and a standard reference material. The magnitude of carbonate loss between the vapor and direct acidification treatments was evaluated using stable C isotope analysis. Carbonates were most effectively removed by direct addition of HCl; and our results agree with findings of other studies which found direct addition of HCl to be the most accurate method for measuring organic C. However, the acid treatments elevated the apparent concentration of H and O; and in a few cases concentrations of N and S were significantly affected by acidification. In general, combustion significantly reduced all elemental concentrations compared to the whole sample. Based on these results, we recommend analysis of the untreated whole sediment for determining N, H, O, and S.  相似文献   

Most homes in the Navajo Nation use wood as their primary heating fuel, often in combination with locally mined coal. Previous studies observed health effects linked to this solid-fuel use in several Navajo communities. Emission factors (EFs) for common fuels used by the Navajo have not been reported using a relevant stove type. In this study, two softwoods (ponderosa pine and Utah juniper) and two high-volatile bituminous coals (Black Mesa and Fruitland) were tested with an in-use residential conventional wood stove (homestove) using a modified American Society for Testing and Materials/U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (ASTM/EPA) protocol. Filter sampling quantified PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5 μm) and organic (OC) and elemental (EC) carbon in the emissions. Real-time monitoring quantified carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and total suspended particles (TSP). EFs for these air pollutants were developed and normalized to both fuel mass and energy consumed. In general, coal had significantly higher mass EFs than wood for all pollutants studied. In particular, coal emitted, on average, 10 times more PM2.5 than wood on a mass basis, and 2.4 times more on an energy basis. The EFs developed here were based on fuel types, stove design, and operating protocols relevant to the Navajo Nation, but they could be useful to other Native Nations with similar practices, such as the nearby Hopi Nation.

Implications: Indoor wood and coal combustion is an important contributor to public health burdens in the Navajo Nation. Currently, there exist no emission factors representative of Navajo homestoves, fuels, and practices. This study developed emission factors for PM2.5, OC, EC, CO, and CO2 using a representative Navajo homestove. These emission factors may be utilized in regional-, national-, and global-scale health and environmental models. Additionally, the protocols developed and results presented here may inform on-going stove design of the first EPA-certified wood and coal combination stove.  相似文献   

Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are widely used as disinfectants, detergents and fabric softeners. Anionic detergents are one of the most widely used chemical substances. QACs and anionic surfactants can form ionic pairs. In the present study we investigated the biodegradability of QACs in the presence of different anionic surfactants. The biodegradability of three QACs, namely benzalkonium chloride (BAC), didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDMAC) and ethacridine lactate (EL), when applied as single substances and in combination with anionic surfactants such as benzene sulfonic acid (BSA), LAS, naphthalene sulfonic acid (NSA) and sodium dodecylsulfonate (SDS) was studied applying the closed bottle test (CBT) [OECD 301D, 1992. Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals. Closed bottle test. Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris] at a ratio of 1:1 (mol:mol). Biodegradation was monitored by measuring oxygen concentration in the test vessels with an oxygen electrode in accordance with international standard methods [ISO 5414, 1990. Water quality - determination of dissolved oxygen. In: German Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Wastewater and Sludge. VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, Weinheim, New York, Basel Cambridge]. Primary elimination of the QACs and of LAS was monitored by LC-MS/MS. There was little biodegradability of the QACs as either single compounds or in the presence of organic counter ions. The biodegradability of the organic counter ions was lower in the presence of QACs as compared to the single substances. Primary elimination of the QACs by sorption took place.  相似文献   

为了探索燃煤电厂掺烧市政污泥并利用该粉煤灰矿化封存CO2的处理模式,研究掺烧污泥型粉煤灰矿化封存CO2的能力和影响因素,并对该粉煤灰和矿化灰渣进行表征分析,同时研究其矿化反应机理。结果表明,掺烧污泥型粉煤灰中含有大量的反应活性较强的Ca、Mg元素,矿化封存CO2能力强,最优反应条件为碳酸钠溶液质量浓度3%、CO2流量200 mL·min−1、粉煤灰投加量50 g·L−1、温度100 ℃和反应时间80 min,此时单位粉煤灰矿化封存CO2量可达到最大值125.05 mg·g−1。反应产物矿化灰渣的微观形貌发生了较大改变,掺烧污泥型粉煤灰中钙离子大量溶出并经过碳酸化反应生成了碳酸盐沉淀。该处理模式有望大规模推动市政污泥的无害化、减量化和资源化并就近实现燃煤电厂碳减排,进一步拓宽粉煤灰大规模综合利用领域。  相似文献   

