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Without public contributions, recycling from domestic waste would not be possible. In order to support recycling projects it is important to try to understand who recycles, how they recycle, and why they recycle. This paper presents the results of a structured survey of 500 members of the public served by schemes to collect plastics waste for recycling. Data were gathered on the characteristics, behaviours and motivations of recyclers. The authors also sought to discover how the public perceive plastics compared to other materials, and as a recyclable material. Responses were collected in such a way that the awareness of the recyclability of materials could be compared with the recycling behaviour of respondents. An element of comparison was introduced between those served by a system of bottle banks (bring scheme) and those covered by a household collection (collect scheme). The survey results are reported and their implications for the management of post-consumer plastics waste collection schemes are discussed.  相似文献   

Management of flame retarded plastics from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has been posing a major challenge to waste management experts because of the potential environmental contamination issues especially the formation of polybrominated-dioxins and -furans (PBDD/F) during processing. In Nigeria, large quantities of electronic waste (e-waste) are currently being managed—a significant quantity of which is imported illegally as secondhand electronics. As much as 75% of these illegal imports are never reused but are rather discarded. These waste electronic devices are mostly older equipment that contains brominated flame retardants (BFRs) such as penta-brominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) which are presently banned in Europe under the EU WEEE and RoHS Directives. Risk assessment studies found both to be persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic. The present management practices for waste plastics from WEEE in Nigeria, such as open burning and disposal at open dumps, creates potential for serious environmental pollution. This paper reviews the options in the environmentally sound management of waste plastics from electronic wastes. Options available include mechanical recycling, reprocessing into chemicals (chemical feedstock recycling) and energy recovery. The Creasolv® and Centrevap® processes, which are the outcome of the extensive research at achieving sound management of waste plastics from WEEE in Europe, are also reviewed. These are solvent-based methods of removing BFRs and they presently offer the best commercial and environmental option in the sound management of waste BFR-containing plastics. Because these developments have not been commercialized, WEEE and WEEE plastics are still being exported to developing countries. The industrial application of these processes and the development of eco-friendlier alternative flame retardants will help assure sound management of WEEE plastics.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of recycling depends upon efficient functioning of secondary material markets. This paper focus on the role that price volatility can play in slowing investment and market development. However, a statistical analysis of the relative volatility of secondary and primary material prices does not confirm the widely-held belief that relative price volatility is higher in secondary than in primary materials, at least at national levels.An econometric estimation of the determinants of plastic recovery volumes in Seattle contributes to the literature in four ways: the use of monthly (as opposed to annual) data; the use of local (as opposed to national) data; the use of an explanatory variable to reflect price volatility; and, the focus on plastics, which have not been examined previously. Some tentative conclusions can be made: the results generally support the principal hypothesis that price volatility has a negative effect on recovery of secondary materials; in addition, and consistent with previous studies, price elasticities are low and insignificant; and finally, policy factors are clearly important. The concluding section treats the economic and policy implications of market inefficiency in secondary material markets.  相似文献   

Despite annual increases in the amount of material solid waste (MSW) that is recycled in the United States, the overall amount of MSW generated continues to increase. In an effort to identify and test specific predictors of curbside recycling behavior, the current study adapted the empirically validated Information–Motivation–Behavioral Skills model (IMB), traditionally used to predict personal health behavior, to explain curbside recycling behavior. Using structured computer assisted telephone surveys with two random community samples; structural equation models indicated that the IMB model significantly predicted curbside recycling. Data from the current study provides specific information about critical psychosocial determinants of curbside recycling behavior and public policy implications.  相似文献   

The recycling of rubber from old tyres by batch hydrogenation has been performed using tubing bomb reactors. Important process variables like temperature, reaction time, initial hydrogen pressure and nature of gas used have been studied. In all the runs the maximum total conversion was achieved. Conversion products are comprised of oils and gases, being the asphaltene yield lower than 1% in all conditions tested. The most valuable conversion products, oils, have been systematically analysed by TLC-FID1 and the influence of the process variables in oils composition has been assessed. From the obtained results, it can be deduced that the conversion of rubber in oils is a fast thermal process, which is neither affected by initial pressure nor the nature of gas used. But on the other hand, the nature of obtained oils and gases is a function of process variables.  相似文献   

