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林州市位于中西部结合地带的太行山东麓,河南省西北部的豫、晋、冀三省交界处,总面积2046km2,其中山坡、丘陵占86%,耕地5.29万hm2,人口100万。改革开放以来,林州市发扬红旗渠精神,经济和社会各项事业蓬勃发展,林州市先后被确定为河南省改革开放特别试点县(市)、国家星火技术密集区、国家社会发展综合实验区,还被命名为全国“双基”教育工作先进县(市)、全国初级卫生保健达标县、全国文化模范市、全国卫生城市、全国科技工作先进县(市)、全国绿化造林百佳县(市)、全国民政工作先进市。在经济发展过程中…  相似文献   

江西省县域农业碳排放的时空动态及影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过构建江西省农业碳排放测算体系,采用碳转化系数法对江西省县域农业碳排放进行了估算,并分析了2000~2010年江西省农业碳排放的时空动态及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)江西省农业碳排放总量从2000年的23085万t增长到2010年的29051万t,不同年份农业碳排放均主要源于化肥施用与农业机械使用;(2)全省农业碳排放量的空间分布呈现较为明显的集聚特征,主要年份高碳排放区均集中于鄱阳湖周边地区;碳排放强度多为Ⅱ级水平,空间分布上与碳排放量相比更为均衡;(3)江西省县域间农业碳排放的相对差异与绝对差异整体上均呈明显扩大的趋势;(4)生产效率、结构、劳动力等因素对农业碳排放有抑制作用,农业经济发展则促进碳排放量增加,农业碳排放还受社会、政策等影响  相似文献   

安徽省粮食生产的主成分分析及其趋势预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用安徽省1978~2010年的相关社会经济统计资料为基础数据,在对33 a来粮食动态变化的定量定性分析基础上,利用主成分分析方法探讨了区域粮食生产的影响因子。然后根据安徽33 a粮食总产量的历史数据,建立GM(1,1)预测模型,对安徽省未来20 a(2011~2030年)的粮食产量进行中长期的模拟预测,以期为相关部门粮食生产决策提供科学依据。研究表明:(1)1978~2010年,安徽省粮食生产在波动中增长,粮食总产量和人均粮食产量曲线的动态变化基本吻合。(2)影响粮食生产的3个主要成分分别是社会经济发展水平、农业生产成本和粮食作物播种面积。(3)粮食生产在2011~2030年将保持平稳增长的良性发展态势,2030年粮食预测产量达到4 119万t,比2010年增长了1 039万t,年均增长15%。〖HJ1〗〖HJ〗  相似文献   

长江流域的昆虫病毒资源及其开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在长江流域已发现约130种昆虫病毒,其中多数属杆状病毒科。昆虫病毒作为杀虫剂在本地区广泛应用,防治棉花、森林、茶树、蔬菜和牧草上的害虫,克服了化学农药的一些缺点,取得了良好的生态效益和经济效益。近年来还进行了杆状病毒表达载体的研究,该系统的研制已用于高水平表达具有生物活性的外源基因产物,获得医药产品,或者组建更有效的基因工程病毒杀虫剂。  相似文献   

基于GIS的湖北省水稻生产潜力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用GIS技术,以分县(市,区)为基本单位研究湖北省近年水稻生产状况。综合气象资料、地形数据、水稻作物生长发育规律和适应性气候指标,划分出湖北省水稻适宜性种植区域;根据各县(市、区)区域水稻实际生产数据,分早、中、晚稻划定出水稻生产的高、中和低产区域;测算湖北省水稻光温生产潜力为 17 000~22 000 kg/hm2,光温生产潜力可利用度为3306%~7830%。按照农业气候资源的相似性和农业气候利用一致性原则研究表明:湖北省水稻综合生产潜力为31742万t。该研究结果和建立的数据库为更好地指导和规〖JP2〗划湖北省水稻种植、生产和实施系列高产科技工程项目提供了依据和参考。该研究方法,能够扩展用于粮食作物种植区划和农业区划研究  相似文献   

