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近年来,酸雨、灰霾和光化学烟雾等跨区域大气环境问题日益突出,严重威胁广大人民群众的健康和环境安全。美国和欧盟在跨区域大气环境监管中都取得了丰富的经验。本文通过对中美欧跨区域大气环境监管在组织机制、法律法规、机构建设和监管手段等4个方面比较分析,结合我国国情,试图为我国跨区域大气环境监管的完善提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

The United States is finding it difficult to develop a coherent policy on acid rain. Despite more than a decade of scientific research and policy initiatives, no clear course of action has been identified. This article argues that what is missing is an integrated assessment of the scientific knowledge that will guide the political process. The role of the integrated assessment is described, and a conceptual framework presented that would accomplish the desired goal. Currently available acid rain assessment models are compared against this framework and found to be less than satisfactory. The article concludes by stressing the opportunity now available to the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program to perform such an assessment and break the logjam.  相似文献   

Focus groups have achieved a profile in the analysis of public values unparalleled since the emergence of national opinion polls. While they have been used in a variety of public policy, academic and political settings it is their employment within the field of environmental policy, specifically the land-use planning system, that is the focus of this paper. Using evidence from empirical research it is argued that the research-policy interface of environmental focus groups and planning is currently both undertheorised and underpractised. Undertheorised in that much of the literature on focus groups concentrates on their conduct rather than how they can inform policy. Underpractised because focus group data are failing to have much impact on policy. This paper concentrates on the second of these propositions by showing that while some of the problems with quantitative public environmental values surveys can be overcome by focus groups, the nature and content of the data they produce are not easily assimilated by existing planning structures. In an era when the role of the public, in all its diversity, is being emphasised in policy circles, and collaborative projects between academia and policy communities on environmental issues are becoming increasingly commonplace, early warning signs of tensions between research findings and policy development need to be heeded. A failure to acknowledge these problems may well lead to impoverished environmental policy in planning, a further marginalisation of publics from policy processes and an unjust devaluation of the focus-group method.  相似文献   

酸沉降是一复杂的大气物理和化学过程,涉及诸多复杂影响因素。目前,我国酸雨湿沉降模式还仅限于模拟云下洗脱成酸过程,而对云中的成酸过程还未进行深入研究,这不仅在理论上不完善,而且更重要是在许多情况下与我省实际情况不符。本课题针对四川省特定的地理,气象特点和严重的大气污染情况,并借鉴国外研究成果,提出了考虑酸性沉降的云中和云下成酸过程和各种影响因素的综合酸雨湿沉降模式,并根据此模式来估算和预测四川省酸雨  相似文献   

Impact scoping is the process of identifying important issues of a proposal and focusing the environmental impact assessment (EIA) on the high-priority issues. Although impact scoping in one form or another has been inherent to EIA for some time, documentation of its development and discussion of refinements to impact scoping processes have not been forthcoming. This article traces the development of impact scoping through time and highlights the need for such processes in EIA. A focused environmental assessment (FEA) approach to impact scoping that is suitable for implementation in an EIA is presented here and advantages of its use are delineated. FEA is a three-staged process that encourages impact scoping through progressive steps including impact identification, assessment and management planning. FEA combines a suite of EIA methods including: issues matrices, impact hypotheses, valued ecosystem components, and stakeholder participation sessions to effectively integrate impact scoping with EIA.  相似文献   

The causes for the failure in enforcement of environmental regulations at the Giap Lai pyrite mine in northern Vietnam are considered and the environmental impacts that are associated with this mine are evaluated. It is shown that sulphide-rich tailings and waste rock in the mining area represent significant sources of acid rock drainage (ARD). The ARD is causing elevated metal levels in downstream water bodies, which in turn, represent a threat to both human health and to aquatic ecosystems. Metal concentrations in impacted surface waters have increased after mine closure, suggesting that impacts are becoming progressively more serious. No post-closure, remediation measures have been applied at the mine, in spite of the existence of environmental legislation and both central and regional institutions charged with environmental supervision and control. The research presented here provides further emphasis for the recommendation that, while government institutions may need to be strengthened, and environmental regulations need to be in place, true on the ground improvement in environmental quality in Vietnam and in many other developing countries require an increased focus on promoting public awareness of industrial environmental issues.  相似文献   

