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土壤是重要的自然资源之一,土壤环境的质量与人类的生活质量密切相关。土壤污染状况调查以保护人类健康为目的,评估地块内各类指标含量是否符合未来开发为居住用地、工业用地的要求。为了了解地块内存在的重金属、有机物等指标含量,掌握地块土壤环境污染特征,开展土壤污染状况调查十分必要。以某工业污染地块土壤污染状况调查为例,分析调查工作在开展的过程中可能存在的一些问题,并由此进行相应的对策研究,为类似污染地块或复杂场地土壤污染状况调查提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

调查了星云湖径流区内磷矿和磷化工企业的分布情况,并对入湖河流水质现状进行了监测,结果表明:磷矿开采开发的磷污染入湖负荷量为46.6 t/a,其中螺蛳铺河径流区占84%。因此,治理星云湖流域磷矿开采加工区域磷流失是关键,重点是螺蛳铺磷化工业区。  相似文献   

粤港澳大湾区典型城市遗留地块土壤污染特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过识别各类工业企业搬迁遗留地块的环境风险等级,可实现差异化的环境管理,在保障人居环境安全的同时,提高地块开发效率,纾解城市土地资源紧张的问题.该研究通过分析粤港澳大湾区某典型城市2013—2018年开展调查的93个遗留地块的土壤污染风险、污染程度、污染类型及分布特征,探讨行业类型对地块土壤污染风险及污染特征的影响.结果表明:该城市金属表面处理及热加工业、化学原料及化学品制造业、金属冶炼及延压加工业等3个行业的污染地块占比超过85%,单位面积污染量(污染地块每平方米调查面积的污染土方量)超过0.32 m3,污染负荷指数大于0.5,为土壤高污染风险行业;其中,金属表面处理及热加工业地块表现为无机污染,主要污染物为重金属,化学原料及化学品制造业地块主要表现为有机污染,主要污染物为苯系物、石油烃和多环芳烃,金属冶炼及延压加工业地块主要表现为复合污染,主要污染物为多环芳烃、铅、砷、镍、锌;电气机械及器材制造业、装卸搬运和仓储业、商务服务业、纺织业、文教及工美体育和娱乐用品制造业、塑料制品业、农业和畜牧业等7个行业类型为土壤低污染风险行业.该市污染地块以复合污染为主,污染物类型主要为重金属、氰化物、氟化物和有机污染物,其中,砷和多环芳烃在污染地块中的出现频率最高,均接近50.0%.因此,遗留地块的土壤污染风险、污染特征与其区域特点、历史行业类型密切相关,在对关闭搬迁遗留污染地块进行环境调查和环境监管中,进一步对不同类型行业进行区别化监管具有重要意义.   相似文献   

鉴于我国污染地块环境管控法规制度缺失,土壤环境监管方面基本处于空白的实际,为了加强对污染地块的风险管控,规范对污染地块的开发利用,文章从厘清污染地块监管责任、明确监管责任、建立污染地块风险管控制度等方面提出了具体对策,建立了相关的风险管控制度,以期为我国污染地块环境管控提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

风险评估是污染地块管理的核心环节,基于风险的管控策略已被广泛认可和应用.风险评估过程中暴露情景构建、暴露模型表征和暴露参数选用等的不确定性是影响评估结果的主要因素.而层次化风险评估(Tiered Risk Assessment)通过迭代方法可有效平衡评估不确定性、结果准确性和资源有限性之间的矛盾,为污染地块提供了经济高效的风险管控思路.因此,为强化对层次化风险评估的理论认知并推动其在污染地块风险评估领域的发展和应用,本文通过文献调研,系统梳理了国内外污染地块层次化风险评估的发展历程,分析了污染物环境行为的暴露情景构建、暴露模型表征及参数本土化调整等方面的研究进展,探讨了层次化风险评估技术的发展方向.结果表明,层次化方法在污染面积较大、污染状况复杂的大型污染地块中得到广泛的重视和应用,相较于传统风险评估,这一方法可提高结果准确性、减少不必要的成本投入和避免过度修复.基于现实假设构建暴露情景和优化暴露模型、耦合不确定模型评估及参数本土化调整是目前研究的热点和趋势.基于此,结合我国污染地块风险管理的政策要求及现状,提出层次化和精细化的风险评估在污染地块风险管理中的应用建议.未来可从内涵演变、...  相似文献   

