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Nylon bags containing yellow leaves of Rhizophora apiculata and Avicennia marina, were immersed for 80 days from August to October, 1996. the decomposing leaves were collected every 10 days and analysed for dry weight loss and six biochemical parameters: tannins, total amino acids, total sugars, total nitrogen, total lipids and fatty acid profile. the leaf weight initially decreased very rapidly by about 50% of the start in two species of mangroves within 10 days. Similar changes were observed with tannins, total amino acids and sugars. However, the concentration of nitrogen increased significantly with decomposition. There was no significant change in total lipid and fatty acid profile. the highest concentration of fatty acid in the decomposing leaves was palmitic acid (16:0). Unsaturated fatty acids such as, 18:1 w7c and 18:1 w9c were found to be present in decomposing leaves of both species.  相似文献   

烟草凋萎叶早期腐解液对莴苣的化感作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究烟草凋萎叶早期腐解液及其不同组分的化感作用,以对化感物质具有高敏感性的莴苣(Lactuca sativa)为指示材料,对烟草品种K326凋萎叶早期腐解液及其分离后的各组分分别进行了化感潜力的生物测定.结果表明:1)早期腐解液及其组分随处理浓度的增大对莴苣种子萌发的抑制效应逐渐增强,且显著降低了种子萌发速率,并延...  相似文献   

运用完全分解模型详细研究了2000-2007年间滨海新区能源消费总量变化的过程。结果表明,2000-2007年期间,经济规模扩张因素所产生的增长效应对滨海新区能源消费总量的持续增长起主导作用。与此同时,产业结构的变动对能源消费的减量作用为负面的,技术进步因素产生的能源强度效应则是推动滨海新区能源消费减量的主要因素。笔者认为,推动产业结构的跨越式演进以及在未来城市规划中增加能源消费总量约束性的发展指标是滨海新区实现能源消费总量降低的重要途径和手段。  相似文献   

Five week-old mice were divided into a vehicle control group, and groups exposed to ZnO nanoparticles at low (0.5 g/kg), middle (1 g/kg), high (3 g/kg), and exceptionally high-dose (5 g/kg). After the first, second, third, and fourth weeks’ of exposure, blood biochemistry, histopathology, and electron microscopic ultrastructural changes in liver, kidney and spleen were investigated. Increased alkaline phosphatase activities were observed in all treated mice being statistically significant at higher dose. No changes were observed in the serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and lipid levels. During the first and second weeks of the treatment, effects on the cytoarchitecture of liver, kidney, and spleen were not perceived while during the third and fouth weeks of treatment sporadic mild effects were seen. Ultrastructural electron microscopic changes in liver, kidney, and spleen were not observed for the low-dose group on the first, second, third, and fourth weeks, suggesting that exposure to ZnO nanoparticles at low dose is safe. Long-term (i.e., more than 28 days) exposure to the exceptionally high-dose resulted in sporadic changes in nuclear chromatin condensation, irregular nuclear membrane, polymorphic mitochondria, mitochondrial swelling, and vacuolation. ZnO nanoparticles could be well tolerated and no death occurred in any group of treated mice.  相似文献   

随着纳米技术的迅速发展,纳米氧化锌广泛应用于抗菌涂料、电子装置、个人护理品等产品中,其生态毒理机制已成为生态学的研究热点。为了探究水生丝状真菌对纳米氧化锌的响应及适应机制,本文选用3种不同粒径的纳米氧化锌30 nm、90 nm和200 nm作为影响因子,通过室内模拟钻天杨Populus nigra L.凋落叶降解过程,研究纳米氧化锌的慢性暴露对水生丝状真菌生物量及代谢功能的影响效应,其中包括真菌的生孢率、群落多样性、脱氢酶活性、胞外降解酶活性、体系pH值、凋落叶降解速率以及碳氮含量,结果表明,粒径较小的纳米氧化锌(如30和90 nm)对水生丝状真菌活性及细菌代谢功能的抑制作用更强,且抑制作用达到显著水平所需的时间越短。46 d的慢性暴露显著影响了水生丝状真菌的生孢率与群落组成,其中Alatospora的生孢率与凋落叶降解速率呈显著负相关,表明该菌是纳米氧化锌的敏感菌,而Anguillospora和Flabellospora在纳米氧化锌的介入环境中产出较多的分生孢子,表明其为纳米氧化锌的耐受菌。另外,纳米氧化锌的长期暴露使水生丝状真菌对有机氮的降解功能具有促进作用,而对有机碳的代谢功能没有明显影响。总之,水生丝状真菌对纳米氧化锌的响应导致了凋落叶降解速率及碳氮分解效率在各处理间呈现显著差异。综上所述,本研究为纳米氧化锌对生态过程的毒理机制提供了必要的理论基础。  相似文献   

