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Summary Nymphs and adult females ofBlatta orientalis and nymphs ofEurycotis floridana produce a proteinaceous sticky secretion which accumulates on the last abdominal tergites. The proteic patterns do not differ between individuals of the same species. HPLC analyses show that all the common amino acids are found in both species, aspartic and glutamic acids representing 24 to 37% of the total amount of amino acids. InB. orientalis, glutamic acid is the more abundant amino acid whereas inE. floridana it is the aspartic acid. The secretion appears and accumulates rapidly on isolated insects. Behavioural assays revealed that these secretions have a defensive role.  相似文献   

Gross  Jürgen  Hilker  Monika 《Chemoecology》1994,5(3-4):185-189
Summary The exocrine glandular secretions of larvae of the subfamily Chrysomelinae are known to repel conspecific adults, other competitive phytophagous insects and natural enemies. InPhaedon cochleariae, the intraspecific activity of tlc fractions of the larval secretion was tested in order to examine the ecological significance of two fractions containing minor components and a fraction containing the major compound, the cyclopentanoid monoterpene (epi)chrysomelidial. InChrysomela lapponica, the defensive activity of the larval secretion against ants is known from specimens feeding upon willow or birch. The feeding preferences of larvae and adults ofC. lapponica from a Finnish and a Czech population were tested. The Finnish individuals significantly preferred feeding uponSalix borealis, whereas they hardly fed upon birch. The Czech specimens clearly preferred birch (Betula pubescens) to willow species. Application of salicin onto leaves of a willow species free of this phenolglycoside revealed that the Finnish individuals preferred feeding upon leaves with salicin. On the other hand, the Czech individuals avoided feeding upon leaves ofB. pubescens treated with salicin. The chemical composition of the glandular secretion of the Finnish larvae differed from the one of the Czech larvae. GC-MS-analyses of the secretions revealed that salicylaldehyde was the only major component of the secretion of Finnish larvae feeding upon the salicin-containing willowS. borealis. The glandular secretion of the Czech larvae feeding upon birch contained numerous esters of isobutyric acid and 2-methylbutyric acid. When Czech larvae had fed upon a salicin-containing willow (S. fragilis), the major compounds of their secretion were benzoic acid, salicylalcohol and benzoic acid esters; salicylaldehyde was only detected in traces. Thus,C. lapponica individuals from the Finland population adapted so closely to a salicincontaining willow that they clearly prefer this plant for food and that they obviously derive their main larval defensive compound (salicylaldehyde) from their host-plant.  相似文献   

Summary Oreina cacaliae andO. speciosissima (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) sequester in their elytral and pronotal defensive secretions pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) as Noxides (PA N-oxides). The PA N-oxide patterns found in the beetles and their host plants were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Of the three host plantsAdenostyles alliariae (Asteraceae) is the exclusive source for PA N-oxide sequestration in the defensive secretions of the beetles. With the exception of O-acetylseneciphylline the N-oxides of all PAs ofA. alliariae, i.e. senecionine, seneciphylline, spartioidine, integerrimine, platyphylline and neoplatyphylline were identified in the secretion. PA N-oxides typical ofSenecio fuchsii (Asteraceae) were detected in the bodies of the beetles but not in their secretion. No PAs were found in the leaves of the third host plant,Petasites paradoxus (Asteraceae). The results suggest the existence of two distinctive storage compartments for PA N-oxides in the beetle: (1) the defensive secretion, containing specifically PA N-oxides acquired fromA. alliariae; (2) the body of the beetle, sequestering additionally but less selectively PA N-oxides from other sources,e.g. S. fuchsii or monocrotaline N-oxide fed in the laboratory. The concentration of PA N-oxides in the defensive secretion is in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 mol/1, which is more than 2.5 orders of magnitude higher than that found in the body of the beetle. No significant differences exist in the ability of the two species of beetles to sequester PA N-oxides fromA. alliariae, althoughO. speciosissima, but notO. cacaliae, produces autogenous cardenolides. A negative correlation seems to exist between the concentrations of plant-derived PA N-oxides andde novo synthesized cardenolides in the defensive secretion ofO. speciosissima.  相似文献   

