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ABSTRACT: Productivity measurements of organisms attached to artificial substrates ranged from 6.5–7.6 mg C/m2/hr and were 17-65% greater in stirred bottles (simulated flow) than under static conditions. Carbon-14 was used to determine the effect of current on the primary productivity of these organisms in six artificial streams at the Flowing Streams Laboratory on the Savannah River Plant (U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration, Aiken, South Carolina, U.SA.). Seasonal changes in dominant organisms were monitored from June 1973 to March 1974. Estimates of productivity, accumulated biomass, and levels of chlorophyll a were compared for possible correlation. Production of chlorophyll a ranged from 50 to 381 mg/m2, and accumulated biomass ranged from 45 to 181 g/m2 on the artificial substrates (glass microscope slides) during the period of study. Productivity of attached organisms was generally an order of magnitude greater than productivity of phytoplankton or tychoplankton. The consistently higher productivity in simulated flowing systems than in static systems tends to cast some doubt on values obtained when lotic communities have been enclosed or isolated in chambers or bottles without inducing a current or stirring action.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A one-dimensional model for heat and oxygen transport is frequently used for the estimation of primary productivity. Such a model employs free oxygen and temperature measurements at discrete time and depth intervals. In this method the eddy diffusion coefficients of heat and oxygen are assumed to be interchangeable. This method was applied to hourly data for 24-hour periods in a small temperature stratified lake. Primary productivity was simultaneously measured with the light and dark bottle method. The application of the free oxygen method resulted in unrealistic estimates of productivity. Some consideration is given to the origin of the failure in the application of this method.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Atmospheric scientists have predicted that large-scale climatic changes will result from increasing levels of tropospheric CO2 We have investigated the potential effects of climate change on the primary productivity of Castle Lake, a mountain lake in Northern California. Annual algal productivity was modeled empirically using 25 years of limnological data in order to establish predictive relationships between productivity and the climatic variables of accumulated snow depth and precipitation. The outputs of monthly temperature and precipitation from three general circulation models (GCMs) of doubled atmospheric CO2 were then used in the regression model to predict annual algal productivity. In all cases, the GCM scenarios predicted increased algal productivity for Castle Lake under cenditions of doubled atmospheric CO2The primary cause of enhanced productivity was the increased length of the growing season resulting from earlier spring ice-out.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Phytoplankton carbon-14 productivity at a depth of 50 percent of surface light and chlorophyll-α concentrations were measured every other month from November 1985 through September 1986 at 12 stations in the Charlotte Harbor estuarine system. Maximum productivity and chlorophyll-α concentrations occurred during summer or early autumn near the mouths of tidal rivers. Most of the variability in light-normalized productivity and chlorophyll-α could be attributed to two factors derived from Principal Component Analysis of ambient water-quality characteristics. One factor related to seasonal variability and the other to spatial variability. The seasonal factor incorporated the interaction of temperature and nutrients. The spatial factor incorporated the interaction of salinity, nutrients, and water color that resulted from the mixing of freshwater inflow and seawater. Although freshwater inflow increased the availability of nutrients in low salinity (less than 10‰) waters, the highly colored freshwater restricted light penetration and phytoplankton productivity. Maximum productivity and biomass occurred where color associated with the freshwater inflow had been diluted by seawater so that light and nutrients were both available. Concentrations of inorganic nitrogen were often at or below detection limit throughout most of the high salinity (greater than 20‰) waters of the estuary and was probably the most critical nutrient in limiting phytoplankton productivity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data from three ice-covered stations in Lake St. Clair were collected to evaluate the effect of ice and related variables on phytoplankton production. Primary production, phytoplankton standing crop, irradiation and temperature were measured from January to April, 1973. Mean production values ranged from 0.74 mgC/m3/h at station 1 near Mitchell Bay to 3.4 mgC/m3/h in waters at stations 2 and 3 below the Thames River mouth. A similar pattern was observed in chlorophyll a concentration, the mean values ranged from 0.63 μg/1 at station 1 to 2.1 and 1.3 μg/1 at stations 2 and 3. Temperature stratification occurred at the three stations. However, the temperatures at station 1 were consistently more than a degree warmer than at the other two stations. Irradiation was low, having a mean value at the sampling depth of .075 ly/min. The data is interpreted to indicate that the ice-bound phytoplankton