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In June 2001, the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) installed a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) within a roadway in Needham, Massachusetts, to treat a plume of chlorinated solvents migrating toward two public water‐supply wells located in the adjacent town of Wellesley, Massachusetts. The solvents originated from an electronics manufacturer located approximately 2,300 feet upgradient of the roadway and 5,200 feet upgradient of the public supply wells. Chlorinated solvents, primarily trichloroethene (TCE), had migrated past the roadway to within 300 feet of the public supply wells. Two contaminant transport models prepared by the DEP's design contractor and the EPA indicated that the plume would reach the well field if no response actions were taken. To mitigate the future impact to the municipal well field, the DEP decided to install a PRB composed of zero‐valent granular iron across the path of the plume along Central Avenue in Needham. Though several dozen PRBs have been installed at sites worldwide and the technology is no longer considered innovative, the application of the technology in a roadway that receives 17,000 vehicles per day within a residential neighborhood is unique and presented difficulties not typically associated with PRB installations. The Needham PRB was also one of the first zero‐valent iron PRBs installed using the slurry trench method to treat chlorinated compounds. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study considered alternative configurations of passive wells equipped with filter cartridges for removing contaminated groundwater. The wells fully penetrated a simulated unconfined aquifer. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous hydraulic conductivity distributions were considered. An initial configuration comprised wells along the downgradient perimeter of a contaminant plume, spaced 0.5 m in the direction transverse to regional groundwater flow. Additional wells near the downgradient tip of the plume prevented off‐site contamination. Alternative configurations had the same number of wells, but some included wells along higher (interior) concentration contours to facilitate quicker removal of the contaminant plume. Results suggest that downgradient configurations generally outperform alternatives, although repositioning a few outer wells near the contaminant source may be effective in some cases. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Air sparging was pilot tested at a site where a groundwater plume containing cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-DCE), vinyl chloride (VC) and arsenic resulted from landfill operations. In addition to the commonly used methods for estimating air sparging zone of influence (ZOI), in-well temperature was monitored using sensitive thermocouples and data loggers at several monitoring wells of various screened intervals during the test. Following 42 days of pilot testing, the downgradient monitoring well samples were below maximum contaminant levels (MCLs)for all contaminants of concern, VC and dissolved arsenic were below detection limits (0.5 and 10 milligrams per liter [μg/L], respectively) in all of the downgradient monitoring wells. The ZOI monitoring results indicated that at some locations use of mounding data may overestimate the ZOI when the temperature data suggest that no sparged air was entering the well screen. Therefore, monitoring in-well temperature may provide additional useful information for estimating air sparging ZOI and is more indicative of air pathways than other monitoring methods. In addition, the temperature data were valuable for selecting a pulse frequency and duration to optimize groundwater mixing.  相似文献   

Rates of trichloroethene (TCE) mass transformed by naturally occurring biodegradation processes in a fractured rock aquifer underlying a former Naval Air Warfare Center (NAWC) site in West Trenton, New Jersey, were estimated. The methodology included (1) dividing the site into eight elements of equal size and vertically integrating observed concentrations of two daughter products of TCE biodegradation—cis‐dichloroethene (cis‐DCE) and chloride—using water chemistry data from a network of 88 observation wells; (2) summing the molar mass of cis‐DCE, the first biodegradation product of TCE, to provide a probable underestimate of reductive biodegradation of TCE, (3) summing the molar mass of chloride, the final product of chlorinated ethene degradation, to provide a probable overestimate of overall biodegradation. Finally, lower and higher estimates of aquifer porosities and groundwater residence times were used to estimate a range of overall transformation rates. The highest TCE transformation rates estimated using this procedure for the combined overburden and bedrock aquifers was 945 kg/yr, and the lowest was 37 kg/yr. However, hydrologic considerations suggest that approximately 100 to 500 kg/yr is the probable range for overall TCE transformation rates in this system. Estimated rates of TCE transformation were much higher in shallow overburden sediments (approximately 100 to 500 kg/yr) than in the deeper bedrock aquifer (approximately 20 to 0.15 kg/yr), which reflects the higher porosity and higher contaminant mass present in the overburden. By way of comparison, pump‐and‐treat operations at the NAWC site are estimated to have removed between 1,073 and 1,565 kg/yr of TCE between 1996 and 2009. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.*  相似文献   

A sulfuric acid leak in 1988 at a chloroethene‐contaminated groundwater site at the Naval Air Station Pensacola has resulted in a long‐term record of the behavior of chloroethene contaminants at low pH and a unique opportunity to assess the potential impact of source area treatment technologies, which involve acidification of the groundwater environment (e.g., Fenton's‐based in situ chemical oxidation), on downgradient natural attenuation processes. The greater than 75 percent decrease in trichloroethene (TCE) concentrations and the shift in contaminant composition toward predominantly reduced daughter products (dichloroethene [DCE] and vinyl chloride [VC]) that were observed along a 30‐m groundwater flow path characterized by highly acidic conditions (pH = 3.5 ± 0.4) demonstrated that chloroethene reductive dechlorination can continue to be efficient under persistent acidic conditions. The detection of Dehalococcoides‐type bacteria within the sulfuric acid/chloroethene co‐contaminant plume was consistent with biotic chloroethene reductive dechlorination. Microcosm studies conducted with 14C‐TCE and 14C‐VC confirmed biotic reductive dechlorination in sediment collected from within the sulfuric acid/chloroethene co‐contaminant plume. Microcosms prepared with sediment from two other locations within the acid plume, however, demonstrated only a limited mineralization to 14CO2 and 14CO, which was attributed to abiotic degradation because no significant differences were observed between experimental and autoclaved control treatments. These results indicated that biotic and abiotic mechanisms contributed to chloroethene attenuation in the acid plume at NAS Pensacola and that remediation techniques involving acidification of the groundwater environment (e.g., Fenton's‐based source area treatment) do not necessarily preclude efficient chloroethene degradation. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Groundwater treatment biowalls may be located close to a surface water body to prevent contaminant discharge from a groundwater plume into the surface water. Groundwater contaminants passing through the biowall are treated within the biowall or immediately downgradient of the biowall. Biowalls designed and constructed for the treatment of chlorinated solvents typically contain either a solid and/or liquid source of organic carbon to promote contaminant degradation by enhanced anaerobic reductive dechlorination. Common solid organic materials in biowalls include wood mulch or similar waste plant material, and common liquid organic materials are vegetable oil (possibly emulsified) or other long‐chain fatty acids. Such biowalls then develop anaerobic conditions in the constructed biowall volume, and potentially downgradient, as dissolved oxygen originally present in the aquifer is consumed. This groundwater condition can lead to the appearance of sulfide if groundwater influent to the biowall contains moderate to high sulfate concentrations. Other researchers have presented evidence for groundwater conditions downgradient of a biowall or a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) that are altered in relation to groundwater quality, besides the desired effect of contaminant degradation or removal by precipitation. The objective of this work was to investigate with modeling the changes in downgradient groundwater species chemistry as a result of a constructed biowall. This was accomplished with a chemical species model to predict levels of sulfate and sulfide present in groundwater in close downgradient proximity to the biowall. The results indicate that downgradient chemical changes could impact a surface water body to which groundwater discharges. The model described could be enhanced by incorporating additional design variables that should be considered in biowall feasibility assessments.  相似文献   

