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We examined recruitment and ontogenetic habitat shifts of the yellow snapper Lutjanus argentiventris in the Gulf of California, by conducting surveys and collections in multiple mangrove sites and major marine coastal habitats from 1998 to 2007. Over 1,167 juvenile individuals were collected and 516 otoliths were aged to describe the temporal pattern of the settlement. L. argentiventris recruits in mangroves, where juveniles remain until they are approximately 100 mm in length or 300-days-old. Back-calculated settlement dates and underwater surveys indicated a major recruitment peak during September and October, around 8 days before and after the full moon. The majority of mangrove sites in the Gulf of California had a similar L. argentiventris average size at the beginning of the settlement season for the cohort of 2003; although there were significant differences in individual sizes at the end of the nursery stage. When sub-adults leave mangroves, they live in shallow rocky reefs and later become abundant in deeper rocky reefs. The density of migratory individuals (10–20 cm SL) decreased exponentially as the distance between a reef and a nearby mangrove site increased. This finding has important implications for local fishery regulations and coastal management plans.  相似文献   

This study examines the degree of isolation among 0-group Atlantic cod in a region where a number of resident adult congregations have been found. The location of key nursery areas in Scottish coastal waters was identified from trawl surveys of settled 0-group cod around the Scottish coast. Segregation among four of these key areas; within the Clyde, Shetland Isles, Moray Firth and Buchan was investigated using otolith elemental composition. Isotope concentrations in the otoliths of cod were analysed by solution-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry of the whole otolith. Discriminant analyses showed a clear separation between nursery areas based on the concentrations of three elements (manganese, barium and magnesium). The concentration of these elements was not affected by the age or size of individuals. Classification accuracy exceeded 90% for all four sites. Evidence of temporal persistence in the relative spatial differences in elemental concentrations between two sites for 2 year-classes was found. The results suggest limited exchange between sites during some period of the early life history. The significance of this limited exchange is discussed in relation to recent evidence for adult fidelity and the utility of closed areas for protecting nursery grounds.  相似文献   

Increasing the scope and accuracy of information about pinniped diets obtainable from non-invasive techniques is increasingly important, particularly in cases where pinniped species are threatened or endangered. This study is the first to explore the potential for using elemental analysis of the otoliths found in scat to enhance the information available for diet analyses. We investigated the effects of pinniped digestion on otolith microchemistry using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS). We compared the elements contained in the edges (adult stage) and cores (larval/juvenile stage) of otoliths from Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii), Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius), and Walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) recovered from the scat of captive Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) to elements in a sample of pristine (undigested) otoliths. We found that digestion had a significant effect on four of the six sampled combinations of species and otolith region (herring edges and cores, mackerel edges, and pollock cores), and that Rb most frequently showed significant differences in concentration after digestion. We could significantly discriminate among species of both pristine and digested otoliths using either otolith edges or cores with the elements Ba, Rb, Sr, Y, and Mg. When compared to previously identified digested otoliths, unknown samples of the three species of digested otoliths could be discriminated with 55–100% accuracy depending on species and otolith region. When compared to a library of previously identified pristine and digested otoliths, unknown samples of digested otoliths could be discriminated to species with 65–88% accuracy. When the group of unknown digested otoliths was compared to known pristine otoliths, discrimination ranged from 45 to 65%. These results indicate that elemental analysis could be used to supplement visual identification of otoliths from scat. However, further research is required to determine whether elemental analysis of digested otoliths could be useful for prey fish population studies.  相似文献   

