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The bioluminescent fish Porichthys notatus (plainfin midshipman), has a discontinuous distribution along the Pacific coast of North America. The fish is present from Cape Mendocino southward to Baja California, Mexico, absent off the coast of Oregon, USA, and abundant, northward, in Puget Sound, Washington. Interestingly, the population in Puget Sound lacks the substrate (luciferin) necessary for the luminescence reaction and, despite possessing an otherwise fully functional photophore system, is nonluminescent. The California population of P. notatus is uniformly luminescent south of Monterey Bay, but 15% of the speciments tested from San Francisco Bay and the Gulf of the Farallons have been reported to be nonluminescent. Explanations for nonluminescent midshipman in both Puget Sound and the San Francisco Bay area have focussed on a dietary requirement for luciferin. To gain further insight into reasons for nonluminescence in the San Francisco Bay region, the distribution of bioluminescence in P. notatus was studied from Monterey Bay to Cape Mendocino during 1985. A complex pattern of bioluminescence was found, in which nonluminescent individuals reflected neither a local anomaly in the San Francisco Bay region nor a simple gradient of decreasing luminescence towards the northern end of the range of the California population. Instead, a distinct size-dependent component in luminescence capability of the fish was observed. Aspects of the life history of P. notatus and related factors which might influence the bioluminescence characteristics of this population are discussed.Please address all correspondence to Dr. F.I. Tsuji at the Osaka Bioscience Institute  相似文献   

Digitonin extracts from retinas of the marine fish Porichthys notatus, from California and Puget Sound (USA), contain a single photopigment with maximum absorbance at 498 nm. In the presence of hydroxylamine the final product of bleaching absorbs maximally at 367 nm, indicating that the photopigment is based on retinal. Spectral sensitivity measurements performed on intact eyes and eye-cup preparations in darkadapted and selectively light-adapted states yield curves which suggest that the retina of P. notatus contains at least 3 different types of receptors. In the darkadapted state, the spectral sensitivity curve has a broad peak, with a maximum between 480 and 500 nm. In the blue and red light-adapted states, in addition to depressing the sensitivity, the shape of the sensitivity curve also changes. Under these conditions new peaks appear which suggest the presence of at least two different types of cones, with sensitivity maxima in the blue and the green regions of the spectrum, respectively. Comparison of the spectral sensitivity curves with the in vivo bioluminescence emission spectrum of the fish gives an especially good correspondence and suggests that the fish is able to perceive the bioluminescence of its own species.  相似文献   

Porichthys notatus is a common benthic fish found along the Pacific coast of North America. It possesses more than 700 small dermal photophores on its head and trunk. When P. notatus collected in Monterey Bay, California, is injected subcutaneously with norepinephrine, the photophores emit a long-lasting luminescence that is readily visible to the dark-adapted eye. The light emission is due to the oxidation of luciferin (substrate) by molecular oxygen, catalyzed by luciferase. In contrast, P. notatus collected in Puget Sound, Washington, is nonluminous, even though the photophores do not differ ultrastructurally from those of the California fish. The inability of the Puget Sound fish to luminesce is due to lack of luciferin in its photophores. Luminescence capability, however, may be induced in the Puget Sound fish by the oral or intraperitoneal administration of a small amount of luciferin from the tiny luminescent marine ostracod crustacean, Vargula hilgendorfii, suggesting that the origin of luciferin in P. notatus may be from the diet. In this study, specimens of P. notatus were collected over the entire known range of the species, between November 1981 and September 1987, and the presence of luciferin in the photophores determined. The results indicate that there are two populations of P. notatus: a luciferin-deficient, nonluminescent population located north of northern California and a luciferin-containing, luminescent population extending south of Cape Mendocino, California, to Baja California, Mexico. At the northern end of the southern population, a mixture of luminescent and nonluminescent P. notatus was found.  相似文献   

Summary The commonly studied standard anti-predatory environment presents animals with spatially-distinct feeding sites and refuges from attack, neither of which necessarily obstructs predator detection. In contrast, tree-trunks provide animals with a markedly non-standard environment in which the foraging substrate itself may be a refuge from attack that unavoidably obstructs predator detection. Thus anti-predatory behavior in this environment should be influenced not only by a perceived risk of attack, but also by the nature of the refuge/foraging substrate itself. Downy woodpeckers (Picoides pubescens) are a common tree-trunk foraging animal, and an experimental analysis of their behavior suggests that they respond appropriately to their non-standard anti-predatory environment. In particular, anti-predatory vigilance varies strongly with changes in tree trunk diameter. Two modes of vigilance were apparent. In stationary vigilance, woodpeckers maintained the position of their feet while rotating their bodies side-to-side to peer around the trunk; mobile vigilance involved movement around the trunk itself. Both the frequency and angle of rotation of stationary vigilance increased with trunk diameter, as did the frequency of mobile vigilance. The woodpeckers also held their heads farther away from the trunk surface as diameter increased. All of these measures of vigilance increased under a greater perceived risk of predation. As might be expected given these results, downy woodpeckers avoided thick trunks; they did not, however, prefer the thinnest (least obstructive) available trunks. These preferences may reflect the influence of trunk diameter on thermo-ecological and/or anti-predator considerations not related to vigilance. Overall, this arboreal environment provides an unusual perspective on anti-predator decision-making with several implications for tree-trunk foraging animals in general.  相似文献   

