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To demonstrate the benefits of water conservation at the household level in regional Victoria in Australia, a family house “Sharland Oasis” was designed and built according to an ecologically sustainable design for improved water and energy efficiency. This study has demonstrated that the combined use of alternative water supplies together with water efficient appliances can save up to 77% of total potable water use compared to the average 1990s household water use in the same region considering the location and differing in water use approach. The use of rainwater inside the home alone saved up to 40% of potable water use. In addition to the water savings, there is a significant wastewater discharge saving achieved through the use of water conservation strategies and greywater reuse. A community survey undertaken in regional Victoria revealed that community receptivity for reusing greywater is highest for uses, such as watering gardens and flushing toilets; but it progressively decreased with increasing personal contact with greywater. Positive perception of greywater reuse needs to be encouraged through programs targeted at developing resources, skills and motivation for new water reuse practices and technologies, across a diverse range of social groups.  相似文献   

Devising effective strategies to facilitate waste reuse depends on the solid understanding of reuse behaviors. However, previous studies of reuse behavior have been limited in scope, focusing mostly on household recycling behaviors or very limited types of industrial wastes. To gain a better understanding of the business reuse behaviors, this study examined the impact of various factors in technical, economic, regulatory, and behavioral categories in the case of coal ash generated in the United States. The results of fixed effect models for fly ash and bottom ash particularly showed the significance role of the behavioral factor. In both models, a proxy variable, which represents knowledge sharing among the power plants or the utility's decision-making, turned out to be statistically significant and had the largest coefficient estimates among a group of variables. This finding may imply that the characteristics of waste reuse behavior are determined more by business decision-making behaviors than by market or institutional factors. However, the role of the behavioral variable was stronger in the bottom ash models than in the fly ash models. While the reuse of bottom ash was determined primarily by the behavioral variable, fly ash reuse was determined by more diverse factors including economic and regulatory variables. This could be explained by material characteristics in relation to competing resources and the nature of reuse applications.  相似文献   

A study was conducted at the Jaipur railway station in Jaipur, India, to give the perspectives of the actual waste management practices there. Required information was collected from the stakeholders by means of semi‐structured questionnaires, individual and group interviews, and recorded, official data regarding waste generation, collection, transportation, and disposal. Further quantitative and compositional analyses were performed by means of surveys and measurements. Field visits were made for collection of waste samples for quantification and for the study of its management. The field data were compiled and analyzed by sorting the waste into different components. It was found that 1.8 tons of solid waste is collected per day, and a considerable percentage of it comprises paper, plastic, and glass. Excluding the inerts, which are irrelevant from the point of view of energy saving and recovery potential, the average moisture content was found to be 3.38%. From the perspective of life cycle analysis, the option of composting or recycling would give savings of 28.33 gigajoules (GJ) per day over landfilling, while combustion would give savings of 2.97 GJ per day in comparison to landfilling. Analysis based on a compositional model gives a heat value of 8,157.87 kilojoules per kilogram, which amounts to 14.68 GJ of energy per day.  相似文献   

Solid waste poses a serious problem to government agencies and people in third world cities. Recycling as a way of managing waste has received relatively little attention. This paper examines the role of waste scavengers in the waste recycling process. The preliminary findings reported here indicate that the waste scavenger could be incorporated formally into the recycling process. Using plastic waste as an example, it is demonstrated that such recycling is economically viable.  相似文献   

In Malaysia, most municipal wastes currently are disposed into poorly managed 'controlled tipping' systems with little or no pollution protection measures. This study was undertaken to assist the relevant governmental bodies and service providers to identify an improved waste disposal management strategy. The study applied the choice experiment technique to estimate the nonmarket values for a number of waste disposal technologies. Implicit prices for environmental attributes such as psychological fear, land use, air pollution, and river water quality were estimated. Compensating surplus estimates incorporating distance from the residences of the respondents to the proposed disposal facility were calculated for a number of generic and technology-specific choice sets. The resulting estimates were higher for technology-specific options, and the distance factor was a significant determinant in setting an equitable solid waste management fee.  相似文献   