were adapted to the low irradiation. It is suggested that the variation observed between stations is related to the formation of a plume by the Thames River and differences in nutrient loads carried by the St. Clair and Thames Rivers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The spatial changes in abiotic and biotic variables from riverine to lacustrine areas characterized by the river-lake concept of reservoir function was applied to the Tomhannock Reservoir, Rensselaer County, New York. To identify these longitudinal gradients, a two-year investigation (May 1991 to October 1992) was conducted to measure primary productivity, nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll α and phytoplankton biomass at three locations in the 705-ha water supply reservoir. Emphasis was placed on the measurement of primary production using the carbon-14 artificial incubator (photosynthetron) technique. The average annual production in 1992 was 247.3 gm?2 245 d?1, ranging from 52 to 2677 mg C m?2. Mean alphaB (assimilation efficiency), PBm (assimilation number), and Ik (saturation irradiance) were 4.40 mg C mgChl?1 E?1 m?2, 3.82 mg C mgChl?1 h?1, and 236.5 μE m?2 s?1, respectively. Neither seasonal nor spatial variability of these photosynethetic parameters were observed. Except for Secchi depth, distinct longitudinal zones from river inflow to darn were not statistically demonstrated in the Tomhannock Reservoir. Mean extinction coefficient, chlorophyll α and total phosphorus concentrations decreased; Secchi transparency and phytoplankton biomass increased; while primary productivity and dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentration remained the same from headwater to darn. These baseline data will be used to assess the future effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs) recently instituted on selected watershed farmland in an attempt to reduce the detrimental impact of agricultural activities on drinking water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Seventy-three in situ primary productivity experiments over a six-month period in hypereutrophic Onondaga Lake near Syracuse, New York, demonstrated variations in the light saturation parameter, Ip, which in part describes the interaction between productivity and light. Substantial variations in Ip were observed (coefficient of variation = 60 percent). Variations in Ip were significantly correlated (greater than 99 percent confidence level) with temperature (°C). An Arrhenius-type relationship (Ip= 1.312 × 1.088 (T-20)) accounted for approximately 37 percent of the variation in Ip and may be appropriate for other systems dominated by green algae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A 17-year record of chlorophyll a at eight limnetic sampling stations was used to evaluate putative changes in the trophic status of Lake Okeechobee, a shallow polymictic lake located in the subtropical environment of South Florida. Significant spatial differences were observed in the temporal patterns and variability of chlorophyll a concentrations. The highest chlorophyll a values were found in the northern and northwestern regions of the lake. The center of the lake, subject to high levels of non-algal suspended solids, exhibited relatively low chlorophyll a values and coefficient of variation. The lowest chlorophyll a values were observed at the southernmost sampling station in the lake. This was also the station that showed a significant upward trend in annual mean chlorophyll a values over the 17-year period of record. Examination of the relationship between chlorophyll a and three key environmental variables (i.e., total phosphorus concentration, phosphorus loading, and lake stage) revealed significant correlations at two out of the eight stations. The overall results of this study indicate that spatial and temporal disparities in the distribution and dynamics of chlorophyll a in Lake Okeechobee mandate more temporally and spatially intense approaches to the evaluation of trophic state than used in previous studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Laboratory and field studies were initiated to evaluate at regular intervals by 14C and chlorophyll enrichment bioassay some of the nutrients, particularly ammonia, that might limit phytoplankton photosynthesis in two central Virginia ponds. Preliminary comparisons of the phytoplankton, their production, and the chemical characteristics of the water were determined. Ammonia, phosphate, nitrate, iron, carbon dioxide, silica and chloride differed most markedly among the various nutrients analyzed. Investigations were continued to compare the validity of using field and laboratory ecosystem work to predict changes in trophic levels resulting from nutrient enrichment, i.e., eutrophication. Laboratory experiments using aquatic microecosystems and field experiments employing in situ plastic cylinders and battery jars support the view that ammonia is a key factor regulating “trophic” features in these two ponds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Zooplankton colonization was followed for 16 months in Lake Oconee, Georgia, a new pumped storage reservoir. Data were interpreted to identify differences among stations and seasons, as a function of the reservoir's early stage of development and of pumped storage operations. Colonization was rapid, and the zooplankton community was characterized by a high species diversity; approximately 40 rotifer species and 14 cladoceran genera were recorded. Zooplankton density varied along an environmental gradient from riverine to lentic conditions. Rotifer abundance varied from 104-106 individuals/m3, with maxima in the summers Copepod and cladoceran densities ranged from 103 to nearly 105 individuals/m3; maxima for stations other than the dam were observed in the summer and early fall, but high values at the dam station occurred throughout winter 1980. When pumped storage operations began in December 1979, zooplankton densities increased at the dam station. Pumpback decreased the intensity of the environmental gradient from riverine to lentic conditions, and led to a more similar zooplankton community structure throughout the reservoir.  相似文献   

