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基于风险的检测技术(RBI)是目前化工行业逐渐采用并得到认可的一种新的设备检测技术。在对RBI体系研究的基础上,阐述了RBI的系统思想、实施步骤与应用价值;在工艺危害性分析的基础上,采用挪威船级社的ORBIT Onshore软件对常减压装置进行了定量RBI分析,识别出装置设备和管道的主要腐蚀损伤模式,确定设备和管道的风险大小分布以及风险检测策略;并根据RBI在化工等行业企业的应用实践对RBI技术在我国应用过程中存在的不足提出了相关改进建议。  相似文献   

基于对国内外主要路面标线用玻璃珠标准的分析,论述了影响路面标线用玻璃珠质量的技术指标的相关测试技术,同时分类说明了不同测试技术发展的趋势。结果表明:路面标线用玻璃珠测试技术主要围绕外观质量、成圆率、粒径分布等11类性能指标展开,其中外观质量、粒径分布、折射率、耐蚀性为主要关注项目;耐水性等成熟的测试技术在各类标准中的相关技术内容基本相同;外观质量、成圆率、粒径分布3项测试技术的未来的研究方向是利用体视学的方法对其进行综合测试;用二次彩虹法替代浸油法是路面标线用玻璃珠折射率测试的发展方向,该方法研究的关键技术点在于光源的选择和如何将玻璃珠显现的二次彩虹影像准确、快速、定量地转换为折射率信息;新型涂层测试技术的深入研究、重金属测试方法的优选、玻璃珠组合型逆反射颗粒的测试参数的选取等相关工作需要进一步加强。  相似文献   

内蒙古生态建设状况综合评价与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据国家林业局提出的评估生态建设状况的量化方法,结合内蒙古生态建设的现状,选取了森林、荒漠、水土流失、生物多样性、湿地、草原、农田、城市生态状况等8项指标来判断内蒙古的生态建设状况.在运用专家打分法和生态综合指数评价模型确定各指标权重和计算其生态综合指数的基础上,对自治区近5 a的生态建设状况进行了综合评价与分析.内蒙古生态综合指数经计算为1.05,表明自治区的生态建设形势和全国一样,处于生态治理与生态破坏的相持阶段,且其判断指标大多处于相持状态,有的已处于治理大于破坏阶段.  相似文献   

风险严重度指数法在毒气泄漏评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价某区域或某设备潜在的毒气泄漏事故场景的风险水平,以对不同的风险等级进行风险控制和安全规划,详细介绍了工业事故风险评估方法ARAMIS所采用的风险严重度指数法.首先基于事故频率和后果的风险矩阵选取毒气泄漏事故场景;然后运用毒气当量浓度计算任意暴露时间下不同风险严重度等级所对应的特征距离,并根据同一风险等级内风险严重度指数与距离的线性关系计算任意点的风险严重度指数;最后应用1个实例分析了考虑所研究区域的风向概率后对风险严重度指数的真实影响,便于工厂或企业识别不同的风险等级,进行不同场景下风险水平的对比性研究,为其安全设计及风险分析提供了一种新的评估方法.  相似文献   

为确定石油化工装置与暴露目标间的合理安全距离,对国内外安全距离确定方法进行研究,以个体风险标准值和不同危害的伤害阈值为基础,提出确定石油化工装置与暴露目标间安全距离的基本原则。在此基础上,将确定性分析方法和基于风险的方法进行结合,形成石油化工装置与暴露目标安全距离的评估方法。该方法利用暴露目标的个体风险标准选择危害事件,并定义安全距离种类,根据"伤害标准"或"无伤害标准",采取确定性分析方法的方式,确定危害事件与不同暴露目标间的安全距离。应用示例展示该方法在石油化工装置安全距离确定中的应用。  相似文献   