Summary Frontal gland secretions of termite soldiers of the speciesNasutitermes costalis, N. ephratae, N. nigriceps, N. rippertii, andN. hubbardii were analyzed. The chiral compositions of the monoterpene hydrocarbons were investigated by means of two-dimensional gas chromatography. Two of them, 3-carene and-pinene were present in the form of (–)-enantiomers of high purity in the majority of the samples. The other monoterpenes,-pinene, camphene, sabinene, limonene, and-phellandrene, exhibited a great variation in the enantiopurity between different species.-Pinene and limonene varied significantly even between different colonies within the species.N. costalis was the only species with an invariable composition of the secretion, independent of the locality or origin.  相似文献   

The most frequently investigated defence mechanism among larvae of tortoise beetles is protection by faecal shields, which generally present chemicals that are directly sequestered and/or modified from larval host-plants. In the present work we investigate the tortoise beetle Chelymorpha reimoseri that feeds on the leaves of Ipomoea carnea fistulosa (Convolvulaceae), seeking for the importance of this mechanism to their larvae. We show that 4th instar larvae suffer low predation regardless of the presence of shields in field and laboratory bioassays with ants and chicks. Chloroform extract from larvae without shields provided high protection against predation as shown in bioassays in the field, as well as against chicks, suggesting that C. reimoseri does not rely on the shield for protection. The aqueous extract of the shields did not show activity in such bioassays. The compounds responsible for this protection have yet to be identified, and it remains an open question as to whether they are sequestered from the host plant or de novo biosynthesized. This is the first record of chemical defence in cassidine beetles without the need for faecal shields. These findings indicate that more attention should be paid to chemicals present in the tissues of larvae and/or adults of tortoise beetles; the protective compounds sequestered from host plants or de novo biosynthesized can provide an alternative or complementary strategy against predation in these insects.  相似文献   

Summary Life stages of the primitive Australian ithomiine butterflyTellervo zoilus and its larval hostplant, the apocynaceous vineParsonsia straminea, were quantitatively assayed for pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). PAs were found in all stages, mainly as N-oxides, being most concentrated in larvae and freshly-emerged adults. Although adults feed at various confirmed PA sources this probably does not compensate for losses, as wild-caught adults had considerably lower concentrations of PAs. The main alkaloid present in both freshly-emerged adults and in leaves of the host-plant was lycopsamine (1b), stored by butterflies in the N-oxide form. Its presence in higher proportion, in relation to intermedine (1a), in larvae, pupae and adults ofTellervo in relation to the host-plants suggests the inversion of intermedine to lycopsamine by the insects. No 14-member ring macrocyclic PAs were detected in either food-plant or butterflies. Several other PAs were found in wild-caught adults reflecting visits to other PA sources. PAs were also found in high concentrations in freshly-emerged individuals of the danaineEuploea core bred onParsonsia straminea. Wild-caughtDanaus affinis had high PA levels acquired from adult feeding. Freshly emergedEuploea raised onIschnocarpus frutescens andDanaus raised onIschnostemma carnosum (both PA-free) were preyed on by the orb weaving spiderNephila maculata, and showed no PAs. In all cases where PAs were present, most butterflies were liberated, usually cut out of the web unharmed, byNephila. The spider's response was not closely linked to PA concentration, however, and may also depend on hunger levels and previous experience with PA-containing butterflies. All control and other non-PA containing butterflies were consumed although rejection of some body parts of freshly-emergedDanaus affinis suggests that compounds other than PAs may be involved.  相似文献   

