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雨水生物滞留系统控制径流污染物研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雨水生物滞留系统作为《海绵城市建设技术指南》中推荐优先利用的技术措施,能够从源头上削减雨洪径流量和净化水质,达到降雨时吸水、蓄水、渗水、净水的目的。为促进该技术的推广运用,分析了生物滞留系统的结构及水文特性,重点总结了生物滞留系统去除径流污染物的研究现状,针对生物滞留系统对氮、磷等污染物去除效果较差的问题,论述了优化改进生物滞留系统的技术措施,为该技术的进一步研究和应用提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Dimethazone, also known as clomazone [2-[(2-chlorophenyl) methyl]- 4,4-dimethyl-3-isoxaolidinone] is a pre-emergent nonionic herbicide commonly used in agriculture. A field study was conducted on a silty-loam soil of 10 % slope to monitor off-site movement and persistence of dimethazone in soil under three management practices. Eighteen plots of 22 x 3.7 m each were separated using stainless steel metal borders and the soil in six plots was mixed with municipal sewage sludge (MSS) and yard waste (YW) compost (MSS+YW) at 15 t acre?1 on dry weight basis, six plots were mixed with MSS at 15 t acre?1, and six unamended plots (NM) were used for comparison purposes. The objectives of this investigation were to: (i) monitor the dissipation and half-life (T?/?) of dimethazone in soil under three management practices; (ii) determine the concentration of dimethazone residues in runoff and infiltration water following natural rainfall events; and (iii) assess the impact of soil amendments on the transport of NO?, NH?, and P into surface and subsurface water. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometery (GC/MS) analyses of soil extracts indicated the presence of ion fragments at m/z 125 and 204 that can be used for identification of dimethazone residues. Intitial deposits of dimethazone varied from 1.3 μg g?1 dry native soil to 3.2 and 11.8 μg g?1 dry soil in MSS and MSS+YW amended soil, respectively. Decline of dimethazone residues in the top 15 cm native soil and soil incorporated with amendments revealed half-life (T?/?) values of 18.8, 25.1, and 43.0 days in MSS+YW, MSS, and NM treatments, respectively. Addition of MSS+YW mix and MSS alone to native soil increased water infiltration, lowering surface runoff water volume and dimethazone residues in runoff following natural rainfall events.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands for mitigation of atrazine-associated agricultural runoff   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Atrazine was amended into constructed wetlands (59-73x14x0.3 m) for the purpose of monitoring transport and fate of the pesticide to obtain information necessary to provide future design parameters for constructed wetlands mitigation of agricultural runoff. Following pesticide amendment, a simulated storm and runoff event equal to three volume additions was imposed on each wetland. Targeted atrazine concentrations were 0 microg/l (unamended control), 73 microg/l, and 147 microg/l. Water, sediment, and plant samples were collected weekly for 35 days from transects longitudinally distributed throughout each wetland and were analyzed for atrazine using gas chromatography. Between 17 and 42% of measured atrazine mass was within the first 30-36 m of wetlands. Atrazine was below detection limits (0.05 microg/kg) in all sediment and plant samples collected throughout the duration of this study. Aqueous half lives ranged from 16 to 48 days. According to these data, conservative buffer travel distances of 100-280 m would be necessary for effective runoff mitigation.  相似文献   

绿色屋顶作为海绵城市建设中的重要措施之一,具有良好的环境生态效益。对搭建的5种简单式绿色屋顶装置和混凝土屋面装置进行了天然降雨实测和模拟降雨实验监测比较,分析了各装置出流中总有机碳(TOC)、TN、氨氮、TP和Zn的浓度及负荷,研究了简单式绿色屋顶对屋面雨水径流水质的影响规律。结果表明,简单式绿色屋顶出流中的TOC、TN、氨氮、TP和Zn浓度比混凝土屋面高;简单式绿色屋顶具有径流量截留能力,能够削减部分TN和氨氮负荷,但TOC、TP和Zn浓度较高,导致其污染负荷仍然比混凝土屋面高。种植基质对雨水径流TOC、TN和氨氮浓度有显著影响,对TP和Zn浓度无显著影响;植被对各项污染物浓度均无显著影响;降雨特征对污染物浓度有显著影响。  相似文献   