The bulk of research on recycling has been devoted to disentangling factors that affect it. Based on the low-cost hypothesis, we suggest that psychological factors differentially influence behaviors that are relatively less costly to perform compared to behaviors that are more costly to perform. Recycling has often been viewed as low-cost behavior, neglecting that recycling in different waste categories may vary in cost. The aim of the present study was to apply and extend the low-cost hypothesis by investigating whether beliefs about environmental consequences, knowledge, and norms differentially affect low-cost and high-cost recycling. A survey of 418 participants showed that knowledge, social norms, and personal norms were related to both low-cost and high-cost recycling, but the relation was significantly stronger for high-cost recycling. Personal norms partially mediated procedural knowledge and social norms in both low-cost and high-cost recycling. The findings emphasize the need to regard recycling as a multiform behavior and to analyse its determinants separately for different waste categories.  相似文献   

This paper examines our understanding of recycling behaviour in the context of its increasing normalisation in the UK. It reflects on the recent history of dry recycling (i.e. recycling of ‘dry’ materials such as paper, glass, plastics and cans) and asks the question as to what influence policy drivers and the increased provision of facilities for recycling have had on people's behaviour. In reviewing the evidence for recycling being considered a norm, this paper explores what influence norms, habit and identities have on recycling behaviour.It then considers what lessons the evidence offers for using the normalisation of recycling behaviour in influencing more people to recycle and to adopt other sustainable behaviours. The somewhat contentious issue of whether engaging in recycling behaviours has a positive or negative effect on people engaging with other pro-environmental behaviours is discussed. The evidence shows that both positive and negative spillover occurs and understanding where the balance lies, as well as what effect recycling being a norm plays in this, is important in determining appropriate interventions to influence pro-environmental behaviours. The paper concludes with some observations on implications of the evidence on intervention approaches to influence pro-environmental behaviours.  相似文献   

States differ in the components or solid waste management activities which they include when determining solid waste reduction and recycling rates. Thus, when attempting to draw comparisons among states, confusion arises in two ways: (1) use of two types of rates; and (2) use of different components or activities when calculating a given rate. This paper presents a mathematical basis for understanding the impacts on rate calculations when variations occur in the components and activities included in those calculations. Estimates of the incremental changes occurring in the rate calculations when incineration or selected components such as yard waste, construction and demolition wastes, and junked automobiles, are added to a base of municipal solid waste constituents are found using national data. Finally, the achieved rates reported by states counting different combinations are compared.  相似文献   

While lithium-ion battery (LIB) technology has improved substantially to achieve better performance in a wide variety of applications, this technological progress has led to a diverse mix of batteries in use that ultimately require waste management. Development of a robust end-of-life battery infrastructure requires a better understanding of how to maximize the economic opportunity of battery recycling while mitigating the uncertainties associated with a highly variable waste stream. This paper develops and applies an optimization model to analyze the profitability of recycling facilities given current estimates of LIB technologies, commodity market prices of materials expected to be recovered, and material composition for three common battery types (differentiated on the basis of cathode chemistry). Sensitivity analysis shows that the profitability is highly dependent on the expected mix of cathode chemistries in the waste stream and the resultant variability in material mass and value. The potential values of waste streams comprised of different cathode chemistry types show a variability ranging from $860 per ton1 for LiMn2O4 cathode batteries to $8900 per ton for LiCoO2 cathode batteries. In addition, these initial results and a policy case study can also help to promote end-of-life management and relative policymaking for spent LIBs.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of price uncertainty and irreversible investment on the decision of municipalities to switch from landfill waste disposal to recycling by developing a model to predict recycling adoption behavior and applying it to empirical data. It is shown that uncertainty regarding the price of recycled materials may induce a risk neutral municipality to prefer landfill disposal, even when recycling is less expensive. A model is developed to describe the switching process and estimate its parameters using empirical data from 79 municipalities in Israel. The model is then used to predict municipalities' recycling adoption decisions under various assumptions regarding price uncertainty. The results support the hypothesis that price uncertainty is a major obstacle for recycling. Finally, several options for price stabilization are sketched and it is argued that these policies may be effective in establishing viable recycling markets.  相似文献   

The life cycle analysis of a product enables one to assess its environmental quality. A simple, transparent method taking into account the processes of recycling in the life cycle is developed here. It permits dealing with all types of open loops of all sectors. The principles on which the proposed method is grounded are discussed.  相似文献   