Summary. We report field and laboratory evidence indicating that the defensive compounds secreted by the millipedes Amplinus bitumidus (Diplopoda: Polydesmida) and Anadenobolus putealis (Diplopoda: Spirobolida) attract the carrion scarab Canthon morsei (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae). In a Mexican tropical rain forest, C. morsei was mostly caught in pitfall traps baited with the carcasses of both millipede species. Only a few beetles were attracted to fish carrion. Experimental evidence indicates that C. morsei is attracted to freshly dead millipedes. Benzaldehyde and HCN were identified from Amplinus bitumidus; but 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone (toluquinone) and 2-methoxy- 3-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone from Anadenobolus putealis. Benzaldehyde attracted significantly more C. morsei individuals than fish meat, or millipedes of both species did after rinsing in hexane. This is the first report of Polydesmida attracting dung beetles.  相似文献   

Defensive secretions of adult males and females of the subsocial thrips Suocerathrips linguis were examined using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The samples contained six long-chain acetates and five aliphatic alkanes and alkenes. Whole-body extracts yielded six methyl esters of fatty acids as well as hexadecyl acetate. Structures of the two main components, (11Z)-icosa-11,19-dienyl acetate and octadecyl acetate, were confirmed. The third most abundant substance was identified as octadec-17-enyl acetate, which is a new natural product. In addition, (9Z)-octadec-9-enyl acetate was identified along with other acetates. Pure icosadienyl acetate was found to remain liquid down to −15°C, and is the solvent for the solid components of the secretion cocktail. A tentative biosynthetic pathway for all of the 12 acetates, alkanes and alkenes is discussed, considering especially the components with terminal double bonds that are uncommon in Thysanoptera and other insects.  相似文献   

Bioassays were performed to investigate and compare the toxic properties of the contact venoms of three Neotropical Crematogaster species (C. sp. prox. abstinens, C. distans and C. brevispinosa rochai), whose main venom compounds are chemically different (long chain derivatives linked to an aldehyde or a primary acetate, and furanocembrenoid diterpenes, respectively). Different quantities of venom were topically applied on the bodies of three target insect species (workers of the termite Nasutitermes ephratae, workers of the ant Solenopsis sp., “media” and “major” workers of the ant Cephalotes pusillus). The toxicity of the venom greatly varied according to the Crematogaster species, the venom of C. b. rochai showing the highest toxic activity towards all target species. The sensitivity of the target species also greatly varied, the workers of N. ephratae showing a great sensitivity to the venoms, while the heavily armoured workers of the ant C. pusillus, particularly “major” ones, were resistant. Cuticle thickness was found to be a key factor in the resistance to the toxic effects of Crematogaster venom. Sensitivity of the target workers was also directly related to the amount of venom applied to their cuticle. Workers of C. distans were resistant to topical application of their own venom, while C. sp. prox. abstinens and C. b. rochai were not. In all cases, the venoms were slow acting, as several hours to one or even several days were needed to obtain a significant mortality. The main biological activities of the Crematogaster venom could be related to more immediate repellent properties, as recently shown with the European species C. scutellaris.  相似文献   

Summary Chemical components of the cephalic labial gland secretion, which most likely is used as a precopulatory attracting signal, were identified in males of the cuckoo bumblebeesPsithyrus vestalis (Geoffroy) andP. bohemicus (Seidl.) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The former species has geranylcitronellyl acetate as main component, plus in decreasing amounts geranylcitronellol, an eicosadienal, an eicosenol, and an eicosenal. Another 17 fatty acid derivatives are present in minor amounts. The labial secretion ofP. vestalis differs distinctly in its chemistry from that of all of the 8 other ScandinavianPsithyrus species. In the taxonomically closely related (same subgenus)P. bohemicus, the labial gland secretion contains 16 fatty acid derivatives, of which 12 (75%) are present also in the secretion ofP. vestalis. Thus, both the labial gland secretions, and morphological traits lend support to the hypothesis that the two species share a common ancestor. The reproductive isolation between them is, at least in part, supported by the inclusion of a second biosynthetical pathway (the mevalonic acid pathway producing terpenoids) inP. vestalis, in addition to the pathway common to both species (the polyketide pathway producing fatty acid derivatives).  相似文献   

