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This article reviews the available information on the uranium industry and the beginning of nuclear power in China. Few details of China's uranium industry have hitherto been published in the West. The broad conclusions reached are that China is faced with severe energy shortages for the foreseeable future; nuclear power will help to solve this problem but the timing and extent of its contribution are uncertain. The central question of civil nuclear policy is whether or not to use imported technology, although satisfactory development of the uranium industry probably will require foreign assistance. The principle conestraint in this regard is foreign exchange. To help overcome this problem the Chinese are now, for the first time, offering uranium on the international market.  相似文献   

The sharp decline in Malaysia's tin output has become a matter of serious concern. The mining industry has blamed ‘penal’ tax rates for the decline in development, but more important in discouraging new investment and prospecting are difficulties in obtaining new mining leases, and the insecurity created by government plans to restructure asset ownership so as to increase indigenous Malay participation.  相似文献   

This article looks at some of the barriers that have distorted the global flow of capital in the mining industry. The perceived threat of nationalization is discussed and Chile's expropriation of US copper mining companies in 1971 is examined. Political instability, leading not only expropriation but to loss of title, altered tax laws, and voided contracts, is also cited as a factor affecting investor confidence. Finally, inadequate infrastructure is regarded as a further barrier to development of Third World mineral industries.  相似文献   

Changes since 1972 in Canadian federal and provincial tax laws have eliminated many of the prior tax incentives offered to the mining industry. These changes provide an opportunity to study the effect of tax laws on a country's mineral resource development by comparing trends in mineral exploration in various provinces with adjoining regions, and by comparing these results with firm behaviour that would be expected from microeconomic analysis. Mineral producers have sought higher, more stable returns, resulting in shifts of exploration into political regions with more favourable and less changeable tax policies. Future supplies of mineral raw materials from a political region are dependent on current exploration effort, which is in turn influenced by the region's tax laws.  相似文献   

The ‘restructuring’ of production and marketing is now an important part of less developed countries' (LDCs) policies to increase their gains from primary commodity exporting. Analysis of structural change in the tin industry shows that considerable increases in real income have been achieved by taxation and by equity restructuring. Specialist foreign tin companies have been replaced in part by major mining multinationals, however, whose bargaining power is stronger. Investment appraisals suggest that foreign companies in Asia have not been taxed excessively, but that more could be done to aid local, labour-intensive mining.  相似文献   

Australia is one of the world's main producers and exporters of both fuel and non-fuel minerals. Among the main commodities produced for export are bauxite/alumina, iron ore, and nickel—Australia is also an increasingly important source of supply of black coal, especially for Japan, and is a significant producer and exporter of a number of base metals. Resources are adequate to support a substantial expansion of both non-oil fuels and other minerals. The potential for growth, both in terms of specific commodities and in the overall role of Australia in the world mineral industry, will depend to a very large extent on the cost competitiveness of Australian mining and on continuing inflow of capital.  相似文献   

The Sydney Showground was the scene for a major international exhibition of mining and exploration equipment - AIMEX '79. In conjunction with this was held the Australian Mining Symposium, organized by Thomson Publications (Aust) Pty Ltd, and sponsored by the Australian Mining Industry Council. The symposium, entitled ‘Projections for the future in mining and exploration— political, economic and global’, included a number of papers of wide interest, with two or three papers of much narrower technical appeal. Proceedings of the symposium are to be published. Australian Mining Symposium, Sydney, February 1979.  相似文献   

Asia's offshore, from North Korea to Indonesia, is becoming an increasingly important petroleum frontier, one disputed by various littoral states. The People's Republic of China (PRC) intends to become a major petroleum producer, with the offshore playing a major role. The paper examines: (1) important jurisdictional disputes; (2) accommodations between disputants; and (3) third-party involvements, such as the USA. Recent progress towards dispute solution has occurred - establishment of a Japan-Korea Joint Development Zone and a PRC overture towards Japan for settlement of suzerainty in the Senkakus. PRC and Vietnamese disagreements seem less tractable. New US policies towards the two Chinas, along with the USSR's support for Vietnam, further complicate the region's offshore disputes.  相似文献   

The authors examine the problem of dealing with the environmental impact of uranium mining in Australia and consider its wider implications. Government, faced with unknown environmental and social damage from the initiation of uranium mining in northern Australia, has initiated an environmental impact assessment procedure. This requires the appellant company to provide information about the proposed project and its alternatives and is often followed by a period of ‘postponement’. This is compared with an alternative procedure, ‘attenuation’, allowing the project to proceed on a reduced scale in order to obtain information. Comparisons are made between the information which might be obtained by the two alternative procedures and the expected relative benefits and costs from a postponed project and an attenuated project.  相似文献   