为探明西安金盆水库热分层演变特征和降雨径流对水库水质的影响,对水库垂向不同点位的水温、溶解氧、浊度、pH、总磷、总氮、氨氮、总有机碳等水质指标进行了持续监测和分析,结果表明:RWCS/H指数能有效判断热分层稳定水平,稳定分层期RWCS/H指数在1.56~6.99 m-1之间;RWCS/H指数与TP、厌氧层厚度显著相关,温跃层的变化特征对厌氧层变化起支配作用,分层期水库底部厌氧条件致使沉积物中营养盐大量释放,其中滞水层TP最高达0.062 mg·L-1;汛期暴雨径流一方面破坏水体热分层稳定性,另一方面携带大量颗粒态污染物以间层流的形式潜入水库中下层水体,使污染负荷提高,TP、TN、NH4+-N、TOC浓度分别达到0.052、1.589、0.42和3.784 mg·L-1;随暴雨径流潜入带来的大量颗粒态污染物和下层水温、pH上升导致沉积物厌氧释放加剧,雨后下层水体TP、TN、NH4+-N、TOC浓度分别达0.022、1.474、0.595和4.559 mg·L-1,显著高于上层水体。分层期内源释放是加快金盆水库富营养化过程的关键因素,汛期暴雨径流引发的水库水环境系统改变使得水质突发性污染风险加大。  相似文献   

The scarcity of water resources in Egypt has necessitated the use of various types of lower quality water. Agricultural drainage water is considered a strategic reserve for meeting increasing freshwater demands. In this study, a novel model series was applied to a drainage basin in the Nile Delta to optimize integrated water quality management for agriculture and the aquatic environment. The proposed model series includes a waste load allocation model, an export coefficient model, a stream water quality model, and a genetic algorithm. This model series offers an optimized solution for determining the required removal levels of total suspended solids (TSS), the chemical oxygen demand (COD) at point and non-point pollution sources, and the source flows that require treatment to meet a given water quality target. The model series was applied during the summer and winter to the El-Qalaa basin in the western delta of the Nile River. Increased pollutant removal and treated fractions at point and non-point sources reduced violations of the TSS standards from 732.6 to 238.9 mg/L in summer and from 543.1 to 380.9 mg/L in winter. Likewise, violations of the COD standards decreased from 112.4 mg/L to 0 (no violations) in summer and from 91.7 mg/L to no violations in winter. Thus, this model is recommended as a decision support tool for determining a desirable waste load allocation solution from a trade-off curve considering costs and the degree of compliance with water quality standards.  相似文献   

The aquatic weed--water hyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms] showed a remarkable capacity to withstand the effects of pH changes ranging from 5 to 8 in the aquatic environment. Growth continued to be normal except when placed for longer periods in medium containing iron ions at pH 3.3. The ability of this plant to neutralize some very acid solutions of heavy metals such as salts of copper, cadmium and zinc individually and in combinations, is being reported. Plants placed in pure acid and alkali solutions were also able to neutralize the medium. Calcium appears to play an important role in the mechanism involved in the adaptability of these plants to such environments.  相似文献   