The means of detecting downwelling light for counterillumination in several midwater animals has been examined. Eyes and extraocular photoreceptors (drosal photosensitive vesicles in the enoploteuthid squid Abraliopsis sp. B and pineal organs in the myctophid fish Myctophum spinosum) were alternately exposed to overhead light or covered by a small opaque shield above the animal and the bioluminescent response of the animal was monitored. Covering either the eyes or the extraocular photoreceptors resulted in a reduction in the intensity of counterillumination. Preliminary experiments examining the bioluminescent feedback mechanism for monitoring intensity of bioluminescence during counterillumination in the midwater squid Abralia trigonura indicated that the ventral photosensitive vesicles are responsible for bioluminescent feedback.  相似文献   

Nirchio  M.  Fenocchio  A. S.  Swarça  A. C.  Pérez  J. E. 《Marine Biology》2004,146(1):161-165
This paper reports the results of cytogenetic analyses carried out on Porichthys plectrodon using conventional Giemsa staining, C-banding and silver staining techniques. A diploid chromosome count of 2n=44 was observed, consisting of 8 metacentric, 10 submetacentric, 6 subtelocentric and 20 acrocentric chromosomes. Differences in length made it possible to identify homologous chromosomes within the metacentric group. Constitutive heterochromatin was distributed as large pericentromeric blocks in pairs 1 and 2, while the rest of the chromosomes were marked in centromeric regions, some more conspicuously than others. One pair of small-sized acrocentric NOR-bearing chromosomes (21) was identified by the nucleolar regions located terminally on their short arms.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

通过参与性访谈对苍南县214名调查对象进行了分层随机抽样调查,研究了公众对耕地保护及其多功能价值的认知与参与意愿,并根据受访者所从事行业将其分为非农和农业两组对象进行比较分析.结果表明:土地政策的稳定性和长效性,以及农业收益高低是影响农户耕地保护和投资的主要因素.公众耕地保护意识较强,超过85%的受访者认为保护耕地很重要.但公众对于耕地保护的支付意愿不高,这点在农业受访者中表现尤为突出.公众对于耕地多功能性的认知存在较大的不足和误区,尤其是对耕地的生态功能方面的认识.通过逻辑回归分析发现,公众的文化程度、年龄和所从事的行业是影响他们对耕地保护及其多功能性认知与参与意愿的主要因素.  相似文献   

资源型城市土地利用变化及其对生态系统服务价值的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐超平  夏斌 《生态环境》2010,19(12):2887-2891
东营市是新兴的石油资源城市,土地利用/覆被变化剧烈且具有独特的区域特征。探讨该地区的土地利用变化及其对生态系统服务价值的影响有着重要的现实意义。为此,基于RS和GIS技术,利用Costanza提出的生态系统服务价值评估方法,研究了东营市1986—2008年间的土地利用变化及其引起的生态系统服务价值动态变化。研究结果表明:(1)耕地是东营市主要的土地利用类型,面积有所减少;未利用地和次生盐碱地所占比重较大,居民点及工矿用地大幅增加,油田生产建设和生态环境保护矛盾非常突出。(2)生态系统服务价值减少了6.68%。2008年东营市提供的生态服务仍然以维护原材料、气体调节、食物生产、气候等为主,而废物处理、水源涵养、生物多样性保护、土壤形成与保护和娱乐文化功能是比较弱的。今后应维护生物多样性保护和水源涵养功能,防止土壤盐渍化,提升区域生态系统服务功能;(3)生态系统服务价值对生态价值系数的敏感性指数均小于1,说明研究区内的生态系统服务价值缺乏弹性,研究结果是可信的。  相似文献   