Young-of-the-year (YOY) Sebastes inermis use Zostera and Sargassum beds as nursery grounds, although it is not known which habitat YOY prefer. In this study, YOY S. inermis were accurately assigned to Zostera or Sargassum beds by two approaches: the width and length of the otolith nucleus and the composition of trace elements in otoliths. The otolith nucleus was initially opaque and then showed a marked shift to hyaline deposition once YOY settled in the nursery grounds. The first hyaline zone (FHZ) was deposited earlier in Zostera beds (from mid-May to early June) than in Sargassum beds (around mid-summer). Likewise, irrespective of settlement year, the FHZ was formed at both significantly younger ages and shorter back-calculated sizes (total length, TL) in the Zostera bed (overall mean: 131±3 days; 2.5±1.7 mm TL) than in the Sargassum bed (overall mean: 158±12 days; 61.3±1.00 mm TL). YOY collected in the Zostera bed were born earlier (mainly in January) than YOY from the Sargassum bed (mainly in February). In addition, a significant linear relationship was found between the age at formation of the FHZ and nucleus dimensions, suggesting that nucleus dimensions were a reliable macroscopic indicator of the time of formation of the FHZ and, consequently, also an indicator of the nursery where YOY grew. Linear discriminant function analysis (LDFA) based on the width and length of the otolith nucleus could distinguish juveniles from Zostera (88–96%) and Sargassum (96–97%) beds with a high degree of accuracy. In the other approach, six detectable trace elements (Li, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Ba) in otoliths of YOY collected in the nursery grounds were measured by high-resolution, inductively coupled mass spectrometry. LDFA based on the trace elemental composition separated YOY from three nurseries with 100% of accuracy. Findings suggest that both the trace elemental composition and nucleus dimensions of otoliths can be used as natural tags of the nursery grounds of S. inermis, offering a considerable potential for answering questions on habitat use and the contribution of nursery grounds to the adult stock.Communicated by T. Ikeda, Hakodate  相似文献   

Seagrass beds are often considered to be important nurseries for coral reef fish, yet the effectiveness of these nursery functions (refuge and food availability) at different juvenile stages is poorly understood. To understand how the demands of juvenile fish on seagrass nursery functions determines the timing of ontogenetic habitat shifts from seagrass beds to coral reefs, we conducted visual transect survey and field tethering and caging experiments on three different sizes of the coral reef fish Pacific yellowtail emperor (Lethrinus atkinsoni) during its juvenile tenure in seagrass beds at Ishigaki Island, southern Japan. The study showed that although the number of individual L. atkinsoni juveniles decreased by >90 % during their stay in the seagrass nursery, the shelter and/or food availability functions of the nursery, at least for a juvenile size of approximately 5 cm total length (TL), provided the best survival and growth option. The timing of ontogenetic migration to coral reefs of larger fish (>8 cm TL) was attributed to foraging efficiency for larger food items in different habitats. Overall, the function of the seagrass bed nursery changed with juvenile body size, with marginally higher survival and significantly greater growth rates during early juvenile stages in seagrass beds compared to coral reefs. This would contribute to the enhancement in the number of individuals eventually recruited to adult populations.  相似文献   

Otolith chemistry can be used to assess pelagic larval fish connectivity by comparing spatially variable otolith edge chemistry (corresponding to the site of collection) to otolith core chemistry (corresponding to the site of hatching). However, because the otolith’s edge and core represent different life stages, the deposition of elements may differ, thus complicating direct comparisons of edge and core chemistry to investigate connectivity. Here we present data from a field experiment in which otoliths from embryos (3 days post-fertilization) and juveniles of Stegastes partitus were collected at the same site and time, and chemically analyzed to assess whether elemental concentrations of otoliths vary ontogenetically. Separate multivariate analyses, each investigating the spatial/temporal variability in the chemistry of either embryo otoliths or the edges of juvenile otoliths, revealed significant differences, suggesting an environmental influence to the chemical signals of otoliths. A nested multivariate analysis assessing whether otolith chemistry varied with life history stage (i.e., ontogenetic variability) indicated that elemental concentrations of embryo otoliths were significantly greater than that of juvenile otolith edges. Specifically, embryo elemental concentrations of Mn, Zn, Sn, Ba, Ce, and Pb were between 2 and 163 times greater than those of the corresponding juvenile otoliths, and thus the environment was not the primary determinant of embryo otolith chemistry. Consequently, caution is warranted when interpreting environmental patterns of otolith cores, particularly when using them as a proxy for natal signatures.  相似文献   

