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The methodology of mass and energy integration is widely applied for reduction of water consumption, which belongs to the area of mass integration, and is also energy integration problem if water is considered an energy source (cooling water and steam). This work presents a study of water-consumption reduction through optimization of the process superstructure. A petroleum refinery water network was analyzed and a solution is proposed to minimize the costs of fresh water and wastewater treatment. Three processes which use water, with three contaminants, were monitored and three potential treatment units are proposed. The procedure was based on relaxation of a non-convex non-linear programming problem into a mixed integer linear programming (MILP). The MILP model was further simplified using heuristic rules and solved by using MATLAB.  相似文献   

The scarcity of fossil fuels has urged the economically developed countries to find the resources for an alternative energy sources. In apprehension to this, biofuels, like bioethanol and biobutanol, produced from lignocellulosic biomass were considered as potential alternative. There are several methods for the pretreatment of biomass before it is being used as a feedstock for the production of fermentable sugars. However, one of the crucial concerns here is to enumerate an economic pretreatment scheme that can be implemented in large scale for the production of mostly exposed cellulosic part from biomass. This will ensure an effective hydrolysis of cellulose for the production of fermentable sugars and the production of biobutanol from these derived sugars. Moreover, the keynote understanding of an effective fermentation is the production of less inhibitory compounds like furfural, hydroxymethyl furfural during the hydrolysis of cellulose. Enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose was reported as the most efficient method is this aspect. Trichoderma sp. was found the mostly used resources for the enzyme called cellulase and Aspergillus sp. for hemicellulase enzymes. The most crucial part here is the isolation of proper enzyme that will increase the rate of hydrolysis. Moreover, selection of proper pretreatment process will be a key benefit to the production of fermentable sugars through enzymatic hydrolysis. Based on the biomass nature, the evaluated hot water pretreatment followed by enzymatic hydrolysis with a provision of enzyme reusability (like encapsulated or enzyme separation with membrane) seems to be promising for enhanced biofuel-production.  相似文献   

A better public perception and knowledge on land degradation increases the individual and collective responsibility in land use and land management. Based on interviews, this paper presents results of evaluation of public perception and attitude towards degrading phenomena in the central part of Romania, an area prone to geomorphologic processes, with different land uses and a high proportion of degraded land. The research reveals natural causes, improper land use, categories of land owned, socio-economic causes and involvement of institutions as key aspects of public perception. Our research could be useful in the identification and design of measures in regional planning to attract population in prevention, mitigation and rehabilitation actions on degraded land.  相似文献   

Goal of the work is to present a simplified methodology to optimize an integrated solid waste management system. The methodology performs two optimizations, namely: (i) minimization of the total cost of the MSW system and (ii) minimization of the equivalent carbon dioxide emissions (CO2e) generated by the whole system. The methodology is modeled via non-linear mathematical equations, uses 32 decision variables and does not require complex LCA databases. The proposed model optimally allocates eight MSW components (paper, cardboard, plastics, metals, glass, food wastes, yard wastes and other wastes) to four MSW management technologies (incineration, composting, anaerobic digestion, and landfilling) after source separation of recyclables has taken place. The Region of East-Macedonia and Thrace in Greece was selected as a case study. Results showed that there is a trade off between cost and CO2e emissions. Incineration and composting were favored as the principal treatment technologies, while landfilling was always the least desirable management technology under both objective functions. The recycling participation rate significantly affected all optimum scenarios.  相似文献   

In the last decade, “resilience” has gained increasing recognition as a theoretical framework for understanding and managing change in complex social–ecological systems. Resilience assessments are increasingly used to inform sustainability initiatives, strategies, and policies. The Lewes Pound represents a new complementary currency model in the UK, aiming to build community resilience. However, there have been no empirical studies to date assessing the socio-economic impacts of this model. This article addresses the need to understand how such currencies function by measuring whether the Lewes Pound is capable of building resilience. This is done by developing a novel framework for estimating economic, social, and environmental outcomes, which uses a mixed-methods approach. Findings suggest that complementary currencies can enhance social-ecological resilience through awareness-raising and changes in consumption. Although economic localisation – a key indicator – is lacking, there is evidence that the Lewes Pound has developed social interactions and changed consumption patterns of its users.  相似文献   