研究基于风险指数RI的选址评价方法,确定评价方法的框架和程序,并将该评价方法用于某拟建LNG储备库的选址.结果表明,沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸在拟建LNG储备库可能发生的事故中的后果最严重.以沸腾液体扩展蒸汽爆炸的计算结果为依据,在GIS中对LNG储备库进行缓冲区分析,得到直观显示的事故影响区域和影响对象.计算拟建LNG储备库的选址风险并与可接受风险水平进行比较,确定选址的合理性且适当调整周边布局.研究表明,基于风险指数RI的选址评价方法对合理确定重大工程选址是切实可行的.  相似文献   

随着我国交通事业的快速发展以及煤炭资源消耗量的日益增加,矿区高等级公路网络越来越密集,高等级公路下采煤已成为必然趋势。而近年来由于路下采煤对公路造成破坏的案例频频出现,这不仅给国家造成严重的经济损失,而且也对人民的生命财产安全构成威胁。针对我国公路下压煤量较大,矿区公路破坏现象严重,采动影响下公路路基路面观测站布设方法研究甚少的现状,根据高等级公路路基路面自身的特点,分析了地下开采对矿区公路路基路面造成的破坏形式,并根据预计结果,提出了开采影响下高等级公路路基路面观测站的布设方法,并以某矿区一高等级公路为例,通过FLAC3D数值模拟,提取路基路面上原设计观测点的移动变形值,并将其与实测值进行对比。结果表明:二者的最大下沉值仅相差200mm,在误差允许范围内。这为说明和验证上述提出方法的正确性和合理性提供了依据。此外,为了预防和减少事故的发生、保护劳动者人身财产安全,提出了采动影响下公路路基路面的保护措施。  相似文献   

基于巡检的高速公路桥梁安全监测与维护研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
针对高速公路桥梁安全评价与维护的需要,在对现行高速公路桥梁安全监测、数据处理方法分析的基础上,应用设备状态监测原理,提出高速公路桥梁安全监测及安全趋势预测的方法。根据我国目前公路桥梁养护技术规范、高速公路桥梁养护运行模式,构建由人、物、理、程四部分组成的基于巡检的高速公路桥梁安全监测与维护体系,该体系实施过程分为准备、巡检、分析和维护4个阶段,即,在不影响高速公路桥梁正常运营下,通过巡检获取桥梁关键部位的状态参数并进行分析和评价桥梁状态,由专家系统或专家评价桥梁病害类型和维护方案。该体系还可对桥梁安全状态进行预判,满足高速公路桥梁预防性养护的需求,其实施将有助于提高高速公路桥梁的管理与维护水平。  相似文献   

浮式储存和再气化装置(FSRU)运行过程中易导致火灾爆炸等事故的发生,为有效评估FSRU作业过程火灾爆炸危险性,采用火灾爆炸危险指数评估法,对运用FSRU的某浮式LNG接收终端进行危险性评估;选取LNG运输船与FSRU装料作业等9个单元,研究确定了一般工艺危险性系数、特殊工艺危险性系数、安全措施补偿系数等参数,得出了补偿前后的火灾爆炸危险性指数,有效评估了FSRU作业过程火灾爆炸危险性,并基于研究结果提出了保障FSRU作业安全的对策措施与建议。研究结果表明,安全措施补偿前,缘于LNG/NG本身的火灾危险性和数量较大,能量高度集中,LNG运输船与FSRU装料作业等单元的火灾爆炸危险等级均达到了“非常大”;在采取了一系列的安全措施补偿后,火灾爆炸危险指数降低了3/5左右。这对系统深入地研究FSRU作业安全具有较重要的理论意义和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

随着国家公路网的不断完善,人们生活水平提高,公路车流量逐年加大,公路养护部门的日常养护任务量逐年增加。面对养护任务重、路面病害多且复杂的养护实际,如何做到安全施工,有效降低施工路段社会车辆拥堵、社会车辆失控闯入作业区造成养护人员伤亡等风险,一直是管养人员和司乘人员关注的焦点问题。鉴于此,笔者结合近年全国干线公路养护工程施工安全管理趋势及在干线公路养护工程施工现场安全管理的实践,提出了公路养护工程施工前、中、后现场安全管理中存在的问题及解决方法的建议,以供读者参考。  相似文献   

