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Despite the great interest in characterizing the functional structure and resilience of functional groups in natural communities, few studies have examined in which way the roles and relationships of coexisting species change during community succession, a fundamental and natural process that follows the release of new resources in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Variation in algal traits that characterize different phases and stages of community succession on rocky shores are likely to influence the magnitude, direction of effects, and the level of redundancy and complementarity in the diverse assemblage of herbivores. Two separate field experiments were conducted to quantify per capita and population effects and the functional relationship (i.e., redundancy or complementarity) of four herbivore species found in central Chile during early and late algal succession. The first experiment examined grazer effects on the colonization and establishment of early-succession algal species. The second experiment examined effects on the late-successional, dominant corticated alga Mazzaella laminarioides. Complementary laboratory experiments with all species and under natural environmental conditions allowed us to further characterize the collective effects of these species. We found that, during early community succession, all herbivore species had similar effects on the ephemeral algae, ulvoids, but only during the phase of colonization. Once these algae were established, only a subset of the species was able to control their abundance. During late succession, only the keyhole limpet Fissurella crassa could control corticated Mazzaella. The functional relationships among these species changed dramatically from redundant effects on ephemeral algae during early colonization, to a more complementary role on established early-successional algae, to a dominant (i.e., keystone) effect on late succession. This study highlights that functional relationship within consumer assemblages can vary at different phases and times of community succession. Differentiation in herbivore roles emphasizes the need to evaluate consumer's impacts through different times of community succession, and through experimental manipulations to make even broad predictions about the resilience or vulnerability of diverse intertidal assemblages to human disturbances.  相似文献   

Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins can be accumulated by bivalves through the feeding process; therefore, knowledge on feeding and the assimilation of PSP-toxin-containing algae is critical to understand the kinetics of PSP toxins in these bivalves. In the South China Sea, it has been documented that the scallop Chlamys nobilis has a much higher PSP toxin burden than the clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Experiments were therefore carried out to assess whether the difference in toxin burden between these two species of bivalves was due to differences in feeding and absorption. In a mixed diet of Alexandrium tamarense (a PSP-toxin-producing dinoflagellate) and Thalassiosira pseudonana (a non-toxic diatom), the maximum clearance and filtration rates were about two times higher in the scallop C. nobilis than in the clam R. philippinarum. Furthermore, the clams produced pseudofeces at a lower cell density than the scallops. However, we found that the clams were unable to selectively exclude the toxic dinoflagellates by pseudofeces production. The scallop C. nobilis also possessed a greater ability to assimilate A. tamarense with a comparable carbon absorption efficiency to the diatom T. pseudonana. In contrast, the carbon absorption in the clam R. philippinarum was lower when feeding on A. tamarense than on the diatom. In general, the absorption efficiency decreased with increasing concentration of A. tamarense. Thus, it is likely that the higher PSP toxin levels in the scallops compared with clams can be partly explained by differences in their feeding and absorption behavior. Other processes, especially the biotransformation and biokinetics of PSP toxins, may also play a significant role in defining the inter-species differences in PSP body burden in marine bivalves.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea is a very suitable site for stoichiometric studies, since its subbasins differ in their concentration of elemental components, and primary production can therefore be either nitrogen or phosphorus limited. To reveal if the nutrient limitation of mesozooplankton mirrors that of the primary producers, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content of both seston and grazers (Acartia sp., Centropages hamatus, Daphnia cristata, Eurytemora affinis, Limnocalanus macrurus, Temora longicornis) were measured in midsummer in the Baltic proper, the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. The mineral ratios of the different taxa were equal, apart from L. macrurus with notably higher C:P and N:P ratios. Molar C:N ratios were relatively stable (5.1-6.3), whereas C:P and N:P ratios fluctuated more (41-144 and 6.6-24). However, zooplankton elemental composition and limitation did not depend on the limiting nutrient of the phytoplankton, the seston mineral ratio or the sea area. Both the seston-zooplankton elemental imbalance and the food threshold ratio indicated phosphorus limitation of most of the grazers. While L. macrurus may be C or N limited, the possible P deficiency of the other studied taxa suggests that the Baltic Sea zooplankton may act as a potential phosphorus sink, as the freshwater secondary producers do.  相似文献   

