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The Millville Remediation Program recently received the 1995 Honor Award for national excellence in environmental engineering from the prestigious American Academy of Environmental Engineers (AAEE). This article discusses various aspects employed to investigate and remediate multimedia contamination at the site and the unique applications of technologies which were responsible for receiving the AAEE honor award. Unique aspects of the project included utilization of variable speed drives to set individual pumping rates for each groundwater recovery well, development of sophisticated remote monitoring and operation capabilities which minimized O&M labor costs, and development of a groundwater treatment system which has consistently achieved nondetect effluent discharges. The remote monitoring and operation capabilities enables O&M staff to monitor and change setpoints for the groundwater recovery, treatment, and recharge systems.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology application to contaminated site remediation, and especially the use of nanoscale zero‐valent iron particles to treat volatile organic compound (VOC)‐impacted groundwater, is now recognized as a promising solution for cost‐effective in situ treatment. Results obtained during numerous pilot tests undertaken by Golder Associates between 2003 and 2005 in North America (United States and Canada) and Europe have been used to present a synthetic cross‐comparison of technology dynamics. The importance of a comprehensive understanding of the site‐specific geological, hydrogeological, and geochemical conditions, the selection of appropriate nanoscale particles, the importance of monitoring geochemical parameters during technology application, and the potential of nanoparticle impact on microbial activity are discussed in this article. The variable technology dynamics obtained during six pilot tests (selected among numerous other tests) are then presented and discussed. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Locating and quantifying free-phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the subsurface represent one of the more difficult challenges facing hazardous waste site remediation programs. Successful remediation programs require reliable data on the size and extent of potential VOC contamination sources. Improving subsurface quantification of VOCs requires a large number of reliable low-cost samples. Satisfying this objective relies on improved sampling techniques, field analysis of samples, and a modified quality assurance program. This paper describes an integrated approach using conventional split-spoon samplers, microcore sampling, hexane extractions, and a field gas chromatograph with an autosampler as part of a technical demonstration for innovative remediation technologies. Using this approach, it was possible to delineate a subsurface source of free-phase VOCs at a cost of $15 per sample. The distribution of dense nonaqueous phase liquid determined by this sampling approach agreed with the conceptual model for the site.  相似文献   

Remedial action was initiated and completed on an approximately 500-acre brownfield site in southern California within a period of five months during the summer of 1995. Remedial actions included design and construction of an approximately 14-acre cap, including a synthetic membrane; design, construction, and testing of an in-situ soil vapor extraction system; excavation, on-site treatment, and off-site disposal of approximately 7,000 cubic yards of residual waste and affected soil; and verification sampling, analysis, and health risk screening in 20 units of a former integrated steel mill. Completion of remedial action on this portion of the mill site within this time frame was required due to site redevelopment plans which included construction of an auto raceway with scheduled races in early 1997. Rapid remedial action was possible only through simultaneous completion of multiple remediation tasks. This could be done only with continuous communication and close coordination among the site owner, lead regulatory agency, and contractors.  相似文献   

Residual tetrachloroethene (PCE) contamination at the former Springvilla Dry Cleaners site in Springfield, Oregon, posed a potential risk through the vapor intrusion, direct contact, and off‐site beneficial groundwater uses. The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality utilized the State Dry Cleaner Program funds to help mitigate the risks posed by residual contamination. After delineation activities were complete, the source‐area soils were excavated and treated on‐site with ex situ vapor extraction to reduce disposal costs. Residual source‐area contamination was then chemically oxidized using sodium permanganate. Dissolved‐phase contamination was subsequently addressed with in situ enhanced reductive dechlorination (ERD). ERD achieved treatment goals across more than 4 million gallons of aquifer impacted with PCE concentrations up to 7,800 micrograms per liter prior to remedial activities. The ERD remedy introduced electron donors and nutrient amendments through groundwater recirculation and slug injection across two aquifers over the course of 24 months. Adaptive and mass‐targeted strategies reduced total remedy costs to approximately $18 per ton within the treatment areas. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

以重庆市某铅污染场地为研究对象,选用多种稳定化药剂对土壤开展稳定化修复技术研究,着重探讨了不同单一药剂与复配药剂对土壤铅浸出浓度的影响。实验结果表明:磷酸二氢钠(MSP)、磷酸氢二钠、磷酸钠和石灰4种无机药剂中MSP的稳定化修复效果最佳,且磷酸盐类的稳定化修复效果整体上优于石灰;MSP与少量有机药剂腐殖酸复配施用的稳定化修复效果优于单独施加MSP;在MSP投加比(与土壤的质量比)为5%、腐殖酸投加比为2%、养护时间为7 d的最优工艺条件下,土壤中铅的浸出浓度由41.70 mg/L降至0.16 mg/L,低于《生活垃圾填埋场污染控制标准》(GB 16889—2008)中规定的0.25 mg/L浓度限值。  相似文献   