针对当前配电设备采用的定期检修方式未将可靠性与经济性综合考虑的问题,提出1种基于风险评估结果确定配电设备状态检修决策的方法。首先,根据配电设备健康状态评估结果计算配电设备实时健康指数,利用指数模型对配电设备的实时故障率进行计算;然后,采用最小路法计算配网中所有设备的平均实时故障率,并结合停电时用户损失严重度、配电设备损失严重度和环境损失严重度确定配电设备故障后果严重度;最后,利用风险偏好型效用函数量化计算配电设备的经济运行风险水平,计算各配电设备的相对风险值,并以相对风险值为指标确定各配电设备的状态检修策略。结合算例对所提的方法进行验证,结果表明该方法合理有效。  相似文献   

The overall objective of the maintenance process is to increase the profitability of the operation and optimize the total life cycle cost without compromising safety or environmental issues. Risk assessment integrates reliability with safety and environmental issues and therefore can be used as a decision tool for preventive maintenance planning. Maintenance planning based on risk analysis minimizes the probability of system failure and its consequences (related to safety, economic, and environment). It helps management in making correct decisions concerning investment in maintenance or related field. This will, in turn, result in better asset and capital utilization.

This paper presents a new methodology for risk-based maintenance. The proposed methodology is comprehensive and quantitative. It comprises three main modules: risk estimation module, risk evaluation module, and maintenance planning module. Details of the three modules are given. A case study, which exemplifies the use of methodology to a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, is also discussed.  相似文献   

以JL污水处理厂设备管理优化过程为例,充分吸取LCC,TPM中的先进思想,以设备运行可靠性及设备维护经济性为追求目标,建立了设备管理优化体系。流程体系上,通过建立作业指导文件,建立标准化维修程序,对于操作过程及时进行记录,建立可视化、可追溯的管理方法;指标体系上,根据设备重要性及运行状况,确定设备风险指数,分级管理;建立控制指标,并动态调整;管控体系上,建立设备“户口”,对设备的维护、保养、使用等信息进行全面登记;考核设备维护的全面性、及时性、可靠性、合规性;重视设备维护的预计与预警;技术体系上,通过设备监测仪器的使用,对设备运行状况定量化。通过不断推进设备预防性维护工作,设备完好率不断提升,仪表完好率从2016年的97.34%,96.55%水平,分别提升至99.08%,98.72%;维护费用也保持在较低水平,检修费与资产比例在实施的前两年分别降至1.49%,0.85%,实现了污水处理厂节能降耗及运行可靠性的强化。  相似文献   

事故定性分析与事故定量预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了影响事故预测准确的原因,综述了国内外许多学者在事故预测方面所做的努力。指出今后事故预测工作的主要途径是由安全系统工程专家建立计算机支持的决策支持系统(DSS),由安全专家灵活运用这个系统中的计算机辅助研究方法(CAR)。  相似文献   

针对军用危险品储运安全所面临的严峻形势,将危害分析和临界控制点(HACCP)方法的预防性管理思想应用在军用危险品的储运管理中。在对某军用危险品仓库储运作业流程分析的基础上,得出各个环节的潜在危害,依据危害对储运安全的影响程度,确定作业中的关键控制点及控制限值。最后针对各个作业环节的潜在危害和关键点,提出预防危害的措施。基于HACCP方法的军用危险品储运管理体系,实现对储运作业各个环节关键点的有效控制,为部队在该领域的安全管理提供了新的思路,具有普遍的应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper describes how a condition-based maintenance plan was developed for a combined-cycle power plant at a medium-sized Italian refinery. Including forecasting activities in the maintenance cycle achieved the dual goal of identifying any need for measures ahead of the deadlines established for routine preventive maintenance in the event of alarm conditions being detected, and of postponing any scheduled measures in the event of the components in question still being in good condition. Soft computing tools were experimentally used to achieve these objectives. Recurrent neural nets and neuro-fuzzy systems were used to ensure that the assessment of the trends of the global values was effective in determining the time remaining before the next outage period was needed. Using these tools enabled an accurate prediction of the values of the vibrations on rotating machinery based on the values of the operating parameters given as input.The plan was part of a maintenance management scheme seen as a container of inspection activities providing the foundations for systematically organizing certain servicing measures (e.g. the replacement of bearings, or alignments on rotating machinery, etc.), and to prevent sudden breakdown situations.  相似文献   