Summary A comparative morphological and chemical study of six endemic species ofCataglyphis from the Iberian Peninsula:C. ibericus, C. rosenhaueri, C. hispanicus, C. humeya, C. velox andC. floricola and the Moroccan speciesC. bombycinus is described. The morphological study relied primarily on genitalia characteristics, whereas the chemical study concentrated on the postpharyngeal gland constituents. Cladograms based on the morphological and chemical data were performed using Ward's method. The dendrogram based on morphological features revealed that the IberianCataglyphis can be classified into three species groupsalbicans, altisquamis andemmae. The same pattern occurred when the dimethylalkanes constituents of the postpharyngeal gland were utilised as character states, with a slight displacement of species within thealtisquamis group. However, when the complete hydrocarbon blend was utilised major discrepancies in the dendrograms occurred.Cataglyphis velox proved to be very similar toC. bombycinus, whereasC. floricola clustered with the other two species of thealtisquamis group. Based on the geographical distribution and paleontological data (Tinaut 1993) it is assumed thatC. floricola recently invaded the Iberian Peninsula. Based on the chemical findings we postulate that chemical character displacement occurred inC. floricola as a result of its sympatry withC. velox after the former colonized the Iberian Peninsula. We further discuss the possible reason for the different dendrograms obtained when only the dimethylalkanes are considered and its implication for the communicative role of the postpharyngeal gland secretion in these ants.  相似文献   

Summary Our paper addresses field survivorship of first instar monarch butterfly larvae (Danaus plexippus L., Lep.: Danainae) in relation to the dual cardenolide and latex chemical defenses of the sand hill milkweed plant,Asclepias humistrata (Asclepiadaceae) growing naturally in north central Florida. Survival of first instar larvae in the field was 11.5% in the first experiment (15–20 April 1990), and dropped to 3.4% in the second experiment (20–30 April). About 30% of the larvae were found glued to the leaf surface by the milkweed latex. Predator exclusion of non-flying inverte-brates by applying tanglefoot to the plant stems suggested that the balance of the mortality was due to volant inverte-brates, or to falling and/or moving off the plants. Regression analyses to isolate some of the other variables affecting survivorship indicated that first instar mortality was correlated with (1) increasing cardiac glycoside concentration of the leaves, (2) increasing age of the plants, and (3) the temporal increase in concentration of cardiac glycosides in the leaves. The study also provided confirmatory data of previous studies that wild monarch females tend to oviposit onA. humistrata plants containing intermediate concentrations of cardiac glycosides. Cardiac glycoside concentration in the leaves was not correlated with that in the latex. The concentration of cardenolide in the latex is extremely high, constituting an average of 1.2 and 9.5% of the mass of the wet and dry latex, respectively. The data suggest that an increase in water content of the latex is compensated for by an influx of cardenolide with the result that the cardenolide concentration remains constant in the latex systems of plants that are growing naturally. We also observed first instar larvae taking their first bite of milkweed leaves in the field. In addition to confirming other workers findings that monarch larvae possess elaborate sabotaging behaviour of the milkweed's latex system, we discovered that several larvae on their first bite involuntarily imbided a small globule of latex and instantly became cataleptic. This catalepsis, lasting up to 10 min, may have been in response to the high concentration of cardenolide present in the latex ofA. humistrata, more than 10 times that in the leaves. The results of the present study suggest that more attention should be directed to plant chemical defenses upon initial attack by first instar insect larvae, rather than attempting correlations of plant chemistry with older larvae that have already passed the early instar gauntlet. The first bite of neonate insects may be the most critical moment for coping with the chemical defenses of many plants and may play a much more important role in the evolution of insect herbivory than has previously been recognized.  相似文献   

