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室内空气净化技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概述了室内空气污染的类型 ,全面介绍了目前各种室内空气净化技术及其进展 ,并且分析了各技术的优缺点。此外 ,提出将膜分离与光催化技术相结合 ,能克服当前各种技术的局限性的构想。这一组合技术可能成为今后该领域研究的一个重要方向  相似文献   

为了对市售被动式室内空气净化产品的净化效果有深刻具体的认识,选择销售份额较大的4种甲醛清除剂进行实验舱测试。结果表明:(1)甲醛清除剂对甲醛的净化过程均随时间呈对数衰减,可见甲醛浓度越高,甲醛清除剂对甲醛的净化速率越快。(2)不同的甲醛清除剂的净化速率都有一定差异,即使24h净化率均在90%以上的甲醛清除剂,净化速率也不同,净化率达到90%以上所需要的实际时间可相差数倍。(3)《室内空气净化功能涂覆材料净化性能》(JCT 1074—2008)中对甲醛清除剂根据其对污染物24h的净化率进行了分级,消费者可据此对净化产品的优劣有初步判断。而净化速率和饱和净化量则可在消费者购买甲醛清除剂时起到更具体和明确的指导作用,并可在消费者具体使用时,根据饱和净化量,对甲醛清除剂用量和甲醛清除剂持续作用时间有初步的判断。  相似文献   

电凝并式空气净化单元对颗粒物和甲醛净化效果的实验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究一种新型电凝并式空气净化单元对室内空气中颗粒物和甲醛的净化效果.实验结果表明,高压高频(HV-HF)电凝并装置能促使小粒子相互凝并为较大的电中性的粒子团,这些具有较高比表面积的电中性粒子团进入室内空间,能继续粘附空气中及物体表面上的颗粒,形成更大的粒子团,从而易于被净化单元中的中效过滤器捕集,而且该净化单元对于大粒子(粒径>0.7μm)浓度较高的场所净化效果更加明显.另外,室内空气中吸附在颗粒物表面的甲醛也随之被高效去除.该净化单元的投入使用,起到了提高过滤效率、去除气溶胶小粒子、降低能耗、进一步改善室内空气品质等多重功效.  相似文献   

相对湿度是文物保存环境的一个极其重要的参数,NOx耦合水分对于文物的破坏性很大。在前期开发的空气净化器的基础上,研究了空气净化和湿度调节系统集成技术和参数,考察了空气净化器各单元对NOx的去除率,并评价了流量和相对湿度的影响,结果发现不同净化单元的设置合理有效。相对湿度低的情况下,氮氧化物去除率较高,达到96%以上,但在相对湿度较高的情况下则降低为66%。将空气净化器串联了调湿装置后,发现调湿器调湿效果显著,在各种环境湿度的情况下能有效的保持展柜的湿度。但在降湿效果上有待提高,调湿器的结构以及参数需要进一步优化。  相似文献   

先制备钛酸溶胶和掺杂Fe3 的钛酸溶胶,用溶胶-凝胶法分别将其负载于具有一定厚度的矩形蜂窝陶瓷三维网载体上,再用程序升温法煅烧.得到复合纳米TiO2光催化三维蜂窝陶瓷网.经扫描电镜(SEM)测定,三维蜂窝陶瓷网体上负载膜的厚度为300~400 nm,TiO2的粒径为15~20 nm.将光催化三维蜂窝陶瓷网置于光处理箱体内,在紫外光强、循环风量一定的条件下,对容积为72.6 m3和81.4 m3房间进行空气净化.结果表明,无论掺Fe3 与否的TiO2光催化三维蜂窝陶瓷网都有净化效果,其中以掺Fe3 的效果最好:当甲醛起始浓度为0.404 mg/m3,18 h的去除率为99.5%;当起始细菌总数为924 cfu/m3,24 h后的灭菌率为99.5%.  相似文献   

利用PCO技术,针对现有的室内挥发性有机污染物,设计一种能与建筑空调系统的通风换气设备相结合的折流式管状反应器,以甲醛为目标污染物,对其净化效果进行实验分析。结果表明:折流式管状反应器对于甲醛的降解处理效果高于传统的管状反应器,其转化率及矿化率均大于传统管状反应器;相较于波长较长的黑光灯,波长为254 nm的杀菌灯利用率更高,实验效果优于黑光灯;不同初始浓度下甲醛的反应有效度η基本不受催化层厚度影响;以波长254 nm的杀菌灯为紫外光源时,由于光强衰减快,使得催化层厚度对传质速率无明显作用;以波长为365 nm的黑光灯为紫外灯源时,甲醛η值随催化层厚度增加而增大,故在此实验条件下的光催化反应中,紫外光吸收量、反应速率以及反应有效度均会随催化剂负载量增加而增大。  相似文献   

