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反冲洗是快滤池的一项关键技术,反冲洗的效果关系到滤床下一个周期的过滤效果.试验证明水淬渣-石英砂双层滤料采用气-水反冲洗在冲洗效果、减少冲洗时间、降低冲洗耗水量及避免混层等方面比单水反冲洗有优势.在工程实践中水淬渣石英砂双层滤料反冲洗选用水强度为5L/m2·s、气强度为10L/m2·s、冲洗历时4min合适.  相似文献   

The paper presents the application of thermal remote sensing for mapping hydrocarbon polluted sites. This has been achieved by mono-window algorithm for land surface temperature (LST) measurements, using multi-date band 6 data of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM). The emissivity, transmittance and mean atmospheric temperature were used as critical factors to estimate LST. The changes in the surface emissivity due to oil pollution alter the apparent temperature, which was used as a recognition element to map out oil polluted surfaces. The LST contrast was successfully used to map spatial distribution of hydrocarbon pollution in the Burgan Oil field area of Kuwait. The methodology can be positively used to detect waste dumping, oil spills in oceans and ports, besides environmental management of oil pollution at or near the land surface.  相似文献   

Field surveys of biological responses can provide valuable information about environmental status and anthropogenic stress. However, it is quite usual for biological variables to differ between sites or change between two periods of time also in the absence of an impact. This means that there is an obvious risk that natural variation will be interpreted as environmental impact, or that relevant effects will be missed due to insufficient statistical power. Furthermore, statistical methods tend to focus on the risks for Type-I error, i.e. false positives. For environmental management, the risk for false negatives is (at least) equally important. The aim of the present study was to investigate how the probabilities for false positives and negatives are affected by experimental set up (number of reference sites and samples per site), decision criteria (statistical method and α-level) and effect size. A model was constructed to simulate data from multiple reference sites, a negative control and a positive control. The negative control was taken from the same distribution as the reference sites and the positive control was just outside the normal range. Using the model, the probabilities to get false positives and false negatives were calculated when a conventional statistical test, based on a null hypothesis of no difference, was used along with alternative tests that were based on the normal range of natural variation. Here, it is tested if an investigated site is significantly inside (equivalence test) and significantly outside (interval test) the normal range. Furthermore, it was tested how the risks for false positives and false negatives are affected by changes in α-level and effect size. The results of the present study show that the strategy that best balances the risks between false positives and false negatives is to use the equivalence test. Besides tests with tabulated p-values, estimates generated using a bootstrap routine were included in the present study. The simulations showed that the probability for management errors was smaller for the bootstrap compared to the traditional test and the interval test.  相似文献   

Major polluters of man's environment are thermal power stations (TPS) and power plants, which discharge into the atmosphere the basic product of carbon fuel combustion, CO2, which results in a build-up of the greenhouse effect and global warm-up of our planet's climate. This paper is intended to show that the way to attain environmental safety of the TPS and to abide by the decisions of the Kyoto Protocol lies in raising the efficiency of the heat power stations and reducing their fuel consumption by using nonconventional thermal cycles. Certain equations have been derived to define the quantitative interrelationship between the growth of efficiency of the TPS, decrease in fuel consumption and reduction of discharge of dust, fuel combustion gases, and heat into the environment. New ideas and new technological approaches that result in raising the efficiency of the TPS are briefly covered: magneto-hydrodynamic resonance, the Kalina cycle, and utilizing the ambient heat by using, as the working medium, low-boiling substances.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop a general pricing model for Turkish Lignite, which is mainly sold to thermal plants. This model will contribute to the development of coal mining within the scope of privatization efforts of the Turkish energy market. The paper consists of two stages. First, data of 10 thermal plants have been evaluated by using hedonic pricing analysis to determine influential price parameters. The results of hedonic regression analysis indicate the effect and importance of calorific value and electricity price on lignite prices. Second, a general coal-pricing model has been developed by taking into account the results of hedonic analysis. Comparison of the coal prices estimated by the developed pricing model and the coal prices obtained from thermal plants indicates an acceptable relation.  相似文献   