In developing and populated cities such as Tehran, a massive amount of municipal solid waste (MSW), both wet and dry, is transferred to landfills daily. Combustion is one of the most common methods of using mixed waste energy from the past to the present. The Dulong formula is widely used to calculate the energy released from MSW combustion. According to the constituent components of Tehran MSW, removing food waste leads to an increase in energy potential, which will be a suitable condition for energy production. In this work, the energy derived from the combustion of mixed and separated dry MSW generated in Tehran was calculated using the experimental Dulong formula and tables in Integrated Solid Waste Management (Tchobanoglous et al. 1993, McGraw‐Hill). The Dulong formula indicates that the use of Tehran mixed MSW (without separating materials for recycling) as a fuel source yields 8,966.40 KJ/kg while the use of Tchobanoglous et al. (1993) tables can generate 8,236 kJ/kg. By removing food waste and recyclable materials, the potential of energy production changes to 22,047 kJ/kg using the Dulong formula and 16,207 kJ/kg and the Tchobanoglous et al. (1993) tables. It indicates increase by 1.46 times and 46%, respectively. Regarding the 200‐ton capacity of the Tehran waste incinerator, the Dulong formula indicated generation of 4,409 MJ/day energy, and the Tchobanoglous et al. table presents 3,241 MJ/day. Therefore, considering that Tehran generates more than 4,000 tons of reject waste daily, it can easily be converted to energy rather than landfilled. This can alleviate the problem of buying land and construction of landfills and leachate generation.  相似文献   

This study proposes a technical procedure based on a life cycle approach for implementation of the environmental sustainability assessment (ESA) of several waste-to-energy (WtE) plants located in Spain. This methodology uses two main variables: the natural resources sustainability (NRS) and the environmental burdens sustainability (EBS). NRS includes the consumption of energy, materials, and water, whereas EBS considers five burdens to air, five burdens to water, and two burdens to land. To reduce the complexity of ESA, all variables were normalised and weighted using the threshold values proposed in the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register regulation. The results showed the plants studied had a greater consumption of natural resources than Spain, ranging from 1.1 to 2.0 times higher than the Spanish reference consumption. The comparison of Spain with the BREF reference on waste incineration showed that only in the variable related to materials, did Spain have a lower consumption (1.80 times lower). In terms of EBS, air and land impacts were the highest contributors to global burden. The WtE plants presented higher burdens to air and water than Spain, whereas only one plant exceeded the average burden to land of Spain. Finally, this paper demonstrated the usefulness of the ESA methodology to reduce the complexity of LCA and assist the decision-making process in choosing the best option from an environmental point of view. This procedure can be used to obtain an overview of the environmental performance of WtE plants, as well as to assess individual burdens and thereby determine the main environmental hotspots, thereby improving the critical points of the process.  相似文献   

During oil and gas production, water is often extracted from geological formations along with the hydrocarbons. These "produced waters" have been discharged to Nueces Bay since the turn of the century. These effluents were found to be highly toxic, and sediments in the vicinity of the discharges were also toxic. We developed a map of wells and produced-water discharge sites in the vicinity of Nueces Bay and identified numerous unplugged wells suitable for conversion to produced water disposal wells. An economic analysis of conversion to subterranean injection of produced water indicates that most of the wells currently in production could pay out the cost of conversion to injection in one to three years. The use of one injection well for two or more water-producing wells could yield greater savings. Wells that could not support the cost of injection are small producers, and their loss would not constitute a major loss of jobs or dollars to the area. This study could serve as a useful model for evaluating the economic feasibility of conversion to injection in other areas of Texas and Louisiana.  相似文献   