It is estimated that more than half the threats to national park resources originate outside park boundaries, and most threats are attributable to degradation of air and water quality. Atmospheric contaminants are the principal source of external threats to national park ecosystems. This article examines the potential impact to national park resources by anthropic atmospheric inputs and summarizes present research methods and results regarding impacts. Air quality monitoring currently receives much more emphasis and support than effects research. Present research on effects focuses on vegetation impact, biomonitoring, and acid rain. This research and that of other investigators suggest that the most likely impacts will not be direct cause-effect situations, but indirect, incremental, and possibly synergistic effects on the interactions of ecosystem components. Conceptually, such alteration of interactions can be measured through long-term observation of biogeochemical cycles, energy transfer, and community structure and function. But traditional Park Service research has not emphasized the ecosystem and especially ecosystem processes and component interactions. Most research on effects, then, must begin with baseline data acquisition. A research program to mitigate present national data base deficiencies would require a fundamental change in present research priorities, administration, and funding.  相似文献   

Acid deposition is a muitifaceted environmental phenomenon whose control represents one of the most controversial environmental policy areas. Because of the longrange transport of air pollutants contributing to acid deposition, its control is the responsibility of more than one region. Given the interdependence between the economic and environmental impacts of acid deposition as well as the interregional conflicts over its control, the present article proposes an interregional integrated economic-environmental model for the study of the impacts of acid deposition control policies. This model is solved with the use of a compromise programming procedure which facilitates the explicit treatment of conflicting regional goals. After the theoretical and operational forms and the solution procedure of the proposed model are described, the use of the model is illustrated with a simulation example using the 1963 MRIO accounts and hypothetical environmental data. The compromise programming procedure can form the basis for interactive decision processes when policy makers are exposed to the solutions yielded by the model. The model's usefulness and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

The United Kingdom, under the Large Combustion Plant Directive of the European Community, is committed to cutting sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions by 60% of 1980 levels by the year 2003. In order to justify this action and to support new decisions on further emission reductions, policy makers require knowledge of the economic benefits of abatement. Benefit estimates for the recovery of freshwater fish populations present difficulties since the effect of reduced acid deposition on environmental processes is complex and because fishery records are often inadequate or absent. This paper predicts the economic benefits of acid rain abatement to the rod and line salmon fishery of Galloway, South West Scotland. It achieves this by linking output on long term changes in water chemistry and fish population status from MAGIC, a process based catchment model for acidification, with catch and market value data. Predicted increases in the market value of the fishery are presented and the role of the model in economic analysis of environmental policy discussed.  相似文献   

Proactive Management of Air Quality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditional air resource management systems have difficulty in addressing global issues, sustainable development, direct citizen participation, and integration with broad economic interests. As reactive management systems, they tend to be compliance-driven, static, and rigid. In contrast, proactive management systems are principle-driven, innovative, and flexible. Bridge scientists play a key role in supporting the transformation of raw data into wise action. Decision-makers need to integrate social values with knowledge about emissions, atmospheric processes, and potential environmental effects using the primary tools of measurements, monitoring, and modeling. The Alberta Clean Air Strategic Alliance, a unique partnership of governments, industry, and public interest groups formed in 1994, operates a comprehensive air management system that is capable of addressing air issues of greater complexity and uncertainty. Its success is measured by the satisfaction of its diverse stakeholders and by the number and scope of its initiatives.  相似文献   

Summary Environmental issues are rarely straightforward. The construction of the Tellico Dam not only proved to be an exceptionally complex environmental problem but also developed into a major political issue in its own right. Following the discovery of a previously unknown species of fish near the site of the nearly completed dam, environmentalists began a long legal battle to halt construction work and protect the habitat of the fish. The United States Supreme Court found in their favour, but local political interests, through a series of clever manoeuvres, succeeded in exempting the dam from all legislation to secure its completion. The blatant use of political expediency to resolve an environmental dilemma makes the Tellico Dam a classic case study for students of environmental policy and decision-making.Graham Bennett was born in London in 1948 and graduated from the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia where he also completed his doctoral research. Since 1980 he has been working in The Netherlands as an Associate in the Department of Environmental Science at the Catholic University of Nijmegen. His research interests lie in the field of environmental management and he is currently involved in the study of environmental policy making in Britain and The Netherlands with particular reference to the control of pollution by local authorities.  相似文献   

中国城市化的快速发展与能源消耗的迅速增加,给中国城市带来了众多大气环境问题。城市化不仅造成了如热岛效应等城市周边气候的变化,还带来了酸雨频发、空气颗粒物污染加重和汽车尾气污染严重等城市环境问题。对此,应当从科学编制城市发展规划,合理调整经济结构,加强环境管理与污染治理,增加城市绿化面积等方面入手,改善城市大气环境。  相似文献   