20 0 1年对洞庭湖地区 3种生态类型区鼠类群落结构的取样调查结果表明 ,黑线姬鼠和社鼠是洞庭湖地区 3种生态类型区的主要优势鼠种。黑线姬鼠以农田为主要栖息地 ,在不同作物地间进行季节性迁移 ,并侵入到丘陵山林之中 ;社鼠是林地内的优势种 ;山区和丘陵的林缘农田生境则以这 2种鼠为优势种。从洞庭湖区鼠类群落的历史资料看 ,曾经为农田生态系统优势鼠种之一的褐家鼠的比例已大大降低 ,形成了以黑线姬鼠占绝对地位的格局。在房舍 ,褐家鼠的优势地位已被小家鼠取代  相似文献   

灌丛群落为华北土石山区常见的次生植被类型,揭示其演替规律对明确北京区域森林动态及经营管理具有重要意义.采用样线调查方法,选择封育5、7、10和15 a的4个地段,进行10 m×10 m样地调查.运用空间代替时间数据处理方法,分析了灌丛群落的物种重要值、生物多样性指数、群落均匀度指数、生态优势度指数以及单位面积生物量变化情况.结果表明:随着封育年限的递增,灌丛先锋阳生性优势种重要值下降,阴生性和乔木树种重要值上升;封育到第7年时,乔木加入演替序列,到第15年时开始构建乔木层片;群落生态优势度指数降低,均匀度指数上升,灌丛植被向生物多样化和生态稳定的方向演替;研究区内植被潜在演替序列为:荆条Vitex negundo var.heterophyllax酸枣Ziziphus jujuba var.spinosa灌丛→三裂绣线菊Spiraea trilobata灌丛→山杨Populus davidiana×椴树混交林→蒙古栎Quercus mongolica林.  相似文献   

Weis JJ  Cardinale BJ  Forshay KJ  Ives AR 《Ecology》2007,88(4):929-939
Over the past decade an increasing number of studies have experimentally manipulated the number of species in a community and examined how this alters the aggregate production of species biomass. Many of these studies have shown that the effects of richness on biomass change through time, but we have limited understanding of the mechanisms that produce these dynamic trends. Here we report the results of an experiment in which we manipulated the richness of freshwater algae in laboratory microcosms. We used two experimental designs (additive and substitutive) that make different assumptions about how patches are initially colonized, and then tracked the development of community biomass from the point of initial colonization through a period of 6-12 generations of the focal species. We found that the effect of initial species richness on biomass production qualitatively shifted twice over the course of the experiment. The first shift occurred as species transitioned from density-independent to dependent phases of population growth. At this time, intraspecific competition caused monocultures to approach their respective carrying capacities more slowly than polycultures. As a consequence, species tended to over-yield for a brief time, generating a positive, but transient effect of diversity on community biomass. The second shift occurred as communities approached carrying capacity. At this time, strong interspecific interactions caused biomass to be dominated by the competitively superior species in polycultures. As this species had the lowest carrying capacity, a negative effect of diversity on biomass resulted in late succession. Although these two shifts produced dynamics that appeared complex, we show that the patterns can be fit to a simple Lotka-Volterra model of competition. Our results suggest that the effects of algal diversity on primary production change in a predictable sequence through successional time.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton biomass (as displacement volume and protein content) and electron-transport system (ETS) activity have been studied in the coastal waters around the Canary Islands. Increases in biomass and ETS activity, on a unit volume basis, were observed in the wakes of the islands. The biomass values obtained in the leeward area for Gran Canaria Island were up to ten times higher than those observed for typical oceanic waters around this archipelago. Sampling was performed in May 1986 at the end of the characteristic vertical mixing period in these waters. Relatively strong winds were recorded prior to sampling. Specific ETS activity was higher at the windward stations on the island shelf. This correlates with the observation in a recent study of increased primary production on the shelf area, where turbulence produced by the northerly trade winds has a marked effect. The persistence of this turbulence during a prolonged wind-pulse results in an accumulation of organisms in the wake of the islands due to current dynamics. This process is proposed as being an important causative mechanism of the island-mass effect. Different biomass values were recorded between circular and oblong islands. The latter are oriented towards the current and the northerly trade winds, and display significantly lower biomass values than the former.  相似文献   

