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Effects of placer mining on the hydrology and water quality of several interior Alaska streams were studied as part of a project on the impacts of placer mining on stream ecosystems. Surface and subsurface waters were analyzed in the field for conductivity, pH, temperature, alkalinity, total and calcium hardnesses, iron, copper, manganese, ammonia-N, nitrate-N, nitrite-N, settleable solids, and turbidity. Total, nonfiltrable, and filtrable residues were determined in the laboratory. In the streams placer mining increased turbidity, settleable solids, nonfiltrable and filtrable residues and total iron. Surface and subsurface water levels, as measured in wells driven in the stream beds, were correlated with stream flow. Fine sediment deposited on stream beds in mined drainages reduced the hydraulic contact between the surface and subsurface waters of the stream and caused the piezometric water level to be below the surface water level of the mined streams. This resulted in higher specific conductance and significantly lower dissolved oxygen concentrations in the subsurface waters of mined streams compared to their surface waters. No significant differences were found for any water quality characteristics comparing surface to subsurface waters for the unmined streams.  相似文献   

Placer gold mining, which extracts gold from buried or exposed alluvia, is often conducted on or near streams. Such mining has the potential to adversely affect water quality. Other heavy metals associated with the gold (such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, zinc, and copper) may be freed to enter streams. Mercury may also enter streams if miners are using it to recover fine particles of gold. These heavy metals are toxic and thus may be harmful to the aquatic life of the streams receiving effluent or runoff from placer mines. In 1982 we sampled two streams intensively - one heavily mined and one unmined - for total recoverable arsenic, mercury, lead, zinc, and copper. Only mercury was not significantly higher in concentration in the mined streams. In 1983 we sampled two stream pairs three times, and 10 other sites at least once, for total and dissolved arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, zinc, and copper. Mercury and cadmium were not significantly elevated in mined streams, but the concentrations of total arsenic, lead, zinc, and copper, and dissolved arsenic and zinc were significantly higher in streams below active placer mining sites than in these that were not being mined or those that had never been mined. Additionally, total arsenic, lead, zinc, and copper and dissolved arsenic and copper became elevated after mining began in 1983 on a previously unmined stream.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Fairbanks Water Treatment Plant in Fairbanks, Alaska, processes approximately 3 MGD of drinking water using lime softening. Approximately 0.3 MGD of lime-sludge from the treatment process is combined with effluent from a nearby power plant and discharged to the Chena River. There is little information available on the impact of water-treatment sludge discharges, and virtually no information on the impacts of such discharges in polar environments. Concern surrounding the discharge of water treatment sludges have centered on alum-sludge due to the potential toxic effects of aluminum. Because of the relatively benign composition of lime-sludge, very little research has been published. However, there is the possibility that discharge of solids will result in sedimentation, accumulation of solids, and subsequent impacts on benthic organisms. This paper reports on the results of a study to determine if lime-sludge discharge from the water treatment plant is adversely impacting the river environment. The results provide basic information on the important variables of concern in lime-discharges to rivers. Samples from the discharge of the water treatment plant and combined water treatment plant/power plant effluent were collected weekly over a one-year period, and in-stream benthic and water column samples were collected biweekly during the fall and spring. Sediment and water quality data indicate that while significant accumulation of sludge solids is found downstream of the water treatment plant outfall, they are flushed out of the system by spring flows, which are significantly increased by snow melt. This process is most likely repeated on a yearly cycle. Hence, the data suggest that the FMUS water treatment plant's discharge of lime-sludge is probably not adversely impacting the river. More generally, this may indicate that the natural flow variations and sediment-laden characteristics of Arctic, glacier-fed rivers may assimilate large quantities of nonputrescible solids without significant changes in the natural river environment. Further research in this area is required to verify this conclusion.