以北方某工业搬迁地块为研究对象,开展地块土壤污染状况调查和风险评估。采集地块内300件土壤样品和15组地下水样品进行检测,采用单因子污染指数法和内梅罗综合污染指数法进行数据分析评价。结果显示地块内地下水中污染物均未超标,土壤中有机污染物氯仿超标,采用单因子指数评价,重金属Pmax均小于1,未造成土壤污染,有机污染物中氯仿Pmax为11.93,造成土壤重度污染。采用内梅罗综合污染指数评价,地块内所有采样点位P综合max最大值氯仿为8.44,土壤的氯仿属于重度污染,地块内重度污染点位占比3.33%,中度污染点位占比3.33%,轻度污染点位占比1.67%,尙清洁的点位占比3.33%,清洁的点位占比88.33%。采用ArcGIS差值模拟分析,氯仿主要污染区域为生产三车间及其周边区域,污染深度0~5.5m范围。对地块开展进一步的风险评估,结果表明:地块内超标点位的污染物氯仿致癌风险范围为1.79E-06~2.40E-05,均大于1.00E-06,致癌风险不可接受,主要暴露途径是通过吸入室内空气中来自下层土壤的气态污染物影响人体健康...  相似文献   

将安宁草铺辖区磷化工企业污染物对周边大气环境、土壤环境、植物、农作物以及食物链的污染影响进行深入的分析研究,揭示其污染特征、水平、规律,为以磷化工为主的区域污染防治提供参考。  相似文献   

基于风险管控的理念,结合风险产生的3要素(污染源、暴露途径和风险受体),分别介绍了污染地块治理修复的多种可选修复模式。在多层次风险防控的思路下构建污染地块的修复模式,可以为污染地块的安全利用提供多样化的解决方案。  相似文献   

长江流域上游地区是我国“三磷”(磷矿、磷化工企业和磷石膏库)最为集中的区域,总磷污染尤为严重.为保障长江流域水环境安全,支撑长江经济带可持续发展,从分析长江上游“三磷”污染状况出发,剖析总磷污染成因,提出“三磷”污染控制对策建议.结果表明,长江流域上游地区总磷污染成因主要包括:磷矿资源丰富,长期开采对上游水环境产生显著影响;围绕磷矿开采的磷化工产业发展迅速,但管理薄弱导致总磷超标排放;存量磷石膏临河不当处置与堆存,环境污染与安全隐患大.针对总磷污染成因,按照“重点突出,精准施策”原则,以长江流域上游地区“三磷”集中片区为重点开展综合整治,提出几点对策建议:①重点加强沱江上游德阳段绵远河、石亭江,乌江上游贵州段瓮安河、洋水河和清水江,湖北省宜昌-兴山-神农架一线和钟祥-南漳一线三个片区的磷矿治理;②推动绵远河、石亭江、乌江、香溪河流域等涉磷工业园区/工业集中区的技术改造升级,促进磷化工产业绿色发展;③加强四川省(沱江)、贵州省(乌江)、湖北省(香溪河)等磷石膏堆场密集分布区域的规范化综合管理;④以法规和标准为准绳,加快完善涉磷污染源监管系统.   相似文献   

以我国工业发展的重点区域京津冀、长三角和珠三角为研究对象,基于2018~2021年纳入《建设用地土壤污染风险管控和修复名录》的共496个污染地块,对其区域分布、土壤和地下水超标污染物特征、污染的行业相关性、场地地质条件等数据进行相关数据统计分析.结果表明:京津冀污染地块主要分布于京津和冀南,长三角污染地块数量最大且分布广,珠三角污染地块则密布于珠江口.整体上土壤污染以重金属-有机复合污染为主(48.43%),地下水则是有机污染占比(42.49%)最大.化学原料及化学品制造业和金属冶炼及延压加工业污染地块风险负荷指数大于0.25,为较高风险;塑料和橡胶制品业、机械制造、金属制品业、电器机械及器材制造业和皮革、皮毛制造业污染地块为中风险,其余行业污染地块为低风险.场地土壤和地下水污染分布与历史行业类型息息相关,如土壤中化学原料及化学品制造业超标污染物种类最复杂,卤代烃(占比12%)和苯系物(占比10.4%)相比其余行业占比更重,地下水中各行业重金属污染和常规指标如氨氮需要关注.土层深度上各类典型污染物最大超标普遍分布在0~5m,整体上重金属最大污染超标深度大于有机污染最大超标深度;土壤性质...  相似文献   