长江南岸丘陵区在长江流域三大经济区的开发中占有重要的地位。本文对该区的自然特征及发展潜力进行了分析,提出了持续发展的对策:(1)开发利用荒山荒地,保护森林资源,改善生态环境,减轻自然灾害;(2)发展经济林,发挥丘陵坡地优势;(3)巩固已有的林、果、茶生产基地,创建经济作物基地并向产业化发展;(4)加强丘陵坡地生态改造与水土流失治理等方面的研究。  相似文献   

为全面调查甘肃省农民负担的真实情况,从根本上解决农民负担问题,本研究通过抽样调查、半结构访谈(SSI)、问卷调查及跟踪访谈等方法,于2002年1月-2004年12月对甘肃省10个县400户农民进行了跟踪调查,获得了甘肃省2002年有关农户收入、支出和农业税费方面的20多万条数据和信息。并以此数据和信息为依据,对甘肃不同地域、不同生产条件下农户的总收入、总支出、生产生活状况。特别是农民负担状况进行了全面分析。研究结论表明,只有从政策体制方面解决农民负担问题,并及时解决税费改革中的旧有矛盾(财政收支、教育投入)和新出现的矛盾(村级收支、财政转移支付),由中央财政支付县、乡、村三级干部的工资待遇,加大对中西部地区农村义务教育的财政支持力度,减缓中西部地区因为农村义务教育的经费不足造成农民负担进一步加剧的问题,保证财政转移支付到位。加强转移支付过程的监管力度,保证资金有效应用。同时明确以法律规定消除农村中小学的合理性收费以外的任何其他收费。只有政府颁布、实施切实可行的政策或法律,才能从根本上解决农民的负担问题。  相似文献   

在农业资源不断匮乏背景下,我国农业表现出生产集聚现象,从集聚效应视角看,农业生产集聚的形成是资源禀赋、外部性因素互相作用的结果。本文系统梳理了资源禀赋特征、外部性条件与农业生产集聚之间内在机制,并利用我国1996~2015年31省20年面板数据,通过固定效应模型和系统广义矩估计等多种研究方法进行验证,通过理论分析和回归分析发现:(1)农业资源禀赋中农业劳动力、农业资本存量、农业技术水平和耕地资源对生产集聚水平的提高具有显著的促进作用。而外部性条件中自然灾害和地形对农业生产集聚水平具有显著的制约作用。(2)从影响趋势上来看,农业耕地数量、农业技术水平对农业生产集聚水平的影响表现出“U”型发展趋势,而农业劳动力数量和农业资本存量表现出倒“U”型发现趋势。  相似文献   

——城市人口不断增长。城市化首先表现为城市人口的增长。从1949年到1997年,我国城市市区非农业人口从2740.6万人增加到2.14亿人,增长了7.8倍。20万至50万人口的中等城市人口增长10倍;20万人口以下的城市人口增长5.5倍;50万至100万人口的大城市人口增长4.8倍;100万人口以上的特大城市人口增长6.4倍。50年来我国城市人口的快速增长,主要由东南部沿海地区快速发展所驱动。——城市非农业人口比重不断增加。新中国成立初期,我国城市非农业人口占总人口的比重仅有5.1%。改革前,市…  相似文献   

城镇化发展质量是衡量一个国家或地区社会经济发展水平的重要指标。从人口、土地、社会、经济和城乡协调发展5个方面,构建了一套城镇化发展质量评价指标体系,采用熵值法和空间自相关分析法,对2009和2017年湖北省县域城镇化发展质量进行综合评价,并分析不同县域单元城镇化发展水平在空间上的关联特征。研究结果表明:(1)2009~2017年湖北省城镇化发展质量在整体上呈上升趋势,且各地区的提升速度较快;(2)城镇化发展质量呈现出显著的空间正相关,城镇化发展质量较低县域的集聚程度要高于较高地区;(3)低质量的县域主要位于西部地区,中部地区如宜昌市的集聚程度逐渐增强,高质量县域主要集中在武汉市辖区。通过该分析研究以期为湖北省推进高质量城镇化发展提供决策思考。  相似文献   

