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The migration of Dense, Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) and dissolved phase contamination through a fractured heterogeneous porous medium has been investigated through the use of a multiphase compositional model. The sensitivity of the timescales of migration and the distribution of contaminant in the subsurface to the mean permeability, the variance of the permeability, and the degree of fracturing of the domain were examined. It was found that increasing the mean permeability of the domain allowed the DNAPL to penetrate deeper into the subsurface, while decreasing the mean permeability caused the DNAPL to pool at shallower depths. The presence of fractures within the system was found to control the infiltration only in the most fractured domain. Moment analysis of the nonwetting phase showed that large-scale movement had ceased after approximately 9 years (maximum duration of the source-on condition was approximately 4.5 years). This tended to be due to a redistribution of the DNAPL towards a residual configuration, as was evidenced by the gradual trending of average nonwetting phase saturations within the domain to a static value. The dissolved phase plume was found to migrate at essentially the same rate as the nonwetting phase, due to the reduced relative permeability of lenses containing DNAPL, and due to diffusive losses of mass to the matrix of fractured clay and silty-clay lenses. Some exceptions to this were found when the DNAPL could not overcome the displacement pressure of a lens, and could not by-pass the lens due to the lack of available driving force after the source had been shut off.  相似文献   

Colloid-facilitated transport has been recognized as a potentially important and overlooked contaminant transport process. In particular, it has been observed that conventional two phase sorption models are often unable to explain transport of highly sorbing compounds in the subsurface appropriately in the presence of colloids. In this study a one-dimensional model for colloid-facilitated transport of chemicals in unsaturated porous media is developed. The model has parts for simulating coupled flow, and colloid transport and dissolved and colloidal contaminant transport. Richards' equation is solved to model unsaturated flow, and the effect of colloid entrapment and release on porosity and hydraulic conductivity of the porous media is incorporated into the model. Both random sequential adsorption and Langmuir approaches have been implemented in the model in order to incorporate the effect of surface jamming. The concept of entrapment of colloids into the air-water interface is used for taking into account the effect of retardation caused due to existence of the air phase. A non-equilibrium sorption approach with options of linear and Langmuir sorption assumptions are implemented that can represent the competition and site saturation effects on sorption of multiple compounds both to the solid matrix and to the colloidal particles. Several demonstration calculations are performed and the conditions in which the non-equilibrium model can be approximated by an equilibrium model are also studied.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional model for virus transport in physically and geochemically heterogeneous subsurface porous media is presented. The model involves solution of the advection-dispersion equation, which additionally considers virus inactivation in the solution, as well as virus removal at the solid matrix surface due to attachment (deposition), release, and inactivation. Two surface inactivation models for the fate of attached inactive viruses and their subsequent role on virus attachment and release were considered. Geochemical heterogeneity, portrayed as patches of positively charged metal oxyhydroxide coatings on collector grain surfaces, and physical heterogeneity, portrayed as spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity, were incorporated in the model. Both layered and randomly (log-normally) distributed physical and geochemical heterogeneities were considered. The upstream weighted multiple cell balance method was employed to numerically solve the governing equations of groundwater flow and virus transport. Model predictions show that the presence of subsurface layered geochemical and physical heterogeneity results in preferential flow paths and thus significantly affect virus mobility. Random distributions of physical and geochemical heterogeneity have also notable influence on the virus transport behavior. While the solution inactivation rate was found to significantly influence the virus transport behavior, surface inactivation under realistic field conditions has probably a negligible influence on the overall virus transport. It was further demonstrated that large virus release rates result in extended periods of virus breakthrough over significant distances downstream from the injection sites. This behavior suggests that simpler models that account for virus adsorption through a retardation factor may yield a misleading assessment of virus transport in "hydrogeologically sensitive" subsurface environments.  相似文献   