 A host invasion strategy hitherto unknown from other insect parasitoids was observed in the dipteran Acrocera orbicula (Fabricius) (Diptera: Acroceridae) parasitizing the wolf spider, Pardosa prativaga (L. Koch) (Araneida: Lycosidae). In laboratory experiments the free-living first instar acrocerid larvae attached themselves firmly to the spiders' integument by the mouthparts, cutting a tiny hole through the integument. No first instar larvae invaded the host. A week later the parasitoids molted, and a small, flexible, and glabrous second instar larva left each of the attached first instar exuviae and invaded the host through the attachment hole of the first instar larva. The novel host invasion pattern observed may reduce physical damage to the host in the initial phase of endoparasitism, enhancing parasitoid survival. Received: 14 April 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 2 July 1999  相似文献   

A hopper-predator community in an experimental rice field was observed weekly with regard to information content (H′), formation of a geometric series or the grade of orderly distribution of component taxa (R2), and clumping index (I). These community attributes changed with time in close association with one another, and attained the highest values around the heading time of the rice. Significant correlations were found between the density of prey and that of predators when a certain time-lag was assumed for the increase of predators.  相似文献   

By increasing particle concentration and G value (root-mean-square velocity gradient) to enhance flocculation, a novel vertical-flow settler was designed to increase sedimentation effectiveness, and to simultaneously improve operational stabilization. Due to the gradual decrease in upward flow-rate of raw water, a floes blanket would form and suspend in the middle section of the settler, not at the bottom as in a conventional clarifier. Enough large floes, resulted from flocculation or fltration, would continuously settle out of the floes blanket, and simultaneously, the floes in raw water or those forming above the blanket would ceaselessly enter the floes blanket. As a result, the floes concentration in the blanket could keep a dynamic balance. The hydrodynamic shear in the blanket was improved by flow separation, which was induced by the abrupt change in flow channel. Due to the floes blanket and improved hydrodynamic shear, flocculation would be enhanced, which was helpful for removing fine particles in raw water. A comparative study showed that the novel vertical-flow settler had a much better performance in the removal of the particles in raw water than a conventional one, when they treated kaolin suspensions of different concentrations (500, 100 and 50 mg/L, respectively) coagulated by polyaluminum chloride(PAC1) at the up-flow rates of 1 and 2 mm/s, respectively.  相似文献   

A case of a prenatally recognized hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma is presented and the literature reviewed. These tumors are benign and usually present in early infancy with symptoms that are related to the mass effect on adjacent organs. Radiologic methods used in the past to image this tumor include angiography and ultrasound. However, there is no specific radiologic finding, and, therefore, the diagnosis is usually made during surgery. Once the tumor is removed, the prognosis is generally good. With the increasing use of high resolution ultrasound in prenatal diagnosis, this rare tumor should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any multicystic mass found in the fetal abdomen. The recognition of a mass should then alert the physician to the need for early neonatal intervention.  相似文献   

Male-biased predation of a cave fish by a giant water bug   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Male-biased predation has been described from several epigean species, and in many cases, intrinsic differences between the sexes (such as male ornaments) have been suggested as an explanation. Here we report on male-biased predation of a cave fish (Poecilia mexicana) by an aquatic insect (Belostoma sp.) in a Mexican sulfur cave. P. mexicana use aquatic surface respiration (ASR) to survive in their sulfidic, hypoxic habitat. We found that males typically exhibit more ASR activity than females, which leads to increased exposure to the sit-and-wait predator that catches fish near the water surface. Our finding is novel, because male vulnerability to predation is not directly related to male traits involved in courtship, but rather due to other sexual differences in behavior and ultimately, oxygen demands.  相似文献   

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