This paper describes the study that led to the development of a carbon dioxide emissions matrix for the Oeiras municipality, one of the largest Portuguese municipalities, located in the metropolitan area of Lisbon. This matrix takes into account the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, due to an increase of electricity demand in buildings as well as solid and liquid wastes treatment, from the domestic and services sectors.Using emission factors that were calculated from the relationship between the electricity produced and amount of treated wastes, the GHG emissions in the Oeiras municipality, were estimated for a time series of 6 years (1998–2003).The obtained results showed that the electricity sector accounts for about 75% of the municipal emissions in 2003. This study was developed in order to obtain tools to base options and actions to be undertaken by local authorities such as energy planning and also public information.  相似文献   

According to the European regulation regarding waste management (which is reflected in the increasing pressure on municipal waste separation and recycling) the choice of suitable political instruments seems to be crucial. Based on scientific research, the variable charges are considered as an effective choice for the regulation. Unfortunately, scientific research is not followed by a local decision making process within the Czech Republic. One of the reasons discussed in this paper is the economy of variable charges and their influence on administrative costs and total costs of the municipal waste management system. There is no doubt that the effectiveness of variable charges is higher than by fixed fees, but the crucial question for local representatives is not the effectiveness but the economy of charges in the waste management.  相似文献   

A study was carried out in Nawa tehsil of Nagaur district to assess the prevalence of dental fluorosis and its crippling effect due to ingestion and prolonged exposure of fluoride over a long period of time. During the survey of the study area, high concentration of fluoride (14.62 ppm) has been recorded. The presence of fluoride in quantities in excess of limits is a serious matter of concern from a public health point of view. Due to higher fluoride level in groundwater, several cases of dental fluorosis have appeared at alarming rate in the study area. The children’s teeth are damaged and are characterized by black and brown stains as well as cracking and pitting of the teeth have been observed. In the study area, 93.12% population suffered from dental fluorosis, and it was more prevalent in men (94.90%) than in women (90.00%). Dental fluorosis was also examined according to different grades. Out of the total 72 afflicted, in the 4–16-year age group, 41.46% were suffering from Grade I, Grade II was more prevalent in 33.85% of the 17–28-year age group and similarly Grade II was more prevalent in 39.13% of the 29–40-year age group. In the age group of above 40 years, grade III and grade IV were more prevalent. Thus, in the higher age group, the prevalence and severity of fluorosis is almost certainly due to longer exposure to fluoride. The major risk factor consistently identified for dental fluorosis was the consumption of fluoridated drinks and fluoride supplements. Ingestion of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin C is effective in protection from fluoride toxicity to certain extent.  相似文献   


Cities, with their increasing populations, are host to a range of issues including non-climatic factors due to the prevailing development paradigm, discriminatory urbanisation patterns, and weak governance structures. Climate change poses an additional challenge and exacerbates existing vulnerabilities affecting cities and its people, especially the urban poor. This paper highlights the barriers and enablers to climate change-related adaptation experienced in some of Bengaluru’s informal settlements. The barriers described in the paper include economic, social, governance and information related issues that impede local actions and increase vulnerabilities. Enabling factors such as improving social and human capital, gaining formal recognition and most importantly support from agencies (e.g. local government, civil societies, and community leaders), help overcome some of the barriers or challenges. Hence, local level adaptation measures mainstreamed with local developmental agendas help address some of the structural causes of vulnerability. Contextual policies and interventions can facilitate successful local level adaptation measures.  相似文献   

The European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD) has created a demand for comparing the benefits and costs of the remedial measures. A major part of the benefits from improved water quality relate to the increased recreational value. However, there is a lack of easily operative and widely applicable quantitative methods to assess the benefits of improved water quality for recreational use. We present a new model to link physical indicators of water quality, water feasibility indicators for different recreational uses, individuals’ perceptions concerning the current feasibility of water for recreational purposes and monetary measures of water-related recreation benefits. The model has been applied to nine lakes, three rivers and one large coastal area in Finland. In this paper, we present the principles of the method and the results from one case study. In Finland, the method has been applied for the economic analysis required in the WFD.  相似文献   