Several previously reported laboratory studies related to transport of solutes through packed columns were utilized to develop predictive relationships for mass-transfer rate coefficient. The data were classified into two groups: those obtained under rate-limited mass transfer between mobile and immobile water regions (physical nonequilibrium conditions), and those derived from rate-limited mass transfer between instantaneous and slow sorption sites (sorption nonequilibrium conditions). The mass-transfer coefficient in all these studies was obtained by fitting breakthrough data to a transport model employing a first-order rate limitations with a "constant" mass-transfer coefficient, independent of flow conditions. This study demonstrated that the mass-transfer coefficient in these models is dependent on system parameters including pore-water velocity, length-scale, retardation coefficient, and particle or aggregate size. Predictive relationships were developed, through regression analysis, relating mass-transfer coefficient to residence time. The developed relationships adequately estimated previously reported field mass-transfer values. Successful simulations of field desorption data reported by Bahr [J. Contam. Hydrol. 4 (1989) 205] further demonstrate the potential applicability of the developed relationships.  相似文献   

The sorption of radionuclides on natural colloids may significantly modify their transport behaviour through fractured media, since radionuclides bound to colloids may not be subject to the important retardation mechanisms of matrix diffusion and sorption onto pore surfaces. This paper reports on theoretical and experimental work aimed at assessing the relevance of colloid-facilitated transport to repository safety analyses, with specific reference to the Swiss case. Transport models are presented, developed in conjunction with field- and laboratory-based studies of deep groundwater in the crystalline basement of northern Switzerland, in which colloid size distributions, compositions and sorption properties have been measured. Various potential mechanisms giving rise to both reversible and irreversible sorption are discussed. In the first case, a simple approach is examined which is based on previously reported models of colloid transport and assumes reversible, linear sorption on colloids, for which experimental data have been obtained. It is shown that transport of radionuclides would not, in general, be significantly enhanced because of this process. A more recently developed and more complex model is then described incorporating irreversible sorption, in which case the transport of radionuclides tends to be strongly dependent on the extent of colloid-fracture wall interaction.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hybrid model for transport in connected macro-pores in porous media. A pore-scale model is used to parameterize the hybrid model. The hybrid model explicitly models the advection and diffusion of species in the connected macro-pores and treats the porous media around the connected macro-pores as a continuum with effective transport properties. The pore-scale model is used to calculate the effective transport properties of the porous continuum. This approach negates the need to calibrate the hybrid model against experimental data, which is common for continuum-scale models of porous media, and allows an arbitrary microstructure to be considered. The paper presents the multi-scale modeling approach along with the details of the hybrid and pore-scale models. Validation of the model is also presented along with several case studies investigating the applicability of the multi-scale modeling approach to different geometries and transport conditions. The case studies show that the multi-scale modeling approach is accurate for various connected macro-pore geometries given that the porosity of the porous medium around the connected macro-pores is sufficiently small. The accuracy of the hybrid model decreases with increasing porosity of the matrix.  相似文献   

Contaminant transport from waste-disposal sites is strongly affected by the presence of fractures and the degree of fracture matrix interaction. Characterization of potential contaminant plumes at such sites is difficult, both experimentally and numerically. Simulations of water flow through fractured rock were performed to examine the penetration depth of a large pulse of water entering such a system. Construction water traced with lithium bromide was released during the excavation of a tunnel at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, which is located in an unsaturated fractured tuff formation. Modeling of construction-water migration is qualitatively compared with bromide-to-chloride ratio (Br/Cl) data for pore-water salts extracted from drillcores. The influences of local heterogeneities in the fracture network and variations in hydrogeologic parameters were examined by sensitivity analyses and Monte Carlo simulations. The simulation results are qualitatively consistent with the observed Br/Cl signals, although these data may only indicate a minimum penetration depth, and water may have migrated farther through the fracture network.  相似文献   

