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Phosphorus loading from precipitation and more than a dozen tributaries of Big Beat Lake, Woman, was determined for the period from January to December 1978. Direct precipitation contributed 1120 kg·P·yr-1 (0.096 g P·m-2·yr-1) while tributary runoff contributed 21,560 kg for a total P loading of 1.84 g P·m-2 Rathbone creek, although accounting for only 4 percent of the hydro-logic input to Big Bear Lake, contributed >27 percent of the annual phosphorus load. Phosphorus loading increased with increased impervious geology and increased development. Nitrogen loading exhibited similar loading patterns. Big Beat Lake is currently eutrophic and is likely to remain eutrophic. Calculations based on Vollenweider's critical phosphorus loading concept indicated that tributary P-loading would have to be reduced by >95 percent to achieve mesotrophic conditions. The completion of Big Bear Dam created a “naturally” eutrophic re mix which dl require proper management to enhance its resource potential.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Patterns of dry season surface flow in forested headwater channels of southwest Washington were observed during August to September 2001 and July to October 2002. In 2001, 17 channels were sampled once, and the uppermost points of continuous flow (CF) and surface water (SW) were located. In 2002, sampling was replicated three to five times at each of 21 channels. Annual and seasonal data suggested that the location of SW varied less than CF. In most channels, SW remained at or near the channel head year around. The pattern of surface flow between CF and the channel head was used to test alternative hypotheses describing dry season recession patterns: (A) surface flow consistently retreats in a downstream direction, and (B) flow comes from fixed sources along the channel, thus surface flow retreats up‐channel towards these sources. The dominant surface flow spatial pattern in streams less than 30 percent slope was increased intermittency without a clear pattern of retreat, and thus inconsistent with either hypothesis. High gradient channels (< 30 percent slope) exhibited a combination of increased intermittency, and extensive upward retreats of surface water consistent with Hypothesis B. Differences between 2001 and 2002 suggest late summer flows in small headwater basins were controlled by spring precipitation, rather than the typically greater winter precipitation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the social impact of reservoir construction on a rural community group located in the urban fringe of a major metropolitan area in central Ohio. The study data were collected at three intervals over a ten-year period (1970, 1974, 1980). Evaluation of resident opinions in the affected community revealed significant attitude differences over time for four of the five variables measured. The findings revealed that the study group desired more social stability but had accommodated the changes experienced to date. Responses to the attitude scales showed that the people in the study group were well integrated and were closely identified with each other at all three test periods. Attitudes toward the lake project were significantly more positive over time, and in 1980 the collective community group held a basically neutral attitude about the lake. The development agency was also perceived more positively over time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Operation of a storage‐based reservoir modifies the downstream flow usually to a value higher than that of natural flow in dry season. This could be important for irrigation, water supply, or power production as it is like an additional downstream benefit without any additional investment. This study addresses the operation of two proposed reservoirs and the downstream flow augmentation at an irrigation project located at the outlet of the Gandaki River basin in Nepal. The optimal operating policies of the reservoirs were determined using a Stochastic Dynamic Programming (SDP) model considering the maximization of power production. The modified flows downstream of the reservoirs were simulated by a simulation model using the optimal operating policy (for power maximization) and a synthetic long‐term inflow series. Comparing the existing flow (flow in river without reservoir operation) and the modified flow (flow after reservoir operation) at the irrigation project, the additional amount of flow was calculated. The reliability analysis indicated that the supply of irrigation could be increased by 25 to 100 percent of the existing supply over the dry season (January to April) with a reliability of more than 80 percent.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Many approaches are available for operation of a multipurpose reservoir during flood season; one of them is allocation of storage space for flood control. A methodology to determine a reservoir operation policy based on explicit risk consideration is presented. The objective of the formulation is to maximize the reservoir storage at the end of a flood season while ensuring that the risk of an overflow is within acceptable limits. The Dynamic Programming technique has been used to solve the problem. This approach has been applied to develop operation policies for an existing reservoir. The performance of the policy was evaluated through simulation and was found to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An analysis of four streamflow generation schemes for the use in the estimation of the required conservation storage for a single reservoir is presented. The comparison of the generating schemes should aid in the selection of an appropriate model type for the reservoir sizing problem. The streamflow generation models are compared using two criteria. The first comparison is between the statistics of the generated streamflow sequences and the corresponding statistics from the historical record. The second evaluation compares the median reservoir size determined by each model with the required storage based on the historical flow sequence. The results of a comparative analysis for monthly streamflow data for the Rzav River in Yugoslavia are presented and discussed. The results indicate that both evaluation criteria are required to discriminate between the various options.