Wetlands, with their many values and important functions, are precious resources. They have, however, undergone great changes during economic development and population growth. Relying on recent advances in remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, this paper probes changes in wetland landscapes on Yinchuan Plain during 1978–2006. A series of remote sensing images was used to identify wetland landscape types. Landscape pattern indices, such as patch number, patch density, landscape shape, and Shannon's diversity, evenness, and contagion indices were calculated with GIS and landscape analysis software. Changes in wetland landscape patterns on Yinchuan Plain were analyzed. The analysis show that the total area of wetlands on Yinchuan Plain decreased from 391,540,239 m2 in 1978 to 267,979,957 m2 in 2006, a significant change over 28 years. The area of rivers and lakes has shrunk, and the area of paddies has increased consistently, with increasing wetland fragmentation and heterogeneity. The number of patches, patch density, and landscape shape index shows that wetland landscape patterns have undergone great changes. The landscape diversity, landscape evenness, and contagion indices indicate that wetland landscapes have become less heterogeneous. We discuss the causes of these changes and the sustainable development of wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

根据定位系统观测资料,阐述了南亚热带山地常绿森林区、丘陵旱作区和平原水稻区多种土壤的温度变化与气温的关系。观测研究结果表明:低山常绿森林区温度的三维空间差异比丘陵区、平原区大,丘陵区又比平原区大;南亚热带林区的气温、地表温、30cm土温比中亚热带的高,比热带的低:南亚热带林区的谷地气温高于针叶林、混交林和阔叶林,谷地地表温低于针叶林而高于混交林和阔叶林,谷地20m土温低于针叶林、混交林而高于阔叶林;在气温一致的丘陵区栽植植物不同,其地表温、土温略有差异;在平原水稻土区,年气温、地表温、20cm土温差异不大,但30cm以下土温渐显差异;不同地貌单元的气温、地表温和土温的年际差异、年平均温度、各月及0~12~24时的温度动态变化各具特征。根据气温与植物生长的关系,拟把气温>22℃的4~10月称热季、气温<22℃的1~3月及11~12月称作凉季。可因地制宜,根据气温和土温的变化特征与土壤水分和作物生长的关系,采取措施调节温度,以利于作物生长。  相似文献   

The decomposition of leaf litter is controlled by several factors. One factor that may play an important role is the content of condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins). Here we designed a combined method to isolate proanthocyanidins from leaf extracts, to convert them to anthocyanidins, and to quantify individual anthocyanidins exactly with a new, simple, but sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method. We used this method to show composition of proanthocyanidins and to monitor degradation of proanthocyanidins and individual constituents in leaf litter in an aquatic environment over time. Despite the rapid decrease in the initial concentrations, a fraction of the proanthocyanidins remained detectable for several weeks.  相似文献   

亚热带小区域水平上土壤质量时空变化的定量化评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
亚热带小区域水平上土壤质量时空变化的定量化评价王效举,龚子同(中国科学院南京土壤研究所,南京210008)QuantitativeEvaluationofSoilQualityChangesinTimeandSpaceataSmallAreaLeve...  相似文献   

The variations of the biochemical composition of Tetraselmis suecica and Isochrysis galbana during growth and decay were determined. the content of chlorophyll a (Chl-a) of the cultures, as expected, slowly degraded into phaeopigments during decay, confirming that chlorophyll measurements do not always provide an accurate estimate of phytoplanktonic biomass and, consequently, may fail if used to measure the food availability of particulate matter for consumers. Measurements of total amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, related to the nutritional value of particles in terms of caloric content, are shown to provide information on the readily available food for consumers, particularly during the blooms. the protein/carbohydrate, C/N and POC/Chl-a ratios were used to evaluate the differences between these two species during the growth and the decomposition processes. A comparison between experimental and field conditions was undertaken to implement our understanding of the growth and degradation processes of particulate organic matter of phytoplanktonic origin in the sea and its role on natural systems, during and after phytoplankton blooms.  相似文献   

