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Gaseous and particulate samples from the smoke from prescribed burnings of a shrub-dominated forest with some pine trees in Lousã Mountain, Portugal, in May 2008, have been collected. From the gas phase Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) measurements, an average modified combustion efficiency of 0.99 was obtained, suggesting a very strong predominance of flaming combustion. Gaseous compounds whose emissions are promoted in fresh plumes and during the flaming burning phase, such as CO2, acetylene and propene, produced emission factors higher than those proposed for savannah and tropical forest fires. Emission factors of species that are favoured by the smouldering phase (e.g. CO and CH4) were below the values reported in the literature for biomass burning in other ecosystems. The chemical composition of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM2.5–10) particles was achieved using ion chromatography (water-soluble ions), instrumental neutron activation analysis (trace elements) and a thermal–optical transmission technique (organic carbon and elemental carbon). Approximately 50% of the particulate mass was carbonaceous in nature with a clear dominance of organic carbon. The organic carbon-to-elemental carbon ratios up to 300, or even higher, measured in the present study largely exceeded those reported for fires in savannah and tropical forests. More than 30 trace elements and ions have been determined in smoke aerosols, representing in total an average contribution of about 7% to the PM10 mass.  相似文献   

Prediction of ambient carbon monoxide (CO) due to haze in the presence of transportation sources at a busy expressway site in Singapore was made using street Canyon and Gaussian line source modules of a regional-scale Indic Airviro dispersion model for the haze episodes that occurred in the years 1994 and 1997. The fleet average emission factors for each vehicle category were estimated from US EPA MOBILE 5 A guidelines as a function of speed, vehicle deterioration rates and model years. One hour CO concentrations during the non-haze period for the year 1995 were first simulated and compared with measured readings to test the accuracy of the proposed approach. The calibrated model was then used to compute hourly CO values for the 1994 and 1997 haze episodes. The difference between the modeled CO values with and without haze provided CO contribution due to haze. An analysis of CO values estimated through modeling with experimental measurements made during haze periods confirmed this unique approach to establish concentration of CO due to haze in the presence of transportation sources.  相似文献   

Woody biomass waste is generated throughout California from forest management, hazardous fuel reduction, and agricultural operations. Open pile burning in the vicinity of generation is frequently the only economic disposal option. A framework is developed to quantify air emissions reductions for projects that alternatively utilize biomass waste as fuel for energy production. A demonstration project was conducted involving the grinding and 97-km one-way transport of 6096 bone-dry metric tons (BDT) of mixed conifer forest slash in the Sierra Nevada foothills for use as fuel in a biomass power cogeneration facility. Compared with the traditional open pile burning method of disposal for the forest harvest slash, utilization of the slash for fuel reduced particulate matter (PM) emissions by 98% (6 kg PM/BDT biomass), nitrogen oxides (NOx) by 54% (1.6 kg NOx/BDT), nonmethane volatile organics (NMOCs) by 99% (4.7 kg NMOCs/BDT), carbon monoxide (CO) by 97% (58 kg CO/BDT), and carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) by 17% (0.38 t CO2e/BDT). Emission contributions from biomass processing and transport operations are negligible. CO2e benefits are dependent on the emission characteristics of the displaced marginal electricity supply. Monetization of emissions reductions will assist with fuel sourcing activities and the conduct of biomass energy projects.  相似文献   

To assess the contribution of sources to fine particulate organic carbon (OC) at four sites in North Carolina, USA, a molecular marker chemical mass balance model (MM-CMB) was used to quantify seasonal contributions for 2 years. The biomass burning contribution at these sites was found to be 30–50% of the annual OC concentration. In order to provide a better understanding of the uncertainty in MM-CMB model results, a biomass burning profile sensitivity test was performed on the 18 seasonal composites. The results using reconstructed emission profiles based on published profiles compared well, while model results using a single source test profile resulted in biomass burning contributions that were more variable. The biomass burning contribution calculated using an average regional profile of fireplace emissions from five southeastern tree species also compared well with an average profile of open burning of pine-dominated forest from Georgia. The standard deviation of the results using different source profiles was a little over 30% of the annual average biomass contributions. Because the biomass burning contribution accounted for 30–50% of the OC at these sites, the choice of profile also impacted the motor vehicle source attribution due to the common emission of elemental carbon and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The total mobile organic carbon contribution was less effected by the biomass burning profile than the relative contributions from gasoline and diesel engines.  相似文献   

