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Liquid organic peroxides, such as tert-butyl peroxybenzoate (TBPB), have been widely employed in the petrifaction industry as a polymerization formation agent. This study investigated the thermokinetic parameters of TBPB by isothermal kinetic algorithms and non-isothermal kinetic equations, using thermal activity monitor III (TAM III) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), respectively. Simulations of 0.5 L, 25 kg, 55 gallon, and 400 kg reactors in liquid thermal explosion models were performed and compared to the results in the literature. A green thermal analysis was developed for a reactor containing TBPB to prevent pollution and reduce the energy consumption by thermal decomposition. It is based on the thermal hazard properties, such as the heat of decomposition (ΔHd), activation energy (Ea), self-accelerating decomposition temperature (SADT), control temperature (CT), emergency temperature (ET), and critical temperature (TCR). From the experimental results, the optimal conditions to avoid violent runaway reactions during the storage and transportation of TBPB were determined.  相似文献   

A serious fire and explosion accident that resulted in massive crude oil leakage and severe environmental pollution occurred on 16 July, 2010, in Dalian Port, China. To investigate the root cause of accident and conduct a wide-range investigation, desulfurizing agent JH02, which has a similar ingredient to the desulfurizing agent HD used in Dalian Port, and TS02 were employed in this study to determine the role of desulfurizing agents in the accident. The thermal behavior of crude oil, desulfurizing agents, and their mixtures was measured by using a C80 calorimeter. By using the calorimetric data, the kinetic parameters of the chemical reaction, such as activation energy, pre-exponential factor, and self-accelerating decomposition temperature of crude oil, as well as JH02, TS02, and their mixtures, were calculated and compared. The results indicated that the direct cause of the accident was the thermal runaway initiated by the increasing instability of the crude oil–desulfurizing agent mixture. Excess pressure in the oil pipeline triggered the physical explosion, but it alone was not enough to cause a serious damage. Furthermore, a stable desulfurizing agent such as TS02 could not ensure a safe desulfurizing process. The results of this study would benefit the safety management of desulfurizing processes during production and storage.  相似文献   

The work presented in this paper used a quantitative analysis of relevant risks through the development of fault tree analysis and risk analysis methods to aid real time risk prediction and safety evaluation of leak in a storage tank. Criticality of risk elements and their attributes can be used with real time data to predict potential failures likely to occur. As an example, a risk matrix was used to rank risk of events that could lead to a leak in a storage tank and to make decisions on risks to be allowed based on past statistical data. An intelligent system that recognizes increasing level(s) and draws awareness to the possibility of additional increase before unsafe levels are attained was used to analyse and make critical decisions. After a visual depiction of relationships between hazards and controls had been actualized, dynamic risk modelling was used to quantify the effect controls can potentially have on hazards by applying historical and real-time data into a probabilistic model. The output of a dynamic risk model is near real-time quantitative predictions of risk likelihood. Results from the risk matrix analysis method mixed with RTD and FTA were analyzed, evaluated, and compared.  相似文献   

Near misses are well-known for providing a major source of useful information for safety management. They are more frequent events than accidents and their causes may potentially result in an accident under slightly different circumstances. Despite the importance of this type of feedback, there is little knowledge on the characteristics of near misses, and on the use of this information in safety management. This article proposes guidelines for identifying, analyzing and disseminating information on near misses in construction sites. In particular, it is proposed that near misses be analyzed based on four categories: (a) whether or not it was possible to track down the event; (b) the nature of each event, in terms of its physical features (e.g. falling objects); (c) whether they provided positive or negative feedback for the safety management system; and (d) risk, based on the probability and severity associated with each event. The guidelines were devised and tested while a safety management system was being developed in a healthcare building project. The monitoring of near misses was part of a safety performance measurement system. Among the main results, a dramatic increase in both the number and quality of reports stands out after the workforce was systematically encouraged to report. While in the first 4 months of the study – when the workforce was not encouraged to report – there were just 12 reports, during the subsequent 4 months – when the workforce was so encouraged – there were 110 reports, all of them being analyzed based on the four analytical categories proposed.  相似文献   

近年来,我国煤矿瓦斯事故频发,瓦斯事故的发生不仅造成了巨大的经济损失而且产生了不良的社会影响。但是煤矿瓦斯事故的发生并不是单一因素作用的结果,而是多种因素相互作用、相互影响,从而导致瓦斯事故的发生。这就要求我们对煤矿瓦斯事故危险源进行合理的分类,并在此基础上进行多危险源间的耦合作用分析。因此,具体全面的对瓦斯事故危险源进行分类且对其耦合作用进行分析,对丰富多因素相互作用理论,深入对煤矿系统的分析具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   

