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对深圳市工业液态危险废物的分类产生量、行业来源及产生工艺进行分析,筛选85家工业企业产生的22小类液态危险废物进行了采样分析,并对各类废液的环境危害特性和资源化潜力进行了研究。结果表明:深圳市工业液态危险废物主要来源于线路板、新型电子元器件、电镀和设备制造等行业,排名前13类工业液态危险废物的产生量占深圳市工业危险废物产生总量的69. 41%,产生量最大的4类工业液态危险废物依次为HW22含铜废物、HW17表面处理废物、HW34废酸、HW06废有机溶剂与含有机溶剂废物。工业液态危险废物基本上产生于各种使用液态溶剂、试剂或槽液的物理化学处理工艺。有15小类有毒有害物质的含量超过浸出GB 5085. 3—2007《危险废物鉴别标准浸出性鉴别》标准值,超出标准值次数最多的指标为Ni、Cu和Pb;有13小类废物具有重金属回收利用的潜力,可利用的元素包括Au、Ag、Cu、Ni、Sn、Cr、Mn等。在某种意义上,工业液态危险废物也称为城市液体矿山。  相似文献   

郑嘉辉  梁建Zhan 《环境》2000,(6):38-39
一、深圳市危险废物产生与处理现状深圳市产生危险废物的行业较为集中,主要在线路板、电镀、电子、医疗卫生等行业,共约20种危险废物。据核查测算,1998年全市危险废物产生量约为4.8万吨,产生量最大的是含铜废物(包括浓铜废液和含铜污泥),其次是表面处理废物污泥,再就是医院临床废物、废酸和无机氟化物等。据预测,到2010年,深  相似文献   

针对危险废物利用处置面临的形势及问题,分析了内蒙古自治区危险废物产生、贮存、利用和处置的现状,提出了优化对策.调研结果表明,2019年内蒙古自治区危险废物产生量较2018年增加了16.94%,HW33无机氰化物废物、HW11精(蒸)馏残渣和HW48有色金属冶炼废物产生量占总产生量的83.7%.危险废物产生量最大的区域位...  相似文献   

重庆市危险废物调查与污染防治建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭昱  邓春光 《重庆环境科学》2001,23(4):54-56,60
按照国家危险废物申报登记规范,作者调查了1999年重庆市危险废物产生量,处置量,综合利用量,排放量分别为76万t,29万t和24万t吨和历年贮存量,重庆市危险废物具有相对集中和广泛分布的特征,全市有危险废物31种,以无机氟化物废物,废酸或固态酸,含铬废物,农药和除草剂废物,含汞废物,含酚废物等六类为主,它们分布于34个行业,主要集中在化工,金属制品,非金属矿采选,石油加工及炼焦等四个行业,危险废物的区分布以三峡库区为主,占全市产生量的80%,作者提出了危险废物污染防治的建议。  相似文献   

我国有色金属冶炼行业工艺和反应多样,废物种类繁多,产生环节迥异,易出现此类危险废物管控过程中废物产生节点识别困难、废物指向不明确以及污染特性不清晰等问题,进而导致管理误判.通过梳理和分析《国家危险废物名录(2021年版)》规定的HW48大类中铜、铅、锌冶炼共22种废物的来源,以及铅滤饼和砷渣等重点废物的污染特性,明确废...  相似文献   

基于危险废物转移联单的归纳整理以及实地调研分析,研究了重庆市废有机溶剂的产生特性.结果表明,重庆市废有机溶剂产生行业多达11种,废有机溶剂的产生量从2011年的20万t,到2015年增加到了40多万t,,年平均增长率高达29%,2016和2017年的产生量趋于稳定状态..化工行业的产生量占总产生量的99%,其次为电子行业与汽车制造行业.重庆市的废有机溶剂主要处置方式包括精蒸馏回收,危险废物焚烧炉焚烧以及水泥窑协同处置等.结合重庆市产生行业及产生种类,回收方式等特点,对重庆市废有机溶剂的管理提出了分类回收、加大回收率及小量豁免等建议.  相似文献   

<正>甘肃华壹环保技术服务有限公司(以下简称"华壹环保")成立于2008年,系北控水务集团旗下公司,主要针对危险废物进行环保处理,同时也是一家专业从事城市矿产资源循环再生类业务的混合所有制环境保护企业。华壹环保主营业务包括环保部、财政部、国家发展改革委联合批准的废弃电子产品拆解生产,以及HW08废矿物油和HW49其他废物中900-045-49类废物等危险废物的收集、贮运、处置和利用。  相似文献   

上海佳余化工有限公司在无危险废物经营许可证的情况下.擅自收集多家单位的工业废酸(危险废物类别HW34),并造成环境污染事故.上海市环保局依据《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》(以下简称《固废法》)的相关规定,对上海佳余化工有限公司的违法行为进行处罚.  相似文献   