A series of miscible-displacement column experiments were conducted under saturated flow conditions to systematically investigate the influence of physical and biological complexity on bacterial activity and fate in the presence and absence of a non-sorbing growth substrate, salicylate. Bacterial elution was monitored for three different systems; System I--a sterilized, inoculated, well-sorted sand, System II--a sterilized, inoculated, heterogeneous loamy sand (Hayhook), and System III--two different unsterilized loamy sands (Hayhook and Vinton) each with their associated indigenous microbial community. Results show that System I behaved ideally with respect to both cell and substrate transport, wherein: (1) growth occurred in response to substrate addition, (2) cell elution increased in response to the substrate pulse, and (3) breakthrough curves were reproducible for both substrate and cell elution. In contrast, System II showed ideal behavior with respect to substrate transport but showed variable behavior for cell transport. Further, there was no measurable growth in response to substrate addition and no increase in cell elution during the salicylate pulse. System III exhibited non-ideal behavior for both substrate and cell transport. Of particular interest is the fact that the indigenous communities of the two soils behaved differently. Specifically, for the Hayhook soil, an increased elution response was observed for the heterotrophic population while the salicylate-degrading community was preferentially retained in the column. In contrast for the Vinton soil, the substrate pulse did not elicit an elution response from either the heterotrophic or salicylate-degrading community from the culturable, indigenous Vinton microorganisms. For Systems II and III, the observed variability appears to be associated with the biological component of the system, since sterile controls were reproducible. This type of systematic study is critical for understanding cell and substrate transport behavior in complex, heterogeneous systems, and illustrates the potential uncertainty associated with measurements in such systems.  相似文献   

This study investigated the breakthrough patterns of carboxymethyl cellulose- and polyacrylic acid-stabilized zero-valent iron (Fe(0)) nanoparticles (NZVI) from packed sand columns under a range of pore water velocities of 0.02, 0.2 and 1 cm min(-1) and NZVI influent concentrations of 0.1, 0.5 and 3 g L(-1). The NZVI effluent relative concentrations of both types of particles decreased with slower flow velocities and increasing particle concentrations. PAA-NZVI exhibited slower elution from the columns than CMC-NZVI under identical experimental conditions, and this is attributed to more rapid aggregation kinetics of PAA-NZVI. The elution patterns of PAA-NZVI showed a stronger trend of gradually increasing effluent concentrations with flushing of additional pore volumes, especially at low flushing velocities and higher influent particle concentrations and this phenomenon too can be attributed to increasing aggregate sizes with time which caused decreases in the values of the single collector efficiency and thus the deposition rate constant. A 7 nm increase in CMC-NZVI aggregate size over 60 min was observed using nanoparticle tracking analysis. The reduction in colloidal stability due to aggregation of CMC- and PAA-NZVI was verified using sedimentation tests, and it was found that PAA-NZVI were less stable than CMC-NZVI. There were also notable inherent differences in the two NZVI particles. The CMC-NZVI were monodisperse with a mean diameter of 5.7 ± 0.9 nm, whereas PAA-NZVI had a bimodal particle size distribution with a small sub-population of particles with mean size of 30 ± 21 nm and a more abundant population of 4.6 ± 0.8 nm diameter particles. Furthermore, PAA-NZVI had a lower surface potential. These characteristics are also responsible for the different elution patterns CMC- and PAA-NZVI.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Subsurface contamination is a frequent occurrence in fractured porous systems, posing a potential threat for the groundwater contamination. Tracking...  相似文献   

The impact of co-solutes on sorption of tetrachloroethene (PCE) by two porous media with low organic-carbon contents was examined by conducting batch experiments. The two media (Borden and Eustis) have similar physical properties, but significantly different organic-carbon (OC) contents. Sorption of PCE was nonlinear for both media, and well-described by the Freundlich equation. For the Borden aquifer material (OC = 0.03%), the isotherms measured with a suite of co-solutes present (1,2-dichlorobenzene, bromoform, carbon tetrachloride, and hexachloroethane) were identical to the isotherms measured for PCE alone. These results indicate that there was no measurable impact of the co-solutes on PCE sorption for this system. In contrast to the Borden results, there was a measurable reduction in sorption of PCE by the Eustis soil (OC = 0.38%) in the presence of the co-solutes. The organic-carbon fractions of both media contain hard-carbon components, which have been associated with the manifestation of nonideal sorption phenomena. The disparity in results observed for the two media may relate to relative differences in the magnitude and geochemical nature of these hard-carbon components.  相似文献   