Boundary layer ozone and carbon monoxide were measured at a savannah site in the Orinoco river basin, during the dry and wet seasons. CO and O3 concentrations recorded around noontime show a good linear correlation, suggesting that the higher ozone levels observed during the dry season are photochemically produced during the oxidation of reactive hydrocarbons in the presence of NOx both emitted by biomass burning. The rate of photochemical ozone production in the boundary layer ozone by biomass burning calculated from the production ratio ΔO3/ΔCO (0.17±0.01 v : v) and the amount of CO produced by fires (0.26–1.3 mole m−2 dry season−1), ranges from 0.6 to 2.6 ppbv h−1 for 8 h of daylight. This O3 production rate is in fairly good agreement with the value derived from RO2 radical measurements made in the Venezuelan savannah during the dry season. The net boundary layer production of O3 from all tropical America savannah fires is estimated to range between 0.28 and 0.36 Tmol O3 per year, which is about 3 times higher than the O3 produced from pollution sources in the eastern United States during the summer. An extrapolation to all of the world's savannah would indicate a net boundary layer ozone production of about 1.2 Tmol yr−1. This is discussed in the context of the overall global budget of tropospheric ozone.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study estimated health risks due to two types of copper-based nanoagrochemicals (Cu (OH)2 and CuO nanoparticles (NPs)), during inadvertent...  相似文献   

The air over major cities and rural regions of the Nile Delta is highly polluted during autumn which is the biomass burning season, locally known as black cloud. Previous studies have attributed the increased pollution levels during the black cloud season to the biomass or open burning of agricultural waste, vehicular, industrial emissions, and secondary aerosols. However, new multi-sensor observations (column and vertical profiles) from satellites, dust transport models and associated meteorology present a different picture of the autumn pollution. Here we show, for the first time, the evidence of long range transport of dust at high altitude (2.5-6 km) from Western Sahara and its deposition over the Nile Delta region unlike current Models. The desert dust is found to be a major contributor to the local air quality which was previously considered to be due to pollution from biomass burning enhanced by the dominant northerly winds coming from Europe.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the health risks in megacities in terms of mortality and morbidity due to air pollution. A new spreadsheet model, Risk of Mortality/Morbidity due to Air Pollution (Ri-MAP), is used to estimate the excess numbers of deaths and illnesses. By adopting the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline concentrations for the air pollutants SO2, NO2 and total suspended particles (TSP), concentration-response relationships and a population attributable-risk proportion concept are employed. Results suggest that some megacities like Los Angeles, New York, Osaka Kobe, Sao Paulo and Tokyo have very low excess cases in total mortality from these pollutants. In contrast, the approximate numbers of cases is highest in Karachi (15,000/yr) characterized by a very high concentration of total TSP (~670 μg m?3). Dhaka (7000/yr), Beijing (5500/yr), Karachi (5200/yr), Cairo (5000/yr) and Delhi (3500/yr) rank highest with cardiovascular mortality. The morbidity (hospital admissions) due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) follows the tendency of cardiovascular mortality. Dhaka and Karachi lead the rankings, having about 2100/yr excess cases, while Osaka-Kobe (~20/yr) and Sao Paulo (~50/yr) are at the low end of all megacities considered. Since air pollution is increasing in many megacities, and our database of measured pollutants is limited to the period up to 2000 and does not include all relevant components (e.g. O3), these numbers should be interpreted as lower limits. South Asian megacities most urgently need improvement of air quality to prevent excess mortality and morbidity due to exceptionally high levels of air pollution. The risk estimates obtained from Ri-MAP present a realistic baseline evaluation for the consequences of ambient air pollution in comparison to simple air quality indices, and can be expanded and improved in parallel with the development of air pollution monitoring networks.  相似文献   