The plum moth, Illiberis rotundata Jordan (Lepidoptera: Zygaenidae: Procridinae), is a pest of orchards in Japan and China. Few chemical ecological studies have been directed towards the Zygaenidae and particularly the Procridinae. To investigate the sex pheromone of this species, extracts of pheromone glands from adult female I. rotundata were analyzed by coupled gas chromatography-electroantennography (GC-EAG) and coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Whilst GC-EAG on male moths showed an active peak, identified as 2-butyl (7Z)-dodecenoate, GC-MS also revealed the presence of the homologue 2-butyl (9Z)-tetradecenoate. Electroantennographic investigations, as well as field tests, strongly suggested the natural compounds to have the (R)-configuration at the stereogenic centre. Field results demonstrate 0.2 mg of a 1:1-mixture of (2R)-butyl (7Z)-dodecenoate and (2R)-butyl (9Z)-tetradecenoate to be a powerful lure that may be used in pest control measures against I. rotundata. The chemical structures of the new pheromone components show the same features as those of other zygaenid species: unsaturated fatty acids esterified with a short chain chiral alcohol. This is the first example of a two-component blend constituting the pheromone of a procridinid species.  相似文献   

Summary Gyrinid beetles are common in freshwater habitats. They have paired pygidial glands with a secretion that contains high molecular weight substances rendering them toxic for predatory fish. In this paper we report on a laboratory study on volatile components released by three different gyrinid species when irritated. The volatile pattern had a clear difference between the different species.Gyrinus substriatus andG. aeratus, both produced 3-methyl-1-butanal and 3-methyl-1-butanol when irritated, but in quite different amounts. The third tested species,G. minutus, did not produce any substances above the detection level. It is suggested that the volatile compounds may be part of the beetles' communication and/or defence system.  相似文献   

Summary. Host selection in tree-killing bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) is mediated by a complex of semiochemical cues. Using gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and GC-mass spectrometric analyses, we conducted a comparative study of the electrophysiological responses of four species of tree-killing bark beetles, the Douglas-fir beetle, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae, Hopkins, the mountain pine beetle, D. ponderosae Hopkins, the spruce beetle, D. rufipennis Kirby, and the western balsam bark beetle, Dryocoetes confusus Swaine, to volatiles captured by aeration of 1) bole and foliage of four sympatric species of conifers, Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, lodgepole pine, Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm., interior spruce, Picea engelmannii x glauca, and interior fir, Abies lasiocarpa x bifolia, and 2) con- and heterospecific beetles at three stages of attack. We identified 13 monoterpenes in the conifers and nine compounds in the volatiles of beetles that elicited antennal responses. There was no qualitative difference in the terpene constitution of the four species of conifers and very little difference across beetle species in their antennal response to compounds from conifers or beetles. The lack of species-specific major or minor components in conifers suggests that beetles would need to detect differences in the ratios of different compounds in conifers to discriminate among them. Attraction to hosts and avoidance of nonhost conifers may be accentuated by perception of compounds emitted by con- and heterospecific beetles, respectively. The 22 compounds identified are candidate semiochemicals with potential behavioural roles in host location and discrimination.  相似文献   

Summary Gas chromatographic analyses of volatizable material from gaster intersegmental complex glands ofP. tridentata revealed the presence of linoleic acid, palmitic acid, methyl oleate, and several long-chain hydrocarbons as major constituents, which form an oily fluid mixture. The nest relocation communication ofP. tridentata is tandem running. Tandem following is mediated by pheromones as demonstrated by dummy experiments with isolated gasters and thoraces and with glass balls. The secretions of all gaster complex glands, as well as hind gut contents and metapleural gland secretions, were unable to evoke tandem following. Morphology and position of the glands, lack of pheromonal function, oily properties, low volatility, and lack of antibiotic effects of these secretions strongly suggest a function as lubricants for the ants' gastral segments.  相似文献   