The impact of co-solutes on sorption of tetrachloroethene (PCE) by two porous media with low organic-carbon contents was examined by conducting batch experiments. The two media (Borden and Eustis) have similar physical properties, but significantly different organic-carbon (OC) contents. Sorption of PCE was nonlinear for both media, and well-described by the Freundlich equation. For the Borden aquifer material (OC = 0.03%), the isotherms measured with a suite of co-solutes present (1,2-dichlorobenzene, bromoform, carbon tetrachloride, and hexachloroethane) were identical to the isotherms measured for PCE alone. These results indicate that there was no measurable impact of the co-solutes on PCE sorption for this system. In contrast to the Borden results, there was a measurable reduction in sorption of PCE by the Eustis soil (OC = 0.38%) in the presence of the co-solutes. The organic-carbon fractions of both media contain hard-carbon components, which have been associated with the manifestation of nonideal sorption phenomena. The disparity in results observed for the two media may relate to relative differences in the magnitude and geochemical nature of these hard-carbon components.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional flow and transport model was developed for simulating transient water flow and nonreactive solute transport in heterogeneous, unsaturated porous media containing air and water. The model is composed of a unique combination of robust and accurate numerical algorithms for solving the Richards', Darcy flux, and advection-dispersion equations. The mixed form of Richards' equation is solved using a finite-element formulation and a modified Picard iteration scheme. Mass lumping is employed to improve solution convergence and stability behavior. The flow algorithm accounts for hysteresis in the pressure head-water content relationship. Darcy fluxes are approximated with a Galerkin and Petrov-Galerkin finite-element method developed for random heterogeneous porous media. The transport equation is solved using an Eulerian-Lagrangian method. A multi-step, fourth-order Runge-Kutta, reverse particle tracking technique and a quadratic-linear interpolation scheme are shown to be superior for determining the advective concentration. A Galerkin finite-element method is used for approximating the dispersive flux. The unsaturated flow and transport model was applied to a variety of rigorous problems and was found to produce accurate, mass-conserving solutions when compared to analytical solutions and published numerical results.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This work comprehensively reviews the equations governing multicomponent flow and reactive transport in porous media on the pore-scale, mesoscale and...  相似文献   

We study mobilization of colloidal particles from natural porous media, such as soils and groundwater aquifers. Extensive laboratory scale column experiments of particle release from four different subsurface materials are presented. The important characteristics of the release process are (i) its non-exponential kinetics, (ii) the finite supply of colloidal particles and (iii) the strong dependence of the release kinetic on the nature of the adsorbed cations. Particle release depends most sensitively on the relative saturation of the medium with divalent cations. We propose a mathematic model, which captures all these aspects quantitatively, and can be used to describe the coupling between transport of major cations and the release of colloidal particles. The present experimental investigations as well as the developed modeling framework represent an important step towards the understanding of colloid-facilitated transport phenomena in natural porous media.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a method to study reactive microbial transport in saturated translucent porous media using the bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens 5RL genetically engineered to carry a plasmid with bioluminescence genes inducible by salicylate. Induced bacteria were injected into a cryolite grain filled chamber saturated with a sterile non-growth-promoting (phosphorus limited) chemical mixture containing salicylate as an aromatic hydrocarbon analogue. The amount of light produced by the bacteria serves as an estimator of the relative efficiency of aerobic biodegradation since bioluminescence is dependent on both salicylate and oxygen but only consumes oxygen. Bioluminescence was captured with a digital camera and analyzed to study the evolving spatial pattern of the bulk oxygen consuming reactions. As fluid flow transported the bacteria through the chamber, bioluminescence was observed to initially increase until an oxygen depletion zone developed behind the advective front. Bacterial transport was modeled with the advection dispersion equation and oxygen concentration was modeled assuming bacterial consumption via Monod kinetics with consideration of additional effects of rate-limited mass transfer from residual gas bubbles. Consistent with previous measurements, bioluminescence was considered proportional to oxygen consumed. Using the observed bioluminescence, model parameters were fit that were consistent with literature values and produced results in good agreement with the experimental data. These findings demonstrate potential for using this method to investigate the complex spatial and temporal dynamics of reactive microbial transport in saturated porous media.  相似文献   