Predictive maintenance (PdM) focuses on failure prediction in order to prevent failure in advance and offer sufficient information to improve inherent safety and maintenance planning. A novel opportunistic predictive maintenance-decision (OPM) method integrating of machinery prognostic and opportunistic maintenance model is proposed in this paper to indicate the optimal maintenance time with minimal cost and safety constrains. DBN-HAZOP model quantifies hazard and operability analysis by dynamic Bayesian networks to provide prospective degradation trends of each component and the overall system for maintenance decision making. It is developed by integrating the prior knowledge of the interactions and dependencies among components and also the external environment, while the online condition monitoring data which is further to update the parameters of the model. Based on the future degradation trends given by DBN-HAZOP model, a local optimal proactive maintenance practice can be determined for each component by minimizing the expected maintenance cost per time unit. Understanding that for a complex system, whenever one of the components stops to perform a predictive maintenance action, the whole complex system must be stopped, at this moment, PdM opportunities arise for the other degraded components in the system at a reduced additional cost. Therefore, this paper further proposes an opportunistic PdM strategy for global cost optimization of predictive maintenance for the whole system, which considers failure probabilities, repair costs, down time cost and set-up cost. Case studies are given throughout to show how this approach works, and the sensitivity of the results to some of the driving cost parameters has also been examined.  相似文献   

This work was developed with the support of MEMC, one of the most important producers of ultra-pure silicon wafers for electronic applications throughout the world. The availability of ultra-pure water is of prime importance in the silicon production process. In order to maximize the availability of UP water, MEMC has developed a preventive maintenance program and a detailed record of each maintenance intervention is recorded. This has allowed a complete failure rate data bank to be developed. In order to optimize the maintenance intervention, a Recursive Operability Analysis (ROA) has been used as a decision support tool. The results of the ROA, coupled with the failure rates, have made it possible to calculate the expected number of events (ENE) of various top events (TEs). The magnitude of each TE has been estimated on the basis of the monetary losses provoked by each event. The risk then has been calculated and the events ranked on this basis. Maintenance policies have been optimized with the aim of reducing the risk of the top ranked events.  相似文献   

重点论述基于地理信息系统 (GIS)的城市路面管理信息系统 (UPMIS)安全设计的主要思路。即对城市道路具体路面的有关属性编码之后 ,通过GIS信息平台将路面空间属性与路面属性数据联系起来生成路面空间信息系统。从而使路面的管理与道路的地理信息相结合 ,使管理更加直接、形象。并且将研究应用到秦皇岛市路面管理系统的设计中 ,效果很好。笔者通过研究 ,为城市道路信息可视化管理作一些有益的探索。  相似文献   

Petrochemical plants and refineries consist of hundreds of pieces of complex equipment and machinery that run under rigorous operating conditions and are subjected to deterioration over time due to aging, wear, corrosion, erosion, fatigue and other reasons. These devices operate under extreme operating pressures and temperatures, and any failure may result in huge financial consequences for the operating company. To minimize the risk and to maintain operational reliability and availability, companies adopt various maintenance strategies. Shutdown or turnaround maintenance is one such strategy. In general, shutdown for inspection and maintenance is based on the original equipment manufacturer's (OEM) suggested recommended periods. However, this may not be the most optimum strategy given that operating conditions may vary significantly from company to company.The framework proposed in this work estimates the risk-based shutdown interval for inspection and maintenance. It provides a tool for maintenance planning and decision making by considering the probability of the equipment or system for failure and the likely consequences that may follow. The novel risk-based approach is compared with the conventional fixed interval approach. This former approach, characterized as it is by optimized inspection, maintenance and risk management, leads to extended intervals between shutdowns. The result is the increase in production and the consequent income of millions of dollars.The proposed framework is a cost effective way to minimize the overall financial risk for asset inspection and maintenance while fulfilling safety and availability requirements.  相似文献   

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