采用Fe/C微电解-超声波/Fenton氧化一活性炭吸附处理高色度、高COD、高盐分、高毒性的仲丁灵农药废水.试验结果表明:(1)Fe/C微电解处理仲丁灵农药废水的最佳条件:pH为4,铁屑投加量为0.5 mol/L,Fe与C摩尔比为2:1,反应时间为4h.(2)Fenton氧化的最佳条件:pH为4,FeSO4·7H2O投加量为0.03 mol/L,H2O2投加量为0.4 mol/L,反应时间为2 h.(3)在Fenton氧化的最佳条件下,超声波/Fenton氧化对COD去除率最高(平均约为80%).(4)当吸附时间为2 h、PH为6、活性炭投加量为20 g/L时.COD去除率可达90.5%.(5)采用Fe/C锻电解-超声波/Fenton氧化一活性炭吸附处理后,COD、色度均可达到<污水综合排放标准>(GB 8978-1996)中的一级标准.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The present paper implements the quantile autoregressive lagged (QARDL) approach of Cho et al. (2015) and the Granger causality in quantiles tests of...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Recent research has shown a huge impact of non-renewable energy (NRE) production on environmental health. In this context, this work analyzes the...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study aims to contribute to the literature and examine the causal relationship between Pakistan’s agricultural products export,...  相似文献   

The quantitative determination of pesticide binding to dissolved humic substances is relevant to both water treatment operation using activated carbon adsorption process and the application of transport models that predict the environmental distribution patterns of a given hydrophobic contaminant. In this study and in a first set of experiments, the extent of binding between (i) three pesticides of environmental concern, aldicarb, lindane and pentachlorophenol, and (ii) dissolved commercial humic acid and soil extracted fulvic acid, was determined using dialysis experiments and water solubility enhancement tests. In a second set of experiments, the influence of dissolved humic substances or pesticide on the retention of the other co-adsorbate onto activated carbon was investigated in binary systems. It was found that association was negligible for aldicarb and that the pesticide sorption onto activated carbon was not affected by humic acid (8.5 mg liter(-1) DOC). The association constants K for lindane and pentachlorophenol were identical in the presence of fulvic acid (logK=4.1) but lower than that observed with humic acid. In the presence of humic acid, binding affinity for pentachlorophenol (logK=4.6) was higher than the one observed for lindane (logK=4.4), despite its much higher water solubility. This observation suggests that the aromatic character of the pentachlorophenol molecule contributes to association interactions with humic acid. From co-adsorption experiments onto activated carbon it was found that fulvic acid (7.7 mg litre(-1) DOC) slightly enhances sorption kinetics of pentachlorophenol. Lindane (1 mg litre(-1)) does not affect sorption kinetics for fulvic acid but markedly enhances both the sorption kinetics and adsorptive capacity for humic acid. Activated carbon retention of dissolved humic substances or pesticide appears to be enhanced by the association potential that exists between these co-adsorbates in some binary systems.  相似文献   

Diffusion of dissolved oxygen through activated sludge flocs was studied, as it represents a potential mechanism for simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in activated sludge systems. Dissolved oxygen profiles through six floc particles collected at different times from a full-scale activated sludge plant demonstrated that that the dissolved oxygen concentration declines through all floc particles. For larger floc particles (2-mm diameter and greater), the dissolved oxygen concentration reached near-zero values at depths depending on process operating conditions. A mathematical model based on diffusion of dissolved oxygen, organic substrate (methanol), ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate through a spherical floc and consumption of dissolved oxygen by heterotrophs and autotrophs accurately predicted the dissolved oxygen profile and required adjustment of only one model parameter--the concentration of heterotrophs. A different dissolved oxygen decline pattern was exhibited for the smaller floc particles characterized, with the dissolved oxygen reaching a non-zero plateau toward the center of the floc. This pattern was not reproduced with the mathematical model developed and suggests that additional mechanisms are responsible for the transport of dissolved oxygen into the center of these flocs. Implications of these results regarding the occurrence of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification include consideration of the factors that affect floc size and distribution (simultaneous nitrification and denitrification is maximized with larger floc particles), coupling of the International Water Association (London) activated models to predict activated sludge composition with diffusion models to consider intrafloc effects, and the effects of substrate diffusion on the apparent half-saturation constant for various substrates in activated sludge systems.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Population growth has been a leading driver of global CO2 emissions over the last several decades. CO2 emission and greenhouse gas emissions are a key...  相似文献   

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