Construction waste minimization at the design stage is a key strategy in effective waste reduction. However, it seems that few studies focus on exploratory factors that can significantly improve the design of construction waste minimization. This paper addresses this research gap by presenting a set of critical factors that inform and improve the practice of waste minimization design, particularly in the context of Shenzhen, China. Nineteen potential factors which can influence effective waste minimization are presented based on related official guidelines, reports and literature. Top institutions in Shenzhen that have received a Grade A building design certification were surveyed through a questionnaire. From this survey, six critical factors are derived: (1) large-panel metal formworks, (2) prefabricated components, (3) fewer design modifications, (4) modular design, (5) waste reduction investment and (6) economic incentive. The applicability and significance of the identified critical factors for effectively designing waste minimization are also explored. These critical factors not only provide designers and project managers with a useful set of criteria for effective design strategies to reduce construction waste, but also serve as valuable references for the government to formulate related construction waste minimization regulations.  相似文献   

In China, coal mine waste rock (CMWR) produced during coal mining and processing is still increasing significantly as a result of coal production which has huge environmental impact. CMWR reduction and utilization is a major issue for coal enterprises and government to reduce the surface footprint and the public environmental impact. Tiefa coalfield, an old coalfield with 60 years of coal exploitation, was selected as a case to study the methods to minimize the environmental impacts of CMWR piles in a short period. We argue that a systematic design on CMWR utilization is needed on the basis of a usage evaluation which takes consideration of CMWR source, compositions, and proximate analysis. Mine design is crucial and the base for reducing the CMWR generation at the headstream. Placing roadway into coal seam rather than rock, panel optimization, and parametric analysis for mining technique were conducted in Tiefa coalfield. A promising technology of CMWR backfill under the ground was employed with a resultant increase of coal recovery rate. The surface CMWR recycling depends on brick making, electricity generating, and rehabilitation of subsided land. The practice of the presented methods indicates that the CMWR piles on Tiefa coalfield may disappear in 3 years, which could significantly reduce the environmental impacts of CMWR dumps. The technologies conducted in Tiefa coalfield developed a model of CMWR reduction and utilization for Chinese coal mines.  相似文献   

This paper analyses CO2 emissions reduction costs based on project data from the Climate Cent Foundation (CCF), a climate policy instrument in Switzerland. Four conclusions are drawn. First, for the projects investigated, the CCF on average pays €63/ton. Due to the Kyoto Protocol, the CCF buys reductions only until 2012. This cut-off increases reported per ton reduction costs, as the additional lifetime project costs are set in relation to reductions only until 2012, rather than to reductions realised over the whole lifetime. Lifetime reduction costs are €45/t. Second, correlation between CCF's payments and lifetime reduction costs per ton is low. Projects with low per ton reduction costs should thus be identified based on lifetime per ton reduction costs. Third, the wide range of project costs per ton observed casts doubts on the widely used identification of the merit order of reduction measures based on average per ton costs for technology types. Finally, the CCF covers only a fraction of additional reduction costs. Decisions to take reduction efforts thus depend on additional, non-observable and/or non-economic motives. Any generalisation of results has to consider that this analysis is based on prospective costs of a sub-sample of projects in Switzerland.  相似文献   

Separate collection of municipal solid waste has overcome the 50% threshold in the Asti District in northern Italy, nearly one-third being composed of household and green organic waste. In order to address present and future solutions, it becomes therefore fundamental to assess the environmental performances of the current management of organic waste from separate collection. A from-gate-to-cradle life cycle assessment (LCA) model has been developed by expanding system boundaries, in order to carry out the assessment in the context of the whole waste management streamline. The environmental performances of an existing aerobic plant were made available, based on field measured data, by paying attention to the role and contribution of waste management subsystems. The need for actual and reliable data on materials and energy input, as well as gross and net gains from materials recovery, including benefits arising from use of compost in farming activities, was probably the major drawback that had to be faced. The study integrated the findings of different investigations from the literature with field measured data in order to obtain a more comprehensive framework representative of the area under study. The results may help public administrators to better understand the suitability of using LCA tools when dealing with solid waste management strategies.  相似文献   

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