Environmental justice arguments focused on improving the quality of life of the poor contend that environmental 'bads' are more often located in areas of social disadvantage. In relation to waste facilities such claims of distributional outcomes have been enhanced by epidemiological analyses of apparent disease clusters in the vicinity. While politically engaging these arguments have been supported rarely by robust evidence. However, if repositioned in more structural issues related to the unequal societal distribution of power, resources and environmental burdens, they do prompt questions about the processes by which equitable decisions are made in a sustainable waste management context. The paper discusses the scientific and institutional barriers affecting the effective balancing of equity issues, arguing that while deliberative processes potentially challenge 'expert black-boxing' they also challenge current political and regulatory structures for waste management.  相似文献   

America has always had to confront environmental problems, but it wasn't until after World War II that most Americans began to develop the kind of consciousness about environmental issues that has played such a role in domestic politics over the past quarter century. After the surge of post war growth, we began to recognize the limits of our ability to exploit our environment for private gain, thus creating environmental awareness and ultimately a political movement. In 1970, President Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency, and appointed William Ruckelshaus as Director. Ruckelshaus was succeeded by Russell Train and Douglas Coste, and all three men began to make serious headway in the effort to clean up the nation's environment. In 1980, however, President Ronald Reagan, taking an anti-Federal government involvement in the private sector stance, began to seriously cut the budget of the EPA. He appointed Ann Gorsuch, who cut the budget as she believed the President wished, but her poor relationship with the Congress eventually forced her to resign. President Reagan requested that Bill Ruckelshaus return, and EPA has been blessed with good leadership ever since. During the Bush years, EPA director William Reilly even managed to pass sweeping acid rain control legislation. When Bill Clinton was elected President in 1992, he did not possess a strong environmental record, however his running mate, Al Gore, most certainly did. EPA administrator Carole Browner, in fact, was a former Gore staffer and the White House environmental office is led by former Gore people. Clinton and Gore have attempted to bring a degree of flexibility to environmental regulation, and have also involved themselves personally in resolving environmental disputes. For instance, they and Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbit worked to fashion a long-term plan for the Florida Everglades that helped warring groups and interests come to consensus. With the 1994 Republican victory in the Congressional elections, it appeared that the environment may once again be in danger, as the Contract with America pledged to reduce or eliminate environmental controls. Popular opinion, however, caused the Congress to change their views and even directed them to pass environmental legislation that has won the support of both the business and environmental protection sectors. These developments have displayed that Americans care deeply about the environment and provide the basis for a genuine bipartisan consensus on environmental issues which will increasingly emphasize thoughtful and effective technological solutions in the future. Although the benefits of this legislation have been drastic, we are now dealing with problems requiring more subtle and sophisticated answers than we needed in the past. Because of this, political leaders will look to the classrooms and laboratories to produce the answers to the environmental problems of the future, and in turn will be willing to support educators and researchers with resources and political clout. Neither the politicians nor the business community can solve these problems without a close working relationship with the world of environmental and biotechnology. Building that collaborative relationship is one of the most important challenges we face as we approach the 21st century. It is also, particularly for those of us who have been laboring in the environmental vineyard for years, one of the most exciting.  相似文献   

四川酸雨的综合防治对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在四川酸雨来源、成因、危害的基础上,结合国内外酸雨防治的经验,确定了四川酸雨的主要控制因子、控制目标和致酸污染物的削减率。针对四川的特点,提出了控制四川酸雨的战略和工程措施,为四川的经济发展、城市建设与环境保护等的规划、决策提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Summary Approaches to teaching about environmental concerns that have been successful either in Western schools or in non-formal Third World projects are unlikely to be effectively implemented in Third World schools. The perceptions of schooling in the Third World, together with the economic, political and social context in which it is conducted, present constraints that are very different. Unless these constraints are recognized, attempted reforms by environmental educators will, at best, remain only at the rhetorical level and, at worst, prove counter-productive. The paper discusses three broad categories of constraint: arising from the socio-political context of schooling, the educational system itself, and issues concerning school-village transfer. The argument is illustrated by reference to research in developing countries on similar educational reforms, such as community schooling, and with examples from the author's research in Papua New Guinea. The paper concludes with some positive lessons for those wishing to see a concern for environmental issues pervade the curriculum of schools in the Third World. The danger of making such reforms over-ambitious is stressed. To be successful, such work must be given high status in the eyes of students and teachers and examination reforms should be introduced to reinforce this.Dr Graham Vulliamy lectures in Sociology in the Department of Education at the University of York. Following field research trips to Papua New Guinea in 1979–1980, 1982 and 1986, he has a special interest in the implementation of educational reforms in developing countries. He is an executive editor of theBritish Journal of Sociology of Education and of theInternational Journal of Educational Development.  相似文献   