粒状滤料过滤技术广泛用于废水的深度处理.过滤技术使用后,快滤池技术发展迅速.随着多种滤料的开发,深层过滤技术得到发展,直接过滤工艺应运而生.反冲洗是快滤池的一项关键技术,气水联合反冲洗对滤料过滤能力的再生效果优于单水反冲洗.滤料过滤存在跑料、料层板结等问题,在工程实践中逐步得到改进.  相似文献   

Given the ecological burden imposed by power plants located in the coastal zone, efforts to improve the marginal benefits realized from their operation are warranted. Indeed, if this source of environmental pollution can be utilized to compensate for past ecological damage, then the benefits will be magnified many-fold.This study addresses the economic feasibility of utilizing heated effluent water from power plants to invigorate the growth of oysters raised under controlled conditions. The preliminary findings indicate that given proper combinations of system capacity, supplemental nutrient supplies, sea water flow and temperature gradients, such an operation is feasible.This is also a demonstration of a viable application of a sophisticated computer modeling approach to environmental problems. System Dynamics a technique pioneered at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is applied to evaluate the physical, biological, and economic interrelationships of the aquacultural system variables. It offers many advantages for the environmental manager and researcher, a number of which are realized in the present investigation.  相似文献   

粒状滤料过滤理论的主要内容是过滤机理、过滤方程式和反冲洗机理。过滤机理有悬浮颗粒的迁移机理、悬浮颗粒的吸附机理和脱落机理等。过滤在水澄清的同时,滤层的水头损失增加,整个过程涉及因素多而且复杂,过滤方程式很难得到解析性的答案,所以过滤方程对过滤过程只起定性的作用。现在反冲洗机理的研究认为,悬浮颗粒从滤料表面脱落是水流剪切和颗粒碰撞综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

Composting and the application of compost to the soil follow the principle of recycling and sustainability. Compost can also have a positive effect on physical, chemical, and biological soil parameters. However, little is known about the origin, concentration, and transformation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in compost. We therefore compiled literature data on some priority POPs in compost and its main feedstock materials from more than 60 reports. Our data evaluation suggests the following findings. First, median concentrations of Sigma 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Sigma 6 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and Sigma 17 polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans (PCDD/Fs) were higher in green waste (1803, 15.6 microg/kg dry wt., and 2.5 ng international toxicity equivalent [I-TEQ]/kg dry wt.) than in organic household waste (635, 14.6 microg/kg dry wt., and 2.2 ng I-TEQ/kg dry wt.) and kitchen waste (not available [NA], 14.9 microg/kg dry wt., 0.4 ng I-TEQ/kg dry wt.). The POP concentrations in foliage were up to 12 times higher than in other feedstock materials. Second, in contrast, compost from organic household waste and green waste contained similar amounts of Sigma 16 PAHs, Sigma 6 PCBs, and Sigma 17 PCDD/Fs (1915, 39.8 microg/kg dry wt., and 9.5 ng I-TEQ/kg dry wt., and 1715, 30.6 microg/kg dry wt., and 8.5 ng I-TEQ/kg dry wt., respectively). Third, concentrations of three-ring PAHs were reduced during the composting process, whereas five- to six-ring PAHs and Sigma 6 PCBs increased by roughly a factor of two due to mass reduction during composting. Sigma 17 PCDD/Fs had accumulated by up to a factor of 14. Fourth, urban feedstock and compost had higher POP concentrations than rural material. Fifth, the highest concentrations of POPs were usually observed in summer samples. Finally, median compost concentrations of POPs were greater by up to one order of magnitude than in arable soils, as the primary recipients of compost, but were well within the range of many urban soils. In conclusion, this work provides a basis for the further improvement of composting and for future risk assessments of compost application.  相似文献   

