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Macrobenthic sampling of a transect of six stations on the North coast of Central Java in October 1985 revealed three distinct communities which can be regarded as paraliels of those from north temperate waters: (i) An Amphioplus (Lymanella) laevis/Lovenia sp. community parallel with the Amphiura chiajei/Brissopsis lyrifera community. (ii) A Tellinides timorensis community parallel with Tellina spp. communities. (iii) A Laciolina philippinarum community parallel with Macoma spp. communities. A strict comparison of the structure of the first two of these communities with their counterparts in England shows that within-habitat diversity is similar in both regions. Diversity at two shallower subtidal stations is higher than at two deeper stations: this is attributed to the effects of natural, low-level, physical disturbance which maintains the communities in a sub-climax stage. Total abundance and biomass of the macrobenthic fauna was lower at the Javanese stations than in their temperate counterparts.  相似文献   

Sams MA  Keough MJ 《Ecology》2012,93(5):1153-1163
The species composition, density, and frequency of recruitment into any given habitat are highly variable in most biological systems that rely on dispersive propagules (larvae, seeds, spores, etc.). There are few direct experimental studies of how recruitment variation between single species influences the composition and assembly of whole communities in many of these systems. We manipulated recruitment of a variety of single taxa and followed their effects on the subsequent development of hard-substrate communities of sessile animals living in temperate marine waters. The effects of recruitment on communities were complex. Patterns of recruitment of individual species influenced community structure, but these effects varied greatly depending on the identity of species recruits, the time of community development, and location across three different sites. Variable recruitment of arborescent bryozoans and didemnid ascidians had little effect on community structure. At one site, recruitment of the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri had short-lived effects on community structure, while barnacles had more persistent effects. At another site, recruitment of B. schlosseri and the bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata had strong persistent effects on community structure, dominating space where they recruited and influencing the abundances of a variety of different taxa. Differences in the effects of species recruitment on communities appear to be caused by differences between the ecology and life history of recruiting species as well as differences in background processes between sites. These results demonstrate that discrete recruitment events that vary between single species can be important drivers of community composition but are likely to be heavily influenced by the local environment, even within a single species.  相似文献   

Further empirical data are presented to evaluate the method of detecting pollution-induced disturbance in marine benthic communities by a comparison of the distribution of numbers of individuals among species with the distribution of biomass among species. A suggested abbreviated name for the technique is the ABC method (abundance biomass comparison). Application of the technique to new data shows that it is a sensitive indicator of natural physical and biological disturbance as well as pollution-induced disturbance over both spatial and temporal scales. Changes in the configuration of ABC plots during ecological succession are the reverse of those resulting from increased pollution levels. The technique should also be applicable to intertidal sediments, where physical disturbance of the sediment by waves does not appear to preclude its utility.  相似文献   

Marine plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. Although there has been a surge in global investment for implementing interventions to mitigate plastic pollution, there has been little attention given to the cost of these interventions. We developed a decision support framework to identify the economic, social, and ecological costs and benefits of plastic pollution interventions for different sectors and stakeholders. We calculated net cost as a function of six cost and benefit categories with the following equation: cost of implementing an intervention (direct, indirect, and nonmonetary costs) minus recovered costs and benefits (monetary and nonmonetary) produced by the interventions. We applied our framework to two quantitative case studies (a solid waste management plan and a trash interceptor) and four comparative case studies, evaluating the costs of beach cleanups and waste-to-energy plants in various contexts, to identify factors that influence the costs of plastic pollution interventions. The socioeconomic context of implementation, the spatial scale of implementation, and the time scale of evaluation all influence costs and the distribution of costs across stakeholders. Our framework provides an approach to estimate and compare the costs of a range of interventions across sociopolitical and economic contexts.  相似文献   

Marine pollution and coastal degradation have become serious development issues in the Caribbean. Early evidence of marine pollution was mainly anecdotal, but within the last 10--15 years, work conducted by universities and research institutions in the Region has provided the beginnings of a database that identifies several common marine pollution problems. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the Pan American World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) have also been instrumental in co-ordinating several marine pollution studies. In the English-speaking Caribbean, the University of the West Indies, the Institute of Marine Affairs in Trinidad and Tobago, and the Caribbean Environmental Health Institute located in St Lucia, have taken a lead role in identifying marine pollution problems in their Sub-Region. For the Wider Caribbean a database for petroleum pollution and marine debris has been developed. Land-based sources of marine pollution have been identified as a major problem, with several hot spots identified in mainland countries and in some of the larger industrialised islands. Organic and nutrient pollution, particularly from sewage, is most widespread and is possibly the most serious marine pollution problem in the Caribbean. A lack of capital investment funds to install the appropriate infrastructure to deal with sewage and other liquid effluents is a major stumbling block to solving the problem of marine pollution in the Caribbean. Other factors include political will and administrative and legal structures to regulate human development activities.  相似文献   