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Turbidity, total residues, settleable solids, vertical light extinction, and primary production were measured in mined and unmined streams located in the interior highlands of Alaska. Undisturbed streams had low turbidities (< 1 NTU), total residue concentrations averaging 120 mg 1?1, and undetectable settleable solids. During active mining, turbidity, total residues, and settleable solids levels in a moderately mined stream averaged 170 NTU, 201 mg 1?1, and < 0.1 ml 1?1, respectively. In a heavily mined stream, turbidity and total residues were two orders of magnitude higher than in unmined streams and settleable solids nearly always exceeded 0.2 ml 1?1. Vertical extinction coefficients and turbidity were positively correlated. In undisturbed streams gross primary productivity (g-O2m?2d?1) ranged from 0.20 shortly after spring breakup to a maximum of 1.20 in early fall. Productivity in the moderately mined stream was reduced by 50 percent while photosynthetic efficiency doubled. Primary production was undetectable in a heavily mined stream. Maximum standing crops of periphyton measured as chlorophyll a occurred in fall in an undisturbed stream after 13 weeks of exposure and ranged from 4.5 to 11.8 mg-chl a m?2. The highest chlorophyll a densities recorded in the moderately mined stream was 3.8 mg m?2, and no chlorophyl a was detected in the heavily mined stream.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The dam impounding White Rock Lake was completed in 1910 to provide water for the City of Dallas. Since then, land use on the watershed has changed from entirely rural to over 77 percent urban. A model called SWRRB (Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins) was utilized to determine the effect of urbanization on water and sediment entering the lake. The simulation results show that, if urbanization had not occurred, then the annual surface runoff would be 135 mm rather than 151 mm and the annual sediment yield would be 4.4 t/ha rather than 4.1 t/ha. Also, the effect of urbanization on delivery ratios was shown and a positive linear correlation was found. Finally, the weather generator in SWRRB was utilized to estimate the loss of reservoir capacity until 2050 for three different land use management scenarios.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Investigations were initiated to evaluate the effects of sedimentation on the algal composition, primary productivity rates and chemical nutrient concentrations of a 17 acre recreational impoundment in central Virginia. Comparisons during the winter seasons of 1972–1973 indicated that as a result of sedimentation, from lake front home construction, the total numbers of algal genera in the lake decreased from 24 to 16, productivity as measured by 14CO2 and total extractable chlorophyll decreased two fold, and several important nutrients, i.e. NH4+-N, SiO2 and PO4-P increased significantly.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Channel instability and aquatic ecosystem degradation have been linked to watershed imperviousness in humid regions of the U.S. In an effort to provide a more process‐based linkage between observed thresholds of aquatic ecosystem degradation and urbanization, standard single event approaches (U.S. Geological Survey Flood Regression Equations and rational) and continuous hydrologic models (HSPF and CASC2D) were used to examine potential changes in flow regime associated with varying levels of watershed imperviousness. The predicted changes in flow parameters were then interpreted in concert with risk‐based models of channel form and instability. Although low levels of imperviousness (10 to 20 percent) clearly have the potential to destabilize streams, changes in discharge, and thus stream power, associated with increased impervious area are highly variable and dependent upon watershed‐specific conditions. In addition to the storage characteristics of the pre‐development watershed, the magnitude of change is sensitive to the connectivity and conveyance of impervious areas as well as the specific characteristics of the receiving channels. Different stream types are likely to exhibit varying degrees and types of instability, depending on entrenchment, relative erodibility of bed and banks, riparian condition, mode of sediment transport (bedload versus suspended load), and proximity to geomorphic thresholds. Nonetheless, simple risk‐based analyses of the potential impacts of land use change on aquatic ecosystems have the potential to redirect and improve the effectiveness of watershed management strategies by facilitating the identification of channels that may be most sensitive to changes in stream power.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper examines irrigation water supply deficit and associated risk indicators due to random climate events and potential effects on irrigated food production during the period 1996 to 2025 for seven river basins in the USA, China, and India. An integrated water and food model with global scope is applied for the analysis. The global climate regime during 1961 to 1990 is used to generate 30 climatic scenarios for the time period 1996 to 2025, and these scenarios are applied to the model in order to characterize the randomness of precipitation, runoff, and evapotranspiration, which affects both irrigation water supply and demand. The risk with random climate events is represented by reliability, variability, and vulnerability from different perspectives. Regarding irrigation water supply, Colorado will bear an increasingly unstable situation although the average water supply relative to the demand will maintain at a relatively high level; selected basins in China and India indicate that significantly lower levels of reliability and more deleterious affects from drought can be expected, but under a less variable condition due to assumed water storage increase. From 1996 to 2025, the effects of water deficits on irrigated food production are characterized with a nonlinear phenomenon and food production loss will be more