铁浓度诱导的三角褐指藻生长和生化组分变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用试验生态学方法,以海洋硅藻三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)为研究材料,设置一系列铁浓度处理(3.15mg·L-1、6.30 mg·L-1、9.45 mg·L-1、18.90 mg·L-1和34.65 mg·L-1),着重测定藻液光密度(OD450)、比生长率、藻细胞密度、藻生物量、叶绿素含量和蛋白质含量等生理生化指标,探讨铁浓度对海洋微藻生长特性和生化组分的影响.结果表明,铁浓度对三角褐指藻的生长状况产生了显著的影响.三角褐指藻经培养48 h后,不同铁浓度下的藻液光密度(OD450)存在显著的差异,6.30 mg·L-1铁浓度下的藻液光密度值(OD450)最高,而随着铁浓度的进一步升高,藻液光密度值(OD450)却明显降低;比生长率和藻细胞密度在3.15 mg·L-1到9.45 mg·L-1铁浓度范围内随着铁浓度升高而增大(最大值分别约为0.609 d-1和1200×104 cell·mL-1),但高于9.45 mg·L-1的铁浓度显著降低了比生长率和藻细胞密度;在试验所设置的铁浓度范围内,藻生物最表现出随铁浓度的升高而增大的趋势,34.65 mg·L-1铁浓度下的藻生物量高达0.460 mg·ML-1.同样地,微藻叶绿素a含量和蛋白质含量也明显地受到铁浓度的影响.在3.15 mg·L-1到18.90 mg·L-1铁浓度范围内,叶绿素a含量逐渐增高(最大值为2.41 mg·L-1);同样地,蛋白质含量在9.45 mg·L-1.铁浓度下达到最大值(0.153 mg·mL-1),而随着铁浓度的逐渐升高,叶绿素和蛋白质含量却明显降低.研究结果表明.铁浓度诱导海洋微藻的生长及代谢发生变化.一定较高浓度的铁显著地促进了藻细胞的生长繁殖和藻细胞化学组分的转化和积累.这些发现将有利于加深认识铁浓度在海洋生态系统中扮演的角色,进一步明确赤潮爆发的生理生态机制,从而有助于人们采取有效的预测、预防和管理措施以降低赤潮的危害.  相似文献   

能源足迹变化的多因素影响效应研究——以吉林省为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用对数平均迪氏指数法构建能源足迹因素分解模型,定量分析1994—2008年吉林省能源足迹变化的主要影响因素及其效应特征。结果表明,1994—2008年,吉林省人均能源足迹从0.228 hm2增至0.524 hm2。在能源足迹增长的抑制因素中,能源强度效应占84.54%,排放因子效应占15.46%;在能源足迹增长的促进因素中,经济产出效应占91.39%,能源结构效应占4.30%,人口规模效应占3.73%,土地固碳效应占0.57%。以经济产出因素为主导的正效应明显大于以能源强度因素为主导的负效应,两者之比为1.73∶1,叠加表现为对能源足迹增长的促进作用,导致其总体呈递增趋势。此外,在正、负效应的双变量格局下,能源足迹呈复合曲面分布。目前减缓吉林省能源足迹增长的重点在于通过技术进步促进能源强度下降,同时需调整能源结构以发挥其应有的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Fishing and other human activities can alter the abundances, size structure, and behavior of species playing key roles in shaping marine communities (e.g., keystone predators), which may in turn cause ecosystem shifts. Despite extensive evidence that cascading trophic interactions can underlie community-wide recovery inside no-take marine reserves by protecting high-level predators, the spatial extent of these effects into adjacent fished areas is unknown. I examined the potential for community-wide changes (i.e., the transition from overgrazed coralline barrens to macroalgal beds) in temperate rocky reefs within and around a no-take marine reserve. For this purpose I assessed distribution patterns of predatory fishes, sea urchins, and barrens across the reserve boundaries. Predatory fishes were significantly more abundant within the reserve than in adjacent locations, with moderate spillover across the reserve edges. In contrast, community-wide changes of benthic assemblages were apparent well beyond the reserve boundaries, which is consistent with temporary movements of predatory fishes (e.g., foraging migration) from the reserve to surrounding areas. My results suggest that no-take marine reserves can promote community-wide changes beyond their boundaries.  相似文献   