Viruses of animals, plants, and bacteria abound in sewage and receiving waters. Their ecological impact has, for the most part, gone unheeded except as it relates to viruses from human sources. Viruses present at levels infective to man have been recovered from waters used for recreational or drinking purposes. Their presence in a water environment virtually always denotes prior contamination by domestic wastes. Neither conventional sewage treatment processes nor the discharge to land or water of sludges produced by these processes achieve full viral control. Many environmental virologists advocate the setting of permissible virus limits for those recreational and potable waters dominated by wastewater effluents. The initiation of regulatory pressure to restrict virus discharges into these water environments has been instituted in Montgomery County, Maryland, and in the states of California and Arizona.  相似文献   

Obsolete pesticides were stored in Poland from the middle sixties until the late eighties of the 20th century mostly in underground disposal sites, called "pesticide burial grounds" or "pesticide tombs". The total amount of pesticide waste and packaging materials disposed of in these landfills exceeded 20000 Mg. Typically, the content of a pesticide tomb was dominated by organochlorine pesticides (comprising 10-100% of the total waste volume) with DDT as the prevailing compound. Other pesticide types, such as phosphoroorganic, carbamate insecticides, dinitrophenols, phenoxyacids, and inorganic compounds were stored in smaller quantities, usually not exceeding 10-20% of the total waste volume. With the growing awareness of the threats that these landfills posed to the environment, the first inventory for the whole country was made in 1993 and remediation was initiated in 1999. The total amount of waste, which had to be removed from the known pesticide tombs (hazardous substances, contaminated soils, construction materials etc.) was about 100000 Mg. According to the National Waste Management Plan, the reclamation of pesticide tombs was assumed to have been finished by the end of 2010, however, this goal has not been achieved. The aim of this review is to present a historical perspective of pesticide burial grounds in Poland with an emphasis on their creation, function, inventory, and remediation. Based on unpublished reports, and other published materials of limited availability written in Polish, this review may serve as a source of information for representatives of other countries, where remediation of pesticide burial grounds is still in progress. The experience gained over a ten-year period, when restoration of pesticide tombs was implemented in Poland, reveals that there are many obstacles to this action arising not only from technical, but also from economic and social issues.  相似文献   

Encapsulation technology involves entrapping a chemical active ingredient (a.i.) inside a hollow polymeric shell and has been applied to commercial pesticide manufacturing for years to produce capsule suspension (CS) formulations with average particle sizes in the micron-scale. The few literature sources that investigate the environmental fate and toxicity to non-target organisms of encapsulated commercially available pesticide products with regard to capsule size report on average sizes between 20 and 50 μm. Here, we have identified a CS formulation with an average capsule size of approximately 2 μm with some capsules extending into the nanometer scale (~ 200 nm). Determining how carrier size influences toxicity is important to understanding if current pesticide risk assessments are sufficient to protect against products that incorporate encapsulation technology. Here, a commercial pyrethroid CS pesticide with lambda-cyhalothrin (λ-Cy) as the a.i. was separated into two suspensions, a fraction consisting of nano-sized capsules (~ 250 nm) and a fraction of micron-sized capsules (~ 2200 nm) in order to investigate the influence of capsule size on toxicity to embryonic zebrafish, Danio rerio. Toxicity was evaluated 24 h after exposure to equivalent amounts of a.i. by the presence and severity of pyrethroid-specific tremors, 14 sublethal developmental impacts and mortality. Fish exposed to greater than 20 μg a.i. L 1 technical λ-Cy or formulated product experienced curvature of the body axis, pericardial edema, craniofacial malformations, and mortality. Exposure to the unfractionated formulation, micro fraction, nano fraction and technical a.i. resulted in no significant differences in the occurrence of sublethal impacts or mortality; however, the technical a.i. exposure resulted in significantly less fish experiencing tremors and shorter tremors compared to any of the formulated product exposures. This suggests that the capsule size does not influence the toxic response of the entrapped λ-Cy, but the presence or absence of the capsules does. Testing across other encapsulated products is needed to determine if size does not have influence on toxicity regardless of encapsulation technology.  相似文献   