Benthic macrofauna was sampled by grab at 16 stations in Hampton Roads and the adjacent Elizabeth River, Virginia, USA. Samples were taken in February, May and August. Sampling sites and species were grouped by a classification strategy which basically consisted of the Canberra metric dissimilarity-measure and flexible and group average clustering. Following reallocations, 8 site groups and 16 species groups instructively classified the 47 sites and 93 species considered in the analysis. The sites were grouped into associations on mud, muddy-sand and sand-bottom, and those in the Elizabeth River. Species groupings distinguished a few species most frequent at Elizabeth River or mud and muddy-sand sites, larger numbers of species restricted to muddy-sand and sand or solely to sand sites, ubiquitous species, epifaunal species which were microhabitat-restricted, and seasonal species. An analysis of numerically dominant species in the different associations indicated the relative importance of ubiquitous species and seasonally abundant species. Community-structure statistics (species diversity, species richness and evenness) showed definite spatial and temporal patterns. Diversity was high at sand and muddy-sand sites and low at mud and Elizabeth River sites. This spatial pattern was predominantly one of species richness. At Elizabeth River and mud stations, diversity increased from February to August because of increased evenness, while at sand and muddy-sand stations, diversity peaked in May in response to both high species richness and high evenness. The applicability of community concepts, the causes of substrate specificity, seasonality and species diversity, and the effects of pollution on community structure are discussed.Contribution No. 553, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia, USA.  相似文献   

兰竹虹  陈桂珠 《生态环境》2006,15(2):430-434
南中国海具有丰富的浅海和热带的生物多样性,是全球珊瑚礁分布的中心之一。全球34%的珊瑚礁分布在东南亚,该海区拥有全球70个珊瑚属的50个属。东南亚的珊瑚种类有超过一半的分布在南中国海,75种的海绵以及118种的棘皮类动物属于南中国海的地方特有种。珊瑚礁具有重要的生态服务功能,它支持渔业生产、保护海岸、净化空气、提供沿海社区发展的生活资料,在海岸旅游和药物开发等方面具有巨大的潜力。但是由于受人口增加和经济发展的巨大压力,南中国地区珊瑚礁资源破坏严重,退化趋势明显。文章在对南中国海地区珊瑚礁资源的利用现状和退化原因进行分析的基础上,提出南中国海地区珊瑚礁资源保护与管理的建议,以期能在双边或区域的层面上共同协作,采取适当的措施去扭转南中国海地区珊瑚礁生境退化趋势。  相似文献   

The heterotrophic phase of plankton succession in the Japan Sea   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The vertical structure, composition and productivity of a plankton community was studied in the Japan Sea in June, 1972 during a period of thermocline formation; the parameters measured were: phytoplankton production and biomass; number, biomass, and production of planktonic bacteria; biomass of phagotrophic flagellates, ciliates and remaining microzooplankton. The concentration of micro- and mesozooplankton attained a basic maximum in a layer near the upper part of the thermocline. The biomass and calculated production of the heterotrophic part of the community exceeded considerably the amount of primary production. The heterotrophic phase of the seasonal succession of a plankton community in a temperate sea is described, when heterotrophic metabolism and production predominate. Heterotrophs at this stage use mostly energy from organic matter accumulated during the previous spring phytoplankton bloom.  相似文献   

采用群落生态学和植物化学监测的研究方法,对广州市南沙海岸滩头近6 a生防护林群落的生物量、高温胁迫光合特征、NPP及吸储C、N、S、Pb、Cd、Cu、Hg的生态效应进行了定位观测研究,结果表明:海岸6种防护林群落的生物量的平均达到10.7 t.hm-2、NPP达到2.5 t·hm-2·a-1、生长要素表现为速生性生长特征。各种海防林群落的年均吸储空间CO2、NO2、SO2质量分别为4.2 t.hm-2、27.1 kg·hm-2和3.4 kg·hm-2,吸储Pb、Cd、Cu分别为13.2、4.4、0.1 g·hm-2,其生态环境功能已经初步凸显,可有效地减少这些元素在地表和土壤积累、迁移或随地表径流输出至生活环境的危害,对于海岸环境区域是非常有益的。雨季高温(气温t≥35.5℃)胁迫下,海岸路网林群落的优势种群净光合速率日均达到9.8μmol·m-2·s-1且乡土树种高于引进树种,高山榕(Ficus altissima)的日最高净光合速率达到14.3μmol·m-2·s-1,较羊蹄甲(Bauhinia blakeana)高0.4μmol·m-2·s-1、较塞楝(Kaya senegaiensis)高2.2μmol·m-2·s-1,优势树种适宜海岸滩头立地、高温胁迫的光合生理特点,是其速生长的原因之一。  相似文献   