We examined site differences in the elemental composition of the primordium and ontogenetic variability of Sr in otoliths of fish from Australia and New Zealand and, as an out-group, the North Atlantic. Differences among sites in primordium composition are slight, but significant for all five elements assayed (Sr, Pb, Cu, Zn and Hg), but principally reflect differences between the North Atlantic and SW Pacific specimens, do not replicate for independent samples in the SW Pacific and constitute a poor “natural tag” in roughy, with <25% of fish successfully assigned to source location. However, mean Sr weight-fractions at the primordium showed similar latitudinal variation across sites in Australia, New Zealand and the Tasman Sea, indicating both spatially structured populations and a common structuring process across the region. Comparisons of ontogenetic variability of Sr in otoliths from juveniles and young adults within and between sites in the SW Pacific strongly support the hypothesis that variability in this element is site-specific and environmentally sensitive, although the environmental factors involved are not obvious. The otolith analysis confirms previous suggestions that juvenile and adult Hoplostethus atlanticus are relatively sedentary, but also indicates that the population sub-structuring by age within sites is more complex and there are likely to be more spawning areas in Australian waters than previously thought. More broadly, although single point analysis of otolith composition at the primordium resolves a population structure in roughy, alone it is not precise enough to test hypotheses about the processes causing this structure. Ontogenetic variability in Sr provides better resolution of spatial structure, even in a relatively homogenous marine environment like the deep ocean, and also provides insight into behavioural and ecological factors. Ontogenetic analyses of Sr in otoliths are expensive to obtain, require more effort in specimen preparation than single point analyses, and are difficult to compare statistically, but the increased information they yield warrants their broader consideration in marine species.  相似文献   

The global decline in reef health has prompted the need for effective management methodologies, including the development of active restoration measures. One such approach is the ‘gardening concept’ that involves use of underwater nurseries where coral fragments are farmed before their transplantation into denuded reefs. Here we document enhanced sexual reproduction in colonies of the coral Stylophora pistillata cultured in mid-water floating nursery situated in nutrient enriched water, near the fish farms in Eilat, Red Sea. We found that after 2 years of nursery, the average number of oocytes per polyp in farmed colonies was ca. 35% higher than in corresponding naturally growing colonies. Small branches in the nursery developed gravid colonies that released equal (or more) numbers of planula larvae as compared to similar size, 5-year old naturally growing colonies. These nursery-borne planulae possessed more zooxanthellae and contained more chlorophyll per larva. While settled and metamorphosed in equal rates compared to planulae originated from reef-grown colonies, the nursery borne planulae developed faster growing young colonies. We estimate that a coral nursery could generate, during the reproductive season, tens of millions of planula larvae and therefore should be regarded as a ‘larval dispersion hub’ that can be used as a management tool for natural recruitment enhancement.  相似文献   

Genetic population structure of the blacktip shark, Carcharhinus limbatus, a commercially and recreationally important species in the southeast U.S. shark fishery, was investigated using mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. Neonate blacktip sharks were sampled from three nurseries, Pine Island Sound, Terra Ceia Bay, and Yankeetown, along the Gulf of Mexico coast of Florida (Gulf) and one nursery, Bulls Bay, on the Atlantic Ocean coast of South Carolina (Atlantic). Sequencing of the complete mitochondrial control region of 169 neonates revealed 10 polymorphic sites and 13 haplotypes. Overall haplotype diversity and percent nucleotide diversity were 0.710 and 0.106%, respectively. Haplotype frequencies were compared among nurseries to determine if the high mobility and seasonal migrations of adult blacktip sharks have maintained genetic homogeneity among nurseries in the Atlantic and Gulf. Chi-square analysis and AMOVA did not detect significant structuring of haplotypes among the three Gulf nurseries, P(2)=0.294, ST=–0.005 to –0.002. All pairwise AMOVA between Gulf nurseries and the Atlantic nursery detected significant partitioning of haplotypes between the Gulf and Atlantic (ST=0.087–0.129, P<0.008), as did comparison between grouped Florida Gulf nurseries and the Atlantic, CT=0.090, P<0.001. Based upon the dispersal abilities and seasonal migrations of blacktip sharks, these results support the presence of philopatry for nursery areas among female blacktip sharks. Our data also support the treatment of Atlantic and Gulf blacktip shark nursery areas as separate management units.Communicated by P.W.Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