Expert software-based decision support is speeding the process of defining environmental hazards and identifying remedial responses for the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) hazardous waste cleanup projects throughout the United States. Pacific Northwest Laboratories' (PNL) Remedial Action Assessment System (RAAS), and associated Technology Information System (TIS), written for Macintosh computers (soon for PC-compatible computers), sort through an encyclopedic data base to help environmental engineers prepare the most appropriate remedial strategy. The system has been available to DOE and other U.S. government engineers since last year and will soon be commercially available.  相似文献   

Field trials with inorganic fertilizer (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) nutrients were simulated in the greenhouse to remediate hydrocarbon‐polluted soils from a spill site in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Samples of the polluted soils taken from two depths were displayed in a randomized complete block (RCB) design and treated with 10–100 g of (NH4)2SO4, KH2PO4, and KCl. The agronomic addition of the chemical nutrients was found to enhance the concentrations of nitrate‐nitrogen, phosphate‐phosphorus, and potassium in the soils. Pretreated nitrate‐nitrogen content ranged from 432 to 590 mg/kg in the polluted samples (with a control at 522 mg/kg), while posttreatment concentrations were 3,285 ± 154 mg/kg and 3,254 ± 159 mg/kg for surface and subsurface soils, respectively. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In situ remediation is inherently considered “green remediation.” The mechanisms of destruction by in situ technologies, however, are often unseen and not well understood. Further, physical effects of amendment application affect concentration data in an identical manner as the desired reactive mechanism. These uncertainties have led to the weight‐of‐evidence approach when proving viability: multiple rounds of data collection, bench studies, pilot studies, and so on. Skipping these steps has resulted in many failed in situ applications. Traditional assessment data are often tangential to the desired information (e.g., “Is contaminant being destroyed or just being pushed around and diluted?” and “What is the mechanism of the destruction and can it be monitored directly?”). An advanced site diagnostic tool, “Three‐Dimensional Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis” (3D‐CSIA), can assess the viability of in situ technologies by providing definitive data on contaminant destruction that are not concentration‐related. The 3D‐CSIA tool can also locate source zones and apportion remediation cost by identifying plumes of different isotope signatures and fractionation trends. Further, use of the 3D‐CSIA tool allows remediation professionals to evaluate effectiveness of treatment and make better decisions to expedite site closure and minimize costs. This article outlines the fundamentals of advanced site diagnostic tool 3D‐CSIA in detail, and its benefit is highlighted through a series of case studies at chlorinated solvent–contaminated sites. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The capping of waste management units and contaminated soils is receiving increasing attention as a low-cost method for hazardous chemical site remediation. Capping is used to prevent further groundwater pollution by existing waste management units and contaminated soils through limiting the moisture that enters the wastes. In principle, for wastes located above the water table, the construction of an impermeable cap can prevent leaching of the wastes (leachate generation) and groundwater pollution. In practice, appropriately designed and constructed RCRA caps can provide for only short-term prevention of groundwater pollution. Alternative approaches are available for capping of wastes that can be effective in preventing moisture from entering the wastes and concomitant groundwater pollution. These approaches recognize the inability of the typical RCRA cap to keep wastes dry for as long as waste constituents will be a threat and, most importantly, provide the necessary funds to effectively address all plausible worst-case scenario failures that could occur at a capped waste management unit or contaminated soil area.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the project and risk management of a remediation/reclamation project in Lavrion, Greece. In Thoricos the disposal of mining and metallurgical wastes in the past resulted in the contamination with heavy metals and acid mine drainage. The objective of this reclamation project was to transform this coastal zone from a contaminated site to an area suitable for recreation purposes. A separate risk assessment study was performed to provide the basis of determining the relevant environmental contamination and to rate the alternative remedial schemes involved. The study used both existing data available from comprehensive studies, as well as newly collected field data. For considering environmental risk, the isolation and minimization of risk option was selected, and a reclamation scheme, based on environmental criteria, was applied which was comprised of in situ neutralization, stabilization and cover of the potentially acid generating wastes and contaminated soils with a low permeability geochemical barrier. Additional measures were specifically applied in the areas where highly sulphidic wastes existed constituting active acid generation sources, which included the encapsulation of wastes in HDPE liners installed on clay layers.  相似文献   

