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陈德全 《环境污染与防治》2002,24(6):324-325,345
正在兴起的环境保护咨询业在中国加入WTO以后,面临着良好的发展机遇,也存在着严峻的挑战,中国的环境咨询企业应走高起点、规模化、集约化的道路,建立适应市场经济的运行机制,创造吸引人才的激励机制,提高咨询机构自身的素质,使中国的环境咨询企业在竞争中不断壮大。  相似文献   

宁波市环境保护科学研究设计院,隶属于宁波市环境保护局。历过20多年的改革发展建设,宁波市环科院已逐渐成为集环境科学研究、环境影响评价、环境工程设计、环境规划、清洁生产审核、环境管理体系咨询、环保科技产品开发、  相似文献   

杭州博华环境技术工程有限公司是一家专业从事环境技术开发,环境工程投资,建设及运营服务的综合型高新技术企业,业务范围涉及环境工程咨询设计,设备制造与安装,工程调试,工程总承包,环保设施投资,运营服务及建设项目环境影响评价咨询。  相似文献   

为了调动环境科技工程技术人员的积极性,发挥他们的潜力和余热,共同解决我国大量的环境保护问题,中国环境科学学会于一九八一年四季度建立了环境咨询服务中心,开展了环境咨询服务工作。环境咨询服务中心是在环境工程咨询服务部的基础上建立的。一九八一年,中国环境科学学会曾设立了环境工程咨询服务部,对环境问题开展了咨询工作。一是利用召开学术会议的机会进行咨  相似文献   

六月五日是世界环境日,这天环境化学研究所在中关村路口设环境咨询宣传站,首次以环境为主题面向社会进行宣传、咨询服务. 环化所十分重视这次活动,连日来进行了积极筹备.今天所长刘静宜,党委书记何世寰同志,亲自率领十位环境专家来和广大群众交流,讨论,并提供有关环境保护方面的咨询服  相似文献   

浙江博华环境技术工程有限公司(原名杭州博华环境技术工程有限公司)是一家专业从事环境技术开发、环境工程投资、建设及运营服务的综合型高新技术企业。业务范围涉及环境工程咨询设计、设备制造与安装、工程调试、工程总承包、环保设施投资、运营服务及建设项目环境影响评价咨询。  相似文献   

杭州博华环境技术工程有限公司是一家专业从事环境技术开发、环境工程投资、建设及运营服务的综合型高新技术企业。业务范围涉及环境工程咨询设计、设备制造与安装、工程调试、工程总承包、环保设施投资、运营服务及建设项目环境影响评价咨询。  相似文献   

遵循经济规律、生态学规律,对环境与发展问题进行科学论证,杜绝主观臆断、盲目决策;把决策纳入法制轨道,严格依法科学决策;充分发挥专家的智囊作用,做到先咨询后决策。  相似文献   

地下水环境中反硝化作用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
地下水氮污染已是全球性的环境问题,反硝化作用是地下水脱氢的主要机制。本文综述了地下水环境中反硝化作用的判据、速率、影响因素以及人工强化措施,指出了存在的问题和今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

正浙江环科环境研究院有限公司是浙江省环境保护科学设计研究院全资公司,注册资金2000万元。是通过浙江省科学技术厅、浙江省财政厅、浙江省国家税务局、浙江省地方税务局联合发文认定的高新技术企业。目前,公司下辖浙江环科环境咨询有限公司、浙江环科工程监理有限公司、浙江省环科环境认证中心等下属子公司。公司主要开展环境影响评价、管理体系认证、上市企业环保核查、环境影响后评价、水土保持方案编制、环境治理工程设计与工程承包、环境工程监理等业务领域,为社会和企业提供环保咨询与工程技术服  相似文献   