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. As a result of several investigations conducted in the Department of Civil Engineering through the Water Resources Research Center at The University of Tennessee, dating from 1966 to the present, a rather comprehensive surveillance of water quality conditions has been maintained in Forth Loudoun Reservoir on the Tennessee River near Knowville, Tennessee. During the period covered by these investigations, the Knoxville Third Creek Sewage Treatment Plant was upgraded from a primary plant to a secondary (activated sludge) treatment plant. Comparison of the collected data is being undertaken herein to elucidate the impact of these modifications upon water quality conditions in the reservoir. Consideration is given to the improvements of water quality as related to the expenditure for modification of the treatment facilities. In addition, comment is directed toward the public health significance of the water quality conditions determined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Zooplankton colonization was followed for 16 months in Lake Oconee, Georgia, a new pumped storage reservoir. Data were interpreted to identify differences among stations and seasons, as a function of the reservoir's early stage of development and of pumped storage operations. Colonization was rapid, and the zooplankton community was characterized by a high species diversity; approximately 40 rotifer species and 14 cladoceran genera were recorded. Zooplankton density varied along an environmental gradient from riverine to lentic conditions. Rotifer abundance varied from 104-106 individuals/m3, with maxima in the summers Copepod and cladoceran densities ranged from 103 to nearly 105 individuals/m3; maxima for stations other than the dam were observed in the summer and early fall, but high values at the dam station occurred throughout winter 1980. When pumped storage operations began in December 1979, zooplankton densities increased at the dam station. Pumpback decreased the intensity of the environmental gradient from riverine to lentic conditions, and led to a more similar zooplankton community structure throughout the reservoir.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A method is demonstrated for the development of nutrient concentration criteria and large scale assessment of trophic state in environmentally heterogeneous landscapes. The method uses the River Environment Classification (REC) as a spatial framework to partition rivers according to differences in processes that control the accrual and loss of algae biomass. The method is then applied to gravel bed rivers with natural flow regimes that drain hilly watersheds in New Zealand's South Island. An existing model is used to characterize trophic state (in terms of chlorophyll a as a measure of maximum biomass) using nutrient concentration, which controls the rate of biomass accrual, and flood frequency, which controls biomass loss. Variation in flood frequency was partitioned into three classes, and flow data measured at 68 sites was used to show that the classes differ with respect to flood frequency. Variation in nutrient concentration was partitioned at smaller spatial scales by subdivision of higher level classes into seven classes. The median of flood frequency in each of the three higher level classes was used as a control variable in the model to provide spatially explicit nutrient concentration criteria by setting maximum chlorophyll a to reflect a desired trophic state. The median of mean monthly soluble reactive phosphorus and soluble inorganic nitrogen measured at 68 water quality monitoring sites were then used to characterize the trophic state of each of the seven lower level classes. The method models biomass and therefore allows variation in this response variable to provide options for trophic state and the associated nutrient concentrations to achieve these. Thus it is less deterministic than using reference site water quality. The choice from among these options is a sociopolitical decision, which reflects the management objectives rather than purely technical considerations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper details the increasing tendency to overdevelop lands adjacent to public reservoirs. The impact on water quality of the pollutant load carried in surface runoff from developed lands is described as well as the depreciation in recreational experience due to loss of scenic horizons. The case study, Spruce Run Reservoir in Clinton, New Jersey, included population and demand projections. Land speculation and proposed development are evaluated on a physical constraint basis. Areas of conflict are outlined and conflict resolutions proposed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Reservoir water levels, observation well data, and meteorological parameters were collected at a recharge dam site in Central Saudi Arabia. This data, along with other information on the reservoir and the underlying aquifer, were used to estimate the amounts of recharge through the reservoir bed by applying two water budget models. The first is a water budget model for the reservoir only, while the second is for an aquifer reach extending upstream and downstream from the reservoir. The results of the two approaches were discussed and compared.