通过现场的调研与事故树分析相结合的手段对某厂聚乙烯醇车间聚合罐区火灾爆炸事故的危险因素进行了识别与分析.以该罐区可能发生的火灾爆炸事故作为顶上事件,对可能引发顶上事件的21个基本事件及一个条件事件构建事故树,利用最小割集、最小径集及结构重要性计算手段进行事故风险程度分析,从而确定醋酸乙烯暴聚是聚合罐区的首要危险源,而促发醋酸乙烯暴聚的物料长时间停留、气相氧含量过高、温度控制失效、阻聚剂含量不足等四个基本事件是导致聚合罐区火灾爆炸事故的最危险因素.本文对以上聚合罐区发生火灾爆炸事故的风险因素进行详细定性分析,并在此基础上有针对性的提出了相应的安全预防控制措施.同时,该聚合罐区的事故树分析结论也可以为同类别化工单位罐区的日常运行、设计改造、维护保养等工作提供理论依据.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis and simulation of an accident involving a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) truck tanker in Kannur, Kerala, India. During the accident, a truck tanker hit a divider and overturned. A crack in the bottom pipe caused leakage of LPG for about 20 min forming a large vapor cloud, which got ignited, creating a fireball and a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE) situation in the LPG tank with subsequent fire and explosion. Many fatalities and injuries were reported along with burning of trees, houses, shops, vehicles, etc. In the present study, ALOHA (Area Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) and PHAST (Process Hazard Analysis Software Tool) software have been used to model and simulate the accident scenario. Modeling and simulation results of the fireball, jet flame radiation and explosion overpressure agree well with the actual loss reported from the site. The effects of the fireball scenario were more significant in comparison to that of the jet fire scenario.  相似文献   

职业病危害因素识别与分析是职业病危害预评价的基础,识别与分析的结果直接关系到职业病危害预评价结论的合理性和科学性。以某铁矿职业病危害预评价为例,重点阐述了系统工程分析法和类比调查法在预评价中职业病危害因素识别与分析的应用。通过对原辅材料、生产工艺和设备以及类比工程进行分析,识别了某铁矿可能存在的职业病危害因素,并分析了职业病危害程度,得出来了凿岩工是白指病、噪声聋、尘肺的易感人群,球磨工和破碎工罹患尘肺病和噪声聋的概率较大,凿岩工、球磨工和破碎工是本项目重点保护对象和监护人群的结论。  相似文献   

The risk assessment for safety-critical, complex systems is a very challenging computational problem when it is performed with high-fidelity models, e.g. CFD, like in the case of accidental gas releases in congested systems. Within this framework, a novel CFD approach, named Source Box Accident Model, has been recently proposed to efficiently model such phenomena by splitting the simulation of the gas release and its subsequent dispersion in the system in two steps. In this view, the present paper proposes a non-intrusive, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition-Radial Basis Functions reduced order model that exploits the two-step nature of the SBAM approach, to mimic the behaviour of the original, long-running CFD model code at a significantly lower computational cost. Moreover, the paper presents a methodology combining the bootstrap and unscented transform approaches to efficiently assess the ROM uncertainty in the safety-critical simulation output quantities of interest, e.g. the flammable volume. The results obtained in a test case involving a high pressure, accidental gas release in an off-shore Oil & Gas plant are in very satisfactory agreement with those produced by CFD, with a relative error smaller than 10% and a reduction in the computational time of about three orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) is a widely used semi-quantitative risk assessment method. It provides a simplified and less precise method to assess the effectiveness of protection layers and the residual risk of an incident scenario. The outcome failure frequency and consequence of that residual risk are intended to be conservative by prudently selecting input data, given that design specification and component manufacturer's data are often overly optimistic. There are many influencing factors, including design deficiencies, lack of layer independence, availability, human factors, wear by testing and maintenance shortcomings, which are not quantified and are dependent on type of process and location. This makes the risk in LOPA usually overestimated. Therefore, to make decisions for a cost-effective system, different sources and types of uncertainty in the LOPA model need to be identified and quantified. In this study, a fuzzy logic and probabilistic hybrid approach was developed to determine the mean and to quantify the uncertainty of frequency of an initiating event and the probabilities of failure on demand (PFD) of independent protection layers (IPLs). It is based on the available data and expert judgment. The method was applied to a distillation system with a capacity to distill 40 tons of flammable n-hexane. The outcome risk of the new method has been proven to be more precise compared to results from the conventional LOPA approach.  相似文献   

We discuss how confirmatory factor analysis results should be used to examine potential higher‐order constructs and advocate that researchers present five types of evidence, which are as follows: (1) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among manifest variables; (2) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among manifest variables better than more parsimonious alternative models—and no less well than less parsimonious alternative models; (3) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among lower‐order factors; (4) the ability of the higher‐order factor to explain variation in lower‐order factors; and (5) the ability of the higher‐order factor to explain variation in manifest variables. We illustrate how this type of evidence could be presented with a worked example and contrast our recommendations with the manner in which higher‐order confirmatory factor analysis has been used in the organizational sciences over the past 25 years to support claims regarding higher‐order constructs such as core self‐evaluations and transformational leadership. Our review shows that a substantial proportion of the 44 examined articles failed to present enough evidence to allow readers to understand the size and importance of higher‐order factors. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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