用三维贯通网络结构的SiC多孔陶瓷作为汽车尾气净化CO和CH的载体材料,研究了SiC多孔陶瓷的性能和气体净化效果.结果表明:(1)SiC多孔陶瓷主孔道呈三维贯通网络结构,主孔道孔径为300~400μm;具有优异的抗热震性和电致发热性能,是净化汽车尾气催化剂载体的理想材料.(2)SiC多孔陶瓷加热迅速、表面温度高,可以显著提高净化器内的气体温度;在不用涂覆催化剂的情况下,利用SiC多孔陶瓷的电致发热性能就可以有效地实现CO和CH的转化,对汽车尾气模拟气体具有良好的净化效果.  相似文献   

本文综述了环境材料的实质、特点及其与传统材料在主要内涵、研究重点、评价指标体系和材料选择原则的差异 ,并介绍了环境材料的评价体系与方法和设计原则  相似文献   

研制了一种新型有害物质环境测试组合舱,该测试舱由舱体系(内舱和外舱)、恒温恒湿空气处理系统、空气循环装置和信号控制与处理软件组成。该测试舱具有可分别使用内舱和外舱对样品进行测试的特点,并采用美国FLUNT公司开发的air pack软件包对内舱和外舱的气流进行模拟与计算,并划分出内舱的层流区域,同时也对舱体系的性能进行了测试与评价。结果表明,有害物质环境测试组合舱的温湿度的相对标准偏差分别为0.04℃和0.7%,混合性达到90.7%。因此,该有害物质环境测试组合舱对温湿度控制精准,气流稳定,混合性能良好,能为室内空气污染研究提供条件稳定的室内仿真环境。  相似文献   

实验以扎龙湿地底泥做为介质,模拟表面流湿地系统,研究了不同底质和进水浓度对表面流湿地净化效率及其稳定性的影响。通过对各个指标去除率均值,变异系数和方差的综合分析,表明在本实验设计的高、中、低3种浓度梯度下,高、中浓度进水时,湿地底质的净化效果更好。粘土对TN、NO3--N去除效果最好,粉砂土对NH4+-N、COD去除效果较好。3种底质对磷的去除效果没有显著差异。此外,随着进水浓度的不同,底质因素的影响也发生相应的变化。即粘土和粉砂土的去除率受进水浓度影响大,亚砂土的去除效果相对稳定。实验结果客观反映了扎龙湿地不同底质地段的净化污水功能,为表面流人工湿地净化不同浓度的污水水质和选择最佳净化效果的湿地底质提供理论依据。  相似文献   

环境舱检测建材污染物释放量前,应尽可能降低内舱的本底浓度,以实现对污染物释放量的准确检测。从结构设计、选材、接口及配件设计等多方面考虑,设计了低本底环境舱(体积为1 m3)的内舱结构;对舱体内部的惰性材料进行了性能测试,并对60 L内舱污染物释放量进行了测试。检测结果表明,内舱所涂敷的惰性涂层能够满足环境舱的使用要求,舱壁的惰性处理不会对其本底值造成不利影响。本实验结果验证了内舱结构设计的合理性,可为环境舱的研制提供参考。  相似文献   