Summer lake survey measurements of total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll a (CHLa) from 188 reserviors and natural lakes in the midwest were analyzed to determine the magnitude of major sources of variability. Median variance among replicate samples collected at the same location and time was about 7-8 percent of the mean for both TP and CHLa. Median observed temporal variability within summers was 27 percent of the mean for TP and 45 percent of the mean for CHLa. Median values of year-to-year variance in average TP and CHLa were 22 percent and 31 percent of the mean, respectively. A range of approximately two orders of magnitude was observed among individual estimates of variance in each of these categories. The magnitude of observed temporal variability was affected only slightly by variance among replicate samples on individual days and was weakly correlated with the length of time during which samples were collected from individual lakes. Observed temporal variation was similar between reservoirs and natural lakes when variances were calculated with logtransformed data. The magnitude of temporal and year-to-year variance can severely limit the power of statistical comparisons of TP and CHLa means, but has less effect on establishing relative rankings of lake means, Sources and relative magnitude of variability are important in the use of TP and CHLa data in regression models and in the planning of lake surveys and subsequent data analysis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Increased visitation at Grand Teton National Park (GTNP) has raised concerns about impacts on surface water in the park. The purposes of this study are to perform a benchmark trophic state survey for comparison to future evaluations and to identify possible areas of concern. Four watershed regions based on geographic and geologic features were delineated for study. Six Alpine lakes, six Moraine lakes, three Valley lakes, and two Colter Bay lakes are evaluated. Lakes were sampled for total phosphorus (TP), chlorophyll‐a, and transparency. The water quality, as defined by trophic state, in the park is generally good. Oligotrophic to mesotrophic conditions were found in the Alpine and Moraine lakes and mesotrophic to eutrophic conditions were found in the Colter Bay and Valley lakes. High inflow TP concentrations in the park's northeast side may be due to the presence of natural geologic phosphate from the Phosphoria Formation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Lake Okeechobee, the third largest lake in the United States, is a shallow, mixing basin with annual total phosphorus concentrations ranging from 50–100 μg P/L. Data, mainly from unpublished agency reports, are analyzed to determine if nutrients limit phytoplankton, to describe spatial and temporal variability in trophic state parameters, and to evaluate conclusions obtained from empirical trophic state models. Algal bioassay experiments that have been used to assess nutrient limitation have produced equivocal results. However, seasonal minima in orthophosphorus and inorganic nitrogen indicate that both nutrients may be limiting seasonally. Strong, but reverse north-south gradients and large seasonal changes in phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations, show that empirical models based on annual phosphorus loadings or concentrations are not adequate to predict chlorophyll concentrations or other trophic state variables. Spatially-segmented, multi-class phytoplankton-nutrient models of seasonal phytoplankton responses that are coupled with hydrodynamic models may provide predictability in assessing effects of changing nutrient loads on phytoplankton composition and standing crop. Successful modeling efforts of responses to nutrients also must deal with resuspended and benthic algae, periphyton, and emergent and submergent aquatic plants that must play important trophic roles in some of the lake basin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During the winter of 1972 nutrient concentrations beneath the ice, and snow when present, were measured at three stations in Lake St. Clair. Nutrient patterns are compared and discussed in relation to primary production. Typically nutrient concentrations were high for a few weeks after ice formation and high again in the spring with mid-winter declines. At station 3 soluble reactive silica appeared to influence primary production and chlorophyll a. Nutrient limitation was not detected at the other two stations. The nutrient patterns, primary production and temperature provide evidence that a water mass or plume peculiar to the inflowing Thames River moves down the southeastern side of the lake beneath the ice.