Ozone peaks with mixing ratios as high as 138 ppbv were observed in the lower troposphere (2.5–4.5 km) over Hong Kong in spring. Simultaneously observed high humidity suggests that this enhanced ozone was not the result of transport from the upper troposphere. Back trajectory analysis suggests that these enhancements resulted from lateral transport. Air masses arriving at the altitude of the ozone peaks appear to have passed over continental Southeast Asia where the bulk of biomass burning occurs at this time of the year (February–April). We hypothesize that biomass burning in this region provided the necessary precursors for the observed ozone enhancement. As far as we know this is the first observation of highly enhanced ozone layers associated with biomass burning in continental Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Emission factors for PCDD/PCDF determined from open combustion are used to estimate national emission budgets; therefore, it is important to have confidence in their accuracy. It has been suspected that artefacts may form due to the presence of hot metal surfaces of sampling equipment, thus skewing emission factors. In this study, emissions of PCDD/PCDF from open burning of forest biomass over a brick hearth were sampled. Five experiments were carried out using a portable sampler. Experiments were designed where the key variable, sample hood and inlet temperatures were manipulated. Other variables such as fuel origin, type and density were consistent. The measured concentration of PCDD/PCDF in the smoke samples ranged from 0.01 μg TEQ (t fuel)−1 at the lowest maximum hood temperature (185 °C) to 15 μg TEQ (t fuel)−1 at the highest maximum hood temperature (598 °C). when hood inlet temperatures exceeded 400 °C emission factors were significantly elevated and this is attributed to the formation of artefacts that can cause the over estimation of emission factors. The increase in hood temperature also resulted in a change in the PCDD/PCDF congener and homologue profile of the emissions. For example at the lowest temperature (Fire 1) the PCDD/PCDF ratio measured was 50:1, whereas at the highest temperature (Fire 5) this ratio was about 0.53:1. When the sampler hood and inlet temperatures were kept in the normal operating range of <200 °C, emission factors were comparable to those observed in many previous studies in Australia with emissions dominated by PCDD.  相似文献   

The 1997 Indonesia forest fires was an environmental disaster of exceptional proportions. Such a disaster caused massive transboundary air pollution and indiscriminate destruction of biodiversity in the world. The immediate consequence of the fires was the production of large amounts of haze in the region, causing visibility and health problems within Southeast Asia. Furthermore, fires of these magnitudes are potential contributors to global warming and climate change due to the emission of large amounts of greenhouse gases and other pyrogenic products.The long-range transport of fire-related haze in the region is investigated using trajectories from the CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research Limited Area Model (DARLAM). Emission scenarios were constructed for hotspot areas in Sumatra and Kalimantan for the months of September and October 1997 to determine the period and fire locations most critical to Singapore. This study also examines some transport issues raised from field observations. Results show that fires in the coastal areas of southeast Sumatra and southwest Kalimantan can be potential contributors to transboundary air pollution in Singapore. Singapore was directly affected by haze from these areas whereas Kuala Lumpur was heavily affected by the haze coming from Sumatra. In most cases, Singapore was more affected by fires from Kalimantan than was Kuala Lumpur. This was mainly a result of the shifting of monsoons. The transition of monsoons resulted in weaker low-level winds and shifted convergence zones near to the southeast of Peninsular Malaysia. In addition to severe drought and massive fire activity in 1997, the timing of the monsoon transition has a strong influence on haze transport in the region.  相似文献   

Airborne in-situ measurements were analyzed to investigate the effects of biomass burning and regional background aerosols on cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) activity in the Pacific Dust Experiment (PACDEX) during April and May 2007. Airmass trajectories with both horizontal and vertical motions were provided to identify the aerosol sources. In the biomass burning cases, the elevated aerosol layers were clearly observed at dry conditions because of the convection of airmass in the source region. The relative aging of aerosols was supported by the ratios of BC to particles with size ranging from 0.1 to 1.0 μm (N0.1–1.0) and BC to carbon monoxide. Compared to aerosols in the precedent plume of biomass burning, aged particles in the latter plume were more activated to CCN at 0.4% (CCN0.4%) than 0.1% supersaturation (CCN0.1%) due to aerosols chemical modification during the aging process. On the other hand, significant difference of CCN0.4% and CCN0.1% at regional background aerosols over the Pacific Ocean was due to the activated particles below 1 μm in diameter. Although higher concentrations of aged particles were observed over the eastern Pacific Ocean, activated aerosols to cloud droplet was comparatively similar in the western Pacific Ocean because of the similar concentrations of N0.1–1.0 in both cases.  相似文献   