 Territorial Parma microlepis (Günther) (Pomacentridae) were collected at different depths, at three sites in each of four estuaries near Sydney, Australia. Element concentrations were measured by induc- tively-coupled–plasma mass spectrometry. Significant differences in concentrations of Mn and Ba were found in the otoliths of fish sampled in different depth strata, with concentrations generally greatest in fish found in water <4 m deep. Depth-related differences varied among estuaries (e.g. 0 to 1.2 μg Ba g−1 otolith). In most estuaries there was a negative linear relationship between concentrations of Mn and Ba in otoliths and actual depth. Great variation was found within an estuary among sites separated by 0.5 to 3 km. In the eye lenses, concentrations of Rb differed according to depth of capture of fish. The age of fish (1+ to 34 yr) had no influence on the concentrations of elements in otoliths or lenses. Multivariate comparisons of elemental composition (= fingerprints) detected significant differences among depth strata. Fish collected from shallow water had the clearest multivariate classification according to depth. There was a close match between our shallow strata and the average depths reached by low-salinity/high-temperature estuarine plumes. The element composition of whole otoliths and lenses represents average concentrations experienced by the fish. The temporal resolution of differences in ambient conditions is likely to be coarse in the fish (i.e. months to years). Received: 9 April 1999 / Accepted: 29 February 2000  相似文献   

Juvenile movements are rarely considered in studies of connectivity. This study investigates movements in juvenile and adult life stages of an ecologically important temperate piscivore, the whiting (Merlangius merlangus). Adult movement was assessed from tag-recapture data collected between 1958 and 1980 around the coast of Scotland. Displacement distances ranged from 53 to 123 km. Adults rarely dispersed offshore in the North Sea, and exchange with the west of Scotland was negligible. Connectivity between nursery and spawning grounds was investigated using otolith microchemistry. Five juvenile nursery areas were discriminated with an accuracy of 75–85%. Comparing isotopic signatures of adults and juveniles indicated that several nursery areas contributed to each spawning aggregation. The lack of evidence for return migrations suggested an opportunistic and non-philopatric recruitment strategy within a single population unit. Differences in the proportion contribution of juveniles to adult aggregations also indicated that the “value” of nursery areas differed and the Scottish west coast could be viewed as a net source of recruits to the North Sea. Given the extent of juvenile dispersal, this study highlights the fact that all stages of the life cycle should be considered in studies of connectivity.  相似文献   

We investigated the feeding habits and growth of juvenile stone flounder (Platichthys bicoloratus) in several estuarine nurseries in Sendai Bay, Japan. Prey abundance and composition and juvenile diet varied largely among sites. However, polychaete palps (mostly Pseudopolydora kempi) and bivalve siphons (mostly Nuttallia olivacea) were positively selected and frequently consumed by juveniles, indicating the generality of sublethal feeding of juvenile stone flounder in estuarine nurseries. Recent growth rates determined by otolith microstructure analyses were dependent on juvenile body size and water temperature, but independent of juvenile density and food abundance. Growth rates were nearly maximal from March to May, suggesting that food conditions are nearly optimal in these estuarine nurseries. Sublethal tissue cropping of benthic invertebrates is thought to contribute largely to these high growth rates.  相似文献   

Otolith microchemistry is widely used as a tool to track individual migration pathways of diadromous fish under the assumption that the elemental composition of fish otoliths is directly influenced by the physicochemical properties of the surrounding water. Nevertheless, several endogenous factors are reported to affect element incorporation into fish otoliths and might lead to misinterpretations of migration studies. This study experimentally examined the influence of eight different diets on the microchemical composition of European eel (Anguilla anguilla) otoliths using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Seven natural prey types and one artificial diet were fed during 8 weeks in freshwater circuits. Results show for the first time that food has no significant influence on the incorporation of Na, Sr, Ba, Mg, Mn, Cu and Y into European eel otoliths. This indicates that the incorporation of elements usually chosen for migration studies is not affected by diet and that individual feeding behaviour of A. anguilla will not lead to any misinterpretation of migration pathways.  相似文献   