Acid Deposition and Integrated Zoning Control in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
China's rapidly growing economy is coupled with the consumption of large amounts of coal. An energy mix dominated by coal and inefficient energy utilization processes have led to increasingly serious problems of acid rain and sulfur dioxide pollution. Moreover, trends in the emissions of acidifying air pollutants lead to predictions of a very serious acid deposition problem in the future. In the absence of mitigating actions, these trends foretell a future of increasingly detrimental impacts to ecosystems in China and, potentially, to ecosystems in neighboring countries. China has implemented a two control zone (TCZ) policy, resulting in the establishment of acid rain and sulfur dioxide control zones, in an attempt to implement a cost-effective approach to mitigating acid deposition problems. While some short-term successes have resulted from management actions associated with the TCZ policy, it is clear additional measures and new policy directions are needed to reverse worsening acid deposition problems in the long term. To this end the following recommendations are presented: adjusting the primary energy mix, placing a greater emphasis on abating the effects of acid deposition, concentrating pollution control on large point sources, implementing an emission permit system for coal-fired power plants, utilizing an integrated approach in designing and evaluating control measures, and developing a greater research capacity. Research strategies must be developed that will lead to: (1) an improved scientific understanding of the sources of acidifying pollutants, their associated migration patterns, and their impacts; and (2) an identification of cost-effective mitigating strategies for the entire country.  相似文献   

A central problematic for researchers working at the interface of economic and environmental change is the development of research designs and methodologies that can satisfactorily link economic processes of global reach (such as direct investment) to environmental change at local and regional scales. This article reviews recent efforts to couple economic and environmental change and finds that relatively little effort has been made to use the direct investment process as a means of linking industrial restructuring to land use change. The article argues that direct investment, when conceptualised as a political-economic process involving the assemblage of a package of rights (to land, water, pollution permits etc), can be an effective vehicle for tracing through the impacts of industrial restructuring on local environments. To develop this analytical approach, an empirical case of mineral investment in the Gila Valley of eastern Arizona is presented. The case study identifies the acquisition of land and water rights as central strategic issues for mineral firms seeking to make investment, and traces through the impact of these acquisition strategies on existing patterns of land ownership and land use.  相似文献   

南充市近十年酸雨变化特征及降水化学组成研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据南充市2003~2012年城区降水环境监测统计资料,分析了酸雨变化特征及降水离子化学组成。研究表明:这十年,酸雨频率平均为50.4%,2007年降雨量为最高,呈波动递减趋势变化,降水年平均pH值为4.88,呈现"低—高—低"的变化特征,城区酸雨频率和降水pH值月均值变化呈现高低交替的波动趋势。城区降水中主要阳离子成分是Ca2+,主要阴离子成分是SO2-4和NO-3。(SO2-4/NO-3)比值逐年下降,平均比值为7.82,酸雨污染类型仍以硫酸型为主;降水(NH+4+Ca2+)/(SO2-4+NO-3)和Ca2+/NH+4比值呈波动性变化,2007年分别达到最高值为6.71和50.27,除2010年比值均较低小于1外,近年来均有增加趋势,表明碱性离子缓冲能力增强了,降水酸度降低,pH值增加,但2007年pH值较低,主要与降雨量有关。综合分析,降水酸度不仅是酸性离子和碱性离子中和作用,也受其他离子浓度和降雨量、风向等气候条件、距离传输以及地形等影响。  相似文献   

The objective of this present study is to examine the effect of nanobubbles on the physical properties improvement in the chosen water sample. So far, the research outcomes stated that the physical properties could be enhanced by addition of nanoparticles, but very few studies were performed with nanobubbles. The unique properties of nanobubbles (70–120 nanometers) explain their use in a wide range of engineering fields. Simple method for producing nanobubbles in a variety of aqueous solutions along with examples of their use is outlined in this work. Global environmental issues, including the deterioration and depletion of water supply are driving today's need for water treatment technology. As a solution, the use of micro- and nano-bubble (MNB) technologies in wastewater treatment has evolved. This page discuss the fundamentals of water treatment research, including their stability of bubbles, manufacturing processes, and chemical and physical features.  相似文献   

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