The sorption and desorption behavior of hexavalent chromium and chlorinated ethenes in a sandy ground water aquifer with a low reduction capacity was evaluated by performing a variety of analyses and experiments at the laboratory (batch and column studies) and field (in situ injection-withdrawal experiment) scales. The partitioning coefficients determined from the field and laboratory experiments are generally similar. Both sets of experiments yielded relatively low partition coefficients for chromium and chlorinated ethenes. The column studies and injection-withdrawal experiment indicate that chromium has the potential to leach from aquifer sediments and act as a secondary source of contamination. However, the magnitude of the secondary source effect is not significant due to low concentrations of leachable contamination. The chromium sorption isotherm data were also simulated using the triple layer surface complexation model (TLM). The isotherm data were modeled using the TLM, illustrating the applicability of geochemical modeling for sorption of chromium to these sediments under variable pE-pH conditions.  相似文献   

Chromium(VI)-containing sorbents in the form of sludge or solid residue from treatment processes are often landfilled or used as fill materials, therefore the long-term stability of metal binding is important. The reduction of Cr(VI)–Cr(III) through heat treatment may be a useful detoxification method. After heating at 500, 900, 1000, and 1100 °C for 4 h, the transformation of chemical states of chromium on 105 °C-dried, 7.9% Cr(VI)-doped TiO2 powders was studied on the basis of surface area measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectra. It was shown that Cr(VI) was reduced to Cr(III) in the Cr(VI)-doped samples after heating within 500–900 °C. The present results also suggested that the chromium octahedral was bridged to the titanium tetrahedral and was incorporated in TiO2 minerals formed after 1000 °C treatment.  相似文献   

文章从德国的商业实验室的建立、业务范围、质量管理、工作程序几个方面作了介绍,并将商业实验室与国内的监测站进行了比较。  相似文献   


This paper discusses about the effect of feeder height and heat flux on the heat transfer characteristics of horizontal tube falling film evaporation in the thermal regimes. In order to investigate this, a two- dimensional CFD model was developed to perform simulation and results were compared and validated with published data available in the literature. Heat transfer co-efficients in the thermal regimes were determined from the CFD simulation and the results were recorded, analyzed and validated with the mathematical models available in the literature. The novelty of the current study is to predict the commencement of the fully developed thermal region over the tube from the simulation model under varying feeder height and heat flux. An effort was also made to measure the liquid film thickness around the tube from the CFD model in the thermal regimes. It is observed that angle of thermally developing region contracts and fully developed thermal region extends with the increase of the feeder height and heat flux. It is observed from the study that increase of heat flux by 10 kW/m2 resulted in increase of heat transfer co-efficient value by 10–12% average in thermally developing region and 12–15% average in fully developed region. Thinnest liquid film thickness observed between 85 and 127°angle. Shifting of thinnest region of liquid film upward from the mid tube with the increase of the feeder height and heat flux is noted.  相似文献   

The use of photographs as surrogates for field observations is common in studies of perception and judgment of the visual environment despite theoretically important differences between photographs and three-dimensional scenes. The few available empirical studies of the validity of photographs as representations of the visual environment have methodological weaknesses. We describe a method for investigating the representativeness of photographs that differs from previous approaches in three important respects. First, individual subjects rather than group averages are analyzed. Second, multiple judgments are obtained so that the relations among judgments of photographs can be compared with the environment. Third, a ‘lens model equation’ analysis is used to examine relations among systematic components of variation in judgments. An illustrative study of visual air quality judgments is presented. It was found that, in the case of judgments of visual air quality, photographs provide a good representation of the visual environment.  相似文献   

监测数据的审核及结果的分析与判断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹家新 《四川环境》2002,21(4):19-22,26
本文介绍了监测数据审核的意义,从监测结果的表达、报告的完整性,采要的准确性等方面阐述了监测数据审核的要点,提出了监测结果异常数据的几种较为简便,实用的判断方法。  相似文献   

A hyperspectral imaging system was used to monitor vegetation during a subsurface controlled release of carbon dioxide (CO2). From August 3 to 10, 2007, 0.3 tons CO2/day were released through a 70 m horizontal pipe located at a nominal depth of 1.8 m below the surface. Hyperspectral images of alfalfa plants were collected during the controlled release and used along with classification tree analysis to study changes in the reflectance spectra as a function of perpendicular distance from the horizontal pipe. Changes in the reflectance spectra near the red edge (650–750 nm) were observed over the course of the controlled release experiment for plants within a perpendicular distance of 1 m of the release pipe. These results indicate monitoring vegetation over a carbon sequestration site has the potential to allow monitoring of the integrity of the CO2 storage.  相似文献   