The movement patterns and long-term site-fidelity of primarily juvenile Caribbean reef sharks, Carcharhinus perezi, were investigated using tag-recapture and automated telemetry at an insular nursery area, the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil. Of the 143 externally tagged juvenile sharks (<110 cm), 22 (15.3%) were recaptured between 0 and 5 km from the site of tagging after 5–800 days at liberty, suggesting some site-fidelity in young individuals of this species. Site-fidelity and movement patterns of ten juvenile sharks ranging from 78 to 110 cm total length (TL) and one opportunistically captured adult female (224 cm TL) were also investigated for periods of up to 2 years with an array of automated telemetry receivers. Tagging and telemetry data from both inside and outside a marine protected area (MPA) show that shark abundance and activity is greatest along the part of the archipelago’s coastline least disturbed by human activity. Telemetry tracking also showed that juvenile reef sharks demonstrated a high degree of site-fidelity and occupied specific locations along the coast throughout the year, with some evidence of an increase in activity space with ontogeny. Sharks appeared to range more widely at night and there were no seasonal variations in habitat use. Our results suggest that MPAs may be a useful conservation tool to protect young C. perezi and potentially other reef-dwelling carcharhinid sharks during their early life history.  相似文献   

Baseline concentrations together with biological variations of 29 trace elements (Ag, As, Au, Ba, Br, Cd, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, I, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Tb, Th, Yb, Zn and Zr) were investigated in the brown alga, Sargassum filipendula collected from the western coast of Sri Lanka. Several elements (Co, Cr, Fe, Hf, Ni, Sc, Se, Th, Zr and the rare earth elements) were found to be enriched in S. filipendula compared to NIES No. 9 Sargasso reference material. Concentration of strontium in S. filipendula was highest at all sites. Chemical abundance of the rare earth elements decreased approximately linearly with increasing atomic numbers. The pattern of elemental distribution appears to be due to the fact that S. filipendula seems capable of concentrating high levels of trace elements under conditions of their very low availability in sea water. Concentration factors for elements in S. filipendula lie in a higher range compared with those reported in the literaure for brown algae.  相似文献   

In November 2003, we first observed prevalent occurrence of a hydroid, Eutima japonica, on soft body tissues of age zero Japanese scallop (Mizuhopecten yessoensis) juveniles cultured in large areas of Funka Bay, Hokkaido. The occurrence coincided with massive death of juvenile scallops. A major objective was to clarify ecological relationships between the symbionts, and to infer the relationship between symbiosis and the massive mortality. To do this, we investigated distributions of association rates of hydroids with juvenile scallops at 15–34 sites over 3 years (2003–2005), with age one adult scallops at 24 sites in 2003, and with mussels at 13 sites in 2004. We studied seasonal changes in association rates with juvenile scallops, and numbers of polyps per juvenile scallop at three sites from November 2003 to June 2004. We also quantified the hydroid impacts on juvenile scallop shell length growth and triglyceride accumulation in the digestive gland. The association rate of E. japonica polyps with juvenile scallops was high in large areas of Funka Bay in 2003, and overlapped the distribution of mussels bearing polyps. Association rates with age one adult scallops were very low in November 2003, even at the sites where polyps were very common on juvenile scallops. Levels of hydroid occurrence in juvenile scallops varies by year. We found that hydroids presence in juvenile scallops declined drastically in 2004 and 2005. The association rates with juvenile scallops, and numbers of polyps per juvenile scallop declined during winter, until they disappeared completely in the following June. Since polyps were rare in adult scallops, we believe that infection of juvenile scallops was probably initiated from the planulae produced by medusae released from polyps growing on Mytilus spp., especially M. galloprovincialis. Subsequently, the inhabitation spread intraspecifically and interspecifically. In juvenile scallops, inhabitation of polyps reduced shell length growth by 43%, and triglyceride accumulation in digestive glands by 24–47%. Inhabitation of E. japonica on juvenile scallop is best regarded as parasitism, rather than inquilinism or commensalism. Occurrence of polyps was probably not a direct lethal factor for juvenile scallops, because there were some sites where association rates were high, but mortalities were low. Massive mortalities in 2003 may have resulted from simultaneous impacts of heavy polyp load and stresses caused by the way in which the animals were handled (transferred from cages for pre-intermediate culture to cages for intermediate culture), because the massive mortality occurred within a month of the transfer. The presence of polyps in juvenile scallops does not affect the quality of the product in Funka Bay, because market size scallops are hydroid-free.  相似文献   