我国工业危险废物产生特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
工业生产是危险废物的主要来源,工业危险废物是世界各国固体废物管理的重要方面.以我国历年环境统计数据为基础,全面分析了我国工业危险废物产生现状和特点.研究了工业危险废物产生量、利用量和处置量、工业危险废物区域和行业分布特点、工业危险废物与工业固体废物的关系、工业危险废物产生量与工业产值的关系及工业危险废物产生的变化趋势等.提出今后我国既要重视对传统的石油化工、化学工业和冶金工业等行业产生的危险废物管理,又要重视对高新技术产业和西部资源省份产生工业危险废物的管理.  相似文献   

化工行业危险废物调查方法的建立与应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在化工行业危险废物调查实践基础上,建立了适用于化工行业危险废物调查的快速浏览法.该法通过对化工企业工业流程的每一工序的物料投入与产出分析,得到产品整个生产工艺的物料平衡图,据此可分析物料转化率、危险废物产生环节、产生量、产废系数等.介绍了该方法的建立过程、主要调查步骤及其在化学农药厂的实际应用案例.  相似文献   

我国是世界上最大的焦炭生产国和供应商,以常规焦炉炼焦工艺为主,常规焦炉会排放气体、液体和固体污染物.常规焦炉危险废物的产生现状是种类多、产生工艺节点多样、产生量大、污染物种类繁杂、对生态环境和人体的潜在危害大.对高附加值的高温煤焦油采取深加工的方式生产多种化工原料,脱硫废液的利用方式是提取单品精盐和制酸,其他低附加值的常规焦炉危险废物回配煤单元炼焦.当前,我国常规焦炉危险废物利用处置存在3个问题:①部分高温煤焦油深加工技术不属于清洁生产技术;②脱硫废液提取的盐缺乏污染控制标准或技术规范,脱硫废液制酸设备稳定运行难度较大;③危险废物回配煤单元可能引起炼焦产品质量下降和环境风险增大.针对我国常规焦炉危险废物产生和利用处置存在的问题,建议从3个方面提高炼焦危险废物利用率和加强安全处置:①遵循《国家危险废物名录》中"危险废物豁免管理清单"利用环节豁免条件,采取先进的清洁生产技术,促进高温煤焦油利用;②制定以脱硫废液为原料提取盐的污染控制标准或技术规范,将小规模企业产生的脱硫废液"点对点"集中输送至专门利用脱硫废液制酸的企业生产硫酸,开发易于推广、平稳高效连续运行和自动化控制的提盐和制酸技术,提高脱硫废液利用水平;③常规焦炉危险废物返回配煤工序炼焦时应精准管控,确保炼焦产品质量,防范环境风险.   相似文献   

文章对广东省危险废物的产生与流向、处置设施建设、工艺技术、污染防治以及管理等现状及存在问题进行调查分析,针对所存在的问题,并结合规划要求,从管理、技术发展、处理处置设施建设和运营等方面提出较为系统的危险废物污染防治对策。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyse one of the goals of the latest National Waste Plan of Finland: the relative reduction of hazardous waste (HW) generation by 15% over the period 1992 to 2005.Official statistics and a national database of the annual reports of HW generators were used as one basis for this study. A case study was focused on a selection of HW classes that were considered to be typical to the metal workshop industry. These HW classes were combined to form functional HW groups for the purpose of forming time series. Trends at the company level were studied by performing interviews and by studying the environmental permit documents of about 50 companies.The total amount of HW reported in Finland increased by 133% over the studied period. Meanwhile the GDP of Finland grew by 74%. This means that thus far no de-coupling of HW generation with economic growth can be verified. However, several changes in the definition and classification of HW and changes in the statistical methods make the figures for the trend analysis unreliable.The waste groups in the metals sector that increased in quantity were: metal finishing wastes such as pickling acids, wastes from painting and lacquering, oily wastes and – more modestly – HW containing cyanide or heavy metals. HW from machining oils and emulsions did not increased significantly and finally, hazardous foundry wastes and HW from adhesives and sealants decreased. The number of registered HW producers has grown strongly, even doubled, in several waste groups, which may explain most of the growth. In addition, the changes in the HW classification apply also to these waste groups. The study of some exceptional anomalies in the data revealed significant coding errors in the waste information database.Interviews of personnel from selected companies from the metals sector indicated that all of them had been taking action to minimize wastes, including HW. However in the national or waste group specific data, this trend towards cleaner production was overshadowed by changes in classification, statistical errors, increased production, improvements in enforcement and also conflicting technical trends, such as increased HW output from wastewater treatment or air pollution control systems.The waste monitoring and reporting system in the industry should be improved to provide data about the specific generation of wastes from specific industrial processes. Such data could then be used in describing the BAT for these processes, as pointed out earlier by other experts.The authors suggest that quantitative HW prevention targets would not be effective in the forthcoming National Waste Plan for Finland and that HW minimization goals should mainly be promoted via sustainable chemicals policy, integrated pollution control and integrated product policy. The goal of minimizing HW generation is not feasible as an independent policy target.  相似文献   