The use of post-consumer materials is directly related to reducing the cost of production and extraction of natural resources. Non-recyclable materials are randomly disposed in the environment. Brazil is one of the largest consumers of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles. The purpose of this paper is to describe the opportunities and challenges of the logistics model for post-consumer PET bottle recycling in Brazil, while providing knowledge of its practices along the recycling chain. The results describe the need to educate those directly and indirectly involved in the process; to reduce consumption in order to reduce the amount of waste generated; to structure the post-consumer reverse chain and engage industrial sectors and government, through public policies, to support cleaner technologies along the PET bottle production chain.  相似文献   

Four Illinois communities with different sociode-mographic compositions and at various stages of planning for solid waste management were surveyed to determine the influence of sociodemographic variables and planning stages on the factors that motivate recycling behavior. A factor analysis of importance ratings of reasons for recycling and for not recycling yielded five factors interpreted as altruism, personal inconvenience, social influences, economic incentives, and household storage. The four communities were shown to be significantly different in multivariate analyses of the five motivational factors. However, attempts to explain these community differences with regression analyses, which predicted the motivational factors with dummy codes for planning stages, a measure of self-reported recycling behavior, and sociodemographic measures were unsatisfactory. Contrary to expectation, the solid waste management planning stages of the cities (curbside pickup, recycling dropoff center, and planning in progress) contributed only very slightly to the prediction of motivational factors for recycling. Community differences were better explained by different underlying motivational structures among the four communities. Altruistic reasons for recycling (e.g., conserving resources) composed the only factor which was similar across the four communities. This factor was also perceived to be the most important reason for recycling by respondents from all four communities. The results of the study supported the notion that convenient, voluntary recycling programs that rely on environmental concern and conscience for motivation are useful approaches to reducing waste.  相似文献   

Truck tyres can cause significant environmental pressure through the life cycle. The main aim of this paper is investigate to what extent international policy measures on foreign trade, international recycling and harmonisation of legislation can contribute in effectively reducing environmental pressure caused in the truck tyre life cycle. A two-region simulation model, representing Western and Eastern Europe, is developed that integrates the complete life cycle, incorporates environmental impacts in its economic analysis, is technically dynamic by accounting for learning-by-doing effects, and allows for variations in trade of new and old truck tyres. In this study the economic, environmental and social effectiveness of harmonisation and trade measures in the European life cycle for truck tyre is tested. Several conclusions can be drawn from the model simulations. First, the environmental effects caused by the trade of used tyres from Western to Eastern Europe are of limited impact on the overall environmental damage caused by truck tyres. The consumption stage is by far the main contributor to environmental damage. Within the marginal analysis of trade, harmonisation of disposal fees illustrated to generate very limited positive results. The private and external costs in the solid waste management (SWM) stage are too limited to have a notable impact on the overall configuration of the European tyre life cycle. The introduction of strict laws on tread depth in Eastern Europe has a much stronger impact on material flows than the harmonisation scenario. This suggests that domestic policy measures should be the primarily focus on interventions in this stage of the life cycle, for instance, by improving the management of tyre pressure. Because trade of used tyres has little impact on the consumption stage, this issue should not get priority in European environmental programs.  相似文献   

This study evaluated, both qualitatively and quantitatively, waste materials from several major Quebec grocery stores. Averaged over nine sampling dates, cardboard, paper and wood products represented 43 and 74% of waste material, based on weight and volume, respectively while organic matter including fruits, vegetables, baked goods and meat products represented 40 and 10% of waste material based on weight and volume. Plastics, wrapping and bagging materials, represented over 7 and 13% of waste material based on weight and volume, respectively, and other recyclable waste materials such as glass, metal and various miscellaneous objects, represented 4 and 2% of waste material based on weight and volume. On average, 60.6 kg waste/employee per week was generated by the three stores. Store size was not a determining factor in the composition of grocery store waste material. These results suggest that costs associated with supermarket waste disposal may be substantially reduced by source-separation of recyclable and compostable materials while reducing pressure for incineration or landfill. Therefore, the adoption of recycling and source-separation programs, and studies to determine problems and costs associated with the implementation of such programs are recommended.  相似文献   