The effects of manure-application mode, rate to soil, and rainfall characteristics on the quality of agricultural runoff water have been assessed by means of the algal-growth-potential test (AGPT) and chemical analyses. This study used two modes of manure application (i.e. surface mode and incorporation mode), three manure-application rates (0, 150, 300 kg N ha(-1)), and two rainfall intensities and times (i.e. 11 mm h(-1) for 142 min and 22 mm h(-1) for 71 min). The effects of the dilution of runoff water on algal growth were also examined. The algal yields obtained with runoff from soil with the incorporated manure mode are similar to those from soil without manure application and are lower than those with the surface mode of manure application. A higher manure-application rate increases the load of nutrients in the runoff and subsequently the algal yield. The dilution of runoff water can stimulate or limit the algal growth, depending on the concentration of toxicants, N (nitrogen) and P (phosphorus) from runoff and in the aquatic diluting medium. A lower rainfall intensity plus a longer rainfall time increases algal productivity. This study showed that N is the limiting factor to algal growth at low dilution but that, at high dilution or with the incorporation mode of manure application, P becomes the limiting factor to algal growth.  相似文献   

Bioremediation is the use of living organisms, primarily microorganisms, to degrade environmental contaminants into less toxic forms. Nine biobeds (ground cavity filled with a mixture of composted organic matter, topsoil, and a surface grass) were established at Kentucky State University research farm (Franklin County, KY) to study the impact of this practice on reducing surface runoff water contamination by residues of dimethazone and trifluralin herbicides arising from an agricultural field. Biobed (biofilter) systems were installed at the bottom of the slope of specially designed runoff plots to examine herbicides retention and degradation before entering streams and rivers. In addition to biobed systems, three soil management practices: municipal sewage sludge (SS), SS mixed with yard waste compost (SS + YW), and no-mulch rototilled bare soil (NM used for comparison purposes) were used to monitor the impact of soil amendments on herbicide residues in soil following natural rainfall events. Organic amendments increased soil organic matter content and herbicide residues retained in soil following rainfall events. Biobeds installed in NM soil reduced dimethazone and trifluralin by 84 and 82%, respectively in runoff water that would have been transported down the land slope of agricultural fields and contaminated natural water resources. Biobeds installed in SS and SS+YW treatments reduced dimethazone by 65 and 46% and trifluralin by 52 and 79%, respectively. These findings indicated that biobeds are effective for treating dimethazone and trifluralin residues in runoff water.  相似文献   

刘之杰  余刚 《环境污染与防治》2004,26(5):338-340,357
综述了壳聚糖絮凝剂对地表水中悬浮物、天然有机物(NOM)、人工合成有机物(SOCs)、藻类的去除和对细菌的抑制及残留铝的削减作用。壳聚糖在地表水净化中具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

The retention and behavior of two herbicides, metribuzin [4-amino-6-tert-butyl-4, 5-dihydro-3-methylthio-1, 2, 4-triazin-5-one] and DCPA [1, 4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 2, 3, 5, 6-tetrachloro-, dimethyl] ester, in runoff and seepage water from agricultural fields were investigated. The objectives of this investigation were to: (i) determine the dissipation and half-life (T 1/2) of metribuzin and DCPA herbicides in soil under three management practices: chicken manure (CM), sewage sludge (SS), and no-mulch native soil (NM); (ii) monitor herbicides residues in runoff and infiltration water following addition of soil amendments; and (iii) determine the impact of soil amendments on the transport of NO3, NH4, and PO4 from soil into surface and subsurface water. Half-life (T 1/2) values of metribuzin were 24, 18, and 12 d in CM, SS, and NM treatments, respectively. Similarly, T 1/2 values of DCPA were greater in CM and SS incorporated soil (45.8 and 52.2 d, respectively) compared to NM native soil (26.2 d). Addition of CM and SS to native agricultural soil increased water infiltration, lowering runoff water volume and herbicide residues in runoff following natural rainfall events. We concluded that soil amendments could be used to intercept pesticide-contaminated runoff from agricultural fields. This practice might provide a potential solution to pesticide contamination of surface and seepage water from farmlands.  相似文献   

