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ABSTRACT: ABSTRACT: An automated recording system for evaporation pans was developed to allow continuous analog type recording of pan evaporation. The system incorporates a water reservoir to supply water to the pan and can be left unattended for long periods of time. The system performed well, with very little maintenance, in a field test in northern Utah.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Evaporative heat loss is an essential component of any heat budget used for the modeling of lake water temperatures. Seven evaporative heat loss equations were tested in a year-round, physically-based temperature and dissolved oxygen model for lakes. Deciding which equation to choose for use in the year-round model was based on the goodness of fit of the simulated vs. measured surface temperatures, which were taken at a depth of 1 m below the water surface. An equation which includes free and forced convection components and which was previously used for cooling ponds gave the best fit between temperature simulations and measurements.  相似文献   

Differences in Evaporation Between a Floating Pan and Class A Pan on Land1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Research was conducted to develop a method for obtaining floating pan evaporation rates in a small (less than 10,000 m2) wetland, lagoon, or pond. Floating pan and land pan evaporation data were collected from March 1 to August 31, 2005, at a small natural wetland located in the alluvium of the Canadian River near Norman, Oklahoma, at the U.S. Geological Survey Norman Landfill Toxic Substances Hydrology Research Site. Floating pan evaporation rates were compared with evaporation rates from a nearby standard Class A evaporation pan on land. Floating pan evaporation rates were significantly less than land pan evaporation rates for the entire period and on a monthly basis. Results indicated that the use of a floating evaporation pan in a small free‐water surface better simulates actual physical conditions on the water surface that control evaporation. Floating pan to land pan ratios were 0.82 for March, 0.87 for April, 0.85 for May, 0.85 for June, 0.79 for July, and 0.69 for August.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The importance of evaporation in hydrologic modeling has been investigated by analysis of water budget at various scales and application of a water management model at plot scale. The data at all scales indicate that evaporation constitutes a major hydrological output. Accurate determination of watershed evapotranspiration depends upon appropriate accounting for the various components of evapotranspiration and their areal and temporal variability. An application of a water management model has revealed that the ranking of the sensitivity of input parameters depends upon the method of determination of evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A methodology to estimate the average monthly lake evaporation, E(τ), (month τ=1,12) for fresh water bodies located in the northeast United States is presented. The approach combines analysis of at‐site, lake‐specific vertical water temperature profile data and a previously developed regional air temperature based model approximation of the widely accepted modified Penman energy budget estimate of mean monthly potential evaporation, Ep(τ) (mm/day). The paper presents procedures to develop site‐specific estimates of Ep(τ) and to convert water temperature data to average monthly conductive heat flux, G(τ). With monthly estimates of G(τ), the average monthly potential evaporation, Ep(τ), is then convertible to estimates of the average monthly lake evaporation, E(τ). This new method permits a good estimate of site‐specific lake evaporation rates without the data and computational requirements of the Penman energy budget procedure nor the comparatively expensive, time consuming field eddy correlation approach.  相似文献   

Monthly composites of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices (NDVI), derived from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVILRR), were transformed linearly into monthly evaporation rates and compared with detailed hydrologic-model simulation results for five watersheds across the United States. Model-simulated monthly evaporation values showed high correlations (mean R2= .77) with NDVI-derived evaporation estimates. These latter estimates, used in a classical water balance model, resulted in equally accurate simulations of monthly runoff than when the model was run to estimate monthly evaporation via soil moisture accounting. Comparison of NDVI-derived evaporation estimates with pan data showed promise for transforming NDVI values into evaporation estimates under both wet and water-limiting conditions without resorting to the application of any kind of calibrated hydrologic models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Evapotranspiration from vegetation is generally computed without consideration for early morning energy loss involved in drying wet leaf surfaces. In humid areas where dew formation is frequent, estimation of energy requirements for evaporating dew should be of interest. In this study, sensible heat flux (H) was computed from wind and temperature profile measurements over the study site. A leaf wetness sensor was used to measure the duration of evaporation from an exposed leaf surface, and net radiation was measured with a radiometer. The energy flux during the period of wet leaf surface evaporation was integrated over time. A cattail lysimeter situated at the site indicated the time when evapotranspiration started after wet leaves were dry. The energy requirements to dry an exposed wet leaf surface was estimated using energy balance methods. The mean value based on 44 days of observations from mid February to early May of 1993 indicates that the energy required to evaporate dew from openly exposed wet leaves was 5 percent of the total daily evapotranspiration of cattails with a coefficient of variation of 0.72. The mean time required to evaporate dew from exposed leaf surfaces from the onset of positive net radiation was 78 minutes. The mean dew evaporation in a morning from an exposed leaf surface was 0.16 mm with a maximum value of 0.41 mm. The energy required to dry wet leaves is a factor that should be considered when modeling evapotranspiration at hourly or shorter time intervals. Also, physical evapotranspiration models need to account for energy requirements for drying dew and rainfall wetted leaves.  相似文献   