This paper develops a model to aid Coast Guard managers in formulating appropriate policies with respect to planning for various types of equipment required to contain major pollution incidents. The model is elaborated in terms of three primary stages of response: offloading, containment, and removal. The zero order rule of chance constrained programming is used to obtain a deterministic equivalent of the original chance constrained model. This is then replaced by a goal programming formulation to allow for plans that come “as close as possible” to desired quality and risk levels for each pertinent region and type of incident. Numerical examples illustrate potential uses of the model with special emphasis on its value for budgetary (equipment) planning by central management that extends to evaluation of risk and performance quality levels, as well as the usual dual evaluator approaches for evaluating initially prescribed levels for equipment and their efficiency coefficients.  相似文献   

Variations in meristic characters occur within and between samples of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forsskal) collected on June 1977 from five localities in Philippine waters. The unbranched anal and ventral fin rays are the most plastic, and vertebral number is the most stable of nine meristic characters examined. The number of ventral fin rays is the only meristic feature which differed consistently enough to suggest distinct population groups: South China Sea, comprising samples from Ilocos and Panay Island; Pacific Ocean from Bicol; and Celebes Sea, from Zamboanga and Davao. A discriminant analysis which incorporated generalized distance (Mahanalobis D2) and percent overlap of a reduced set of characters indicated several morphometric subgroups of milkfish in Philippine waters, although geographic subgroups were not clearly demonstrated.SEAFDEC Contribution No. 218  相似文献   

In an experimental study on the effect of parrotfish (probably Scarus taeniurus) grazing on the structure of benthic reef communities, fishes in densities of 0.6 to 1.5 parrotfish per m2 or 9 to 17 g wet weight of fish per m2 of feeding surface were found to have an optimum effect, resulting in the greatest benthic species richness and biomass on 2-dimensional surfaces. The presence of refuges (3-dimensional habitats), however, has a greater impact on bemthic community structure (number of species and biomass) than does just the density of parrotfish in such an experimental system. Coral recruitment is enhanced by the presence of refuges and, like coralline algae, is more successful under increased grazing pressure. These optimum densities of parrotfishes relate well to observed field densities where, in a collection from a Hawaiian patch reef, there were 1.1 fish or 10.8 g wet weight of parrotfish per square meter of collection area. The success of coralline algae and corals under high grazing pressure may have important consequences for the stability and structure of modern coral reefs.  相似文献   

Bioturbation by thalassinidean sandprawns is known to structure soft-bottom communities, and field observations have suggested that the sandprawn Callianassa kraussi is a significant force influencing macrofaunal communities. To investigate causal relationships, a field experiment was undertaken in Durban Bay, South Africa, in which experimental cages were used to exclude or include C. kraussi and the abundance of macrofauna in these treatments documented. Cage effects were assessed by comparing macrofauna in inclusion cages with that of unmanipulated areas containing high densities of C. kraussi equivalent to those in inclusion cages. Measurements were made in 3 months, in March, June and September 2005. Total abundance and species richness of macrofauna were significantly greater in exclusion cages than in inclusion treatments during all sampling seasons, while diversity differed between these treatments in June and September only. Ordinations indicated that macrofaunal assemblages in exclusion cages differed statistically from inclusion and control treatments in all three sampling seasons. In general, the surface-grazing gastropod Nassarius kraussianus and suspension and deposit-feeding species such as the polychaetes Prionospio sexoculata and Desdemona ornata, cumaceans, and the bivalves Dosinia hepatica and Eumarcia paupercula were significantly more abundant in prawn-exclusion plots, implying that they are negatively affected by bioturbation by C. kraussi, whereas burrowing infauna were not affected.  相似文献   

This paper presents services and systems developed in the FP6 InterRisk (Interoperable GMES Services for Environmental Risk Management in Marine and Coastal Areas of Europe) project, which addresses the need for better access to information for risk management in Europe, both in cases of natural hazards and industrial accidents. The overall objective of the project is to develop a pilot system for interoperable GMES monitoring and forecasting services for environmental management in marine and coastal areas. This pilot system is based on established and widely adopted web-GIS standards, in line with INSPIRE recommendations. The pilot is comprised of, among other things, a portal and a web-GIS map viewer, both developed using open source tools. Providers using commercial tools adhering to the adopted standards, however, can also deliver products to the InterRisk pilot. The InterRisk services and system are based on a combination of free and commercial software, and have been demonstrated to end-users in three European areas: Norwegian, UK and Irish waters, and German and Polish waters. Products and services offered in these areas are presented, along with an outline of the technical development of web-GIS clients and portals.
Torill HamreEmail:

This study (1975–1977) examines the effect of man-made structures on natural sand bottom communities in shallow water in San Diego County, southern California, USA. While there were shallow scour effects to 15 m around some artificial reefs, the reefs had no measurable effect on sand ripple patterns, grain size, organic carbon or infauna beyond the scoured areas. Foraging by reef-associated fishes produced profound alterations in the epifauna populations of the sea pen Stylatula elongata. The sea pen densities were 4 to 10 m-2 before the reefs were established, but within 5 mo were eliminated from distances greater than 200 m around the reefs. On the other hand, densities of the tube-building polychaetes Diopatra spp. seemed to be enhanced in the immediate vicinity of the artificial reef. Oil platforms and bridge pilings seem to have much more profound effects on the nearby sand communities than do the relatively small artificial reefs. In addition to the elimination of sea pens, Diopatra spp. densities increased from <1.0 m-2 in control areas to as many as 73 m-2 in the vicinity of oil platforms. Grain size and infauna were strongly affected by the oil platform.  相似文献   

Epidemiological research underlying US air quality regulations documents significant associations between measures of fine particles and premature mortality. Recent studies examine potential mechanistic pathways, related to heart and lung functioning, that may contribute to the observed deaths. Our results support these pathophysiological analyses. We examine whether the onset of serious health conditions, consistent with disease pathways, is related to current and long-term exposure to particulate matter and ozone. Associations between air pollution and alternative indicators of health status are also evaluated. The 1996 wave of the Health and Retirement Study is used with a two-step estimator acknowledging limitations in our ability to measure individual exposures. The findings suggest significant current and long-term effects of particulates on new cases of heart attacks and angina, reinforcing the disease pathways identified in epidemiological studies. Long-term air pollution exposure is also a determinant of recently diagnosed chronic lung conditions and reports of shortness of breath.  相似文献   

Secondary production of a macrobenthic community at an intertidal mudflat was estimated for 33 successive months. Sampling was carried out along a eutrophication gradient, including non-eutrophied Zostera meadows, an intermediate muddy area, and a strongly eutrophied sand-muddy flat, where macroalgal blooms of Enteromorpha spp. usually occur. The Zostera meadows were always the most productive habitat (145–225 g ash-free dry weight m–2 year–1). In the short term, the macroalgal bloom benefited the total estuarine production by enhancing the annual production in the eutrophied area. Nevertheless, our results show that this increase was short lived and in no way sufficient to match the production in the Zostera meadows. In the long term, the present study provides evidence that the disappearance of macrophyte beds, as a result of ongoing eutrophication, constitutes a major threat to the sustainability of the estuarine ecosystem.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

Inhibitory effects of copper on marine dinoflagellates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of copper on three species of marine dinoflagellates [Scrippsiella faeroense (Paulsen) Balech et Soares, Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg, Gymnodinium splendens Lebour] was studied. It inhibited the growth of all species and was lethal to one species in batch cultures. The effect was more pronounced in semicontinuous culture than in batch cultures. Chlorophyll concentrations and rate of uptake of radioactive carbon by cells of S. faeroense were affected in a manner similar to cell numbers. Copper inhibited growth of cells, most probably either by arresting cell division or by penetrating inside the cell and affecting metabolism.  相似文献   

As the area covered by human-modified environments grows, it is increasingly important to understand the responses of communities to the novel habitats created, especially for sensitive and threatened taxa. We aimed to improve understanding of the major evolutionary and ecological processes that shape the assemblage of amphibian and reptile communities to forest modifications. To this end, we compiled a global data set of amphibian and reptile surveys in natural, disturbed (burned, logged), and transformed (monocultures, polyspecific plantations) forest communities to assess the richness, phylogenetic diversity, and composition of those communities, as well as the morphological disparity among taxa between natural and modified forest habitats. Forest transformations led to a diversity reduction of 15.46% relative to the statistically nonsignificant effect of disturbances. Transformations also led to a community composition that was 39.4% dissimilar to that on natural forests, compared with 16.1% difference in disturbances. Modifications did not affect the morphological disparity of communities (p = 0.167 and 0.744), and we found little evidence of taxon-specific responses to anthropic impacts. Monocultures and polyspecific plantations detrimentally affected the conservation and ecological value of both amphibian and reptile communities and altered the evolutionary processes shaping these communities, whereas forests with lower impact disturbances might, to some extent, serve as reservoirs of species. Although different mechanisms might buffer the collapse of herpetological communities, preserving remaining natural forests is necessary for conserving communities in the face of future anthropic pressures.  相似文献   