Soil column experiments were conducted to study bacterial growth and transport in porous media under denitrifying conditions. The study used a denitrifying microbial consortium isolated from aquifer sediments sampled at the U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford site. One-dimensional, packed-column transport studies were conducted under two substrate loading conditions. A detailed numerical model was developed to predict the measured effluent cell and substrate concentration profiles. First-order attachment and detachment models described the interphase exchange processes between suspended and attached biomass. Insignificantly different detachment coefficient values of 0.32 and 0.43 day−1, respectively, were estimated for the high and low nitrate loading conditions (48 and 5 mg l−1 NO3, respectively). Comparison of these values with those calculated from published data for aerobically growing organisms shows that the denitrifying consortium had lower detachment rate coefficients. This suggests that, similar to detachment rates in reactor-grown biofilms, detachment in porous media may increase with microbial growth rate. However, available literature data are not sufficient to confirm a specific analytical model for predicting this growth dependence.  相似文献   

Many numerical models which describe the movement of a separate organic liquid phase in the subsurface require information about the relationships between capillary pressure and saturation, and between relative permeability and saturation. An evaluation of the information available for these relationships suggests that substantial discrepancies may be introduced into simulations if estimated, rather than measured, data are employed. The purpose of this study was to quantify these deviations. Two-phase displacement simulations were performed in one and two dimensions for several organic liquid-water systems. Both constant-head and constant-flux boundary conditions were employed at a variety of flow rates and time scales, using both measurements and estimates of capillary pressure and relative permeability for a sandy aquifer material. The results demonstrate that the use of estimated transport relationships produces significantly different predictions of organic liquid migration. The magnitude of the deviations between predictions may be as high as 25% or more after relatively short displacement periods, depending on the boundary conditions of the simulated scenario, as well as on the physical characteristics of the two-phase system. For the systems examined, most of the deviations resulted from the estimates for relative permeability to the organic liquid. Thus, improved methods for the estimation of the relative permeability to the organic liquid are needed to reduce the uncertainty in displacement simulations.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional model for colloid transport in geochemically and physically heterogeneous porous media is presented. The model considers patchwise geochemical heterogeneity, which is suitable to describe the chemical variability of many surficial aquifers with ferric oxyhydroxide-coated porous matrix, as well as spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity, which results in heterogeneous flow field. The model is comprised of a transient fluid flow equation, a transient colloid transport equation, and an equation for the dynamics of colloid deposition and release. Numerical simulations were carried out with the model to investigate the colloid transport behavior in layered and randomly heterogeneous porous media. Results demonstrate that physical and geochemical heterogeneities markedly affect the colloid transport behavior. Layered physical or geochemical heterogeneity can result in distinct preferential flow paths of colloidal particles. Furthermore, the combined effect of layered physical and geochemical heterogeneity may result in enhanced or reduced preferential flow of colloids. Random distribution of physical heterogeneity (hydraulic conductivity) results in a random flow field and an irregularly distributed colloid concentration profile in the porous medium. Contrary to random physical heterogeneity, the effect of random patchwise geochemical heterogeneity on colloid transport behavior is not significant. It is mostly the mean value of geochemical heterogeneity rather than its distribution that governs the colloid transport behavior.  相似文献   

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