Thermal infrared radiation data were acquired by the Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM) satellite over the surface area (385 km2) of Utah Lake during periodic overpasses in 1978 and 1979. The thermal infrared data were converted to lake surface temperatures which were subsequently used in correlations with lake evaporation. Correlations between HCMM surface temperature and pan-derived evaporation exceeded r = 0.90 when HCMM night and day/night average temperatures and two-day average evaporation values were tested. Similar regression studies were done using monthly data from a conceptual evaporation model and the evaporation pan versus monthly HCMM temperature data. In this test both the HCMM day and night monthly temperature versus the monthly model or pan evaporation had correlations exceeding r = 0.95. Empirical estimates of both short and long term lake evaporation using satellite thermal infrared data seem feasible. Attempts to use the HCMM thermal information as direct input to a theoretical approach to calculating evaporation were inconclusive; however, a definite potential seems to exist.  相似文献   

Evaporation was measured from a circular evaporation pan, 18 inches in diameter and 8 inches deep. The pan was insulated on the sides and bottom using 2 inches of freon-blown polyurethane foam. A U.S. Weather Bureau Class A evaporation pan was used to obtain reference evaporation measurements. Water evaporation from the Class A pan and the insulated pan were highly correlated. Using a water-methanol mixture, the insulated pan may be operated at temperatures below 32 F; the equivalent liquid water evaporation may be determined using a regression equation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents a new methodology to calculate economic losses from hypothetical, extreme flood events, such as the Probable Maximum Flood. The methodology uses economic data compiled from already-available secondary sources, such as U.S. Census data on magnetic tapes, utilizing microcomputer and other electronic media. Estimates of land elevations are obtained from topographic maps, and flood elevations axe estimated using, for example, a dam breach and flood routing (DAMBRK) model (Fread, 1984). The calculations are performed at a disaggregate spatial scale, by various land use and industrial classification categories. The basic areal units are city blocks (for urbanized areas), enumeration districts, and Census tracts. Depth-damage functions, which provide an estimate of damages as a proportion of the existing value of the structure, are estimated statistically. Computer software (called DAMAGE) is used to combine the economic, flood elevation, and depth-damage information to compute economic losses for different possible flood stages and for different inflow events. Two case studies are presented as illustrations of the method.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Several methods have been developed to interpolate point rainfall data and integrate areal rainfall data from any network of stations. From previous studies, it can be concluded that models for spatial analysis of rainfall are dependent on topography, area of analysis, type of rainfall, and density of gauging network. The purpose of this study is to evaluate a set of six appropriate models for point and areal rainfall estimations over a 4000 square mile area in South Florida. In this study, a case of developing spatial continuity model for monthly rainfall from a database that had various lengths of records and missing data is documented. The spatial correlation and variogram models for monthly rainfall were developed. Six methods of spatial interpolation were applied and the results validated with historical observations. The results of the study indicate that the multiquadric, kriging, and optimal interpolation schemes are the best three methods for interpolation of monthly rainfall within the study area. The optimal and kriging methods have the advantage of providing estimates of the error of interpolation. The optimal interpolation method uses the spatial correlation function and the kriging method uses the variogram function. The two spatial functions are related. Either of the two methods provide good estimates of monthly point and areal rainfall in the study area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: At the Everglades Nutrient Removal project in south Florida, three lysimeters were installed to measure daily evapotranspiration (ET) rates from cattails (Typha domingensis), mixed marsh vegetation, and an open water/algae system. The cattail lysimeter began operation in February 1993. The mixed marsh vegetation lysimeter began operation in January 1994, and the open water lysimeter with occasional algae cover began operation in December 1993. The mean measured ET rate was 3.6 mm, 3.5 mm, and 3.7 mm per day for the cattail, mixed marsh vegetation, and open water/algae system, respectively. High resolution weather data were continuously measured at the site. Six models were applied to estimate daily ET rates of the three systems. The Penman-Monteith equation best estimated ET of cattail and mixed marsh vegetation, and the Penman Combination equation was most suitable for the open water/algae system. Empirical equations based on solar radiation and maximum temperature produced estimates of daily ET from the three systems that are comparable to models that require many more parameters. In cases where limited data is available, the calibrated simple models can be used to estimate ET from wetlands in south Florida.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Electric generation facility water requirement will increase substantially in the future in the Western United States because new power plants are to be constructed at inland sites rather than on the coast. At the inland locations, power plants will have to compete with agriculture and public users for fresh water supplies, and will be constrained by environmental legislation to dispose of cooling waste water in lined evaporation ponds. The various options for power plant cooling are analyzed in respect to cost, water consumption, and environmental hazard, and also in respect to their compatibility with existing state and federal regulations. Several proposals for balancing the water requirements of various users in water-scarce areas are reviewed and criticized.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water surface temperatures can be obtained from satellite thermal remote sensing. Landsat and other satellites sense emitted thermal infrared radiation on a regular basis over much of the earth's surface. Evaporation is accomplished by the net transport of mass from the water surface to the atmosphere. The evaporative transfer predominantly determines the water surface temperature. Hence, there should be good correlations between evaporation and surface temperatures. Previous investigations on Utah Lake with satellite-derived temperatures and pan- and model-derived evaporation values have produced good correlations. However, more study was required with additional satellite data and evaporation measurements for saltwater conditions. The applicability of this method for estimating evaporation on Utah's Great Salt Lake was of particular interest at this time because of the unprecedented rise of this terminal lake. Satellite thermal data and evaporation data from four different years were obtained for the Great Salt Lake and the surrounding region. More than 350 correlation and linear regression analyses were performed on the temperature and evaporation data. The lake salt concentrations were also factored into the analyses in several different ways. The correlation results were generally very good and a methodology for using satellite-derived water surface temperatures along with salt concentrations was developed to estimate evaporation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Cheat River of West Virginia is impaired by acid mine drainage (AMD). Fifty‐five of its river segments were placed on the 303(d) list, which required calculations of total maximum daily load (TMDL) to meet the water quality criteria for pH, total iron, aluminum, manganese, and zinc. An existing watershed model was enhanced to simulate AMD as nonpoint source load. The model divided a watershed into a network of catchments and river segments. Each catchment was divided into soil layers, which could contain pyrite, calcite and other minerals. A kinetic expression was used to simulate pyrite oxidation as a function of oxygen in the soil voids. Oxygen in the soil voids was consumed by pyrite oxidation and replenished by earth breathing. The by‐products of pyrite oxidation were calculated according to its mass action equations. Chemical equilibrium was used to account for the speciation of ferrous and ferric irons and precipitation of metal hydroxides. Simulated hydrology and water quality were compared to available data. The USEPA used the calibrated model to calculate the TMDLs in the Cheat River Watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Three processes were examined as causing snowpack changes in forest clearings. Two of the three contribute to increases and one counteracts by reducing snowpack. The two that increase snowpack are redistribution and decreased loss to interception. Snow evaporation from a clearing counteracts snowpack increases. Research has indicated that as vegetation density increases, so too does the loss to interception. As snow in the canopy reaches the limit that the canopy can hold (the threshold amount) evaporation increases. Aerodynamics of the forest canopy were studied as well. As timber is cut, wind patterns are disturbed, creating disruptions in the wind velocity gradient depositing snow in openings. This redistribution leads to an increased snow water equivalent and augments runoff. Snow evaporation was shown to increase proportionally with opening size. Evaporation offsets the water yield gains derived from forest cut. It was found that this offset is inclusive to the measurements of water yield changes in experimental forests. An optimal size of harvest block may be five tree heights in width as suggested by numerous studies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Temperature recorder data from central Lake Superior obtained from May through July, 1967, are used to describe the spring warming of this deep lake. Data from the 30, 91 and 150 m levels suggest that water descending in the thermal bar spreads lakeward, filling the lake with an increasingly thick layer of maximum density water. Lakeward of the thermal bar, local warming is relatively slow preceeding and following the passage of the reverse thermocline at a given level.  相似文献   