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A deterministic dynamic programming optimization model with a refining sectioning search procedure is developed and implemented to find least cost withdrawal and release patterns for water supple from a multiple reservoir system serving a metropolitan area. Applications are made to teh four reservoir system operated by the city of Dallas, Texas. A realistic cost structure, including nonlinear power consumption, block rate unit power costs, and flow dependent power consumption for intracity water distribution, is utilized. Applications are made to find least cost operating patterns and, as well, by inclusion of a water loss penalty function, supply patterns which will reduce evaporation water losses for the Dallas system.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The determination of optimum reservoir operating rules for reservoirs with multiple conflicting objectives is still a difficult task - despite many publications in this field. In this paper a three-step Multi Objective Decision Making (MODM) method is presented, the emphasis of which is placed on the necessity to make the work easy for the decision maker, which many MODM techniques fail to achieve. The method is applied to the development of a compromise optimum operating rule for a multi-purpose reservoir. In the first step of the method stochastic DP is chosen which is combined with the “weighting method” allowing combination of various objectives into one objective function. By systematically varying the weights for the objectives a large number of pareto optimum reservoir operating rules is generated. In the second step of the method the performance of all these operating rules is tested with the aid of a model simulating reservoir operation. The results are statistically analyzed and the reliabilities for attaining the various objectives are computed. The third step of the model applies another MODM technique which allows the decision maker - in a computer dialog - to select his optimum reservoir operating rule from the large number of pareto optimum solutions generated in step 1. Here he can specify his preferences for the various objectives. For this purpose two alternative MODM techniques are offered: Compromise Programming and the SEMOPS method. Their performance is shown along with the generation and selection of operating rules for the multi-objective Wupper reservoir system in Germany.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Spreadsheet software was utilized on two related large scale trial and error problems. Gaged streamflow data and known reservoir volumes were used to construct a daily continuity balance in order to estimate the daily mean flows from ungaged portions of a study watershed over one year. Watershed yield coefficients were determined for two diverse types of watersheds with and without significant ground water contribution. Subsequently, a spreadsheet template was devised to ensure than an EPA supported water quality model, WASP, would successfully model the actual segmental volumes of a flood control reservoir. Inlet, outlet, and intersegmental advective flows were determined on a two week average basis using a continuity balance, segmental routing, and known segmental volumes. The protocols described relate the use of microcomputers to the resolution of hydraulic and hydrologic problems requiring iterative solutions.  相似文献   

The operation policy for a single reservoir is applied to a rain water cistern system because the functions of a cistern are similar to a simple single reservoir. Since the cistern is a closed system, water loss is negligible. In this study, a dynamic programming analysis has been made to study the effects of the probable weekly rainfall and the water storage in the cistern towards the water consumption policy. The result of this study indicates that the water consumption rate should be adjusted into a lower rate when the water storage in the cistern is low and/or when the expected probable weekly rainfall is low if the owner of the cistern does not want to risk the chance of an empty cistern. The demand for a reliable method for forecasting weekly rainfall is evident in this study.  相似文献   

A robotic water quality monitoring network is used to resolve the coupled patterns of a natural tracer, specific conductance (SC), and metrics of light scattering and turbidity for Schoharie Creek and downstream Schoharie Reservoir, with particular emphasis on the impacts of runoff events. Strong relationships between these parameters and streamflow, and the propensity for this tributary to plunge in the reservoir in summer and fall based on its lower temperature, are reported. The entry of this stream, the primary tributary, into the reservoir as a turbid density current during runoff events is depicted as distinct and vertically coincident subsurface SC minima and peaks in measures of light scattering. The magnitudes of these signatures imparted to the reservoir's water column are demonstrated to be strongly dependent on the magnitude of the runoff event. The time course of the diminishment of these signatures and longitudinal differences in turbidity within the reservoir are described. The documented patterns of SC and metrics of light scattering provided by the robotic monitoring network offer a rare opportunity to support development and testing of a turbidity model with the necessary attributes of fine temporal and spatial resolution.