Numbers of greenroofs in urban areas continue to grow internationally; so designing greenroof soil to reduce the amount of nutrients in the stormwater runoff from these roofs is becoming essential. This study evaluated changes in extensive greenroof water discharge quality and quantity after adding biochar, a soil amendment promoted for its ability to retain nutrients in soils and increase soil fertility. Prototype greenroof trays with and without biochar were planted with sedum or ryegrass, with barren soil trays used as controls. The greenroof trays were subjected to two sequential 7.4cm/h rainfall events using a rain simulator. Runoff from the rain events was collected and evaluated. Trays containing 7% biochar showed increased water retention and significant decreases in discharge of total nitrogen, total phosphorus, nitrate, phosphate, and organic carbon. The addition of biochar to greenroof soil improves both runoff water quality and retention.  相似文献   


Granular activated carbon adsorption is one of the reliable and effective means of removing organochlorine pesticides from water. Continuous stirred tank and fix bed reactor systems were used for the screening of indigenous granular activated carbons in the removal of organochlorine pesticides from water at low microgram levels in simulated samples. The carbon dose reguired to treat raw water at initial concentrations of 5–10 ug/1 of Y‐HCH, p,p'‐DDT and p,p'‐DDE to <2 ug/1 potable level was computed. Data leads to the development of a tap attachable water treatment unit for pesticides removal for applications on domestic scale.  相似文献   

Storm water runoff concentration matrix for urban areas   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The infrastructure (roads, sidewalk, commercial and residential structures) added during the land development and urbanisation process is designed to collect precipitation and convey it out of the watershed, typically in existing surface water channels, such as streams and rivers. The quality of surface water, seepage water and ground water is influenced by pollutants that collect on impervious surfaces and that are carried by urban storm water runoff. Heavy metals, e.g. lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) and readily soluble salts in runoff, contribute to the degradation of water. An intensive literature search on the distribution and concentration of the surface-dependent runoff water has been compiled. Concentration variations of several pollutants derived from different surfaces have been averaged. More than 300 references providing about 1300 data for different pollutants culminate in a representative concentration matrix consisting of medians and extreme values. This matrix can be applied to long-term valuations and numerical modelling of storm water treatment facilities.  相似文献   

Current water quality standards for the protection of human health in Korea include 17 substances found in rivers and streams. Due to increasing concern over the release of hazardous chemicals into the aquatic environment, there has been a demand for additional water quality standards. Therefore, the Korean Ministry of the Environment plans to gradually increase the number of water quality standards to 30 substances, including 22 substances for protection of human health and 8 substances for protection of aquatic ecosystems by 2015. In this study, new water quality standards for protection of human health were established for 1,4-dioxane, formaldehyde, and hexachlorobenzene. We selected candidate hazardous chemicals, conducted a human health risk assessment to determine priority chemicals, established water quality standards based on technical analyses and comparison with domestic and developed countries’ water quality standards, and conducted an expert review. Water quality standards for protection of aquatic ecosystems will be derived in the near future. This study describes how the water quality standards for protection of human health were developed and implemented. Current status, recent expansion, and future plans for water quality standards in Korea are also covered.  相似文献   

The influence of land use on water quality in streams is scale-dependent and varies in time and space. In this study, land cover patterns and stocking rates were used as measures of agricultural development in two pasture and one native grassland catchment in New Zealand and were related to water quality in streams of various orders. The amount of pasture per subcatchment correlated well to total nitrogen and nitrate in one catchment and turbidity and total phosphorous in the other catchment. Stocking rates were only correlated to total phosphorous in one pasture catchment but showed stronger correlations to ammonium, total phosphorous and total nitrogen in the other pasture catchment. Winter and spring floods were significant sources of nutrients and faecal coliforms from one of the pasture catchments into a wetland complex. Nutrient and faecal coliform concentrations were better predicted by pastural land cover in fourth-order than in second-order streams. This suggests that upstream land use is more influential in larger streams, while local land use and other factors may be more important in smaller streams. These temporal and spatial scale effects indicate that water-monitoring schemes need to be scale-sensitive.  相似文献   