S. Piraino  G. Fanelli  F. Boero 《Marine Biology》2002,140(5):1067-1074
The structure and organisation of aquatic communities, moulded in each environment by combinations of abiotic factors, recruitment and productivity rates, rely upon a network of both pairwise and transitive interactions among organisms. In many cases, a few strong interactors drive basic ecological processes by playing a leading role in channelling the available resources. Among these, keystone species may control the outputs of local biodiversity through large indirect effects, disproportionately large relative to their abundance. Functional roles are not fixed labels, and species interactions have variable outputs in both time and space: also, in spite of a growing literature on species interactions, terminology is often poorly applied. This leads to the loss of the informative value of concepts, like the keystone species, which might represent useful trade-offs between science and environmental politics. Species' roles are often used to set taxonomic conservation priorities, although this might even be regarded as unethical, ecologically wrong, or in disregard of the evolutionary meaning of species coexistence and interaction. A re-assessment of species' roles is given here, attempting to highlight their limits and applicability. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-001-0769-2.  相似文献   

A survey of literature and of new information from the author's laboratory is presented concerning the comparative pressure physiology of marine invertebrates and fishes. Short term experiments on littoral marine animals have revealed that the taxonomic groups exhibiting the greatest resistance to high pressures are those with the greatest vertical distributions in the deep sea, namely, echinoderms, molluscs, amphipods, isopods and polychaetes. Shallow water species which possess high thermal and osmotic resistance also show an exceptionally high degree of pressure resistance. The relative differences in genetic pressure resistance of lower marine invertebrates are the same in whole, intact animals and in isolated, surviving tissue pieces. Adaptation of nonregulating euryoecous invertebrates to higher temperatures, higher osmotic concentrations and higher calcium contents of the tissues results in increased pressure resistance. Under pressure, the optimum cellular pH shifts downward to a lower pH range.Lecture presented on October 23, 1967 at Duke University, Marine Laboratory, Beaufort (USA); on November 6, 1967 at the Instituto di Biologia Marinha of the University of São Paulo (Brasil); and on November 8, 1967 at the Institute of Marine Science of the University of Miami (USA).  相似文献   

The potential activity of nitrate reductase was determined in uni-algal cultures in the laboratory and in natural marine phytoplankton assemblages. In the laboratory bioassays, distinct differences in nitrate reductase activity were observed in iron replete versus depleted cultures for Emiliania huxleyi, Isochrysis galbana and Tetraselmis sp. Cells from iron-depleted cultures had 15 to 50 percent lower enzyme activity than those from iron-replete cultures. Upon addition of iron, nitrate reductase activity was enhanced in depleted cells up to levels comparable to those of the replete cells. Bioassays in the northern North Sea conducted in 1993, under low iron conditions, demonstrated similar results. Upon addition of 2.5 nM iron, a distinct enhancement, to a maximum of three times, of nitrate reductase activity was observed within 32 h after addition. Therefore, iron can stimulate nitrate reductase activity. In spite of the clean techniques used, some nitrate reductase activity was always observed. Iron deficiency was shown to impair nitrate reductase activity, but it is unlikely that nitrate reduction would cease completely.  相似文献   

There exists in the literature a presumption that tied foreign aid can be used effectively to reduce cross-border pollution. Focusing, in contrast to the received literature, on the interaction between the public and private provisions of pollution abatement in the recipient country, we question the effectiveness of tied foreign aid in reducing pollution. In this context, we obtain many novel and policy relevant insights. Allowing for changes in labour employment and distinguishing between short and long run effects, tied foreign aid is shown to crowd out the private provision for pollution abatement in the short run. In the long run, tied foreign aid raises employment and therefore may be desirable for the recipient but undesirable for the donor country because it also raises pollution. The results change drastically if only the government provides pollution abatement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain, through the use of an input-output model, the impact of air pollution control costs on income groups in the Philadelphia Region. The range of increases in consumption expenditure was found to be fairly narrow, with the middle-income group bearing the largest increase (2.9%) and the highest and lowest groups slightly lower increases (about 2%). This finding lends support to the proposition that all income groups would probably share the costs of control equally, which leads to a slightly regressive effect on income distribution. The sharing of the region's air quality costs by other areas was also analyzed.  相似文献   

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