Since 1989 manufacturing facilities across the USA must report toxic chemical emissions to the EPA's toxic release inventory (TRI). Public release of this information and increased public scrutiny are believed to significantly contribute to the over 45% reduction in toxic chemical releases since inception of the program and to growing support for this type of informational regulation instead of traditional command-and-control. However, prior research indicates a tendency to under-report emissions. We find specific evidence of under-reporting of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) to the TRI by primary aluminum facilities after promulgation of the industry's maximum available control technology (MACT) standard in 1997. We also find evidence of dislocation of emission overseas due to these regulatory requirements. Additionally, changes in energy prices affected aluminum production and further distort reported PAH emissions levels. This suggests the possibility of more widespread under-reporting that is modulated by various factors, including market conditions and new regulations, and which may partially explain the downward trend in TRI emissions. It also suggests that the quality of TRI data may improve once facilities are subject to monitoring of emissions of a TRI listed pollutant due to command-and-control regulation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to unpack the dynamic proximity effects of a park on residential values in the urban regeneration context: first by the development phase of the park, and second, by specific characteristics of the residential units. The study site is the Dream Forest in Seoul, South Korea, and the study period is from 2006 to 2015. The two-fold multilevel regression analysis suggests that the Dream Forest began exerting proximity effects from the time of site acquisition by the city, which peaked at a 3.7% price increment per 100-meter distance to the park from a prototypical housing unit, soon after the public announcement of the park procurement plan. During construction, inauguration and stabilization, the effect has remained at around 3.0%. The analysis also suggests that the proximity effect applies unevenly to housing units: apartment type or older housing units are more sensitive to the externality effects than their counterparts – multifamily type or newer housing units.  相似文献   

Wild game management for hunting in Western society has become increasingly complex as stakeholders have multiplied and as ‘sustainability’ influences the contemporary debate. This paper questions whether the current legal framework for game management, which has evolved from early European civilisations to focus on ‘hunting rights’, is relevant to regulate the contemporary environmental, social and economic dimensions of wild game and their management. Employing a narrative analysis to focus on deer, the study identifies key legislative tenets and highlights the pertinence of historical laws to contemporary conflicts. The analysis suggests that current legislation is increasingly divergent from contemporary trends and has created inertia with respect to sustainable deer management. The paper offers four options to redress this: state intervention; voluntary collaboration; financial incentives; and establishing a legal responsibility for management. It is concluded that significant innovation is required in one or more of these four areas to facilitate the contemporary sustainable management of wild deer in Britain.  相似文献   

Addicks and Barker reservoirs were built in the 1940s to protect downtown Houston from flooding and have generally worked very well until 2017 when Hurricane Harvey devastated much of Houston and surroundings with up to 40 inches (102 cm) of rainfall causing flooding of 154,000 homes in over 22 watersheds in Houston/Harris County alone. However, the story of how Addicks and Barker flooded upstream residential areas from a hydrologic standpoint is a harsh lesson in flood infrastructure policy and funding. This failure to protect both downstream properties in Buffalo Bayou and upstream areas behind the dams ended up with tens of thousands of flooded homes and properties, with many having flood waters for over 10 days. This paper explores the main causes for the flooding and addresses the hydrologic issues upstream in both reservoirs. The main causes of flooding were not just related to a massive rainfall event, but also explosive urban expansion of land use upstream of reservoirs, altered and updated reservoir design issues, and lack of governmental action in the years leading up to the disaster. Potential long-term solutions to the flooding and design problems are addressed in this article as well.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to empirically investigate a two-way statistical relationship between the agriculture environment and rural poverty. To recognise the relationship between the two variables, a time series, co-integration and Granger causality tests have been employed. Secondary data pertaining to Pakistan from 1980–2009 on rural poverty and environmental factors (such as commercial energy consumption, water availability and total cropped area) have been used for the analysis. The empirical results only moderately support the conventional view that rural poverty has a significant long-term casual effect on environmental proxies in Pakistan. The present study finds evidence of uni-directional causality between poverty and the environment in the context of the agriculture sector in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Nepal's geographical landscape of plains, hills, and mountains exposes it to severe climatic conditions. Out of the three regions, the plain, also called Terai, has the greatest risk of flooding, especially during the monsoon season when heavy precipitation coincides with snow and glacier melting from the mountains and hills. In recent years, greater water availability has increased the frequency of flooding, destroying farms, livestock, and infrastructure, hence, reducing agricultural productivity and disrupting economic activities. What makes Nepal a unique case study for climate change is its richness in water resources, propensity to flood, the percentage of poor people living in the flood prone region, and their dependency on natural resources. The lessons drawn can help when formulating pro-poor adaptation policies for other Asian and many developing countries that are as diverse, poor, and agrarian as Nepal. Using data collected through survey interviews, the study examines the ability of the poor to adapt to climate change. The study also explores the adaptive capacity of communities in the Koshi Tappu area, by examining whether or not they have the required capital assets (human, social, natural, physical, and financial capital) to remain resilient in the face of continuous climate events impacts.  相似文献   