This work analyses effects of recent variations in the tidal inundation frequency in a mangrove ecosystem in the Bragança peninsula, North Brazil, and its implications for land occupation and use. Field data, time series of remote sensing images and local legislation were analysed focusing on the potential socio-economic impact of a changing environmental setting due to a rise in relative sea level. In the investigated period (1972–1997), vegetation changes along the coastline indicate net losses of mangrove coverage. In the central part of the peninsula, a topographically higher herbaceous plain constituting part of a farm presents an active progression of mangrove forest into an area previously dominated by grasses and herbs. This area measured 8.8 km2 in 1972 but was gradually reduced to 5.6 km2 in 1997, while progressively replaced by a monospecific stand of the black mangrove,Avicennia germinans. A linear extrapolation indicates that the elevated plain may be completely covered by mangrove by 2035. Current Brazilian legislation prohibits the extraction of mangrove trees without an officially approved management plan. Thus, the usable area of the farm has suffered a reduction by ca. 36% over 25 yr and we predict that is could be entirely replaced by mangroves in the next 35 yr. In this case study, legislation and ecosystem characteristics are analysed and a management plan discussed which could represent income alternatives for affected resource users at the local and regional level.  相似文献   

A new model for determining leaf growth in vegetative shoots of the seagrass Zostera marina (eelgrass) is described. This model requires the weights of individual mature and immature whole leaves and leaf plastochrone interval (PL) as parameters, differing from the conventional leaf marking technique (CLM) that requires cutting and separation between new and old tissue of leaves. The techniques required for the model are the same as for the plastochrone method, but the parameters differ between both methods in use of the weight of individual immature leaves. In a mesocosm study, eelgrass growth was examined, and parameters for the new model and plastochrone method (the weights of individual mature and immature leaves and PL) were measured. Leaf growth rate was measured using the CLM and determined by the new method and the plastochrone method. The results were then compared between the CLM, the new model, and the plastochrone method. The results obtained with the new model were similar to those obtained with the CLM. However, the results of the plastochrone method differed from those of the CLM, while the weight of immature leaves varied seasonally. The new model was also used to determine leaf growth in a natural eelgrass bed in Mikawa Bay, Japan, and revealed the growth rates in all shoots and those of different ages. This method would be advantageous as an accurate means of direct measurement in fieldwork, and should therefore be a useful tool for monitoring seagrass growth.  相似文献   

水位是影响滨海湿地生态系统蓝碳功能的重要因素。气候变化引起的海平面上升以及极端气候事件的频发,可能加快水位的变化,从而改变生态系统碳交换的过程。然而,滨海湿地碳汇功能响应水位变化的机制尚不清楚。为了评估水位对滨海湿地净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)特征的影响,以及验证DNDC(denitrification-decomposition)模型对模拟预测滨海湿地生态系统碳交换的适用性,该研究设计了野外水位控制试验(自然水位,地下20 cm水位、地表10 cm水位),并利用DNDC模型模拟和预测水位变化对滨海湿地NEE的影响。结果表明:(1)不同水位处理之间NEE差异显著,地表10 cm水位处理促进CO2吸收,地下20 cm水位则抑制CO2吸收;(2)经过校准和验证的DNDC模型可以准确模拟水位变化对黄河三角洲湿地NEE的影响,NEE模拟值的日动态与田间观测结果显著相关(R2>0.6);(3)通过改变气候、土壤和田间管理等输入参数对DNDC模型进行灵敏度检验,生态系统碳交换过程对日均温、降雨和水位改变的响应最为显著,其中,水位对NEE的影响主要作用于土壤呼吸(Rs)。未来气候情境下,不同水位变化下的生态系统碳交换过程随年份增长呈现不同的规律,因此未来的模拟研究应关注DNDC中水文模块和植被演替过程的完善。该研究可为预测水文变化情境下滨海湿地碳汇功能的未来发展以及政策制定提供参考。  相似文献   