研究三峡库区面源污染特征及其与水土流失的关系,可为库区氮磷污染和土壤侵蚀控制提供依据.选择三峡库区库尾笋溪河流域,在流域内分园地、林地和耕地3种土地利用类型共采集126个土壤样品,并在主干和支流采集52个水质样品.根据EPIC模型计算土壤可蚀性k值,分析流域内土壤可蚀性k值对面源污染的影响.结果表明,笋溪河流域面源污染主要是氮污染,总氮均值达1.37 mg/L,氮素的主要形态为硝态氮,占总氮的71.2%;总磷浓度为0.1 mg/L.流域内土壤可蚀性k值均值为0.040,随着土层加深土壤可蚀性k值呈上升趋势;林地土壤可蚀性k值显著低于园地和耕地.笋溪河流域总氮浓度与园地和耕地0-20 cm土壤可蚀性k值有关,硝态氮浓度与耕地0-40 cm土壤可蚀性k值有关.因此,笋溪河流域面源污染严重,主要来源是耕地和园地,应实行免耕、植物篱等措施,同时减少化肥施用,增加有机肥比例,以增加土壤抗侵蚀能力,进而控制流域水土流失和面源污染.(图6参37)  相似文献   

Some invasion biologists contend their science has reached a consensus on 4 facts: cost estimates of the effects of nonindigenous species provided in papers by Pimentel et al. are credible; invasive species generally, not just predators, pose significant extinction threats; characteristic biological differences distinguish novel from native species, ecosystems, communities, and processes; and ontological dualism, which distinguishes between natural and anthropogenic processes and influences, plays a useful role in biological inquiry. I contend there is no convincing empirical evidence for any of these propositions. Leading invasion biologists cite their agreement about these propositions as evidence for them and impugn the motives of critics who believe consensus should be based on evidence not the other way around.  相似文献   

Implicit hedonic prices of amenities are estimated by means of a study of the variation in house prices in Sydney. The results include estimated hedonic prices for aircraft noise, road traffic, road widening, good views, spacious streets, good access to shops, and high quality neighborhoods. Since hedonic prices are the response of the market at the margin to supply as well as demand forces, they do not necessarily reflect average household willingness to pay prices. However, the paper concludes that they provide a basis from which the values of amenities to be used in benefit cost studies can be estimated.  相似文献   

In roughly contemporaneous papers, Cicchetti and Freeman (Quart. J. Econ., 1971) and Schmalensee (Amer. Econ. Rev., 1972) reached apparently conflicting conclusions about the sign taken by option value. Cicchetti and Freeman conclude that option value is always non-negative. Schmalensee concludes that option value may be either positive or negative, depending upon the circumstances. This paper reconciles these seemingly contradictory conclusions. It is demonstrated that Cicchetti and Freeman's unambiguous conclusions concerning the sign of option value are the result of two special strong assumptions not imposed by Schmalensee.  相似文献   

The value of information is a general and broadly applicable concept that has been used for several decades to aid in making decisions in the face of uncertainty. Yet there are relatively few examples of its use in ecology and natural resources management, and almost none that are framed in terms of the future impacts of management decisions. In this paper we discuss the value of information in a context of adaptive management, in which actions are taken sequentially over a timeframe and both future resource conditions and residual uncertainties about resource responses are taken into account. Our objective is to derive the value of reducing or eliminating uncertainty in adaptive decision making. We describe several measures of the value of information, with each based on management objectives that are appropriate for adaptive management. We highlight some mathematical properties of these measures, discuss their geometries, and illustrate them with an example in natural resources management. Accounting for the value of information can help to inform decisions about whether and how much to monitor resource conditions through time.  相似文献   

Location matters for the value of capital assets. The value of changes in natural capital wealth can depend on whether natural capital asset prices are measured locally and then aggregated or whether average values are applied over aggregate representative areas. Spatial heterogeneity of resource characteristics and institutions impact approximations of the intertemporal welfare function and accounting price function because when spatial aggregation precedes valuation it implies greater arbitrage opportunities leading to more inelastic shadow (accounting) price functions than when valuation is done locally and then aggregated. Aggregation of observed values across varying resource and institutional characteristics can lead to omitted variables bias. We illustrate these results in the context of groundwater in the Kansas High Plains Aquifer and demonstrate that the accounting price function is less elastic when the accounting price is measured locally. Failure to measure locally and then aggregate could lead to undervaluing scarce resources and overvaluing plentiful ones, which biases wealth accounts in favor of passing the non-declining wealth sustainability test.  相似文献   

The physical output of ecological processes have different values even though they may be measured in the same physical units. Using linear input-output theory, we derive a set of weights based on direct and indirect energy requirements for ecosystem commodities which uniquely converts them into commensurable unit costs. Under certain conditions, these costs are equal to values or prices. Using this system, behavioral theories can be better posed for experimental verification.  相似文献   