Summary The adaptation of defensive secretions to their target organisms was examined for the abdominal gland secretions ofBledius furcatus, B. spectabilis andB. arenarius. Therefore the target organisms of the secretion of theseBledius species (i.e. their predators) had to be identified. At the collection sites examined these were the earwigLabidura riparia, the antCataglyphis bicolor, the flyLispe candicans, different carabids of the generaPogonus, Dichirotrichus, Dyschirius, Bembidion andCalathus and the wading birdsHaematopus ostralegus andCalidris alba. The secretion of the abdominal glands contains the toxin ptoluquinone dissolved in either-dodecalactone and 1-undecene (B. furcatus andB. spectabilis) or in octanoic acid and octyloctanoate (B. arenarius). The ratio of these solvents is species-specific. Application experiments using some of the natural insect predators (L. riparia, C. bicolor, Pogonus, Di. gustavii, Dyschirius) revealed that these solvent ratios provided a more effective deterrent than other possible ratios. Thus by combining the solvents in certain ratios, the capability of cuticular penetration and therefore the effectiveness of the defensive secretions are adapted to their natural targets.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the ithomiine butterflyPlacidula euryanassa sequester tropane alkaloids (TAs) from the host plantBrugmansia suaveolens and pass them through the pupae to freshly emerged adults. Wild caught adults also show in their tissues, variable amounts of pyrrolidizine alkaloids (PAs), probably sequestered from variable plant sources and subject to dynamics of incorporation, accumulation and utilization of PAs by ithomiine butterflies. The ratio TAs/PAs is also variable between different populations.Miraleria cymothoe, another ithomiine that feeds onB. suaveolens as larvae, does not sequester TAs from the host-plant, but sequesters PAs from plant sources visited by the adult butterflies. The main alkaloid found in both butterflies is lycopsamine, which also is the principal PA found in all genera of Ithomiinae.  相似文献   

Intensive and incessant arms races between a parasite and its host are generally expected to lead to parasite specialization. Nevertheless, some parasitic species still successfully attack wide spectra of hosts. One of the solutions to the evolutionary enigma of the long-term existence of generalist parasites is their specialization at an individual level, a phenomenon well known, e.g., in European common cuckoo. Over its range, it parasitizes a number of bird species; however, individual females are mostly specialists possessing adaptations to a particular host species. In this study, we test the possibility of individual specialization in generalist cuckoo bees, the insect counterparts of avian cuckoos. Females of cuckoo bees lay each egg into a single brood cell in the nests of other bee species. The host’s offspring is destroyed by the parasitic female or later by her larvae, which feed on pollen supplies accumulated by the host. Both studied cleptoparasitic bees (Sphecodes ephippius and Sphecodes monilicornis) are widely distributed in Europe, where they have been reported to use broad host spectra. We recorded several host species (including some previously unknown) for both cuckoo bee species, and confirmed that these parasites are indeed generalist even at a small local scale. However, we demonstrate that exactly as in the avian cuckoos, each female in both species of generalist bee parasites tends to attack just one host species.  相似文献   

Summary. Males of dacine tephritids, Bactrocera carambolae and B. dorsalis are strongly attracted to, and compulsively feed on methyl eugenol (ME), a potent attractant for many Bactrocera species. While ME was shown to be biotransformed into phenylpropanoids, 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol and (E)-coniferyl alcohol, and temporarily stored in the rectal gland of male B. dorsalis prior to release during courtship at dusk, B. carambolae male produces only the latter compound along with its de novo synthesized pheromone components. Both species were also shown to have different age-related response, sensitivity and consumption levels of ME. Here, we monitored and compared temporal changes in the accumulation profiles of these phenylpropanoids by the two sibling species, with male rectal glands being individually excised at different time intervals from 15 minutes to 20 days after initial ME feeding and analysed quantitatively. Results are discussed in light of plant-fruit fly co-evolution relationship.  相似文献   

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