Montagnini F  Finney C 《Ambio》2011,40(3):285-297
Payments for Environmental Services (PES) can encourage projects that enhance restoration, production, and rural development. When projects promote differentiated systems by paying farmers for the provision of services, the application of PES requires evaluation of the environmental services provided by each system. We present evaluations of carbon stocks and biodiversity in pure and mixed native tree plantations in Costa Rica. To illustrate how monetary values can be assigned, we discuss a project that awarded PES to silvopastoral systems in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Colombia based on carbon stocks and biodiversity. PES can promote positive environmental attitudes in farmers. Currently this project is being scaled up in Colombia based on their positive experiences with PES as a tool to promote adoption. Compared to PES systems that include only one environmental service, systems that incorporate bundling or layering of multiple services can make sustainable land uses more attractive to farmers and reduce perverse incentives.  相似文献   

Two different perspectives mark the discourse about the valuation of ecological services: a positivistrealist perspective, emphasising the use of objective scientific procedures to discover true values of ecological services truth is seen as the basis for social change; and a constructivist perspective, emphasising value as emerging from interaction. Value is an agreement and hence effective in social change. This paper examines the implications of the latter for valuation. It first analyses the current dominant practice of environmental valuation in terms of its epistemological assumptions. It then examines how a constructivist perspective colours the expectation of societal effectiveness of environmental valuation. Both themes reflect debated issues in ecological economics (e.g. O'Connor, 1998). 'Double hermeneutics' refers to the capacity to make sense on the basis of the sense-making of others. Environmental valuation in economics attempts a sort of 'triple hermeneutics': economists make sense of how people value the environment, in order to influence the sense-making of policy-makers and the general public. This paper argues that environmental valuation alternatively can be carried out as a constructivist procedure that reduces triple to single hermeneutics. Environmental valuation aims at societal change through internalisation of the costs of ecological services. Knowledge of the 'real' costs is expected to influence behaviour. Our analysis calls for the wider use of an alternative approach 'interactive valuation'. That is, the people whose behaviour incurs environmental costs are assisted to use environmental valuation methods themselves in order experientially to learn to internalise the environmental costs of their activities. It is not the researcher or expert who analyses and learns, so that he/she can transfer the learning to others, but the 'others' themselves who analyse and learn. In practice, this means that scientific valuators are not limited to discovering 'real', objective values, but also engage in developing tools for discovery learning by people themselves. The paper elaborates concrete experiences in the analysis and development of farming systems.  相似文献   

Improved measurement of environmental performance should be part of the regular business activities of any organisation. However, it requires a set of environmental performance indicators (EPIs) that can be applied to the particular organisation's unique functions and culture. This paper presents the development of EPIs within an information technology systems and services organisation, ICL plc. (International Computers Ltd; now Fujitsu Services Ltd). EPIs have been developed, based on the company's environmental policy and targets, and a framework for their measurement outlined. ISO 14001 certification requires that certified companies demonstrate continuous improvement in their environmental performance, and EPIs have been developed in order that the company can demonstrate such improvements year on year. The results show that a simple and logical methodology can be applied to identify EPIs that are compatible with ISO 14031. Finally, a risk assessment methodology is applied to demonstrate the effects of business constraints in the decision-making process regarding environmental programmes.  相似文献   

从环境监测为环境管理服务的职能入手,系统分析了基层环境监测站的环境质量综合分析工作现状,针对实际工作中存在的问题,提出了提高环境质量综合分析水平的对策建议。  相似文献   

Across the circumpolar North large disparities in the distribution of renewable and nonrenewable resources, human population density, capital investments, and basic residential and transportation infrastructure combine to create recognizable hotspots of recent and foreseeable change. Northern Fennoscandia exemplifies a relatively benign situation due to its current economic and political stability. Northern Russia is experiencing rapid, mostly negative changes reflecting the general state of crisis since the collapse of the Soviet Union. North America enjoys a relatively stable regulatory structure to mitigate environmental degradation associated with industry, but is on the verge of approving massive new development schemes that would significantly expand the spatial extent of potentially affected social-ecological systems. Institutional or regulatory context influences the extent to which ecosystem services are buffered against environmental change. With or without a warming climate, certain geographic areas appear especially vulnerable to damages that may threaten their ability to supply goods and services in the near future. Climate change may exacerbate this situation in some places but may offer opportunities to enhance resilience in the long term.  相似文献   