生物滞留池改善城市雨水径流水质的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
如何有效控制城市雨水径流所带来的面源污染已成为城市管理工作所面临的重要难题之一.作为城市暴雨最佳管理措施(BMPs)中的技术之一,生物滞留池可有效控制城市面源污染.总结了生物滞留池在改善城市雨水径流水质方面的研究进展,简要分析了生物滞留池去除污染物的机制.研究结果表明,生物滞留池对雨水径流中的总悬浮颗粒物(TSS)、重...  相似文献   

基于未确知数学理论,考虑河流环境系统信息的未确知性,定义二维水质模型主要参数为未确知参数,建立未确知二维水质模型,递推计算出保护区划分的合理长度及对应的污染物浓度取值区间及可信度分布,并对未确知二维水质模型中各参数的影响做了比较分析。结果表明,利用未确知二维水质模型,以COD为污染物计算的晋江干流水源二级保护区水域长度为6 220m,该长度能在0.934 0的主观可信度上保证水质安全,而基于确定性水质模型,利用各参数均值计算的保护区长度5 350 m存在95.22%的水质超标风险率。未确知二维水质模型各参数影响分析表明,模型应用的未确知参数及各参数变异性对模型计算结果有较大关系,未确知参数考虑越多,保护区划分长度越长;参数变异系数越小,其对计算结果影响越小。  相似文献   

In this study, several factors important for the design of a water supply treatment system for the removal of trace amounts of organic contaminants by microorganisms in a fixed-film were assessed. This entailed evaluating the effect of seeding with adapted microorganisms on the acclimation time, determining what depth of support material was required for removal of contaminants and observing the effect of hydraulic loading rate on the contaminant removal efficiency by the microorganisms. The study was conducted in the laboratory using sand columns as fixed-film biological reactors. Pentachlorophenol (PCP), 2,4,6 trichlorophenol and 2,4 dichlorophenol were used as the test contaminants. Dechlorinated Philadelphia tap water, which contained concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOC) in the range of 1 to 4 mg/l, was used as the source water. The DOC of the source water served as a primary substrate for microbial growth in the sand columns. The total concentration of the contaminants added to the source water ranged between 200 and 800 μg/l, making them available as secondary carbon sources for the attached microorganisms. The columns were operated in a downflow mode and the hydraulic loading rates through the columns were varied from 0.5 gpm/ft² to 3 gpm/ft² (1.2 m/hr to 7.3 m/hr). It was observed that each cycle of operation of the treatment system could be divided into three different stages: acclimation; equilibrium removal; and clogging. Acclimation is the period of time between initial startup and equilibrium removal of the contaminants. Equilibrium removal was defined as the consistent removal of the contaminants for at least four days. Clogging of the sand with biological growth was found to occur after long term operation in shallow depths of sand. The acclimation time and the establishment of an adapted population were not shortened by seeding the sand columns with laboratory acclimated cultures. During the second stage, equilibrium removal, the removal of DOC decreased with depth as a first order relationship. However, the removal of the contaminants was observed to be zero order. Removal of the contaminants decreased with increasing hydraulic loading rate. Reductions of 80% or more of μg/l amounts of the chlorophenolic contaminants was achieved in a one inch depth of sand.  相似文献   

While water quality benchmarks for the protection of aquatic life have been in use in some jurisdictions for several decades (USA, Canada, several European countries), more and more countries are now setting up their own national water quality benchmark development programs. In doing so, they either adopt an existing method from another jurisdiction, update on an existing approach, or develop their own new derivation method. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages, and many issues have to be addressed when setting up a water quality benchmark development program or when deriving a water quality benchmark. Each of these tasks requires a special expertise. They may seem simple, but are complex in their details. The intention of this paper was to provide some guidance for this process of water quality benchmark development on the program level, for the derivation methodology development, and in the actual benchmark derivation step, as well as to point out some issues (notably the inclusion of adapted populations and cryptic species and points to consider in the use of the species sensitivity distribution approach) and future opportunities (an international data repository and international collaboration in water quality benchmark development).  相似文献   

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