Summary Magpie (Pica pica) brood defense against a human at the nest was studied in a Mediterranean population with low renesting potential. Variations in two defense measures recorded during 106 trials at 41 different nests were positively correlated with brood age. Ineremental effects due to the number of successive visits to nests by us, brood size, and the time in the breeding season were not significant. Partial correlation analyses showed that visit rate was not an important determinant of nest defense, which thus favors an adaptive explanation of nest defense patterns. Two functional hypotheses to account for the increase in defense intensity with brood age were tested: whether (1) increased parental defense serves to compensate the higher predation risk of older nests or (2) increased parental defense reflects the increasing reproductive value of nestlings as they grow older. Daily mortality and incidende of predation (estimated from contribution of whole-brood losses to total mortality) was higher early in the nestling period, hence providing weak evidence for the assumption on which hypothesis (1) is based. The timing of parental defense intensity did not mirror variations in predation risk for the nest but variations in reproductive value of the brood, as can be estimated from daily mortality, thus supporting hypothesis (2). Magpie parents increased defense intensity in response to premature escaping by almost fully-developed nestlings. Since such a response lowers predation risk for the offspring and increases their probability of survival, this finding supports hypothesis (2), but runs contrary to hypothesis (1). Parents also increased defense in response to play-backs of alarm calls uttered by nestlings during escaping episodes. It is argued that parents should continuously monitor the degree of offspring development in order to assess their reproductive value and that, by alarm calling, chicks honestly make their parents aware of the gain in reproductive value that results from enhancement in locomotory abilities that occur at the end of the nestling period.  相似文献   

Mangrove forests constitute a pantropical ecosystem that has been much misused and mismanaged, without regard for actual and potential value to coastal resources. This paper uses primary and secondary data sources to assesses the economic value and pollution problems affecting a mangrove ecosystem. It concludes that this fragile ecosystem is under increasing biological stress resulting from industrial, agro-industrial, fishing and urban activities because both the private and public sector regard this ecosystem as wasteland. The paper concludes that, in order to achieve sustainability of the remaining forest, there is need for financial evaluation of the potentials of this ecosystem. Finally, the study identifies sustainable development and management options for mangrove forest and challenges scientists, researchers, natural resource managers and mangrove biologists to provide government authorities and society with evidence of the true potentials of mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

Land degradation is a global problem that seriously threatens human society. However, in China and elsewhere, ecological restoration still largely relies on a traditional approach that focuses only on ecological factors and ignores socioeconomic factors. To improve the effectiveness of ecological restoration and maximize its economic and ecological benefits, a more efficient approach is needed that provides support for policy development and land management and thereby promotes environmental conservation. We devised a framework for assessing the value of ecosystem services that remain after subtracting costs, such as the opportunity costs, costs of forest protection, and costs for the people who are affected by the program; that is, the net value of ecosystem services (NVES). To understand the difference between the value of a resource and the net value of the ecosystem service it provides, we used data on VES, timber sales, and afforestation costs from China's massive national afforestation programs to calculate the net value of forest ecosystem services in China. Accounting for the abovementioned costs revealed an NVES of ¥6.1 × 1012 for forests in 2014, which was 35.9% less than the value calculated without accounting for costs. As a result, the NVES associated with afforestation was 55.9% less than the NVES of natural forests. In some regions, NVES was negative because of the huge costs of human-made plantations, high evapotranspiration rates (thus, high water opportunity costs), and low forest survival rates. To maximize the ecological benefits of conservation, it is necessary to account for as many costs as possible so that management decisions can be based on NVES, thereby helping managers choose projects that maximize both economic and ecological benefits.  相似文献   

Traw MB  Feeny P 《Ecology》2008,89(3):763-772
Glucosinolates, trichomes, nitrogen, and carbon are not distributed uniformly through the canopies of mustards. In this study, we asked whether glucosinolate concentrations and trichome densities in two sympatric mustards, Brassica kaber and B. nigra, are highest in tissues of greatest value to the plant. We also asked whether nitrogen or carbon content is the stronger predictor of tissue value, and what fraction of each resource is incorporated in glucosinolates. To quantify tissue values, we removed three equal-area fractions (lower, middle, and upper) from the canopies of B. kaber and B. nigra in the greenhouse, as well as whole canopies of naturally growing B. nigra in the field, at two times during growth and measured reductions in their performance relative to controls. We also measured trichome density in both experiments, as well as glucosinolate, nitrogen, and carbon concentrations for the equal-area fractions in the greenhouse. We found that upper leaves had the highest glucosinolate concentrations, trichome densities, and tissue values. Furthermore, young plants in the field had higher trichome densities and tissue values than did older plants. Collectively, these data provide strong support for optimal defense theory and are among the first such evidence for glucosinolates and for physical defenses. The positive relationship between trichome density and tissue value was strong even after we accounted for the effects of leaf expansion. While nitrogen and carbon have both received attention as currencies for trade-offs, our data suggest that nitrogen concentration is a significantly better predictor of tissue value in these two mustard species. Interestingly, <1% of the nitrogen or carbon in leaves was incorporated in glucosinolates, which may explain why glucosinolates lack a consistent response to nitrogen fertilization.  相似文献   

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