● Diurnal patterns of CH4 and CO2 are clearly extracted using EEMD. ● CH4 and CO2 show mid-morning high and evening low patterns during sea breezes. ● Wind direction significantly modulates the diurnal variations in CH4 and CO2. Methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are the two most important greenhouse gases (GHGs). To examine the variation characteristics of CH4 and CO2 in the coastal South China Sea, atmospheric CH4 and CO2 measurements were performed in Bohe (BH), Guangdong, China, in summer 2021. By using an adaptive data analysis method, the diurnal patterns of CH4 and CO2 were clearly extracted and analysed in relation to the sea breeze (SB) and land breeze (LB), respectively. The average concentrations of CH4 and CO2 were 1876.91 ± 31.13 ppb and 407.99 ± 4.24 ppm during SB, and 1988.12 ± 109.92 ppb and 421.54 ± 14.89 ppm during LB, respectively. The values of CH4 and CO2 during SB basically coincided with the values and trends of marine background sites, showing that the BH station could serve as an ideal site for background GHG monitoring and dynamic analysis. The extracted diurnal variations in CH4 and CO2 showed sunrise high and sunset low patterns (with peaks at 5:00–7:00) during LB but mid-morning high and evening low patterns (with peaks at 9:00) during SB. The diurnal amplitude changes in both CH4 and CO2 during LB were almost two to three times those during SB. Wind direction significantly modulated the diurnal variations in CH4 and CO2. The results in this study provide a new way to examine the variations in GHGs on different timescales and can also help us gain a better understanding of GHG sources and distributions in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Winter and summer zooplankton maxima were observed on both near-reef and offshore sampling sites in the northern part of the Gulf of Aqaba, with summer maxima smaller than those of winter and more characterized by larval forms. Near-reef zooplankton biomass was generally several times greater than that observed 2 km offshore. During 1987, a near-reef maximum of 155 ind. or 12.2 g wet biomass m–3 was observed in March, while 103 ind. or 8.5 g wet biomass m–3 was observed in July. In the same year, 2 km offshore a maximum of 53 ind. or 2.5 g wet biomass m–3 was observed in February, while a maximum of 33 ind. or 0.5 g wet biomass m–3 was noted in July. The following year, 1988, the near-reef zooplankton abundances were little changed, but offshore zooplankton abundances were much higher (317 m–3). During 1987, the dominant winter (March) forms near the reef were gammarid amphipods, at maximum concentrations of 100 ind. m–3, where the summer (July) maximum was composed primarily of mysids (34 m–3), gammarid amphipods (30 m–3), and fish eggs (24 m–3). The offshore winter zooplankton fauna was characterized by copepods and appendicularians, each at a maximum concentrations of ca 13 ind. m–3, while the summer maximum was dominated by brachyuran zoea (31 m–3). Though the 1988, winter near-reef zooplankton community compositions were similar to those of 1987, the offshore zooplankton fauna was dominated by ostracods, which were relatively rare in previous years. Preliminary data suggests that holoplanktonic forms like chaetognaths, copepods and appendicularians, at an offshore site exhibit different patterns of vertical migration than those near the reef. This different behavior may result from different species compositions of these taxa or from high concentrations of pseudoplanktonic bentho-neritic peracarid crustaceans.Please address correspondence and reprint requests to T. Echelman, Marine Science Research Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794-5000, USA  相似文献   