The crest-stage gage program in Louisiana was evaluated to determine if the data were adequate for use in developing regional flood-frequency equations and to determine if any crest-stage gage stations could be discontinued. An abundance of data at many crest-stage gage stations and a lack of data for urban areas and flat-slope areas indicated a need for a shift in the number, type, and locations of gages. Correlations and comparisons of annual peak discharges and watershed characteristics of 96 existing stations resulted in the elimination of 72 stations and the addition of one new station, reducing the total network to 25 stations that could be used for future flood-frequency analyses. The adequacy of the reduced network for development and verification of regional flood-frequency equations was tested by comparing a set of regional flood-frequency equations developed using data from the full network with a set developed using data from the reduced network. The results indicate that the crest-stage gage network can be reduced to 25 stations and still provide adequate information for future flood-frequency analyses.  相似文献   

A 30 x 0.9 cm piece of steel rod bent in the shape of an “L” and attached by hose clamps to a 15 x 3.2 cm section of plastic pipe sliding on an 86 x 1.9 cm steel shaft was tested for use in measuring scour and fill of salmon spawning riffles. Installed along channel cross-sections, results of tests at four sites on two hydraulically different streams showed the device to be useful in monitoring event specific scour and fill. Measurement error was estimated to be ± 10 mm.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A statistical analysis of all available continuous hourly and 15-minute duration rainfall records for Pennsylvania was performed to develop an updated procedure to estimate design storms. As a resuit of this study, Pennsylvania was divided into five homogeneous rainfall regions and a set of rainfall intensity-duration curves developed for each region, for return periods of 1 to 100 years and durations ranging from 5 minutes to 24 hours. The PDT-IDF curves were judged to be a better representation of Pennsylvania rainfall than the nationwide TP-40 maps, particularly for storm events of 10-years and lower return periods. The average time distribution of 24-hour storms in Pennsylvania was found to be well represented by the SCS Type II distribution. The Corps of Engineers SPS 24-hour distribution was found to differ appreciably from both the SCS Type H and the Pennsylvania 24-hour storm distribution. For storm durations between 15 and 90 minutes the standard Yarnell intensity-duration curves closely resemble Pennsylvania storm distributions.  相似文献   

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