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In the past, most of the attempts to improve the situation of the developing countries have focused on economic policy, on the conditions of international trade, on aid and direct investment. A debate on a New International Economic Order (NIEO) was launched in the 1970s (c.f. Tinbergen, 1976)—and largely failed (c.f. Simonis, 1989). This paper shows that environmental policy could be a more effective lever for improving the lot of the developing countries; the near future may see the evolution of a new international environmental order which is likely to better link environmental protection and economic development.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the role of minerals in the Integrated Programme for Commodities and the objectives and problems of the Second Account of the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC). It focuses on the least developed countries in Africa, providing specific suggestions for R&D to improve mineral exploration techniques in rain forest and savanna regions; to reduce mine exploration costs; to design equipment suitable for mining narrow veins; to improve concentrating methods for certain ores and to optimize byproduct recovery; to reduce environmental impacts; and to use the waste products of mining. It also discusses demand oriented CFC projects and their policy implications.  相似文献   

Many analysts blame the LDCs for the present oversupply crisis in certain commodity markets, and suggest that a reduction in the loans provided by multinational agencies would oblige them to reduce production levels. The underlying assumption is that the producers in LDCs can react like their counterparts in North America to a temporary decline in prices.
A detailed comparison between two copper producers, one in the United States and the other in Zambia, leads to a very different conclusion. Unlike its North American counterpart, because of social and technical conditions, the Zambian company would not draw any benefit from a temporary closure. Its policy is, very logically, to maximize output, with the support of a government which wants to keep both employment and foreign exchange earnings high. Although this policy relies on external finance, it is very doubtful that a change in lending policies could impose significant production cuts. Any analysis of the commodity market should take into account the diversity of the producers, and particularly the low flexibility of mines in the LDCs.  相似文献   

农村商品流通是影响农业发展和农民消费的直接因素,完善农村商品流通网络对开拓农村市场,增加农民收入,发展农村经济具有推动作用。首先论述了农村商品流通网络的内涵;其次提出了基于主导要素的3种农村商品流通网络模型,即交易市场主导型、企业组织主导型和流通技术主导型,并对网络主体及其关系等方面进行了分析;最后提出了农村商品流通网络的发展趋势及其相应对策。  相似文献   

With a particular focus on low income economies in SSA, this paper addresses the nature and determinants of linkages from the commodities sectors and challenges the received view that enclave development is an inherent characteristic of resource extraction, particularly in the hard and energy commodities sectors. It argues that there has been a steady increase in linkage development and that there are significant opportunities for deepening this process. The opportunities may be greater for backward than for forward linkages, particularly in the minerals and energy sectors. In making this case, this Discussion Paper draws on the experience of high income countries which have resource intensive economic structures, the geographical specificity of many resources and the growing interest of large resource extracting firms in outsourcing the production of inputs which are outside of their core competences and in supporting local production of some inputs, it sets out a general model of linkage development which distinguishes between win–win and win–lose outcomes.  相似文献   

Comparison of data on world energy consumption for 1986, 1987 and 1988 indicates that the consumption of all forms of energy increased during the period, but the demand for oil increased at a lesser rate than that of other energy sources. Although the pattern varies between countries, the overall picture is one of increased use of natural gas, coal, nuclear and hydropower as an energy source. Part of the reason for the low growth in oil demand is the oil conservation measures put in place when oil was much more expensive, but may partly be due to the scepticism of many people about the future movement of oil prices. The likely continuation of a low growth market for oil has led some oil exporting countries to move downstream in an effort to secure a dependable market for their oil and oil products.  相似文献   

Given that the gold market and the crude oil market are the main representatives of the large commodity markets, it is of crucial practical significance to analyze their cointegration relationship and causality, and investigate their respective contribution, from the perspective of price discovery, to the common price trend so as to interpret the dynamics of the whole large commodity market and forecast the fluctuation of crude oil and gold prices.  相似文献   

This article examines the relevance of environmental justice (EJ) and climate change debates as points of articulation and mobilisation among community groups responding to a proposed refinery. It then compares media coverage of the refinery project, a bi-national pipeline and other energy and climate-related news events. The analytical frame joins the EJ paradigm with citizen mobilisation on issues of climate change and energy projects that emit greenhouse gases and that discourage development of renewable sources. Data were collected and analysed from websites, public message boards and media documents. Findings indicate that a community-based anti-refinery campaign combined local EJ struggles with climate activism, while challenging fossil fuel dependencies and calling for renewable regional energy. A climate justice community formed – yet their voices were in their blogs and websites, not in local or national media.  相似文献   

Under the United States Oil Pollution Act of 1990, natural resource trustees are charged with assessing natural resource impacts due to an oil spill and determining the type and amount of natural resource restoration that will compensate the public for the impacts. Habitat equivalency analysis is a technique through which the impacts due to the spill and the benefits of restoration are quantified; both are quantified as habitat resources and associated ecological services. The goal of the analysis is to determine the amount of restoration such that the services lost are offset by services provided by restoration. In this paper, we first describe the habitat equivalency analysis framework. We then present an oil spill case from coastal Louisiana, USA, where the framework was applied to quantify resource impacts and determine the scale of restoration. In the Louisiana case, the trustees assessed impacts for oiled salt marsh and direct mortality to finfish, shellfish, and birds. The restoration project required planting salt-marsh vegetation in dredge material that was deposited on a barrier island. Using the habitat equivalency analysis framework, it was determined that 7.5 ha of the dredge platform should be planted as salt marsh. The planted hectares will benefit another 15.9 ha through vegetative spreading resulting in a total of 23.4 ha that will be enhanced or restored as compensation for the natural resource impacts.  相似文献   