Storage of large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) in deep geologic formations for greenhouse-gas mitigation is gaining momentum and moving from its conceptual and testing stages towards widespread application. In this work we explore various optimization strategies for characterizing surface leakage (seepage) using near-surface measurement approaches such as accumulation chambers and eddy covariance towers. Seepage characterization objectives and limitations need to be defined carefully from the outset especially in light of large natural background variations that can mask seepage. The cost and sensitivity of seepage detection are related to four critical length scales pertaining to the size of the: (1) region that needs to be monitored; (2) footprint of the measurement approach, and (3) main seepage zone; (4) region in which concentrations or fluxes are influenced by seepage. Seepage characterization objectives may include one or all of the tasks of detecting, locating, and quantifying seepage. Each of these tasks has its own optimal strategy. Detecting and locating seepage in a region in which there is no expected or preferred location for seepage nor existing evidence for seepage requires monitoring on a fixed grid, e.g., using eddy covariance towers. The fixed-grid approaches needed to detect seepage are expected to require large numbers of eddy covariance towers for large-scale geologic CO2 storage. Once seepage has been detected and roughly located, seepage zones and features can be optimally pinpointed through a dynamic search strategy, e.g., employing accumulation chambers and/or soil-gas monitoring. Quantification of seepage rates can be done through measurements on a localized fixed grid once the seepage is pinpointed. Background measurements are essential for seepage detection in natural ecosystems. Artificial neural networks are considered as regression models useful for distinguishing natural system behavior from anomalous behavior suggestive of CO2 seepage without need for detailed understanding of natural system processes. Because of the local extrema in CO2 fluxes and concentrations in natural systems, simple steepest-descent algorithms are not effective and evolutionary computation algorithms are proposed as a paradigm for dynamic monitoring networks to pinpoint CO2 seepage areas.  相似文献   

To date, many water quality monitoring networks for surface freshwaters have been rather haphazardly designed without a consistent or logical design strategy. Moreover, design practices in recent years indicate a need for cost-effective and logistically adaptable network design approaches. There are many variables that need to be included in a comprehensive yet practical monitoring network: a holistic appraisal of the monitoring objectives, representative sampling locations, suitable sampling frequencies, water quality variable selection, and budgetary and logistical constraints are examples. In order to investigate the factors which affect the development of an effective water quality monitoring network design methodology, a review of past and current approaches is presented.  相似文献   

Accurate experimental data on the thermo-physical properties of CO2-mixtures are pre-requisites for development of more accurate models and hence, more precise design of CO2 capture and storage (CCS) processes. A literature survey was conducted on both the available experimental data and the theoretical models associated with the transport properties of CO2-mixtures within the operation windows of CCS. Gaps were identified between the available knowledge and requirements of the system design and operation. For the experimental gas-phase measurements, there are no available data about any transport properties of CO2/H2S, CO2/COS and CO2/NH3; and except for CO2/H2O(/NaCl) and CO2/amine/H2O mixtures, there are no available measurements regarding the transport properties of any liquid-phase mixtures. In the prediction of gas-phase viscosities using Chapman–Enskog theory, deviations are typically <2% at atmospheric pressure and moderate temperatures. The deviations increase with increasing temperatures and pressures. Using both the Rigorous Kinetic Theory (RKT) and empirical models in the prediction of gas-phase thermal conductivities, typical deviations are 2.2–9%. Comparison of popular empirical models for estimation of gas-phase diffusion coefficients with newer experimental data for CO2/H2O shows deviations of up to 20%. For many mixtures relevant for CCS, the diffusion coefficient models based on the RKT show predictions within the experimental uncertainty. Typical reported deviations of the CO2/H2O system using empirical models are below 3% for the viscosity and the thermal conductivity and between 5 and 20% for the diffusion coefficients. The research community knows little about the effect of other impurities in liquid CO2 than water, and this is an important area to focus in future work.  相似文献   

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