Fishing has wide-ranging impacts on marine ecosystems. One of the most pervasive signs of intensive fishing is "fishing down the food web", with landings increasingly dominated by smaller species from lower trophic levels. Decreases in the trophic level of landings are assumed to reflect those in fish communities, because size-selective mortality causes decreases in the relative abundance of larger species and in mean body size within species. However, existing analyses of fishing impacts on the trophic level of fish communities have focused on the role of changes in species composition rather than size composition. This will provide a biased assessment of the magnitude of fishing impacts, because fishes feed at different trophic levels as they grow. Here, we combine body size versus trophic level relationships for North Sea fishes (trophic level assessed using nitrogen stable-isotope analysis) with species-size-abundance data from two time-series of trawl-survey data (whole North Sea 1982-2000, central and northern North Sea 1925-1996) to predict long-term trends in the trophic structure of the North Sea fish community. Analyses of the 1982-2000 time-series showed that there was a slow but progressive decline in the trophic level of the demersal community, while there was no trend in the trophic level of the combined pelagic and demersal community. Analyses of the longer time-series suggested that there was no trend in the trophic level of the demersal community. We related temporal changes in trophic level to temporal changes in the slopes of normalised biomass size-spectra (which theoretically represent the trophic structure of the community), mean log2 body mass and mean log2 maximum body mass. While the size-based metrics of community structure showed long-term trends that were consistent with the effects of increased fishery exploitation, these trends were only correlated with trophic level for the demersal community. Our analysis suggests that the effects of fishing on the trophic structure of fish communities can be much more complex than previously assumed. This is a consequence of sampled communities not reflecting all the pathways of energy transfer in a marine ecosystem and of the absence of historical data on temporal and spatial changes in the trophic level of individuals. For the North Sea fish community, changes in size structure due to the differential effects of fishing on species and populations with different life histories are a stronger and more universal indicator of fishing effects than changes in mean trophic level.  相似文献   

Y. Loya 《Marine Biology》1975,29(2):177-185
The community structure and species diversity of hermatypic corals was studied during 1969–1973, in two reef flats in the northern Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea: the reef flat of the nature reserve at Eilat, which is chronically polluted by oil and minerals, and a control reef, located 5 km further south, which is free from oil pollution. In 1969, the nature reserve and the control reef had similar coral community structure. In September, 1970, both reefs suffered approximately 90% mortality of corals, as a result of an unexpected and extremely low tide. In 1973 the control reef was “blooming” with a highly diverse coral community, while almost no signs of coral recolonization have been observed at the nature reserve, and it is significantly lower in diversity. It is suggested that phosphate eutrophication and chronic oil pollution are the major man-made disturbances that interfere with coral colonization of the reef flat at the nature reserve. Although no direct evidence is provided that oil damages hermatypic corals, the data strongly suggest that chronic oil spills prevent normal settlement and/or development of coral larvae. It is possible that chronic oil, pollution results in either one or a combination of the following: (1) damage to the reproductive system of corals; (2) decreased viability of coral larvae; (3) changes in some physical properties of the reef flat which interfere with normal settlement of coral larvae.  相似文献   

Natural heterogeneity in ecological parameters, like population abundance, is more widely recognized and investigated than variability in the processes that control these parameters. Experimental ecologists have focused mainly on the mean intensity of predictor variables and have largely ignored the potential to manipulate variances in processes, which can be considered explicitly in experimental designs to explore variation in causal mechanisms. In the present study, the effect of the temporal variance of disturbance on the diversity of marine assemblages was tested in a field experiment replicated at two sites on the northeast coast of New Zealand. Fouling communities grown on artificial settlement substrata experienced disturbance regimes that differed in their inherent levels of temporal variability and timing of disturbance events, while disturbance intensity was identical across all levels. Additionally, undisturbed assemblages were used as controls. After 150 days of experimental duration, the assemblages were then compared with regard to their species richness, abundance and structure. The disturbance effectively reduced the average total cover of the assemblages, but no consistent effect of variability in the disturbance regime on the assemblages was detected. The results of this study were corroborated by the outcomes from simultaneous replicate experiments carried out in each of eight different biogeographical regions around the world.  相似文献   