This study examines cointegration and Granger causality among global oil prices, precious metal (Gold, Platinum and Silver) prices and Indian Rupee–US Dollar exchange rate using daily data spanning from 2nd January 2009 to 30th December 2011. ARDL bounds tests indicate that the series are cointegrated. Toda–Yamamoto version of Granger causality has been employed to establish the causation amongst the variables. The study also examines generalized error variance decomposition of variables due to various shocks in the system. Such information provides insight into the transmission links between the global oil market and the Indian precious metals and foreign exchange market. These have the potential for significant impact in further research, portfolio management and central bank policy design.  相似文献   

The author assesses Australian oil and gas production within the context of overall domestic energy supply and demand. Future domestic production of petroleum is unlikely to meet more than 60% of domestic demand after this decade, although gas reserves should be adequate until 2000. Important economic issues - leasing, royalties, taxation, pricing, and exploration incentives - and their relationship to future supply and demand, are identified and evaluated.  相似文献   

As the Canadian oil sands development matures, an increasingly important policy activity is reclamation. Reclamation has received limited attention compared with the broader discussion of oil sands expansion, however, and its past direction and future trajectory are unclear. Recent moves to reform the policy in Alberta have been interpreted simultaneously as a major change and a marginal adaptation to the existing framework. This article employs a historical-institutional perspective to help reconcile this debate and further understanding of changes to Alberta's oil sands reclamation policies over the past half century. It traces the factors and outlines the processes which have driven its evolution since 1963 with special attention paid to the 2011 Oil Sands Progressive Reclamation Strategy, the most recent attempt to reform oil sands reclamation policy. The article reveals a complex long-term pattern of policy development in which processes of ‘tense layering’ of new initiatives on top of old elements resulted in a constantly shifting policy landscape as existing policy instruments and settings were ‘stretched’ to cover new circumstances but failed to resolve tensions between successive policy layers. After 1993, however, a more reflective process was put into place in which policy feedback informed alterations intended to reduce or remove tensions between successive layers. Such a policy ‘patching’ process is shown to have helped resolve tensions associated with earlier stretching of the existing regime and adds to the vocabulary of more general studies of policy dynamics.  相似文献   

A core sample including casing, cement, and shale caprock was obtained from a 30-year old CO2-flooding operation at the SACROC Unit, located in West Texas. The core was investigated as part of a program to evaluate the integrity of Portland-cement based wellbore systems in CO2-sequestration environments. The recovered cement had air permeabilities in the tenth of a milliDarcy range and thus retained its capacity to prevent significant flow of CO2. There was evidence, however, for CO2 migration along both the casing–cement and cement–shale interfaces. A 0.1–0.3 cm thick carbonate precipitate occurs adjacent to the casing. The CO2 producing this deposit may have traveled up the casing wall or may have infiltrated through the casing threads or points of corrosion. The cement in contact with the shale (0.1–1 cm thick) was heavily carbonated to an assemblage of calcite, aragonite, vaterite, and amorphous alumino-silica residue and was transformed to a distinctive orange color. The CO2 causing this reaction originated by migration along the cement–shale interface where the presence of shale fragments (filter cake) may have provided a fluid pathway. The integrity of the casing–cement and cement–shale interfaces appears to be the most important issue in the performance of wellbore systems in a CO2 sequestration reservoir.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of Amaranthus hybridus L. seedlings to spent engine oil was investigated in soil supplemented with concentrations of oil ranging from 1–5 percent v/w. Parameters considered were relative growth rate (RGR), leaf area ratio (LAR), whole plant height, leaf area, leaf number, chlorophyll and protein levels. A relationship was found to exist between the inhibitory effects and the treatment concentrations. After seventy days growth in the treated soils, the mean height and leaf area of plants in soils treated with 5 percent spent engine oil were 27.0±1.25 cm and 5.63±0.36 cm2. These were significantly different (at p=0.05) from the respective values of 41.4±0.8 cm and 13.44±0.22 cm2 for the control plants. Levels of total chlorophyll (per gram fresh weight of leaves) and protein (per gram dry weight of whole plant) were higher in the control plants compared with those grown in oil treated soil. Results obtained from the growth analysis showed the inhibitory effects of spent engine oil on Amaranthus hybridus L.  相似文献   

The depletion of fossil fuel reserves and increasing demands for diesel are considered to be important triggers for many of the initiatives that have been taken to search for possible sources for the production of biodiesel from materials available within the country. It is possible to produce biodiesel from waste/used cooking oils (WCO) that is comparable in quality to that of fresh vegetable oil. Not only does reuse of WCO, which can otherwise harm human health, reduce the burden on the government of treating oily wastewater, disposing of the waste, and maintaining public sewers, it also significantly lowers the production cost of biodiesel. In the process of frying, oil undergoes many reactions, leading to the formation of a number of undesirable compounds, such as polymers, free fatty acids, and many other chemicals. This poses challenges in the transesterification of WCO. This article covers different techniques in the production of biodiesel from WCO. It also compares combustion, emissions, and engine performance characteristics of biodiesel from WCO as well as factors affecting biodiesel production from WCO and its economic feasibility.  相似文献   

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