Analysis of stable isotopes of oxygen and carbon in the otolith carbonate of pink snapper, Pagrus auratus, from several locations in Shark Bay, Western Australia, indicated that snapper are highly location specific. The hypersaline (36 to >60‰) Shark Bay, on the coast of Western Australia, generated strongly characteristic isotopic signatures in the otolith carbonate of snapper collected from the various locations indicating low levels of individual movement of the species. Oxygen isotopes showed enrichment in 18O in otolith carbonate with salinity (0.10: Δ δ18O/Δ salinity ‰) typical for the evaporation of seawater. The enrichment in 13C (up to 1.75‰) was attributed to the incorporation of metabolically derived CO2 from an enrichment of 13C in the food web within Shark Bay. This was possibly a result of lower concentrations of dissolved CO2 with increasing salinity causing a reduction in isotope fractionation during photosynthesis. Results complement recent genetic and tagging studies and provide further evidence of the complex nature of snapper stock structure in the Shark Bay region. Published online: 17 July 2002  相似文献   

Although distinct otolith elemental signatures are often observed in fish collected from different estuaries, significant differences are also observed among sites within estuaries. Variation at these smaller spatial scales is not well quantified and has the potential to lead to inappropriate interpretations of otolith elemental data. To quantify variation at multiple scales, the otolith elemental composition (Mg:Ca, Mn:Ca, Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and Pb:Ca) of juvenile staghorn sculpin (Leptocottus armatus Girard, 1854) collected from five sites within three estuaries, the Columbia River (two sites) and Coos Bay (one site), Oregon, and Humboldt Bay, California (two sites), was examined. Using laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, each otolith was sampled at three zones: (1) within the primordium, which represents the egg and early larval periods; (2) at the outer edge, which represents the juvenile period just prior to collection; and (3) midway between the primordial and edge samples, which represents the late larval and early juvenile period. There were significant differences in otolith metal-to-calcium ratios at all scales examined. Using multi-element otolith signatures, fish were classified to estuary and site within estuary with relatively high levels of accuracy (av = 70–90%). The largest differences in metal-to-calcium ratios were observed between sites within estuaries (<5 km apart) and the smallest differences were observed among otolith zones. Variation in otolith chemistry may be used to provide information on probable habitat use by estuarine fish but studies must be carefully designed. Electronic supplementary material  Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Forty-six trace elements in coastal Casuarina equisetifolia plant–soil systems at nine sampling sites on Hainan Island were analyzed using ICP-MS. The relationships among the trace elements of the same group or the same periodicity of the Periodic Table in the plants and soils were complex and no consistent patterns were found. More combinations of elements occurred with high positive correlation coefficients within the same periodicity than within the same group of the Periodic Table, and there were more high positive correlations in soils than in plants. However, there were many element combinations in Block d (transition elements) with high positive correlation coefficients in plants. Markedly high positive correlation coefficients between individual rare earth elements and Y and among Zr, Nb, Cd existed in both plants and soils. The dendrograms obtained by cluster analysis show that rare earth elements had very similar occurrence and distribution in both soils and plants. Thus, they behaved as a coherent group of elements both geochemically and biogeochemically. The transition elements were more coherent in plants than in soils.  相似文献   

This is the first quantitative study on the prevalence of epizoic Waminoa sp. acoel worms and their association with corals in the Wakatobi Marine National Park (WMNP), South-East Sulawesi, Indonesia. Three replicate transects were laid on the reef crest, flat and slope at six sites in 2006 and eight sites in 2007. Four of the sites were common in both years. In total 69 transects were surveyed in 2006, and 87 transects in 2007. A total of 4.8% of all observed hard corals were associated with acoel worms in 2006 and 2.6% of hard and soft corals in 2007. Acoels were present on 16 and 21 of the coral taxa studied in 2006 and 2007 respectively. The worms were strongly associated with the azooxanthellate coral Tubastrea spp. and were rare or absent on the most abundant coral genera Montipora and Porites. The mean number of corals having acoels was highest on reef slopes, whereas acoels were virtually absent on reef flats. Corals that had a high and a medium cover of worms were more common in 2007 than in 2006. No significant trend in the adaptation of the zooxanthellae of Waminoa sp. to different depths at different sites was revealed. The impact of the worm on the coral is unknown, but high numbers may have a shading effect and a negative impact on the coral’s photophysiology. This acoel merits more study of its life cycle, its photophysiology, and its impact on its host corals. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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