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations were measured monthly from January 1971 to December 1982 at 1-m depth intervals at 13 stations in Keowee Reservoir in order to characterize spatial and temporal changes associated with operation of the Oconee Nuclear Station. The reservoir water column was i to 4°C warmer in operational than in non-operational years. The thermo-dine was at depths of 5 to 15 m before the operation of Oconee Nuclear Station, but was always below the upper level of the intake (20 m) after the station was in full operation; this suggests that pumping by the Oconee Nuclear Station had depleted all available cool hypolimnetic water to this depth. As a result summer water temperatures at depths greater than 10 m were usually 10°C higher after plant operation began than before. By fall the reservoir was nearly homothemious to a depth of 27 m, where a thermocine developed. Seasonal temperature profiles varied with distance from the plant; a cool water plume was evident in spring and a warm water plume was present in the summer, fall, and winter. A cold water plume also developed in the northern section of the reservoir due to the operation of Jocassee Pumped Storage Station. Increases in the mean water temperature of the reservoir during operational periods were correlated with the generating output of the power plant. The annual heat load to the reservoir increased by one-third after plant operations began. The alteration of the thermal stratification of the receiving water during the summer also caused the dissolved oxygen to mix to greater depths.  相似文献   

Velocity and depth preference curves for juvenile and adult red shiners (Notropis lutrensis) were developed for each season of the year. The incremental methodology, developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for quantifying the amount of physical habitat available for fish, was applied as a basis for recommending minimum stream flows for life stages of red shiners and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in the Washita River below Foss Reservoir. The minimum stream flow required to support populations of red shiners and channel catfish was estimated to be 0.60 m3/s during all months except April and May, during which flushing flows of 3.0 m3/s were recommended. Under drought conditions a contingency flow of 0.18 m3/s was recommended for August through March, a flushing flow of 2.4 m3/s for April and May, and a flow of 0.30 m3/s for channel catfish spawning in June and July. Standing crop of adult red shiners per weighted usable area averaged 2.73 g/m2 (27 kg/ha) for two sites on the Washita River. A positive relation between standing crop and weighted usable area was suggested. Use of the incremental methodology on the study reach below Foss Reservoir required 96 person-hours of labor, excluding training, travel, and developing preference curves, and a total cost of $1,762, of which $1,200 was for the purchase of equipment.  相似文献   

The Pacific Northwest encompasses a range of hydrologic regimes that can be broadly characterized as either coastal (where rain and rain on snow are dominant) or interior (where snowmelt is dominant). Forest harvesting generally increases the fraction of precipitation that is available to become streamflow, increases rates of snowmelt, and modifies the runoff pathways by which water flows to the stream channel. Harvesting may potentially decrease the magnitude of hyporheic exchange flow through increases in fine sediment and clogging of bed materials and through changes in channel morphology, although the ecological consequences of these changes are unclear. In small headwater catchments, forest harvesting generally increases annual runoff and peak flows and reduces the severity of low flows, but exceptions have been observed for each effect. Low flows appear to be more sensitive to transpiration from vegetation in the riparian zone than in the rest of the catchment. Although it appears that harvesting increased only the more frequent, geomorphically benign peak flows in several studies, in others the treatment effect increased with return period. Recovery to pre‐harvest conditions appeared to occur within about 10 to 20 years in some coastal catchments but may take many decades in mountainous, snow dominated catchments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The effects of maintaining a 19 ha Colorado montane reservoir in a thermally destratified condition for one year were evaluated. Water temperatures were kept nearly vertically agd horizontally isothermal throughout the year. The weighted mean temperature of the lake was 1-4°C colder in winter and 1-2°C warmer in summer than normal. Deep water in summer was up to 6°C warmer than typical hypolimnion temperatures, but summer surface temperature was unaltered. Without destratification dissolved oxygen depletion develops in summer and winter, but by eliminating stratification, oxygen was kept near saturation throughout the year. Alkalinity, pH, conductivity, and total residue were not significantly affected. Seston decreased which was probably due to declines in planktonic diatom populations. Increases in iron and manganese did not occur in deep water during destratification. Calcium concentrations increased slightly. Magnesium and most anions (chloride, nitrate-N, and silica) were not greatly altered, but sulfate concentration was reduced. Artificial destratification, as a reservoir management tool, will be very useful in altering chemical problems; particularly increasing oxygen and decreasing iron and manganese concentrations.  相似文献   

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