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The planning of water supply reservoirs has traditionally been based on the Rippl or sequent peak analysis which applies to the design of a single reservoir. This paper incorporates the sequent peak method as the central feature in establishing a procedure for determining the sizes of several potential reservoirs located in a system of one or more rivers. Separate algorithms are developed for sites on parallel streams and for sites on the same stream. In both cases the approach is to find the combination of reservoirs which can satisfy a given constant monthly demand at a minimum total construction cost. It is shown that both problems can be cast in the form of a dynamic programming problem. A more complex system is then a combination of reservoirs in parallel and in series. An extension is given if the monthly demand is not constant but each reservoir satisfies a constant fraction of the monthly demand.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A survey of 31 Florida spring-runs was conducted to estimate their submerged macrophyte standing crop and primary productivity. The standing crops of submerged vegetation were not significantly (p > 0.05) correlated to either total nitrogen (r = 0) or total phosphorus (r =?0.20) concentrations, but standing crops were significantly (p < 0.01) correlated to the percentage of the spring-run's water surface shaded by marginal vegetation (r =?0.76). Maximum daily rates of primary productivity were positively correlated with average submerged macrophyte standing crops (r = 0.81; p < 0.001) and inversely correlated with the degree of shading by marginal vegetation (r =? 0.43; p < 0.05).  相似文献   

: A data base consisting of predominantly nitrogen limited Florida lakes from the National Eutrophication Survey (NES) was used to develop a trophic state index based on total nitrogen concentration. This index was compared with Carlson's (1977) index based on total phosphorus concentration, and the lesser of the two values for each lake was averaged with indices based on Secchi disk transparency and chlorophyll a concentration to assess the trophic state of the 40 Florida NES lakes.  相似文献   

This study examined algal productivity and nitrate assimilation in a 2.85 km reach of Cucamonga Creek, California, a concrete lined channel receiving treated municipal wastewater. Stream nitrate concentrations observed at two stations indicated nearly continuous loss throughout the diel study. Nitrate loss in the reach was approximately 11 mg/L/d or 1.0 g/m2/d as N, most of which occurred during daylight. The peak rate of nitrate loss (1.13 mg/l/hr) occurred just prior to an afternoon total CO2 depletion. Gross primary productivity, as estimated by a model using the observed differences in dissolved oxygen between the two stations, was 228 mg/L/d, or 21 g/m2/d as O2. The observed diel variations in productivity, nitrate loss, pH, dissolved oxygen, and CO2 indicate that nitrate loss was primarily due to algal assimilation. The observed levels of productivity and nitrate assimilation were exceptionally high on a mass per volume basis compared to studies on other streams; these rates occurred because of the shallow stream depth. This study suggests that concrete‐lined channels can provide an important environmental service: lowering of nitrate concentrations similar to rates observed in biological treatment systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One component of the filamentous algal community of a northern fen ecosystem in central Michigan was studied under conditions of nutrient enrichment by secondarily treated sewage effluent during one growing season. The productivity of Cladophora spp. measured by continuous flow bioassay was 2.6 g dry weight m day at the site of effluent addition compared to 0.085 g m day at the control site. Under conditions of nutrient enrichment, uptake by bioassay Cladophora spp. averaged 12 mg m?2day?1for phosphorus and 55 mg m?2day?1for nitrogen, compared to 0.01 mg m?2 day?1and 0.16 mg m?2day?1for phosphorus and nitrogen, respectively, in the control area. At the end of the growing season approximately 4.3 g N m?2 and 0.96 g P m?2were immobilized in Cladophora algal biomass. Algal growth temporarily immobilized 3.0 percent of the nitrogen and 1.0 percent of the phosphorus added as sewage effluent. Gross productivity of surface water in the fen averaged 1.5 g O2m?2day?1at the nutrient enriched site, compared to 0.5 g O2 m?2day?1at the control area. Gross productivity, community respiration and reaeration constant values in the fen were similar to data collected by other researchers in shallow water aquatic systems, but only at the fertilized sites.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A cross-sectional data set of 80 lakes and reservoirs in nine southeastern states was examined to specify and parameterize trophic state relationships. The relationships fitted are based on measurements of several limnological variables taken over the course of a growing season or year in each of the lakes. The trophic state models relate phosphorus and nitrogen loading to inlake phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations, which in turn are related to maximum chlorophyll level, Secchi disk depth, dominant algal species, and hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen status. Due to the empirical nature of the study, causal conclusions are limited; rather, the models are most useful for prediction of average growing season conditions related to trophic state.  相似文献   

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