Various wastes and by-product materials are generated in the Sultanate of Oman including reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) aggregate, demolition concrete, cement by-pass dust (CBPD), copper slag, petroleum-contaminated soils (PCS), discarded tires, incinerator ash, and others. Recycling of such materials in construction is not practiced. Research data are also minimal into the potential use of selected materials in construction applications. This paper will present the results of several laboratory studies conducted into the use of PCS in asphalt concrete mixtures; on the use of CBPD in soil stabilization and flowable fill mixtures; on the utilization of copper slag and CBPD as cementitious materials; on the use of incinerator ash in cement mortars; and on the use of RAP aggregate in road bases and sub-bases. Laboratory data generally indicate that it is feasible to partially reuse some of these materials in construction provided that economic incentives and environmental concerns are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a significant illicit economy, including black and grey aspects, associated with medical waste scavenging and recycling in a megacity, considering hazards to the specific group involved in scavenging as well as hazards to the general population of city dwellers. Data were collected in Dhaka, Bangladesh, using a variety of techniques based on formal representative sampling for fixed populations (such as recycling operatives) and adaptive sampling for roaming populations (such as scavengers). Extremely hazardous items (including date expired medicines, used syringes, knives, blades and saline bags) were scavenged, repackaged and resold to the community. Some HCE employees were also observed to sell hazardous items directly to scavengers, and both employees and scavengers were observed to supply contaminated items to an informal plastics recycling industry. This trade was made possible by the absence of segregation, secure storage and proper disposal of medical waste. Corruption, a lack of accountability and individual responsibility were also found to be contributors. In most cases the individuals involved with these activities did not understand the risks. Although motivation was often for personal gain or in support of substance abuse, participants sometimes felt that they were providing a useful service to the community.  相似文献   

Recycling of construction material helps save the limited landfill space. Among various types of materials, concrete waste accounts of about 50% of the total waste generation. Current off-site practices for ready mixed concrete batching plant generate a significant quantity of fresh concrete waste through over-order from construction sites. The use of concrete reclaimer is one of the methods to reclaim these concrete wastes, which separates coarse aggregate, sand and cement from fresh concrete. Although there are some concrete producers in Hong Kong providing concrete reclaimers in their plants, they are only used to flush and dilute the cement slurry from the concrete, which will still be ultimately send all to dumping areas. The reluctance of most concrete producers in reclaiming aggregate from the concrete waste is due to its high cost of treatment and lack of space around the plant. Therefore, this paper puts forth a scheme of economical considerations in recycling over-ordered concrete by concrete reclaimer. A comparative study on costs and benefits between the current practices and the proposed recycling plan is examined. The study shows that the costs of the current practices in dumping over-ordered fresh concrete waste to landfill areas are double that of the proposed aggregate recycling plan. Therefore, the adoption of concrete reclaimer in recycling the over-ordered fresh concrete can provide a cost-effective method for the construction industry and help saving the environment.  相似文献   

The number of manufactured aircraft has been continuously increasing worldwide because of the high demand for airline transportation. During manufacturing, many advanced materials and devices are used to build various sizes and shapes of aircraft. However, most of these materials and devices require considerable energy and labor to produce, so reusing these at any life stage of the aircraft offers many economic and environmental benefits, and is considered lucrative and environmentally responsible. Several recyclable materials—composites, metals and alloys, wires, wood, paper, plastics, electronics, and avionics—emerge as waste streams during the manufacturing of aircraft. Many aircraft companies have been recycling these materials to remanufacture aircraft parts or other products for more sustainable production. In the present study, we evaluated the recycling efforts of local aircraft companies in Wichita, KS. These efforts were considered in terms of recycling efficiency/rate and environmental benefits. These included cradle-to-gate (CTG) life-cycle inventory analysis of the materials, carbon dioxide emissions, virgin material replacement with recycled materials, and natural resources usage. Our findings show that there exists a significant potential for contributions to sustainability as well as environmental and health benefits in the region from recycling by aircraft manufacturing plants.  相似文献   

This Special Issue provides several different perspectives on the complex issue of packaging waste recycling. It comprises a diverse and rich set of contributions with insights from very different disciplines that range from economics to engineering. All types of “costs and benefits” are addressed in this collection of articles. In addition to the economic and strictly financial impacts of selective collection and sorting of packaging waste, several authors discuss other types of impacts, such as the environmental and social ones. The reader will find articles that address recycling systems as a whole, pieces that focus on specific impacts and detailed discussions of particular material streams or waste management strategies. The Special Issue represents an indispensable resource for academics, policy-makers and practitioners with interests in recycling and packaging waste management.  相似文献   

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