作为实现乡村振兴战略的重要抓手,如何实现农药零增长一直是现代农业政策关注的重点。基于上述问题,通过全国18个省份农户的微观调查数据,尝试从精细管理技术投入的视角,分析劳动成本变化对农户农药使用行为的影响。研究发现:对于从事园艺等劳动密集型作物种植的农户而言,劳动成本上升将促使农药施用量的增加,而精细管理技术投入则在两者间起到部分中介作用。精细管理技术投入的增加能够有效提高农户的施药效率并降低其单次的农药用量。而与此同时,由于精细管理农户所面临的经营风险相对较大,因而农药施用次数相对较高,故不同精细管理技术投入的农户在农药施用总量方面并未呈现明显差异。因此,政府可尝试通过扶持农产品品牌建设、发展农业生产服务组织等方式,在引导农户生产方式精细化的同时,实现农药的减量投入。  相似文献   

Microbial source tracking (MST) tools are used to identify sources of fecal pollution for accurately assessing public health risk and implementing best management practices (BMPs). This review focuses on the potential of enteric viruses for MST applications. Following host infection, enteric viruses replicate and are excreted in high numbers in the hosts' feces and urine. Due to the specificity in host infection, enteric viruses have been considered one of the most accurate library-independent culture-independent MST tools. In an assessment of molecular viral assays based on sensitivity, specificity and the density of the target virus in fecal-impacted samples, human adenovirus and human polyomavirus were found to be the most promising human-specific viral markers. However, more research is needed to identify promising viral markers for livestock because of cross-reactions that were observed among livestock species or the limited number of samples tested for specificity. Other viral indicators of fecal origin, F+ RNA coliphage and pepper mild mottle virus, have also been proposed as potential targets for developing MST markers. Enhancing the utility of enteric viruses for MST applications through next generation sequencing (NGS) and virus concentration technology is discussed in the latter part of this review. The massive sequence databases generated by shotgun and gene-targeted metagenomics enable more efficient and reliable design of MST assays. Finally, recent studies revealed that alternative virus concentration methodologies may be more cost-effective than standard technologies such as 1MDS; however, improvements in the recovery efficiency and consistency are still needed. Overall, developments in metagenomic information combined with efficient concentration methodologies, as well as high host-specificity, make enteric viruses a promising tool in MST applications.  相似文献   

Pesticides are used in modern agriculture to increase crop yields, but they may pose a serious threat to aquatic ecosystems. Pesticides may enter water bodies through diffuse and point sources, but diffuse sources are probably the most important. Among diffuse pollution, surface runoff and erosion, leaching and drainage represent the major pathways. The most commonly used mitigation techniques to prevent pesticide input into water bodies include edge-of-field and riparian buffer strips, vegetated ditches and constructed wetlands. The first attempts to use wetland macrophytes for pesticide removal were carried out as early as the 1970s, but only in the last decade have constructed wetlands for pesticide mitigation become widespread. The paper summarizes 47 studies in which removal of 87 pesticides was monitored. The survey revealed that constructed wetlands with free water surface are the most commonly used type. Also, it has been identified that removal of pesticides is highly variable. The results of the survey revealed that the highest pesticide removal was achieved for pesticides of the organochlorine, strobilurin/strobin, organosphosphate and pyrethroid groups while the lowest removals were observed for pesticides of the triazinone, aryloxyalkanoic acid and urea groups. The removal of pesticides generally increases with increasing value of KOC but the relationship is not strong.  相似文献   