sensitive to irrigation water supply deficit in the future. Future work following this paper needs to consider the impact of global climate change and the water quality of the irrigation return flow and result verification by local studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between precipitation at the seasonal and annual scale and water discharge per surface area for seven contiguous first - and second-order tributaries of the Rhode River, a small tidal tributary to Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, USA. The goal was to quantify the effects of a wide range of precipitation, representative of inter-annual variations in weather in this region. The discharges measured included both overland storm flows and groundwater, since the aquifers were perched on a clay aquiclude. Precipitation varied from 824 to 1684 mm/yr and area-weighted Rhode River watershed discharge varied from 130 to 669 mm/yr with an average of 332 mm/yr or 29.1 percent of average precipitation. Average annual dis. charges from three first-order watersheds were significantly lower per surface area and varied from 16.0 to 21.9 percent of precipitation. Winter season precipitation varied from 125 to 541 mm. Area-weighted Rhode River winter discharge varied from 26.3 to 230 mm with an average of 115 mm or 43.9 percent of average precipitation. Spring season precipitation varied from 124 to 510 mm and watershed discharge varied from 40.0 to 321 mm with an average of 138 mm or 46.9 percent of average precipitation. In the summer and fall seasons, watershed discharge averaged 40.6 and 40.9 mm or 13.5 and 14.3 percent of average precipitation, respectively. Except in winter, the proportion of precipitation discharged in the streams increased rapidly with increasing volume of precipitation. Stream order showed a higher correlation with volume of discharge than vegetative cover on the watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effects of variable discharges during the summer on the dissolved oxygen (DO) content and water temperature upstream and downstream of the Conowingo Hydroelectric Power Station were investigated. The DO dynamics are controlled primarily by meteorological factors that are independent of the mode of hydrostation operation. DO stratification occurred during the summer in Conowingo Pond, but thermal stratification was not observed. The magnitude and duration of off-peak discharges including a run-of-the-river operation did not affect DO stratification in Conowingo Pond; little vertical mixing occurred. However, strong winds and/or high river flows temporarily destroyed DO stratification. The run-of-the-river operation or off-peak continuous discharge schemes did not provide better DO conditions downstream of the hydrostation than the peaking operation with intermittent off-peak releases. A statistical model predicted that a DO of 5 ppm occurs 0.6 miles downstream of the powerhouse when the natural river flow is consistently greater than 15,000 cfs and water temperature is less than 80°F. A mean daily DO of at least 4 ppm was predicted to occur over 80 percent of the time during the 92-day summer period. Farther downstream (1.3 miles from the powerhouse) a mean daily DO of at least 4 ppm was predicted to occur 90 percent of the time in summer.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Prior to PL95–87 little research had been conducted to determine the impacts of mining and reclamation practices on sediment concentrations and yields on a watershed scale. Furthermore, it was unknown whether sediment yield and other variables would return to undisturbed levels after reclamation. Therefore, three small watersheds, with differing lithologies and soils, were monitored for runoff and suspended sediment concentrations during three phases of watershed disturbances: undisturbed watershed condition, mining and reclamation disturbances, and post‐reclaimed condition. Profound increases in suspended‐sediment concentrations, load rates, and yields due to mining and reclamation activities, and subsequent drastic decreases after reclamation were documented. Even with increases in runoff potential, reductions in suspended‐sediment concentrations and load rates to below or near undisturbed‐watershed levels is possible by using the mulch‐crimping technique and by removing diversions. Maximum concentrations and load rates occurred during times of active disturbances that exposed loose soil and spoil to high‐intensity rains. Sediment concentrations remained elevated compared with the undisturbed watershed when diversions were not well maintained and overtopped, and when they were not removed for final reclamation. Diversions are useful for vegetation establishment, but should be maintained until they are removed for final reclamation after good vegetative cover is established.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydrologic records from six small Eastern Kentucky watersheds were analyzed to determine the effect of surface mining on storm flows and peak flows. Average storm flow volumes were not changed by surface mining, whereas average peak flows were increased 36 percent. Peak flow increases were only in the summer. Smaller peak flows are doubled; moderate ones are increased by about a third; peak flows around 100 csm seem to be largely unaffected; and the larger peak flows may have been reduced by surface mining. The maximum annual storm flows, usually in winter or spring, appeared slightly reduced. No time trend in either storm flows or peak flows could be detected in five years of postmining record. Surface mining is not a serious floodwater discharge problem.