A field demonstration of a mulch permeable reactive barrier (PRB), or “biowall,” as an in situ treatment technology for explosives in groundwater is summarized. Organic mulch consists of insoluble carbon biopolymers that are enzymatically hydrolyzed during decomposition to release aqueous total organic carbon (TOC). The released TOC is then available for microorganisms to use as an electron donor to transform electrophilic contaminants via reductive pathways. A 100‐foot‐long and 2‐foot‐thick mulch biowall was installed at the Pueblo Chemical Army Depot in Colorado to treat a shallow groundwater plume containing hexahydro‐1,3,5‐trinitro‐1,3,5‐triazine (RDX). To discourage groundwater flow bypassing around and under the biowall in this highly permeable formation, a hydraulic control was installed and the PRB was keyed into the bedrock. Technology performance was monitored using a monitoring well network to establish the development and extent of the downgradient treatment zone. Performance objectives of the field demonstration were: (1) greater than 90 percent removal of RDX across the PRB and the treatment zone; (2) an RDX concentration of less than 0.55 μg/L in the treatment zone; and (3) cumulative toxic intermediate concentration (nitroso intermediates of RDX, MNX, DNX, and TNX) of less than 20 percent of the upgradient RDX concentration. All performance objectives were met within seven months after installation once the system reached a pseudo‐steady state. By this point, a sustained reducing/treatment zone had been created downgradient of the mulch PRB that showed greater than 93 percent RDX removal, RDX concentrations less than 0.55 μg/L, and no accumulation of toxic intermediates. The mulch biowall implemented during this demonstration was successful at meeting performance objectives while addressing the majority of potential concerns of the technology. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite the installation in the 1980s and 1990s of hydraulic containment systems around known source zones (four slurry walls and ten pump‐and‐treat systems), trichloroethene (TCE) plumes persist in the three uppermost groundwater‐bearing units at the Middlefield‐Ellis‐Whisman (MEW) Superfund Study Area in Mountain View, California. In analyzing TCE data from 15 recovery wells, the observed TCE mass discharge decreased less than an order of magnitude over a 10‐year period despite the removal of an average of 11 pore volumes of affected groundwater. Two groundwater models were applied to long‐term groundwater pump‐and‐treat data from 15 recovery wells to determine if matrix diffusion could explain the long‐term persistence of a TCE plume. The first model assumed that TCE concentrations in the plume are controlled only by advection, dispersion, and retardation (ADR model). The second model used a one‐dimensional diffusion equation in contact with two low‐permeability zones (i.e., upper and lower aquitard) to estimate the potential effects of matrix diffusion of TCE into and out of low‐permeability media in the plume. In all 15 wells, the matrix diffusion model fit the data much better than the ADR model (normalized root mean square error of 0.17 vs. 0.29; r2 of 0.99 vs. 0.19), indicating that matrix diffusion is a likely contributing factor to the persistence of the TCE plume in the non‐source‐capture zones of the MEW Study Area's groundwater‐extraction wells. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates a remedial approach for completing the remediation of an aquifer contaminated with 1,1,2‐trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon‐113) and 1,1,1‐trichloroethane (TCA). In 1987, approximately 13,000 pounds of Freon‐113 were spilled from a tank at an industrial facility located in the state of New York. The groundwater remediation program consisted of an extraction system coupled with airstripping followed by natural attenuation of residual contaminants. In the first phase, five recovery wells and an airstripping tower were operational from April 1993 to August 1999. During this time period over 10,000 pounds of CFC‐13 and 200 pounds of TCA were removed from the groundwater and the contaminant concentrations decreased by several orders of magnitude. However, the efficiency of the remediation system to recover residual Freon and/or TCA reduced significantly. This was evidenced by: (1) low levels (< 10 ppb) of Freon and TCA captured in the extraction wells and (2) a slight increase of Freon and/or TCA in off‐site monitoring wells. A detailed study was conducted to evaluate the alternative for the second‐phase remediation. Results of a two‐year groundwater monitoring program indicated the contaminant plume to be stable with no significant increase or decrease in contaminant concentrations. Monitored geochemical parameters suggest that biodegradation does not influence the fate and transport of these contaminants, but other mechanisms of natural attenuation (primarily sorption and dilution) appear to control the fate and transport of these contaminants. The contaminants appear to be bound to the soil matrix (silty and clay units) with limited desorption as indicated by the solid phase analyses of contaminant concentrations. Results of fate and transport modeling indicated that contaminant concentrations would not exceed the action levels in the wells that showed a slight increase in contaminant concentrations and in the downgradient wells (sentinel) during the modeled timeframe of 30 years. This feasibility study for natural attenuation led to the termination of the extraction system and a transaction of the property, resulting in a significant financial benefit for the original site owner. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in ambient temperature create vertical temperature gradients in shallow groundwater (less than 15 m). These temperature gradients can affect in‐well flow dynamics that impact samples collected using no‐purge sampling methods. In late winter, the shallower water is colder, resulting in thermally mixed conditions and uniform contaminant concentrations. In late summer, the shallower water is warmer, resulting in thermally stratified conditions and contaminant distributions in the monitoring well more consistent with the distribution in the surrounding aquifer. The importance of seasonal temperature gradients on in‐well mixing was evaluated in two shallow monitoring wells in Houston, Texas. In each of the two wells, four vertically spaced passive diffusion samples collected in late winter showed a less than 1.3x difference in trichloroethene (TCE) concentration between depths, while the same sampling conducted in late summer showed greater than a 100x difference in TCE concentration between depths. A simple analytical model originally developed to predict vertical soil temperature profiles can also be used to predict the occurrence of thermally stratified and thermally mixed conditions in monitoring wells as a function of time and well depth. The results of this analysis and modeling suggest that shallow monitoring wells in most of the United States and Canada can have significantly different vertical concentration profiles within the well over the course of a year due to seasonal vertical temperature gradients. This can induce additional intra‐annual temporal variability on passive no‐purge sampling results from these shallow wells, potentially making it more difficult to discern true trends in the data. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A field pilot test in which hydraulic fracturing was used to emplace granular remediation amendment (a mixture of zero‐valent iron [ZVI] and organic carbon) into fine‐grained sandstone to remediate dissolved trichloroethene (TCE)‐contaminated groundwater was performed at a former intercontinental ballistic missile site in Colorado. Hydraulic fracturing was used to enhance the permeability of the aquifer with concurrent emplacement of amendment that facilitates TCE degradation. Geophysical monitoring and inverse modeling show that the network of amendment‐filled fractures extends throughout the aquifer volume targeted in the pilot test zone. Two years of subsequent groundwater monitoring demonstrate that amendment addition resulted in development of geochemical conditions favorable to both abiotic and biological TCE degradation, that TCE concentrations were substantially reduced (i.e., greater than 90 percent reduction in TCE mass), and that the primary degradation processes are likely abiotic. The pilot‐test data aided in re‐evaluating the conceptual site model and in designing the full‐scale remedy to address a larger portion of the TCE‐contaminated groundwater plume. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

EOS, or emulsified oil substrate, was used to stimulate anaerobic biodegradation of trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE) at a former Army‐owned manufacturing facility located in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. Previous use of chlorinated solvents at the facility resulted in soil and groundwater impacts. Ten years of active remediation utilizing soil vacuum extraction and air sparging (SVE/AS) were largely ineffective in reducing the TCE/PCE plume. In 2002, the Army authorized preparation of an amended Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to evaluate in situ bioremediation methods to remediate TCE in groundwater. The RAP evaluated eight groundwater remediation technologies and recommended EOS as the preferred bioremediation alternative for the site. Eight wells were drilled within the 100 × 100 feet area believed to be the primary source area for the TCE plume. In a first injection phase, dilute EOS emulsion was injected into half of the wells. Distribution of the carbon substrate through the treatment zone was enhanced by pumping the four wells that were not injected and recirculating the