A semi-dynamic leaching test was carried out for metallurgical wastes and ore samples from the uranium and copper mining industry over a 142 day period using distilled water and 0.1N NaNO(3) as solvents. Laser fluorimetry was used as the analytical technique to determine the total uranium content in the leachates. The cumulative leach fraction (CLF) of uranium release from the samples was calculated to be 0.22, 0.22, 0.07 and 0.39% for rock, uranium tailings, copper kinker ash samples and copper tailings respectively using distilled water as solvent and 0.31, 0.27, 0.05 and 0.59% for the same matrices using 0.1N NaNO(3). The release of mobile uranium fraction was very slow, being faster in the initial stage and then attained a near steady state condition. The diffusion coefficient and bulk release of uranium from the samples have been calculated. The processes governing the release of uranium from these matrices have been identified to be surface wash-off and diffusion. Hence the use of weak solvents (leach out the mobile/exchangeable fraction of uranium) under semi-dynamic conditions aids the determination of leaching parameters and identification of the leaching mechanism for mobile uranium fraction from different matrices by slow leaching processes.  相似文献   

Environmental considerations have become central to future developments in the Australian mineral industry and have affected the level of federal involvement in the industry. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is now an important stage in the assessment of proposed mining projects. This paper examines two major federally sponsored inquiries into Australian mining projects — Fraser Island sand-mining and the Ranger uranium project — and then discusses subsequent events and future prospects.  相似文献   

This interview study focused on urban early adolescents' conscious experiences of high density conditions. Thirty children residing in apartments in two boroughs of New York City (Brooklyn and Manhattan), participated in this study. Control variables included income level, age, family constellation, and length of residence. Sex, apartment density, building size and neighbourhood density served as classification variables. The interview lasted approximately forty minutes and addressed the following issues.Personal conceptualizations and definitions of crowding.Evaluation of the children's perceived neighbourhood.Peer relationships.Perceived social and physical opportunities and constraints.Interviews were tape recorded, transcribed and content analyzed.The children's conceptualizations of crowding emphasized large numbers of people, spatial restriction and an aversive experience of the situation as relevant components of the crowding construct. The restriction of behavioural choice as it relates to goal postponement and the child's efforts to come to terms with larger organizational social structures, underlined the interpretation of crowding as a socio-physical stressor. While information overload was depicted as another relevant characteristic of crowding situations, its aversive experience was mediated by the presence of known others. Even though this diversity on social and physical levels was often experienced as stressful, it was also positively viewed in situations where interpersonal contact or a sense of familiarity were not overriden by other situation demands.Boys tended to spend more time in their neighbourhood engaged in a broader range of activities than girls. In this sample, boys also took less part in structured group activities and rated their neighbourhoods somewhat more positively than girls. Girls experienced less freedom and more social restrictions in exploring and actively interacting with their extended surroundings than boys.The issues of movement and situationally imposed behavioural restriction were central themes in children's conscious experiences of high density situations. Emphasis was placed on physiological arousal linked to the perception of aversive social qualities of high density situations. It appears that an increase in the need to act out is more a function of the child's awareness of having to conform to external norms, or experiencing a loss of perceived social control in situations where vigilance is required, than a clear cognisance of spatial restrictions.The investigation of the impact of high density conditions on the child's sociocognitive development and identity formation is viewed as potentially fruitful directions for future research.  相似文献   

During the past decade, Norway has become an important oil and gas producer. Annual production is six times national consumption. Development policies of the national government have been cautious, and future policies will probably follow a similar pattern. The government recently opened offshore areas poleward of 62°N latitude, a decision likely to have a significant impact on Norway's future as an oil producer. Norway maintains a tight reign on foreign oil company participation, domestic downstream processing of crude, oil company taxation and oil revenue investment within the national economy. Norway's large inflow of oil-related capital investments and production revenues have contributed to significant inflation and to changes in local labour supplies. Norway has always used its petroleum industry to further the country's overall development goals, a policy that will continue in the years ahead.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to apply experimental methods and theoretical formulations from the information processing metaphor in experimental psychology to explore some of the underlying theoretical premises in Lynch's conception of imageability. Specifically, the study attempted to separate and assess the effects of the salience and organization of schematic maps' path networks on the imageability of the maps. Findings support Lynch's contention that organization is critical to a highly imageable urban environment. At the same time, our results go beyond Lynch by suggesting that identifiability or visual emphasis alone, when unorganized, may detract from rather than aid city legibility. Results are interpreted in terms of limitations in cognitive processing capacity and the cognitive resources required by the map learning task.  相似文献   