Halogenated and nonhalogenated hydrocarbon contaminants are currently found in natural waterways, groundwater, and soils as a result of spills and careless disposal practices. The development of proper treatment methodologies for the waste streams producing this environmental damage is now a subject of growing concern. A significant number of these waste stream compounds are chemically stable and are thus resistant to environmental degradation. Numerous researchers have investigated the use of ionizing radiation to decompose chlorinated hydrocarbons in diverse matrices and have proposed various free-radical-induced reaction mechanisms. This article is divided into two sections. First, we present data on experimentally measured, radiolytically induced decomposition of hazardous wastes and toxic substances using accelerator-generated bremsstrahlung sources and gamma radiation from cobalt-60. Data are presented on the radiolytically induced reduction in concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) dissolved in water and in air, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) dissolved in oil, high explosives dissolved in groundwater, and chemical weapon surrogates. The results of these studies suggest the potential use of ionizing radiation as a method of hazardous waste treatment. The second section of this article describes the technical aspects of a field-scale radiolytic decomposition site cleanup demonstration using an electron accelerator. A portable, commercially available electron accelerator was set up at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's (LLNL's) Site 300, a Superfund site, where vacuum extraction wells were removing trichloroethylene (TCE) vapor from a ground spill into the unsaturated soil zone. The accelerator was retrofitted into the existing vacuum extraction system such that the extracted TCE-containing vapor passed through the accelerator beam for treatment. The concentration of TCE in the vapor was reduced by an amount dependent on the accelerator beam power. Production of reaction products in the vapor was measured as a function of absorbed dose.  相似文献   

In 1957, four computers across the United States were linked to form the first version of what we now know to be the Internet. The Internet has grown way beyond what anyone working in the U.S. Department of Defense's special project team, Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA, more than 40 years ago, could ever have imagined. Yet despite the phenomenal growth of Internet users, and access to information in all fields of endeavor, finding genuinely useful and helpful Internet resources is still a challenge. Knowledge sharing in contaminated site assessment and remediation is increasing and this is occurring through several mechanisms and at many levels. International collaboration on site contamination and remediation issues is becoming evident at the highest level between countries. Lower‐level interactions between organizations and individual practitioners are also increasing. Formation of partnerships in implementing site assessment and remediation solutions are becoming evident and there are now numerous websites, resulting from these collaborations, providing free access to completed reports and related materials. Internet mailing lists contribute to sharing of knowledge at all these levels but particularly encourage contributions from practitioners and those out there “doing the work” and often without the time to write up their contributions, though these can be substantial.  相似文献   

Contaminants from dry‐cleaning sites, primarily tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), cis‐dichloroethene (cis‐DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC), have become a major concern because of the limited funds and regulatory programs to address them. Thus, natural attenuation and its effectiveness for these sites needs to be evaluated as it might provide a less costly alternative to other remediation methods. In this research, data from a site in Texas were analyzed and modeled using the Biochlor analytical model to evaluate remediation times using natural attenuation. It was determined that while biodegradation and source decay were occurring at the site, the resulting attenuation rates were not adequate to achieve cleanup in a reasonable time frame without additional source remediation or control strategies. Cleanup times exceeded 100 years for all constituents at the site boundary and 800 years at the source for PCE, assuming cleanup levels of 0.005 mg/L for PCE and TCE and 0.07 mg/L and 0.002 mg/L for cis‐DCE and VC, respectively. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A discussion of some of the deficiencies of Superfund and hazardous chemical site investigation and remediation is presented. Of concern is the adequacy of defining the constituents of concern; stormwater‐runoff monitoring; evaluating excessive bioaccumulation of hazardous chemicals in edible organisms; the extent and degree of groundwater pollution; modeling of pollutant transport in the vadose zone; translocation of subsurface pollutants to surface via plant roots, leaves, and flowers; protection of groundwater quality for nonpriority pollutants that impact aesthetic quality; and deficiencies in the quality of site data reports. Examples of these types of problems are discussed with suggestions on the approach that should be followed to improve the quality of site investigation and remediation. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Most environmental project managers are well versed in characterizing and remediating contaminants in soil and water media. When soil remediation activities are conducted at an environmental site, however, some project managers are faced with monitoring contaminants in the air medium for the first time. Remediation activities can disturb contaminants that are normally immobile in soil and transfer them to air. The resulting increase in airborne concentrations of contaminants, even if temporary, may be a health concern for individuals in neighboring residences or businesses. Perimeter air monitoring may be required by a regulatory agency to determine if unhealthy conditions are created and if work practices should be limited or modified. This article serves as a resource for project managers involved in perimeter air monitoring for soil remediation and provides a general summary of candidate sites, remediation activities that release contaminants, regulatory requirements, equipment and target contaminants, monitoring locations and schedule, analytical methods, and data interpretation. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

There are numerous technologies currently being tested by EPA, universities throughout the world, and private research organizations. A few of the more promising innovative technologies as well as fully tested and proven remedies for treating contaminated groundwater are presented in this article. Although several of those technologies have been in existence for only four to five years, the results of full-scale testing are being produced. The method for each of these promising technologies is described, results from recent field-scale studies are summarized, and a discussion of cost is presented.  相似文献   

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