The emission-exposure and exposure-response (toxicity) relationships are different for different emission source categories of anthropogenic primary fine particulate matter (PM2.5). These variations have a potentially crucial importance in the integrated assessment, when determining cost-effective abatement strategies. We studied the importance of these variations by conducting a sensitivity analysis for an integrated assessment model. The model was developed to estimate the adverse health effects to the Finnish population attributable to primary PM2.5 emissions from the whole of Europe. The primary PM2.5 emissions in the whole of Europe and in more detail in Finland were evaluated using the inventory of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and the Finnish Regional Emission Scenario model (FRES), respectively. The emission-exposure relationships for different primary PM2.5 emission source categories in Finland have been previously evaluated and these values incorporated as intake fractions into the integrated assessment model. The primary PM2.5 exposure-response functions and toxicity differences for the pollution originating from different source categories were estimated in an expert elicitation study performed by six European experts on air pollution health effects. The primary PM2.5 emissions from Finnish and other European sources were estimated for the population of Finland in 2000 to be responsible for 209 (mean, 95% confidence interval 6–739) and 357 (mean, 95% CI 8–1482) premature deaths, respectively. The inclusion of emission-exposure and toxicity variation into the model increased the predicted relative importance of traffic related primary PM2.5 emissions and correspondingly, decreased the predicted relative importance of other emission source categories. We conclude that the variations of emission-exposure relationship and toxicity between various source categories had significant impacts for the assessment on premature deaths caused by primary PM2.5.  相似文献   

Submicron particles were collected from June to September 2008 in La Jolla, California to investigate the composition and sources of atmospheric aerosol in an anthropogenically-influenced coastal site. Factor analysis of aerosol mass spectrometry (AMS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy measurements revealed that the two largest sources of submicron organic mass (OM) at the sampling site were (1) fossil fuel combustion associated with ship and diesel truck emissions near the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and (2) aged smoke from large wildfires burning in central and northern California. During non-fire periods, fossil fuel combustion contributed up to 95% of FTIR OM, correlated to sulfur, and consisted mostly of alkane (86%) and carboxylic acid groups (9%). During fire periods, biomass burning contributed up to 74% of FTIR OM, consisted mostly of alkane (48%), ketone (25%), and carboxylic acid groups (17%), and correlated to AMS-derived factors resembling brush fire smoke, wood smoldering and flaming particles, and biogenic secondary organic aerosol. The two AMS-derived biomass burning factors were identified as oxygenated and hydrocarbon biomass burning aerosol on the basis of spectral similarities to smoldering and flaming smoke particles, respectively. In addition, the ratio of oxygenated to hydrocarbon biomass burning OM shows a clear diurnal trend with an afternoon peak, consistent with photochemical oxidation. Back trajectory analysis indicates that 2–4-day old forest fire emissions include substantial ketone groups, which have both lower O/C and lower m/z 44/OM fraction than carboxylic acid groups. Air masses with more than 4-day old emissions have higher carboxylic acid/ketone group ratios, showing that atmospheric processing of these ketone-containing organic aerosol particles results in increased m/z 44 and O/C. These observations may provide functionally-specific evidence for the type of chemical processing that is responsible for biomass burning particle composition in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

In February and March 2000, several uncontrolled forest and grassland fires occurred in the municipalities of Campana and Zarate (100 km north of Buenos Aires, Argentina). The biomass burning emitted a large amount of smoke particulates, which caused dense fog and visibility impairment in the nearby area. From 18 to 19 March, the smoke was transported towards the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (BAMA), resulting in a prolonged reduction of visibility. This feature was supported by a build-up of the Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) and deposited particulate matter mass observed in BAMA. This paper examines the prevailing meteorological situation that produced the smoke transport towards BAMA. An anticyclone, displaced easterly over the interest area by a frontal low-pressure system, produced low-level ventilation conditions that favoured the transport and the smoke persistence in BAMA. The transport of particles and the behaviour of their normalised concentrations were simulated adequately by a regional dispersion model.  相似文献   