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Artificial streams can assist in assessing the potential impact of pollutants on the structure and function of aquatic communities. While most artificial streams are constructed within a controlled environment or are maintained by recirculating water, we constructed a series of artificial streams along a river bank using river water on a once through basis. This system was used to develop and test methods for structural and functional analyses of Aufwuchs communities. Only the flow rate and stream depth were controlled while individual streams were perturbed to obtain communities of altered ecological condition. This experimental system provided a relatively inexpensive series of treated and untreated streams which allowed an evaluation and comparison of methods using communities under various stressed and nonstressed conditions. Without the stabilizing effects of a controlled atmosphere or recirculating water, our approach demonstrated a degree of variability which approached that of the river. We inferred that the Aufwuchs community present in the artificial streams maintained a high degree of structural complexity and functional dynamism, providing a strong test of our methods and an opportunity to examine current ecological theory.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The annual sedimentation rate of lakes and reservoirs is usually not evaluated for changes in depth relative to time. By using a linear regression with depth as the independent variable and annual rate of fill as the dependent variable the effect of changing depths is negated. According to both profile and linear regression analyses, Peoria Lake is filling faster in the more recent of two time spans but Lake Meredosia's increasing sedimentation rate is shown only by a linear regression. The probable cause for increasing sediment loads in the Illinois River is an almost twofold increase in row crop production in Illinois.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The applicability of the U.S Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) water temperature criteria in evaluating the impact of a thermal discharge from the P. H. Glatfelter Paper Company, Spring Grove, Pennsylvania, is analyzed. A review of the literature relative to 11 temperature Criteria was conducted for six fish species designated by the USEPA as “representative important species” (RIS) of the West Branch Codorus Creek, Susquehanna River drainage. The species were: Notemigonus crysolcucas (golden shiner), Notropis analostanus (satinfin shiner), Rhinichthys atratulus (blacknose dace), Catostomus comme-soni (white sucker), Lepomis gibbosus (pumpkinseed). and Micropterous salmoides (largemouth bass). It was found that by applying only USEPA suggested criteria that a complete evaluation was not satisfactory. Temperature behavior data, specifically preference and avoidance information, coupled with field sampliug was needed to properly assess the effects of the thermal effluent. The final analysis indicated that the thermal discharge of the paper company should have minimal effect on the fish community of Codorus Creek.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An assessment of physical conditions in urban streams of the Puget Sound region, coupled with spatially explicit watershed characterizations, demonstrates the importance of spatial scale, drainage network connectivity, and longitudinal downstream trends when considering the effects of urbanization on streams. A rapid stream assessment technique and a multimetric index were used to describe the physical conditions of multiple reaches in four watersheds. Watersheds were characterized using geographic information system (GIS) derived landscape metrics that represent the magnitude of urbanization at three spatial scales and the connectivity of urban land. Physical conditions, as measured by the physical stream conditions index (PSCI), were best explained for the watersheds by two landscape metrics: quantity of intense and grassy urban land in the subwatershed and quantity of intense and grassy urban land within 500 m of the site (R2= 0.52, p > 0.0005). A multiple regression of PSCI with these metrics and an additional connectivity metric (proximity of a road crossing) provided the best model for the three urban watersheds (R2= 0.41, p > 0.0005). Analyses of longitudinal trends in PSCI within the three urban watersheds showed that conditions improved when a stream flowed through an intact riparian buffer with forest or wetland vegetation and without road crossings. Results demonstrate that information on spatial scale and patterns of urbanization is essential to understanding and successfully managing urban streams.