The effects of chronic exposure to increasing levels of human‐induced underwater noise on marine animal populations reliant on sound for communication are poorly understood. We sought to further develop methods of quantifying the effects of communication masking associated with human‐induced sound on contact‐calling North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in an ecologically relevant area (~10,000 km2) and time period (peak feeding time). We used an array of temporary, bottom‐mounted, autonomous acoustic recorders in the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary to monitor ambient noise levels, measure levels of sound associated with vessels, and detect and locate calling whales. We related wind speed, as recorded by regional oceanographic buoys, to ambient noise levels. We used vessel‐tracking data from the Automatic Identification System to quantify acoustic signatures of large commercial vessels. On the basis of these integrated sound fields, median signal excess (the difference between the signal‐to‐noise ratio and the assumed recognition differential) for contact‐calling right whales was negative (?1 dB) under current ambient noise levels and was further reduced (?2 dB) by the addition of noise from ships. Compared with potential communication space available under historically lower noise conditions, calling right whales may have lost, on average, 63–67% of their communication space. One or more of the 89 calling whales in the study area was exposed to noise levels ≥120 dB re 1 μPa by ships for 20% of the month, and a maximum of 11 whales were exposed to noise at or above this level during a single 10‐min period. These results highlight the limitations of exposure‐threshold (i.e., dose‐response) metrics for assessing chronic anthropogenic noise effects on communication opportunities. Our methods can be used to integrate chronic and wide‐ranging noise effects in emerging ocean‐planning forums that seek to improve management of cumulative effects of noise on marine species and their habitats. Cuantificación de la Pérdida de Espacio de Comunicación Acústica para Ballenas Francas Dentro y Alrededor de un Santuario Marino Nacional en E. U. A.  相似文献   

Many bird populations have recently changed their migratory behavior in response to alterations of the environment. We collected data over 16 years on male Great Bustards (Otis tarda), a species showing a partial migratory pattern (sedentary and migratory birds coexisting in the same breeding groups). We conducted population counts and radio tracked 180 individuals to examine differences in survival rates between migratory and sedentary individuals and evaluate possible effects of these differences on the migratory pattern of the population. Overall, 65% of individuals migrated and 35% did not. The average distance between breeding and postbreeding areas of migrant individuals was 89.9 km, and the longest average movement of sedentary males was 3.8 km. Breeding group and migration distance had no effect on survival. However, mortality of migrants was 2.4 to 3.5 times higher than mortality of sedentary birds. For marked males, collision with power lines was the main cause of death from unnatural causes (37.6% of all deaths), and migratory birds died in collisions with power lines more frequently than sedentary birds (21.3% vs 6.3%). The percentage of sedentary individuals increased from 17% in 1997 to 45% in 2012. These results were consistent with data collected from radio‐tracked individuals: The proportion of migratory individuals decreased from 86% in 1997–1999 to 44% in 2006–2010. The observed decrease in the migratory tendency was not related to climatic changes (temperatures did not change over the study period) or improvements in habitat quality (dry cereal farmland area decreased in the main study area). Our findings suggest that human‐induced mortality during migration may be an important factor shaping the migration patterns of species inhabiting humanized landscapes.  相似文献   

茶园土壤的有机质含量、腐殖质组成、有机碳的循环与平衡特点、酶活性及其在施肥条件下的变化情况与土壤肥力密切相关.试验结果表明:亚热带茶园土壤有机质含量水平较低,腐殖质组成中以富里酸为主,HA/FA比、酶活性均比起源土壤略低;高产茶园土壤有机碳库的循环水平较高,在不施有机肥的情况下仍能保持平衡;低产茶园土壤有机碳库的循环水平较低,输出大于输入,施用有机肥可以较快地提高茶园土壤有机质含量和酶活性水平.增施有机肥和实行茶林复合是培肥茶园土壤、提高茶园生产力的有效措施.  相似文献   

Effects of artemether administration on liver and selected biochemical parameters were evaluated. Eighty albino mice were divided into four equal groups. Group 1 was given water which served as control, while groups 2, 3, and 4 were given 1.2, 2.4, or 4.8 mg kg?1 body weight artemether intramuscularly for five consecutive days. On day 6 all mice were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and blood was collected for analysis of alanine and aspartate transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, copper, and total proteins. Liver tissues were prepared for histological studies. It was found that the serum alanine and aspartate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase activities were higher in groups treated with artemether compared to control. The serum concentrations of copper and total proteins were lower than control. The histological features of liver tissues after administration of artemether showed histopathological alterations. These findings showed that artemether administration may have reversible adverse effects on mouse hepatocytes.  相似文献   

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