In Thailand, a large amount of radiographic film waste is generated in hospitals. Fixer and developer solutions removed approximately 35–45% of the sensitive silver compounds from the films, depending on the object exposed. Solutions are reused twice, while used films are kept for the records for more than 5–10 years. After that, these wastes are sold to dealers. More than 90% of the dealers are not officially registered. Wastes are delivered to in-house factories to recover silver either by electrolysis, acid leaching (HNO3) or combustion process. Most waste processors are not really concerned with handling the wastes. Highly toxic chemicals are generally spilled and discharged into the environment. The cleaner technology concept of silver leaching from radiographic film was investigated using weak acids such as acetic, oxalic and malonic acids. The tests were carried out under low temperature conditions.An oxalic acid solution at 5% (w/v) provided the best leaching condition at 100 °C for 20 min. This achieved 100% silver leaching from the films. The obtained silver was in its metal form and ready for ingot production. Following this, a fact sheet on the waste management of radiographic film waste was created to reduce the risks of spills and leakages of hazardous silver into the environment.  相似文献   

钢材盐酸酸洗废液资源化处理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用盐酸作为钢材酸洗介质,会产生相当多的盐酸酸洗废液,废液如果直接排放会严重污染环境,而且浪费资源。以宝鸡瑞星化工机械厂和宝鸡铁塔厂的酸洗废液为原料,通过实验室小试,探索出了通过蒸馏浓缩以及浓缩液酸化制备盐酸的工艺条件;在此基础上设计了相关的工艺路线并进行中试,制得了浓度高达34%的盐酸,同时副产氧化铁红和磷肥;探讨了中试时所遇到问题的解决办法,并对中试结果进行了讨论。实践证明,该工艺不仅可消除酸洗废液对环境的污染,且有良好的经济效益,为钢材盐酸酸洗废液资源化处理综合利用提供了实用技术,是循环经济的很好实例。  相似文献   

从危险废物的涵义出发,指出了危险废物的特性和分类,分析了中国工业危险废物的产生和处置现状,工业危险废物对水体、大气、土壤和人体健康的危害.从工业企业、经营单位和环保部门三个层面,指出了工业企业危废业务薄弱和管理不规范,危险废物经营单位处置能力不足和结构不合理以及危险废物环境监管能力不足的三大问题,提出了解决好危险废物的出路问题、抓好重点种类危废管理和深化重点企业规范化管理的三项对策建议,做出了必须强化危险废物规范化管理的结论.  相似文献   

In the past few decades huge amounts of solid and paste-like wastes of domestic and industrial origin have been deposited on sanitary landfills worldwide. Only a small proportion was incinerated, where incineration plants were available. Since primary resources, such as ores for metal production or crude oil for the production of gasoline, diesel, solvents and plastics, or coal and natural gas as sources for energy or chemicals are not available in unlimited quantities, and because the deposition of residues, wastes and worn-out commodities on sanitary landfills causes pollution of the atmosphere, the soil and the groundwater due to hazardous gaseous emissions and toxic leachates, wastes from households and from industry must be avoided or minimized at an early stage. Whenever waste material can be recycled it must be re-introduced into production processes and the non-recyclable fractions should be used as a fuel for energy recovery. After incineration, the highly toxic dust fractions of ashes and slags resulting from burning the wastes should be deposited on sanitary landfills, while the granulated mineral slag fractions could be used as a substitute for the sand in cement as a construction material. Here we review various processes for the treatment of organic fractions of differently composed wastes to upgrade them to more valuable, re-usable products or at least to recover their energy content. Upgrading processes of organic wastes include composting, biogas fermentation, production of organic acids and solvents, and biopolymer or biosurfactants production. We also include biological purification procedures for the most important components of wastes, such as chitin from the shells of Crustaceae. Typical examples from pilot-scale or full-scale studies are discussed for each process.  相似文献   

固体废物具有"废物"和"资源"的双重属性,固体废物环境管理是从其产生、收集、贮存、转移、处置利用的全过程管理。文章阐述了当前固体废物管理工作面临的严峻形势,主要表现在企业对固体废物的认识不足、危险废物底数不清、危险废物处置能力不足、监管能力不足等方面。在此基础上,初步探析了固体废物管理中存在的廉政风险,主要产生于危险废物转移审批、危险废物经营许可证办理、进口固体废物许可证办理、环境监管执法过程中,并提出了减少固体废物环境管理廉政风险的对策和建议。  相似文献   

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