Multi-year inventories of carbonaceous aerosol emissions from biomass open burning at a high spatial resolution of 0.5° × 0.5° have been constructed in China using GIS methodology for the period 1990-2005. Black carbon (BC) emissions have increased by 383.03% at an annual average rate of 25.54% from 14.05 Gg in 1990 to 67.87 Gg in 2005; while organic carbon (OC) emissions have increased by 365.43% from 57.37 Gg in 1990 to 267.00 Gg in 2005. Through the estimation period, OC/BC ratio for biomass burning was averagely 4.09, suggesting that it was not the preferred control source from a climatic perspective. Spatial distribution of BC and OC emissions were similar, mainly concentrated in three northeastern provinces, central provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui and Henan, and southern provinces of Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan and Sichuan basin, covering 24.89% of China’s territory, but were responsible for 63.38% and 67.55% of national BC and OC emissions, respectively.  相似文献   

Bushfires, prescribed burns, and residential wood burning are significant sources of fine particles (aerodynamic diameter <2.5 μm; PM2.5) affecting the health and well-being of many communities. Despite the lack of evidence, a common public health recommendation is to remain indoors, assuming that the home provides a protective barrier against ambient PM2.5. The study aimed to assess to what extent houses provide protection against peak concentrations of outdoor PM2.5 and whether remaining indoors is an effective way of reducing exposure to PM2.5. The effectiveness of this strategy was evaluated by conducting simultaneous week-long indoor and outdoor measurements of PM2.5 at 21 residences in regional areas of Victoria, Australia. During smoke plume events, remaining indoors protected residents from peak outdoor PM2.5 concentrations, but the level of protection was highly variable, ranging from 12% to 76%. Housing stock (e.g., age of the house) and ventilation (e.g., having windows/doors open or closed) played a significant role in the infiltration of outdoor PM2.5 indoors. The results also showed that leaving windows and doors closed once the smoke plume abates trapped PM2.5 indoors and increased indoor exposure to PM2.5. Furthermore, for approximately 50% of households, indoor sources such as cooking activities, smoking, and burning candles or incense contributed significantly to indoor PM2.5.

Implications: Smoke from biomass burning sources can significantly impact on communities. Remaining indoors with windows and doors closed is a common recommendation by health authorities to minimize exposures to peak concentrations of fine particles during smoke plume events. Findings from this study have shown that the protection from fine particles in biomass burning smoke is highly variable among houses, with information on housing age and ventilation status providing an approximate assessment on the protection of a house. Leaving windows closed once a smoke plume abates traps particles indoors and increases exposures.  相似文献   

PM1 aerosol characterization on organic tracers for biomass burning (levoglucosan and its isomers and dehydroabietic acid) was conducted within the AERTRANS project. PM1 filters (N?=?90) were sampled from 2010 to 2012 in busy streets in the urban centre of Madrid and Barcelona (Spain) at ground-level and at roof sites. In both urban areas, biomass burning was not expected to be an important local emission source, but regional emissions from wildfires, residential heating or biomass removal may influence the air quality in the cities. Although both areas are under influence of high solar radiation, Madrid is situated in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula, while Barcelona is located at the Mediterranean Coast and under influence of marine atmospheres. Two extraction methods were applied, i.e. Soxhlet and ASE, which showed equivalent results after GC-MS analyses. The ambient air concentrations of the organic tracers for biomass burning increased by an order of magnitude at both sites during winter compared to summer. An exception was observed during a PM event in summer 2012, when the atmosphere in Barcelona was directly affected by regional wildfire smoke and levels were four times higher as those observed in winter. Overall, there was little variation between the street and roof sites in both cities, suggesting that regional biomass burning sources influence the urban areas after atmospheric transport. Despite the different atmospheric characteristics in terms of air relative humidity, Madrid and Barcelona exhibit very similar composition and concentrations of biomass burning organic tracers. Nevertheless, levoglucosan and its isomers seem to be more suitable for source apportionment purposes than dehydroabietic acid. In both urban areas, biomass burning contributions to PM were generally low (2 %) in summer, except on the day when wildfire smoke arrive to the urban area. In the colder periods the contribution increase to around 30 %, indicating that regional biomass burning has a substantial influence on the urban air quality.  相似文献   

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