Michael E. McClain 《Ambio》2013,42(5):549-565
Sustainable development in Africa is dependent on increasing use of the continent’s water resources without significantly degrading ecosystem services that are also fundamental to human wellbeing. This is particularly challenging in Africa because of high spatial and temporal variability in the availability of water resources and limited amounts of total water availability across expansive semi-arid portions of the continent. The challenge is compounded by ambitious targets for increased water use and a rush of international funding to finance development activities. Balancing development with environmental sustainability requires (i) understanding the boundary conditions imposed by the continent’s climate and hydrology today and into the future, (ii) estimating the magnitude and spatial distribution of water use needed to meet development goals, and (iii) understanding the environmental water requirements of affected ecosystems, their current status and potential consequences of increased water use. This article reviews recent advancements in each of these topics and highlights innovative approaches and tools available to support sustainable development. While much remains to be learned, scientific understanding and technology should not be viewed as impediments to sustainable development on the continent.  相似文献   

放射源管理系统是一种基于环境地理信息系统平台的资源管理系统,是GIS技术与环境监测技术、环境管理技术、数据库技术等各种环境信息分析和处理技术的集成。系统为环保部门提供了一个功能强大的空间信息服务和管理工具,可以直观、方便地获取放射源的监控、管理等数据信息,为环境管理部门的决策提供依据。  相似文献   

The environmental profile of goods and services that satisfy our individual and societal needs is shaped by design activities. Substantial evidence suggests that current patterns of human activity on a global scale are not following a sustainable path. Necessary changes to achieve a more sustainable system will require that environmental issues be more effectively addressed in design. But at present much confusion surrounds the incorporation of environmental objectives into the design process. Although not yet fully embraced by industry, the product life cycle system is becoming widely recognized as a useful design framework for understanding the links between societal needs, economic systems and their environmental consequences. The product life cycle encompasses all activities from raw material extraction, manufacturing, and use to final disposal of all residuals.

Life cycle design (LCD), Design for Environment (DFE), and related initiatives based on this product life cycle are emerging as systematic approaches for integrating environmental issues into design. This review presents the life cycle design framework developed forthe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a structure for discussing the environmental design literature. Specifying environmental requirements and evaluation metrics are essential elements of designing for sustainable development. A major challenge for successful design is choosing appropriate strategies that satisfy cost, performance, cultural, and legal criteria while also optimizing environmental objectives. Various methods for specifying requirements, strategies for reducing environmental burden, and environmental evaluation tools are explored and critiqued. Currently, many organizational and operational factors limit the applicability of life cycle design and other design approaches to sustainable development. For example, lack of environmental data and simple, effective evaluation tools are major barriers. Despite these problems, companies are beginning to pursue aspects of life cycle design. The future of life cycle design and sustainable development depends on education, government policy and regulations, and industry leadership but fundamental changes in societal values and behavior will ultimately determine the fate of the planet’s life support system.  相似文献   

The Convention on Biological Diversity proposed the Aichi Biodiversity Targets to improve conservation policies and to balance economic development, social welfare, and the maintenance of biodiversity/ecosystem services. Brazil is a signatory of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and is the most diverse country in terms of freshwater fish, but its national policies have supported the development of unsustainable commercial and ornamental aquaculture, which has led to serious disturbances to inland ecosystems and natural resources. We analyzed the development of Brazilian aquaculture to show how current aquaculture expansion conflicts with all 20 Aichi Targets. This case suggests that Brazil and many other megadiverse developing countries will not meet international conservation targets, stressing the need for new strategies, such as the environmental management system, to improve biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are important for global biodiversity and provide essential ecosystem services. There is consensus in the scientific literature that freshwater ecosystems are vulnerable to the impacts of environmental change, which may trigger irreversible regime shifts upon which biodiversity and ecosystem services may be lost. There are profound uncertainties regarding the management and assessment of the vulnerability of freshwater ecosystems to environmental change. Quantitative approaches are needed to reduce this uncertainty. We describe available statistical and modeling approaches along with case studies that demonstrate how resilience theory can be applied to aid decision-making in natural resources management. We highlight especially how long-term monitoring efforts combined with ecological theory can provide a novel nexus between ecological impact assessment and management, and the quantification of systemic vulnerability and thus the resilience of ecosystems to environmental change.  相似文献   

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