The impact of the nuclear polyhedrosis virus on the population dynamics of the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar L. has been studied. The results have shown that polyhedrosis morbidity in the western Siberian population of the insect is relatively low, compared to that reported for North American and European populations. A possible cause of this situation is found in the high migration activity of moths in the Asian L. dispar populations, which allows the virus load on the biotope to remain relatively stable and insufficient for the initiation of mass viral diseases during population outbreaks.__________Translated from Ekologiya, No. 3, 2005, pp. 222–226.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Ilinykh.  相似文献   

ObjectivesEuropean legislation requires reporting from Member States on acute poisoning incidents involving pesticides. However, standard rules for data collection and reporting have not yet been set out. The new categorization system presented in this paper is aimed at enabling Member States to gather comparable data and provide standard reporting on pesticide poisoning exposures.Materials and methodsEuropean Regulations providing separate official categorization of biocidal and plant protection pesticides, were used as a basis to build up a unified pesticide categorization and coding system. Data on selected pesticide exposures collected by Poison Control Centres in six EU countries were reviewed, categorized and reported according to the proposed system.ResultsThe resulting pesticide categorization system has two dimensions. The first part identifies the main category of use, i.e. biocide/plant protection pesticide/unknown, and the secondary category of use, e.g. Rodenticides, Insecticides and acaricides. The second part of the system is organized into two levels: level one identifies chemical grouping, e.g. Coumarins, Pyrethrins/pyrethroids, while level two identifies the active compound by using its Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number. The system was used to provide a unified categorization to compare exposures to plant protection and biocidal Rodenticides and Pyrethrins/pyrethroids Insecticides and acaricides identified by six EU member states.ConclusionThe developed pesticide categorization system was successfully applied to data extracted from different databases and was able to make the required information comparable. The data reported filling in common templates containing a pre-ordinate list of active compounds categorized according the proposed system, highlighted different capabilities in data collection and recording, showing that some of the collaborating centres were not able to distinguish between main categories of pesticide products or provide information on active compounds. The results indicate that a special effort should be dedicated to support detailed data recording at national level. Providing common tools to systematically report to the EU Commission hazardous exposures to pesticides, as well as to other selected categories of products, could allow for data comparability between Member States and greatly improve post marketing surveillance and alerting systems in Europe.  相似文献   

There is no longer any question as to the presence of human enteroviruses in secondary sewage effluents. Sufficient data are available to indicate that viruses can and do percolate through the soil and move with the groundwater. Also, there is no question that a significant number of human illnesses of viral etiology have been associated with the consumption of untreated or chlorinated groundwater obtained from sewage contaminated wells. Although classical epidemiological investigative evidence linking groundwater with enterovirus disease transmission is not currently available, the alternative data presented in this report indicate that virus in groundwater is of sufficient significance to public health to warrant increased viral surveillance of groundwater. Concurrently, efforts should be directed toward increasing enterovirus disease surveillance and reporting to facilitate the earliest possible recognition of an outbreak and the initiation of an epidemiological investigation. Only under these conditions will the magnitude of the significance of viruses in groundwater be elicited.  相似文献   

The widespread application of pesticides in agriculture, public health, and industry and in and around the home can result in the accumulation of pesticides in the environment. Therefore, a survey has been conducted during 1993-1996 to investigate the magnitude of contamination of bovine milk with organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residues from Jaipur City, Rajasthan, India. Milk samples, i.e., dairy (toned and whole) and buffalo milk, were collected seasonally, and pesticide residues were assessed using a gas chromatograph (GC) with an electron capture detector (ECD). The results indicate that all the milk samples were contaminated with dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and its metabolites (DDE and p,p'-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane [DDD]), isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH; alpha, beta, and gamma), heptachlor and its epoxide, and aldrin. Seasonal variations of these pesticide residue levels were also observed in all the milk samples. Samples collected during winter season were found to contain higher residue levels as compared to other seasons.  相似文献   

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