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Information is lacking on the watershed scale effects of mining and reclaiming originally undisturbed watersheds for coal on surface water chemical concentrations and load rates for a variety of constituents. These effects were evaluated on three small, geologically dissimilar watersheds subjected to surface mining in Ohio. Comparisons were made between phases of land disturbances using ratios of average concentrations and load rates: Phase 1 (natural), subphases of Phase 2 (mining and reclamation), and subphases of Phase 3 (partial reclamation and final condition) using 4,485 laboratory analyses of 34 constituents. Average concentration and load rate ratios were categorized into three classes—minor, moderate, and substantial. Mining and reclamation (M/R) affected flow duration curves in different ways‐baseflow changes were variable, but high flows generally increased. The average concentration ratios for all sites were classified as 15 percent “minor,” 36 percent “moderate,” and 49 percent “substantial” (average ratio of 2.4.) Generally load rate ratios increased due to mining and reclamation activities (average ratio of 3.3). Minor, moderate, and substantial impacts were found on average for 7 percent, 23 percent, and 70 percent, respectively, of load rate ratios. The impact of M/R on average load rates was not necessarily the same as on average concentrations due to changed hydrology and can be opposite in effect. The evaluation of the impacts of M/R requires knowledge of changing hydrologic conditions and changing supplies and rates of release of chemicals into streams. Median sediment concentration ratio is an indicator of average constituent load rate ratio of a wide variety of chemical constituents and is useful for development of best management practices to reduce chemical loads. The site at which diversion ditches were not removed during final reclamation sustained large chemical load rates, and removal of diversions at the other mined site reduced load rates. Revegetation of poorly reclaimed areas decreased chemical load rates. Chemical load rates were sensitive to geology, mining, and reclamation methods, diversions, and changing hydrology, concentration flow rate regressions, and watershed areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An intensive water quality investigation was conducted in western North Carolina to determine whether water quality problems existed from point and nonpoint source inputs of sediment from surface mining activities. Depth integrated measurements of sediment transport and biological sampling of benthic communities indicated that very serious water quality problems were caused by erosion from a concentrated area of open pit mining for mica, kaolin, and feldspar. The erosion occurred on haul roads, active mines, inactive mines, and tailings disposal piles. The need for using specific “Best Management Practices” for erosion control on the mining operation is discussed. These practices need to be implemented to restore populations of trout to the degraded reaches of the river. Additional monitoring data are presented that indicate that the biological integrity of surface waters can be preserved in the vicinity of point source mining discharges when the operators utilize proper practices in settling and neutralizing their effluent. While much has been done to abate the point source discharges, attention now needs to be focused on the nonpoint sources of sediment from mining operations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The fish communities in three sewage receiving Illinois streams were monitored by electrofishing as treatment changed from secondary with chlorination to secondary without chlorination to tertiary without chlorination over a 40-month period. Degradation of the fish communities was severe during the secondary treatment/chlorination period. When treatment was changed to secondary without chlorination, strong improvements occurred in the fish communities of all streams, and degradation could no longer be demonstrated on the basis of species number. The onset of tertiary treatment resulted in few additional changes in the fish communities, with the possible exception of increased abundance of several species of minnows. Tertiary treatment consisted of nitrification, sand filtration, and, in two streams, phosphorus removal.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We review published analyses of the effects of climate change on goods and services provided by freshwater ecosystems in the United States. Climate-induced changes must be assessed in the context of massive anthropogenic changes in water quantity and quality resulting from altered patterns of land use, water withdrawal, and species invasions; these may dwarf or exacerbate climate-induced changes. Water to meet instream needs is competing with other uses of water, and that competition is likely to be increased by climate change. We review recent predictions of the impacts of climate change on aquatic ecosystems in eight regions of North America. Impacts include warmer temperatures that alter lake mixing regimes and availability of fish habitat; changed magnitude and seasonality of runoff regimes that alter nutrient loading and limit habitat availability at low flow; and loss of prairie pothole wetlands that reduces waterfowl populations. Many of the predicted changes in aquatic ecosystems are a consequence of climatic effects on terrestrial ecosystems; shifts in riparian vegetation and hydrology are particularly critical. We review models that could be used to explore potential effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems; these include models of instream flow, bioenergetics models, nutrient spiraling models, and models relating riverine food webs to hydrologic regime. We discuss potential ecological risks, benefits, and costs of climate change and identify information needs and model improvements that are required to improve our ability to predict and identify climate change impacts and to evaluate management options.  相似文献   

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