Performance reference compound (PRC) derived sampling rates were determined for polyurethane foam (PUF) passive air samplers in both sub-tropical and temperate locations across Australia. These estimates were on average a factor of 2.7 times higher in summer than winter. The known effects of wind speed and temperature on mass transfer coefficients could not account for this observation. Sampling rates are often derived using ambient temperatures, not the actual temperatures within deployment chambers. If deployment chamber temperatures are in fact higher than ambient temperatures, estimated sampler-air partition coefficients would be greater than actual partition coefficients resulting in an overestimation of PRC derived sampling rates. Sampling rates determined under measured ambient temperatures and estimated deployment chamber temperatures in summer ranged from 7.1 to 10 m3 day−1 and 2.2-6.8 m3 day−1 respectively. These results suggest that potential differences between ambient and deployment chamber temperatures should be considered when deriving PRC-based sampling rates.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIMS AND SCOPE: The building materials are recognised to be major contributors to indoor air contamination by volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The improvement of the quality of the environment within buildings is a topic of increasing research and public interest. Legislation in preparation by the European Commission may induce, in the near future, European Union Member States to solicit the industries of paints, varnishes and flooring materials for taking measures, in order to reduce the VOC emissions resulting from the use of their products. Therefore, product characterisation and information about the influence of environmental parameters on the VOC emissions are fundamental for providing the basic scientific information required to allow architects, engineers, builders, and building owners to provide a healthy environment for building occupants. On the other hand, the producers of coating building materials require this information to introduce technological alterations, when necessary, in order to improve the ecological quality of their products, and to make them more competitive. Studies of VOC emissions from wet materials, like paints and varnishes, have usually been conducted after applying the material on inert substrates, due to its non-adsorption and non-porosity properties. However, in real indoor environments, these materials are applied on substrates of a different nature. One aim of this work was to study, for the first time, the VOC emissions from a latex paint applied on concrete. The influence of the substrate (uncoated cork parquet, eucalyptus parquet without finishing and pine parquet with finishing) on the emissions of VOC from a water-based varnish was also studied. For comparison purposes, polyester film (an inert substrate) was used for both wet materials. METHODS: The specific emission rates of the major VOCs were monitored for the first 72 h of material exposure in the atmosphere of a standardized test chamber. The air samples were collected on Tenax TA and analysed using thermal desorption online with gas chromatography provided with both mass selective detection and flame ionisation detection. A double exponential model was applied to the VOC concentrations as a function of time to facilitate the interpretation of the results. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The varnish, which was introduced in the test chamber 23 h after the application of the last layer of material, emitted mainly glycolethers. Only primary VOCs were emitted, but their concentrations varied markedly with the nature of the substrate. The higher VOC concentrations were observed for the parquets of cork and eucalyptus, which indicated that they have a much higher porosity and, therefore, a higher power of VOC adsorption than the finished pine parquet (and polyester film). The paint was introduced in the chamber just after its application. Only primary VOCs were emitted (esters, phthalates, glycolethers and white spirit) but some compounds, like 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol and diethylphthalate, were only observed for paint/polyester, which suggested that they were irreversibly adsorbed by the paint/concrete. Compared with the inert substrate, the rate of VOC emissions was lower for concrete in the wet-stage (first hours after the paint application) but slightly higher later (dry-stage) as a consequence of desorption. CONCLUSIONS: As to varnish, the substrates without finishing, like cork and eucalyptus parquets, displayed a higher power of adsorption of VOCs than the pine parquet with finishing, probably because they have a higher porosity. As concerns paint, the total masses of VOCs emitted were lower for concrete than for polyester, indicating that concrete reduces the global VOC emissions from the latex paint. Concrete is seen to have a strong power of adsorption of VOCs. Some compounds, namely 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol, diethylphthalate and TEXANOL (this partially), were either irreversibly adsorbed by the concrete or desorbed very slowly (at undetected levels). A similar behaviour had not been reported for gypsum board, a paint substrate studied before. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: The present data suggest that concrete may be a recommendable substrate for paint in an indoor environment. As the nature of the substrate conditions the rate and nature of VOC emissions from wet materials, it must be explicit when emissions from composite materials are reported, in order to allow comparisons and labelling of the product in terms of indoor air quality.  相似文献   

基于湿法再生吸附技术,利用强碱性季铵盐树脂材料制备了异相吸附剂薄膜,应用于大气中极低CO2的直接分离,以对抗全球变暖。通过滴定法分析吸附剂材料的电荷密度和吸附容量,利用SEM分析不同工况下制备出来的膜材料的表观结构,并对膜材料进行CO2吸附性能的测试。结果发现,热处理能够明显提高膜材料的吸附性能,还研究吸附剂制备对吸附速率,吸附量和机械强度等性能的影响,发现粒径小于43μm的树脂粉末,按60%质量分数制成的500μm厚膜材料具有较优的综合性能。  相似文献   

基于湿法再生吸附技术,利用强碱性季铵盐树脂材料制备了异相吸附剂薄膜,应用于大气中极低CO2的直接分离,以对抗全球变暖。通过滴定法分析吸附剂材料的电荷密度和吸附容量,利用SEM分析不同工况下制备出来的膜材料的表观结构,并对膜材料进行CO2吸附性能的测试。结果发现,热处理能够明显提高膜材料的吸附性能,还研究吸附剂制备对吸附速率,吸附量和机械强度等性能的影响,发现粒径小于43μm的树脂粉末,按60%质量分数制成的500μm厚膜材料具有较优的综合性能。  相似文献   

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