The USA is heavily dependent on foreign sources for supplies of key materials essential to the nation's defence and to the operation of its vital industries. For example, it depends on foreign sources for 22 of the 27 metals considered vital to the country's economy. A public workshop on Conservation and Substitution Technology for Critical Materials was held from 15–17 June 1981 at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennesse, to examine national policies towards resolving the supply problems associated with chromium, cobalt, tantalum and titanium.  相似文献   

The USA's dependence on imported sources of strategic minerals has grown substantially since the second world war, while its ability to protect the sealanes critical to foreign supplies has deteriorated. Domestic production has been severely hampered by a lack of access to mining on public lands, and by excessive environmental regulations. No major purchases have been made for the strategic stockpile in 20 years. Concern has been growing in Western Europe and in Japan about secure supplies of strategic minerals. Being even more dependent on foreign sources of supply than the USA, some of these countries have recently initiated their own strategic stockpilling programmes. The USSR, long an important exporter of metals, appears to have changed its mineral trade policy, and has sharply reduced exports while entering the market as an importer of a number of key metals. These developments foreshadow growing competition for world supplies of strategic minerals.  相似文献   

This paper’s purpose is to predict China’s uranium resources demand from 2016 to 2030 based on experimental modeling. In addition, we discuss the future supply structure of China’s uranium resources by analyzing the domestic and foreign supply capacity of China’s uranium resources. According the forecast results, Chinese uranium resource demand will reach 21385 tU in 2030 under a medium scenario. Due to the poor endowment of uranium resources, China’s domestic uranium production will increase slowly. It can be calculated that the total demand of uranium resources in China during 2016–2030 will be 216581 tU, the cumulative production of domestic production will be 37900 tU, the overseas production will be 41950 tU, and the international market purchases will be 130574 tU. Hence, the cumulative degree of dependence on foreign resources is approximately 80%. China’s foreign dependence on uranium will be greater than for oil, and the situation will become extremely serious. Therefore, we put forward several suggestions to ensure the supply of China’s uranium resources: (1) strengthening mineral exploration and increasing domestic production, (2) actively operating the “going out” strategy, (3) enhancing the enterprise competition ability, and (4) establishing uranium resource reserves. By these means, China could efficiently guarantee the domestic uranium resource security and respond to the competition of India’s uranium resources demand increased.  相似文献   

Developments in Australia's resource industries in recent years have raised policy issues not previously encountered, and their consideration has been superimposed onto traditional policies affecting resource production and use. This review of Australia's policies on resources - here meaning minerals and energy policies - looks at the objectives of these policies and their interrelationships. It considers issues such as management, development objectives, investment, taxation, environment and processing, and likely future developments.  相似文献   

During the last decade there has been a significant increase in public concern about nuclear energy. This paper presents a brief overview of trends and developments in public opinion since the late 1970s. One possible reason for this increased concern is the public's perception of risks. Research has shown a considerable divergence in public and expert assessment of the risks associated with nuclear energy. It will be argued that qualitative aspects of these risks play a crucial role in the public's perception of nuclear energy, and that reactions such as fear and anxiety are the major determinants of attitudes to the building of new nuclear power stations in one's neighbourhood. It is also clear, however, that differences in the perception of these risks do not embrace all the relevant aspects of public acceptance of nuclear energy. Public reaction is also related to more general values and beliefs, and the issue of nuclear energy is firmly embedded in a much wider moral and political domain.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the true economic income for the Chilean mining sector, using the welfare foundations for the usual net domestic product (NDP) income measure of the traditional National Accounts System (NAS) provided by [Weitzman, M., 1976. On the welfare significance of national product in a dynamic economy. Quarterly Journal of Economics. 90, 156–162; Weitzman, M., 2000. The linearised Hamiltonian as comprehensible NDP. Environment and Development Economics. 5, 55–68]. The total depletion of natural capital caused by mining is calculated by estimating, on the one hand, the depreciation of resources (using the net price approach) and, on the other, the environmental costs provoked by mining activity. The results show that, correcting the usual GDP measure for man-made capital depreciation plus the total loss of natural capital, the standard mining GDP measure of the NAS overestimates by 31–36% the economic income generated by Chile's mining sector during the period 1985–1996.  相似文献   

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