油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)耐低温、干旱和贫瘠,是我国北方温性针叶林中分布最广的森林群落,也是我国北方广大地区最主要的本土造林树种之一,火炬(Rhus typhina Linn.)根萌蘖力强,耐寒、耐旱、耐盐碱,是一种适应周围环境能力极强的外来引入种树种。采用空间代替时间的方法,以冀东铁矿不同年份种植的人工火炬林和人工油松林群落为研究对象,采用样方法进行调查取样,分析了2种恢复模式不同演替阶段群落结构的变化,群落动态,同时采用Pielou均匀度指数、Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分析了物种多样性在群落演替过程中的动态变化,在此基础上,对比分析了2种恢复模式在生态效益方面的优劣。主要结果如下:1)短期来看,火炬可以迅速提高植被盖度,增加生物量,但是,长期来看,随着火炬的快速萌集繁殖和林分的郁闭,林下草本急剧减少,形成火炬单优群落,而不能形成稳定的顶级群落。2)短期来看,油松生长缓慢,其生态效益远小于火炬群落,但是油松群落经过11年的演替形成了乔-灌-草3层结构,群落结构逐渐完善。3)演替初期火炬群落优势种以猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)、狗尾草(Setaria viridis)等耐干旱的植物为主,演替后期林下物种迅速减少以至大量消失;油松群落经过11年的恢复,群落草本层植物种数逐渐增大,从一年生先锋植物占优势过渡到以白羊草(Bothriochloa ischaemun)和硬质早熟禾(Poa sphondylodes)为建群种,并出现了黄刺玫(Rosa xanthina)和胡枝子(Lespedeza bicolor)等多年生灌木。4)演替初期Margalef丰富度指数、Pielou均匀度指数和Shannon-Wiener指数表现为:火炬群落﹥油松群落,演替后期则相反,这主要是由群落内种间竞争关系和水热环境的差异造成。4)综合植物群落盖度、物种多样性和群落未来的演替趋势,火炬长期的生态效益远不及油松树种。  相似文献   

Concentrations and distributions of selected fluoroquinolones (norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin) in water, sediments and nine kinds of fish species collected from 6 sites in two marine aquaculture regions of the Pearl River Delta, China, were analyzed by using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detector (HPLC). The results showed that the concentrations of ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin were below the limits of quantification (LOQ) in all water samples except for norfloxacin. Norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin concentrations ranged from 1.88 to 11.20 ng g−1 dry wt, 0.76–2.42 ng g−1 dry wt in sediments collected from the Dapeng’ao region (sites 1–3) and ranged from 2.31 to 4.75 ng g−1 dry wt, 1.26–1.76 ng g−1 dry wt in sediments collected from the Hailing Island region (sites 4–6), respectively. However, no enrofloxacin was found in all sediment samples. The three fluoroquinolones (FQs) were detected in all fish samples, and the concentrations were higher in liver tissues than those in muscle tissues. The levels of norfloxacin were higher than ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin in both liver and muscle tissues. Among the nine marine fish species, Siganus fuscescens from Hailing Island had a significantly high level of norfloxacin in liver tissue (254.58 ng g−1 wet wt), followed by Sparus macrocephalus (133.15 ng g−1 wet wt) from Dapeng’ao, and the lowest value was Lutianus argentimaculatus (5.18 ng g−1 wet wt) from Hailing Island. The obtained results of FQs in present study do not represent a risk to the human health in Guangdong coastal area, based on the maximum residue limits (MRLs) established by Chinese Government and the acceptable daily intake (ADI) recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization (FAO/WHO).  相似文献   

The Barents Sea is among the most productive areas in the world oceans, and its shallow banks exhibit particularly high rates of primary productivity reaching over 300 g C m?2year?1. Our study focused on the Svalbard Bank, an important feeding area for fishes and whales. In order to investigate how benthic community structure and benthic secondary production vary across environmental gradients and through time, we sampled across the bank and compared results with a similar study conducted 85 years ago. Considerable variability in community structure and function across bank corresponded with differences in the physical structure of the habitat, including currents, sedimentation regimes and sediment type, and overlying water masses. Despite an intensive scallop fishery and climatic shifts that have taken place since the last survey in the 1920s, benthic community structure was very similar to that from the previous survey, suggesting strong system resilience. Primary and secondary production over shallow banks plays a large role in the Barents Sea and may act as a carbon subsidy to surrounding fish populations, of which many are of commercial importance.  相似文献   

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