We evaluated the conservation attitudes of the local villagers living adjacent to the Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve in southern India 6 years after implementation of a World Bank funded eco-development project. We assessed attitudes towards three facets of conservation: the tiger, an emblematic species signifying India's commitment to wildlife conservation; the forest, a principle source of fuel-wood and other products; and the Forest Department, which manages the forest. More specifically we predicted that (i) attitudes would be an effective predictor of resource use interest in the forest and (ii) benefits obtained from the EDP would create more favorable attitudes towards conservation and the protected area employees. Twelve villages located within 3 km from the reserve boundary were chosen and 2-3% of the households interviewed with regard to their attitudes towards these three facets of conservation, their household resource use patterns, wealth, sex, age and length of residency. We found significant associations between wealth, sex, age and both tiger and forest conservation. Providing benefits has not changed the underlying attitudes of the communities. The poorer sections of society, whether receiving benefits or not, tended to support tiger conservation because conserving wildlife did not affect their livelihood in any way, whereas both the rich and poor had misgivings about forest conservation due to dependency on forest products. We conclude that the eco-development project has not effectively addressed the most important of the local concerns.  相似文献   

People in the developing world derive a significant part of their livelihoods from various forest products, particularly non-timber forest products (NTFPs). This article attempts to explore the contribution of NTFPs in sustaining forest-based rural livelihood in and around a protected area (PA) of Bangladesh, and their potential role in enhancing households' resilience capacity. Based on empirical investigation, our study revealed that local communities gather a substantial amount of NTFPs from national park despite the official restrictions. Twenty seven percent households (HHs) of the area received at least some cash benefit from the collection, processing and selling of NTFPs, and NTFPs contribute to HHs' primary, supplementary and emergency sources of income. NTFPs also constituted an estimated 19% of HHs' net annual income, and were the primary occupation for about 18% of the HHs. HHs' dependency on nearby forests for various NTFPs varied vis-à-vis their socio-economic condition, as well as with their location from the park. Based on our case study, the article also offers some clues for improving the situation in PA.  相似文献   

Across sub-Saharan Africa, the presence of foreign large-scale mining companies is increasing. This is in part a result of depleting resources in countries such as Canada, United States and Australia, and in part from a more favorable national mine investment climate in several mineral-rich African countries. Their increased presence raises important questions around the potential role and function of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the sector. In post-conflict and/or fragile states, CSR has further implications for conflict and risk mitigation strategies to ensure the protection of human rights. One CSR approach increasingly being considered is the public–private partnership, whereby companies, public donors, and development agencies leverage their relationships for mutual benefit. There is merit in exploring its function in post-conflict fragile states, where socio-economic needs are high and the capacity of the state to respond to a variety of mine governance challenges is limited. Two case studies from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are presented, and their policy implications, discussed.  相似文献   

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