extracted water through the injection wells. The process was repeated in a second phase that reversed the injection/extraction well pairs. Overall, 18,480 pounds of EOS were injected and 163,000 gallons of water were recirculated through the source area. Anaerobic groundwater conditions were observed shortly after injection with a corresponding decrease in both PCE and TCE concentrations. Dissolved oxygen, oxidation‐reduction potential, and sulfate concentrations also decreased after injection, while TCE‐degradation products, ferrous iron, and methane concentrations increased. The reduction in TCE allowed the Army to meet the groundwater remediation goals for the site. Approximately 18 months after injection, eight wells were innoculated with a commercially prepared dechlorinating culture (KB‐1) in an attempt to address lingering cis‐1,2‐dichloroethene (cis‐DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC) that continued to be observed in some wells. Dehalococcoides populations increased slightly post‐bioaugmentation. Both cis‐DCE and VC continue to slowly decrease. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This modeling study evaluated the capability of low‐capacity wells injecting clean water and nonpumped wells equipped with filter media for containing and removing a contaminant plume in groundwater. Outcomes were compared for configurations of: (1) nonpumped wells, (2) nonpumped wells and injection wells (injecting less than 1 m3/d), and (3) no wells (baseline scenario). Results suggest that hybrid configurations featuring both types of wells can be an effective, low‐cost strategy for containing and remediating contaminated groundwater. Strategically positioned injection wells funnel contaminant plumes toward nonpumped wells, thus requiring fewer nonpumped wells to contain and remove a contaminant plume. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A first‐of‐its‐kind wetland restoration project was completed in October 2000 to treat trichloroethene‐(TCE‐)impacted groundwater from a former manufacturing facility prior to discharge into a highly valued recreational surface water body in the upper Midwest. This article summarizes the design, construction, operation, and effectiveness of the restored wetland. The groundwater‐surface water discharge zone at the site was restored as a wetland to improve the natural degradation of TCE and subsequent degradation by‐products. For the past 11 years, the treatment wetland performance was evaluated by monitoring the wetland vegetation, wetland hydraulics, and water chemistry. Water quality data have been used to assess the wetland geochemistry, TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐product concentrations within the wetland, and the surface water quality immediately downgradient of the wetland. The treatment wetland has been performing according to design, with TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐products not exceeding surface water criteria. The monitoring results show that TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐products are entering the treatment wetland via natural hydraulic gradients and that the geochemistry of the wetland supports both reductive dechlorination (anaerobic degradation) and cometabolic degradation (aerobic degradation) of TCE and TCE‐degradation by‐products: cis‐ and trans‐1,2‐dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The East Gate Disposal Yard (EGDY) at Fort Lewis is the source of a large trichloroethene (TCE) plume at this military installation. Source reduction using thermal treatment was applied using electrical resistance heating. A total of about 5,800 kg of TCE‐equivalent volatile organic compounds (VOCs; TCE and dichloroethene) was extracted during thermal treatment of the three zones selected for source reduction. Pretreatment groundwater TCE concentrations were measured up to 100 ppm. Posttreatment groundwater TCE concentrations within the treatment zones averaged less than 100 ppb. Posttreatment soil TCE concentrations decreased by over 96 percent compared to pretreatment soil concentrations. The overall contaminant flux from EGDY was reduced by an estimated 60 to 90 percent by the source reduction effort. The traditional and new techniques for site characterization and remediation performance monitoring applied at EGDY provide insight for installing, operating, monitoring, and assessing thermal treatment. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Historic mineral ore processing operations at the former Cyprus Foote Mineral Site located in East Whiteland Township, Pennsylvania, have resulted in the creation of an approximately 10,000‐foot‐long off‐site groundwater plume impacted with lithium and bromate. The plume emanating from the site is impacting the groundwater quality of downgradient private residences. As an early part of the remedial implementation, the private residences were provided with public water connections while the source control efforts were being designed and implemented. Bromate and lithium have recently emerged as groundwater contaminants subjected to increased regulatory scrutiny. This is evidenced in a recently lowered Federal Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for bromate of 0.010 milligrams per liter and a Medium‐Specific Concentration (MSC) of 0.005 mg/L for lithium recently proposed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) for all groundwater within the Commonwealth. Elevated concentrations for bromate and lithium were detected above the Proposed Remediation Goals (PRGs) for the site, MCLs, and MSCs at a distance of 7,300 feet and 9,200 feet from the source area, respectively. To reduce the contaminant concentrations within the groundwater plume, which will ultimately result in a regressing plume, and to enable the Brownfield redevelopment of this Superfund site, auger‐based, in situ soil stabilization (ISS) with depths of up to 75 feet below ground surface (bgs) was selected as the remedy. The remedial implementation required the temporary removal and relocation of over 100,000 cubic yards of overburden to expose the lithium‐bearing tailings prior to treatment. Using customized 90‐foot‐long, 9‐foot‐diameter augers attached to cranes and drilling platforms, ancillary support excavators, and approximately 21,000 tons of reagent; 2,019 ISS columns were advanced to depths ranging from 10 to 74 feet bgs. This resulted in the creation of an in situ low‐permeablity 117,045‐yd3 “quasi‐monolith,” which encompasses a lateral extent of approximately three acres. The integration of a comprehensive ISS design with a comprehensive long‐term groundwater‐monitoring plan ensured the success of the ISS implementation and will enable a continued evaluation of the off‐site groundwater quality. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Groundwater remediation alternatives were simulated for homogeneous and heterogeneous aquifers with a numerical mass transport model. Low‐energy alternatives involved an injection–extraction well pair positioned along a downgradient linear transect. This transect was located 5 m from the contaminant plume and oriented perpendicular to the regional hydraulic gradient. Through numerous trials, for one homogeneous and three heterogeneous settings, the model identified an optimal spacing and minimum pumping rate for a well pair: (1) centered on the downgradient tip of the plume (best centered), and (2) anywhere along the downgradient transect (best overall). Results suggest that low‐energy well pairs are an effective means for containing and removing some contaminant plumes, and best‐performing configurations are generally not centered on the downgradient tip of the initial contaminant plume. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the 1960s, trichloroethene (TCE) was used at what is now designated as Installation Restoration Program Site 32 Cluster at Vandenberg Air Force Base to flush missile engines prior to launch and perhaps for other degreasing activities, resulting in releases of TCE to groundwater. The TCE plume extends approximately 1 kilometer from the previous launch facilities beyond the southwestern end of the site. To limit further migration of TCE and chlorinated degradation by‐products, an in situ, permeable, reactive bioremediation barrier (biobarrier) was designed as a cost‐effective treatment technology to address the TCE plume emanating from the source area. The biobarrier treatment would involve injecting carbon‐based substrate and microbes to achieve reductive dechlorination of volatile organic compounds, such as TCE. Under reducing conditions and in the presence of certain dechlorinating microorganisms, TCE degrades to nontoxic ethene in groundwater. To support the design of the full‐scale biobarrier, a pilot test was conducted to evaluate site conditions and collect pertinent design data. The pilot test results indicated possible substrate delivery difficulties and a smaller radius of influence than had been estimated, which would be used to determine the final biobarrier well spacing. Based on these results, the full‐scale biobarrier design was modified. In January 2010, the biobarrier was implemented at the toe of the source area by adding a fermentable substrate and a dechlorinating microbial culture to the subsurface via an injection well array that spanned the width of the TCE plume. After the injections, the groundwater pH in the injection wells continued to decrease to a level that could be detrimental to the population of Dehalococcoides in the SDC‐9TM culture. In addition, 7 months postinjection, the injection wells could not be sampled due to fouling. Cleaning was required to restore their functions. Bioassay and polymerase chain reaction analyses were conducted, as well as titration tests, to assess the need for biobarrier amendments in response to the fouling issues and low pH. Additionally, slug tests were performed on three wells to evaluate possible localized differences in hydraulic conductivity within the biobarrier. Based on the test results, the biobarrier was amended with sodium carbonate and inoculated a second time with SDC‐9TM. The aquifer pH was restored, and reductive dechlorination resumed in the treatment zone, evidenced by the reduction in TCE and the increase in degradation products, including ethene. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), and 1,1,1‐trichloroethane (1,1,1‐TCA), often found as commingled contaminants of concern (COCs) in groundwater, can degrade via a variety of biotic and abiotic reductive pathways. In situ remediation of a groundwater contaminant source area containing commingled 1,1,1‐TCA, PCE, and TCE was conducted using a combined remedy/treatment train approach. The first step was to create geochemically reducing conditions in the source area to degrade the CVOCs to lesser chlorinated CVOCs (i.e., 1,1‐dichloroethane [1,1‐DCA], 1,1‐dichlorethene [1,1‐DCE], cis‐1,2‐dichoroethene [cis‐1,2‐DCE], and vinyl chloride [VC]) via enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD). Carbon substrates were injected to create microbial‐induced geochemically reducing conditions. An abiotic reductant (zero‐valent iron [ZVI]) was also used to further degrade the CVOCs, minimizing the generation of 1,1‐DCE and VC, and co‐precipitate temporarily mobilized metals. An in situ aerobic zone was created downgradient of the treatment zone through the injection of oxygen. Remaining CVOC degradation products and temporarily mobilized metals (e.g., iron and manganese) resulting from the geochemically reducing conditions were then allowed to migrate through the aerobic zone. Within the aerobic zone, the lesser chlorinated CVOCs were oxidized and the solubilized metals were precipitated out of solution. The injection of a combination of carbon substrates and ZVI into the groundwater system at the site studied herein resulted in the generation of a geochemically reducing subsurface treatment zone that has lasted for more than 4.5 years. Mass concentrations of total CVOCs were degraded within the treatment zone, with near complete transformation of chlorinated ethenes and a more than 90 percent reduction of CVOC mass concentrations. Production of VC and 1,1‐DCE has been minimized through the combined effects of abiotic and biological processes. CVOC concentrations have declined over time and temporarily mobilized metals are precipitating out of the dissolved phase. Precipitation of the dissolved metals was mitigated using the in situ oxygenation system, also resulting in a return to aerobic conditions in downgradient groundwater. Chloroethane (CA) is the dominant CVOC degradation product within the treatment zone and downgradient of the treatment zone, and it is expected to continue to aerobically degrade over time. CA did not accumulate within and near the aerobic oxygenation zone. The expectations for the remediation system are: (1) the concentrations of CVOCs (primarily in the form of CA) will continue to degrade; (2) total organic carbon concentrations will continue to decline to pre‐remediation levels; and, (3) the groundwater geochemistry will experience an overall trend of transitioning from reducing back to pre‐remediation mildly oxidizing conditions within and downgradient of the treatment zone.  相似文献   

Remediation of chlorinated solvent DNAPL sites often meets with mixed results. This can be attributed to the diametrically opposed nature of the impacts, where the disparate dissolved‐phase plume is more manageable than the localized, high‐concentration source area. A wide range of technologies are available for downgradient plume management, but the relative mass of contaminants in a DNAPL source area generally requires treatment for such technologies to be effective over the long term. In many cases, the characteristics of DNAPL source zones (e.g., depth, soil heterogeneity, structural limitations) limit the available options. The following describes the successful full‐scale implementation of in situ chemical reduction (ISCR) enhanced bioremediation of a TCE DNAPL source zone. In this demonstration, concentrations of TCE were rapidly reduced to below the maximum contaminant level (MCL) in less than six months following implementation. The results described herein suggest that ISCR‐enhanced bioremediation is a viable remedial alternative for chlorinated solvent source zones. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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